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A13631 Theologicall logicke: or the third part of the Tryall of truth wherein is declared the excellency and æquity of the Christian faith, and that it is not withstood and resisted; but assisted and fortified by all the forces of right reason, and by all the aide that artificiall logicke can yeeld. ... By Iohn Terry Minister of the Word of God at Stocton.; Triall of truth. Part 3 Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1625 (1625) STC 23914; ESTC S101777 160,318 232

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that concerne the worship and seruice of God nothing ought to be taught or to be beleeued which is not warranted by the testimony of the Canonicall Scriptures If Saint Paul himselfe taught nothing concerning Christ but that which was deliuered by Moses and the Prophets Act. 26. 22. then ought none other of meaner gifts and priuiledges teach any thing that he hath not receiued from the Canonicall Scriptures So reasoneth Origen Paul as his custome is saith he will auouch that which he teacheth out of the holy Scriptures wherein he giueth an ensample to the teachers in the Church that they should produce such things as they teach the people not grounded vpon their own opinions but strengthened with the testimonies of God For if such and so great an Apostle did not thinke that the authority of his owne word might suffice vnlesse he knew that those very things were written in the Law and in the Prophets which himselfe deliuered how much more should we little ones obserue this that when we teach we vtter not our owne but the meaning of the Holy Ghost Against the which most wise aduertisement if we presume to offend albeit we were such as the glorious Angels Saint Austin is bold out of the penne of the Apostle to denounce against vs a most terrible curse If saith he I will Aug. cont 〈◊〉 Pelag. l. 3. c. 6. not say we our selues but if an Angell from Heauen shall teach cōcerning Christ and his Church or concerning any thing else that doth belong to faith and life any other doctrine then that which is contayned in the Legall and Euangelicall Scriptures let him be accursed Accursed then is the Church of Rome and her children who affirme that their vnwritten traditions are of equall authority with the doctrine of the Canonicall Scriptures and command them with the like reuerence to be imbraced and receiued QVEST. XLIX The naturall man hath no free will to that which is religiously good If the Church her selfe had need still to pray to her deare Bridegroome Draw me after a sort vnwilling that thou maist Bernard in Cant. Serm. 2. make me willing draw me drowping that thou maist cause me to runne then certainly all such as are not indued with such spirituall graces as the Church is may iustly be challenged for persons not almost but altogether vnwilling to follow God and to walke in his wayes And if euery one of the true members of the Church had need to confesse vnto God and to pray Thou hast corrected me and I haue receiued thy correction Ier. 31. 18. as an vntamed Bullocke conuert thou me and I shall be conuerted for thou art my God Then how farre off from any willingnesse and readinesse to turne vnto God are all such as are not yet effectually called to the estate of Grace but are strangers from God and from the Couenant of mercy QVEST. L. Not the suffering much lesse the vowing of wilfull pouerty is the way to perfection The possession of riches which are yet Gods good blessings and testimonies of his goodnesse and loue is not the way Act. 14. 17. to perfection much lesse the vow of pouerty or pouerty it selfe which is the rod of Gods correction and a signe or token of his displeasure as all other crosses and calamities are Poore Lazarus was brought into the bosome of rich Abraham both which were rich in God and poore in spirit Marke this saith Saint Austin that ye doe not as commonly men Aug. ad Hillar Epist 89. do blame rich men and put your trust in a poore estate for if a mā should not put his trust in his riches much lesse in pouerty QVEST. LI. The people ought to be able to try and to discerne the doctrine of their Teachers Doe yee not know saith the Apostle that the Saints shall 1 Cor. 6. 2. iudge the world If the world then shall be iudged by you are yee not worthy to iudge the smallest matters Know yee not that wee shall iudge the Angels how much more then the things of this life So may we reason also that if the faithfull people of God shall iudge the world and the very Angels themselues much more may they boldly take vpon themselues to try and discerne the doctrine of their Pastors and Teachers Our most blessed Sauiour thought it no disgrace to himselfe to haue his diuine doctrine examined of the people by the rule of the Scriptures nay he that requireth the same at their hands saying Search the Scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue life Ioh. 5. 