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A26759 The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ..., or, Independency not Gods ordinance in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended ... / by John Bastvvick, captain in the Presbyterian army. Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1646 (1646) Wing B1072; ESTC R10739 685,011 796

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shadow of whose wings I have ever found there is only safety whose blessed assistance in all calamities they that trust in him may be most assi●ed of His patronage now and his defence is my shield whose cause and the honour of whose kingdome at this time I contend for And howsoever in all my life in all humane learning I was never so wedded to my own resolves but upon better reason I could easily be divorced from them yet in Gods matters if an Angell should come from Heaven and teach me that that there were another way to happinesse then by that new and living way the blood of Jesus Christ who was the Lambeslaine from the beginning of the world I would count him Anathema Or if an Angel should tell me there were a new way of worshipping God and serving him then that which God himself hath set down in his holy Word I would account him accursed for I have learned to believe God and Faith upon their word and bond without any either Angelicall or Humane reason or the authority of Coun●els and Fathers and whatsoever I finde a warrant in Gods Word for I have learned to cleave close to it against all humane reason supposing such men none of Gods nor Faiths truest friends that will not believe them upon their own word and bond except they have reason humane authority Councels and Fathers and ●aine traditions joyned with them for sureties Again if any man should go about to perswade me that there were any other government established in the Church of God then an Aristocraticall and a Presbyterian one I should notwithstanding all humane reason to the contrary submit my self to that kind of government as being most confidently assured that it is warranted in Gods Word which all Christians are bound for ever to make the Rule and Square both of our faith manners and government And here I must minde all those that shall read this Book that this is no new opinion of mine but that which I have once and again suffered for and if ever they have read my Elenchus religionis papisticiae or my Flagellum pontificis or my Apologie or any of my Latine Books in all those they will finde that the cause of all my sufferings was this and this only That I maintained that all Churches were to be governed by an Aristocraticall and Presbyterian government which in those Books I have clearly and fully through Gods assistance made good Yea in in my answer to the Bill of Information put up against me in the Star-chamber they shall have some reasons I gave there of this my tenent to the Lords of his Majesties Hrivie Councell and Judges in the Star-chamber so that I stand to my principles and am no starter And if then amongst Gods people it was thought an opinion worthy the suffering for and my Christian brethren deemed me worthy of honour for it and afforded me their prayers and shewed me and mine in all our distresses many curtesies when we found little favour from our own brethren which their humanity I must never forget but with all due thankfulnesse for ever acknowledge I say if then this my opinion was thought Orthodox and worthy of their applause I see no good reason why a truth then should not be counted a truth now for the Word of God out of which I had it is the same and if it were good then it is good now for the change of mens minds cannot change the truth but it must be ever truth but this my opinion I learned out of Gods Word then which shall be for ever by his gracious assistance the warrant of my beliefe and practice This Word therefore I desire all my Christian Brethren in the deciding of this question now agitated amongst Gods people and his faithfull servants concerning Church-government to take into their hands and with those noble B●reans to sit down and examine whatsoever shall be said on either side according to the holy Scrigtures and I intreat them also to lay aside all passion which Religion has no need of and all vain-glory and bitternesse which is a dishonour to our holy calling and in the spirit of meeknesse and with a Virgin judgement not ravisht with any previous or anticipated opinion to come and approach to the Altar of truth and so consider and examine which of those two opinions the Brethren on both sides now sacrifice themselves unto be the offering that will best endure the firy-tryall 1 Cor. 3. 