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A12489 A brief treatyse settynge forth diuers truthes necessary both to be beleued of Chrysten people, & kepte also, whiche are not expressed in the Scripture but left to ye church by the apostles traditio[n] / made by Rychard Smyth ... Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1547 (1547) STC 22818; ESTC S1134 93,357 415

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haue lefte vnto you by tradition And in 1. Lor. 11. another place I teach so and so haue deliuered by tradition in y● churches Lo thys olde doctour doth not onely affirme that al thinges are not wryttē in the scripture but the apostles left sūdry thīges vnto the churche by tradition he also doth allege paule in two places for his purpose Origen Hom● 5. in Numeros agreeth with thys whiche was aboue M. ccc yeres passed sayeng In ecclesiasticis obseruationibꝰ sūt nōnulla eiusmodi quae oībus quidē facere necesseē nectamē ratio corū oībꝰ patet That is There be some thīges in the churches ob seruatiōs of that same sort that which al mē must nedes surely do yet that reasō or cause of thē is not opē to al mē For exāples he putteth that we do knele when we do pray whiche Basyll also affirmeth to Despi ●a ca. 27. haue come of the apostles tradition sayeth y● as oftē as we do knele downe rise vp againe in our prayers by that dede we do shew that we fel downe for syn vpō the earth that by hys humanitie which made vs we are called agayne in to heuē Also Origē recyteth the custome to pray our faces being turned towarde the east part affirming that the cause therof is not easely knowen of euery mā though I haue already declared by Basyll Damascene why it is done Origē furthermore reciteth y● maner or fascion to cōsecrate to receiue the blessed sacramēt of the aulter the wordes / gestures orders or demaūdes āsweares that are made in baptisme which he sayeth cannot lyghtly be expowned Et tamen haec oīa operta et velata portamꝰ super humeros nostros cum ita implemꝰ ea et exequimur vt a mag no pōtifice atque eiꝰ filiis tradita et cōmēdata suscepimꝰ Which thus in englyshe sowneth And yet we do beare all these thynges vpon our shulders couered hydde when we do so fulfyll them do them as we haue receyued them delyuered by tradition cōmitted of the great byshop christ hys chyldren the apostles Se we not here that after Origens mynde christe the great byshop hys sonnes the holye apostles taught the church those thinges aboue tecited of hym yet there is no scripture makyng any mētion of them at al doth not thys proue that some thynges necessary to be done are left to vs by the apostles traditiō without scripture But I wyll go forth towarde an ende Ciril writeth verye playnlye in thys behalfe agaynst the lutherans sayeng Fidei De tec●a ●i de ad theodosium sāctissimū traditionē quae ab ip sis sāctis apostolis ad nos ꝑuenit in dignū ē īmodica ratiocinatione inquirere quae humanā mētē excedūt sed neque in mediū ꝓferre sicut quidā periculose definiunt et dicūt quod haec quidē recte se habeant haec aūt aliter That is to saye It is vnmete to search out with to much reasoning the moost holy tradition of the fayth that came from the holy apostles to vs the which thynges do excede mans wytte but it is nother cōuenient to cōmune of them opēly or to cal thē in to question lyke as certen mē determyne perillouslye saye that these thynges are well but these other wise Our lorde wold that thys sētēce touched not the quicke of many mē thys tyme rubbed them not on the gal to make thē to kycke / wynse Well let thys passe Tertulian which was very nygh the apostles tyme wryteth De carona militi● thus plainly of traditions sayenge after he had recyted dyuers thinges kepte by tradition onely Harū et aliarū eiusmodi disciplinarū si legē expostules scripturarū nullā inuenies traditio tibi prae tendetur autrix cōsuetudo cōfirma trix et fides obseruatrix Rationem traditioni cōsuetudini fidei patro cīnaturā aut ipse perspicies aut ab aliquo qui perspexerit disces Interim nonnullam esse credes cui debeatur obsequium That is to say If thou doest requyre a lawe of the scryptures of these and such other learnynges thou shalte fynde none the tradition shall be alleged to the fyrste inuentoure or maker the custome a customer / and fayth the keper Eyther thou thy selfe shalte perceyue or els shalt learne of him that hath perceyued that reasō shall defende the traditiō custom and fayth In meane season beleue thou some reason to be to the whiche obediēce is due Againe a lytle after hewriteth after this maner His igitur exēplis renuncia tum erit posse etiā non scriptā traditionem in obseruatione defendi cōfirmatam consuetudine idonea teste probatae tūc traditionis ex per seuerantia obseruationis That is Therfore by these examples it shall be openly shewed or reported that a tradicion not wrytten may be defended in the obseruīg of it cōfirmed by custome a mete wytnesse of the tradicyon then tryed or approued by the cōtinuance of the obseruynge I spake not of many other suche godlye and notable sētēces whiche this auncyente doctoure hath in his bookes lest I shulde be tedious to the reader Saynt Ireneus Ireneꝰ lib. 3. the scholer of polycarpe saynte Iohan the euāgelystes disciple thus speaketh of traditions Quid si de modica aliqua quaestione disceptatio esset nōne opor●ebat in antiquissimas incurrere ecclesias in quibus apostoli cōuersati sunt et ab eis de praesenti questione sumere quod certum et reliquidissimū est Quid autem si neque apostoli quid● scripturas reliquissent nobis nonne oportebat ordinem sequi traditionis quam tradiderunt his quibus cōmittebant ecclesias Cui ordinationi assentiunt multi gentis barba rorum eorū qui in christum credūt sine charactere vel atramēto scriptum habentes per spirit um in cordibꝰ eorum salutem et veterū traditionem diligenter custodientes That is What yf there shulde be reasonīg of a litle or a meane questiō ought not men to runne in to the eldeste churches / in the whiche the apostles were cōuersaunte and to take of them as touchyng the questyon present that whyche is certen and most manifest But what yf the apostles had not lefte to vs anye scryptures muste not we neades folowe the ordre of traditiō which the apostoles taughte them to whome they cōmytted the churches Vnto the whiche ordynāce many do consente of the barbarous people of them whiche do beleue in chryste hauyng the saluatyon wrytten in theyr hartes by the holye gooste without letters or ynke and diligently kepynge the elders tradition Agayne he sayeth this Cum autē ad eam iterum traditione quae est ab apostol is atque per successiones presbiterorum in ecciesiis custoditur prouocamus eos qui aduersantur traditioni Dicent se nō solū presbiteris sed etiam apostolis exi●tētes sapientiores synceram inuenisse
must be appoynted ●a●ha 6. or dedicate to hym for prayer or worshyppyng of hym Anone after damascene sheweth another reason and cause why the we pray toward the east / sayng Because God made Paradyse towarde the easte in to the whiche he brought Adā the whiche offending he banished out therof and made hym dwell in the west contrary to the easte Antiquam igitur patriam requirentes et ad ipsam suspirantes deum adoramus scz ad orientem Therfore we requyryng the olde countrey Paradyse of heauen signifyed by the earthlye paradise a place of much pleasure and feruently desyrynge to come vnto it do worshyppe god or pray to hi towarde the easte After certeyne tokens of the excellencye of the easte taken out of the scripture rehersed in the ende of that chap tre Damascene thus hath Nō ē aūt scripta haec apostolorū traditio nam multa sine scripto nobis tradita sunt That is to saye But this the apostles traditiō is not wrytten for manye thynges are delyuered to vs or taught vs wythout writing Are not these playn wordes of thys auncient doctour to the cōfusion of all them that are not ashamed to speake agaynst traditions and affirme that nothynge ought to be beleued and kept that is not expressed in the holy scrypture Heare nowe what saynte Basyl sayeth De spi s cap. 27. of thys matter Vt ad orientē versi precemur quae nos docuit scriptura That is what scripture hath taughte vs to praye turned toward the easte Athanasiꝰ like wise which was aboue M. CC. yere synce affyrmeth that the holy apostles dyd teache christen men to praye towarde the east These are hys wordes Why do we christen people pray towarde the easte and the Iewes toward the south He answereth thus We muste defende this thinge other wyse to the Iewes and other wise expowne it to the Gentiles To the Iewes we saye that we pray toward the easte because the holy goost so taughte vs by the prophete Dauid sayinge Adoremus ad locum vbi steterunt pedes tui domine That is Let vs O Lorde worshyppe the or pray to the towarde that place where psai thy fete stode And the prophete zachary sayeth And oure lordes fete shall stande in the mounte or hyll of olyuete agaynste Hierusalen whyche is in the easte Thys maye be a shorte answere sayeth he to the Iewes But to the gentiles we saye that we do praye towarde the easte not that god is closed in there or is onelye there but forasmuche as he is named lyghte for that cause we hauing a respecte to the ligi● of the sunne created do nowe worshyppe not that same lyghte created but the maker of it by the lokynge towarde it Thys is the annswere to the gentiles but lette the faythfull people of Chryst learne yt. Hac de causa beatissimi apostoli fecerunt Christianorum ecelesias intendere versus orientem vt ad Paradisum respicientes vnde cecidimꝰ scilicet ad veterem patriam et regionem nostrā petamus deum et dominum nostrā reducere nos illuc vnde eiecti exulamꝰ The englysh may be thys The mooste blessed apostles for this cause haue made the churches of chrystē people to bêde or loke to warde the Caste that we lokynge towarde Paradyse from whense we fell verily shulde desyre God and oure Lorde to brynge vs thyther againe to the olde countrey and oure region from when●e we caste are banyshed Lo thys holye and blessed auncyent wryter Athanasius a man of excellent vertue and lernynge affyrmeth that the apostles taughte christen people to praye towarde the Caste and sheweth the reason why we so do as saynte Damascene hath done Saynte Basyll moreouer De spi t. cap. 29. sayeth Ipsam fidei professionem qua credimus in patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum c quibus habemus scriptis That is Of what scripture haue we the profession of the fayth by whyche we beleue in the father and the sonne and the holy gooste He concludeth that it cometh by tradition onely I passe ouer manye traditions of the Apostles nowe vsed ī the masse as that the preest senseth wyth frankenceuse the aulter washeth hys handes at masse sayeth confite or sheweth the bodye and bloude of Christe ouer hys heade to the people of the whyche Dyonyse speaketh that was saynt Paules scholer De ecciesie hierar ta par .. 2 Also that the people seynge the bodye and bloude of Christ shewed them do worshyp the same Saynt Dyonyse also wryteth Lap. 3 qte 3. de spi s cap. 27 Another tradition yet is rehersed of saynte Basyll sayinge Vt signo crucis eos qui spem collocarunt in Christum signemus quis scripto docuit That we do marke wyth the signe of the crosse them that haue put theyr truste in Christe who hath taughte by wrytynge Tertulyan wryteth also of thys affyrmynge that it is a tradition and not wrytyng in the scripture Whose wordes De corona militis are these Ad omnem progressum at q promotum ad omnem aditū et exitum ad vestitum et calceatū ad lauacra ad mensas et lumina ad cubilia etsedilia quacun q nos conuersatio exercet frontem crucis signa culo terimus That is to say in englyshe At euerye goynge forth and aduancynge profytynge or mouynge forth at euerye accesse comynge to or entry and goynge out at apparelyng and showyng or puttynge on of showes at bathes or baynes at the tables and lyghtes at the entrynge in to the chambers and seates or places to syt on what so euer cōuersation setteth vs on warke we make a signe of the crosse in oure forheade Saynt Athanasius sayeth that Lib. 2. de incat ver Saynt Athanasius sayeth that by the signe of that crosse al witchcrafte or sorcerye and the acte or crafte of poysonynge is put awaye yf it be vsed in fayth and Lib quest quest 38. deuoutely Also he sayeth Legem Mosis videntes daemones non timent neque tremunt quod ea non sit operata salutem Crucem autem videntes saepe tremunt fugiunt euanescunt That is to saye in englyshe The deuylles seynge Moses lawe feare not nor tremble not because it hath not wrought mannes health but seyng the crosse they ofte quake flee vanysh away Of the which it fyrste came that meat / drynke and other dyuers thynges are blessed wyth a signe or a figure of the crosse Damascene also Lib. 4 ca. 22 sayth The crosse is gyuen to vs upon our forhead and that it is a shelde a buckler and a cote of armure agaynste the deuyll Adorandum igitur est hoc signum Of the signe of the crosse therfore thys sygne sayeth he muste be worshypped of vs gyuynge to god the reuerence and the deuoute honoryng Qui hāc adorāt participes sīt christi crucifixi They that do worshyp this fygure of the crosse let them be
to the clergie do take wiues if they wyl but onely the readers singers Which were two degrees in y● church among y● clergie at y● season whō onely y● apostles cōmaūded to mary yf they wolde excluding cleane frō marrying preestes deacons and subdeacons Also they ordeyned Cap. 20. cōmaunded that none of the clergy shulde be warrāters or suerties saying Clericꝰ fide iussionibꝰ īseruiens abiiciatur That is Let the cap. 17. et ca 18. clerke which is a suerty be caste away Likewise they taught the church that he whiche had maryed 1. Tomo 3. two wiues a widow an outcast or a cōmē womā shulde not be ꝓmoted amonge y● clergy to holye orders though the apostle paule saying a bishop or preeste muste Tertul. ad vrorē Apostolꝰ non sinit digamos p̄sidere haue one wife mēt as tertuliā sayth y● bigamꝰ shuld not be chosen a preest Of theyr traditiō it came also that one bishop shuld not giue holy orders to clerkes of anothers diocesis Likewise y● orders offices of the church shuld Cap. 36. not be obteined by money that a clerke or a lay mā cōtynuyng in Cap. 30. playinge at dice or hasarde and a lay man puttyng hys wife frō hym shulde not be suffered to receyue the blessed sacramente of the aultare But to be briefe I wyll speake no more of them at this tyme but wyll recyte yet a fewe traditions of the whiche thys is one that we beleue that our blessed lady christ our sauiours The cōtynuall virginite of our lady deare mother was cōtinually a virgin til her deth which Eluidius denyed the because he could fynd no scripture to proue it but rather as he supposed falsely the scrypture was agaynst it and therfore saynte Hierom in hys boke made agaynste hym called hym an heretyke though it can not be sufficyently proued by the scrypture that she was a vyrgen vntyll hyr departynge out of thys worlde The which thyng ought to stop theyr mouthes that affyrme all thiges to be expressed in the scrypture whiche we are boūde to beleue vnder payne of damnatyō I am verye sure that no man is able to proue this veryte by any texte of the holye scrypture and yet he that beleueth it not is yf he stande stoburnly in defence therof an heretyke therfore saynte Hierome as I haue sayde already called Eluidius an heretyke which maynteined that our lady had other chyldrē besyde chryst whom she conceyned withoute man by the holye goost What wyll or can they now here say that requyre scrypture for euery thynge and euer aske where is that or this wrytten The which they neuer can do lernedly in the scrypture Let theym answere to this one poynt or to the chrystenynge of chyldren as to diuers other put forth in this treatyse before Bullynger one of Luthers scholers laboureth to proue by scrypture that oure ladye chrystes most honourable mother was a contynual virgē lest he shuld be enforsed cōpelled to confesse that all truth whiche we must beleue is not expressed in the holy scrypture but he laboureth al in vayne as anone hereafter it shall playnly apere For he abuseth these wordes of the prophete Ezechiell to that purpose Porta haec clausa erit et non aperietur et vir non pertransibit per eam c. That is in englysshe this moch to saye This Ezech. 