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A40515 Select sermons preached upon Sundry occasions by John Frost ... ; now newly published together with two positions for explication and confirmation of these questions, I. Tota Christi justitia credentibus imputatur, 2, Fides justificat sub ratione instrumenti. Frost, John, 1626?-1656. 1657 (1657) Wing F2246; ESTC R31718 315,416 365

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convince me of the truth of it or else I may with the same easiness say It is from Satan and this conviction can be made no otherwise but by Scripture which is the most infallible ground of truth What the Pharisees said of Christ we may truly say of our late pretenders to Enthusiasmes and Revelations We know not whence he is John 9. 29. They may be from Rome as it is more then probable some of them are or whence soever they come certainly not from God if they disown the voice of God in the Scriptures Wherefore my counsel to you shall be that of S. Paul to the Thessalonians 2 Thessal 2. 2. Be not soon shaken in minde nor be troubled and in 2 Tim. 1. 18. Hold fast the form of sound words And this will be usefull thus First Then make your last appeal to Scriptures in matters of faith The Papists appeal to uncertain traditions the Enthusiast to deluding Revelation let us to the Scriptures for this is both the precept of God and the constant practise of the Scriptures To the Law and to the Testimonie Esay 8. 20. So our Blessed Saviour always appeals to the Scriptures as in the business of the Resurrection Matth. 22. 29. And to prove himself the Messiah he appeals to Moses and the Prophets Luke 24. 26 27. Thus the Apostles though acted by the same infallible Spirit yet always appealed to Moses and the Prophets so did S. Peter Acts 2. 25 31. and from thence did Apollos confute the Jews Acts 18. 29. and so Paul to prove the resurrection of Christ in Acts 13. 23. So then my brethren appeal not to the judgement and testimony of man what he saith as S. Cyprian was much delighted with Tertullian that he was wont to say Da magistrum nor to the dictates of dark reason but to the infallible Testimonie of the Scriptures and attend to Gods voice in them Secondly See here the ingenuous boldness and confidence of truth that dares appeal to Scripture Christ was confident of his cause and therefore declines not the test of Scriptures Search them saith he as if he had said If they do not testifie of me then do not acknowledge me It argues a timorous diffidence and consciousness of men when they like not to be tried by the word of God as in the Papist who appeals from the Scripture to traditions and it speaks the errours of those Revelations which will not subscribe to be tried here you may safely reject that doctrine as erroneous which will not be weighed in the ballance of the Scriptures or if it be weighed there proves light and wanting Tertullian of old notes that Hereticks were lucifugae Scripturarum As blear eyes decline looking upon the sun so corrupt doctrines the light of the Scriptures Thirdly Embrace and entertain nothing as saving truth which will not bear the test of Scripture It is one use of Scripture to be profitable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Tim. 3. 16. to confute and silence heresie and errour and what-ever the Scripture reproves is such Be not imposed upon by the proud imperious dictates of men nor deluded by the pretences and delusions of Satan and his instruments but let this be your rule to try by Fourthly In all your doubts consult the Scriptures So did David in Psal 119. 24. He made the Testimonies of God his delight and his counsellours to enform and resolve him and that 1. In doubts of the head for reformation this is one excellency of the Scriptures to make wise the simple as in Psal 19. 7. Scripture sayes the Apostle 2 Tim. 3. 16. is profitable to inform the judgement and by this did David become wiser then his teachers 2. In doubts of the heart for consolation That was one end of Gospel-revelation that we through patience and comfort of the Scripture might have hope Rom. 15. 4. And so David found the statutes of God to be the rejoycing of his heart Psal 19. 8. In inward doubts of conscience have recourse to the Scriptures there thou mayst finde those cordial promises which will put joy and gladness into thy heart In thy duty consult the Scripture which will direct thee In thy troubles to comfort thee In thy fears to support thee In all thy doubts to comfort and resolve thee So much for the words considered Relatively Secondly Absolutely in themselves And so they will fall under a double consideration too First As taken by way of Concession Indicatively and so Beza Camero Paraeus and others understand them and so also they speak I. Our Saviours commendation of these Jews as diligent searchers into Scripture Or else II. His discommendation of them and reproof and that 1. either of their ignorance that notwithstanding they did search into Scripture yet they attained not to the knowledge of him as the true Messiah that though they had frequently Bibles in their hands yet they had not the word of God dwelling in their hearts Or 2. of their malice that notwithstanding they searched the Scriptures which did so evidently testifie of Christ yet they maliciously rejected him and would not come unto him that they might have life as in vers 40. Secondly As taken by way of exhortation Imperatively speaking a command to all to search the Scriptures And I shall take it in this second acception it being the drift of a great part of this chapter to exhort these Jewes to hear the word of Christ and Paraus himself acknowledges that uterque sensus est pius commodus And thus taken there are three things considerable in the words First The nature of the duty expressed in the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Secondly The universality of the dutie and that is double I. Of the