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A19713 Pasquine in a traunce a Christian and learned dialogue (contayning wonderfull and most strange newes out of heauen, purgatorie, and hell) wherein besydes Christes truth playnely set forth, ye shall also finde a numbre of pleasaunt hystories, discouering all the crafty conueyaunces of Antechrist. Whereunto are added certayne questions then put forth by Pasquine, to haue bene disputed in the Councell of Trent. Turned but lately out of the Italian into this tongue, by W.P. Seene allowed [sic] according to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Pasquillus ecstaticus. English Curione, Celio Secondo, 1503-1569.; Page, William, fl. 1566.; Painter, William, 1540?-1594, attributed name.; Phiston, William, attributed name. 1566 (1566) STC 6130; ESTC S109155 162,493 234

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bloudy armes Popes armes triumphantly placed ouer Hel gate The Inscription ouer Hell gate Mat. 25. Apo. 14. Pasquine prophecieth that there shal be but fewe popes more When this booke was written Pope paule was loked for in Hell Hell waye lesse occupyed than it was wont to be The Pope and his people runne hedlong to Hell Iere. 1. The Popes pri●ts areigno●●unt and w●●st the Scripture What this word all Euil signifieth in the scripture 1. T●mo 6. Coloss. 3. Couetousnesse causeth the Scripture to be kept vnder Frō the north the pope is discouered to be Antichrist Io. 10. Why the Popes pathes growe grene The Popes folowers fal frō him Venice Venice compassed with sal● waters and hell with waters of fire Great contradiction in the Popes Doctrine Luc. 16. Math. 5. The waters of Hel and their significations Charons boat Danubiu● No stoppe nor staye in Hell waye The folishe opinion of Charon and his boate Purgatory● deuised topick al mens pursses To hel is eue● company going The description of Purgatorie Purgatorie quite consumed None other Purgatorie but Christes bloude Hebr. ● et 9. Places of the Scripture to ouerthrowe Purgatorie Mat. 28. Mar. 16. Who dieth in fayth is saued Iohn 3. Rom. 8. Iohn 5. Traditions are good trashe when they treade scripture vnder ●eete Luc. 16. Ioh. 16. Ephe. 5. A hard question 1. Thess. 4. Purgatorie is not found in the scripture Apoca. 14. Sophisterie brought in to maynteyne Purgatorie God forgiueth al or nothing ●zech 18. et 33. 1. Io. 2. Psal. 32. Blasphemie against Iesus Christ. An obiection of the papistes To what ende we are left in troubles Rom. 5. Dauid an example of patience Rom. 3. Hebr. 1. To affirme purgatorie is to denie Christes bloud Gala. 2. Iohn 1. Eccl. 11. The iauent●urs of purgatorie 2. Cor. 11. Gala. 1. The Apostles neuer hearde of purgatorie Hebr. 9. 2. Cor. 9. Purgatorie pence how they are bestowed Math. 15. Purgatorie neuer satisfied Prouer. 30 Priestes crye bring bring Mat. 5. Sophisticall reasons f●r proufe of purgatorie The deuil the chiefe doctor to teach purgatorie Luc. 12. The opinions of diuers auncient doctours concerning purgatorie Math. 18. Math. 18. What this word vntill signifieth Mat. 1. Apoc. 110. No man can make amends for his sinnes 1. Cor. 1. Ephe. 2. Rom. 11. Ceretanes the common pickepursse● of Italie Priestes as common pickpursses as they No peny no Pater noster Math. 12. Mar. 13. The papistes will haue a thirde place beside heauen and Hel. Apoca. 