44. gate shall be shytte shall not be opened and a man shall not passe throughe by it Loo sayth Bulliger hath not the prophete discrybed here aptelye ynoughe the holye wombe of the virgyn Mary Chrystes mother of whō the sonne of ryghteousnes is born to vs This Bullinger wresteth this prophettes sentence frō the litteral sence vnto an allygory whiche al lerned men do cōfesse not mete to proue any doctryne beynge in controuersye for the defence of his deuyllyshe heresy Proclus the bisshop of Cizicene sayeth he doth none otherwyse expowne this the prophetes texte What then he doth vnderstāde yt mystycally by an allegorye Is that sufficyent to proue any kynd of doctrine or to perswade any thynge in questyon and cōtrouersye Agayne S. Hierome doth otherwyse expowne it that is to wyt of the gate of the lawe the prophettes For he thus wryteth What gate is this that is alwayes shytte onely the lord god of israel entreth by it Trulye that of the which oure sauyour speaketh in the gospel Wo to you scrybes pharysees hypocrytes wo to you doctours of the lawe which do take away the key of eunnyug ye entre not in youre selues and thē that are about to go in ye prohibite Of this gate sayeth Hyerome the prophet writeth vnder the name of a booke Erunt verba libri istiꝰ sicut verba libri signati c. The wordes of this booke shal be as the wordes of a booke sygned or sealed so forth No mā coulde Apoca. 5. ● open and louse the seales of this booke but he of whome Iohan speaketh in the apocalypse sayng Beholde a lyon of Iudas trybe hath optayned the victorie which openeth the boke and louseth the seales of it For before Chryste came the gate of the lawe and the prophettes and all knowledge of the scrypture was shytte paradise was also shytte which by chrystes death were opened the vele of the tēple brake the vele In 2● 2. Cor. 3. taken away al thynges were open and manifeste Hitherto S. Hierome / whose wordes declare that this texte ought otherwyse to be expowned then Bullynger vnderstandeth it to defende his naughty and damnable heresie Notwithstādyng saynt Hierōs exposition is mystycal or allegorical and not litteral in dede For to the letter by that gate or dore is mente a certayne gate or dore of the temple that was shytte and no man but the prynce whiche was gods vycar myght enter into the temple at it to offre sacrifices vnto god therfore the prophete sayed Vir non pertransibit per eam A comen man or any other then the chyef or prynce shall not passe through it This is the true meanynge of the letter as it shall easelye apeare to hym that wyll wey and examyn dily gently the texte wythout all affection and corrupted iudgemente and therfore this place of the prophet cā not proue Bullyngers purpose that our ladye chryst our sauyours blessed mother was a continuall virgyn thoughe it be very trew that she so was and Heluidiꝰ was iustly estemed of saynt Hierom an heretyke for the denyenge that she cōtinued a vyrgyntyl her deth Moreouer saynt Ciprian expownyng the apostles crede sayth that the prophet Ezechyell dyd set forth the wonderfull maner of our ladyes bryngynge forthe chryste and that he called our ladye blessed saynt marye chrystes mother a gate by a fygure In the whiche place the sayde Cipryan affyrmeth that our ladye was a perpetuall virgyn To be shorte in this matter Saynt Hierome in his hole boke compyled and publyshed of
Basyll proueth a truth concernyng the holy goost to be godby saynte Llemente Ireueꝰ Dionisius Alerādrinus Eusebiꝰ palestinꝰ origin Affricanus historicus Gregori Naziāzane saynte Paule good chrysten reader / wytnesseth that Chryste sente some doctours for the edifyeng of the churche not onelye by preachyuge of the scrypture to the people but also by the true and godly openynge and expowning the same I wyl alledge certayne of the eldeste best learned of theym that men maye perceyue the more clerely and perfectlye that all thynges whiche we muste beleue and do are not expressed and publyshed in and by the byble scrypture but that dyuers thynges which ought to be beleued and kept of vs do come and defende also of and vpon the blessed apostles of chryst the churches tradicyon without any texte of the scripture speakynge of them I haue alre dye rehearsed some sentences of saynte Basyll Chrysostom Damascene Theophilactꝰ which therfore I neade not now again to recyte except it be ī other wordes then they be alredy rehearsed as nowe I wyll allege here saynt Basyll godly and notable saiges which he hath in a boke of the holy goost thus wrytyng Basilius de spe s ca. 27. Dogmata quae in etclesia predican tut quaedam habemus e doctrina scripto predita quedam rursꝰ ex apostolorum traditione in mysterio id est in occulta tradita recepim us Quorū vtraque parē vim habentlad pietatē nec his quisquā contradicit quisquis sane vel tenuiter expartus est quae sint iura ecclesiastica Nam si cōsuetudines quae scripto proditae nō sunt tanquā haud multum ha bentes momenti conemur reiicere imprudentes et ea daminabimus que in euangelio necessaria ad salutem habētut imo potiꝰ ipsam fidei predicationem ad nudum nomē cō trahemus These wordes may be turned in to englysshe after this maner The lawes ordinaūces decrees statutes or cōmaundementes for all these the greake word dogmata signifieth whiche are preached or publysshed in the churche we haue certayne of doctrine set furth in wrytyng eftsones or agayne we haue receyued certayne by the apostles tradicyon in a mysterie that is in secrete deliuered Of the which two bothe haue lyke strēgth power or vertue to the knowledge the honour deuote worshyppīg or loue of god nother anye man cōtrary to them truely who soeuer hathe proued or learned by experience yea barely or poorely which are the lawes power auctorite or ryght of the church For yf we shuld endeuour or labour to caste away the customes whiche are not put forth in wrytyng lyke as not hauyng moch pyth or not beynge of moche value we shall also vnwards condemne those thynges whiche are in the gospell had necessary to saluaty on yea we shall also abridge or Vnum est crimen ꝙ nunc vehementer dānatur ac punitur di ligens obseruatiotra di●yon●● pa trum basilius Episto 70. drawe togyther the same preachynge or publishyng of y● fayth vnto a bare or a naked name This saynte Basyll rehearsyng streight many thynges set forth withoute scrypture by the apostles tradition of the whiche I haue spokē before Thou maest note here good reader dyuers lessons agaynste the lutherans bearynge vs in hande that all thynges are wrytē in scrypture which we must neades beleue kepe but pryncypally that this blessed doctoure affyrmeth that those thynges whiche the apostles lefte without scripture or vnwryten haue lyke efficacye vertue to the honorynge and lo uynge of god as haue those thiges whiche are wryten in scrypture and that because bothe of them cometh by the inspiracyon of the holy goost which styrred both the apostles and the euangelistes also to write that which is wrytten and the apostles in lyke maner to leaue certen thinges vnwrytten by tradition vnto the church the which was done as S. Basyll wytnesseth that such thīges shulde remayne hyd or secrete lest they shulde be knowen of the rude and vngodlye folke and therby myght be despysed vtterly But this shall be ynough of saynt Basyl though he wrote in this mattier moche more Saynt Hierome thus writeth Adiluciniā of traditions to luciniꝰ demaundyng of hym whether men ought to faste the saterday and dayly receyue the sacramente of the aulrer Sed ergo breuiter te admonendum puto traditiones ecclesiasticas praesertim quae fidei non officiant ita obseruandas vt a maioribus traditae sunt● Nec aliorum cōsuetudinē aliorū more contrario subuerti Vnaquaeque prouincia suo sensu abunder et praecepta maiorū Roma 19. leges apostolicas arbitretur That is to wytte But I thynke thou Roma 14. must be warned bryefly that the traditions of the churche prynrypally those whych cā not hurt the fayth So are to be obserued as they are taught or delyuered of the elders or aūcient fathers Nother other mennes custome ought to be subuerted or turned vp so downe by the contrary custome of other Let euerye countrey haue hys owne iudgement and iudge the auncetours or elders cōmaundementes the apostles lawes I passeouer manye Lege enim in eccleseastē ca. 10 et in Mat. cap. 21. like sentences of saynt Hieroms whyche he wrote in thys matter left my boke shuld be ouer lōge Austen hath very much of thys matter in sūdry of hys bokes of the which some is alleged before out of his epistle wrytten to Ianuarye where he sayeth those thynges whyche are oblerued through the hole world without wrytynge came eyther from the apostles or els frō the generall coūcels whose autoritie is most holsome in christes church Al●o to one Casulane he thus hath intreating of the saterdayes fast In his rebꝰ de quibꝰ nihil certi statuit scriptura di●ina mos populi dei vel instituta ma●orū ꝓlege tenē da sūt That is to saye In these thynges of the whyche the holy scipture hath ordeined or stablished nothyng certē / the custome of gods people or the elders ordinaunces are to be kepte for a lawe Luther and hys disciples teache n●ē to breake the fathers ordinaūces preceptes lawes saye that wtout manifest wytnes of the scrppture we shuld be bounde to beleue do nothyng Austen here affyrmeth the clene Lib 2. T●● cōtrary whether ptye wylt y● beleue good christē man Epiphaniꝰ also which was aboute M. cc. yeres sēce cōfirmeth my purpose sayeng Oportet aūt et traditione vti Nō enī oīa a diuina scriptura accipi possūt qua ppter aliqua sacris seripturis aliqu a traditione fācti apostoli nobis cōmēdauerunt quēadmodū dicit sāctꝰ apostolꝰ Sicut tradidi vobis Et alibi Sic doceo et sic tradidi in ecclesiis etc. That is But we must of necessitie vse tradition For al thinges cā not be taken of the holye scripture / wherfore the holye apostles cōmitted to vs some thinges by the holye scripture some by traditiō lyke as paule sayth As I
veritatem Euenit it aque neque scripturis neque traditioni consentire eos But whan we do stere or exhort them / which are agaynst the truth agayne to that tradition which is of the apostles and is kept in the churches by successyon of the preestes they wyll say that they beynge wyser not onely then the preestes but also thē the apostles y● haue foūde out the pure truth It hath therfore happended that they do consente neyther to the scryptures nor the tradityons Seest y● not reader here a playn difference betwene tradicions y● scryptures he cōcludeth thus Traditionem itaque apostolorū per totum mundum manifestatā in ecclesia adest oībus perspicere qui vera audire velint That is to saye Wherfore all men whiche wyll see the truth maye perceyue the apostles tradicion declared in the churche throughe all the whole world But of saint Ireneꝰ this may be sufficiēt for my purpose Nowe let vs see what saynt Clement Paules cōpanion in preachynge the gospell hath wryttē in this poynt which is nowe intrauerse and questyon betwene me and the lutherans Eusebyꝰ the olde wryter of the churches Lib. 5. ●● 6 storye thus wytnesseth of hym Clemens scripsit epistolam ad corithios exprimēs in ea apostolorum traditionem quam nuper ab eis ipse susceperat Clement wrote sayeth he to the corinthians an epystle expressyng in it the apostles tradicion whiche he of late had receyued of them Also another clemens bysshppe alerandrya which was as he sayth him selfe Eusebtꝰ wytnessynge shortlye after the apostles thus wrote of the apostles In libello quem scripsit Eusebiꝰ lib. 6. ca. 11. de pascha inquit eusebiꝰ confitetur extorqueri sibi a frarribꝰ vt ea quae a presbyteris et successoribus a postolorum voce sibi sola traditasunt describeret in libris et posteris traderet In his boke sayeth Eusebiꝰ of eastur clement cōfesseth that his brethren gat of hym by force or with greate difficultie that he wolde wryte in bokes and de lyuer to his successours or them that shuld come after hym those thynges whiche were taught hi by voyce onely of the preestes successours of the apostles Loo this bysshop beynge very nygh to the apostles tyme cōfesseth that he learned by voyce onely certēthynges of the preestes and successours of y● apostles and lefte them written to them that shuld come after hym and luther bullynger with a greate rablement of an yll heare Do saye the contrary whether wylt thou beleue Epistal● Ignatiꝰ also saynte Iohan the euagelystes discyple holdeth with me in this matter saynge Stude ●e cōfirmari in dogmatibus domini et apostolorū That is Applye your myndes to be cōfyrmed in the ordynaunces of our lorde the apostles That he ment here ordyuannces of the apostles vn wryttē it appeareth fyrst by that that saynte Basyll sayeth dogmata silentur decrees or ordynaces called in greake dogmata a● not spoken of in wrytynge Secondly B asniꝰ de spū Cancto cap. 27. it appeareth that ignatiꝰ saynte Iohan euangelystes scholer wolde men to endeuour them selues to obserue the apostles tradityons vnwrytten by that that he wrote hym selfe a boke of the apostles tradicions as eusebiꝰ witnesseth sayenge Ignatiꝰ ●● 3. ●● 36 edocebat populos vt diligentius ettenacius apostolorum traditionibꝰ inhererēt quas traditiones cautelae gratia et nequid apud posteros remaneret incerti etiam scriptas a se asserit reliquisse Thus moch it is turned into englyshe Ignatius Mark this well reader saynte Iohans disciple taughte the people that they wolde more dilygently and fastlyc cleaue to the apostles tradityons the whiche traditions he affyrmeth that he lefte yea wrytten to make mē ware and leste any vncerteyntie shulde remayne to them that shuld come after Here we se that thys holye Martyr exhorted men to sticke vnto the apostles tradytions very dilygētly and fastely / whych he left behynde him written that they whiche shulde succede or come after him shulde be cyrcumspecte leste they were deceiued of heretikes which might teache some thynge contrarye to the verities vnwrytten that chryste taught his apostles and they other wythout wrytynge Therefore is it not many fest by thys wytnesse that Luther and Bulliger do erre whyche not so ernestly as vnlearnedly vngodlye defende that the apostles wryte all thynges necessarye that they hadde preached to the people Saynte Ignatius saynte Iohans scholer whyche was muche conuersaunte wyth the apostles and was made bysshoppe of Antiochia nexte after saynt Peter wytnesseth that the apostles lefte sundrye thynges not wrytten necessary to be knowen and beleued and Bullynger sayth the contrary whether of them two is more worthye to be receyued and belyued Now shall saynt Deonise the apostle Paules disciple make an ende of thys chaptre whiche as he was taughte of Paule Hierotheus learned manye thynges of the other apostles whych thynge he him selfe affyrmeth in dyuers places of hys booke De ecclesiae hierarchia euē so he wrote playnlye of the apostles traditions lefte by them to the churche wtout writing For thus hehath Substantia accrdotii nostri sacra scriptura est diuinitꝰ nobis tradita Diou●● d● eccle hiera● cap. 1. Porro huiusmodi plena venerationis eloquia dicimus quae a beatissimis nostris patribus a quibꝰ sacris mysteriis ībuti sumꝰ in sanctis ac theologicis cōmēdata sunt libris Ac pretaerea quaeque ab iisdē sanctissi mis viris sacratiore purgatiore et ꝓpīqua quodā modo caelesti hierar chiae doctrina sancti duces ac praeceptores nostri didicerūt et ex animo in animū medio intercurrente verbo corporali quidē sed quod car nis excedat sēsū sine literis transsu sa sunt That is to say The holy scrypture gyuē or taught vs of God is the substaunce of oure preesthode Moreouer we call suche sayenges full of worshyp honour or reuerence which are wrytten in the holye and diuine bokes of oure mooste blessed fathers of whom we were instructed or taughte the holy secretes or pryuities And furthermore al those thynges which our holy leaders the apostles and oure maisters haue learned of the same moost holye men by doctryne or teachynge more holy more purged and nigh after a certen maner to the heauenly holy gouernaunce or principalitie which are powred frō minde to minde or harte to hart the worde runnynge a meane betwene sothlye corporall but such as exceadeth the flesshes perceyuynge or fealyng Saynt Dionyse here putteth manifeste difference betwne the holy scrypture other thynges conteyned in bokes of dyuynytie set forth by holy men affyrmeth that manye thynges came by harte from one to another wythout wrytynge whyche are worthy to be had in honoure and reuerence thoughe the Lutherans despise al such thynges both to theyr owne cōfusion and other mennes also oure lorde amende thys in tyme. But euery good chrysten man wyll beleue thys saynte Paules scholer rather