13 14 15. viz. Whether the Presbyterian government Dependent or a Presbyterian government Independent both now laid upon the Altar be the acceptablest service and best pleasing sacrifice This is granted on all sides and of necessity it must be yeilded unto that that Oblation is the best and most acceptable that is offered up by faith without which it is impossible to please God and that sacrifice only is offered up by faith which is according to his Word and has its warrant from his revealed will which is the rule both for worship and the government of his Church we are to be guided by The Brethren on both sides agree about the rule in deciding of this Coutroversie and make the written word the rule They agree also about the materials both acknowledging a Presbytery the difference between them is only about the mould and manner of the offering I will therefore state the questions between us and shew wherein we differ and then set down my own opinion with my reasons and after endeavour to be a Moderator for the determining of this unhappy difference which hath been an occasion of so much rejoycing to the common Enemy There is a two-fold question between us they call the Presbyterians and our Brethren they tearme Independents The first is concerning the government of the Church vi● whether it be Presbyterian Dependent or Presbyterian Independent The second question is concerning the gathering of Churches but of that in its due place The first question is whether many Congregations or Christian Assemblies commonly called Churches in our dialect in the which there are all the acts of worship or all Ordinances as the pure preaching of the Gospell the due and right administration of the Sacraments the true invocation of God Discipline rightly executed and all other performances which make for the essence and form of a true Church and in the which assemblies likewise they have all such officers and helps of Government as in their severall places being rightly imployed may serve for the edification of the same and mutuall comfort and benefit of each other and the preservation ofall as Presbyters doth preaching and ruling and Deacons and all other Officers I say the question between us and the brethren is Whether all these severall Congregations and Assemblies may be accounted but one Church or make but one Church within their Precincts and be to be under the government and rule of one Presbytery or a Councell or Colledge of many
well see and that without spectacles that by these stones he hurls at all his brethren and casts up dust yea dirt thus in their faces to usurp his own expression pa. 13. that he shews his want of love and charity to us comparing our congregations and Churches at every turn to the Popish and Jewish Synagogues and esteeming of the gathering out of people from amongst us to be the same with gathering men and women from out of their Idolatricall and Jewish Assemblies for why otherwise if this be not his meaning doth he bring his instances from both the Papists and the Jews at every turn and therefore for his so dealing in the first place I answer that he is very injurious to his Brethren and must seriously repent for this uncharitable dealing But secondly I answer that my brother Burton is much mistaken for the Apostles did not gather Christian Churches out of the Jewish Synagogues as we may see in the second of Iames and through the whole story of the Acts where we finde that the Apostles in all their peregrinations ever frequented the Synagogues and preached unto them there and our Saviour himselfe notwithstanding all the scandalls in that Church and all their traditions preached daily in the Temple and in their Synagogues as the Scripture relates yea and the Apostles themselves after Christs resurrection preached dayly in the Temple and in all Synagogues whersoever they journyed yea Christ himselfe commanded all his followers the whole multitude with his own Disciples and Apostles to hear the Pharisees Matth. 23. ver 1 2. And without doubt they did obey their Master and made no separation from the Synagogues and S Paul in the 10. to the Hebrews blameth those that did leave the assembling of themselves together therefore he did not allow of a separation from the Synagogues and from Christian Assemblies and moulding themselves into separate Congregations under a pretence of a more refined holinesse and pure partaking in the ordinances which is the pretence of all straglers all such proceedings were contrary both to the precept example of Christ and his Apostles who taught and practiced the contrary Christ commanding the man out of whom he had cast the devills and that would have followed him that he should go to his own friends and abide amongst them still and he ever sent all those lepers he cured to the Priests he never gathered Churches out of the Jewish churches neither did ever any of the Apostles or godly Ministers do any such thing but blamed it in all and therefore the Independents going against both precept and example are highly disobedient to God and have for these their wicked and ungodly practises a great deal to repent of and to answer for And if we will compare times with times we may beleeve it was amongst the Jews as it was amongst us under the Prelates raign and power those godly and powerfull Ministers such as my reverend Tutor Master Richard Rogers Mr John Rogers of Dedham and Mr Dod and others when they sometimes went to visit their friends through City and Country by their preaching they gained many Souls unto God in many Towns and Villages where after they had through the blessing of God upon their Ministery converted them they left them still abiding in their severall Parishes injoyning them diligently and carefully to wait upon their Ministers there disswading them from separation upon all occasions and so it was amongst the Jews they came out to the Ministry and Baptisme of Iohn and heard him upon every opportunity but never left their own Synagogues and their own Ministers as the Scripture relateth when they returned to their severall abodes and so they went out to hear Christ and his Disciples as occasion served and then returned home again to wait upon the ordinances in their severall dwelling places and they had Christs command to do