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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43220 The speech of Nicholas Heath Lord Chancellor of England, Lord President of Wales, Bishop of Worcester, and afterward Archbishop of York and ambassadour into Germany / delivered in the Upper House of Parliament in the year 1555 ; proofs from Scripture that Christ left a true church and that there is no salvation but in the Catholick and Apostolick Church ; proofs from the Fathers that there is no salvation to be expected out of the true Catholick and Apostolick Church ; certain principles of the first authors of the Reformation not so well known to many of their followers ; the principle of the Catholick Apostolick Church ; testimony of the Fathers concerning the real presence. Heath, Nicholas, 1501?-1578. 1688 (1688) Wing H1337; ESTC R35988 79,776 181

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Mary's they pull'd down this and set up Popery again in Queen Elizabeth's they decried this and set up not Zuinglianism but Protestancy in the midst of her Reign they polisht this and added some new perfections to it In King James and suceeding Kings times Protestancy was of a different stamp from that of Queen Elizabeth's Hear Dove in his Exhort to the English Recusants An. 1603. Page 31 Edward the VI. had his Liturgy which was very good but condemned it and brought in another Composed by Peter Martyr In Elizabeth ' s time that was condemned and another approved and in the middle of her Reign her Liturgy was also misliked and a new one introduced we are so wanton that nothing will content us but Novelties Dove does not commend this Doctrine for he calls that frequent exchange of Religion Wantonness and Love of Novelties It 's no great matter what he says of it my drift is but to convince you that this is the Doctrine and practice of the best Member of our Reformation even of England and if you be convinc'd it 's the Doctrine of Reformation you cannot deny but that it is good Doctrine through Dove calls it Wantonness Some of the Reformed says We are bound to have Faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Saviour of the World. This is the substance of Christian Religion be an Arian be a Presbyterian a Socinian or what you please be also plung'd up to the ears in wickedness of Life and Manners so you have Faith in Jesus Christ Son of God and Redeemer of the World and live in Charity you will be a Member of the true Church and be saved Do not imagine this is any new Doctrine invented by me search the vulgar sort of our Reformed Brethren you shall get thousands of this Opinion in our Realm search the Books of our Learned Doctors you shall find it in them also Doctor Morton in his much applauded Book Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth for which he deserved a Bishoprick says The Arian Church is to be esteemed a true Church The Kindom of Esra pag. 9. because they hold the true substance of Chiristian Religion which is Faith in Jesus Christ Son of God and Redeemer of the World And again in the same place Sect. 4. whose Title is Hereticks are Members of the Church Therefore John Fox Dr. Field and Illiricus Acts mon. pag. 36. lib. 3. c. 5. g. Catal. testium p. 976. 978. say the Greek Church notwithstanding their error in denying the Procession of the Holy Ghost from the Son are holy Members of the true Church because they have Faith in Jesus Christ For what is the Doctrine of the Reformation but as we have said in our Principles Scripture as Interpreted by any Man of sound judgement in the Church and were not Doctor Morton Fox Field and Illiricus Men of sound judgement eminent for Learning and Godliness If therefore this be Scripture as Interpreted by them how can you deny it to be the Doctrine of the Reformation And what Jesus Christ are we obliged to believe in For Jesus Christ as believed by the Arrians Socinians Luther and Calvin is far different from Jesus Christ as commonly believed by the Protestants and Popish Church we believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God of one and the same substance and nature with the Father they believe in a Jesus Christ Son of God but of a distinct and different nature Pish That 's but a Nicety believe what you please and what you understand by Scripture to be true and have Charity Let us ask the Reformers what Rule of Faith we must observe Protestants will say that Scripture and Apostolical Tradition but Protestants say of Papists and Presbyterians and Anabaptists say of Protestants that many humane Inventions are obtruded upon us as Apostolical Traditions that we have no way to discern the one from the other and consequently Tradition as being an unknown thing unto us cannot be our Rule others will say that Scripture and the indubitable consequence of it is our Rule all will grant this but then enters the controversy if the consequences of Lutherans be such and if the consequences of Presbyterans be indubitable consequences out of Scripture and each Congregation will say that their peculiar Tenets are indubitable consequences out of Scripture and the rest must allow it to be of the Reformation Others will say that Scripture