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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A49222 An edict of the French King prohibiting all publick exercise of the pretended reformed religion in his kingdom wherein he recalls and totally annuls the perpetual and irrevocable edict of King Henry the IV, his grandfather, given at Nantes, full of most gracious concessions to protestants : together with a brief and true account of the persecution carried on against those of the foresaid religion for to make them abjure and apostatize : to which is added to form of abjuration the revolting protestants are to subscribe and swear to : with a declaration of his Electoral Highness of Brandenburg, in favour of those of the reformed religion, who shall think fit to settle themselves in any of his dominions / translated out of French.; Edit de révocation de l'Edit de Nantes. English France.; Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688.; Louis XIV, King of France, 1638-1715. 1686 (1686) Wing L3119; ESTC R14911 28,599 40

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France are to Subscribe and Swear to IN the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Amen I Believe and Confess with a firm Faith all and every thing and things contained in the Creed which is used by the Holy Church of Rome viz. I receive and embrace most sincerely the Apostolick and Ecclesiastical Traditions and other observances of the said Church In like manner I receive the Scriptures but in the same sense as the said Mother Church hath and doth now understand and Expound the same for whom and to whom it only doth belong to judge of the Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures and I will never take them nor understand them otherwise than according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers I profess that there be truly and properly seven Sacraments of the New Law instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ and necessary for the Salvation of Mankind altho not equally needful for every one viz. Baptism Confirmation the Eucharist Penance Extream Vnction Orders and Marriage and that they do confer Grace and that Baptism and Orders may not be reiterated without Sacriledge I receive and admit also the Ceremonies received and approved by the Catholick Church in the solemn administration of the forementioned Sacraments I receive and embrace all and every thing and things which have been determined concerning Original Sin and Justification by the holy Council of Trent I likewise profess that in the Mass there is offered up to God a true proper and propitiatory Sacrifice for the Living and Dead and that in the holy Sacrament of the Eucharist there is truly really and substantially the Body and Blood together with the Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and that in it there is made a change of the whole substance of the Bread into his Body and of the whole substance of the Wine into his Blood which change the Catholick Church calls Transubstantiation I confess also that under one only of these two Elements whole Christ and the true Sacrament is received I constantly believe and affirm that there is a Purgatory and that the Souls there detained are relieved by the Suffrages of the Faithful In like manner I believe that the Saints reigning in Glory with Jesus Christ are to be Worshipped and Invocated by us and that they offer up Prayers to God for us and that their Reliques ought to be honoured Moreover I do most stedfastly avow that the Images of Jesus Christ of the Blessed Virgin the Mother of God and of other Saints ought to be kept and retained and that due Honour and Veneration must be yielded unto them Also I do affirm that the power of Indulgence was left to the Church by Christ Jesus and that the use thereof is very beneficial to Christians I do acknowledge the holy Catholick Apostolick and Roman Church to be the Mother and Mistress of all other Churches and I profess and swear true obedience to the Pope of Rome Successor of the Blessed St. Peter Prince of the Apostles and Vicar of Jesus Christ In like manner Iown and profess without doubting all other things left defined and declared by the holy Canons and General Councils especially by the most holy Council of Trent and withal I do condemn reject and hold for accursed all things that are contrary thereto and all those Heresies which have been condemned rejected and accursed by the Church And then swearing upon the Book of the Gospel the party recanting must say I Promise Vow and Swear and most constantly Profess by Gods assistance to keep entirely and inviolably unto Death this self same Catholick and Apostolick Faith out of which no person can be Saved and this I do most truly and willingly profess and that I will to the utmost of my Power endeavour that it may be maintain'd and upheld as far as any ways belong to my charge so help me God and the holy Virgin The Certificate which the party Recanting is to leave with the Priest before whom he makes his Abjuration I N. N. of the Parish of N. do Certifie all whom it way Concern That having acknowledged the Falsness of the pretended Reformed and the Truth of the Catholick Religion of my own Free-will without any Compulsion I have accordingly made Profession of the said Catholick and Roman Religion in the Church of N. in the hands of N. N. In testimony of the Truth whereof I have Signed this Act in the presence of the Witnesses whose Names are under Written this day of the Month of the year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord the King and of our Redemption A Declaration of the Elector of Brandenburg in Favour of the French Protestants who shall settle themselves in any of His Dominions We Frederick William by the Grace of God Marquess of Brandenburg Arch-Chamberlain and Prince Elector of the Holy Empire Duke of Prussia Magdeburg Juilliers Cleves Bergen Stettin Pomerania of the Cassubes Vandals and Silesia of Crosne and Jagerndorff Burg-grave of Noremberg Prince of Halberstads Minde and Camin Earl of Hohenzollern of the Mark and Ravensberg Lord of Ravenstein Lawneburg and Butow do declare and make known to all to whom these Presents shall come THat whereas the Persecutions and Rigorous proceedings which have been carried on for some time in France against those of the Reformed Religion have forced many Families to leave that Kingdom and to seek for a Settlement elsewhere in strange and Forreign Countries We have been willing being touched with that just Compassion we are bound to have for those who suffer for the Gospel and the Purity of that Faith We profess together with them by this present Declaration Signed with our own hand to offer to the said Protestants a sure and free Retreat in all the Countries and Provinces under Our Dominion and withal to declare the several Rights Immunities and Priviledges which we are willing they shall enjoy there in order to the Relieving and easing them in some measure of the burthen of those Calamities wherewith it hath pleased the Divine Providence to afflict so considerable a part of his Church I. To the end that all those who shall resolve to settle themselves in any of our Dominions may with the more ease and convenience Transport themselves thither we have given Order to our Envoy extradinary with the States General of the United Provinces Sieur Diest and to our Commissary in the City of Amsterdam Sieur Romswinkel at our charge to furnish all those of the said Religion who shall address themselves unto them with what Vessels and Provisions they shall stand in need of for the Transportation of themselves their Goods and Families from Holland to the City of Hamburg where then our Counsellor and Resident for the Circle of the Lower Saxony Sieur Guerick shall furnish them with all conveniencies they may stand in need of to convey them further to whatsoever City or Province they shall think fit to pitch upon for the place of their Abode II. Those