Lib. 9. cap. 38. in latine tripertita historia For he thus wryteth Aegiptii vero Alexandriae vicini thebaidos habitatores sabbato quidem collectas agunt sed non sicut moris est sacramenta percipiunt nā postquā fuerāt epulari et cibis oībus adimpleti circa vesperam oblatione facta cōmunicant The englysshe may be this The Egipcyans nygh or neyghbours to Alexandria and the inhabytans of thebays a coūtrey of Egipt gather collectyōs for the pore vpō the saterday but they receyue not the sacramētes as the maner or custome is for after they haue eaten at feastes or banketes and are fylled with all meates they do take they re hosle or ryghtes aboute the euentyde when the sacrifyce of the masse is done But to let this passe who can denye but that it cometh by the apostles tradicyon that chrysten people do receyue the sacramēt of the aulter onely of the preestꝭ as Tertulyan testyfyed with in C.lxxiii after Chrystes passyon Tertulianꝰ de corona militis sayeng Eucharistiae sacramētū nec de aliorū quam praesidenti ī manu sumimꝰ We do receiue sāith he the sacramēt of the alter of none other mens hande thē of theyrs He meaneth the preestes that haue auctorytie or rule This he wrote entreatīg of tradicions and customes obserued then without scrypture Also it cometh by the apostles tradicyō without wrytynge that water is myxed with wyne in the chalyce when a preyst sayeth masse For chryste him selfe toke as saynte Damascene wytnesseth the cup or chalyce mengled withe water and wyne / and gaue it to his apostles sayng vnto thē Drynke of this al. Where fynde we this truth and thynge that Chryste dyd in the scrypture Dyd not chryst teach his apostles to mēgle water and wyne together at masse and they taught the churche the same by mouth withoute wrytynge The blessed martyr S. Cypryā aboue M. ccc yeres hath testifyed that thynge thus wrytyng But brother knowe Lib 2. eps 3 that we are admonyshed that in offeryng the chalyce our lordes tradicyon be kepte nother an other thynge be done of vs then that which our lorde dyd before vs. That the chalyce whyche is offred to his remēbraunce be offred myxed with wyne When the water is myngled with the wyne in the chalyce the people is ioyned to chryste as one with him the multitude of the beleuyng is coupled knyt to hī in whome they haue beleued The which couplynge conyoinyng together of water and wyne is so myxed in our lordes chalyce that the water and wine so mengled can not be seperate or disseuered Wherof the churche that is the people set in the churche faythfullye and stedfastlye contynuyng in that whiche it hathe beleued nothynge can seperate from chryste that it cleaue not abyde alwaye in gods loue In that same Epystle he wrytethe moch more largely of this tradityon wherby water wyne are myxed togyther at masse in the chalyce and what it betokeneth of the whiche I also haue spokē more plenteously in my boke of the sacrifyce of the masse yet I wyl not let passe vntouched this blessed martyrs wordes wryten in his sermō of washyng of fete where he declareth that Chryst dyd instytute the holy sacramēt of the aulter hī self and that the apostles inspyred with the holy gooste dyd adde therunto other dyuers thynges For thus he sayeth Ipse sūmus sacerdos sui est sacramēti institutor et autor ī caereris hoîes spūm sāctū habuere doctoré sicut par est spūi sācto et chricto diuinitas ita in suis institutis aequa est autoritas et potestas nec minus rarū est quod dictāte spū s●cto Alias ●●tum apostoli tradiderunt quam ꝙ ipse tradidit et in sui cōmemorationem fieri praecepit That is to say The hyghest preest hym self was the ordeyner and the fyrste maker of hys sacramēt in other thynges men had the holy goost a teacher and lyke as the deite or godheade of Christe and the holy goost are equal euē so they haue equall auctoritie and power in theyr ordinaunces and that is as excellente that the apostles haue taughte or lefte by traditiōs as that which he taught and commaunded to be done in hys remembraunce These wordes of saynte Cyprian do shewe that after hys mynde whyche was a man both excellently well learned vertuous also christ dyd institute and fyrst make the holy sacramēt of the aulter and the apostles taughte of the holy gooste ordeyned the other thynges belongynge to the comelye and semely consecratynge of his bodye and bloude and receyuynge of it whyche they lefte to the church of Christ vnwrytten as it is already proued by saynt Austen Finally Cyprian sayeth that the apostles traditiōs perteynynge to thys sacrament are of lyke auctorite power and excellency as Christes owne ordinaunces are and therfore they muste nedes be shamefullye deceyued whyche wyll beleue nothynge excepte it be expressed playnlye in the scripture Another traditiō of the apostles belongyng to this holy sacrament is that the blessed body of Christ is kept and reserued in the pyxe or boxe at churche because that custome is hath bene in Christes churche kepte throughe all the worlde where good christen men be and therfore beinge not as in dede it is not ordeyned and inacted by anye councell it muste nedes come by tradition from the churche after saynte Ianuatio epist 118. Austens mynd Of thys custome we reade in the historye of the churche compiled by the auncient wyrter Eusebiꝰ whyche recytynge Lib. 5. cap. 25. certen sentences out of Ireneꝰ the disciple of saint Polycarpe saynte Iohan the euangelistes scoler sayeth that the bishop of Rome dyd vse to sende the blessed sacrament solemly to straunge catholyke by shoppes which came thyther Now shuld any such costome be so sone after Christes departynge and the apostles death of the whych S. Iohan the euangelist wrote IX yeres and aboue after Christes ascension after the whiche tyme Ireneꝰ was within lesse then an hundred yeres excepte the apostles had tanght the church that lesson Of thys custome to reserue the bodye of christe in the pyxe saynte Nierom and saynte Ambrose wrote as I haue more largelye declared in my boke of Hiero Rustico etambrosiꝰ in ora funebri de obitu fratris su● satyri the sacramēt of the aulter Adde yet to these another tradition of the apostles belongynge vnto the masse sacramēte of the aulter which is that at masse the preest prayeth for the soules departed out of this worlde which thyng the holy apostles dyd ordeyne to be done as saynte Damascene Sermon● ꝓ de●●●tis witnesseth saying The apostles our sauiours disciples haue cōmaunded or ordeyned that a remembraunce shulde be made of thē that were dead in the dreadful lyuely sacramētes Saynt Chrisostome also affirmeth in diuers places of hys bokes that the apostles ordeyned that the Ad anto●h pop homilia 69
dialo gorū the Eorinthyans especyally the vii xi the xii xiiii Chapiters of it comprehende nothynge els but that which was wryten before of Moises and the ꝓphetꝭ Where do we rede in Moyses lawe the fourme of chosynge a bysshoppe or a preest and a deacon dyuers other thīges wryten by Paule to the bysshoppes Timothy and Tite Paule said verely truelye that he taughte nothynge before the Iewes but Moyses law and the prophetꝭ which they had receiued as true doctrine and by whiche he trauayled to induce them to beleue in Chryste and to repente theyr yl life that they might be saued But wylt thou gather good reder therof that s Paule taught to the faythfull people whiche beleued in Christ and were christened nothynge vtterly besyde thynges conteyned in Moyses law and the Prophetes Nay I suppose excepte thou dote Why then woldest thou gather therupon that Paules tradiciōs lerned by worde or preachynge of the Thessalonians were taken out of Moyses law and the holy prophetes Agayne Bullynger alledgeth s Paules wordes Gala. 1. for that is vngodlye purpose which are these I make knowē to you brethren that the gospell whiche I haue preached is not after man For I haue not receyued it of man nor learned it of mā but by the reuelation of Iesu Chryste But the reuelation of Iesu Chryst sayeth Bullynger wysely dissenteth not from itselfe but Mathewe Marke Luke and Iohan wrote of that same reuelatiō wherfore it is necessary that saint Paule delyuered withe a lyuely voyce in his sermons the same thynges whiche the euangelistes afterwarde dyd wryte and in wrytynge left to the churche of Chryste and therfore it is not necessary to vnderstande by the tradycyōs whiche Paule sayed the Thessalonians had learned by his sermō or word tradicions not wryten hytherto bablynge Bullynger vtterynge his shamefull blyndnes ignoraunce I wyl not say his malyce conceyued agaynste the truth For must not he be very blynde and ignoraunt in the scrypture whiche wolde reason thus Saynt Paule learned the gospell of Iesu chryst by reuelation the euāgelistes wrote of by the same reuelation whiche dyssēteth not from it selfe ergo it must neades folow that Paul taughte the Thessalonians nothing by mouth nor vnderstode any thynge els by his tradiciōs delyuered vnto thē by his word or preachynge but onelye those thynges which the euāgelistes dyd wryte Dyd not the foure euāgelistes all wryte by one inspiration and reuelation of Iesu christ and yet one of thē wrot● that whiche another wrote not Peter Iames Iohan and Iudas wrote al by one reuelatiō of Iesu christ and the holy gooste whych neuer doth ne can dissent from it selfe ergo they wrote all one thyng none of them wrote any thyng whych the other wrote not Is thys a wyse argumente beyng lyke Bullyngers Therfore though saynte Paule receyued and learned the gospell by christes reuelation by whyche the .iiii. euāgelistes wrote theyr gospelles yet that proueth not sufficiently that paule wrote nothynge but that whych they wrote nor that he preached nothing by mouth onely wythout puttynge it in wrytynge afterwarde but that alonely whyche was wrytten in the euangelistes But lettynge thys passe let vs se what saynt Chrysostom and other say vpon the text of saynt Paule aboue recyted that therby it may euidently appeare that Bullinger other of that secte do mysse construe and vnderstande that sayed letter for the mayntenaūce of theyr deuelish heresie against traditions Saynt Damascene thus wrytteth Quod autem plurima Lib 4. ca. 17 sancti apostoli tradiderint sine scripto scribit Paulꝰ gentium apostolꝰ Ergo fratres state et tenete traditiones nostras quas edocti estis siue per sermonem siue per epistolā nostrā That is thus muche to saye in oure tonge But that the holy apostles taughte verye many thinges without writing Paule the apostle of the gentles wryteth sayinge Therfore brethren stande ye fast and kepe ye our etraditions whyche ye are taught eyther by oure worde or sermō or els by our epistle Thā he allegeth for that purpose this text of saynt paule I prayse you brethren because in all thynges ye remembre me and ye do kepe the traditiōs as I haue taught you them Chrisostome also holdeth 1. cor 11. wyth the same thynge wrytynge vpon that texte of saynte paule to the thessalonians with these few wordes Hīc patet quod non omnia per epistolam tradiderīt sed multa etiam sine literis Eadem vero fide digna sunt tam illa quam ista Itaque traditionem ecclesie fide dignam putamus Traditio est nihil quaeras amplius The englysh may be thys From thence it is open that the apostles dyd not teach all thynges by an epistle but also many thinges with our wrytynge But as wel those as these are worthy the same fayth or credence Therfore we thynke the churches tradition worthye to be beleued It is a tradition serch or demaūde nothyng more ouer What could ye haue written Marke this wel redrr more playnly against the lutherans and all the hole rablement of them that denye traditions and defende that nothing oughte to be beleued but the onely whych is put forth manifestly in scrpture Truely he is not wel aduised nor godly disposed that wil not rather gyue credēce to this auncient godly wel learned doctoure then to the lutherans wryters of late vngodlye and vnlearned Theophilactus also vpon thys same paules text Basyll cōfyrmeth this sayengArbitror apostolicum esse etiā nōscriptis traditionibꝰ inherere paulꝰ enim inquit laudo vos ꝙ mea omnia meministis quē admo dum tradidi vobis traditiones obtinetis quas accepistis siue per sermonem siue per epistolā de spiritu s capi 29. That is I do iudge it perteyning to the apostles doctrin to cleaue vn to traditions yea not wryttē For paule sayeth ● prayse you that ye haue remēbred al my lessons kepte styll the traditions that ye haue receyued eyther by speache or an epistle as I haue delyuered them vnto you sheweth hym selfe to holde wyth the doctrine of traditions saying thus Hic sane perspicuum est pleraque paulum sine scriptis ser mone duntaxat hoc est viua voce non epistolis solum his tradidisse Non enim secus illa atque haec fide digna sunt Itaque et ecclesie traditionem dignam existimemus cui prestanda sit fides vt si quid ab ea sit traditum nihil vltra perquiras The which wordes may be thus turned in to englyshe Therof it is verily playne that paule taught them manye thynges by speache onely that is with a liuely voice wythout wrytynge not onely by epistles For those are no other wyse worthye of credence then these Wherfore let vs iudge the churches tradition mete or worthy to whom credence muste be gyuen so that yf any thynge be taught or deliuered of the church thou searche nothynge further
Armenes Albanenses the anabaptistes which denye that chyldren shuld be baptysed and chrystened before they can beleue in chryste Origen also whiche was with Origines Li. 5. cōmēt in episto ad romanos in lesse thē .cc. yeres after chrystꝭ byrth testifieth that it is a tradicion of the apostles to chrysten chyldren sayeng Pro hoc et ecclesia ab apostolis traditionem accepit etiam peruulis baptismū dare That is to saye For that originall synne the church also hathe receyued a tradicion of the apostles to giue baptisme vnto children What can be more playnly wryten thē this is to proue that it is a playne tradicion of the apostles to chrysten infantes or chyldren But to be shorte saint Dionise the apostle Paules discyple affyrmeth manyfestly that it came from the apostles to baptyse Dionisi de ecclesiastica hierar ca. 7 ●artez tyse chyldren whose wordes are these But that the chyldren / whican not yet vnderstande godlye thynges are made partakers of the holy baptisme of the hyghest signes of the halowed cōmuniō it appearethe to the paynems a thinge reasonable to be scorned as thou saidest yf the bysshops do teach godly thīges to herers not mete they teache in vayne the holy tradicions to them that do not vnderstāde that which is more to be laught at as they thynke other do renoūce or forsake the deuyl for thē and do go in to or begyn y● the holye couenaūtes Then anon after a fewe wordes thus he saieth Verum ea de re ista quoque dicimus que sancti praeceptores nostri ex pristina traditione edocti ad nos deriuauerūt Aiunt enim quod est verissimum infantes si sctā lege formētur ad sacrum prouehendos habitum omni errore liberos et vitae exortes īpurae istud cū piissimis ducibus nostris in mentem venisset visum est admittere infantes hoc modo etc. That is thus much in our tonge But of thys thynge we also say these thynges whyche our holy maysters saynt paule and Hierothe instructed of the olde tradition haue brought vnto vs. For they saye the whyche thynge is most trewe that the infantes or chyldren that can not yet speake yf they be formed or made in faciō wyth the law of lyfe must be aduan̄ced or promoted vnto an holy state beynge free from all errour and wythout parte or out of felowshyppe of vncleane life Whan thys thynge came to the mynde of oure remembraunce most godly ducers capiteines or leaders the apostles it semed to thē to admyt the infātes chyldrē after thys maner to be christened Then streyght he declareth howe they are christened sheweth that the godfather doth answere for the chylde saying I renounce the deuyll / and beleue / promysynge that he wyll teache him to beleue forsake the deuil when he shall come to vnderstādyng Which wordes do declare that it came also by the apostles tradition that godfathers do aunswere for the chylde when he is christend and not onely that infantes are christened Therfore