and the four first Councils with the Apostles and Athanasius's Creed are our Rule of Faith but most of the Assembly will no more admit the four first than the subsequent Councils nor Athanasius's Creed more than that of Trent nor will the Quakers Socinians and others value the Apostles Creed But there is none of all the Assembly who will not admit Scripture to be a sacred and full Rule of Faith because it 's replenished with divine Light and all Heavenly instruction necessary for our salvation And such as add as a part of our Rule of Faith the Apostles or Athanasius Creed or the four first general Councils will confess that all they contain is expressed in Gods written Word and are but a plainer or more distinct expression or declaration of the Contents of Scripture I have been often present at several discourses of Protestants with Papists and never could I hear a Protestant make Councils Tradition or any thing else the Test of their discourse but only Scripture not but that I could hear them say and pretend in their discourses that Apostolical Tradition and the four first Councils were for them against Popery but still their main strength and ultimate refuge was Scripture for whenever they harp upon that string of Tradition and Councils the Papists are visibly to hard for them and then they run to Scripture than which there is no plus ultra I have been also often at several discourses betwixt Protestants Presbyterians and our Brethren of other Congregations I have observed that the Protestant for to defend his Liturgy Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England and her Episcopacy against the others could never defend himself by Scripture alone but plac'd his main strength in Tradition Primitive Councils and ancient Fathers all which the other rejected and reproached the Protestants with Popery For it 's certain Lutherans will not admit Scripture as Interpreted by Protestants but as Interpreted by themselves and so of each other Congregation Nor was it only Luther and Calvin spoke thus but all our blessed Reformers and why because our Rule of Faith is Scripture not as interpreted by the Church of England France will not admit it nor as Interpreted by the Quaker the Anabaptists and Independents will not hear it nor as interpreted by Luther Calvin rejects it nor as interpreted by Calvin Thorndike and Bramhall will not yield to it nor will Stillingfleet stand to their Interpretation nor others to that of Stillingfleet Finally our Rule of Faith is Scripture not as interpreted by
that Paganism having been banish'd out of our Land upon the false Information of our first Teachers that it was an Adoration of Devils or evil Spirits and wicked debaucht Men who by counterfeit Wonders and Cheats gained the peoples Adoration since that Dr. Stillingfleet Dr. Burnet and other Reformed Writers will make it out thar the Pagans Adored no Devils but One true Omnipotent Supream God blessed for ever more which they called Jupiter and the rest of the Gods as Inferiour Deities as Papists do their Saints and will prove that the Pagans were charged by the first D. Doctors of Christanity and by all our Ancestors with more than they are guilty of why should not Paganism be restored again to the Land and heard to speak for it self and Dr. Stillingfleet and his zealous companions be Licenc'd to plead for them and for holy Jupiter so foully mis-represented by Antiquity as to be believed an Arch-Devil whom Dr. Stillingfleet will prove to have been a true blessed God for evermore That Paganism was so unjustly banish'd from our Nation if what Dr. Stillingfleet says be true he is a learned Religious and diligent searcher into Scripture the Ancient D. Drs. and Fathers of the Church reading Scripture judged and taught that Jupiter was a Devil as well as the rest of the Gods which the Gentiles Adored Dr. Stillingfleet and other Reformed D. Doctors reading Scripture judge he was no Devil but the true God blessed for evermore any Child of the Reformation may believe either of both and put Jupiter into our Litanies as well as JESUS Christ and offer Sacrifice to him as formerly our Ancestors did for whatever any Man of sound judgement judges to be the Doctrine of Scripture may be safely believed and is the Doctrine of the Reformation Here follows the Sense of Scripture as Interpreted by the Church Councils and Fathers in lieu of those fond fancies which the Protestant Preachers have possest the people with as the belief of Catholicks faithfully reported from a true zeal and affection to my Country-men that they may not plead Ignorance before the Tribunal of the Almighty in so important a concern as their Salvation to the manifest hazard of their Souls Eternity THe Catholicks teaches Pennance Mortification of the Body subjection of the Flesh to the Spirit the sensitive part to the rational by Praying Fasting Obedience Humility Poverty To Crucifie the Flesh and the Lusts thereof Gal. 5.12 Pardoning Injuries loving one another Praying for Enemies doing good to those that Persecute us Forsake all and follow Christ Mat. 19.22 suffering Persecution for Conscience sake making Vows of Chastity And out of the same Chap. v. 27 28 29. By Vowing perpetual Chastity St. Mat. 19.12 leaving the World our friends and possessions to Consecrate our selves by Prayer and the service of God to keep Lent and fasting days to observe Religious Vows St. Mat. 15.15.25 to sell all we have and give it to the Poor Tobit 12. to take up our Cross and follow Christ Tobit 1. to leave Father Mother Isai 58. Brothers Sisters and Wife St. James 5. and all things for the love of God St. Matt. 18. in fine Galib Prov. 27. that there is no way to Heaven Eccles 5. but by the way of Pennance Fasting Rom. 15. and Prayer and such like Mortifications and Austerities of the Body St. Mark. 11. St. James 2. 