39. and they are they that testifie of me and beare witnesse to my doctrine that it is of God Yea the Lord so approued the Beraeans for that they receiued the word with all readines searched the Scriptures whether those things which Saint Paul Act. 17. 11. taught them were agreeable thereto that thereby he brought many of them to the faith It is then no presumption in the people to examine the doctrine of their Pastors and Teachers seeing it is not onely approued but commanded by the Lord and enioyned the Corinthians also by the Apostle I speake saith he as to them that haue vnderstanding iudge yee what I say The refusall 1 Cor. 10 15. hereof by the hereticke Auxentius was sharpely reprooued by holy and Orthodoxe Saint Ambrose Auxentius saith he Amb. Ep. l. 5. in oratione cont Auxentium speaking to the people knowing you not to be ignorant of the faith hath shunned your iudgement and hath chosen foure or fiue heathen men Then in that he hath chosen Infidels he is worthy to be condemned of Christians because he reiected the Apostles precept where he saith Dare any of you hauing ought against another be iudged vnder the vniust and not rather vnder the Saints Yee see then that which he hath offered is against the authority of the Apostle But what speake I saith hee of the Apostle when the LORD himselfe proclaimeth by his Prophet Heare yee mee O my people that know what belongeth to iudgement in whose heart my Law is God saith Heare yee mee O my people that know iudgement Auxentius saith You know not how to iudge Yee see then that he contemneth God in you which refuseth the sense of this heauenly Oracle For the people in whose heart the Law of God is doth iudge And doe not the Popish Priests likewise ioyne with this impious Arrian Auxentius in refusing to stand to the Oracle of God while they refuse to haue their doctrine examined and iudged by the people whether it be agreeable vnto the diuine doctrine of the Canonicall Scripture QVEST. LII Our whole Iustification and Saluation is by the free and vndeserued mercy of God in Christ The Apostles plain asseueration that we are iustified freely by Rom. 3. 24. the grace of God through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus hath forced the Church of Rome to auouch that there
any thing that is good For man is become saith Chrysostome totallie sinne Chrysost in Gen. Hom. 1. Esay 1. 6. and therefore in his whole vnderstanding and will And this he learned of the Prophet Esay The whole head is sicke and the heart is heauy from the sole of the foote to the crowne of the head there is nothing whole therein What good habilitie or freedome then is in the will to that which is truelie good QVEST. XCII The Church of Rome giueth to the Saints diuine honour Religious faith prayer and deuotion are principall parts of Arguments drawen from the parts to the whole or from the speciall to the generall Ioh 6. Psal 50. 15. that diuine seruice and honour which is due vnto God and is giuen vnto him by all his true and faithfull seruants But these religious duties are by the Church of Rome communicated to the Saints vnto whom they make their prayers in their wants and necessities and trust to be releeued by their meanes and for that purpose deuote themselues to their seruice and therefore they giue vnto them diuine honour QVEST. XCIII There are no persons appointed by God for Popish Purgatory All persons are either beleeuers or Insidels and vnbeleeuers Now neither of these when they receiue from GOD their discharge to depart out of this world haue by his appointment any passe for Purgatory Concerning the beleeuer be he weake or strong in faith so hee be sound and sincere our blessed Sauiour testifieth and that by a solemne and a doubled asseueration that he hath euerlasting life and shall not come into Ioh. 5. 24. condemnation but is passed from death not to the paines of Popish Purgatory but to life that is to the vnspeakeable ioyes of heauen And as for all vnbeleeuers they are condemned already viz. Ioh. 3. 18. in Gods decree and in his holy word the vndoubted record thereof and hell is their place being the prison appointed for all condemned persons and there they are to be reserued against the iudgement of the great day And therefore none at all are appointed by God for Popish Purgatory And verily there is no way detected in the holy Scripture that leadeth thither For there wee finde but two wayes whereof the one is Matth. 7. 