we do no we se playnly that the baptisme or chrystenynge of chyldren was taught the church by the holy apostles wythout any scripture or wrytynge and it oughte to be beleuedand kepte as well as anye other thynge whyche is manifestly sette forth in the scripture and therfore as many men as wyll not fal headlynge in to the damnable heresy of the anabaptistes whyche denye that chyldren shulde be christened let them leaue demaundynge and requirynge in euery poynt of our belefe expresse scipture sence thys necessary thinge hangeth onely vpō the apostles tradition wythout anye scripture that can proue it sufficiently whyche thynge Luther Melancthon and other the lutherans are compelled to graunte though they neuer so much crye out scripture scripture and saye that nothynge oughte to be beleued and kepte necessarylye wythout manifest scripture settynge it forth For when thys matter of christenynge chyldren is layed to theyr charges they haue nothynge to aunswere but are streyght enforced to graunte it to be a tradition of the holy apostles But of thys I haue nowe sayed I suppose sufficiently and therfore I wil reherse yet moo traditions of the apostles to the full cōfusion of them that wyll beleue nothynge wyth out an auctoritye of the scripture Saynte Hierom sayeth To. 2. ●0 50 Pa. 4. whych thyngethe church doth practyse that in tyme of necessitie laye men and women maye baptyse chyldren whych thynge cometh by tradition because it is generally vsed through christendome and was not fyrste made by anye councell Also it August Jann cometh of the apostles tradition that the water in the fonte stone is halowed before the child be christened in it for saynt Dionyse Paules disciple beynge wyth the apostles and instructed De eccle Hierar ca ● part 2 of them as he sayeth ofte hym selfe thus speaketh of that matter The byshoppe goynge to the temple in the whyche is the fonte eius aquas sancta prece et inuocatione sanctificans itaque in eas ad crucis effigiem sanctissimum infūdens vnguētum illas hocmo do perficit That is to saye He halowed the fontes water wyth an holye prayer and wyth an inuocation powrynge into them thryse the mooste holye oyntemente after the fourme of the crosse by thys waye or fassion doth make them perfecte These saynte Dionyse saynte Paules scolers wordes do shewe playnlye that then the byshoppe dyd vse to halowe the water in the The font is halowed vpon Easter euē because that baptisme hath his vertue of christes death ro 6 quicūque etc and vpon witsonday euen because the vertu of baptime cometh of the holy gooste which came downe at witsonday Math. zille vos baptizabit in spi etc Basiliꝰ de spi s ca. 27 Ciprianꝰ lib. 1. epist 12. Quomo do autē mū dare et sācrificare aquā potest qui ipse imdꝰ est et apud quē soi s●nō est Lege Augst lib. 6. d● bap cōtre donatistas trast in Io. 80 et ad Januariū ēpi 118 Clemēs lib. 3 recogni fonte and put in to it oyle thryse makynge a crosse therein whyche no doubte was caughte by the holye Apostles wythout wrytynge as saynte Basyll and other auncient doctours do witnesse whose wordes shall be anone alleged and therfore men that wolde not that the font shulde be halowed before chyldrē shuld be therin christened and wyl beleue nothynge not conteyned in the scripture are farre deceiued and oughte to forsake that yll and peryllous opinion lest they perish at length therby for euer whyche oure Lorde forbydde Saynte Basyll also rehersynge certeyn traditions in hys booke of the holye gooste thus wryteth of the halowynge of water in the fonte stone Consecramus autem aquam baptismatis et oleum vnctionis Praeterea ipsū qui baptismum accipit ex quibus scriptis Nonne a tacita secretaque traditione The englysh maye be thys But we do consecrate or
chylde when he is chrystened to be put wholy vnder the water couered hole with water as S. Dionise here affyrmeth y● therby Chrystes buriall may be fullye represented The which thīg some gentyll men wyl not suffre to be done vnto theyr chyldren though it myght ryghte well be done without anye ieoperdye of the chylde In which thyng they do not well breakynge the laudable custome of the churche comynge euen frome the apostles and especiallye beynge so reasonable agreyng with the scripture and representynge the buryall of Christe very perfectly But I wyll go forwarde to the rehersal of mo traditions of the holy Apostles It is a custome that when the chylde is christened at the font anon is put vpō hym a whyte cloth called the chrysome the whyche came from the apostles by tradition as it shall streight appere by the olde wryters wytnesses of the which one is the historye called in latyne historia tripertita where we read these wordes Praeparabatur baptisma Lib. 11. ca. 14. et vestis conueniens baptiza to Baptisme was prepared and a vesture mete for the baptised Also Lactantius whyche was De res D aboue twelue hundred and forty yeres past thus wryteth of thys whyte clothe whyche is put on the chylde christened Rex sacer ecce tui radiat pars magna trophaei Cum puras animas sacra lauacra beant Candidus egreditur hitidis exercitus vndis Atque vetus vitium purgat in am ne nouo Fulgentes animas vestis quoque can dida signat Et grege de niueo gaudia pastor habet ¶ The englyshe of the verses BEholde O holy kinge a great parte of the victory sendeth forth beames lyke the sunne When the holye lauatoryes do make happye the soules cleane The white hooste goeth forth of y● bryght waters And purgeth y● olde vyce in the newe ryuer The whyte apparel also signifieth the shynyng soules the shepeherde hath ioyes of the whyte flocke Thys Lactātiꝰ declarynge the custome to put vppon the person baptised a whyte garmēt that it sheweth as a tokē that the soule is made whyte frō the filthines of synne Ambrosius de ●●s qui mysteriis initiantur lib. 1. ca 7. Idē habet in baptisme That whyte clothe also maye signify the manumissiō or the deliueraūce of the soule frō the bondage of the deuyll to the fredome of christe whiche is gottē in baptisme For Tertuliā in his boke recytyng in an ordre De res carnis the tokēs of manumissiō or making a mā fre of a bonde mā reherseth a whyte vesture amonge thē They that were baptised at Easter dyd vse to weare all the easter weeke that white vestures vpō y● sōday next folowing they dyd put thē of for y● cause that weke sonday were called of the olde fathers Septimana et dominicai albis y● weke sōday in albis That this vsage custome to cloth the childe christened wyth a white vesture came by traditiō frō the apostles Dionise paules scholer declareth makynge mētiō of it with these wordes Assumētes baptizatū sacerdotes īduūt Dionisi de ecclesie hierar cum veste mūdiciae cōgrua That ●s The preestꝭ taking to thē the party baptised do put on hym a De ecclesie hierar ca. ● par 3. vesture agreable with cleanes Agayne he sayeth Deinceps ita initiatū candē tes induūt vestes After ward theyputon him so instructed in thinges concerninge religion whyte vestures Where shuld this paules disciple lerne this but of him the other apostles whō he oft called duces suo● his leaders Is it to be supposed I beseche the good reader y● this custom receiued of y● church in the apostles tyme came frō any other teachers then the apostles Therfore embrace gladly receiue this other as the apostles traditions and ceasse for shame y● vngodly bablyng / that nothing is to be beleued done excepte it be set forth expressed in the scripture This auncient doctoure Dionise speaketh also of cōsecratyng halowing oyle creame of the anoyntynge of Cap. 3. ꝑ 3. et ca. 4. ꝑte 3. lib. 1. aduersꝰ Mar. thē that are christened w e it Tertulia also sayinge god wassheth his with water anoynteth thē with oyle Dionise thus hath of that De ecclesie hierar ca. 4 par 3 oyle Vnde vt opinor i●●ta sacratiorē sēsū traditione diuina sancti nostrae sacerdotalis fūctionis duces honestissimū illud vnguēti cōsecran di munꝰ teletē ab effectu rei quae in eo perficitur nomināt That is to say Wherof as I suppose the holy leaders of our preestꝭ offyce after a more holy sense by gods traditiō or teaching do call that most honest office of cōsecrating oyntmēt a perfection or making a thing perfect of the effecte of the thing which in it is made ꝑfect Lo here Dionise playnly affyrmeth y● the apostles gaue a name vnto y● preestes office by y● which he doth halow y● oyle therfore it must nedes folow y● that thing was in vse brought vp by thē through christes instructiō or the De spi ●●● cap. 27. holy gooste Basil speaketh also of the anoyntynge thē y● are baptised saying We do halow y● oyle of anoynting Nōne a tacita secre taque traditione Do we not of a styl a secrete traditiō Ipsam porro olei īūctionē quis sermo scri pto proditꝰ docuit That is Further what speache put forth by wrytyng hath taught y● innoynting lib. 1. epi 12. of oyle Cipriā in like faciō writeth of y● anoyntinge of thē y● are baptised saying Vngi quoque necesse est eū qui baptizandꝰ sit vt accepto chrysm ate id est vnctione esse vnctꝰ dei et habere in se christi gratiam possit It is also ●ayeth he necessary y● he which must be baptized be anoynted y● anoynting being taken he may be the anoynted of god haue in hym the grace of christe As yf he had sayed excepte he be anoynted with oyle whē he is christened he can not be the anoynted of god nor haue in him the grace of christe wherby he declared how necessary a thing it is to be anointed with oile in baptisme receiuing yet there is no scripture setting any such thyng further thou seest therfore good reader yet ones agayn some thyng necessary to be both of vs beleued kept of the which scripture speketh nothing at al. Moreouer there are yet diuers other thinges not expressed in the scripture whyche we are bound both to beleue also to kepe of the whiche thys is one y● the bishop haloweth the aulters before masse be sayed vpō them of the whiche Dionise maketh mētiō saying Diuiui altatis conse cracionē sanctissimorū mysteriorū lex sanctissimi vnguēti castissimis infusionibꝰ perficit That is The lawe of the holyest mysteryes doth make perfecte y● halowing De ecclesie hierar ca. 4 par 3.
it shal appeare at the day of iudgemēt as saynt Mathewe testifyeth sayinge Math. 24. Tunc parebit signum filii hominis in caelo Then at the day of dome the signe of the sōne of man shal appeare in the fyrmamente that is to saye the crosse of Christe sayeth Teophilactꝰ glisteryng and shynynge muche aboue the sunne to the reproche and condemnation of the Iewes Is cōcernyng the worshyppyng of the crosse I haue alleged already saynte Damascenes wordes nowe wyl saint Hieroms Austens and Chrisostoms that therby men may se theyr blyndnes and errour whyche can not abyde that picture to be honoured of christen people seinge theyr fooly may forsake it in time ere it be to late Thys sayeth saynte Hierom vpō these wordꝭ of Dauid Adorate scabellū pedū eiꝰ quo niam sanctū est Honour the lowe Psal 9● settle or fote stole of hys fete for as much as it is holy There are many opiniōs of thys fote stole For some referre it vnto christes humanitie or manhode vpō the whyche the godheades maiestie stode this humanitie the apostles dyd worshyppe Ad crucem dominicam et ad animā sanctā haec referenda sunt These wordes of saynte Dauyd muste be referred sayth Hierom to our lordes crosse and his holye soule And therfore after Hieroms mynde the holy goost by Dauids mouth cōmaūded christen men womē to honour the crosse though we very vngodlye do dishonoure it neuer so muche Saynt Austen sayeth Quid seruat fideli suo qui Tract in Joā 36. talē honorem dedit supplicio suo Denique modo in paenis reorum non est apud Romanos Vbi enim crux domini honorata est putatū ē quod reus honoraretur That is to say What doth god reserue for hys faythful whych hath gyuē such honour to the crosse vpō whych he suffrred death To conclude nowe the crosse is not amonge peynes of the gyltie at Rome For after the crosse of our lorde was honoured it was thoughte that the giltie was honoured Thys saynt Austen full godlye Lib. 6. aduersus Iulianum touched the honorynge of christes crosse Cirillꝰ also makinge answere to Iulian whych mocked christen people for worshypping the crosse sayed vnto hym after he had rehearsed the greate and sundrye benefites that came to vs by the crosse Haec oīa recordari nos facit salutare lignū et suadet vt cogitemꝰ quod sicut dicit diuus Paulꝰ Vnus pro oībus mortuus est et resurr exer it The holsome wood maketh vs remembre all these thinges and moueth vs to thynke that as s Paule sayeth one is deade for all and hathe rysen vp agayne Thys auncyent doctoure saynte Cyril wrote against the apostata Iuliā scornyng christen people for honouryng the crosse and not agaynst hym onely but agaynst al other in lyke maner derydynge mockyng men for the same worshippynge But of thys matter I mynde god wylling to entreate more largelye in a boke of worshyppyng ymages of the whych in thys boke I thoughte to saye nothynge at all therfore nowe I wil passe ouer it to the rehearsal of other the apostles vnwritten traditions of the whych the obseruyng of the sonday is one For though saynt Iohan in the Apocal. cap. 10. apocalypsis maketh mention of it yet there is no cōmaūdemēt in The obseruyng of the sonday cōmeth by the apostles tradition the scripture to kepe the day holye day more then al other dayes of the weke Of this dayes honourynge before other spake saynte Damascene aboue a thousande yeres paste saying We do celebrate holy the perfect rest of mans nature I saye the daye of Chrystes lib. 4. ca. 24 Crip. hist cap. 9. resurrection The valeant and noble Emperoure constantyne made a lawe that vpon our lordes daye the sondaye all men shulde ceasse frō gyuyng iudgementes and from the doynge of other matters of the worlde Ambros ser 6. de pē tecoste dominica est venerabilis atque Colēnis quia eo die chritus resurrexit and to be occupied that day onely in prayer Honorabat autem diem dominicum qnia in eo Christꝰ resurrexisset a mortuis alium vero scz veneris quia in eo fuerit crucifix us That is to saye But the emperoure Constantyne honoured the lordes day sonday because Christe rose agayne vppon that daye from death to lyfe and he honoured the frydaye because christe on that was crucifyed Hytherto the storye Ignaiius saynte Iohans disciple wryteth of this holy daye saying Christ Epist 1. ● vpon the sondaye rose frō death to lyfe Pro sabati zatione celebret omnis christianus diem festum dominic● resurrectionem regalem et eminentissimum omnium dierum That is in englyshe thus much to say Let euery christē mā kepe holy the feast day of the resurrection of our lorde in stede of the saterday a royal or a kinges day and most excellent of al dayes Wolde oure lorde that all men whiche do thynke euery daye of the weke lyke none rather to be obserued holy day thā another wolde loke well on these holye martyrs wordes whyche was saynte Iohan the euange listes disciple / taught the truth of and by whych whom christ him selfe scholed in the truth Thys same holye father commaunded the people to kepe holye dayes deuoutely sayinge to them Dies festos Episto 4. nolite inhonorare Do ye not dishonoure the holye dayes What saiest thou Luther or lutheran are all dayes equall and after lyke sorte to be honoured obserued and kepte holy daye Is thy îudgement more to be regarded thē this blessed martyrs saynt Iohans scholers Saynt Austen make the mention of the sonday to Ianuary and sayeth christen men kepeth it holy daye Episto 118. Dies d●●icꝰ inquit august nō iudeis sed christianis resurrectione d●i declaratꝰ est et er illo suam festiuita ● habere cepit rursꝰ ad casulanū epist 86. preponitur dies dn̄icus sabbato fide resurrec tionis Hieronimꝰ epist 53. idē in the honoure of chrystes resurrectyon To be bryefe could this feaste come otherwyse in to the church of chryste then by the apostles tradicyon and teachyng by mouth synce saynte Iohā in the apocalipse the fyrste chaptre speaketh of it I graunt to Bul lynger that the sonday is mencyoned in the holye scrypture but the pueth not it to be set forth by cōmaūdemēt ī the scrypture as nowe it is hathe bene sence the apostles tyme Ignatiꝰ bearing wytnes Thefore the sōdaies feaste came vp by the Apostles tradicyō It cometh also by tradicion that we do not fast vpō the sonday of the which thyng saite Ignatiꝰ wryteth sayng Quicūque Epist 4. dominicā ieiunauerir ipse est inter fector christi That is Who soeuer shal fast vpō the sonday he is the murderer of Christ Frō whēse came this custome / yf it came not by mouth frō the apostles Of whom shuld this S. Iohn̄s discyple
