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A69038 The theatre of Catolique and Protestant religion diuided into twelue bookes. Wherein the zealous Catholike may plainelie see, the manifest truth, perspicuitie, euident foundations and demonstrations of the Catholique religion; together with the motiues and causes, why he should perseuer therin. ... Written by I.C. student in diuinitie. I. C., student in divinity.; Copinger, John, b. 1571 or 2, attributed name.; Colleton, John, 1548-1635, attributed name. 1620 (1620) STC 4284; ESTC S115632 314,600 666

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the order of the tradition which was then deliuered vnto them to whome they comitted the church to the which many nations of those barbarous people that haue beleeued in Christe doe consente without letter or inke hauinge saluation written in in their hartes and keepinge diligentlie the tradition of our elders and soe S. Hier. saith cont Heres 9. The creede of our faith and hope which beinge deliuered by tradition from the Apostles is not written in paper and Incke but in the tables of the hearte and this is in the church booke also wherby wherein shee keepeth faithfully all trueth in the hartes of those to whome the Aposles did preach And therfore S. Paule saith 2. Thes 2.15 Brethren stande hold the tradition which you haue learned whether it be by worde or by epistle not only the thinges written and sett downe in the hollye scriptures but all other truethes and pointes of religion vttered by worde of mouthe and deliuered and giuen by the Apostles to their schollers And so S. Basil saith thus I accompte it Apostolique tradition to continue firmlie euen in vnwritten traditions and to proue this he alleadgeth this place of saint Paule ●n the same booke cap. 17. and saith if wee once goe aboute to reiecte vnwritten customes as thinges of no importance wee shal ere wee beware endamadge the principall partes of our faith and bringe the preachinge of the ghospell to a naked name and so example of these necessarie traditiōs he named the signe of the Crosse prayinge towardes the easte the wordes spoken at the eleuation or shewinge of the holy Euchariste with diuers ceremonies vsed before and after baptisme with three immersions in the fonte the wordes of abrenunciation and exorcismes of the partie that is to be baptised and what scripture saith he taught these and such like None trulie all cominge by secret and silent traditions c. S. Hierome reckneth vpp diuers such like traditions Hieron in dialogo Lucife c. 4. epist com Luci 28. willinge men to attribuit to the Apostles such customes as the Church hath receaued by Christians of diuers Countrie 5. S. August ad Genn saith Let vs holde faste those thinges that are not written but are deliuered vnto vs which beinge generally obserued in all places of the worlde wee must thincke them to come from the Apostles or from the generall councells which oughte to be of greate authoritie in the churche of God and whosoeuer will dispute hereof ought to be counted of most insolent madnes S. Hier. ad Luc. wee must obserue the traditions of our Ancestors S. Paule comaunded vs to submitt our selues to our pastors and teachers S. Augustine saith wee learne by tradition that children in their infancie shoulde be baptized de gen ad liter 101. 23. Tradition caused him to beleeue that the baptized of heretiques should not be rebaptized by tradition onlie he and others condemned Heluidius the heretique for denyinge the perpetuall virginitie of our Ladie and without this noe Arrian noe Macedonian noe Pelagian noe Caluin will will yealde Wee must vse tradition saith Epiph for the scripture hath not all thinges and therfore the Apostles deliuered certaine thinges by tradition S. Iren. lib. 3. 14. saith that in all questions wee must haue recourse to the traditions of the Apostles teachinge vs withall that the waie to true apostolicall tradition and to bringe it to the fountaine is by the apostolicall succession of Bishoppes but especially of the apostolicall church of Rome declaring in the same place that there are manie barbarous people simple for learninge but for constancie in the faith moste wise which neuer had scriptures but learned onlie by tradition Tert. lib de corn reckoneth vpp a great number of christian obseruations or customes as S. Cyprian in mannie places doth whereof in fine he concludethe of such and such If thou require the rule of scriptures thou shalt finde none tradition shal be alleadged the author custome the confirmer and faith of the obseruer Orig. he mil. 5. proueth the same Dyonisius Areopag referreth the oblation and prayinge for the death in the lyturgie or Masse to an Apostolicall tradition Soe doth Tertull Aug. Chrys Damasc alleadge Also wee mighte add that the scriptures themselues euen all the bookes of the Byble be giuen vs by tradition else should wee not take them as they be indeede for the infallible worde of God noe more then the worcks of S. Ignat. S. Aug. S. Dion and the like 6. The true sense alsoe of the scriptures which Catholiques haue and heretiques haue not remayneth still in the Church by tradition the Creede is an Apostolicall tradition Ruff. in expo simb ad principium Hier. Epist. 61. cap. 9. Ambr. ser 38. Aug. de Simb ad Cath. lib. 3. cap. 1. Alsoe it is by tradition wee hould that the holie Ghost is God therfore Macedonius was condemned in the 2. Naz. lib. ● Theol. councell of Constantinople for an heretique for that he denyed the same because in the scripture this name is not giuen vnto him for in the scriptures manny thinges are said to be such by Metaphors which are not soe indeede as that God is a sleepe that he is angrie that he is sorrye although noe such thinge is in God as alsoe manny thinges that are such and yet are not mentioned in the scriptures God to be ingenitus with manny such attributes as Trinitie parson consubstantialitie hypostasis vnto hypostatica homousion and because the Arrians did not yelde vnto the same not findinge them in the scriptures they were in the councell of Nyce condemned for heretiques And althoughe the verie wordes be not in the scripture yet they be collected of the sence of the scriptures And soe S. Cyrill Cyrill l. 1. dialogorū de trinit of that place of scripture Ego sum qui sum I am the same that is doth gather that the sonne is consubstantiall with the father although the worde consubstantiall is not founde in the scriptures So the catholique Church in all ages out of the sense of the scripture doth gather that wee oughte to pray vnto Sainctes to pray for the deade that there is a Purgatorie althoughe the verie wordes themselues be not there And when S. Paule did speake of the holy Eucharist he broughte noe scriptures to proue it I haue receaued of our Lord saith he that I deliuered vnto you he alleadged nothinge but tradition which he had receaued from our Lorde that a woman ought not teache in the Churche that a womān ought to be couered that the man oughte to be bareheadded that the Bishoppe ought to be husband of one wife he alleadginge nothinge but the custome if any man would be captious or contentious he did oppose against thē the custome of the Churche saying wee haue noe such custome nor the Church of God and whosoeuer despiseth these thinges he doth not despise man but God And therfore wee are referred by the holie
heede of a headlonge fall It is true that God hath elected his people before the constitution of the world Rom. 8. accordinge to the Apostle ●●he 1. but he said afterwardes that they should be holie and imaculate in his sight in charitie for in godes predestination are implied and inuolued good life and works of mercie done by godes grace It is an infallible and theologicall rule when God ordaines any end he ordaines meanes without which wee cannot come to that end as God hath ordained his glorie to be the end of man soe he ordained grace and the works done by that grace to be the meanes to obtayne it 3. If a k●nge will make any of his noblemen gouernour or deputie of any prouince or kingdome it must be vnderstood that he must obserue iustice although it be not expressed in his pattent if God doth predestinate vs it must be vnderstood that he should giue vs his grace wherby wee should be iust and worke by that grace and our endeuours our iustification therfore S. Peter 1. Pet. 1. saith Fratres magis satagite vt per bona opera certam vestram vocationem electionem faciatis c. Wherfore brethren labour the more that by good works you may make sure your vocation and election for in doinge these thinges you shall not sinne at any tyme. Was not S. Iohn saued by his innocencie and Peter also saued by his pennaunce for the end of man was neuer ordained without wayes or meanes to come to the said end And therfore you must not saie God hath ordained my end and I will not endeuour my selfe to come to that end otherwise you take awaie the one halfe of predestination that is to say the waie and meanes appointed for the same And therfore S. Gregorie saith Greg 1. Dialog ponitur d. 23. q. 4. 