Persons engaged in it expressed indefinitely II. Of the Object 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is all Scripture Thirdly The motive and arguments of the duty and they are two I. The benefit of Scripture-search Ye think ye have eternal life in them II. The object of Scripture-discoverie that is Christ they testifie of me All which particulars may be reduced to this one general Observation That Scripture-search is a duty every Christian ought to be engaged in Or thus It is the duty of every Christian to search the Scriptures In the handling of which observation this method shall be observed First To shew the importance of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Secondly What searchers of Scripture Christ here points at Thirdly The universality of the duty Fourthly The grounds of this search Fifthly The Application First To shew the importance of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word signifies such a search as diggers in mines make for gold and silver in the earth and implies five things I. A valuation and esteem of the Scriptures He that digs in a mine for gold evidences his valuation of it otherwise he would never dig for it so searching of Scripture speaks an high estimate and prizing of Scripture Such
swadling-clothes in which Christ was wrapped Our reason is of too low a stature and therefore as Zacheus did upon the Sycamore we must climbe the tree of life the Scripture if we would get a sight of Jesus Naturall reason may discover the back-parts of God in the creature but if she pretends or presumes to discover the Sun of righteousness she betraies her weakness and degeneracie it is one end of Scripture-revelation to supply the shortness and defect of naturall reason Nay the glorious Angels the most quick-sighted of the whole creation could not have discovered these Gospel-mysteries Which things saith the Apostle the Angels desire to look into 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to stoop to peep to prie into as things vailed and hidden 1 Pet. 1. 12. alluding to the Cherubims which were made with their eyes looking down towards the mercie-seat the word signifies a diligent sollicitous and through search Tanta Evangelii mysterii salutis majestas est atque jucunditas saith Glassius either ravished with the pleasantness or confounded and blinded with the Majestie of these mysteries They desire to prie into them and so they might have done and been never the wiser had not God revealed them by Scripture What the Apostle speaks of that one mysterie of Ephes 3. 10. incorporating Jew and Gentile into one bodie by Christ we may say of these Gospel-mysteries that God revealed to the intent that unto principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdome of God without which revelation the Angels had been strangers to these mysteries to this very day 2. The excellencie of the revelation it self or manner of revealing them which appears upon a three-fold account 1. The fulness and sufficiencie of it both as to doctrine and practice faith and maners both to make a man of God wise unto 2 Tim. 3. 15 17. salvation and perfect to every good work 1. Scripture contains a full revelation of all foundations of faith or things necessarie to be believed to salvation either expresly or by convincing evident and undeniable consequence and needs not to be eeked out with unwritten traditions or pretended enthusiasmes and revelations Tradition which brings down and conveys Scripture-truths through the successive ages of the Church to us we cannot without ingratitude but acknowledge as an eminent instance and testimonie of Gods providence and none of the least arguments for the authoritie and Divinitie of Scripture and in this sence the Church is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the pillar holds forth the Kings proclamation but contributes no authoritie to it And in this sence too S. Augustin's non credidissem Scripturae nisi Ecclesiae autoritas commoveret may go for good and currant Divinitie we could not have believed the Scripture because we could not have had it if providence had not handed it to us by the Church So revelation of Scripture-mysteries by the Spirit of God we acknowledge as the accomplishment of a great Gospel-promise of the Spirit leading us into all truth which therefore Joh. 16. 13. the Apostle Paul praies for for the Ephesians that God would give unto them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Spirit of revelation the knowledge Ephes 1. 17. of Christ but traditions or revelations as additionall or supplementall to Scripture we reject as detracting from the wisdome of God and the perfection of revealed truth Non est scriptum timeat Tertul. Revel 22. 18 vae illud adjicientibus to wit that wo if any shall adde unto these words God shall adde unto him the plagues which are written in this book and the Apostle passeth an Anathema upon whoever should though an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel then he had Gal. 1. 6. preached Notanter dicit praeter non contra not onely what is against but what is more then Scripture-revelation is to be rejected there is enough revealed to bring us unto salvation and what would you have more These things are written saith S. John that ye Joh. 20. 31. might believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his name and Search the Scriptures for in them ye Joh. 5. 39. think to have eternall life and our Saviour doth not blame them for thinking so And if Scripture be not sufficient we may say as the disciples in another case ad quid perditio haec to what purpose Matth. 26. 8. was it written To the law and to the testimonie saith Isaiah Esay 8. 20. When the rich glutton in hell desired one should be sent from the dead to his brethren Abraham sends them to Moses and the Prophets let them hear them let them but believe what is in Moses and Luke 16. 