4. Mar. 3. Mar. 3. Pasquine criethout vpō the popish priestes Luc. 12. 1. Cor. 3 Fyre in the scripture what it signifieth Psal. 17. Psal. 66. 1. Peter 1. What this worde to build meaneth The offices of a true and false preacher The daye of the L●●● 2. Maca. 12. The ignorance of the Popes Clergie Leui. 3. et 5. Sacrifice for sinnes wherof it was made Craftie conueyaunce of false knaues Apo. 14. 21. Thomas Aquine dr●uen to a harde pointe Saint patrickes purgatorie Iohn 9. None can worke for satisfaction nor worke but in the day Nothing must be folowed but Goddes word onelye What fruits spring of the opinion of purgatorie * Ao● 1. ‡ Heb. 〈◊〉 † Heb. 9. * Esay 53. ‡ Iohn 1. A people of a Citie vnder the venetians naturally wise 〈◊〉 subtle muche giuen to trauell and traffick Wilie 〈◊〉 them selues that think they goe to Pargator●e go streight to Hell Where no orde●● th●re is confusion Mar. 12. Nothing but woes in Hell One wo greater then the rest Apo. 14. The paynes of Hel described Apoc. 16. Apo. 14. The paynes of of this life are nothing to those of Hell Apoc. 16. The misterie of man comming into this world We are all naked of good works and therfore must be clothed with Christs rightuousnes Esay 53. Psa. 53. Act. 8. Io. 6. In hell are of all sorts of men Apoc. 14. Apoc. 12. Apoc. 17. 2. Thessal 2. What the beast is What the dragon is The Popes dwelling place Gene. 3. Psal. 17. 73. 90. 103. Iohn 8. The description of the dragon The description of the beast Ioh. 3. Antithesis Apo. 4. Who haue the beastes marke Rome the seate of Antichrist Apoc. 14. Apoc. 20. If the blind lead the blind both fall into the dytche Bernardin Ierome and Theopila●● plainely pro●● Rome to be the seat of Antichrist A plaine proufe who is Antechrist Pope Gregory confesseth that the Pope is Antechrist Pope Gregory for his lies blasphemies accompted among Antechristes Pasquine prophecieth truly of Chietti for neuer was there nor can be a worsse than Paule the fourthe Math. 7. 2. Tim. 3. A woman made Pope He. 5. 6. 7. 8. Popes haue there Heauen in this worlde The description of the Pope in his pontificalibus in Hell Deuilles can abide no popes espsciallie no shee popes Ppoc 14. Pageauntes set vp for popes in Hell The decrée of Pope bonifaco the eyght Pope Gregorie the seuenth Alexander Borgias Incest committed by a Pope and his brother with his owne daughter Iulius the 〈◊〉 Leo the tenth Peter Lewes Paule the .iij. * Pro. 8. † Rom. 13. The office of Kinges and Rule●s Antechrist more regarded than Christe The punnishment of Kings in H●ll To tell truth bredeth hatred Sinnes wher● to Kings and great men are most euclined Psal. 49. Esa. 47. Apo. 16. Friers and Nounes sore asshamed in Hell A beadroll of the vnspeakable filthinesse other mischieues dayly committed by the Popes religious ●able A chast chanon Tenth nights payde to the Church men An Emperour poysoned with an hoste Diuels kepe Consistorie An oration of a diuell The catholike Church Christes espouse The malignaunte Church the diueles whore Stations are certaine churches where pardons bee graunted Luc. 16. Math. 16. Math. 7. 2. Peter 2. 1. Tim. 4. Math. 14. Apoc. 17. 18. Math. 6. Mat. 7. Mat. 27. Math. 10. 1. Cor. 3. Math. 7. 24. 61. Iohn 9. 1. Tim. 4.