expownyng the epistle of saynt Paule to the Galathians thus wryteth Cap. 4. after he hath declared that Paule cōmaunded the Galathians not to kepe the Iewysses feastes or holy dayes Dicat aliquis Si dies obseruare et menses et tempora et annos non licet nos quoque simile crimē incurrimus quartum sabbati obseruantes et parascheuen et dic̄ dominicam et ieiunium quadragesimae et paschae festiuitatem et pentecostes laeticiam er pro varietate regionum diuersa in honore martyrum tempora constituta The englysh may be thys Some man may say If it be not leful to obserue dayes and monythes and tymes and yeres we christē men do runne in to lyke faulte obseruyng the wensday of the weke and the frydaye and the sonday and the fast of the lent the feast of Easter the myrth of whytsondaye and after the diuersytye of regions dyuers tymes cōstitute or ordeined in the honour of martyrs To that he answereth sayinge To the whyche he that wyl playnly make answere shall say that the Iewes feastes are not the same that oures are For we do not kepe holy the Easter or pasouer of swete breade but the Easter of the resurrection and the crosse Nec septem iuxta morem Israel numeramꝰ ebdomadas in pentecoste sed spiritus sancti veneramur aduentum Nother we do numbre seuen wekes in whytsontyde after the maner of the chrldren of Israel but we honoure the holye goostes comming Hitherto the holy and ancient doctoure saynt Hierom declarynge playnly that albeit all dayes in the weke be lyke and equal by theyr natures yet some of thē are appoynted before the other to serue god vpon ceasse from worldly busines and therfore they that do beleue the contrary are deceyued shamefully / but of this sufficient now I wil go forwarde on mine enterprise and rehearse yet mo traditions It is a tradition of the apostles not wryttē in the holy scripture that he whyche was baptised or christened of an heretyke or a schismatike deuided frō the church of christe shulde not be baptised agayne afterwarde because the baptime of an heretike or a schismatike is effectuall of strēgth as y● is whiche the catholiques beyng not separate frō the church do mynistre gyue of the which thynge saynte Austeyne a clerke most excellent of christes church Lib. 2. ca. 7. con●ta ●●●●tistas thus speaketh Saluberrimā tenet ecclesia consuerudinem in his schismaticis et haereticis corrigere quod prauū erat nō iterare quod da tum fuit sanare quod vulneratū est non curare quod sanum Quam cōsuetudinem credo ex apostolica traditione venientem sicut multa non inu●niuntur in literis ●orum neque in conciliis posteriorum et tamen quia per vnsuersā custodiuntur ecclesiam non nisi ab ipsis tradita et commendata creduntur That is The churche kepeth a custome moost holsome in these schismatickes and heretickes that is to saye in theyr christenynge or baptising to amēd that which was yll not to gyue againe that which was gyuen to heale that which was wounded not to cure the thing hole or sound The which custome I beleue came of y● apostlꝭ traditiō lyke as many other thynges are not founde in theyr wrytynges nor in the coūcels of thē that came after yet for as much as they are kepte through the hole churche they are not thought or beleued to be cōmitted and deliuered or taught but of them Are not these wordes ynough to stop al bablers mouthes that say they cā not tel well what against traditiōs vtterly refusing to giue any fayth credence to thyngꝭ not expressed in y● scripture Wil they be so folish to beleue Luther before Austen The holy apostles dyd cōdemne thē that wold be baptised or christened of heretikꝭ yet they cōmaūded the he which was baptised or christened with the baptisme of the church shulde not be baptised or christened agayne as it apereth in their canōs Wherfore Austē Cap. 46. ● 47. iudged right wel that it is a traditiō of the holy apostles not wryttē in that scripture that who soeuer was ones baptised of an heretique or schismatike shulde not be baptised againe but onely that amēded / which Eusebius lib. 7. ca. 8 was yl done of thē Thys knew well the olde byshop of Alexandria called Dionyse which in his fyfth boke of baptisme tellethe that a chrysten man came vnto him and sayed that he had receyued baptysme of heretykes otherwyse thē he saw it gyuen to other by y● catholyke minysters and that he durste not lyfte vp his eyes to god for that faulte therfore he desyred to be made cleane with baptisme of the churche wherby he might receiue the grace of the holy goost But the holy mā Lege aug lib. 1. ca. 33. Aduersus cresconium grāmaticū sayed he durst not baptyse hym agayne in any wyse knowynge that the apostles tradityon and constitucyon was agaynste that thynge to be done Another tradicyon of the holy apostles is to haue pyctures and ymages in our tēples as saynte damascene hath witnessed aboue M. yeres before oure dayes whiche thus Lib. 4. ca. 7 wryteth of them Because sayth he some mē do ymbrayde or lay to vs in reproche that we do honoure worshyp oure sauyours ymage and our queene his mothers and moreouer the images of other sayntes and Chrystes seruauntes let them heare that god made man at the begynnīg after his ymage Therfore for what cause do we honoure one another but in as moche as we be made vnto gods ymage For as the godlye and greate Basyl sayeth Imaginis honor ad exemplaris transfertur honorem That is The honoure of the ymage is referred or caryed ouer from the ymage vnto the honoure of the sample A lytle afterwarde when he had saide that in the time of the olde testament there were but few ymages because chryst was not then incarnate but after his incarnatyon death resurrectyon for as moche as all men know not lerning nor gyue them selues to readyng he sayth That our fathers dyd agre and consent to represent the incarnatyon death and resurrectyon by ymages as certayne tokens of vyctorye for the readye remēbrāce of chrystes benefytes For ofte we thynke not on chrystes passion through neklygēce seyng the ymage of chryste strykē through we come agayne vnto the remēbraunce of chrystes deathe we fallynge downe do worshyp not the matter of the crosse but chryst represented by the ymage Lyke wise our lady chrystꝭ blessed mother sayeth he is honored by her pycture and that her honour is referred vnto Chryste her sonne borne of her For as we haue sayde lyke as the honoure gyuē to chrystes good and kynde seruaūtes sheweth a token of good wyll towarde all mens lorde sic et imaginis honor ad prototypū ex emplar imaginisque veritatem trāsfertur That is to say euen so
the honour of the ymage is caryed from the ymage vnto the fyrste example or paterne sample and truth of the ymage Est autē haec traditio non scripta But this is a tradicyō not wryttē Anone he addeth that the apostles taught and delyuered many thynges with out wrytynge and to proue that he allegeth .ii. textes of s Paule the one ii Thess .ii. state c stāde ye faste and kepe ye the tradicions which ye haue lerned either by our speache or by our epistle the other Corin .xi. Brethren I prayse you that ye do remembre me in all thynges and do kepe y● tradicyons as I haue taughte them to you All this hath that olde wryter Damascene to declare that the settynge of ymages ī y● churches came by y● apostles and howe they ought to be vsed and what profyte cometh of thē yf they be well vsed In the whiche same place he dothe recyte a very straunge historye which is this It is sayde in a storye that Abagarꝰ kyng of the Edesenes sent a paīter to paynt an ymage This kyng wrote vnto out sauyour oure sauyoure vnto hym agayne as Eusebiꝰ hath lib. 1. ca. 15. lyke to our lorde the which whē he could not do for the bryghtnes of his face shynynge oure lorde hym selfe puttinge a cloth to his godlye and lyuelye face whype of in the cloth his owne ymage and so sent it the kyng Abagarꝰ desyrynge it This historye sheweth manifestlye that ymages do please chryste not displease hym though many mē do cal thē ydols The seuenth general coūcell kepte at Nicaea bithiniae recytynge many anncyent doctouis sentenses touchinge images allegeth these wordes of S. Basyll I do honoure the holy apostles Nicenum consilium marty●s and confessours which do humblye praye for me vnto god that by theyr medyacyon oure moste beoūteous god may be mercyfull frelye gyue to me remission of my synnes Quā ob causam et historias imaginū illorū honoro et palam adoro hoc enī nobis a sanctis apostolis traditum non est prohibendum sed in oībus ecclesiis nostris eorum historias erigimus That is in english thus moche to say For the whiche cause I do honoure and openly worshippe also the stories of theyr ymages for that delyuered to vs of the holye apostles is not to be forbydde or prohybited but we do set vp the storyes of thē in all our churches Here we se that after s Basils mynde the holy apostles taught lefte by tradicyon the settynge vp of ymages in the temples of chrystē people therfore this is also a veryte not wrytten in the holy scrypture And to the intent mē may se theyr blynd errour whiche rayle agaynste the image of chryste his blessed mother a virgyn most honorable of the holy apostles other sayntes I wyll recyte here certayne storyes cōcernynge ymages both auncyēt Lib. 7. capi 14. and profytable also to the godly disposed people The auncyente wryter of the churches storyes Eusebiꝰ tellethy t the womā whō our sauyour healed of a bluddy flyxe as Mathew doth wytnesse Capi. 9. dwelled in a Citie called caesare● philippi and that in hys tyme whiche was about .ccc. yeres after christes byrth her house was sene there before the dores of her house a pyller was shewed set in a very hye place ī the which the same womans ymage grauen in brasse appeared as it were knelyng vpon her knees and hūbly holdynge vp her palmes of her handes There stode also another ymage graued ī brasse lyke a man apparayled clenly with a robe or alonge garmente reachynge forth the ryght hande to the womā At the fote of this ymage out of the pyller dyd grow a certayne herbe of a newe kynde The which when it was sprōge forth was wonte to growe oute styll to the hemme or skyrtes of that robe the brasen clothynge The whiche hemme or skyrte of that brasen garmente when the herbe growyng vp had touched wyth the hyhgest toppe it gotte strength therof to put awaye all diseases fayntnes or faylynge of strēgth in so much that what so euer the sickenes of the bodye it were by a lytle draught of the ioyce of that holsome herbe it was put awaye hauinge no strength at all yf it were broken of before it had touched by growynge the highest part of that brasen hem They sayed that thys picture was made lyke to Iesus countenaunce whyche remayned vntyll oure tyme as we sawe wyth our owne eyes And no marueile yf they which had beleued of the gentiles dyd seme to offre suche thynges as a gyfte for the benefytes whiche they had obteyned of oure sauiour synce we se also now the apostles Peter Pauls and our sauiours ymages to be drawen and paynted in tables But we also haue sene their olde ymages kepte of certeyne men Hytherto Eusebiꝭ in hys storye by the whyche men maye se yf they be not all blynde that it is no new nor late inuented thynge to haue ymages in the temples and what god hath wrought by them But of thys sufficient for ●ny purpose whych is to declare onely that many thynges come by tradition of the apostles and other the eldest fahers wythout anye expresse worde of the holye scripture Thys not wythstandynge it shall be a thynge both worth my labour also the readers or hearers to recyte here a wonderfull myracle done by the ymage of Christe of the whyche Athanasiꝰ maketh mētion saying Lib. ●e passione imaginis do vel exhortatio ad mona vt quidā co dices habē● ca. 1. 23. It chaūced that the ymage of christe was founde of the Iewes in a citye called syria in the tyme of constantyne the elder The whyche they caste downe to the grounde and sayed one to another We haue harde that our fathers dyd mocke scorne Iesus of Nazareth manye wayes let vs do so to thys ymage Thā they began to spyt in the face of oure lordes ymage they stroke it wyth buffettes sayinge How great thynges our fathers haue done to the Iesu of Galile so bygge let vs do to thys picture of hym Then they crucified our lordes ymage naylyng the handes and fete of it wyth sharppe nayles puttynge vnto the ymages mouth vinagre and gal as they had done to Iesu thrist him selfe hāgyng vpō y● crosse After y● they put a crowne of thornes on the ymages heade strekynge theron with a staffe mockynge it spite fullye And at the lēgth as they had learned the theyr elders had done to christe vpō the crosse they do streke the syde of the ymage with a speare Whē this abhomynable malycyus acte was done there ensued streyght a wōderful myracle For the syde of y● our sauiour Iesu christꝭ ymage sodēly began to runne with water bloud and the other myracles then were done which chaunced whē chrîste was crucified vpō y● crosse Then the Iewes caused a greate vessell to be set vnder
our dayes whose sayeng maketh much for traditiōs for thynges vsed in the church of christ without manifeste scripture for them Nowe where some lerned mē haue supposed As Iohan ceciꝰ Būde riꝰ and other certen and set also forth in theyr bokes that the goinge downe of our sauiours blessed soule with his godhead in to the place where the olde fathers soules remayned before christes death called libꝰ patrū to cōfort thē to shewe the he was come in to the world by his birth had dyed for thē to deliuer theym thense is not expressed in the scripture I thynke that therein they were greatly deceyued as no man is cleare from all erroure especiallye they that write vpon goddes holy worde which onely is without al lyes and errours as the wryters of August ad hieroni it onelye were in that theyr dede not deceyued in any one poynte I say the they whyche affyrmed that descensus Christi ad inferna the descendynge downe of christ to hell is a truth not wrytten in the scrypture were playnlye deceyued therein because manye textes of the scrypture do proue that thing euydently of the whiche these are the chyefe Dauyd sayeth in the parson of our sauyour Psal 19. chryste Non derelinques animam meam in inferno O father thou wylt not leaue my soule in hell Howe could this haue bene truely sayed of chryst to god his father excepte his soule coupled with his godhead had descēded in to hell or the place where the fathers were before chrystes cōmynge and death Also we rede these wordes in the sawtre Abstraxisti Psal 29. de inferno animam meā Thou hast O father taken my soule oute of hell I let passe other Act. 2. Ephe. 4. auctorites puing the same because these two are sufficyent for to proue this purpose which is that the scrypture maketh mē tion that christ defeēded or went downe in to the place where the fathers soules remayned abidyng and lokyng for his comyng thither to them after his death whē his body laye in the sepulchre Nowe to make ones an ende of this treatyse I wyll breyfely declare that the certayne knowledge of the holy scrypture cōmeth by tradicyon without any other auctorytye then of the catholyke churches the fathers of christꝭ relygyon that lerned of the apostles which were the very trewe scryptures wrytten by the inspiracion and styrynge of the holy goost which were not though they were putforth in the euangelystes or apostꝭ names Saynt Austen in dyuers places of his The euangels and other the holy scripturs are not assuredly knowen to be gods worde but by the churche of chryst bearynge wytnesse there vnto workes and namely ī these that nowe do here folowe affyrmeth the the auctoryte of the holye scryptures dependeth and hangeth vpon the iudgement of the vniuersal or catholike church Fyrst this hath he lib .vii. cōfess Scripturas sāctas ecclesiae catholicae cōmendat autoritas That is to saye The auctoryte of the catholyke churche setteth forth the To. 6. epist cōtra fūda Mani holy scryptures Agayne more playnly this he wryteth Quid faceres dicenti non credo euangelio Ego vero non crederē euangelio ni Hiero contra vigilantium Quid necesse est in manus sumere ꝙ ecclesia non recipit si me catholicae ecclesiae authoritas cōmoueret That is to say What woldest thou do to hym that saith I beleue not the gospel I trewly wold not beleue the gospel except the auctorytie of the