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A02464 Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane in Portingall and against his slaunderous inuectiues An aunswere apologeticall: for the necessary defence of the euangelicall doctrine and veritie. First taken in hand by M. Walter Haddon, then undertaken and continued by M. Iohn Foxe, and now Englished by Iames Bell.; Contra Hieron. Osorium, eiusque odiosas infectationes pro evangelicae veritatis necessaria defensione, responsio apologetica. English Haddon, Walter, 1516-1572.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. aut; Bell, James, fl. 1551-1596. 1581 (1581) STC 12594; ESTC S103608 892,364 1,076

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through swiftenesse of opiniō doe affirme her to be such a Church as cann by no meanes goe astray and whatsoeuer this Church doth denoūce and commaunde the same they doe most greedely catche after with the whole bente of their fayth and defende it with tooth and nayle Out of this sincke were plumped at the first mens traditions and sundry preiudiciall opinions as certein vnreproueable determinations they call them Vnwritten Verities which by leysure they do cōferre with the Scriptures but in such sorte that whatsoeuer shall seeme to serue for their purpose they Canonize the same as inuiolable but if ought be founde contrary to their expectation then either they submitt it to the Iudgemēt of the Church or with violent wrestyng do racke the same to colour their suggestions And hereof sprang all that Darnell and Cockell of errours and dissensions bycause many men did fashion their fayth after this frameshapen chaungelyng and not after the simple conduct of the word In which Church when they perceaued those and such other doctrines to be embraced as these to witte that the Romish See ought to be supreme Empresse ouer all other Churches that Purgatory must be beleeued That Pardons were necessary that vowes made to remayne vnmaried were meritorious That Mounckery and cowled profession hadd a certein wonderfull perfectiō That Images ought to be worshipped Sainctes prayed vnto and that the Grace and deseruynges of Iesu Christ could not of it selfe suffice to the attaynement of Saluation That no man could obteyne righteousnes through fayth without workes That Christ him selfe flesh bloud and bones was conteined and sacrificed in the Masse vnder bare accidentes That lay persons should be denied the vse of readyng the Scriptures participatyng the cuppe of the Lord. All these and many other like drugges though they neuer could finde in the liuely wellsprynges of holy Scriptures yet bycause they perceaue them to be shryned in the Decrees and Decretalles of Rome they doe constauntly beleeue that they must be of as autentique aucthoritie as if they were so many Oracles lettē downe from heauen Hereby cometh to passe that vnder the vysour of the Churche sondry deformed byshapes of doctrine are fostered vpp in the Church and vnder the pretence of Christ the true Gospell of Christ is in no small daunger to be vtterly defaced So that the lamentable complaynte vttered by Chrisostome could neuer so aptly be applyed as to this our Age Many doe walke sayth he vnder the name of Christians but very fewe in the trueth of Christ. But bycause we haue debated these matters with Osorius hereafter at large I will not deteigne your Royall Maiestie with any further Register thereof It remayneth that we make humble intercession to almightie God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ that of his immeasurable mearcy and loue wherewith he disdayned not to disclose him selfe vnto mankynde by his Sonne he will vouchsafe to beautifie and establishe and with his mighty power and outstretched arme to defende and make permanent from all errours and bloudy bootchery the true light of his holy Gospell the bright beames whereof hath allready enlightened the earth We beseeche him likewise that by the Trompett and dewe administration of his Gospell the kyngdome of darkenesse may dayly more and more be subuerted and the Church and kyngdome of his Sonne Iesu Christ may be dispersed abroad ouer the face of all the earth and preached thorough our all Nations and tounges Lastly we pray that he will endue all Christian Kynges and Princes beyng sett in aucthority and especially the puissaunt and victorious Sebastian Kyng of Portingall with all Princely ornamentes to enriche him with all perfect and absolute clemency in vertue and true godlynesse and to enlighten him with the knowledge of his glorious countenaunce and establishe his throne to the settyng forth of his glory and aduauncement of his Church through the merites of the same our Lord Iesus Christ who graunt you in this world millions of his grace and in the world to come lyfe euerlastyng Amen ¶ Faultes escaped in them printyng with correction of the same Wherein note that the figures direct to the Foland and A. B. to the first and second Page FOl. 3. b. President Presidentes ibidem is verified which is verified 15. b. lyfe hereof lyke hereof 15. b. groundewordes groundeworkes 16. a. endyng enduyng 23. b. iugglyng ianglyng 4.2 a. you say lay you 43. b. can vvith can not with 46 b. slaunder slaunderer 56. b. in a by a. 61. a. knowen an vnknowen ibidem to the of the. 66. b. was no litle was litle 96. b. with which 97. a. pitie pictie .105 a. of him in him .106 b. ofter after 10● b. that may that we may .111 b. excludeth excluded .112 a. in other in an other 114 b Sophistically a Sophisticall lye ibidem rather of the rather the .116 a. of a. for a .117 a. requireth required .118 a. geauen be geauen .122 b. they do they that do ibidem the sentence these sentences .130 b. not one no not one .135 b. obiect obiecteth .136 a. of Luthers owne workes he alledgeth Luthers owne wordes .136 b. deny denyeth .137 b. do to to do 137 b nature the nature .151 a. frameth frame .165 a. do thteach doth teach 177. a. iudged be iudged .190 a. deliuered be deliuered .195 a. to onely to the onely 208. a. eare are .231 