2. Ipsa perennis regni praedestinatio c That euerlastinge and endles predestination of godes perpetuall kingdome so it is of the omnipotent God disposed and determined that vnto the same the electe may approache by their owne labour that they maye aske by their desertes that which the omnipotent God before the world was disposed to giue if you will not goe to hell take away your sinnes and amend your wicked life and thither you shall not goe otherwise ve impis à malo woe be vnto the sinfull through his wickednes and confusion be vnto him for his iniquitie 4. Neither ought wee to saie almightie God knoweth all thinges to come whether I shal be saued therfore I ought not to labour my selfe for my saluation God knoweth that this daie you shal dyne therfore you ought not to prouide for dinner God knoueth that you shal be cured of your disease therfore you ought not to prouide any medecine for your cure God also knoueth that the kinge shall haue the victorie against his enemies that the husband shall haue a good haruest of corne that the mariner shall ariue safe in Spaine that Christ should escape the bloudy handes of Herod therfore neither the kinge should leuie an armie nor the husband man sowe the seede or till the grounde euen so the meanes are to be vsed to purchase the victorie and to fill the barne with corne and to ariue safely in Spaine and to be secure from Herod Vnto this agree the holy scriptures that predestination and godes fore-knowledge takes not away mans free will and endeuours Deus ab initio constituit homiminem reliquit eum in manu consilij c. Eccl. 5. God from the beginninge made man and lefte him at his owne choyce He hath putt before vs his precepts and comaundements if we will keepe the comaundements they will keepe and preserue vs he hath putt before vs fire water vnto which of them we list we may stretch forth our arme for before vs he hath placed both good euill life and death of any of which man may take his owne choyce 5. S. Paule was predestinated yet spareth not to say Castigo corpus meum c. I chastice my bodie and I bringe the fleshe in seruitude to the spiritt least that preachinge to others I should become reprobate my selfe therfore wee may see that our owne good endeuours which godes holie grace doth worke with vs are not excluded from our election but those workes are both the meanes and effects thereof and therfore it is a desperate follie and a great signe of reprobate and damnable persons to saie if I be predestinated doe what I will I shal be saued Did not Christ promise and assure his disciples of the cominge of the holie ghoast notwithstandinge did not those disciples with the deuout weomen and the blessed Virgin continewe together in prayers and fastinge disposinge themselues to receaue the same Actor 1. Neither in their prayers or fastinge did they misdoubt the cominge of the holie ghoast accordinge as our Sauiour promised the same notwithstandinge they knewe that they ought to prepare themselues to be cleane vessells fitt for the receipt thereof Yf the Pope should promise vnto you to fill your vessell full of Balme or Chrisme which are most pretious liquores if you will bringe an vnclean vessell vnto him he will not giue vnto you what was promised for in his promise was included that you should bringe a fitt and cleane vessell to receaue the same Soe Christ notwithstandinge he promised to fill their consciences vnderstandinge memorie and will with the balme of the holy ghoast yet the Apostles ought to haue their consciences and their soules withall the powers thereof cleane and voide of all filth of sinne and wickednes to receaue the same for such as are predestinated are written in a white paper in golden lettres as S. Vincentius saith neither only the persons soe predestinated are written there but also the works and meanes by which they are saued and predestinated videlicet that such people shal be baptized that they shal be mercifull patient chaste godlie and penitent euen soe such as are damned are written in a blacke parchement not only the person but their works by which they be damned and reprobate that is to say that he is cruell leacherous impenitent proude couetous c. Whether the holie scriptures be for protestantes and not for papistes and whether we relie vpon Traditions not warranted by holy Scripure CHAPTER I. 1. S Cyrill doth answere this obiection saying Epist. 28. Omnes haeretici de scriptura diuinitus inspirata sui colligunt erroris occasionem all heretiques do founde their errors vpon the Scriptures which were infused by God which wordes were pronounced in the 7. generall councell and are inserted in the councell of Calcedon S. Augustine also doth confirme the same saying Aug. trac 18. in lo● Non aliunde natas esse haereses quaedam dogmata peruersitatis illaquentia animas in profundum praecipitantia nisi cum scripturae bonae intelligantur non bene
But to those wordes of our Sauiour S. Basill doth aunswere saying Nihil aliud ijs recepi verbis intelligi Bas in Ethicis quam quod humanis traditionibus ad mandatum Dei reprobandum obsequendum non sit that nothinge else is meante by those wordes then that wee ought not obey such traditions as are repugnant to Godes lawes as many obseruations of the Iewes and alsoe of the pharisies were then and the like traditions of heretiques are nowe yet we ought to obey the custome of the church otherwise wee should be counted by the wordes of Christe as Ethnicks and Publicans But the traditions deliuered to vs by the pastors and fathers thereof which are the foundation of our faith and which are not repugnant to Godes precepts nor to his lawes or scriptures but doe rather confirme the same are not meant by those wordes for Godes worde doth not consiste onlie of the scripture Vppon what occasion heraesie did growe but also of tradition for such as were old heretiques did not gainsaie the written word but because they did not beleue the tradition of the church and the definition thereof they were soe counted and accursed 2. That the sonne is of the same substance with the father the catholique fathers haue defined by godes word but because the heretiques did not finde the same written they would not beleue the church which did grant it was nor written but deliuered by tradition Soe as you may see the difference betwixt the heretique and the catholique Felix Pontifex writinge to Benignum 130. yeares before the councell of Nyce saith that it was an Apostolicall tradition that the sonne was of one substance with the father and that the holie Ghoast is to be adored as the father and the sonne and that he is of the same substance with the father and when the same heretiques did aske where it was written the church did answere them that it was deliuered vnto them by tradition which two pointes continued afterwardes by the 2. councell of Nyce and Constinople Articles of faith by traditions Also in the councell of Ephesus that the blessed Virgin Marie should be called the mother of God In the councell of chalcedon that there are two natures in Christe In the 3. councell of Constantinople that there are in him two wills and two operations In the second councell of Nyce against heretiques that the church should vse Images In the generall councell of florence that the holy ghoast proceedeth from the father and the sonne And when heretiques did relie all vpon the scripture the catholique fathers did conuince their interpretation of scriptures by tradition of the successiue doctors and fathers in all ages The tradition also that easter daye should be obserued vpon the sondaie next after vnto the 14. daie of the new Moone as some doe write S. Peter and S. Paule ordained so as in all pointes of doctrine wee recurr to the tradition of our ancestors and when you teache that all thinges are ●on by necessitie not by the free will of man wee recurr vnto the successiue age and wee find out that the first author was Symon magnus next vnto him was Marcion next vnto Marcion was Manichaeus next vnto him was Petrus Adelhardus Next vnto him was Iohn Wicklief Next after whome followed your great master Martyne Luther so that we find in all antiquitie of tymes that this doctrine was detested by the holy doctors that liued in those ages 3. Againe when you obiect vnto vs your tradition of your imputatiue iustice where you say that our faith is imputed vnto vs by the iustice of Christ as if it had bene our owne iustice as also that euery one vnder paine of damnation is bounde to beleue Tradition of protestantes and to be certaine that his sinnes be forgiuen him that he should not mistrust his proper infirmitie therein also that not any one is iustified but he that beleues for certaine that he is iustified and that his iustification and absolution of his sinnes is effected by faith onlie without any relation to the Sacraments and that euerie one is bound to beleue that he is in the number of those that are predestinated and that by all infallible certitude he hath the guifte of perseuerance to be the true seruante of God vnto the last gaspe of his life this and such like wee can not find in the scriptures nor in the fathers nor in the doctors of the churche but rather the contrarie and that which the holie catholique churche calles pennaunce All things peruerted by the protestants you call terror of conscience and that which she calles Sacraments and sacrifice you call it the Lords supper wee search the fathers and wee can finde noe such wordes and although somtimes they make mention of the supper yet more often doe they call the same a sacrifice Did not S. Paule wish Timothy to keepe his depositum to auoide the prophane nouelties of voices and oppositions of false tearmed knowledge For the scripture is not subiecte to loftie skill or arrogant or presumptuous mindes who I pray hath greater skill or knowledge and vnderstandinge of the scriptures then the deuilles and yet it auaileth them nothinge because their mindes are possessed with malice and their hartes are emptie of charitie soe as men doe not sinne so much by the ignorance of the vnderstanding as by the malice of the will Aug. de doctrina Christi an cap. 35. and accordinge to S. Augustine the summe scope of all the scriptures is charity whosoeuer saith he that seemes to vnderstād the scripture or any parcell thereof soe that his vnderstandinge doth not edifie that knott I meane the loue of God and our neigbors he hath not as yet vnderstoode the scriptures 4. Now all your manner of administration and ministerie is your owne tradition and inuention without scripture or warrant of godes worde but the traditions of the Apostles and ancients and all the preceptes of holie churche were comaūded to be kepte and they are not prescribed by man only but are made by the holie ghoast ioyninge with our pastors in the regimente of the faithfull Luc. 2.37 Matt. 18. where Christe saith he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me they are made by our mother the churche which whosouer obeieth not wee are warned to take him as a heathen 2. Cor. 3. S. Paule willed the people to keepe the decrees that were decreede by the Apostles and auncientes at Ierusalem he commaunded the people to keepe the precepts of the Apostles You are saith he written in our hartes not written with Incke but with the finger of the holy ghost S. Paule wrote many thinges not vttered in any epistle as some of the Apostles wrote the christian religion in the hartes of their hearers Wherfore Ireneus saith Iren. l. 3.4 what if the Apostles also had lefte noe scriptures ought wee not to followe