29. the Prophets and they need not fear coming into this place of torment 2. Scripture is a full and perfect rule of holiness able to make the man of God throughly furnished to every good work Therefore 2 Tim. 3. 17. our Saviour when the Lawyer came and tempted him with that question What shall I do to inherit eternall life bids him have Luke 10. 25 26. recourse to the Scriptures What is written in the law how readest thou This is the onely perfect and unerring rule of true righteousness Those three words of the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Titus 2. 11 12. speak the whole dutie of a Christian in all his capacities and relations to God himself and his neighbour and this the Gospel teacheth and engageth us to do So perfect a rule it is that the most specious observances the most glorious performances the most exact worship is no way acceptable unto God if not commanded in and directed by the Word They may have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they may have a shew of wisdome in Will-worship Coloss 2. 23. to the pleasing of men not to the honour of God God gave Moses a pattern for the making of the Tabernacle and David for the Exod. 25. 9. Temple and all things were to be ordered and regulated according Heb. 8. 5. to this pattern God hath set us a perfect rule of worship in his word and no service pleaseth him but what is according to this rule as our Saviour told the woman of Samaria concerning the Samaritan worship at mount Garazim and Jewish worship at Jerusalem that the Samaritanes worshipped they knew not what the Jews knew what they worshipped for salvation was of the Jews Why so because the Jews had Gods speciall direction and appointment of Gods word for their service which the Samaritanes had not We acknowledge the Churches power to determine decent observances and constitutions for publick order in the service of God The Apostles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will sufficiently warrant this 1 Cor. 14. 40. The Church is a cypher stands for nothing if it hath not power here and he who wilfully sleights these will be found guiltie of
contempt and disorder but the imposition of traditional observances in so needless a number as may seem to reduce us under the Jewish yoke which neither we nor our fathers were able to bear Acts 15. 10. or as equally obligatorie to conscience as divine commands or as the immediate worship of God or as duties essentially necessarie in order to salvation we justly abhor as the Tyrannie of Rome as the infringement of Christian libertie as a violation and voiding the commandment of God as our Saviour told the Pharisees that they made the commandment of God of none effect that is sleighted Mat. 15. 6. disregarded by their traditions All our holiness all our worship must be regulated by Gods will not our own Non ex arbitrio Deo serviendum sed ex imperio not according to our own fancie but Gods command and prescription It may seem somewhat a strange expression at first Israel hath forgotten his maker and builded Temples Hosea 8. 14. one would rather think this was a reverencing of God this is the account of it God had appointed one Temple and they multiply and build many contrarie to Gods direction and institution I say of all humane invented will-worship of God as Tertullian of the Heathen-worship Ex religione superstitio compingitur eo irreligiosior quantò Ethnicus paratior Men in this are no better then laboriously superstitious taking pains to be irreligious And the judicious Hooker determines that in Gods service to do that which we are not is a greater fault then not to do that which we are commanded Amongst other reasons he gives this to our purpose in that we seem to charge the law of God with hardness onely in that with foolishness and insufficiencie which God gave us as a perfect rule of his worship and service I shall conclude this point with that of S. Paul As many as walk according to this rule peace shall be Gal. 6. 16. on them and mercie and upon the Israel of God 2. The perspicuitie and plainness of this revelation It is the design and plot of Rome to fasten an imputation of obscuritie upon the written Word that hereby she may with more plausible shew exalt Peters pretended successour into the infallible chair as an unerring interpreter and also discourage and dishearten the people from reading them As the spies reported the land of Canaan to be impregnable and so disheartned the Israelites Hence the Papists crie out of Scripture that it is unintelligible and obscure to vulgar and common capacities and thus they defame and raise a false report of the written Word and make the difficultie of it a pretence for their neglect and cloak for their ignorance The Scripture was made to be a Christians guide and rule of life as I said before a blinde guide a dark and obscure rule is a contradiction Thy word is a light to my feet and a lanthorn to my Ps 119. 105. paths saith David and the Apostle Peter bids us look to the Scripture as a light which shineth in a dark place the same Apostle 2 Pet. 1. 19. indeed observed in S. Pauls Epistles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some things hard to 2 Pet. 3. 16. be understood this relates to the sublimitie and mysteriousness of things revealed not to the obscuritie of the revelation There is a depth of mysterie in Scripture cloathed with a plain and familiar expression Thy testimonies are wonderfull saith David There is the mysterie of Scripture yet follows The entrance Psal 119. 