her and Stones flung at her After this they set her up to the Neck in a Tub full of Water where after she had been for a while they took her out and put upon her a shift dipt in Wine which as it dry'd and stuck to her Sore and Bruised Body they snatch'd off again and then had another ready dipt in Wine to clap upon her this they repeated six several times and when by this Inhumane usage her Body was become very Raw and Tender they demanded of her Whether she did not now find her self disposed to Embrace the Catholick Faith for so they are pleased to term their Religion but she being strengthned by the Spirit and Love of him for whose Names sake she suffered all these Extremities undauntedly answered That she had before declared her Resolution to them which she would never alter and that though they had her Body in their Power she was resolved not to yield her Soul to them but keep it pure and undefiled for her Heavenly Lover as knowing that a little while would put an end to all her Sufferings and give a beginning to her Enjoyment of Everlasting Bliss Which words of hers adding Fuel to their Rage who now despaired of making her a Convert they took and fastned her by her Feet to something that served the turn of a Gibbet and there let her Hang in that Ignominious posture with her Head downwards till she expired The other Person I would Instance in and whom I pity the more because for ought I know he may yet Survive and stil continue under the Tormentors hands in an Old Man who having for a great while been kept close Prisoner upon the same account as the former in a deep Dungeon where his Companions were Darkness and Horror and filthy creeping things was brought before his Judges with Vermine and Snails crewling upon his Mouldred Garment who seeing him in that Loathsome condition said to him How now Old Man does not your Heart begin to Relent and are not you willing to Abjure your Haeresie To which he answered As for Haeresie I profess none but if by that Word you mean my Religion you may assure your selves that as I have thus long Lived so I hope and am resolved by the Grace of God to Dye in it With which answer they being little pleased but furiously Incensed bespoke him in a rougher Tone Dost thou not see that the Worms are about to Devour thee Well since thou art so resolved we will send thee back again to the Loathsome place from whence thou camest that they may make an end of thee and consume thy Obdurate Heart to which he reply'd with the words of the Holy Patient Job Novi post quam vermes confoderint Corpus istud in carne me a me visurum esse Deum I know that after Worms have Eaten this Body that in my Flesh I shall see God and having so said he was sent back to his Loathsome dark abode where if he be still I pray God to give him Patience and strength to hold out to the end that so he may obtain the Crown of Life I should be too tedious in giving you all the particulars of their Cruelty and of the Sufferings of the Protestants yet I cannot well forbear acquainting you with what lately I am most credibly Inform'd off which take as follows Some Dragoons who were Quartered with a Person whom they could by no means oblige to Renounce his Religion upon a time when they had well fill'd themselves with Wine and broke their Glasses at every Health they drank and so fill'd the Floor where they were with the Fragments and by often walking over and treading upon them reduced them to lesser picees and Fractions and being now in a Merry humour they must needs go to Dance and told their Host that he must be one of the Company but withal that he must first pull off his Stockings and Shoes that he might moove the more nimbly in a word they forc'd him to Dance with them bare-footed upon the sharp points of Glass which when they had continued so long as they were able to keep him on his Legs they laid him down on a Bed and a while after stript him Stark-Naked and roled his Body from one end of the Room to the other upon the sharp Glass as before-mentioned which having done till his Skin was stuck full of the said little Fragments they returned him again to his Bed and sent for a Chirurgeon to take out all the said pieces of Glass out of his Body which you may easily conceive could not be done without frequent Incisions and horrible and most extream pain Another Person being likewise troubled with the unwelcome Company of these Dragoons and having suffered extreamly at their hands without the expected success of his Conversion one of them on a time looking earnestly upon him told him That he disfigured himself with letting his Beard grow so long but he answering That they were the cause of it who would not let him stir out of door for to go to the Barber the Dragoon reply'd I can do that for you as well as the Barber and with that told him he must needs try his Skill upon him and so fell to work but instead of shaving him flea'd all the Skin off his Face one of his Companions coming in at the cry of this poor Sufferer and seeing what he had done seemingly blam'd him for it and said He was a Bunglar and then to his Host Come your Hair wants Cutting too and you shall see I will do it much better than he hath shav'd you and thereupon begins in a most Cruel manner to pluck the Hair Skin and all off his Head and flea'd that as the other had done his Chin. Thus making a Sport and Merriment of the extream Suffering of these miserable Wretches By these Inhumane and more than Barbarous means it is that they endeavour to overcome the most resolved Patience and to drive People to despair and Faint-heartedness by their more then Devilish Inventions They refuse to give them Death which they desire and only keep them alive to Torment them so long till they have Vanquish'd their Perseverance for the Names of Martyrs and Rebels are equally odious to their Enemies who tell them That the King will have Obedient Subjects but neither Martyrs nor Rebels and that they have received Orders to Convert them but not to Kill them Sir I beg your Pardon for having so long Entertain'd you with these more then Tragical Passages and that you would not be wanting to recommend the condition of these Poor Destitute Afflicted and Tortured Persons to the Bowels of Compassion of our Heavenly Father that he would be pleased not to suffer them to be Tempted above what he shall give them Grace to bear which is The Hearty Prayer of Your Faithful Friend T. G. The Profession of the Catholick Apostolick and Roman Faith which the Revolting Protestants in