scriptures to our auncestors to aske knowledge of them Interroga patres tuos Deut. 32. Eccles 8. dicent tibi c. aske thy Fathers and they shall declare vnto thee and thy auncestors Eccles 8. and they will tell thee Non te praetereat narratio seniorum ipsi enim c. Omitt not to heare thine elders for they haue learned of their parents that of them you may learne vnderstandinge Prou. 2● Non transgrediaris terminos antiquos quos posuerunt parentes Doe not you transgresse the old limittes which your parēts haue prescribed Are not the Rechabites praised for followinge the tradition and preceptes of Ionadab Haec dicit Deus exercituū Hier. 35.18 pro eo quod obedistis praecepto Ionadab patris vestri c. Thus saith the Lord of hoastes because that you haue obeyed the precepte of Ionadab your father and haue kepte all his commaundements therfore the Lord of hoastes the God of Israell saith there shall not faile one of the stirpe of Ionadab the sonne of Rechab that shall stande in my presence 7. In the dolfull and damnable debate and discorde that Martyne Luther Caluine and others haue raised vp by which they plunged themselues and the worlde into such an intricat laberinth of errors and heresies where shall the poore silly sheepe haue resolution of their doubts but of their parentes and pastors which God hath placed in his churche to gouerne and directe his flocke from all errors shall not the children beleeue their fathers and the sheepe their pastors Wee must not only flie vnto the scriptures as S. Vincentius Lyrinensis saith Vincent 9 ●eres c. 1. but vnto traditiō of the catholique church notwithstandinge saith he in that place that the scriptures are of themselues sufficient yet saith he because all men doe not conceaue the loftines of the scripture a like but accordinge to euery mans phantasticall censure and humorous passion as soe many heades soe many mindes for men as they be deuided in sects or factions soe they deuide the sense of the scriptures Nouatianus Photinus Sabellius Donatus Arrius Eunomius Macedonius Apollinaris Priscilianus Iouianus and Pellagius haue eche of them grounded their proper heresies vpon the scripture Nan videas eos volare per singula quaeque sanctae legis volumina sacrae scripturae You may see them flie ouer all the bookes of the holie lawe both in publique and priuate in their sermons in their bookes in their banquettes in tauernes in the streate nothinge did they euer produce which was not shadowed by the scriptures for they knewe verie well that their errors coulde neuer be pleasing vnto the people without the scriptures with which as with sweete water they sprinckle the same euen as soure drincke is tēpered with sweet honny so as when children drincke therof hauinge once felte the sweetnes they haue noe loathsomnes of it though neuer soe bitter But the more scripture they bring the more wee ought to feare them saith S. Vincentius and to shunne them Magnopere curandum est in ipsa Ecclesia Catholica vt id teneamus quod vbique quod semper quod ab omnibus creditum est For in the catholique church wee must alwayes beware that wee keepe that which is beleeued alwayes euerie where and of euerie body haec est verè propriè Catholica which is properlie and trulie catholique And in the 9. chapter he saith Quo quisque religiosior est eò promptius nouellis adinuentionibus contrariatur the more vertuous that a man is the more prompte ready he opposeth himselfe against newe inuentions and soe he saith our maister S. Stephen in his epistles to the Bishoppes of Affricke touching rebaptisinge of infants that were baptized by heretiques nihil innouandum est nisi quod traditum est Apud Cypri li. 2. cap. 7. the good and religious man would haue vs children to inuente noe religion but what wee haue receaued of our fathers and whose steppes he would haue vs to followe in all thinges 8. This said author expoundinge 1. Timoth. depositum custodi keepe in depositum what I haue left in your custodie the religion and the obseruation thereof that I deliuered vnto you shunninge prophane noueltie of voices he doth not saye shunn antiquitie or ancientie or continuance but noueltie and innouation of thinges nam si vitanda est nouitas tenenda est antiquitas c. For if wee oughte to auoide noueltie wee shoulde imbrace antiquitie if noueltie be a prophane thinge antiquitie is a sacred thinge keepe the depositum saith he which is giuen vnto thee and to the whole church to be kepte from theeues and enemies least they should sowe cockell or darnell amoūgest the cleane wheate The depositum which you haue receaued not which you haue inuented The depositū which is not coyned by thy witt but deliuered by my doctrine Not any mans priuate vsurpation but the common and vniuersall tradition in which you are not the author but the keeper not the institu●or but the follower not the mayster but the disciple The depositum saith he Catholicae fidei talentum keepe the talent of the catholique religion vnspotted Exod. 36. inuiolable and vndefiled by you saith he the rosarie of the spirituall tabernacle Pretiosas diuini dogmatis gēmas exculpe fideliter comptè Vincētius cap. 27. ado●●a sapienter adijce splendorem gratiam venustatem do you garnish turne faithfully and adorne with the pretious Iewell of the diuine decree doe you add therunto splendor grace and beautie 6. All this I haue alleadged out of Vincentius Lyrinensis word by word for his whole booke against heresies hath noe other obiecte but the tradition of our auncestors by which he confuteth and conuinceth the prophane noueltie of heretiques and their arrogant insolent ostentation of scriptures vpon which they grounde all their hereticall cauillation which as all our forfathers before vs soe wee after them doe finde by experience that the interpretation and meaninge thereof as they doe produce them is of greater difficultie then the controuersie it selfe the fathers did vrge them with a shorter way by askinge Hil. 2. ad Const Aug. lib. ● de trinitate cap. 3. quid prius posterius what is first and laste for that heresie is grounded in noueltie and euer cometh after the Catholique trueth first planted And for that euerie heresie pretendeth his heresie to be auncient and from the Apostles the fathers doe alleadge that this trueth muste not onlye be eldeste but also must haue continewed from tyme to tyme at the leaste with the greatest parte of Christians Tertul. li. aduers prax c. 20 And therfore Tertulian saith lib. De praescriptione quod apud multos vnum inuenitur non est erratum sed traditum that wherin moste men doe agree vppon it is not an erronious opinion but a common tradition For the Church of God is a most liuely ghospell for with the Apostles there was the Church of
Christe before the ghospell was written sith none of the Euangelists did write vntill 18. yeares after Christs assention With Abraham Isaacke Iacob was a true Churche in the faith of one creator and redeemer to come when there was noe scripture Moyses the first that wrot Euseb li 9 c. 4 li. 10 cap 3 praeparationis Euangelicae for Moyses was the first that comitted the word of God to inke and paper hauinge written the same in the Hebrewe tounge which was the first that inuented characters or letters as Eusebius doth wittnesse c euen by the testimony of prophane writers themselues and haue taught the people beinge rude and ignorante to vse them Moyses beinge dead Cadmas in the daies of Iosue did firste inuente greeke characters 10. The holy scriptures doe testifie as also prophane histories Ioseph 1 ●pionem grammaticam Iosue c. 15 Iudic. 