this neither is it ever recorded in all the New Testament but in the tenth chapter to the Hebrews that the Christians relinquished the Jewish Assemblies for which they are greatly blamed by Saint Paul And I am confident if all the Independents doe not seriously repent of their wicked and pharisaicall separation from our Assemblies the Lord will shew at last some fearfull judgment upon them For I affirme it they have not one president for all these their practices in the whole Book of God and therefore my brother Burtons instance of the Apostles gathering of Christian churches from out of the Jewish Synagogues as it is in all respects unchristianlyand and deceitfully done to delude his fellows so it is not true that he averreth For the Apostles did never gather Christian Churches out of the Iewish Synagogues for they had a command from Christ to the contrary neither was there any cause for any Christians to separate from them for they exercised at that time nothing but the Morall Worship in their Synagogues having Moses and the Prophets dayly read and interpreted unto them Acts 15. 21. and to those Synagogues that unerring Councell at Jerusalem consisting of all the Apostles and Presbyters Act. 15. did send all the people and their severall cities to be instructed in Moses therefore the Apostles and Ministers of those times never gathered Christian Churches out of the Jewish Synagogues as my brother Burton would infer to make good their wicked separations from us and their gathering of their Churches out of our Christian and beleeving Assemblies which I am ever by Gods assistance able to make good is nothing to the question that I propounded concerning the gathering of Churches out of already gathered Churches And therefore hitherto my brother Burton hath befooled himself to no purpose but to discover unto the World how little skill he hath in Divinity when he is out of a common place wherein every child may learn as much and far more then he can teach him And this answer to my brother Burton concerning gathering of Christian Churches out of Iewish Synagogues for the justifying of their unwarrantable separation may serve to the same objection wheresoever the Reader shall meet with it as Page 18 c. And this might suffice to have answered to what my brother Burton had to say to the first Quaerie concerning gathering Churches out of Churches But because my Brother Burton conceives that if they should not separate themselves from our Christian Assemblies whom he saith do not come up close to the rule into their several new gathered Congregations they could not set up Christ upon his Throne as not making his word the rule of reformation or a sufficient rule upon which we must necessarily depend for the form and law of Reformation and that we ought not to wait on men and thereupon propoundeth a quaerie to me Page 19. thinking by this means the better to justifie their unwarrantable proceedings therefore I shall first gratifie my brothers desire and answer to his demand and then I will passe on to reply to what
consider what those false teachers were wee shall find them to be no other but such as under shew of holinesse and piety taught their owne inventions and grolleries and abused the simplicity of the people for their owne advantage and brought them into bondage and devoured them verse 20. as the Phatisees did the Widowes houses under pretence of their long prayers which our Saviour Christ sharpely reproves them for and denounces a woe against them for their so doing after the same manner did these false Teachers amongst the Corinthians who made their owne traditions joyned Members with the Gospel as if they had had a more fine neat eleganter way of gathering of churches and admitting of Members than Paul and the other Apostles But the Apostle bids the Corinthians take heed of all such how glorious soever they seeme to appeare and tels them they cannot teach the way to Heaven and happinesse better than hee and the other Apostles have done and yet neither Saint Paul or any of the Apostles in preaching of the Gospel taught them that they should admit of none to bee joyned Members of the Church although they beleeved and were baptized except they walked sometime in fellowship amongst them that they might have approbation and tryall of their conversation first and after make a publick confession of their faith before the church and did give in evidences of the truth of their conversion to the congregation and entred into a solemne private covenant and were admitted Members by consent of the church Not a word of all this in the Gospel that Saint Paul and the other Apostles taught and therefore all that teach their new wayes their new-borne truths and set up their new lights are wise above that which is written and teach otherwise than Christ and his Apostles have taught or the christians of the Primitive times had received and therefore ought by the Apostles command Gal. 1. verse 8. 