catholyke churche shulde moue me It folowethe anone there I muste neades beleue the boke of the apostles actes yf I do beleue the gospell because the catholyke churches autorytie cōmendethe to me of like sort both those scriptures Tertuliā also affyrmeth Tertilianꝰ prescript the same thus wrytynge Quid apostoli predicauerint id est quid illis christus reuelauit et hīc praescribam non aliter probari debere quā per easdē ecclesias quas ipsi apostoli condiderunt eis predicādo tam viua quod aiunt voce quam per epistolas postea That is What the apostles haue preched that is what chryste hath reueiled or opened to thē I wyl note or determyne also hence or therof that it ought not otherwise to be proued then by the same churches or sayth full companyes whiche the apostles them selues buylded preachinge to them as well with a lyuely voyce as they say cōmenly as afterwarde by epystles Besyde this in another boke he wryteth after this maner Tertilianꝰ lib 4. aduer sus martia nem Habemus et Iohannis alūnas ecclesias Nā et si apocalipsin Marcion respuit or do tamen episcoporum ad originē recensitus in Iohan nem stabit autorē Sic et caeterarum generositas recognoscitur Dico apud illas nec solas a postolicas sed apud vniuersas quae illis sacramēti societate confaederantur id euāgelium lucae ab initio aeditionis stare quod cum maxime tuemur Eadem autoritas apostolicarū ecclesiarum caeteris quoque patrocinatur euangeliis quae proinde per illas et secundū illas habemꝰ Iohānis dico Mathaei et Marci Thus may be the englyshe of these wordes We haue also churches of s Iohās scholynge or bryngynge vp in learnynge of the gospell For though marcion doth refuse the reuelation or apocalipse yet the ordre of bysshoppes nombred or rekenyd to the begynnynge shal hold with Iohan that he is the autour or maker of it So also the nobilite or strength of the other scryptures is knowen perfectly I say y● that gospell hath stande for Lukes from the makynge or puttynge forth of it at these churches nother onelye with them that were the apostles but at or with all them holly which are confedered or ioyned to thē with feloshyppe of a sacrament othe or sygne of a holye thynge the whiche thinge we do chyefly defende The same autorytie of the apostles churches defendeth also the other gospels frō iniurye the whiche therfore and after or by them we haue I say Iohas Mathewes and Markes Hitherte the auncyent wryter Tertulian whose wordes declare y● the apostles tradicyon teacheth vs / whiche are the gospelles of chryste and the trew scryptures where there is no scryptures to proue them by and therfore he that wyll beleue nothynge withoute scrypture let hym tel me why he Mark this reader beleueth any one boke of y● scripture to be true scrypture syth no texte of the scrypture can testifye that it is scrypture in dede Wrote not I praye the reader Bartylmewe a gospell and Nychodemꝰ another as storyes do tell whiche are not receyued for anye parte of the scrypture By what auctorytye is this done wherfore doest thou rather giue credence vnto Lukes gospell whiche neuer sawe chryste then to saynte Bartylmewes whiche was one of the twelfe apostles Eusebiꝰ testifyeth that an euāgel Lib. 3. ca. 3. or gospel was iuged to haue bene
wryttē by saynt Peter and a boke of actes with a reuelatiō which are not alowed to be scripture Enoch wrote a boke of the which Iudas ī his epystle spake and also Tertulian Manye dyuers De habitu muli●bri other bokes were ascrybed vnto the apostles and euangelystes beynge put forth in theyr names and bearynge theyr tytles whiche in dede eyther they neuer wrote or els the holy gooste moued not them to make them or thought it not good nor necessary to haue them receyued and vsed amonge chrysten people which thing he opened taught the holy apostles and other the beleuynge people of and frome whom the certeyne knowledge whych is the holy scripture and whych is not doth come as S. Cypryan sayeth thus wrytyng In enarr● symbo ap● Quae sunt noui ac veteris instrumēti volumina quae secundum maiorum traditionem per ipsum spiritū sanctum inspirata creduntur etecclesiis tradita competens videtur in hoc loco euidenti numero sicut expatrum monumentis accepimꝰ designare That is to wyt Whiche are the bookes of the newe and olde testament that accordynge to the elders tradition are beleued to be inspired by the holye gooste and delyuered vnto the churches it semeth mete to assigne or note in thys place by an euidente nōbre lyke as we haue learned of the fathers recordes or bookes Then streyght he recyteth the numbre of the bokes whyche are reckened to be holy scrypture Wherby it appeareth yet ones agayne that we knowe not what bookes be to be iudged estemed gods worde but by tradition of the apostles and oure auncetours or elders whom the holye gooste sayeth saint Cyprian that blessed martyr taught that thinge by inspiratiō It foloweth therfore that yf thou wylte beleue nothynge wythout wytnesse of the scrypture that thou causte beleue nothynge of the gospell to be scripture nor no other parte called scrypture and so all the fayth wholly muste neades at ones by that one deuellish opiniō cleane peryshe Wherfore cease asking where it is wrytten in the scrypture in thinges at the lest receyued generally of Christen nations and gyue credence vnto the catholyque churche whose authoritie as it is moost certeyne and sure so it is verye longe and greate as this chaptre shall proue to the by goddes grace sufficientlye ¶ The auctoritie of christes catholike churcch of and vpon the Apostles traditions and veryties not written in the scripture AS touching the authorite of christes catholyke or vniuersal church I entende at thys tyme to be very briefe and shorte The olde and auncyent wryter saynt Ireneus I●eneus lib. 5. cap. 4 whyche was scholer to one Polycarpe saynt Iohan the euangelystes disciple thus wryteth of the churches auctoritye We ought not to seke yet the truth at other the which it is easy to take of the churche seyng that the apostles haue brought al thinges belōgyng to the truth in it most plēteously as it were into a rich treasure house or store house so that euery man that wyll maye receyue of it water of lyfe Here thys holye martyr sendeth vs to the catholyke churche to learne the truthe sayeth we maye not seake it but there onelye Thys churche neyther doth approue any thynge agaynste the fayth good lyuynge nor suffereth any thing agayust eyther of thē to be Tomo ● Epist 119. kept as s Austen testifyeth If thys churche through the whole worlde do teache anye thynge Epist 118. quī ita faciēdū sit disputare inquit August insolētissime īsaniae est y● is but that it must so be done to reasō or dispute it is most proud T●en was Luther madde as many other are that folowe him nowe madnes Thys sayeng of saynte Austen declareth many mē both to be proud and very madde also whyche do reason stubbornely and spytefullye agaynste dyuers thynges obserued kepte through the whole church these many hundred yeres Oure Lorde make theym meke humble and wyse that they maye acknowledge the hygh and certeyne authoritye of Chrystes catholyke churche agaynst the whyche no Aug. de trinita lib. 4. cap. 6. quiete man hath or wyl as S. Austeyne testifyeth iudge saint Austen intreating of the christenyng agayne of them that were baptysed or christened of an heretyke thus wryteth Thoughe there were no exāple of this matter taken out of the holye scrypture yet the veritie of the same ●ib 1 cap. 33. contra ●resconium grāmaticū scriptures is holdē of vs in this thynge when we do that whyche hath pleased the whole churche whē the same scriptures authoritie commēdeth setteth forth so that foras much as the holy scripture can not deceyue vs who so euer feareth to be deceyued by the darkenes of thys questyon whether one baptysed of an heretyke sh●●l●e be chrystened agayne or not let hym aske councel of the same catholike church whom wythout al doubt the holy scrypture cōmendeth Hytherto this great clerke saynt Austē whyche wylleth vs to aske coūsaile of christes catholike church in thys doubtefull question of baptyme of the which the scripture speaketh not and therfore al thynges can not be proued by the scrypture whyche we muste both beleue / do also thoughe many men vngodly / and falsely saye they may The same Austē / which sayed he wolde not beleue the gospel / except the authoritie of the catholyke churche shulde moue hym / in another place defineth / declareth / what is the catholike churche sayeng I beleue Tomo 10. sermonē de tēpore 131. the holy churche catholike that is to saye whyche is spred and dyspersed throughe all the worlde because the churches of dyuers heresyes for that cause are not called catholyke that they what churche is called the catholike church are conteyned in theyr places and countreyes Hec vero a solis ortu usque ad occasum usque vnius fidei splēdore diffunditur That is Thys the catholyke churche is scattered abrode wyth the shynynge of our faythe from the sunnes rysyng vntyll the goyng done The donatystes whyche were a certē kynde of heretykes in Numidia aboute the yere of oure Lorde thre hundred fyftye thre affyrmed that the church or congregation of christen people was no where but with them as Luther and hys scholers are not asshamed to booste of theyr flockes which is agaynst the nature and name of the catholyke churche of the whiche Vincētiꝰ lirynensis which was aboue aleuen hundred yeres before this Vincētius lirinensis gallus tyme wryteth after this sorte I haue often with great studye asked of very many men both wel learned and godly also by what rule or sygne I myght discerne the truth of the catholyke fayth from the falsite And I had almoste euer this aunsweare that whether I or els anye other wolde espye out the gyles or deceytes of heretykes and auoyde theyr snares and abyde sownde and hole in a sownde faythe he oughte two wayes by goddes
heresye that none of the aūcient doctours had eyther set it forth or allowed it set forth by other that it shuld be contrary to the doctrine of chyrstes church and we such is our pryde and want of grace do despise the iudgemente both of the godlye fathers and of the hole catholyke churche which is as saynte Chrysostom wytnesseth the mother of the beleuyng people Here nowe what Tertulian ●ermonē 76 de 〈◊〉 hath sayed of the church in these fewe wordes Non alia agnoscēda ē apostolorū traditio quā quae hodie apud ipsorum ecclesias aeditur Exhibe ergo aliquem ex tuis apostolici Lib. ● aduersꝰ Mattionē habet euāgelium marcionis ecclesias sed suas tā posteras quam adulteras quarū si c●sum requitas factitus apostaticum inuenias quam apostolicā lib. 4. aduersus mart ● cēsus et obduxeris None other tradition is to be recognysed or knwledged the apostles then that whiche is published or set forth at theyr churches Therfor shew forth some man of thyne of the apostles estimation numbre or iudgemēt and thou shalt ouercome or obteyne the victorye Agayne thus he hath In summa si constat id verius ꝙ prius id prius ꝙ ab initio id ab initio quod ab apostolis pariter vtique constabit id esse ab apostolis traditum quod apud ceclesias apostolorum fuerit sacrosanctum That is to say brieflye If it be playne that to be trewer that is fyrste that to be fyrste or before that was frō the begynnynge whyche was of the apostles it shall in lykewyse be verily euident that to be taught of the apostles whyche hathe bene much estemed as a thynge halowed or that ought not to be touched but reuerentlye at or wyth the apostles churches Furthermore the councell kepte In registro lib. 1. ca. 23 at Nicea whych was one of the four general coūcels that s Gregorye sayed he no lesse thē y● four gospels beleued declareth how muche the churches autoritie determinations shulde be regarded sayeng Si cathari venerint ad Cap. ● ● ecclesiā catholicam prae omnibus eos scriptis conuenit profiteri ꝙ ca tholice et apostolice ecclesie dogmata suscipiant et sequātur That is If the heretykes whyche called them selues cathoros for y● cleanes of lyuing which they proudlye challynge to them shal come to the catholyke churche it is mete that they fyrste or before all thynges do by wrytyng promise openlye or confesse that they do receiue and folow the doctrines or determinations of the catholyke apostles churche Againe Cap. 9. the councell sayeth Quod irreprehensibile est catholica tenet ecclesia The catholyke churche holdeth that thynge whiche can not be reproued If we wolde marke well thys sayenge which as I sayed saynt Gregorye estemed it as the gospel folowe it we shuld not so shamefully ere go out of the waye as we nowe Lib. de ver● sapien daylye do For as Lactantius witnesseth Sola catholica ecclesia est quae verum cultum retinet Hic est fons veritatis hoc est domicilium fidei hoc templum dei quo si quis nō intrauerit vel a quo si quis exiuerit a spe vitae et salutis aeternae alienus That is to saye The catholyke churche onelye is that holdeth styll the trewe worshyppynge of God Thys is the well of truth thys the house or mansyō of fayth thys the tēple of god whither yf any man shal not entre or out of whyche yf any man goo he is wythout hope of lyfe and euerlastynge saluation These are both trewe wordes also dreadful and therfore lette men beware that forsake the catholyke churche and folow any particular churches opynyons as they do whyche leane to Luthers And that we maye knowe the catholyke churche from the heretycall he addeth sayenge But yet because euery cōpanye of heretikes do iudge thē selues chyefly chrystē people and theyr church to be the catholike church we muste knowe that that is the trewe churche of Chryste in the whyche is religion confession and penaunce By confession he vnderstode aurycular cōfession of synnes / whyche is made to a preeste / for confession to god is refused of no church / be it neuer so hereticall / therfore he ment that where aurycular confession was not regarded / vsed / there was not the trew churche of christ Lib. 4. Epistola ● But Cypryan shall speake hys mynde in this matter with these wordes Quisquis ille est et qualis cūque est christianꝰ non est si in christi ecclesia nō est quae vna est per totum mundum in multa membra diuisa Who so euer he be / and what so euer he be / he is not a chrysten mā / yf he be not in christes churche the whyche is one dyuyded through all the worlde in to many members Nestorius an arrogant heretike as al such be / sayed that all the hole number of doctours wryters that were before hym were deceyued and the whole churche erred frō the truth and he onelye founde out the truth and folowed it Dyd not euen so saye and boost Marten Luther folowinge him therein the Donatians Nouatians Ruthenes Armenos and all other heretykes affyrmynge that the churche of Chryste was wyth them onelye Beware of them good chrysten reader and stedfastlye folowe the catholyke vniuersal churche whyche the apostles buylded set vp wyth preachynge the gospell to them This is not in one place cytie corner nor coūtrey but euerye where where true beleuyng folk be It can not erre the holy gost rulynge guydynge and gouernynge it from tyme to tyme vntyll Io. 14. 16. the worldes ende accordingly as christ promysed to it This is the pyller of the truth as S. Paule affyrmethe and therfore leane vnto it fast and thou shalt neuer fall from thy fayth but abyde therin to thy greate cōfort and soules health But nowe to the nexte chaptre which reciteth the anncient doctours sentences pronounced and publysshed in theyr bokes vpon this matter of verytes vnwrytten and the churches tradicions Saynt Ireneꝰ policarpes saynte Iohan the euangelystes dyscyples scholer sheweth what doctours we shuld folowe in learnyng the truth of our fayth sayenge We must beleue those preestes which are in the church hauynge successyō of Lib. 4ca 43 et 45. the apostles and all other that come frome that the pryncypall successyon in what place soeuer they are gathered togyther or els to be suspected eythera s hetykes and of an euyl iudgemēt Cap. 44. or deuidyng the church againe Adhaerere oportet his qui a postolorum doctrinam custodiunt et ab eis discere verit atem apud quos est illa quae est ab aposto lis ecclesie successio ☞ The auncyent doctours sentences wrytten and set forth vpon traditions of the apostles chrystes holye church NOwe for as moch as Saynt