1. that learninge and philosophie came from the Phenicians Assirians Chaldeans and Aegipte vnto Greece and the same doth Iosephus teach The first vniuersitie that euer was was Cariath Sopher in the lande of Canaan in Asiria it was called the cittie of learninge neere vnto the cittie of Hebron longe after the Gretians begann to haue lettres and learninge and Origines saith none amoungest the Grecians did register or write any thinge of the actes or monuments of the Grecians before Homer and Hesiodus which were 400. yeares after Moyses and if there were any thing written of the Assyrians or of the Phenicians before Moyses they did perishe the holie scriptures by godes diuine prouidence beinge reserued safe and before any scripture there was the Church for betwixt Moses and our first Father was more then 2. thowsand yeares in all which time there was noe lawe written but the lawe of nature the word of God which he signified vnto Adam Noe Abraham or what otherwise he did inspire into the hartes of the Patriarches by tradition onlye it came to the posteritie and to Moyses himselfe soe as tradition was before the scripture more then 2000. yeares the lawe of grace which was by a liuely voice deliuered by Christe to his Apostles was not written by him nor commaunded by him to be written and therfore shall not the Christians beleue the same because he commaunded not it should be writtē or should the Christians which did beleue the Apostles before the same lawe was written be reputed fooles for beleeuinge the same before it was written For our Sauiour did not say Scribite Euangelium sed praedicate Euangelium omni creaturae write the ghospel but preach the ghospel to all creatures how many thowsandes be there in the worlde that cannot write nor read the scriptures and yet shall they not beleue them deliuered vnto them by the tradition and preachinge of the church sicut praedicauimus sic credidistis 1. Cor. 15. saith the Apostle as wee haue preached soe you haue beleued he did not say as wee haue written 2. Tim 3. Tu vero c. Doe you abide in those thinges that you haue learned knowinge or whome you haue learned them Act 15. 1. Cor. 11 soe it seemeth good to the holly ghoaste and vs if any man be contentious wee haue noe such custome He did not obiect scripture but custome and tradition 2. Thes 2 Horm in diacetis Cap 25. q. 1. therfore he said state in side stande fast to your faith and keepe the traditions Therfore it is inserted in the Cannons of Hormista prima salus est rectae fidei regulam custodire in constitutis patrum nullatenus deuiare it is the beginning of our saluation to obserue and keepe the rule of right faith and not to goe one steppe away from the decree and ordinance of our ancestors Certaine obiections answered against traditions taken out of the first Chapter of S. Paule to the Galathians CHAPTER III. 1. ALthough saith S. Paule wee Galat. 1. or an Angell from heauen euāgelize beside that which wee haue euangelized to you be he anathema or accursed This verie place is cited by S. Athanasius in the defense and confirmation of traditions sayinge If any man will cite out of scriptures any texte againste the decree or determinations of the churche and councells let him be accursed and although he alleadge all the scripture in the worlde against that which alreadie wee haue receaued wee must not beleeue him for children as Athanasius saith ought not to iudge of the decree of their parentes vnles they would haue themselues to be bastardes 2. Yet notwithstandinge wee must distinguishe the wordes of S. Paule which may be vnderstoode two manner of wayes as S. Augustine hath vnderstoode the same saying Aug. trac 96 super Iohn Aliud est euangelizare preterquam quod accepistis aliud est euangelizare plusquam accepistis euangelizare preterquam accepistis est transgredi regulam fidei recedere a via euangeliij semel per Apostolos praedicata for it is not all one to say to euangelize otherwise then you haue receaued and to euangelize more then you haue receaued for to euangelize otherwise thē you haue receaued is to transgresse the rule and limittes of faith and to departe from the decree of the Apostles which is a detestable thinge and therfore to euangelize more then you haue receaued is not S. Paules meaninge otherwise he should be repugnante to himselfe who desired to come to Thessalonica that he might supply what was defectiue and lackinge of other mens faith For when the Apostles vttered these wordes from Ephesus to Galatia the ghospells of the 4. Euangelistes were not written and specially the ghospell of S. Iohn For it is not all a like the ghospell and the writtinge of the ghospell the first that was written was the ghospell of S. Mathewe and S. Luke did supplye what was wanting of the same and S. Iohn in his ghospell did add in many thinges which was not writen in the other 3. Euangelistes And soe S. Paule himselfe in his Epistles did expresse many thinges which were not soe plaine in anye of the ● Euangelistes 3. Lastlie accordinge to the declaration of al● the doctors of the church especially Ireneus Tertulian Cyprian Hierom Augustine and others many thinges were deliuered vnto vs by the tradition of the Apostles which are not expreslie and maninifestly in the scriptures Basil in homil Sabel Arc. And therfore S. Basil saith Te paratum reddat traditio Dominus ita docuit Apostoli praedicauerunt patres custodierunt confirmauerunt martyres c. Let tradition please thee wee are soe taught by our Lord the Apostles haue soe preached vnto vs the fathers haue soe kepte the same and the same was confirmed by the Martyrs And in another place he further saith Basil ep ad Antiochenum Ecclesiae Fidem nos neque ab alijs scriptam nobis recentiorem susceptimus neque ipsi mentis nostrae germina tradere audeamus wee neither receaue a later faith written for
vs all feare of God or of hell and soe giueth a scope to all mischeefe That the comaundements pertaines not to the christians That there is noe sinne but incredulitie and that all are deceaued if they thincke to be saued by good woorcks with many such vild and absurde doctrines which make a man careles of his saluation rechles of his behauior and nothinge willinge to doe anny good when neither he that doth them is not recompensed or rewarded or God offended or displeased by the saide doings For as by the catholique religion Christ reformed the wicked inclination of man gaue hoalsome precepts and councells to amend his desolute misdeamenor instituted also Sacramēts to cure all diseases of our soules and to purge our conscience from all filth of sinne now by these carnall and wicked doctrine all ragged conuersation and discomposed misbehauiour is reuiued and as Ouid saieth I● quorum subiere locum fraudesque dolique Metamorphose Insidiaeque vis a●●● sceleratus habendi In place of simple dealinges and honestie Were brought into the world by heresie ●eceite couetousnes and leacherie 18. The 12. note is the perfecte rule that the Catholique church Io. 20. Luc. 10. Matt. 23. Matt. 19. Iacob 4. and Catholique● haue to direct them in their faith for the church of Christe hath the holy ghoaste to instruct her in all trueth and to guide her from all errors Iohn 14.16 and wee Catholiques beleeuinge the church as wee are taughte in the Creede when wee saye I beleeue in the holy Catholique church obeyinge her in all thinges as wee be comaunded by our Sauiour wee cannot be deceaued by her nor is it possible we can offend God in submittinge our selues to her doctrine Matt. 18.3 Reg. 4. Actor 15 beinge comaunded by God to hearcken to her and as Rebeca vnder tooke for Iacob to rid him of his fathers malediction if he should followe her aduise soe the Catholique church which Rebecca figured shall deliuer vs from the enormitie of godes malediction if wee shall obey her But the protestants haue noe rule of their faith for they doe not beleeue the churche neither the traditions and generall councells thereof neither the auncient holye doctors of the same The onlie rule they as themselues saie is the scripture But this is noe certaine rule for that wee are bounde to beleeue manny thinges which be not in the scripture Matt. 13. Hebr. 13. yea that which the scripture doth teach the contrarie as the obseruation of the saboath daye and thinges strangled Againe in many places the holy scripture doth wante explication of manny thinges 2. Petr. 3. for saint Peter saith that the epistles of saint Paule are verie hard to be vnderstoode which the vnlearned and vnstable depraue as alsoe the reste of the scriptures to their owne perdition Alsoe all heretiques doe alleadge the scriptures for themselues as saint Augustine sayes Aug. li. 1. de Trin. Hier. aduersus Lucifer for as saint Hierom saith the scripture doth not consiste in readinge but in the sense and vnderstandinge thereof and as for the vnderstandinge and sence of the same there may be a thowsand controuersies as for the trewe sense of these woordes Hoc est corpus meum this is my bodie I am sure Luther and Caluine are against one another touchinge the sense a and meaninge of those woords Therfore S. Augustine saith he would not beleeue the ghospell had he not bene moued therunto by the auctoritie of the churche 19. Soe as these protestants forsakinge the church they haue noe rule of their faith as may appeare by the deadly contention and debate which is daily betwixt them as betwixt Lutherans Caluinists and Anabaptistes for they charge on an other with heresies soe as each of these sectes is diuided into manny sectes for there are 13. sects of Lutherans differinge in opinions one from the other Also amoungest the Caluinists there are many as the world can tell for some of them would haue the kinge to be supreame head of the church others doe repine against it as the puritans doe The Anabaptistes are diuided vnto 14. sects and eche of them haue seuerall and contrarie opinions touchinge the principall pointes of their faith how can two lawiers pleadinge one against the other and ech of them alleadginge lawe for himselfe determine the righte of the cause and the sincere meaninge of the lawe without there were some iudge vnto whome they should referr the controuersie to be decided and debated And because these sectaries will haue noe other iudge but the scripture ech one alleadginge and interpretinge the sense thereof accordinge to his priuate opinion and corrupt affection their controuersie can neuer be decided nor their faith can neuer be setled or made certaine 20. The 13. note is the lawfull authoritie and mission of catholique pastors and preachers whereof the Protestants are wholie destitute no heretique being