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A03926 A sermon preached at Yorke before the right Honorable, Henrie Earle of Huntington, Lorde President of her Maiesties councell established in the north, and other noble men, and gentle men, at a general communion there, the 23. of September in the eightienth yeare of her Maiesties raigne: by Mathewe Hutton Deane of Yorke. Hutton, Matthew, 1529-1606. 1579 (1579) STC 14034; ESTC S104336 25,148 72

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wel to manners as to doctrine Saint Aug. de doctrina Christiana lib. 2. Cap. 9. saith In his quae aperte in scripturis posita sunt inueniuntur ea omnia quae continent fidem moresque viuendi All thinges conteining faith and manners are manifestly set downe in the scriptures Basilius de fidei confessione saith Manifesta est elapsio a fide superbiae crimen aut reprobare quid ex hiis quae scripta sunt aut superinducere quid ex non scriptis It is a manifest sliding from the faith and a great pride either to reiect any thing that is writtē in the worde of God or to bring in any thing vnwritten For Christes sheepe heare his voyce and wil not heare the voyce of an other And in his Morals he saith That if whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne if faith come by hearing hearing by the worde of God whatsoeuer is brought in beside the worde of God is not of faith and therefore sinne This olde way teacheth vs to contente our selues with the truth of Gods worde But it is a by way lately found out to clog the Church with vnwritten verities to make the traditions constitutions of the Romish Church as necessarily to be beleeued and receiued as the scriptures of god Therefore it is good for vs in this point also to hearken to the counsell of the Prophet Ieremie To stand vppon the waies and consider to inquire of the olde waies which is the best c. It is an old way shewed vnto vs by God him selfe that the Ministers of Gods word may please him in the holy state of Matrimonie instituted in Paradise by almightie God himselfe the first Priest that coupled man and wife togeather in holy Wedlocke honoured by our Sauiour Christ in Cana of Galilie not onely with his blessed presence but also with the first miracle that he did S. Paule saith Marriage is honorable among all men and the bed vndefiled and they that haue not the gift to liue continently are coūselled to marrie Ignatius Scholar to Saint Iohn the Euangelist in his Epistle to the Philadelphians desireth of almightie God to be receiued in the kingdome of Christ and to sit but euen at the feete of those that were married men and pleased God highly in that holy state As Abraham Isaac and Iacob and Esaias and other Prophets of God As Peter and Paule and other Apostles Chrisostome also vpō the Epistle to Titus saith That matrimonie is so precious a thing that therewith a man may be exalted to the high seate of a Bishop Gregorius Nazianz in monodia in Basilii vitam saith That S. Basils father being a married Bishop was nothing hindred thereby from doing his office The same Gregorius also in the funerals of his father sayth That he beeing a married Bishoppe was much holpen in his office by the wisdom diligēce of his wife Gregories mother Sozomenus lib. 1. cap. 11. saith That Spyridion a godly bishop had wife and children and yet nothing hindered by them in his calling but was so holy that he wrought miracles Theophilactus vppon the. 8. chap. of Matthewe Peters wiues mother was sicke c. Learne heere that Matrimony is no hinderance to vertue for the chiefe of the Apostles had a mother in Lawe But the Papistes say that the Apostles left their wiues when they folowed Christ and preached the Gospell But Saint Paule sayth 1. Cor. 9. That Peter and the rest of the Apostles did carrie their wiues about with them So dooth Clemens of Alexandria an olde writer scoolemaister to Origines about 1300. yeares agoe vnderstand the place in the 3. booke Clemens also Bishop of Rome in the seuenth booke if it be his booke as the Papists say it is sayth That Peter did carrie his wife about with him when he went about preaching For truely if the Apostles after their calling shoulde haue cast of their wiues they should haue doone contrarie to the Canons that are called canones Apostolorum of which the Papistes make great account The sixth canon is this Episcopus aut presbiter vxorem propriam nequáquam sub obtentu religionis abiiciat A Bishop or priest may not in anie case put away his wife vnder colour of religion And the Councell holden at Gangra in Paphlagonia about the yeare of our Lorde 324. dooth accurse them that thinke a married Priest by reason of his marriage may not offer and refuse to receiue if he minister The generall Councell also at Nicea in the yeare 318. dooth allowe the opinion of Paphnutius That it is Chastity for one to keepe companie with his owne wife And the sixth general Coūcel dist 31. decreeth That Priestes and Deacons shall neither at their orders taking be compelled to vowe a single life nor after constrained to be seperate from their wiues And Simmachus Bishop of Rome he saith as Gracian reciteth dist 81. Volumus vt sacerdotes prohiberi debeant ne cum mulieribus conuersentur excepta matre sorore vel vxore We will that Priestes shall not be conuersant with any woman except she be his mother sister or wife And this to be the old way the verie glosse it selfe confesseth Loquitur secundum antiqua tempora Hee speaketh according to times long agoe past In which olde waye notwithstanding the Priestes of the East Church haue walked and doe walke vntill this day And surely if the Pristes of the Latine Church had walked in the same albeit their worldely pompe had not beene so great yet the godlinesse of their life had beene nothing lesse than it is For true it is that is said in the Councel at Basil penned by Aeneas Syluius afterwarde Pope of Rome and called Pius the second Multi saluarentur in sacerdotio coniugato qui sterili in presbiteratu damnantur Manie Priestes might bee saued in matrimonie which beeing vnmarried are condemned The same Pope as Platina writeth had often times this sentence in his mouth Magna ratione sacerdotibus ablatae sunt nuptiae sed maiori restituendae videntur There was great cause to take marriage frō Priestes but greater to restore it vnto them againe Alfonsus also the Spanish Frier confesseth plainely That marriage by the institution of God is no hinderance to Priesthoode Wherefore if this be the old way shewed vnto vs by the woorde of God that Matrimonie is lawful for al sorts of men We may conclude with Sainte Paule That to forbidde marriage is the doctrine of Diuels that it is a newe way leading to perdition to forbid a thing that is honorable amongst all men and to wincke at fornication which is detestable before God Si non caste tamen caute To giue a dispensation to keepe a Concubine which can not be dispensed withall and not to permit a lawfull wife which needeth no dispensation But let vs stand vppon the wayes and consider inquire of the olde waies which is the best c. It is an old way shewed