129. Ibid. v. ●30 of thy words giveth light it giveth understanding to the simple Here are mysteries to exercise the acutest wits depths for the profoundest judgements to fathom and yet so plain and obvious that the meanest and plainest using the means as prayer diligent search and the rest may profit by Here is meat for strong and grown Christians and here is milk for babes too In a word God hath so intermingled and interwoven Scripture-Revelations with some difficulties some facilities that plainness breeds not contempt nor difficultie neglect and disheartnings that by the plainness of them he might teach us knowledge and by the difficulties learn us humilitie 3. The certaintie and infallibilitie of Scripture-Revelation as being written by the guidance and dictate of an infallible Spirit All Scripture is given by divine inspiration no Scripture is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Tim. 3. 16. 2 Pet. 1. 20. of private interpretation so our translation or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of any private spirit which reading I finde pleaseth Beza best as agreeing with what is said in the next verse that the pen-men of Scripture were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For the prophecie came not of old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake Ibid. vers 21. as they were moved by the holy Ghost and therefore Scripture is a certain and infallible rule of faith and holiness This was one end of Scripture That we might have an infallible rule of life and judge of saving truth which had it been brought unto us onely by the acry conveyance of Tradition uncertain revelation might soon have been either forgotten or corrupted If we leave the Scripture once we are left at miserable uncertainties and lie open to all deceits and delusions If we rest upon Enthusiasticall revelations Satan can transform himself into an Angel of light and delude us our faith and obedience will 2 Cor. 11. 13 be alwaies at uncertainties The revelations of those who pretend to them be alwaies various sometimes contrarie and commonly pretended to to serve new interests and designs The Spirit is every mans pretence and therefore we must have some way to examine and judge of the truth or falseness and error of every mans spirit and this can be no other way but by the infallible Canon of the Scripture We never finde S. Paul alleadging any of those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 those revelations which he had when he was caught up into the third heaven but he hath recourse to the Scripture for 2 Cor. 12. 4. the vindication of the Doctrine he delivered as you may see in his Apologie before Agrippa I continue saith he to this day saying Acts 26. 22. no other things then what Moses and the Prophets did say should come And the Apostle Peter speaking of the voice from heaven though 2 Pet. 1. 18 19. that was a ture one yet adds we have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a surer word of prophesie to wit the Scriptures the same with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 verse 20. whereunto ye do well that ye take heed A voice from heaven may sooner deceive us then the written Word of God if we rest upon Traditions these are oft erronious as Rome can witness at best fallible and uncertain A man can scarce ever know when he hath believed and practised rightly or enough Traditions being variable and
Jews pricked at the heart and a John Baptist convince a Herod of his unlawfull and wicked enjoyment of his beloved Herodias How doth the word of God oft drive men from those forts and succours and delusions which they had framed to deceive themselves and encourage themselves in the ways of sin as others sin as well as I what saith Scripture to this Follow not a multitude to commit iniquity and Though hand Exod. 23. 2. Prov. 11. 21. joyn in hand the wicked shall not be unpunished I may deferre my repentance from youth to old age saith another See what Scripture saith to this Remember thy Creatour in the daies of thy youth c. and Eccles ' 12. 1. Hebr. 3. 15. Rom. 6. 23. To day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts This is but a peccadillo saith another Scripture saith The ways of sin is death Such flatteries and deceits the deceitfull heart of man is apt to gull it self with The power of the word is to such as the voice of God was to Adam Where art thou and then he could lie hid no longer it convinceth and discovers them This is the effect of preaching the word as the Apostie saith If all prophesie to wit of the nature of sin Gods wrath against it and the like as Pareus glosses if there come in one that believeth not he is convinced of all he is judged of all and the secrets of his heart are Mr. Dod. made manifest When a reverend Divine amongst our selves had by a powerfull Sermon convinced a licentious wretch who heard him he fretting and very angry as wicked men cōmonly are at a convincing Minister came to him and charged him with preaching that Sermon against him out of malice and envy he returned him this answer If this Sermon had been preached in the dark when I could not have seen my Auditors this very word of God would have found thee out and convinced thee of thy sins In a word Rectum verum est mensura sui obliqui therefore Scripture containing all fundamental doctrines of faith and essential duties of holiness necessary to salvation must consequently be sufficient to confute and reprove all contrary sin and errour 4. That he may instruct the people and inform them of their whole duty Here they must expect and require their knowledge for The Mal. 2. 7. Priests lips shall preserve knowledge and the people shall require it at his mouth Unless their doctrine distill as the dew the field of the Lord the Church must needs be barren in holiness and fruitless in knowledge This is the last vse the Apostle saith the Scripture is profitable for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for instruction in righteousness 2 Tim. 3. 