euer able to shew his next predecessor For as the holie doctors affirme There is no accesse to God but by Iesus Christ No accesse to Iesus Christ but by the church No accesse to the church but by the Sacraments No accesse to the Sacraments but by a Priest None can be a Priest vnles he be ordained by a Bishopp Neuer was there lawfull Bishopp ordained out of the catholique roman church Wherfore as saint Ierom said vnto his aduersarie you are out of the communion of the church of Iesus Christ because you haue not a priest of the order of the Mediator This marke of the vocation and perpetuall succession of pastors in the church of Christ hath euer ben most terrible vnto all heretiques for euen as Baptisme is the only doore to enter into all other Sacraments a Sacrament not reiterable and whose character is indellible euen so this Sacrament of holie Orders and of entring into steward-ship ouer the flock of Iesus Christ was ordayned by our Sauiour as necessarie for distinguishing and discerning such as be vsurpers and robbers from true and lawfull pastors then the other of Baptisme to knowe and discerne sheepe from Wolues and Christs flock from the troupes of infidels 21. This argument doth so gaule and pinche the Protestants that they are forced to fetch all the authoritie they haue for their vocation only from the temporall prince alledging the wordes of saint Paul that all authoritie is from God then saint Matth. that wee must giue vnto Cesar that which is Cesars then saint Peter that wee should be subiect to euerie humaine creature for godes sake all which places aswell the puritantes as the Catholiques doe interprete and vnderstand of temporall authoritie only for gouerning the common wea●th and not of spirituall direction and instruction of our soules in articles of our faith and saluation for that all Princes and kinges were then and 300. yeares after Christs passion infidels and especially the Romaine Emperor of whome this was principally intended Otherwise saint Peter and the Apostles who were
the body in which it is norished a certaine disease that doth penetrate the intralles and doth corrupt and infest the soules of Christians and not only doth kill with her touche as the Viper doth or with her sighte as the Basilike or with her belching as the dragon but after all these fashions and many more doth destroy confounde and cast away all that approache it neither is there any other remedie but to flie nor any other refuge then to departe from such a one as is intangled with it no other security then to be far from such an infernall and contagious mischeefe which with the name of Christe destroieth Christ in our hartes and vnder the pretence of faith destroyeth faith And S. Augustine saith let euery Catholike flie and abhor them with whom the Church communicateth not for we ought not saieth he to haue parte with them that haue no participation with themselues and which are not vnited to the body of the whole Church and to conclude with our Sauiour one should neuer otherwise accompte of them then as of heathens and publicans and his holy Euangelist S. Iohn forbiddeth vs to salute them 11. Therfore gentle Reader these be sufficiēt reasons wherfore we should be loath to dispute with Protestantes which through their fall from godes Church are voide of all humility intoxicated with pride and are so blinded with malice that they cannot learne or imbrace the trueth or haue any trewe wisdome For as the holly scripture saith into a malicious soule wisdome shall not enter For in all ciuill conuersation or disputation especially in matters of religion we should intend nothinge els but the consolation of our soules and the edification of our neighbours and as the Apostle saith Non nosmetipsos sed Iesum Christum praedicamus not our selues or our owne glory should we ayme at but that of Christ Iesu whose cote without seame is rente in peeces by so many wilfull inuēted opinions of protestāts whose mysticall body I meane his Church is despised forsaken persecuted the fruite of whose doctrine and the proiect of their strange deuises tendes to nothinge els then to shake the very pillars stroungest foundations and fortresses of all Christianity and at lenght to bringe in all coldnes and doubtfulnesse in our beleefe and misbeleefe in the principaleste misteries in our Catholike religion plaine Athesime and confusion of all Christian piety a gate for all disorders and dissolution of life and manners a shipwreacke of Conscience and other marckable and sutable effectes to their doctrine and behauiour which are practised by them daily in all places where they beare sway And although euery man as S. Naz. saith may thinke of God but not euery man dispute of him so euery man ought not to dispute or doubte of the cheefest misteries of Catholike religion but beleeue them simply with the vniuersall Church which is accordinge the Apostle the firmamente and foundation of trueth and therfore can not in any sorte deceaue vs. Lib. I. CHAPTER I. WHether the Religiō which Protestants professe be a newe Religion or whether the Romish Religion be new and that of the Protestants be ancient and ould CHAPTER II. The occasion of Luthers and of other heretiques fal from the Catholike Church fol. 13 CHAPTER III. By what deceite hypocrisie and dissimulation this heresie crept in to other Countries by what periurie and forgerie they were deluded by it and what destruction and desolation it brought with it fol. 21 CHAPTER IV. That heresies are the cause of Reuolutiō of Countries and destruction of state fol. 30 CHAPTER V. A prosecution of the laste Chapter that heresies are the causes of troubles and disquiettnes fol. 49 CHAPTER VI. That God doth extende the rodde of his wrath vpon Princes and common welthes infected with heresies fol. 43 CHAPTER VII Of the miserable death and endes of such as deuised and defended the protestant Religion as also other heresies fol. 61 Lib. II. CHAPTER I. Whether there be nothing that the Protestantes affirmatiuely beleeue confesse and professe but the Church of Rome doth beleeue the same and cannot be denied by Catholiques but that they are most auncient and consonant to the word of God fol. 71 CHAPTER II. A further Confirmation that these new ghospellers tende directly to Turcisme f. 83 CHAPTER III. Whether Papist Priestes do amisse in taking any thinge for their Masses fol. 86 CHAPTER IV. Of prayinge vnto Saints And whether the Church doth offend in praying vnto them fol. 91 CHAPTER V. Whether Papistes doe err in worshipping and adorning the reliques of Saints whether they sell their Masse and praiers for tēporall gaine fol. 102 CHAPTER VI. Whether Papists do commit Idolatrie in worshipping the Crosse of Iesus Christ f. 129. Lib. III. CHAPTER I. Whether Papistes blaspheme against God in sayinge that any man can merite fol. 150 CHAPTER II. Protestants say that a Christian though neuer so vertuous or so acceptable to God hath no grace or vertue inherent in him because they would haue no good acte to come from man by reason of that grace fol. 157 CHAP. III. In that heretiques reprehend the Catholique Church yea cōdemne her of great folly for endeuouring her selfe to receaue godes graces they by this meane take away free will from man and all due preparation and disposition to receaue godes grace and diuine influence fol. 161 CHAP. IV. Whether we derogate from the merites of Christ in making our merites partakers of his merits fol. 169 CHAP. V. The absurdity of this doctrine that euerie one should assure himselfe that he it predestinated vnto life euerlasting and that we ought to be as certaine thereof as we should not once feare the contrary or to misdoubt the same is discussed fol. 186 Lib. 4. CHAP. I. Whether the holy scriptures be for Protestantes and not for Papistes and whether we rely vpon traditions not warranted by holy Scripture fol. 193 CHAP. II. Whether euery man ought to be iudge of the scripture and rely altogether vpon his owne iudgement touching the interpretation therof being inspired by the holly ghost concerning the same fol. 208 CHAP. III. How heretiques would faine take away all tradition alleadging for their purpose that of S. Math. 15. In vaine you worship me teaching for doctrine mens precepts fol. 213 CHAP. IV. Certaine obiections answered against traditions taken out of the first Chapter of S. Paule to the Galathians fol. 231 CHAP. V. Whether we prohibit the scriptures to be translated into the vulgar tounge fol. 234 CHAP. VI. Whether we forbid the ignorante to pray in a languadge which they vnderstand f. 240 CHAP. VII Whether a man ought not to pray either by himselfe or by another but in a language he vnderstandeth fol. 251 Lib. V. CHAP. I. Whether the Church vniuersall can be charged with errors contrary to the first institution of the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist fol. 259 CHAP. II. Whether the Catholique Church doth add to this Sacrament in making it