13. narrow and leadeth to life that is to heauen and the other broad and leadeth to destruction that is to hell And therefore if our Popish paenitents would needes passe along to Purgatory there to make full satisfaction to God for their sinnes which they haue not throughly satisfied for by their workes of paenance they shall be able to finde no way that leadeth thither QVEST. XCIIII The miracles and doctrine of the Romish Church are fabulous and false by the testimonies of her owne vulgar people learned Writers the ancient Fathers Canonicall Scriptures It is an approued saying that the voice of the people is the Arguments drawen from humane and diuine testimonies 1 Cor. 14. 22. voyce of God the which in Gods matters is true of Gods people and in matters subiect to sense and naturall reason is true in all such persons as haue in them sense and reason sound Wherfore seeing miracles may be discerned by sense and naturall reason and therefore are appointed for Infidels which haue no other meanes to apprehend the truth of them the iudgement of ●…quity and that in euery controuersie that is betweene them Camp Rat. 2. Possevin Biblio●hes Select l. 7. c. 18. vs is wholy for them and directly against vs. The which if it were true why was their Index Expurgatorius made therein order taken to put out diuerse things one of the bookes not only of diverse writers of their owne side but also out of the monuments of the ancient Fathers What Doe any that trust to the goodnesse of their owne cause and to the fulnesse of the witnesses produced by themselues maime and mangle and curtall and abridge their testimonies giuen vnder their owne hands and set downe in record by themselues and so suffer them not to tel out to the end fully and wholy their owne mindes Verily hereby it is plaine and manifest that all antiquity is not fully and wholy for them and therefore that such of them at least that make boast thereof are of the number of such haereticks as sinne being condemned by Tit. 3. 11. their owne consciences Yea whereas they Father vpon diuerse of the greatest lights of the Church diuerse Treatises that neuer came from them as the Liturgies of S. Iames S. Marke S. Denis and the like and as the Decretall Epistles fathered vpon divers ancient Bishops of Rome and produce out of them diverse testimonies for the iustifying of diuerse points of their Idolatry and superstition hereby it is manifest that their cause is very bad in that it cannot bee maintained but by such counterfeit and forged evidences Lastly to conclude if that the gouernours of the Church of Rome were not well witting to themselues in their owne consciences that the testimonie of God himselfe deliuered in the bookes of the Canonicall Scriptures was not directly against them why doe they refuse them as authenticall as supreame iudges in those tongues wherein they were first penned by the speciall and immediate revelation of the spirit of God allow them that dignitie onely in the language of the vulgar Interpreter who was a man subiect to errour And why doe they charge them being thus translated to be obscure ambiguous and doubtfull and therevpon refuse the Text it selfe to bee the supreame Iudge vnlesse it be taken in that sense as it is expounded by the Churches glosse so making the glosse better then the text and seating it in the place thereof Yea why doe they yet charge the Text it selfe being thus expoūded by their Churches glosse to be an vnsufficient Iudge vnlesse there be ioyned vnto it as fellow Benchers and Peeres equall with it in authority the bookes Apochrypha vnwritten verities and traditions Vndoubtedly as it is a very strong presumption that hee which disgraceth the Lawes of his Prince is guilty of trespasse committed against them and so liable by them to condigne punishment so is it an euident argument that many of the doctrines of the Church of Rome are condemned by the Canonicall Scriptures because they are so disgraced by her deare children with diuerse reproachfull imputations For it is the fashion of Hereticks as Irenaeus saith when they are reproued by the Scriptures to reproach and disgrace Jren. l. 3. cap. 2. them as if they were not right and as if they were vttered ambiguously and as if the truth could not be learned out of them by such as knowe not traditions And therefore Tertullian calleth them fugitiues from the light of the Scriptures and further Lucifugae scripturarum Tertull de carnis resurr testifieth that if that were taken from them which they haue common with the Ethnickes and if they were brought to determine all their controuersies by the Scriptures only they could not prevaile And so I beseech God that our Romanists the defenders of all Antichristian heresies may no longer prevaile but that their madnesse may be made manifest to all men Amen FINIS