18. True indeed may the people say it is fit and necessary that Objection Apollos's Ministers should be mighty in the Scriptures but we hope we may be excused from searching the Scriptures it is not our duty we are to expect it from our teachers Indeed this is Rome's language If you were at Rome you might Answer be exempted that Church will gratifie you in this and thank you too they account it no better to suffer lay-men to read the Bible then sanctum canibus margaritas ante porcos projicere it is the expression of Hosius to cast pearles before swine or that which is holy to dogs you are little beholding to them for this But believe it though Antichrist will exempt you from reading the Scripture Christ will not who enjoynes it as a duty upon all to search the Joh. 5. 39. Scriptures and observe the argument he useth to enforce this duty for in them ye think to have eternal life If then you expect any interest in that happiness you are concerned and engaged in this duty of Scripture-search which is both commanded and cōmended in Scripture Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdome Coloss 3. 16. Acts. 17. 11 saith S. Paul and it was the commendation of the Bereans that they searched the Scriptures daily whether the things that Paul and Silas preached were true or no. The Church of Rome accuse and charge this promiscuous searching of the Scripture as the cause of Heresy pride and faction I deny not Scripture misunderstood is sometimes abused to promote these ends but this is not the natural and proper effect of reading the Scripture the ignorance of which if we believe our Saviour is the cause of Heresy and error Ye erre saith Christ to Matt. 22. 29. the Sadduces not knowing the Scriptures and indeed if wee be robbed of the Compass of Scripture we must needs split upon the rock of errour In a word then it is the Tyrannie of Rome to withhold it and it will be your sin to neglect it Application 1. This condemns and corrects that general neglect and undervaluing of Scripture which now Atheisme is justly feared to be growing upon us prevailes in the world men preferring every thing else before this The Papist exalts his unwritten Tradition above the written Word Pari pietatis affectu suscipimus veneramur may seem a modest determination of the Tridentine convention and much less then their practise speaks The Enthusiast magnifies his pretended revelation and Scripture to him is but a dead letter and the searcher of it but literalis and vocalis too But let us return home and see whither we can plead not guilty where are our Nepotians who by diligent perusal of the Scripture make their souls Bibliothecam Christi as Hierom saith of him Where shall we finde an Alphonsus who is reported to have read the Bible ten times over with a comment or like that Transylvanian Prince whom Maccovius reports to have read the Bible over twentie seven times Where shall we finde a David who meditates in the Law of God day and night preferring it before the honey and the honey-combe Psal 19. 10. Psal 119. 72. Job 23. 12. before thoughts of gold and silver or a Job who esteemeth the words of Gods mouth more then his necessarie food Nay have we not many proud cursed Politians who think it a disparagement to their parts and learning to condiscend to the studie of Scripture and as he said think they never spend their time worse then in reading it Do not idle Romances and lascivious Poems and the like take up the most of our youth-studies nay amongst us who look towards the Ministrie doth not a nice and intricate School-man an uncertain Father an antiquated Rabby justle out the Scripture I speak not against those in their due order and measure but I would not have Hagar drive Sarah out of doors I would not have the Hand-maids courted and the Mistress neglected If they be our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 let Scripture be our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Preposterous studying these before we be well grounded and setled in Scripture-knowledge doth oft fill the soule with such
curiositie II. Not the presumptuous searcher of Scripture who would measure all Scripture-mysteries by his own reason and apprehension and neglecting learning of his Christian dutie presumes to examine and thinks to comprehend Gods secret councels and where the Apostle is put to his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he question 's not but he can fathom He is searching more what God decreed from enternitie then what himself ought to do in time It was a good saying of Seneca Nusquam verecundiores esse debemus quàm cùm de Deo agitur Modesty never becomes us better then when we speak of God especially when we seach into his Actings and Councels which it is modesty and pietie to admire boldness and presumption to search too much into which the Apostle calls An intruding into those things he hath not seen vainly puft up by his fleshly minde Coloss 2. 18. III. Not the discoursive searcher who searches into Scripture onely that he may have matter of discourse not that he may have matter to practise and that perhaps scoffingly as that Apostate Julian who said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that he had read understood and contemned the Scripture This is to read it onely as a historie or idlely and vainly jesting with the Scriptures and those searchers have Scripture at their tongues end but not at their hearts which our Saviour reproves here in these Jews who were great searchers of Scriptures verse 28. such who have Bibles in their houses but not the word of God dwelling richly in their hearts as the Apostle commands in Coloss 3. 