destroied by the heresie of Pelagius giue a Moncke of Bangor for chastisment wherof almightie God suffred the Englishmen to turne the edge of their sworde vppon those that sent for them for their defence Vortiger was the leader of the Church when old Britans weare destroyd and dispossessed them of their Countrie and made themselues Lord thereof called Brittanie Englande by their owne name soe that heresie did soe increase in that kingdome about the tyme that S. Gregorie did send S. Augustine and other holy mounckes thither to preach the Catholick faith therein that 9. hereticall bushoppes beinge there before them no one catholick bishopp was found Ireland alsoe when the Englishe in kinge Henry the 2. gott footinge therein did little esteeme the sacred censure of holly Church Bern. in vita Malachiae Dolman Lib. 2. and the noblemen of that kingdome did vsurpe Church liuinges as may appeare by S. Bernard Edward the 3. beinge a most glorious kinge his end was pittifull his heire kinge Richard after infinitt sedition contention and blood-shedd of the nobilitie and others was deposed and made away the bloody diuision of the howse of lancaster yorcke came in and endured almoste one hundreth yeares with the ruyne not only of the royall lyne of Lācaster by whom especially Iohn Wittcliffe a peruerse hereticke condemned in the Councell of Constance was fauored at the beginninge but with the ouerthrowe of many other Princes and families and most pernicious warres and garboyles continued both at home abroade with the losse of all the states and Prouinces of France Thomas Walsingham settes downe the Commotion of King Richard the 2. his time againste the nobilitie and Cleargie vnder their seditious Captaines Iacke Strawe Watt Tyler and the rest soe againe vnder other kinges whilest this heresie lasted and namly against the two most valiant Catholicke Princes Henry the 4 and 5. his sonne in the first yeare of whose rayne to witt kinge Henry the fift Iohn Stowe wryteth thus That the fauorers of Wi●cleefe his secte did nayle vpp scedulles vpon the Church doores of London containinge that there were an hundreth thousand readie to rise against all such as could not awaye with their secte The first tumu●tes of Pollardes and Wicliffians in England were Anno 1414. and hereon followed the open rebellion of Sr. Iohn old Castle and Sr. Roger Acton and others in S. Giles f●lde by Holborne neuerthelesse this secte could neuer take hold or preuaile in England neither then or after vntill foure pointes thereof beinge renewed by Luther and Zuinglius the later I meane Zuinglius his secte was admitted in kinge Edward h●s dayes 5. Did not the kinge of Denmarke bringe the people of Thretmarse which were a free state into a vilde thraldome after they were Lutheranes whereas as longe as they were Catholicks they were a free state of their owne Ces to 4. An Christi 379. S. Amb. in libris ad Gratianū Caes Baro. to 4. 379. S. Ambrose also doth proue the same as Caesar Baronius doth alleadge and saith Vna cum haeresi in regna cladem inuehi cum fide catholica salutem ferri c. that noe sooner heresie was broughte in then presentlie the kingdomes where it crepte in were ouerthrowen and quickly destroied and were againe restored and established by Catholique religion This he spake of the Empire of the easte sicque in occidente accumulari victorijs Gratianum that in the weast by the Catholique religion Gratianus the Emperor did encrease in many victories Cum in castris excubant cum gratia atque precibus Sacerdotum sancta religio when the priestes in the Campe did watch in prayers and other exercises of sacred religion Contrariewise you shall see the happie and florishinge Empire to decay and cast topsie turuie when the Emperor did fauor heretiques or at leaste when they were slacke in defendinge the Catholicque religion adeo saith he vt perspicuè intelligas claram victoriam religionem penitus consequi hereses tristes erumnas euocatas ab inferis secum ducere soe as you may plainly perceaue that by religion victorie was gotten and alsoe by heresie woe and wreake and all other dolfull calamitie and hellish confusion was broughte to the wo●lde The like assertion hath holie Basill Basil ep 69 Caes Bar. to 4. An. Christi 363. quod enim comune est ciuitatibus omnibus vt cum semel hereticis aurem praebent mox vna cum heresi dissentiones rixae ac mala omnia sugata recta ●ide paceque subintrent ita planè Neocesarientibus accidit that which is incident to all Citties when once they giue eare vnto hereticques presently trewe faith beinge once abandoned dissentions debates and all other mischeefes will creepe in as wee see an euident example to those of Noecessaria what heresie saith he but which was contraire to the traditions of S. Gregorie the greate his wordes be these aduersaria traditioni magni reuera Gregorij 6. tomo 4. An. Christi 371. many heresies in the East The like miserie yow may read by the Epistles of those holy Sainctes videlicet Mile●ita●us Eusebius and Basilius to the Bushoppes of Italie and France and related by Caesar Baronius in which he wrote as followeth Miserandus status orientalis ecclesiae c. The state of the Easte Church is to be pitted for not onlie two or three Churches haue fallen vnto this dangerous tempest but that mischeefe of heresie hath extended her selfe from the bondes of Illi●ia vnto Tebaira the seede of which was first sowed by Arrius and afterwarde was gathered by wicked people who haue broughte forth wicked and pernitious fruites and discipline and doctrine of pietie and goood life is ouerthrowen all bondes and obligation of honestie and charitie is confounded and decaide none hath sway ouer others but he that is most wicked whose rewarde is the gouernment of others and he that exceedes others in blasphemies exceedes all in the episcopall dignitie The grauitie of Bishopps is lost the honestie of Pastors is gone the holy Canons of the Church are troade vnderfoote the releefe of the poore is altogether abused to their filthie vse The occasions of all such mischeefes are laide open by Saincte Optatus Milenitanus who hauinge reckoned the bloody and cruell actes of the heretickes called Donatistes he applied that place of the scripture vnto them Veloces pedes eorum ad effudendum sanguinem Cruelty of heretiques Mauritaniae videl the sea coast of Affrique next vnto Europe their feete are verie swifte to shedd blood And then addeth In Maritaniae ciuitatibus c. In the Citties of Mauritania by your procuremente they were affrighted with many garboiles Children were kilde in their mothers bellies men were murthered and torne in peeces matrons were violated infantes were slaine by riping vp their mothers bellies behould this your Church which was mantained vpholden by cruell and bloody Bishoppes whose greatest furie and vildest facte although in their estimation
and tremblinge at his wordes and speeches Whether euery man ought to be iudge of the scripture and to rely altogether vpon his owne iudgment touching the interpretation therof being inspired by the holly ghoast concerning the same CHAPTER V. 1. THis is the assersion of William Whitakers in his booke against Cardinall Bellarmin for that saith he councells fathers and popes be men And the scripture auerreth all men to be lyeares and so no man can be assured his faith to be certaine and infallible Wherto I answer that no priuat man can be assured of the certitude of an infallible faith and therfore nott of the good spiritt rather then of the badde by whose suggestiō many are intoxicated with dangerous and damnable opinions for according to the Apostle 2. Corint Sathan often times transfigureth himselfe into an Angell of light and the fore the holy scripture willeth vs 1. Ioh. 4. Th 4. to be very carefull in discerning of the spiritts and nott to beleue euery spiritt for it is the holy catholicke church that wee ought to beleue and obey 1. Tim. 3. which the scripture beareth wittnesse to be the piller and firmament of trueth but it giueth no certitude or euidence of any priuat spiritt or pecular iudgment of any one in particuler and therfore the holy councell saith It seemeth good to the holy ghost and to vs Act. 15. which holy ghoast is said to be nott with euerie particuler man but with the church in generall and with those that haue charge and direction therof Ero vobiscum vsque ad consummationem seculi euen to the consummatiō of the world Matt. 28. And vnto S. Peter his successors is said I haue praid for you that your faith may not fayle Luc. 22. and seeing this priuiledg is giuen to S. Peter for the good of the church as the first and cheefe pastor therof vnder Christ and to no other in particuler as long as the church shall continewe the praiers and intercession of Christ shal not be frustrated And therfore S. Cypriā affirmeth the fountaine of all heresies to haue proceeded for that one priest for the time being one iudg for the time being vnder Christ is not regarded For which way saith he can heresies be preuented that they spring nott or being sprong already that they be nott extended or encreased wher there are so many masters as disciples so many iudges as barristers And for this cause S. Hierom saith against Iouinian amoungest 12. one is chosen that a cheef being ordained occasion of scisme should be taken away 2. The tables of both the testaments referred vs ouer to no particuler iudgment but altogether to the small decree and arbitrement of the high priest Deut. 17. as it is saied If there be any hard or doubtfull iudgment amongest you goe to the priest of the Leuiticall stocke and to the iudge that shall be ordained for that time and he shall enforme you of the trueth Whose lippes according to Malachias Mal. 2. shall keepe wisdome because he is the angell of the Lord of hoastes if he will not hearken vnto the Church Matt. 18. lett him be vnto you an ethnick and a publican And in the newe testament our Sauiour appointed one pastor aboue the rest vnto which he hath committed the feeding of his flocke which should haue beene friuolous if the flocke would nott receaue food from him Ephes 4. Afterwards he ordained pastors and doctors in his church which should be also a friuolous ordinance if euerie one should be a proper pastor and doctor to him self And although councells fathers and popes are men so the testimonies of the scriptures may also be taxed with the imputation of humane errors so were the Apostles and prophets men also yett wee ought to beleue them