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A13632 The defence of protestancie proving that the Protestant religion hath the promise of salvation VVith the twelue apostles martyrdome; and the tenn persecutions under the Roman emperours The true scope of this ensuing treatise, is to proue by theologicall logicke both the excellency and equity of the Christian faith, and how to attaine the same. Written by that worthy and famouse minister of the gospell of Iesus Christ I.T. and published for the good of all those which desire to know the true religion. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1635 (1635) STC 23915.5; ESTC S100547 178,284 239

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eate the flesh of the Sonne of Man and drinke his Bloud yee shall haue no life in you may be more rightly vnderstood of the receiuing of Christ in the Word then in the Sacraments And verily how was the whole world perswaded to imbrace Christ by the preaching of the Gospell or by the administration of the Sacraments The truth is that our most louing and gracious God by his Euangelicall couenant made with Abraham the Father of the faithfull and in him with all his spirituall ●eed doth giue vnto them Christ Iesus their Sauiour and in him eternall life and blessednesse and doth open and manifest the same by causing this his graunt to be set downe in the Gospell written in the bookes of the Old and New Testament as in the authenticall euidences thereof and to be sealed by the Sacraments as by his owne seales the which he hath ordained to be deliuered to his people as his owne deedes by the hands of his faithfull and painfull Ministers Now which is the chiefe instrument to ratifie vnto the faithfull this gracious graunt the deeds and euidences themselues or the seales annexed thereto that is the Word or the Sacraments Vndoubtedly the Word seeing without the graunt written the seale added to a blancke is nothing worth And yet the word it selfe doth not profite vnlesse it be mixed with faith the true sense thereof being rightly Heb. 4. 2. apprehended and a setled assent yeelded thereto and so neither can the Sacraments profit vnlesse the vse of them be rightly 1 Cor. 11. 29. apprehended and discerned by a true saith Moreouer heere also we may perceiue who in the execution of their Ecclesiasticall function come nearer to Christ and to his Apostles whether the Ministers of the Gospell in their painfull ●reathing or the Popish Priests in their continuall saying of Mass● QVEST. XLVI No Images are to be worshipped with diuine worship If any images and representations of God are to be worshipped with diuine worship then the best and truest images of God euen such as were framed by God himselfe were so to be worshipped but men which are the best and truest images and representations of God made and framed by God Gen. 1. 26. himselfe are not to be worshipped with diuine worship much lesse any images of God made by man The Church of Rome maketh images of three faces to represent thereby the glorious Trinity but the Apostle teacheth that we which are the generation of God viz. in our soules rather then in our bodies Act. 17. 29. ought not to thinke that the Godhead is like to gold or siluer or stone grauen by the art or inu●…tion of M●n Wherefore the Church of Rome which worship●e●h such Images doth not therin so much as worship the 〈◊〉 of God but the inuentiō and fiction of her owne braine Now ●f the Images of God are not to be worshipped with Diuine worship inu●… lesse the Images of any men Nay if holy men themselues may not be worshipped with Diuine worship much lesse may their Images and Pictures be QVEST. XLVII The word of God is not to be read vnto people in an vnknowne tongue Such as in the Primitiue Church vttered Diuine Mysteries in strange tongues which were giuen them by the miraculous working of the Holy Ghost were commanded by the Apostle 1 Cor. 14. 28. to be silent in the Church vnlesse the meaning of the words were presently expounded that so the hearers might receiue instruction and edification thereby much more now such are to be silenced in the Church which vtter Diuine mysteries in an vnknowne tongue which they haue not receiued by the miraculous gift of the Holy Ghost where there is no exposition thereof QVEST. XLVIII In all matters that concerne the worship and seruice of God nothing ought to be taught or to be beleeued which is not warranted by the testimony of the Canonicall Scriptures If Saint Paul himselfe taught nothing concerning Christ but that which was deliuered by Moses and the Prophets Act. 26. 