9. to be accursed Saint Iohn also in his second Epistle to the Elect Lady verse 9 10. saith Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God hee that continueth in the doctrine of Christ hee hath both the Father and the Sonne If there come any unto you that bringeth not the doctrine of Christ receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for hee that biddeth him God speed is a partaker of his evill deeds Now the doctrine that the Independent Ministers teach for the gathering of churches and admitting of members and joyning and jumbling of them together was never taught by Christ nor any of his Apostles for they themselves confesse it is a new way and a new borne truth and a new light and therefore not the doctrine of Christ and therefore such novelties are not to be entertained nor imbraced nor the teachers of them if we will be obedient to Apostolicall precepts I desire therefore those of the Independent brethren to produce any one testimony or any one president out of the Word of God where these things following are taught or have beene practised First that although men and women beleeve and are baptized they are not yet to be admitted as joyned Members till they have walked sometime in fellowship with the church for approbation of their conversation this is the first thing I desire of the brethren either a precept or an example for this in Gods Word The second where it is commanded that those that beleeve and are baptized should not be admitted as Members of the church whithout a publike confession of their faith before the church The third where it is enjoyned that to their Faith and Baptisme they should bring in the evidences of the truth of their conversion before they can be capable of their membership The fourth where it is commanded that they should enter into a solemn and private covenant before they can be admitted to church-fellowship The fifth where it is imposed upon those that beleeve and are baptized that they should not be received into the church without the consent of the congregation Sixthly where it is commanded that the Ministers of the Gospell shall run about from their own places and charges into the sheepfolds of their fellow-shepherds and separate and pick out all their best sheep and bring them into their own folds and debar them from all church-fellowship and communicating with the other beleevers in Gods holy Ordinances and Sacraments or where ever it is commanded that the Preachers of the Gospel shall gather beleeving Christians from among beleeving Christians and separate them from the other sheep into Independent congregations and shall proclame all that are not thus moulded up after this new modell to be people out of covenant and to have no right to the seals of the new covenant neither they nor their children though beleevers All these things I desire the brethren by evident places of the holy Scripture to make good and to confirme or by any president or example to declare to have been practised either by Christ or his blessed Apostles for I look for a law from Christ the King of his church who was as faithfull in the house of God as Moses was and hath not left the ordering and disposing of his church to the will of men but hath commanded the church to hear his voice who is the great Pastor and Bishop of our souls and the teacher of his church his Word therefore I look for for a warrant for the ratifying of all these doctrines and I have good ground and reason to demand of them a warrant and authority out of Gods Word for what they both teach and practice for we are taught by Christ the onely Prophet of his church that they that serve God after the precepts of men offer him a vain worship and it stands with all good reason that if all humane traditions though of never so ancient standing and of never so long antiquity were all cast out of the church because they had no footing or ground in Gods Word that all novelties or new inventions of men which notwithstanding are imposed upon the people as the ways of God should be abrogated and nullified and cast out of the church It is recorded in holy writ Ioshua 9. that the Gibeonites deceived Ioshua and the people of Israel under pretence that they came from a farre country and for proofe of that they produced their mouldy bread and their tattered botles and their old shooes and they taking what they said pro confesse and not consulting with the mouth of the Lord as it is fully related in that chapter were deceived by them and entred into a League with their enemies And thus the Papists and Prelates for these many hundred years have deluded the world under pretence of their mouldy antiquities and tattered raggs of traditions and in all this time they prevailed to mislead the poore people because they consulted not with the mouth of God nor examined things
by the Word of God and the holy Scripture as the noble Bereans did Now whatsoever was written was written for our instruction upon whom the ends of the world are come and therefore as it was the errour of the Israelites that they received things barely upon report without consulting with the mouth of God and as it was the honour and praise of those noble Bereans that they searched the Scriptures to see whether the preaching of Paul were according to the holy Scripture so if we shall receive these new borne truths these new lights these new ways without consulting with the living Oracles we shall offend as the Israelites did in beleeving the Gibeonites upon their words and shall degenerate and be unlike to those the renowned Bereans who would not receive Paul's doctrine though an Apostle without searching the Scriptures whether things were so or no as he taught them and surely now much more ought we to try all things by the Word in these erroneous times whosoever they be that preach them unto us and if they be not evidently proved unto us out of the Scriptures we may not admit of them for it will be not only a sin but for our immortall shame to be deluded with novelties much more