16. Scripture-discourse is good if it be pious serious and to build up one another but Scripture-practise is better IV. Not the prejudiced opinionated searcher of Scripture who comes prepossessed with an opinion and so prejudiced against the truths of the Gospel and onely searcheth Scripture so far as will comply with and Patronize that opinion Men come possessed with some high notions and phantasies of their own and then they wrest the Scripture and make it stoop to those prepossessions and this is the reason why many men finde so little in Scripture that they finde it very hard to veil and submit their Speculations and Notions to the simplicitie of Gospel-truth V. Not the superstitious searcher of Scripture who rests in the opus operatum the work done such searchers were these Jews who were wont to number the letters in the old Testament and could tell you how oft every letter was used so carefull were they of the Bible that in an heap of books they would not suffer another book to lie on the top of a Bible and if any did by chance let it fall they were certainly punished for it so writes Brentius but this they Brentius in loc 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrysost accounted their righteousness and thought to have life and happiness in the bare reading of the Scripture which was that for which Christ here blames them not that they searched but that they thought to have life by doing it though they neglected and persecuted Christ at verse 40. Plus aequo illis tribuistis saith Grotius They thought if they did enlarge their Phylacteries and read the Law so many times over they were secure of everlasting life VI. Not the careless and irreverent searcher of Scripture who sometimes runs over a few chapters of the Bible as the Papists mumble over their Ave-Maries without any reverent apprehensions of God the Authour of Scripture or minding the matter or mysterie of Scripture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrysost He does not say onely barely Read and know but Search the Scriptures VII Not the carnal secure searcher who comes to the reading of the Scriptures with a resolution to go on in his sins whatsoever the Scripture saith to the contrarie Let Scripture say what it will they will do what they list such as these can read the Promises of God yet remain unbelieving his Threatnings and not tremble his Judgements and with a proud Pharaoh grow harder by them his Commands yet neglect and disobey them that as Noah's unclean beasts in the Ark went in unclean and came out unclean so these come to the reading Scripture and hearing the Word and remain still secure in sin and hardned in their iniquitie as those in Jeremiah 44. 16 17. that told the Propher plainly As for the word which thou hast spoken to us in the name of the Lord we will not hear it VIII Not the the profane searcher of Scripture who searches the Scripture onely to finde what may seemingly be wrested to Patronize his licentious and wicked practises who makes use of Scripture to cover and excuse his wickedness as we read of those Heathens in 1 Maccab. 3. 28. that made diligent search into the book of the Law that they might print thereby the likeness of their Idols so many search the Scripture onely to find something that may favour a corrupt opinion or a licentious practise Thus Julian the Apostate robbed the Christians of all their goods and estates Patronzing that practise by Matth. 5. 3. Blessed are the poor c. not considering what followed and Chemnitius tell us of one who Chemn loc de paupertate reading that place Go and sell all that thou hast went and sold his Bible too saying jam plenè Christi mandato satisfeci And thus indeed do the Papists who never flee to the refuge of Traditions but when the Scriptures fail them And truly there hath been no erroneous principle or wicked practise but hath endeavoured to shrowd it self under protection of the Scriptures and by this means men have been engaged to wresting Scripture to their own and other mens destructions IX Not the partial quarrelsome searcher of Scripture who quarrels with and casts away all Scripture that makes against him and admits onely that which may suit with his corrupt doctrines Such searchers of Scriptures have Hereticks been in all ages Thus Arius wrested the eighth chapter of the Proverbs out of the Canon as speaking of the eternitie of Increated wisdome and so contradicted his blasphemy in denying the Divinitie of Christ It is that which Irenaeus notes as the Genius of all Hereticks Cùm ex scripturis Irenaeus lib. 3. cap. 2. redarguuntur saith he in scripturarum redargutionem convertuntur If Scripture reprove their Heresie they will presently fall out and quarrel with Scripture So the Manichees of old rejected all the Old Testament and Cerinthus all the Gospels but Matthew and the Ebionites all the Epistles and so the Antinomians reject the Law as no part of Scripture or at leastwise not obliging them In a word what Epiphanius of old observed of the Gnosticks we may truely observe of the Hereticks of our times his words are very full and suite with our present Heresies When they finde any thing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Epiphan hares 26. in the Scripture that may make against their opinion then they say That
new Testament to which both Christ and the Apostles oft send Christians and blame them for their ignorance in them Luke 24. 25. Then he said unto them O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken c. Therefore it was the constant practise of Christ and his Apostles to assert their authoritie and confirm their doctrines by the old Testament as in the Text here and he grounds these Jews unbelief upon their not believing Moses verse 46 47 For had ye believed Moses ye would have believed me for he wrote of me But if ye believe not his writings how shall ye believe my words Where Christ confirms his doctrine by Moses who wrote of him This was the Apologie S. Paul made for himself and his doctrine in Acts 26. 22. So our Saviour proves the doctrine of the resurrection by Moses Matth. 22. 31. and the doctrine of his sufferings and resurrection Luke 24. 44 45. And the truth is much of Gospel-doctrine can neither be understood nor proved without the old Testament as that of the Israelites in 1 Cor. 10. 1 2 3 4. whence should Christians understand that but out of the historie of Moses of the Manna the cloud the sea and the rock and especially the epistle to the Hebrews without an exact knowledge of the legal sacrifices priesthood and the like and the lives of the Patriachs mentioned Heb. 11. VI. And lastly To convince the Jews of the truth of Christ our Messiah and satisfie Christians in their temptations concerning it as the fulfilling of the Prophesies the realizing of the Types concerning Christ This Apollos found to be the most convincing way to confute the Jews Acts 18. 