22. then ought none other of meaner gifts and priuiledges teach any thing that he hath not receiued from the Canonicall Scriptures So reasoneth Origen Paul as his custome is saith he will auouch that which he teacheth out of the holy Scriptures wherein he giueth an ensample to the teachers in the Church that they should produce such things as they teach the people not grounded vpon their own opinions but strengthened with the testimonies of God For if such and so great an Apostle did not thinke that the authority of his owne word might suffice vnlesse he knew that those very things were written in the Law and in the Prophets which himselfe deliuered ●how much more should we little ones obserue this that when we teach we vtter not our owne but the meaning of the Holy Ghost Against the which most wise aduertisement if we presume to offend albeit we were such as the glorious Angels Saint Austin is bold out of the penne of the Apostle to denounce against vs a most terrible curse If saith he I will Aug. cont lit Pelag. l. 3. c. 6. not say we our selues but if an Angell from Heauen shall teach cōcerning Christ and his Church or concerning any thing else that doth belong to faith and life any other doctrine then that which is contayned in the Legall and Euangelicall Scriptures let him be accursed Accursed then is the Church of Rome and her children who affirme that their vnwritten traditions are of equall authority with the doctrine of the Canonicall Scriptures and command them with the like reuerence to be imbraced and receiued QVEST. XLIX The naturall man hath no free will to that which is religiously good If the Church her selfe had need still to pray to her deare Bridegroome Draw me after a sort vnwilling that thou maist Bernard in Cant. Serm. 2. make me willing draw me drowping that thou maist cause me to runne then certainly all such as are not indued with such spirituall graces as the Church is may iustly be challenged for persons not almost but altogether vnwilling to follow God and to walke in his wayes And if euery one of the true members of the Church had need to confesse vnto God and to pray Thou hast corrected me and I haue receiued thy correction Ier. 31. 18. as an vntamed Bullocke conuert thou me and I shall be conuerted for thou art my God Then how farre off from any willingnesse and readinesse to turne vnto God are all such as are not yet effectually called to the estate of Grace but are strangers from God and from the Couenant of mercy QVEST. L. Not the suffering much lesse the vowing of wilfull pouerty is the way to perfection The possession of riches which are yet Gods good blessings and testimonies of his goodnesse and loue is not the way Act. 14. 17. to perfection much lesse the vow of pouerty or pouerty it selfe which is the rod
weight or rather let vs not put in any thing there but let vs reuise and recognise that which is there weighed already Verily before the Scriptures were written the people of God were to receiue all those doctrines which God reuealed to his seruants the Patriarches by visions and dreames and were deliuered by vnwritten Tradition from the father to the sonne and from the Predecessor to the Successor But when such as had the place and credit euen of Prophets deliuered the vaine conceits of their owne hearts in the name of doctrines Ier. 23. 25. proceeding from God and so seduced not onely the people but sometimes the Prophets also there was great reason 1 Reg. 13. 18. why God should cause all diuine truthes necessary to saluation to be set downe by the Pennes of his Prophets and Apostles as being the best meanes not onely for the manifestation but also for the preseruation thereof For as men doe more plainly fully and safely set downe their wh●…e mindes in their written wils and testaments then when they deliuer them by word of mouth so the Lord would haue his minde set downe in the bookes of the Old and New Testament by his faithfull Registers the Prophets and Apostles and Euangelists as being the best meanes for the safer custody Phil. 3. 1. of the same It was an argument of Gods loue and a Luk. 1. 4. good foundation of faith for God to reueale all diuine truths necessary to the saluation of his people in visions and dreames but it is a greater argument of his loue and a stronger foundation of faith that God hath caused his whole and perfect will to be set downe in the Canonicall Scriptures Or else the Apostle Saint Peter did mistake when he assured the faithfull to whom he wrote that hee followed not sophisticall fables when he opened vnto them the power and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ For first saith he We had an heauenly vision 2 Pet. 1. 19. to assure vs that our Lord Iesus Christ was the Sonne of God And secondly saith he we haue a more sure testimony then the former euen the Word of God written by Moses and the rest of the Prophets And hereof it was that when our blessed Sauiour had testified to the Iewes that his Father had giuen witnesse to him from heauen that he was the Sonne of God yet hee sendeth them to the Scriptures as to the surer meanes for the confirmation of their faith saying Search the Scriptures for in them Ioh. 5. 