qualitie a sacrifice for the quicke and deade a woorshipping a reseruation and such like superstitions and abhominations antique I graunt and olde borne in respect of these times but neither they nor their mother conceiued in respect of the Apostles time These pointes that I haue but in a woorde or two noted are plainely and learnedly handled in this Sermon I trust in the mercie of God to the redeeming of manie from errour that heard it or without a set iudgement against the truth shall diligently reade it Others that alreadie embrace the truth and yet in opinion rather then in reason and iudgement of which sort I would there were not many may heere receiue reasons out of the woorde of god to confirme their good zeale and iudgment to answeare for themselues and their religion when they shal either be asked a reason of their hope and faith of the brethren or otherwise shall be assayled of the aduersarie For good Reader labour and prouoke others to labour especially those vnder thy charge for abilitie to answeare for theire religion and to shew better euidence for their inheritāce in heauen then any man can shew vppon record for his inheritance on the earth Therfore I desire thee not so much in these wordes which I haue written in loue to the matter the Author as I craue it in my heart at thy hand to make thy fruite of this sermō first preached to kindle flames of zeale in the hearers to their increase of knowledg a good conscience And nowe allowed to the print in the same godly purpose to nourish preserue the same zeale with great increase in all the readers especially of those that haue already heard it may now reade the same againe which will be as the former and latter raine to make the fruite ripe and full in Christ Iesus Which fruite that thou maist reape I leaue thee to the woorke and instruction of Gods holy Spirit praying thee when in hearing or reading these Sermons thou findest the rich treasure of knowledge and faith to pray earnestly to God that the same most rich treasure of his woorde may be plentifully bestowed vppon all men in all places farre and neare to the euerlasting glory of Gods holy name in gathering those that are to be gathered and in keeping them that are alreadie gathered in Christ Iesus Amen Ierem. 6.16 State super vias videte interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona ambulate in ea inuenietis refrigerium animabus vestris Stand vppon the wayes consider and inquire of the olde wayes which is good and walke therein and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules IN the time of the Prophet Ieremie there was greate contention amonge the preachers of the woorde the true teachers of the people of God and the false Prophets For th one threatened warre and captiuitie vnto the people for the great wickednesse of the land the other said Pax pax All should bee well Thone said Templum Domini templum Domini The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord that the Lorde would neuer destroy that holy place the other cried that the house of God was become a denne of theues the Lord would surely visit that place The one cōmended the ceremonies rites of the law exhorted the people to offer vp their sacrifices as most sweete pleasant to the Lord the other said that their incense oblations burnt offerings were to him an abhomination because they were offered without faith the only salt seasoner of al our works The one cried the traditiōs of thelders the traditiōs of the fathers the other answered that they worshipped God in vaine teaching for doctrine the ●●ceptes of men In this cōtentious tim● there were manie especiallie of the su●…est sort that doubted whom to beleeue ●…hō to mistrust which way to auoid w●●h to walke in And therefore the Prophet● ●…e bringeth in in this place almightie ●●d himselfe speaking to the people tel●… thē what they should doe State super ●…s videte c. Stand vpō the waies ●nsider c. In which wordes he wille●…ē not to be carelesse in things touching ●…ir saluation but studious painfull la●…ous Stand vpon the waies cōsider inquire c. 2. He sheweth them where to seeke the best way not in newe wayes founde out of late but in the waies that haue bene of old time Aske of the old waies c. Thirdly he would not haue thē thinke euerie old way to bee walked in therfore willeth thē among the old waies to search the best walk therin last of al to incorage thē to folow his coūsell he telleth thē what they shal gaine thereby And you shall finde rest vnto your soules The same doctrine is as needefull to vs now as it was then to them seing the same occasiō is among vs at this time that was among them For while there is great disputation euerie where in matters of religion while the Papistes shew one way to saluation the Protestantes an other the papistes say Tēplum Domini templum Domini The holy Church of Rome the holy catholik church of Rome the protestāts replie Facta est meretrix vrbs fidelis that she is now become the whore of Babilon the papists say The cōstitutions of the church the traditiōs of our mother the church the Protestantes answere that they worship god in vaine teaching for doctrine the preceps of mē ther are many that haue wauering minds know not what way to take To them no doubt the Coūsell of the Prophet is verie good Let them stand vpon the waies consider and inquire of the old wayes which is best walk therein they shall finde rest vnto their soules The text conteineth these two pointes the Counsel and the Commoditie ensuing The Counsell is To stande vppon the wayes and consider to aske of the olde wayes which is best to walke therein The fruite that will grow thereof is That wee shall finde rest vnto our soules But because I can not speake of euery parcell at large I haue chosen to intreate onelie of these two pointes shewed vnto me by the text and by the time required at my hands First verie briefly that we must seeke the good waie among the olde waies and yet not euerie olde way to be walked in Secondlie by a briefe discourse through the chiefest pointes of religion I will declare that that olde way is the best wherein our Fathers walked by the commaundement of almightie God and that also that is the Oldest way of all that corruption of Poperie is a way of later time foūd out The which thing that I may do so that the name of God may be glorified and wee that be here present edified I shall desire you to assist me with your hartie prayer c. STand vppon the wayes and consider c. Hee would not haue vs negligent in