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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09376 A cloud of faithfull witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan, or, A commentarie vpon the 11 chapter to the Hebrewes preached in Cambridge by that godly, and iudicious divine, M. William Perkins ; long expected and desired, and therefore published at the request of his executours, by Will. Crashawe and Tho. Pierson, preachers of Gods Word, who heard him preach it, and wrote it from his mouth. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1607 (1607) STC 19677.5; ESTC S2273 415,205 614

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not onely beleeues and obayeth but as God promised so he went to it and tooke possession and died in this faith that God would performe his promise and that his posteritie should inherite it all as afterward indeede they did euen from Moses to Christ. If it be asked how this could be the answere is that Abraham knew that God was King of Kings and had the world and Kingdomes of the world in his hand and disposition and therfore assured himselfe that hee could bring to passe what hee had promised and make good his word notwithstanding all such impediments to the contrarie And as hee beleeued it came to passe his posterity came to it entred as conquerers vpon this gift of God and by the power of God so amazed all these Kings and their people as some submitted as the Gibeonits and they that did not were all slaine and their Countries conquered as we may reade at large in the booke of Ioshua all the Stories whereof are briefly comprehended by Dauid in fewe words where he saith We haue heard with our eares our Fathers haue tolde vs how thou O Lord droue out the heathen with thy hand and planted them in how thou destroyed the people and made them grow Psal. 44.1.2 Out of which we learne two instructions First that the change of States and alteration of Kingdomes or common-wealths are in Gods hand and that he can turne them one way or other as it pleaseth him To this purpose saith Dauid in the fore-named Psalme verse the fourth They inherited not the land by their owne sword neither did their owne arme saue them but thy right hand and thy arme and the light of thy countenance because thou didst fauour them This must teach vs to pray earnestly in our daily prayers for the good estate of this Kingdome wherein we liue and of that worthy Prince and Queene vnder whose gouernment wee haue beene so long and so liberally blessed For the welfare and prosperity the certainty and security of it and her is not in our policie might munition ships not in the strength of our nauie nor in the power of our armour nor in the chiualrie of our people nor in the wisedome of our Councell though for all these we are a people honoured of our friends and feared of our enemies But in the mighty hand of our God who as Daniel saith beareth rule ouer the Kingdomes of the earth and giueth them to whomsoeuer he will Dan. 4.22 Seeing therefore the King of heauen in the giuer and establisher the remouer and changer of Kingdomes of the earth let vs assure our selues that the prayers of Elisha are the Horses and Chariots of Israell 2. Kinges 13.14 And surely if Elisha for his prayer was acknowledged by the King himself to be his Father then doubtlesse the godly Ministers and such other in our Church as pray daily for the peace of our Ierusalem are worthy to be accounted good children of our Church and worthy members of our State Secondly here we learne what is the ruine of Kingdomes and ouerthrow of estates namely sinne and vngodlinesse This is most apparant in the present example For why did God take this land from the Cananites and giue it to Abraham and his seede the Stories of the olde Testament answere nothing but sinne In Deuteronomie Moses chargeth the Israelites that they doe not after the abhominations of the heathen Cananites For saith he because of their abhominable sinnes God did cast them out before you Deut. 18.9.12 And why did not God instantly giue it to Abraham to inherite after the promise euen because the wickednesse of these Amorites was not then full Gen. 15.16 that is their sinnes were not then ripe For we must know that though God be the absolute and soueraigne Lord of all Kingdomes and may dispose them as hee will yet he rather exerciseth his Iustice then his power and neuer ouerturneth any State but vpon cause of their apparant sinfulnesse Nor can the Amorites or Cananites pleade herein any hard measure For the same God dealt afterward in the same Iustice with his owne people giuing the Kingdome of Iudah to the Chaldeans and Israel to the Assyrians and the cause is laid downe most memorably in the Storie When the Israelites sinned against the Lord their God and walked after the fashions of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out before them and did secretly things that were wicked and made Images and serued Idols and though God warned them by his Prophets yet would they not obay but hardned their neckes and so finally left all the commandements of God then the Lord was exceeding wroth with Israel and cast them also out of his sight 2. Kings 17. from the seauenth verse to the 19. Thus sinne is able to ouerturne Kingdomes be they Cananites Israelites or whosoeuer Let this teach vs all to looke to our liues make conscience of all sin especially great capitall crying sins for the sinnes of a people are wormes and Cankers eating out the life and strength of a cōmon-wealth And let our State and gouernment learne here to look to the reformation of our people especially for great sinnes For open profanenesse or vncleanenesse or oppressions or iniustice or extortions or cruelties and exactions all these or any of these sinnes raigning in a State are able to ouerturne the best established Kingdome on the earth and will at last doe power and policie what they can make the land spewe out her inhabitants and in the meane time let the wily wits of men iudge as they list it will proue true that the sinfull and profane man is the worst and the godly and conscionable man the best friend to a State and best subiect in a Kingdome Thus much for the second point in Abrahams obedience namely the end of it The third and last point is the manner of his obedience which followeth in these words And he went out not knowing whither he went The manner of this his leauing his Country in mans reason would seeme strange nay the world will condemne it for plaine foolishnesse for a man to leaue a certainty for an vncertainty But it may here be doubted how the Apostle can here say that he knew not whither he went seeing these words are not in the Storie of the olde Testament doth not that practice allow traditions beside Scripture I answer first We refuse no traditions which are agreeable to the Scripture and analogie of faith but such as are agreeable to one of these wee receiue them though not as Scripture Secondly if the Apostles in the new Testament doe adde any thing in any Story which is not in the olde as S. Paul doth the manner of the Sorcerers of Egypt Iannes and Iam●res 2. Timoth. 3.8 that circumstance by them so added is to be holden as Scripture and no tradition because they hauing the same spirit of God which the Writers of the olde Testament had haue inserted it