because the holly ghost was not a lyar that spake in them And so the ecclesiasticall councells fathers and popes being lawfully assembled together and assisted by the holly ghoast Matt. 28. which in such a case is promised vnto them did not erre 3. Another obiection they bring Ioan. 14. saying S. Peter was nott promised vnto the Church to direct the same butt the holly Ghost which should direct and instruct all the Apostles and nott S Peeter I answer that God promised the holie ghoast as an inuisible and internall doctor and director S. Peter his visible and externall doctor he left in his church And therfore S. Augustine saith Aug. in Ioh. 14. after promising the holly ghoast lett no man thincke that he shall so giue the holly ghoast vnto his church in his owne place is though him self also would nott be with the same for he auowtched he would nott leaue them orphanes but would come vnto them 4. And althoughe the holy ghoast was promised to instruct the Church in all trueth yett not without the Father and the sonne for their externall worcks are indiuisible for there is but one indiuisible substance and because the Church is a visible body so it ought to haue a visible viccar vnder Christ the inuisible head therof And therfore he saide vnto S. Peter Ioh. 11. Simon of Iohn louest thou me more then these feed my lambes which he repeated thrise first commending vnto him his lambes afterwards his litle ones the third time his sheepe and so expoundeth S. Ambrose in cap. vlt. Luc. 5. Nowe the power and iurisdiction which was promised vnto S. Peter Math. 16. that the Church should be builded vpon him that the keyes of the kingdome of heauen should be also giuen vnto him is accomplished and performed in the 21. of S. Iohn feed my sheep of whom he is actually made the generall pastor and viccar 6. And although the rest of the Apostles were lightes and priests and had authoritie also in the 20. of S. Iohn yet theirs was extraordinary which should end with them selues and whatsoeuer authority they had was by the sacraments by which they remitted sinne S. Peter had authoritie to bind and loose immediatly and by him the the Apostles as depending vpon him as S. Thomas saith in 4. dist 19. q. 1. art 3. and so he maketh a distinction of the two powers videl of order and iurisdiction the first was equally giuen to all the Apostles Iohn 20. and consequently to all priests but the secōd power was principally giuē to S. Peeter and from him to be deriued vnto the rest of the Apostles How heretiques would faine take awaie all tradition alleadginge for their purpose that of S. Math. 15. In vaine you worshipp me teachinge for doctrine mens precepts CHAPTER III. 1. THis is it saith S. Augustine that all heretiques doe bragge of Lib contr Maximū if I should aunswere all such trifles I should neuer make an ende saith he soe as he would not aunswere to this place for he saith that the traditions of the Apostles ought to be of as great force as the holie scriptures
accordinge to soe many nations conuerted wheras this sacrifice o●ght to be one onlie sacrifice in number and not in forme Neither shall it be allwayes but for a tyme for when the nations shal be conuerted Omnis Israel saluus fie● All Israell shal be saued as the Apostle doth witnesse Neither last of all was it spoken of Christe on the Crosse a Kemnitius would haue it for that was not allwayes it remaining but the space of an houre neither in all places but in Mounte Caluarie neither was it offred properlie of the gentiles Psal 75. Quia notus erat in iudea Dominus because God was knowen in Iudea and in Israell his name was great 3 Wee must therfore vnderstand that this prophesie is vnderstoode of the oblatiō of Christe in the Eucharist and that it shal be alwayes celebrated in the church of Christe from the easte to the weaste as it is God be thancked in despite of the diuill and all his instruments This is proued by the litterall sense of the texte of Malachias his prophesie and by the tradition of the fathers which is the certaine key of the vnderstandinge of the scriptures For soe Clement Clement l. 7. Const. Apost D. Martial epist ad ●urdigalensis Iust Martyr Dialogo in tripho Iren. lib. 3. cap. 23. Tract 27. Martialis Iustinus Martyr Ireneus Tertul lib. in Iudeos c. 16. Euseb lib. 1. de demonstratione Euangelica cap. 10. Cyrillus lib. 1. de adoratione in spiritu veritate Damascenus lib. 4. c. 14. Aug. lib. 18. de Ciuitate Dei cap. 20. 35. Hieronymus Theodoret. Remigius Haymon Rupertus Lyranus in their Comment vppon Malach. Concil Trid. sess 22. interpret We must consider that the worde sacrifice in the Hebrewe tonge as Salmeron doth set downe is called zebeach which is properlie called a bloodie sacrifice and in the place of an oblation is putt in the hebrewe tounge mincha which was properly meate or a guift vnbloody Therfore for all the sacrifices of the old lawe whether they be bloodie or vnbloodie our Lord by his prophett said Corpus autem aptasti mihi thow haste made my bodie befittinge all of them This vnbloodie hoaste is soe cleane and pure in itselfe and soe acceptable vnto God as by the wicked life of him that doth administer the same it cannot be defiled And although in the prophesie it is said in the present tense yet for the certitude and vndoubtfullnesse of the prophesie the time present is vsed for the time to come Offeretur sacrificabitur it is sacrificed for it shal be sacrificed ab ortu solis vsque ad occasum c. from sunne risinge vnto sunne sett my name shal be great amoungest the Gentiles 4. By this worde therfore wee must note and marcke the amplitude and largnes of the church against the narrowe streight of the Iewes and the smale corners of the heretiques which by their offences and heresies are vtterlie depriued of this hoast and sacrifice The catholique church doth celebrate and solemnize the sacred praises of God in which this prophesie is accomplished by the benefitt shee daylie receaueth by this sacrifice by which shee is daily fedd and by which shee offers herselfe withall her forces vnto this liuinge God singinge prayses vnto him Yealdinge and consecratinge herselfe in all humilitie of spirite in all perfect deuotion of faith hope and charitie to the glorie of the great God vnto whome and to none els this great sacrifice is offred for which Sacrifice Churches Alters Chapples and Conuents were builded Priestes Deacons and Leuites and so many blessed orders of cleargie men were instituted for which causes soe many benefices personages vicariadges Cannonries Prebendes Tithes profittes stipendes reuenewes landes and liuinges for the honest maintenaunce of such as should offer this sacrifice were lawfully and charitably bestowed by the godlie and deuoute christians 5. But yow saie that the papists herein did robbe both this great God of his honnor by comittinge idolatrie againste his maiestie and also the christians of their landes and goodes inuentinge this sacrifice as yow saie against God for to deceaue the godlie people of their goodes I desire yow if the Papists did deceaue the people herein why should not yow make restitution to the right owners of those landes for if yow take anie thinge from a theefe by all lawes both ciuill and cannon yow ought to restore it againe to the true owner and as yow saie yow restore to God his owne honor by takinge awaie this Sacramēt why should not yow restore also vnto the christians their tithes and liuinges giuen in tymes paste for priestes principally to offer this sacrifice by which the name of God hath bene most glorious amoungest the nations But as God is not the more glorified by your doinges soe your neighbor is not the more edified by your examples and vntill yow restore to God his sacrifice yow will neuer restore or make anie restitution to the Christians of their goodes Plutar. But you follow C●natho and Philoxenus who beinge slaues of their bellies to haue all the bankett and feaste to themselues were wont to spitt blowe their noses into the dishes that others should not eate thereof soe yow spit vppon the Masse for the which those church liuinges principallie were giuen and therfore yow charge priests with couetousnes and other enormities that yow your selues may possesse freely their spoiles and goodes and abuse them as yow doe with excessiue riotousnes you bark also against the fast of the Church and the continente life of cleargie men that you may mispend those liuinges by satisfying your filthie appetites which cannot be satisfied Yow knowe or at least you should knowe that those who will not serue at the alter ought not to liue by the alter and if yow refuse this office in thinckinge it to be impious and idolatrous yow should alsoe refuse the reward and promotion of idolatrie and impietie as those liuinges which were consecrated to the alter by the last testament of the testators for Beneuolus for that he would not conforme himselfe to Iustina the Empresse against S. Ambrose beinge defiled with the Arrian impietie restored vnto her all the ensignes and titles of honnor he had of her Lib. 7. cap. 13. as Zozomenus writeth 6. The second place to proue the trueth of this Sacrament is taken out of the Psalme Iurauit Dominus non penitebit eum tu es sacerdos in aeternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech Our Lord hath sworne and he will not repent himselfe thereof thou art a priest for euer accordinge to the order of Melchisedech for that this priest-hoode shall neuer be taken from him For not onlie in his last supper did he offer himselfe but also on the Crosse and also by his priestes by whome he shal be offered vnto the worldes ende as Aecumenus Aecumen cap. 5. Cyp. epist ad Caeci Damasc in 4. lib. de fide orthodoxa D.