26. to make Restution of ill-gotten good St. John 4.16.3 v. 14. James 5.20 and Reparation for any Violations of anothers good Name or Reputation 1 St. John 3.14 to feed the Hungry give drink to the Thirsty Cloath the Naked Redeem the Captives Harbour the Harbourless Visit the Sick Bury the Dead to Correct the Obdurate Instruct the Ignorant Reduce the Wavering Comfort the Sorrowful bear wrongs patiently forgive all Injuries and to pray for the Living and the Dead as also that God shuts the Gate of Heaven against the Impenitent and that there is no Salvation without Charity but that Charity it self covers a Multitude of Sins that Charity gives Spiritual Life to the Soul that in Charity we know we are Translated from Death to Life because we love the Brethren That the good Pastor giveth his life for his Sheep St. John 10.12 As That Faith without Charity is dead St. James 2.26 And that the highest act of Charity is to give our Life for Gods Honour and the Salvation of our Neighbour these ways are not pleasing to the people nor easie to Flesh and Blood without Gods Grace If Protestants and Reformers go to Heaven with more liberty and with greater ease and pleasure we must say broad is the way and many there be that find it But if there be no Salvation without following the above-cited Doctrines as the Catholick Church teaches the Catholick is much nearer that the Protestant to the strait way and narrow Gate that leads and opens to Eternal Life There are no Doctrines mentioned here but what are contained in the Catechisms of all Roman Catholicks and that which they teach all Children and which are very wide from those Doctrines that Protestant Preachers report of them about Dispensations with Allegiance Oaths and all other Tyes how solemnly sacred soever all which are no less commonly than untruly suggested for I shall demand of such by what Councils received by the Catholick Church such Dispensations have been allowed or from what Church Tradition such pernicious Tenents have been handed I desire of Protestants to produce one for if it be any point of Faith it must have taken rise either from the Authority of some Council received in the Church or of Universal Tradition since whatever obliges all Roman Catholicks must of necessity enter into their belief or practice at one of these two doors And if these Dispensations have been taught neither by Councils nor Traditions it remains that Protestants have been gull'd by their Pastors in receiving such for Catholick doctrines which are taught no where but in Protestant Books and Pulpits For had such Dispensations been the Doctrines or Practices of Papists what folly had it appeared in Protestant Magistrates to require Oaths of them who hold themselves under no obligation to them when they have taken them and what madness had it appeared in Papists to incur the Forfeiture heretofore of their lives and late of their liberty and fortunes rather then take such Oaths with which if they had advised with the Protestant Minister they might have dispensed at pleasure Country-men read your Chronicles peruse your Statutes and Records review many of your Ancient Customs and Observances look upon the Windows of the Churches reflect upon the Names and Dedications of the same Chruches of divers days of the year of divers of your Colledges upon the Crosses every where erected upon the Multitude of Monasteries Abbies and other Religious Houses which heretofore flourished in this Kingdom and then suffer you selves to doubt
the Vocation in which you are called and a little after carefully to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace One Body and one Spirit as you are called in one hope of your Vocation one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all Your Faith i. e. the Roman is spoken of throughout the whole World i. e. is Catholick Romans 1.8 Although we or an Angel of Heaven Preach to you any other Gospel then that which we have Preached to you be he Anathema Gal. 1.8 Therefore if we or an Angel Preach any other Gospel then that the Roman Faith is the Catholick let him be Anathema Again Brethren stand ye fast and hold ye the Traditions which ye have received whether by word or by our Epistle 2 Thessal 11. 15. Here are both Written and Vnwritten Traditions given equally in Charge and the Vnwritten named first Remember the Prelates who have spoken to you the Word of God Whose Faith follow Obey your Prelates and be subject to them for they watch as being to render account for your Souls Heb. 13.7 17. Contend earnestly for the Faith once Delivered to the Saints S. Jude 3. How was this Faith once Delivered to the Saints Faith comes by Hearing Rom. 10.17 Whom did the Saints hear Hear the Church If he neglect to hear the Church let him be to thee as an Heathen and a Publican S. Matth. 