into the body of Scripture euen as the three sentences of the heathen Poets alledged by Saint Paul Acts 17.28 1. Corinthians 15.33 Titus 1.12 haue now a diuine truth in them which they had not before But yet will some say the Apostles had these things from the olde Testament by tradition seeing they were not written I answer We may safely graunt it and yet our cause loseth nothing though it may be they had them by inspiration and not by tradition that being as likely or much more then the other Thirdly but for this particular I answere that the Apostle had the words or at least the matter out of the Storie in Genesis For thus goe the words G●d said to Abraham Goe out of thy Country c. into the land that I will shew thee Hee named none to him but told him he would shew him one So then Abraham went out at Gods appointment and God knew but he knew not whither he went he knew well the land he left but he knew not the land he should haue But it may be againe obiected that this is not true for it appeares Gen. 12.5 that Abraham with Sarah his wife and all their substance departed to goe into the land of Canaan and to the land of Canaan they came therefore he knew whither he went namely to that land I answer It is true he went out with purpose and assurance to inherite a land promised him by God but not named to him And whereas it is there said He went out to goe into the land of Canaan that is spoken in respect of the performance when he was come thither not of the first promise made him at his departure or of the time when Moses wrote it not of the time when God spake it to Abraham And that he knew not what land God did mean vntill he cam thither is plain in the seauenth verse where it is said That when Abraham had passed through all the Country and wai come into Canaan then God appeared to him and said this land will I giue vnto thy seede But till then God neuer named it vnto him and therfore we read afore that he beleeued and obayed vpon the generall promise but now when God did particularly specifie and shew what land hee then shewed his thankfulnesse to God and did there build an Altar vnto the God that had appeared vnto him Thus it is cleare that Abraham went out not knowing whither he went Which being so it appeares that Abraham did that which the world would call plaine foolishnesse To leaue knowen friends for vnknowen certaine liuing for vncertaine is a simple course in mans reason at least the world will say he might first haue demaunded of God what land that was which he should haue before he left that which he had but Abraham makes no such questions moues no such doubts but belieueth and obayeth and goeth out of his certaine dwelling at Gods calling though he knew not where to lodge at night This practice of faithfull Abraham hath profitable vse First here we learne that though Gods Commaundements seeme foolish and vnreasonable yet wee must obay them Christ saith If a man will euer come in the Kingdome of heauen he must be borne againe Iohn 3.3 S. Paul saith If any man among you seeme to be wise let him be a foole that he may be wise 1. Corinth 3.18 Christ saith If any man will be my Disciple he must denie himselfe and follow me Luk 9.23 But how can these cōmaundements be beleeued or done how can reason beleeue them how can nature doe them So disputed the woman of Samaria with Christ Iohn 4.11 When Christ tolde her he would giue her of the water of life she replied Sir thou hast nothing to drawe with and the Well is deepe whence then hast thou that water of life Thus we obiect and reason against God with carnall obiections and waigh Gods Commaundements in the balance of reason thus God and his commaundements are much abused by vs. And this is the cause wee heare and reade Gods word and profit not by it because we ponder it in our reason and allowe nor follow it no further then it agreeth with our naturall affections As a man that will needs stand vnder a Pent-house hath no water falling on him though it should raine neuer so precious water from heauen So when the water of life out of the word of GOD should drop vpon our soules to comfort our consciences and to wash away our sinnes we haue our deuices out of wit and distinctions out of reason as pent-houses to keepe it from vs that it slides away and neuer hath any worke in vs. But contrariwise we must remember Abraham the Father of our faith and when we heare Gods word we must with him captiuate our reason and subdue our affections to it measure them by Gods word and not it by them and what we cannot yeeld to in the obedience of reason we must obay with the obedience of faith and so shall Gods word haue a gracious and powerfull worke in vs. Secondly here we must learne that though we see no profit come by obaying Gods Commaundements yet wee must obay them For what profit could Abraham see in leauing a certaine liuing for an vncertaintie yet he obayed and went vpon the bare word of God building vpon it that God being his guide he could not goe astray So must wee followe God sincerely and doe his Commaundements though no profit seeme can come thereby But some will say Shall godly men be led like blindefolde fooles shall they refuse all meanes of helpe by wit and policie this is the way to make them ridiculous and asses for the wicked world to ride vpon I answere let godly men vse all their wit and looke with all their eyes in their actions with men of this world But in the obedience of Gods commaundements let them doe as Abraham did Follow Gods calling though it seeme to be to no end In obedience to God we must doe as blindemen doe who followe their guides though it be through woods rocks hills or dales or dangerous places regarding nothing fearing nothing only following trusting their guides who haue eyes for them though they haue none for themselues So must we follow Gods calling and yeeld absolute obedience to his Commaundements fearing nothing but trusting to the faithfulnesse of his power and assuredly beleeuing that he being our blessed guide we shall not be mis-led thus to doe is true faith But alas how contrary is the practice of the world Men deale with God as we doe with loose Chapmen whom wee will not trust without a good pawne So we will not obay Gods Commaundements longer then his religion serues our turne nor will we trust and follow God without the pawnes of profit and pleasure Nay wee doe worse most men esteeme of God no better nor vse him any better then they doe theeues in their houses If a man come