28. And there is no other possible way to effect this for the New Testament they reject Reason is no competent judge and cannot fathom the depths and mysteries concerning Christ nor judge of the true Messiah nor can you convince them by the miracles of Christ for they deny them or else impute them to Beelzebub If we would convince them then we must build upon some Principles which they grant otherwise they deny the whole therefore the only way to convince them is to shew the conformitie and agreement of all Christs doings and sufferings to what the Prophets of old foretold of the true Messiah Which course our Saviour himself took to prove himself the true Messiah Luke 24. 44. and therefore the search of the old Testament is much conducible to the strengthning of our faith in Christ against the Jews For when we consider the exact Prophesies of the time of Christs coming Gen. 49. 10. and while the temple stood Hag. 2. 7. the place of his birth by Micah chap. 5. verse 2. born of a virgin Isai 7. 14. the miracles to be wrought by him Isai 35. 5 6. his passion and sufferings Isai 53. these are sufficient when we finde them so punctually fulfilled in Christ to strengthen our faith in him and to convince the Jews of their desperate unbelief therefore those who deny Christians the use of the old Testament rob them of their weapons whereby they should contend for the faith and fight against the enemies of Christ the Jews Fourthly The grounds of this search And these I shall reduce to these four heads I. The Scripture-fulness and sufficiencie and this is clear in the words of the Text In them you may have the knowledge of Christ and eternal life Where we may consider 1. It is a full and perfect foundation of faith as containing all things necessarie to be believed either expresly or by convincing and undeniable consequence So full and perfect it is that it needeth not to be eeked out with unwritten traditions or pretended enthusiasmes and revelations That tradition which brings down and conveys Scripture-truth to us through the successive ages of the Church we cannot cast out but acknowledge as an eminent instance and testimony of Gods Providence and in this sense the Church is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Tim. 3. 15. the pillar and ground of truth In sensu forensi c. Not that it contributes authority to them And in this sence S. Augustines Non credidissem may go for good and currant Divinitie because we could not have had them else So for revelation we acknowledge a spiritual revelation to understand which the Apostle prays for Ephes 1. 17. but any thing additional to Scripture-truth we reject as detracting from the wisdome of God and his revealed truth Observe we what the Apostle saith Gal. 1. 18. If we or an angel from heaven preach any other doctrine He does not say Contra against but praeter beside saies Paraeus Here is enough to bring you to salvation else S. John was out who tells us These things are written that you might believe and believing might have life John 20. 31. and if not sufficient we may say as the disciples Matth. 26. 8. To what purpose all this but when God himself sends us To the Law and to the Testimony Isai 8. 20. and Abraham sends the rich man's brethren to Moses and the Prophets Luke 16. 29. it intimates that here is enough which if known and practised is able to keep them out of hell 2. A full and perfect rule of righteousness No duty which can concern any man in any relations either to God or man but you may have full direction for it in the Scripture Those three words of the Apostle speak the whole duty of a Christian 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 soberly righteously and godly Tit. 2. 11 12. When the Lawyer came to tempt our Saviour with that question What shall I do to inherit eternal life our Saviour sends him to the Scripture What is written in the law How readest thou Observe we what Wisdome saith Prov. 1. 9. My son if thou wilt receive my words and hide my commandments with thee shalt thou understand righteousness and judgement and equitie yea every good path Art thou a Magistrate Scripture tells thee how thou must rule in 2 Sam. 23. 3. He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God Art thou a Father Scripture directs thee in that relation to thy children To bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Ephes 6. 4. Art thou a childe Scripture tells thee how to carrie thy self in that relation Ephes 6. 1 2. Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right c. Art thou a servent Scripture tells thee how to behave thy self in that condition Ephes 6. 5 6. Servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh c. Art thou a Master of a family Scripture shews thee how to behave thy self in that relation Ephes 6. 9. And ye Masters do ye the same things unto them forbearing threatning c. In a word here is direction for every Christian in every condition and relation in which the Scripture is able