39. yee thinke to haue life and they are they that testifie of me And towards the end of that Chapter he telleth the Iewes that hee will not accuse them because they receiued not such diuine doctrines as were deliuered vnto them by his owne testimony But Moses saith he will accuse you for that yee beleeue not things which are deliuered vnto you in his Bookes Shewing thereby that it is a greater fault not to beleeue the testimony that God giueth in record vnder the hand of any one of his sworne Registers then that which is giuen by his owne bare voice For saith he if yee beleeue not his writings how will yee beleeue my wordes Vpon the which words 〈◊〉 thus writeth As that is more firme that is cōmitted to writing so it is a greater fault not to beleeue things written then not to beleeue things vttered by word So Theophilact vpon the same place If ye beleeue not things written how will yee beleeue my words that are not written Whereby it is euident that the Word of God written in the Bookes of the Canonicall Scripture is the more safe and sure meanes to haue all diuine truthes to be con●eighed ouer to vs then is the deliuering of them to vs by his voyce in dreames and visions euen as the Princes grant vnder his hand and ●eale is a more sure euidence then when it is deliuered onely by his bare word Whosoeuer therefore auoucheth that God reuealing himselfe to the old Fathers by visions and dreames did bestow vpon them a greater blessing then he doth vpon vs by deliuering his will vnto vs by the holy Canonicall Scriptures either is himselfe in a dreame or is deceiued by a vaine dreame of some other Now if it were not altogether so safe to haue diuine doctrines deliuered by dreames and visions when that which was not so throughly conceiued or at the least so well remembred by those that so receiued the same might be righted by new visions then surely now when all such visions are ceased it is not safe to haue diuine truthes deliuered at all by vnwritten traditions but to be recorded in the rolles of the Canonicall Scriptures QVEST. LXIX The doctrine of the Church of Rome ministreth occasion and prouocation to sinne and not the doctrine of such as prosesse the Gospell We are carefull there not to trespasse against another where our trepasse bringeth vs very great danger yea the very ouerthrow of our whole state but where we can easily make an amends or the party trespassed is as much or more in our debt there we are not so carefull for the speedy auoiding of euery trespasse Now the doctrine of such as professe the Gospell i● that the very least sinne is mortall and cannot be purge● but by the most precious Bloud of our Sauiour Christ whereas the Church of Rome teacheth that there are but seauen that are principally to be called mortall sinnes and that the residue then are veniall and so small that they may be done away by paenance Purgatory Pardons Masses and T●entals yea by a little sprinkling of holy water and by saying of Aue-Maryes and Pater-Nosters and the like Yea they auouch that the works of their Saints are so many and of so great price and worth that by the surplussage of them satisfaction may be made for the sinnes and trespasses of other men according as it shall please the Pope in his Indulgences and Pardons to dispence the same Wherefore their followers need not to be ouer fearefull to offend God and to transgresse his Commandements at the least by small and light offences seeing they are able so many wayes and after so easie a manner to tender a satisfaction vnto God and to render to him a sufficient amends QVEST. LXX Popish paenance and Purgatory cannot stand with this Article of our Christian Creed I beleeue the remission of sinne As the Lord of a Mannor is not said to forgiue a trespasse when he setteth an amercement vpon the head of the trespasser and as the Creditor cannot be said to forgiue the Debtor when for the debt he casteth him into prison no more could God be said to forgiue our trespasses and to remit our debts if either in this life hee require satisfaction at our hands by the workes of Popish paenance or after this life cast vs into the prison of Purgatory there to endure the punishment due to our sinnes QVEST. LXXI Iurie is
revelation of the spirit of God allow them that dignitie o●ely in the language of the vulgar Interpreter who was a man subiect to errour And why doe they charge them being thus translated to be obscure ambiguous and doubtfull and therevpon refuse the Text it selfe to bee the supreame Iudge vnlesse it be taken in that sense as it is expounded by the Churches glosse so making the glosse better then the text and seating it in the place thereof Yea why doe they yet charge the Text it selfe being thus expoūded by their Churches glosse to be an vnsufficient Iudge vnlesse there be ioyned vnto it as fellow Benchers and Peeres equall with it in authority the bookes Apochrypha vnwritten verities and traditions Vndoubtedly as it is a very strong presumption that hee which disgraceth the Lawes of his Prince is guilty of trespasse commit●ed against them and so liable by them to condigne punishment so is it an euident argument that many of the doctrines of the Church of Rome are condemned by the Canonicall Scriptures because they are so disgraced by her deare children with diuerse reproachfull imputations For it is the fashion of Hereticks as Iren●us saith when they are reproued by the Scriptures to reproach and disgrace Jren. l. 3. cap. 2. them as if they were not right and as if they were vttered ambiguously and as if the truth could not be learned out of them by such as knowe not traditions And therefore Tertullian calleth them ●ugitiues from the light of the Scriptures and further Lucifugae scripturarum Tertull de carnis resurr testifieth that if that were taken from them which they haue common with the Ethnickes and if they were brought to determine all their controuersies by the Scriptures only they could not prevaile And so I beseech God that our Romanists the defenders of all Antichristian heresies may no longer prevaile but that their madnesse may be made manifest to all men Amen FINIS The Questions that are handled in the first part of this Treatise QVEST. 