the sepulchers of sainctes to be reuerenced and worshipped and said moreouer that the praiers of the holy martyrs profitts nothinge after this life imitatinge herin wicked Porphiry and Eunomius by callinge them the sorcerie of diuills Aug. de ecclesiasticis dogma tibus c. 73. therfore S. Augustine did condemne Vigilātius Aerius did barcke against prayers and suffrages of the dead and maketh noe difference betwixt priestes and Bishopps The Peputians would haue women to be priestes vnto whome they haue attributed all principalitie August de haeres 27. as the Protestantes haue done to Queene Elizabeth Anno 1. Parl. c. 1. Luther tomo 2. li. de captiuit Baby Aug. Homil 50. de Socrat. hist l. 4. Cap. 23. Ambr. de penit li. 1. cap. 2. Of the same heresie also were condemned Eunomius as the said S. August de heresi heres 54. de haeres ad Luther Nouatus was condemned for an heretique by saint Augustine and saint Ambrose for denyinge poure of absoluinge sinnes vnto the priests and confirmation to Bishopps as saint Cyprian doth wittnes lib. 4. epist. 2. Theodoret. lib. 3. de haereticis The Pelagians denyed original sinne in infantes and taught that baptisme is not necessarie for them as saint Augustine writeth Aug. here 's 88. 3. S. Augustine and saint Optatus doe putt the Donatistes in the rancke of heretiques Aug. de heres 69. de vnitate eccle lib. contlitteras Petul. Opta lib. ● Cal. inst l. 4. cap. 15. Optat l. 2. Theod. Dra. 5. for sayinge that the churche fayled in the whole world and that it remayned amoungest themselues in Affrique the like Caluine saith of the Catholique churche Those Donatistes did cast the blessed Sacrament vnto doggs burne churches and breake alters tooke away all church ornamentes as you doe they abolished the sacrifice of the Masse as you doe of which kinde of people Ignatius sayeth there hath bene some that would not away with sacrifices and oblations because they confessed not the Euchariste to be the flesh of our Sauiour Iesu Christe Arrius Nestorius S. Aug. lib. contr● Maximū Atha p. 488. Exemplū Synodale Dioscorus Eutiches as saint Augustine and saint Athanasius saye and as it is alleadged in the 7. generall councell act 1. denied all traditions and the wittnesses of the fathers they said alsoe they would allowe nothinge but the scriptures sayinge What scripture doth proue that the sonne is consubstantiall or coessentiall with the Father the same alsoe did Simon Magus saye 4. With Symon Magus Valentinus Aug. here 's 4.6 Clemens Alexandrinus li. 3 recognitionum Tertul. de pr●script and Manicheus you denie free will With Flornius and with Symon Magus you affirme God to be author of all euill as S. Augustine Clemens Alexandrinus Tertulian saye of the said Symon Magus With Constantius you saye that euerie Ciuill Prince ought to be head of the churche accordinge to Euseb lib. 3. Atha epi. ad solitariam vitā degentes Hilar. lib. ad Constātium ex li. qui incipit tempus est loquendi Wherfore S. Athanasius called him antechrist and the abhomination of desolation of whome alsoe S. Hillarie saith these woordes I tell you when I shall speake vnto you that I speake to Nero that Decius Maximianus shal heare me you fight against God you thunder against the church you persecute the Saincts you take awaye the Religion of Christe you are not onlye the Tyrant of men but of God you doe preuent antechrist and worcke his misteries you coyne faith liuing without faith thou of all men the most wicked this he spoake to him in his life time 5. With Marcius and Manicheus and other heretiques you condemne manny bookes of the scriptures which would not receaue the scriptures Nisi cum adiectionibus detractionibus factis but with cuttinge māglinge of them You take away Chrisme with Nouatus who denied the holye ghoaste With Iouinian as S. Augustine saith of him you take away pennaunce from the church who said also that all sinnes were equall Also with Pelagius yow take away the Sacrament of orders and priest-hoode with Petrus Abalardus Wicleffe and Hus all vocall prayers And with the Armenians you say that matrimonie is noe Sacrament You take away generall councells with the Arians that would not obey the councell of Nice With Nestorius that would not obey the councell of Ephesus with Eutiches and Dioscorus that would not obey the councell of Chalcedon Aug lib. de haeresibus With Iouinianus as saint Augustine wittnesseth you eate all meates euerie daye without any obseruation of dayes or difference of meate you doe the like obseruinge noe faste Caluine tooke away singinge from the church with the heretique Hillarus Aug. li. 11 retract Ambr. in quadam orat cont Maxentiū de Basilicis tradēdis quae ponitur in lib 5. sententiarū as saint Augustine and saint Ambrose say when Christe is praysed the Arrians are madd With Iouinian you say that all which be in heauen are equall in glorie because all iuste persons are equall in this life in merittes and all sinners are equall in sinnes With the Catharies you denie all sacraments With the heretiques called Lamprini you take away vowes and votaries With the Eustachians yow take away churches and alters dedicated to martirs 6. Againe Epist 75. with the Eutichian heretiques yow take away oblations sacrifice and chrisme as Leo the Pope complained by his letters to Martianus the Emperor epist 75. where he saith Intercepta est sacrificij oblatio desecit chrismatis sanctificatio The oblation of the sacrifice is intercepted and hallowinge of the chrisme faileth And as in the time of Antechriste as that auncient holy father and constant Martyr Hipolitus that liued in the yeare of our Lord 220. saith Ecclesiarum aedes sacrae tigurij instar erint praet●osum corpus sanguis Christi in diebus illis n●n extabit c the church shall be like cottadges the blessed body and blood of Christ shall not be seene the Masse shal be vtterly defaced soe as yow seeme to be the precursours of this beast For with the Donatists as Optatus writeth yow giue the blessed Sacrament to dogges the chrismatorie with the sacred chrisme yow violentlie cast vpon the grounde with them also yow breake alters with them also and with the Arrians of Affricke as Victor saith yow ouerthrowe churches monasteries and chappels and as they made shirtes and briches of the ●estimentes and alter cloathes burned bookes spoiled churches of their ornamentes as appeared in an epistle by the bishoppes of Egipte to Marcus the Pope and as Nazianzenus saith misteria verterunt 〈◊〉 commedias the misteries of our religiō they turned to playes and comedies euen soe doe you the like 7. Againe you refuse with these heretiques to come to the generall councells to giue an accompte of your doinges as saint Augustine saith of them With 〈◊〉 buchodonozer the kinge of Babilon and