Humane writings gain acceptance by the command and Patronage of Great ones as Mahomet's upheld by a continued war Nebuchadnezzar makes a fiery furnace for them who will not bow down to the Image he sets up but here it was quite contrary a furnace fiery tryals and persecutions prepared for them who did receive and profess the word under many Heathen Emperours yet it thrived and the professours thereof multiplied not withstanding all opposition and disadvantages Which certainly even in the conviction of reason speaks the hand of God stretched out to preserve his word and bringing in many to the acknowledgement of it that notwithstanding the opposition these Scriptures have met with from persecuting Emperours cunning Hereticks and at first promulged onely by a few poor fishermen sent out with that commission Matth. 28. 19. to preach a crucified Saviour to an obstinate world that notwithstanding all this I say it should be preserved and propagated speaks it from God as Gamaliel a Pharisee argued Acts 5. 38 39. Had it not been thus from God surely God would long since have stopped the mouths of us Ministers of it as the greatest deluders and impostours in the world whom yet he hath oft miraculously preserved and encouraged and have countenanced the opposers of it whom yet his severest judgements have overtaken witness Antiochus Julian and the rest That the Professours of the Gospel should be as lambs among wolves yet not devoured that persecution should be illecebra magis sectae as Tertullian saies and that it should thrive by Tertull. Apol. cap. 49. opposition this speaks it surely to be from God 6. Consider the confirmation of this word by miracles such as created power could never reach The Apostle indeed foretels the coming of Antichrist to be with many signs and wonders 2 Thessal 2. 9. yea but lying wonders but Scripture-miracles are such as can be effected onely by the arm of omnipotency as Dividing the sea curing one born blinde Feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes Raising the dead from a setled corruption as Lazarus these are such as Antichrist I think never pretended to therefore as the Magicians when they could not do the like miracles as Moses did cryed out This is the finger of God Exod. 8. 19. so we here This is the truth the word of God God would never certainly lay out his power or work miracles to confirm or seal to alye At John 5. 36. our Saviour urgeth this as an argument why his person and doctrine should be entertained 7. Consider Satans enmity against the Scripture His great design is if possible to keep men from the letter of the Scripture to hinder men from an effectual entertainment of the Gospel and therefore hath stirred up in all ages almost Persecutours to oppose it and Hereticks to delude and wrest it It strikes at and threatens ruine to his kingdome therefore he endeavours his utmost to subvert it and therefore all the designs now on foot against the Scripture you must look upon them as the plots of Satan You may read a piece of Philosophy History or any Humane writing and finde little or no reluctancie against the entertainment of it Now why should not men bring as ready a belief to Scripture or entertain the truth of it when they read it surely it is from the Devil tempting them to unbelief even because the God of this world hath blinded their eyes as the Apostle speaks 2 Cor. 4. 4. Tertullian gathered the goodness of the Gospel from this Quòd à Nerone damnatum because it was so persecuted by Nero and we the excellencie of the Scriptures from this because the Devil so much malignes it 8. Consider how it advances God and debases man It gives God the glory of all his Attributes and Works both in the work of Creation and Redemption It gives him the glorie of what we have and do What hast thou that thou hast not received I Cor. 4. 7. there in what we have and in what we do S. Paul acknowledges I Cor. 15. 10. I laboured more abundantly yet not I but the grace of God within me It tells us that of our selves we are not able to think a good thought 2 Cor. 3. 5. yet that we are able to do all things through Christ Phil. 4. 13. Now in Humane writings men seek their own applause and credit and this moves them to write but these writings the glory of God which our Saviour more then once makes the badge of the truth of his doctrine John 7. 19. and John 8. 50. c. Scripture advances God as the first cause and last end And thus having finished the Doctrine I proceed to the Fifth General The Application of it Use First See here the cruel Antichristian tyranny of the Church of Rome which forbids private Christians the use and search of the Scriptures Antichristian surely in this Christ bids Search them for in them ye think ye have eternal life they forbid the search of them for fear of Heresie and Errour The Apostle tells us The Scripture is profitable they say it is pernicious our Saviour would have the light be set upon a càndlestick Matth. 5. 15. they put it under a bushel and so leave the people in darkness How much against nature is it to with-hold milk from a childe so much it is to withhold the sincere milk of Gods word from his children or to send a souldier into the field unarmed how cruel is it So to rob the people of this spiritual armour this sword of the Spirit and expose them naked to the power and fury the delusions and stratagems of Satan As the Philistines out of envy dealt with the wells of water Gen. 26. 15. so do these with the Scriptures they envy the people the water of life therefore stop up these wells of salvation or else throw dirt into them so that the people can have little of the pure water but as it is pudled with the dirt of their traditions or Monkish and Jesuitical glosses and depravations and being thus robbed of the compass of the Scripture they quickly split upon the rock of errour Use Second Hence we learn that they are inexcusable who neglect this duty whom neither the command of God their own good and advantage neither Religion or Policie can prevail with but a few obscene Poets or idle Romances or ridiculous Ballads are more searched by them then the Scriptures Get you Bibles saith S. Chrysostom which are the physick and medicines of your souls Surely the neglect of this is intolerable God hath not over-burthened you with Scripture There are many things that Jesus did which are not written but these are written John 20. 30 31. that is these few It is neither so costly nor dear but the meanest may purchase it nor so voluminous but the most employed may read and search it The motives to it as you heard before are weighty and therefore the neglect of it the more