an hundreth yeres vnlesse the body were buried Pasquine That was without comparison lesse harme than that of our Priestes who herevpon haue founded a lying and dampnable Purgatory and haue made the foolysh people beleue that not he that putteth a single penny in the mouth of the dead man but who so euer putteth not a great gubbe of money into their pursses or leaueth not to them good possessions can not so sone be delyuered from the paynes of that Purgatory of theirs Marforius Oh thou canst now tel me certaine newes of this purgatory if it be there thou must nedes haue sene it Pasquine I will fully declare vnto thée the truth and that thou mayst the better beleue me I will alleage so many reasons authorities of y ● scripture that thou shalt be assured that it is as I shall tell thée But first I will rehearse vnto thée péece by péece that little that yet remaineth for me to tell We entred in at that gate and walked along by that broade way being still among a greate multitude of people that passed thitherward and hearing still more and more those dolorous and lamentable outeryes all those people went with great hast being dryuen by their cruell destinye and forthwith were they all seuerallye put to dyuers punishments and torments as afterward I shall shewe thée But I that was not come thither to suffer any of those punishments but to learne thinges by the declaring whereof afterwarde I might cause that other should not indure them went on faire and softly cōsidering eche things and prying in euery corner to sée where Purgatory was And I sawe on the one syde a huge Lake that with the lower ende of it touched the tormenting places where the dampned soules be wherof when I had much maruelled I demaūded the Angell what it might meane he aunswered me that the Purgatory which the priestes had made began at the vpper ende of that Lake and reached vnto those tormenting places which were deuided from Purgatorye but with a thinne wall And when Neptune let droppe his waters that before I tolde thée of downe into this place this Lake was then made which for all that did not fill vppe all Purgatory but that part which ioyned to those tormenting places remayned set on fire and at the same verye tyme the fire tooke holde on eche side of the wall and burnt it quite and so was it made all one place with Hell and this parte that remayneth yet on fire is for them that beleue in Purgatory and the other that was quenched altogether by Neptunes waters is for them that beleue not in it Marforius All that thou talkest I hold as thinges true yet notwithstanding if I shoulde at anye tyme proue vnto other the vanity and falshoode of this deuyse with other testimonies than thine owne only I pray thée to alleage me also those of the scripture together with them all those reasons that not long agoe thou saydest thou wouldest bring forth Pasquine I will with al my hart stande stil and giue good eare Marforius I will giue good eare say on hardly Pasquine By the worde of God thou shalt neuer finde other Purgatory than the bloud of Iesus Christ thorowe the which onely all sinnes are perfectly pardoned and therefore do they committe grieuous sinne that say there is other Purgatory than this and it is a blasphemous and Diuelishe fondnesse of them that beleue it And that thou mayst know howe false thys diuelishe deuise is I will first alleage certaine places of the scripture that goe against it in Saint Mathew and Saint Marke thus we reade He that beleueth and is baptised shall be ●aued and he that beleueth not shall be dampned By the whiche wordes thou mayst perceiue that saluatiō is giuē vs by fayth and dampnation for lack of fayth Therefore eyther we dye in fayth or without fayth if we dye in fayth we are saued for it is written He that beleueth shal be saued If we dye without fayth we are dampned for it is written He that beleueth not shall be dampned Besydes this Saint Iohn sayth So God loued the vvorlde that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the ende that al that beleue in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting For God hath not sent hys sonne into the vvorlde to condemne the vvorlde but that the vvorlde might be saued by him he that beleueth in him shal not be condemned and he that beleueth not is condemned already bycause he beleueth not in the name of the onely Sonne of God Thou séest that the father hath giuen vs his sonne to the ende that he that beleueth in him should haue euerlasting lyfe and that euerlasting lyfe followeth him that beleueth What thinkest thou now that this euerlasting life is Marforius I thinke it is heauē out of doubt Pasquine Thou sayest well but if the beleuer be iudged to go to Purgatory what a heauen is this doest thou not sée how this is contrary to the word of God Moreouer y ● word being saued by Christ nedes must it be that he which beleueth haue a life without pain and he that beleueth in him is not iudged But if he wente to Purgatory he shoulde be iudged to go thyther the which can not be to him that beleueth For Saint Paule sayth that there is no condempnation to him that beleueth in Iesus Christ. And Christ hym selfe sayth Verely verely I say vnto you he that heareth my vvordes and beleueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come vnto dampnation but is escaped from death to lyfe But if any man wēt into Purgatory séest thou not that he shuld not haue euerlasting lyfe that is to say heauen but y ● he should be condempned and that he should not passe from death to lyfe the whiche is cleane contrary to Christs owne saying Marforius What this is not condempnation Pasquine Nay the traditions of these men saye manifestlye that the soule for euerye deadely sinne is iudged to abyde seauen yeares in the fire of Purgatory the whiche is a most horrible lye for in all the holye scripture is not founde one onelye iote spoken of seauen yeares nor of no suche foolyshe brabling nay rather is the contrary found in y ● whole scripture as in the Parable of the rych man and poore Lazarus eche of them dyeth the one is buryed in hel and the other is caryed into Abrahams bosome without touching any whit of the paynes of Purgatorye And the theefe that was crucified with Christ was neuer in Purgatory to doe penance for his sinnes and yet Christ sayde vnto him This day shalt thou be vvith me in Paradise If there were any suche false Purgatory it must nedes be that some mentiō must be made of it in these places of the scripture But there is none other purgation than the bloud of Christ