thā a thousande lutherans Thys holy Dionise yet wryteth more playnlye of verities not wrytten of traditions of the apostles sayeng Primi illi nostri sacerdotalis muneris duces aposto los intelligit sūma illa et supersubstantialia parti scriptis partim non scriptis īstitutionibus nobis tradiderunt That is to wytte They the fyrste leaders or capitaynes the apostles he meaneth of oure preestes office delyuered to vs or taught vs by tradition those highest thynges whose substāce exceadeth other thingꝭ substāce by instructiōs of doctryne partly wrytten partly not wrytten What coulde haue bene spoken of anye man more playnlye then this is for the furtheraūce of my purpose Who that hath anye sparcle of wysdome careth for hys soules health wyl not gyue credēce to thys blessed doctoure Paules disciple rather then to Histo eccl lib. 9. ca. 19. Luther or any of hys scholers Sequendi sunt doctores qui ante diuisionē fuerunt Those doctours Dsligēter obseru ●dū est vt lex dei cū legitur nō secū dum yprii ingenii intelligenciam legatur vel doceatur Suni e●im multa verba in scripturis diuinis que possunt ●rahi ad eū sensum quem sibi vnusquisque sponte presumpsit Sed id fieri non opor tet non eni sensum quem attuleris extrin secus alienum et extraneum de bes querere Et ideo oportet ex eo intelligentiam discere scripturarum qui eam a maioribꝰ secūdum veritatem sibi traditam seruauit Clemens ep istola 4. ad ecclesiā hieroso are to be folowed sayth Eusebius whych were before the diuysion such I haue alleged here for to make mē beleue the truth of thys controuersye and therfore men oughte to folowe them rather thē Luther or any other be he neuer so wel lerned whych hath bene sence the diuisyon begon Saynte Hierom commended greatlye Nepotian because he wyllynge to auoyde the glory of learning was wont to say Thys is the sayeng of Tertulian this of Cypryan that of Lactātiꝰ thys of Hylaries so spake Munutius felix thus victorinus after thys fascion Arnobius wherby we maye learne to folowe the auncyent doctoures iudgemente in al controuersies rysē vpon matters of our fayth therfore syth I here haue alleged the greatest part of all the eldest and best learned wryters to proue traditions and to declare that the holy apostles lefte manye thynges to vs not wrytten men oughte to gyue credēce to it and to ceasse askyng where it is wrytten in the scrypture Salomon counsaylleth vs that we shulde not truste ouer much vnto our owne wyttes and iudgement / and thynke oure selues wyse sayenge thus Ne sis sapiens apud teipsum be thou not wyse in thyne owne eye vpon whyche texte saynte Hierome thus wryteeth Est autem sapiens in semetipso qui in illis que ex patrum magisterio recte potuit cognoscere sese prae caeteris quasi doctor extollit That is to saye in oure tonge But he is wyse in hym selfe or in hys owne conceyte whyche extolleth hym selfe before other as more cunnynge in those thinges whyche he moughte haue knowen well ynough of a ryght fashion or trewly of the fathers or elders maysters office God gyue vs grace to do otherwyse then do al heretykes whiche So do all the lutherans to theyr owne confusion and manye others Vt qui cor nicum oculos cōfig●● et conātur reseindere que ātiquitas magno approbauit cōsēsu Esaie 5. despyse al the holy doctours iudgementes and folowe theyr owne fonde fantasye which causeth them to be so blynde as they are to erre in so many weyghtye poyntes of our fayth as they do beynge cursed by the holy ꝓphet Esaie saynge Vae vobis qui sapientes estis in oculis vestris Wo be to you that are wyse in youre owne eyes or sight CC. fathers assembled in the generall coūcel holdē at Ephesꝰ agaynst Nestoriꝰ aboue eleuen hundred yeres past folowed the doctours myndes and iudgement as vincētiꝰ lirinēsis which was then alyue telleth and shall we set theim at nought as Bullynger dothe in his booke agaynste tradicions and cleaue to our owne dreames and lewde gloses made vpō the scrypture to support therby our deuyllyshe opynions But let this passe and cōpēdiously here an aunswere to the auctorities alledged agaynste tradicions reasons made in defence of this naughtye opinyō by the lutherans the which done I wyl make an ende of this boke ❧ An aunswere to the auctoryties alledged and the reasōs made vpon the contrary part agaynst traditiōs AFter I haue good chrysten reader sette fourthe the truth of this matter touchīge traditions not wrytten in the scrypture I trust sufficiently / nowe I wyll aunswere very cōpendiously and bryeflye to all the obiectyons made and put for the for the defence of the cōtrary part the by thē no man be deceyued excepte he be desirous to be blynd wādre frō the truth which he may so playnlye see before his eyes Fyrst they alledge this texte of the scrypture Non Deute 4. addetis ad verbum quod loquor vo bis That is to say ye shal not adde to the worde / that I do speake to you If sayeth Luther hys scholers no man maye put anye thynge to gods worde as he cōmaundeth here it muste neades therof folow that traditiōs not wrytten in the scrypture oughte not to be obserued of vs. Is not this a wonderfull blyndnes of these men whiche do take vpon them to reache all chrysten nations a newe doctryne who that wyse is wyll folowe such blynd leaders that so do wrest the holy worde of god from his ryght sence to maynteyne an heresye Our lorde open mens eyes whiche are shyt and closed by affectyon that they may se ones how lytle learnynge they haue whō they take for great clerkes But to the scrypture recyted whiche is Thou shalt put nothynge to the worde sayeth god which I do speake to the. Must not this sentence or sayenge haue a mete exposition lest it appeare verye false whiche is very true For these wordes were spoken of the cōmaūdementes and is it in no wyse lefull to adde anye thynge vnto the preceptes of the old law Dyd the prophetes yll whē they added theyr ꝓphecies to the word of gods cōmaūdementes Who can denye but that chryste hymselfe his euangelystes and the apostles added many thinges to that worde of god of the which he spake here and yet no good chrysten man wyll saye that the prophetes chryste and his apostles dyd offēde breke goddes cōmaundemente therby therfore that gods precept byddyng nothynge to be added vnto hys worde muste be vnderstande of thynges contrarye to it or corruptyng the ryght sense therof / suche as were the pharisees and scrybes traditions by the which they induced mē to breake gods cōmaundemēts / as I wyll more at large declare in the soylynge of the nexte argumente Nowe there is not
suꝑstitious superfluous tri feling vayne traditiōs which shulde be more estemed thē gods cōmaūdemētes kepte also before them yea gods cōmaundemētes broken for the kepinge of them such as was the iewes ordinaūce to wasshe their handes before meate lest by the fylth of the hādes the meat myght be defyled it so defyled myghte defyle the eaters soule and of offeryng also the chyldrens goodes in the temple before the helping of theyr poore fathers and mothers All such plantynges shal be plucke cleane vp by the rotes sayeth chryste but what is thys agaynst the godly holsome and necessarye traditions of christes churche of the which I haue recyted in thys booke the greater part Moreouer they allege S. paule sayeng to the Galathians Cap. 1. But though we or an angel frō heauen preach saue it that we haue preached that same be cursed or diseuered frō your cōpany As we haue saied before so say I again If any mā preache beside it that ye haue receiued let him be cursed or seperate frō you If he ought to be cursed or put frō christē peoples cōpany that preach ought beside that wich paule preached the people receiued why shulde we beleue or kepe mens traditions which paule preached not nor the people then had receyued them This reason dependeth vpō the wronge takyng of saynt paules The aunsweare wordes For he ment not that euery preacher of any thing whiche he had not preached and the galathyans receyued shulde be acursed or seperate frō theyr cōpany for thē he had bene cursed hym selfe which preached many thynges that he taught not the galathians Therfore Paule is to be vnderstande of theym that preache any thynge agaynst the gospell which he hadde taught the galathyans and they receyued it but afterward forsoke it receyuyng the olde lawe of Moses and ioynyng it with the gospel of chryst as though they could not be saued by fayth in chryste without the kepyng of those ceremonies then prohibite vtterly This is the true meaning of saynt Paule saynt Austen expo wneth it generally of all doctryne that Lib. 17 cap. 3. contra faustū is agaynste the apostles and the gospell established by theyr prechyng And so the greake Para o muste be translated contraquā or cōtra quod that is otherwyse thē or cōtrary to that paules purpose declareth none other thynge to be mente of hym whiche was to perswade the galathians to retourne agayne from the keping of the ceremonies of Moyses law and to beleue no false teacher la bourynge to make them thynke that Chrystes gospell were not sufficient for theyr saluatyon with oute those ceremonies Sayeth not saynt Paule that he meruey led that they were so sone turned from the gospell and from hym which called theym to the grace of chryste in to another gospell whiche is not another sauynge that there besome which do trouble you and wolde tourne vp so downe chrystes gospel What nede we anye further declaratyon yet lest some mā wyl suppose that this is myne owne phansye or dreame let men marke these s Chrysostoms wordes vpon the same letter of paule If any angel come frō heuē corruptyng the preachynge of the gospel let hym be coursed Againe Etiam si quid vis labefactarint a nathema sīt yea yf they do corrupte or subuert a litle or what thou wilt / let them be cursed Nec mihi ipsi parco si diuersa predicem Nother I spare my selfe yf I preach or publishe thynges contrary to the gospel This is sufficyente for the full confutacion of that argumente / especially seyng that I haue declared by paules owne wordꝭ dyuers doctours expositions sette forth vpō thē that he taught many thynges whiche he wrote not at al and sainte Paule sayeth not If any man do preach ought be syde that whiche I haue wryttē to you or you receyued of me by my wrytyng but besyde that which I haue preached to you whiche maketh nothynge agaynste tradicions or verities vnwrytten which Paule preached more thē agēst that which he wrote Marke also reader that Paule spake there to the Galathi●s of the gospel that he had preached which in dede ꝓperly is the good mery and ioyful tydynges of our saluation by chryste oure sauioure vnto the which mans tradiciōs do not ꝑteyne nor to anye parte therof but as thynges helpinge to the easyer vnderstandynge better fulfyllyng of it and therfore these Paules wordes speakynge of settynge forth another gospel do nothynge at all make agaynste the churches tradicyons They yet procede on reasonynge The .iiii. reason thus vpon saynte paules wordes Videte nequis vos decipiat per philosophiam et inanē fallaciam secundū traditionē hominū that is Take ye hede or beware lest any man deceyue you by philosophy and vaine deceite after the tradicion of men Here saynt Paule byddethe men to be ware lest they be deceyued by mennes traditions therfore they are not to be kepte This reason is so weake yea so fonde folysshe y● it is not worth rehearsing moch lesse any cōfutacion For Paule warnethe men to be wyse leste some man deceyue them by philosophye and voyde crafty hādlynge thē after mennes teachīg and not to be ware absolutely generallye of all traditions for thē he hadde sayed agaynste his owne instructions gyuen to the corinthians in the .xi. chaptre of the fyrste epystle when he spake of his tradicions as I haue alreadye declared and also when afterwarde he badde the thessalomans stande faste kepe hys tradicions .ii. Thess .ii. Agayne he expowneth his mynde by the wordes nexte folowynge which be parte of the same sētence and are lefte out of these mē because they dyd make agaynste theyr purpose after whiche fasshyon the deuyl alledged the scripture as all his knyghtes the heretikꝭ doo It foloweth Secundum elementa mundi et non secundū christum That is After the elementes of the worlde and not after chryste which is as moche as yf he sayde Be ware and circumspecte lest any man deceyue you by philosophye vaine deceyte after the tradicyon of mē in worshyppynge and obseruynge the planettes to whose influences coniunctions the lyenge apostles and false prophettes did referre ascrybe al thynges / as the phylosophers astronomers dyd / not to god as the autour of thē This kynde of doctryne as it is not after Chrystes teachynge and religyon / so no good chrystē man hath or dothe defende it / or maynteneth anye suche tradicyons whiche are properly called mens tradicions for as moche as they be inuented by man onlye without the steringe and inspyration of the holy goost and so are not the apostles and the churches tradytyons but they come chyefely of the holy goost as wytnesseth the blessed martyr Fabian which was aboue M. In epistola ad episcopo● orientales ccc yeres past sayenge Cura vestrae solicitudinis est adhibenda vt ea quae sunt ab apostolis eorūque successoribus ordinata
et instigāte spiritu sācto instituta nec dissimulatio negligentiae nec aliqua praesūptio valeat perturbare Sed sicut hoc ꝙ exigebat rationis vtilitas oportuit definire ita quod definitum est nō debet violari That is to saye The dilygence or studye of your care must be put to or you must be diligent and careful that dyssymulation of neglygence may not moche trouble nor any arrogance those thynges which are ordeyned of the apostles their successours and instructed by the holy goost styrrynge or prickynge forward Also he spake of the iewes ceremonies which thē it was vnleful for y● Galathiās to obserue kepe therfore the obseruing of thē was mans tradition That thys is the true / righte meaninge of the apostles wordes it apeareth both by that that anone afterwarde whē he had spokē of y● iewes choyse of meatꝭ their feastes he calleth thē elemēta mūdi elemētes of y● worlde sayenge If ye be dead with christe frō the elemētes of thys worlde why do ye yet put difference betwene meat and meat daye and day etc Also the iiii chapter of his epistle to the Galathians paule calleth the olde lawes ceremonies egena elemēta elemētes lackyng somewhat Therfore this pauls letter stādeth nothynge agaynst the traditiōs of the apostles their successours / lefte in the churche frō one to another But let thys Pet manꝰ tradua be sayed for the repeallynge of that argumēt They dispute yet further The .v. argument of this sort against traditions Paule sayeth .ii. To .iii. Al scripture geuen by the inspiratiō of god is profitable to teach improue informe to instructe in righteousnes that the mā of god may be perfect prepared vnto all good workes Then why do we thruste sayeth Vrbanus regius wisely in the churches hādes the lawes of men as necessary to christes religion Thys argumēt is sone answeared vnto For what argumēt I besech the good christē reader is this al scripture inspired by the holy goost is profitable to teach man y● he maye be perfect made ready to al good workes ergo the scripture cōteyneth in it expressely al truth and euery thing necessary to be beleued of vs kept May not euery part boke of the scripture be as in dede it is profitable to instructe mā y● thereby he maye be perfecte prepared to all good workꝭ yet not cōteyne al truth the hole y● is necessary for our saluatiō The .v. bokes of Moses cōteine a doctrine profitable to y● purpose so of the rest seuerally yet that notwtstandyng there are sundrye thynges both true necessary not conteyned therin Yea but perchaūce some mā wyl say to me The gospel is perfecte sufficient for to procure oure saluation for Chryste gaue vnto hys churche not botched clowted nor vnperfect lernyng seing there nedeth no addition to be made vnto the whiche is perfecte wherfore shulde men beleue the the scripture cōteyneth not in it all truth thynges necessarye for our saluation but the diuers thynges come by tradition whiche are both necessary to be beleued of vs also kepte It is very true that the scripture the gospel is perfecte not that it conteineth in it expresselye all truth necessarye to be knowen obserued as I haue proued before in thys my boke but the it is perfecte touchynge the thynges cōprised thereī cōteyneth general rules p̄ceptꝭ out of the which al thynges necessary for a chrysten mannes religion saluation