1. THe Gospell is the only proper and immediate instrumentall cause of our conversion to God of our faith and loue and of all other spirituall graces and not miracles nor the holy liues and comfortable deaths of the dearest servants of God nor temporall blessings or corrections nor the authority of the Magistrate nor the wisdome of the Law of God and therefore much lesse the reason of the naturall man Chap. 1. pag. 25. 26. 2 The Word and the Sacraments doe not profit vnlesse the sense and vse of either be rightly apprehended and vnderstood Chap. 2. pag. 32. 33. 3 The meanes whereby we are to come to the right vnderstanding of the Word of God is the light of true reason Chap. 3. p. 43. 44. 45. c. For the opening of the truth whereof 13 propositions are explained ibid. 4 Saving Faith is Divine wisdome or a certaine knowledge and setled assent and adherence to all divine verities necessary to Salvation and especially to the covenant of grace as to the means of our highest happinesse our chiefest good Ch. 4. p. 86. 87. c 5 A sauing faith is alwaies accompanied with all other sanctifying graces and namely with Constancy and Perseverance as being the fruitfull mother and continuall nurse of them all Ch. 5. p. 93. 94. c. 6 The Divine doctrine of the Christian Faith doth giue to the sincere imbracers therof a sauing faith an assuranre thereby of Gods favour and loue and of ●ternall happinesse and blessednesse Chap. 6. p. 102. 103. c. 7 The vtility and dignity of faith and the great difficulty to attaine there vnto Chap. 7. p. 122. 1●3 c. The Questions handled in the second part QVEST. 1. THe Church is not alwaies glorious and notorious as a Citty seated vpon an high hill Quaest 1. pag. 129. 130 2 All the workes of the faithfull are stained with sinne and therefore no man in this life doth perfectly fulfill the Law of God Q. 2. p. 131. 3 The ignorance and not the knowledge of the Scriptures is the cause of all errours and sinnos Q. 3 p. 131. 132. 4 Not the sufferings or righteousnesse of any meere man but only of u●blessed Saviour both God and Man are of sufficient worthinesse to satisfie for sinne and to merit the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen Q. 4. p. 132. 5 The Bread and Wine in the Eucharist are not transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Christ Q. 5. p. 134. 6 The righteousnesse of the Law deliuered by Moses is that true righteousnesse whereby we are iustified before God and not the righteousnesse which is said to bee obtain●d by popish vowes Q. 6. p. 136. 7 We are not iustified by those workes of righteousnesse commanded in the Law of God which are wrought by our selues but by those which were wrought for vs by our Sauiour Christ in his owne person and are imputed to vs and made ours through faith Q. 7. 39. p. 137. 175. 8 The forme and manner to attaine to sanctification is not to receaue the holy word of God and the Sacraments with our bodily sens●s but with the powers of our soules nor to travell farre and neere on pilgrimage to see or kisse holy reliques but to see and touch holy things with the inward faculties of our mindes which are the proper subiects of sanctification Q. 8 p 139. 9 The manner of receauing Christ in the Eucharist is not carnall but spirituall Q. 9. p. 141. 10 Iustification and salvation is wrought only by Ch●ist and not by any other wh●soeuer Q. 10. 66 〈◊〉 p. 142. 204. 1● 11 The faithfull ought to be certainely assured of their owne salvation q. 11. p. ●43 12 The outward elements in the Eucharist are not bread wine in shew but in substance q. 12. p. 144. 13 There is no miraculous turning of ●read and Wine in the holy Eucharist into the very Body and ●loud of Christ nor any other miracle ●t all q. ●3 p. 144. 14 Iustification is giuen by the free mercy of God in Christ and not meritedly our works q. 14. 36. 52. p. 145. 172. 188. 15 The faithfull after the end of this life are not punished in the fire of Purgatory q. 15. 22. ●4 70. 93. P. 146. 159. 181. 208 224 16 The carnall eating of Christs Body is nothing availeable to eternall life but the spirituall q. 16. p. 147. 17 Concupiscence is sinne euen in the regenerate themselues q. 17. p 149. 18 Faith Repentance and Loue with all holy workes proceeding from them doe not deserue any thing at all at Gods hands but make the faithfull indebted to God for the same q. 18. p. 149. 19 The workes of God revealed in the Scriptures doe manifestly declare them to be the word of God especially the worke of Regeneration wrought by the Divine and powerfull doctrines thereof in the hearts of all such as faithfully and sincerely imbrace the same and therefore they