then it was our ancestors disgrace to be deceived by pretended antiquities And therefore it is the duty of every Christian seriously to consider with themselves that these are matters of God and concerne no lesse then our eternall welfare and in th●● regard we may not call mens ways Gods ways but we are to seek for the old ways Jer. 6 we are to examine Christs and his holy Apostles ways in gathering of Churches and making of Members and it we find no footstep in all Gods Word of these new ways we ought to relinquish them and turn again into the pathes that God hath commanded us to walk in wherein we shall be sure to find rest for our souls and comfort in life and death and it will be no disgrace to any to be undeceived for they are deceived and that greatly and dangerously that think or beleeve that any men mortall can shew or teach a better way to Heaven or set down a better way of converting souls and of gathering of Churches and making of Members and of setting up Christ as King upon his Throne than that which Christ himself and his blessed Apostles have taught and set down to all posterity and from the which rule we ought not to swerve though an Angel from Heaven should teach us otherwise Galatians 1. ver 8. 9. When therefore the Ministers of the Church of England follow Christs and his Apostles way and method in their teaching and for the converting of men and hear only the voyce of Christ their King and the Christian Beleevers through the Kingdome under their Ministeries do all faithfully cleave unto the written Word and square both their faith and obedience according to that rule there is no just cause why the Independents should proclame them all enemies of Christ and his Kingdome and such as oppose his royalty and preach up themselves and their congregations as the onely people of God and his Saints and account all those that dissent from them as opposers of Christs government telling the people in their Sermons that they come over from beyond the seas thinking that they would have set up Christ upon his Throne and that they would have embraced him for their King and would have established his government and have gone on in a church-way and have set up the ways of God but they find it otherwiise that they deny disclaime and preach against Christs Kingly government and persecute the wayes of the Lord Christ so that they can find more favour from moderate Papists and common Protestants than from them by which their dealing say the Brethren they have so taken off the edge of Gods peoples affection from them that the Saints and servants of God cannot pray for them proclaiming themselves the Saints and people of God as if all the other beleevers through the Kingdome dissenting from them in their opinions were no Saints nor people of God Nay they affirme it in their Pulpits and in every Pamphlet that both Ministers and people are enemies of Iesus Christ and his Kingdome and all such as will not joyne with them in their new wayes And one of them not long since affirmed unto me that the church of England was a Strumpet and an arrant Whore and that shee being once a Whore could never be presented unto Christ as a chaste Spouse which was an expression not onely uncivill and unbeseeming a christian but untrue also for grant shee had beene so shee is now come out of Babylon and has entred into a publicke covenant against her and we reade of Judah and Samaria howsoever they had defiled themselves and played the Harlots yet upon their unfained repentance and true faith in Iesus Christ and renewing their covenant publickly of new obedience were presented unto Christ as a chaste Spouse so that what is impossible with man is possible with God But this is the generall opinion of the brethren and howsoever they will not all of them speake it out in plaine words as some of them doe yet they preach and practise a separation from all our assemblies and congregations as from a people not to bee communicated with and declare that by their deeds which they will not as yet publish in their writings nor in expresse words as hee did And one of the Independent Ministers not long since denouncing Gods judgements against all those that would not assent unto their new wayes nor light their candles at their new lights nor embrace their new-borne truths told them that by their standing out against the wayes of God for so they suppose these are and by their unkind usage of the Saints and persecuting of them they would at last drive from amongst them the praying people meaning themselves as if no other prayed but they onely and then they might looke that the judgements of God would speedily come downe upon them as it hapned to the Lutherans in Maydenburge in Germany who thrust out all the Calvinists out of their Towne a praying people and immediatly after the enemy came upon them with fire and sword and destroyed them all With these and such like expressions are their preachments stuffed and to say the truth of many of their Sermons they are like Taylors cushions consisting of a hundred severall shreds of various colours all independent making a fine shew but comely no where but in a Taylors shop and surely such kind of expressions as these are may beseeme their Pulpits but no grave and learned honest ministers for they have no just cause to complaine of persecution amongst us it is a calumny neither deale they christianly with us to accuse us that wee oppose the wayes of God for we doe not so we onely contend for the faith