may be collected gathered thoughe they be not particularly expressely publyshed sette forth therin As for an example The scripture byddeth vs honoure god but vpon what daye Exo. 20. Deute 6. Math. 4. we shulde do it chiefly scripture plainly telleth not leauing that to be taughte the apostles of the holy goost whiche dyd institute the sonday styred of that spirite of al truth as I haue shewed before Also the scripture sayeth the wythout baptyme none cā entre in to the kyngdome of heuē Iohā iii. the holy apostles inspired with the holy goost of that and other sayenges touchyng the necessitye of baptysme ordeyned and taughte wythout wrytynge that chyldren ought to be chrystened may be saued therby Finallye the scrypture cōmaūdeth euerye mā to take vp beare his crosse mortify the sensualities affections of the fleshe the apostles taught bow that shulde be done by fastynge the lente wensdaye fryday such other This we se therfore that wyth the perfectenes of the scripture agreeth standeth right wel that it cōteyneth not expressely all truth but that dyuers truthes were opened to the holy apostles by the holy goost / which they lefte vnto the The .vi. argument churche vnwrytten Hytherto of thys Another reason maketh Vrbanꝰ regiꝰ vpō Pauls wordes ● Cor. 3. sayenge All thynges be yours / whether it be Paule / eyther Apollo / eyther Cephas Wherby sayeth he we do vnderstande the neyther Paule / nor Cephas or Peter hath auctoritie to bynde mens cōscience / where god byndeth not / therefore we are not boūd to beleue or kepe of necessitie any traditiō of paul / peter or any other whiche God byndeth not vs to beleue / obserue by his holy word Did euer any mā The aunsweare reade / or heare so fonde folysh a reason as this is who wyl not bewayle lamēt this great blīd nes of the lutherans which do reason so vnlernedlye to defende an heresy It is trew the peter paul were the corinthiās for asmuch as they were ministers sent of God for theyr saluation What thā coulde not they yet teache many thinges by mouth onely leaue thē weout writing vnto the church the it shulde beleue thē to be trew kepe thē also But thou sayest that they could not bynde mens cōsciēce where god bīdeth not I graunt the / but of the must it nedes folow that they left nothyng vn writtē byndynge mens cōscience to beleue and obserue it Doth god bynde vs to nothynge vnwrytten in the holy scrypture Haue not I proued the cōtrarye in this boke Byndeth not thē there god mans cōscience / when where the holy gooste styrreth the apostles to institue ordeyn any thing not cōprehēded in the scripture leaue it to y● churche vnwryttē Therfore this slender argumēt is cleane wypte away as this other shal be grounded lyke wyse vpon the wronge vnderstandyng of these S. Pauls Colo. 2. The. 7. argument wordes to the Collossians Ye beyng dead wyth christ why are ye holden styll with decrees What is this yf it be not plaine wrestynge of scrypture from his true sense Saint Hierom sayed wel that heresye standeth in the Ca. 1. ad Gala. wronge takyng of the scrypture doth 〈…〉 Dyd not saint Paule in that seconde chaptre to the Colossians playnly speke of y● olde lawes decres or ordināces which dyd cōsyste in
abrogated by chrystes death That Paule spake there of that olde lawe of Moses it appeareth by that the proces of that epistle and chaptre where he speaketh of circumcision Now what argumēt is this good reader If ye be ledde with the spirite ye are not vnder Moses lawe ergo the traditions of the apostles vnwritten oughte not nor can not bynde mēnes cōscience Saynte Chrysostom expowneth it thus He that hath the holy goost and in his liuing and dedes is ruled and ledde by the same doth quenche al yll desires and lustes and therfore he hath no nede of the lawes helpe that by feare of it he shulde lyue well Etiam qui ex sese suo fungitur officio quid opꝰ habet paedagogo For what nede hath he y● of hymselfe doth hys duetie of one appoynted to se hym well ordered as a childe As a horse that runneth fast of hym selfe nedeth not to be spurred euē so the ryghteous and perfecte good mā ledde wyth the holy gooste is not vnder the lawe of god for as much as he doth lyue godly wold so contynew yf there were no lawe to enforce and constrayne hym so to do But what is thys to the holye apostles traditions Yea what maketh i● agaynste anye ordynaunce of the churche The beste men that lyue in the worlde haue nede of gods lawe to leade them streyghte in the waye and payth of vertuous lyuynge thoughe they ncade no lawe to compel them for feare of punyshmente to do well and to absteyne from synne After thys meaning and sense Paule saied Justo non est lex posita the lawe is ● Tim● 1. not made for the ryghteous because sayeth Chrysostome the lawe is made that by feare and threteninge of it synners shulde leaue committyng of synne and be punished whē they do amisse and therfore Paule sayed to the Galathians Lex propter transgressiones posita est the lawe is Gala. 3. made for transgressyons to be restrayned and punyshed thereby But of thys sufficient Some men alledge saynte Austen agaynst traditions whiche in a certen epistle to saynte Hierom wolde that we shoulde beleue that the wryters of the holye scrypture onelye neuer erred and gyue no credence vnto any other man be he neuer so holye and well learned excepte he dyd proue by the scrypture eyther by autours or by probable reasons that he sayed the truth and therfore men oughte not to beleue them that teache traditions To thys wyse reason J fyrste saye that seynge saint Austeyne hym selfe sayeth in sundrye places of hys bookes that we muste nedes obserue traditious as J haue declared before it is a great blyndnes or rather malice agaynste the truth to alledge hym agaynste traditions as though he were contrarye to hym selfe Secondarilye J saye that they whiche do set forth the apostles traditiōs do proue thē by the scrypture other autours and probable reasons also as J haue done in thys booke therfore saynte Austeynes authoritie alledged before holdeth with vs agaynst the reprouers of traditions Thyrdlye J saye that saynte Ansteyne in the sayed epistle resembled and compared the bokes of holy scrypture vnto other bookes compiled made set forth by mans wyt without the reuelation of the holy goost as it appeareth by the tenour of that epystle euidently and therfore he mente nothynge there agaynste anye thynge taught or lefte to the churche of chryste by the holy goostes stirring and in spiration but he called there all suche doctryne holye scrypture that is good godlye though it be not wrytten expresselye in the bible but delyuered by tradition wythout wrytyng Therfore this argumente is soyled clerely Furthermore thys reason is made agaynst traditions of the churche The olde testamente The. 9. argument and the new are as sufficient for chrysten people beleuynge nowe in chryste as the olde testamente onely was for the iewes but the whole fayth vnto the which the Jewes were bound was expressed in the olde testament and the bokes of it / ergo the hole fayth to the whyche chrysten men are nowe bounde is expressely written in the newe testamente and the olde and therfore the faythfull are not bounde to beleue anye thynge not expressed in the Byble / and so there are no traditions vnwrytten necessarye to be beleued of vs christen people Thoughe thys reason do The answeare appeare good and pythye vnto them that are not learned in the scrypture or beynge meanelye learned therein are affectionate and so maryed to the cōtrarye opniyon / that all thynge whyche doth anye thynge soune to theyr purpose pleaseth them hyghelye yet in very dede it nothynge serueth for theyr malycious intent partely because the Hebrewes were of longe tyme faithful peple before theyr faith was wrytten by Moyses in hys fyue bokes and yet they were y● tyme bounde to beleue the thinges then not wrytten but afterwarde partelye for as moche as after Moyses had wrytten and the other bokes of the law were all wrytten the people beleued many thynges perteynyng both to the faith and also to maners whiche were taught by mouthe onely without wrytynge to the beleefe of the which and fulfyllynge also they were neuerthelesse bounde of necessytie And these traditiōs not wryttē some men of the hebrues called ī that Cabala tōgue cabalā because they were receyued by the yonger or later lyuynge people of the elders wtout wrytynge of the olde testament lyke as dyuers dilygente searchers of such thynges haue wytnessed by wrytynge Therfore this argument is answered vnto sufficyently as the next anone shall be god willynge whiche is thus framed of the lutherans vpon these saynt Hieroms wordes Quod ex scriptutis sacris In Math. 23. auctoritatem non habet eadem facilitate cōtemnitur qua approbatur That is to say That which hath not auctorytie of the holye scriptures is despised by the same easeynes by whiche it is approued or allowed but all traditions haue not theyr autorite of y● scrypture therfore they are as easely despised asalowed which they shulde not be yf men were boūde of necessyte to beleue thē or to kepe them wherof it foloweth that we are not boūd to beleue obserue any of them not wryttē in the holy scrypture This reason hangeth altogether vpō the yll vnderstanding of saynt Hieroms sentence which mente not by holy scripture that onely whiche is sette forth in the byble expresselye but all doctryne commynge of the holy goostes reuelatyon wrytten in the Byble or not written but taught the apostles and the church of them by mouth onely for els he had writen agaynste hym selfe which in dyuers places of his bookes exhorteth men to beleue and kepe many thynges not wrytten in the scrypture as it appereth before in this boke This is thoughte by a learned mā to be saint Hiero●s mynde where I examinīg and wayenge diligentlye saynte Hieroms commentaryes there haue founde that he mente another thing For he recyteth some mens opinion to haue bene
and vpō this matter agaynste Heluidiꝰ alledged not one texte of the scrypture to proue this truth but onely dyd make answere to the auctorities that Heluidiꝰ mysse toke for his purpose the which he did as Erasmus In argumē to episto●e illius sayeth truely because the scrypture spake nothyng of that thynge but it was set forth and lefte to the church by the holy apostles tradicion Certaynlye yf the prophet Ezechiels texte alleged before of Bullynger coulde haue proued that our blessed ladye was a virgyn to the ende of her lyfe saynte Hierome wolde haue alledged it to that purpose synce he expowned that whole pphet and therfore for as moche as he dyd not recyte it to y● ende it may appere that he sawe that it made nothynge at al to proue that thyng But this of this veryte vnwrytten delyuered from the apostles to vs by mouth wtout any expresse worde of scrypture speakynge therof Further we beleue as ī dede we are boūd The crede of the apostles to do that the holy .xii. apostles made a certayne crede called in latyn symbolū apostolorū as S. Cypriā affirmeth expowning it because euery one of them made an artycle therof and yet it can not be proued by the scrypture that they made any suche Rufinus aquiliensis saynte Austen In expos●illiꝰ August sermo 10. de penteco c. in ramis palmarum Lyprianus in symbo apost ait Tenet fidel traditio sāctā ecclesiā diuers other do wytnesse that the apostles wrote that crede thys article I beleue the holye church catholyke whyche is cōteined in it can not be proued by any texte of the scrypture If we shulde beleue nothynge that is not expressely namely set forth in the holye scrypture then we shulde not beleue that christ the sonne of god is equall wyth hys father of the same nature substance power for Ariꝰ denyed it because he saw nothyng in the scrypture namely to proue it as saynte Athanasius wrytynge agaynst hym affyrmeth playnly Lib 2 disp● in arianos Where fynde ye sayed Arius thys worde homousios that betokeneth one that is of lyke or the same substāce in al the scripture Dasillꝰ cp 78. Si vero quis dixerit exaiteta essentia et substātia esse filiū eū reprobat as detestatur catholica et apostolica ecclesia O. did est satis ad illius hereseos explosionem was he not as foolyshe as many nowe are many now as then he was / which do euer aske where fyndeste thou that in the scrypture Saynt Athanasius and the great councel holden at Nicea wyth as manye as haue written against y● heresie which holdeth y● the sonne is not equal wyth hys father haue made answeare vnto the arryans that albeit this worde or name homousios signifiynge that christe the sonne is of one nature and substaunce wyth hys father is not put forth expressely in gods holy worde yet the scrypture alloweth and proueth the thynge it selfe in dyuers places the which they iudged to be sufficyent as in dede it is not in thys matter one●●● but in sundrye other as that there be three persons in the trinitie though it be not expressed in the scripture and therfore Sabelliꝰ denyed it yet y● scrypture doth fully and plenteouslye set the thynge it selfe forth Also that the holye gooste procedeth from the father and the sonne is not namely expressed in the scripture and for that cause the grecians and the Armenes denyed it and yet the scrypture proueth that thynge sufficiently as it is expowned of the holy doctours Wherfore it is peryllous to demaunde for the beliefe of euerye thynge receyued of vs where it is wrytten in the scrypture or howe can it be proued by the holy scrypture syth it is ynoughe that the scripture is not against it beynge receyued of the catholique churche or that the scrypturs dothe sette it forth as it is vnderstande and expowned of Tertulianꝰ de corona militis the holye churche and her doctours catholike In this matter concernyng the askyng of scrypture for the proufe of euery thing I wolde that euerye man wolde marke wel what the eldest latine doctour of christes church Tertulyan sayth therin whose wordes are these Cum quaeritur cur quid obseruetur obseruari interim constat ergo nec nullum nec incertum videri potest delictū quod cōmittitur in obseruationem suo nomine vindicandam et satis autoratam consensus patrocinio That is to say When it is asked whyany thynge shulde be obserued it is euydente in the meane season the it is obserued Therfore it may seme some faulte a certen synne that is cōmitted agaynste an obseruation whyche is to be defended by hyr name is sufficyentlye authorysed by the defence of consente These wordes do rubbe some men of thys oure tyme vpon the gall as also do Tertuliande corona militis those whyche now folow in thys olde authoure Quale est autem vt quis tūc in questionē prouocet obseruationem cum ab ea excidit et tunc requirat vnde habuerit obseruationē cū ab ea desiit But what thynge is it sayeth he that anye man shulde then cal in to question or doubte an obseruation when he is fallen from it And then requyre frō whēse or wherof he had the obseruation when he hath lefte it Do not dyuers men euen after thys sort now among vs chrystē people For we do forsake fastynge and dyuers other thynges longe kepte of al chrysten nations before we were borne / and then we call them in doubte / and aske what autoritie they be of and how they may be proued by scripture It is an easy thing to aske where is it written that we shulde faste the lent obserue any feastes kepe many other thynges not playnly namely set out in scrypture but we maye aske of them where is it wrytten that these thynges oughte not to be obserued Expostulātesenim scripturae patrocinium So reasoneth Tertulian in parte diuersa praeiudicāt suae quoque parti scripturae patrocinium adesse debere That is For they / askyng a defēce or an eayd of scrypture in the cōtrary part do iudge before that the scryptures defence oughte to helpe theyr parte Habemus obseruationem inueteratam quae praeueniendo statum fecit Hanc si nulla scriptura determinauit certe cōsuetudo corroborauit quae sine dubio manauit detraditione Quomodo enim vsurpari quid potest si traditum non sit priꝰ Tthus maye be the englyshe We haue an olde obseruation whych cōmyng before hath made a state or a certayntie in it Thoughe no scrypture hath determyned thys obseruation yet at lest the custome hath strēghthened it or made it stronge whyche doubtles came of tradition For how maye any thynge be obserued or kepte yf it be not fyrste taught or delyuered by tradition Hitherto Tertulyan whyche was aboue M. ccc yeres xl before