18.17 Which is the Church that if I neglect to hear I am as an Heathen and a Publican That which is built upon S. Peter Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it S. Matth. 16.18 No Author of our side denied S. Peters being at Rome Note that till we discerned the Consequence That upon his Personal Being there they grounded a Primicy in that See. See Dr. Donne Serm. in Psalm 11.3 pag. 25. Elsewhere thus Pope Hyginus who was within 150 years after CHRIST and the Eighth Bishop of that See after S. Peter Dr. Donne Serm. in S. John 10.22 The Church 3 Reg. 8.14 Matth. 18.17 The Church Unity figured by Noah's Ark. Gen. 6.14 1 Pet. 3.20 By the new Jerusalem Apocalips 21.2 See also Cantic 4.12.6 8. Psal 79.9 Cantic 2.15 Isaiah 5.2 Jerem. Matth. 20.1 Mark 12.1 Luke 5.3 Mat. The Church the Pillar of Truth and Infallible Isa 29.21 Matth. 16.18 Mac. 28.20 Luke 22.32 John 14.16.16 13.17 11 20. 1 Tim. 3.15 1. Jo. 2.27 The Church the Body of CHRIST Cantic 4.7.9 11 12. Ephes 1 Corinth 12 27. Jo. 14.23.2 Corinth 6.16 The Church of the Faithful planted and propagated by sound Doctrine Jo. Rom. Gallat Ephes 1.50 Tit. 1.1 1 Cor. 4.15 Philem. 10. 1 Peter 1.27 1 Jo. 18. Jam. 1.18 The Church the Spouse of CHRIST Psal 44.11 Ezech. 16.9.2 Cor. 11.2 Ephes 5.5.26 Apocal. CHRIST the Head of the Church Osea 2.2 1 Cor. 12.27 Eph. Colos The Keys of the Church and their Power Promised Delivered Exercised Matth. 16. 18. Jo. 20.23 Matth. 18.17 Excommunication instituted by CHRIST Matth. 18. Mark 9.42 Jo. 20.23 In use with the Apostles 1 Cor. 5.3.10 2 Thess 3.6.14 1 Tim. 1.20 Tit. 3.10 Matth. 18.17 Confession of Sins Gen. 41.9 Levit. Number 5.6 Jos 7.19 2 Reg. 24.17 1 Esdras 9.6 2 Esdr 9.2 Psal Proverb Eccl. 27. Isa 38.15 Daniel 9.5 Matth. 3.6 16.19 Luke Jo. 20.23 Jac. 5.16 1 Jo. 1.8 9. Of Hereticks and false Teachers See Jud. cap. 1. 1 Cor. 11.19 1 Tim. c. 1. v. 20. 2 Tim. c. 2. v. 18. 1 Jo. 2.18 2 Jo. 7. Apocol 2.15 Mat. 24.5.24 Jo. 5. 43. 1 Tim. 4.1 2 Tim. 3.1.5 2 Pet. 2. 1.3.3 Deu. 13.1 Mat. 7.15 Rom. 16.17 Tit. 3.10 2 Thesal 3.14 Joan. 2.10 Deut. King. 18. 40.4 K. 10.25 Heresie is a Spiritual Fornication and Idolatry Deut. 31.16 Jude Isa Jer. 3.1 Ezeck 6.9.19 Osea Apoc. 18.3 Testimonies of the Fathers shewing their Affection and Zeal to Catholick Unity and their Detestation of Schism and Divisions In Psal 54. saith St. Austin 1. OF the Donatists We have each of us one Baptism in this they were with me we Celebrated the Feasts of the Martyrs in This they were with me we frequented the Solemnity of Easter in this they were with me But they were not in all things with me in Schism they were not with me in Heresie they were not with me in many things they were with me and in some few things they were not with me but in those few things in which they were not with me those many things do not profit them in which they were with me 2. Speaking to the Donatists Epist. 48. saith You are with us in Baptism in the Creed and in other Sacraments of the Lord But in the Spirit of Vnity in the Bond of Peace and finally in the Catholick Church you are not with us 3. To the same purpose Writteth St. Cyprian in his Book Deunitate Ecclesia One Church saith he the Holy Ghost in the person of our Lord designeth and faith one is my Dove This Unity of the Church he that holdeth not doth he think that he holdeth the Faith he that withstandeth and resisteth the Church he that forsaketh Peters Chair upon which the Church was built doth he trust that he is in the Church Where the blessed Apostle St. Paul also sheweth this Sacrament of Vnity saying one Body and one Spirit Ephes 4.4 which Vnity we Bishops especially that Rule in the Church ought ot hold fast and maintain that we may prove the Episcopal Function also it self to be One and undevided 4. And again in one of his Epistles Epistle 40. There is One God and One Christ and One Church and One Chair by our Lords Voice Founded upon Peter Another Altar to be set up or a New Priesthood to be made besides one Altar and one Priesthood is impossible Whosoever gathereth elsewhere Scattereth It is Adulterous it is Impious it is Sacrilegious whatsoever is instituted by Mans fury to the breach of Gods Divine Dispensation Get ye far from the Contagion of such Men and fly from their Speeches as from a Canker and Pestilence our Lord having premonished and warned us beforehand saying they are Blind leaders of the Blind Matth. 15.14 5. St. Augustin says of the Donatists De Bapt. l. 1. cap. 8. Those whom the Donatists heal of the wound of Idolatry and Infidility they themselves wound more dangerously with the wound of Schism 6. And again Super. Gest Emerit Out of the Catholick Church an Heretick may have all things but Salvation he may have the Sacraments he may sing Hallelujah he may Answer Amen he may keep the Gospel he may have the Faith and preach it only Salvation he cannot have 7. In like manner St. Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria as Eusebius witnesseth hist l.