a. is it not .237 b. may be not may not be .239 b. includeth included .258 b. finally which finally in which .259 a. not but wonder not wonder .266 a. agaynst agayne .275 a. is neither as neither .278 b. to the by the .280 a. to credite no no credite to .285 a. Minister Minster 286. a. fourth a fourth .292 a. yee he .293 b. circumuerted circumuented .300 b. agaynst agayne .303 b. passe to passe .305 a. successours predecessours .313 a. pardon pardoned .329 b. nevves nevv .336 a. same the same ibidem yea yee .357 b. Romeo Rome do .360 b. this these .373 b. dot do not .379 a. hundred hyndred .392 a. by be .426 b. proued prouided .430 a. our your .437 a. sword word .446 a. seduced enduced .446 b. I he it he .462 b. this these 504. b. herefore there hereof therefore To the godly Reader Walter Haddon sendeth greetyng in our Lord Iesu Christ A Few yeares past a certeine Portingall named Ierome Osorius wrate a tedious Epistle to the Queenes Maiestic In the which he imagined many monstruous errours to bee frequented in our church with reprochful rayling most vnreuerently depraued the professours of the Gospel This publicke quarell against my nature countrey troubled me not a litle To some particular pointes wherof I thought good to aunswere although not to all in generall Partly bycause I wated tyme thereunto partly bycause I supposed that Osorius was deluded by some malicious report of our aduersaries therefore I hoped the man would haue bene somewhat satisfied with myne aunswere There passed ouer one year●
entred into any order Ecclesiasticall foreswearing to be coupled in wedlock should sweare them selues to obserue perpetuall vow of vnmaried lyfe If any man be of opiniō that this Tyrāny was brought in by the Apostles and not rather directly agaynst the ordinaūce of the Apostolicke Church is much deceaued in imagination whereas that law was neuer begon nor euer heard of before the tyme of Hildebrand And although I can not deny that there were many vnmaried Ministers many dayes agoe in the Church of Christ at that tyme when as there was not such a huge multitude of Priestes and more plentyfull giftes of chastitie possessed Christian Churches yet did neuer any man read or heare that this necessitie of vowyng chastitie became a publique cōmon coaction before Hildebrād was borne How earnestly the Germaines did set them selues agaynst this wicked prohibition decreéd by Pope Gregory the 7. at what tyme the Archbyshop of Mentz Sollicitour of this Popish decreé was almost slayne let the Histories beare witnesse As touchyng what was done in England I will note somewhat my selfe For on this wise writeth Henry Huntyngton in his Chronicle Anselme sayth he did prohibite Mariadge of Priestes in England which was neuer prohibited before Which seemed to some a matter of wonderfull continēcie but to other very pernitious and perillous least whiles they should couet for a cleannes that surmounted their power they might rushe healong into horrible filthynes to the great reproche and dishonour of Christian name This much he with whom also accordeth the testimony of Monumetensis touchyng the same matter Herbert Byshop of Norwiche sayth he by the commaundement of Anselme and a Decree of a Prouinciall Synode did endeuour by all meanes possible to sequester the Priestes from their Wiues in his Diocese And when he could not bring it to passe he was constrained to send to Anselme for Counsell This is to be founde in a written History pag. 240. The same also happened to Gerrarde Archb. of Yorke about the same tyme. Now what will Osorius say to this If I shall be able to shew him out of our own auncient Recordes more then 40. Recordes and Rolles which doe make mention not onely of our Priestes companying together with their Wiues but also that do by publique authoritie and law of the land prouide that their Wiues ought to be endowed in landes and possessions There was an old Decreé in the Councell of Gangren That no man should make any difference betwixt an vnmaried Priest a maried Priest as to Iudge the one more holy then the other in respect of his vnmaried lyfe I will annexe the wordes of the Coūcell If any man doe take exception betwixt a Maried Priest at that in respect of his Mariadge he ought not to minister the Communion and so sequester him selfe from Communicating with him let him be accursed There ensued after this the Councell of Areletens the 2. wherein was a contrary Decreé made that no person should be admitted to Priesthood that was Married to a Wife vnlesse he vowed to depart from his Wife c. Whereunto also agreéd a Decreé of Pope Lucius long after the other Whereby Priestes and Deacons and such as serued the Altares should lyue continently And this hetherto tollerable enough But what kynde of cōtinency he did meane let vs marke by the sequele But if it happen sayth he that a Minister doe go to bedd to his Wife after he haue once receaued orders let him not enter within the Chaūcell nor be made bearer of the Sacrament nor yet come a neare the Altar c. As touchyng Images Inuocation Sacrifies for Sinnes and Freéwil hath bene spoken sufficiently before And what shall I adde more of the rest of the rascall rable to witte of Purgatory of Satisfactory Constitutions of vowes of other lyke peltyng pelfe of the newfangled Romish Traditions and of the antiquitie of all the rest but euen as they be in deéde namely that in them all appeareth no countenaunce of true Antiquitie but are deuises altogether of mens inuētions bastardes and misbegotten chaungelyngs of Scholeianglers and cowled crauens not grounded vpon any authoritie of the Scripture altogether vnknowen vnto the aūcient primitiue Church the most part wherof hath bene hatcht thrust abroad into the world within these 500. yeares within which compasse of tyme that noumber of yeares began to be fulfilled which was long before Prophecied of for the lettyng louse of Sathan into the world whose libertie out of that bottomles gulfe of hell was foretold by the Propheticall Scriptures should be after a thousand yeares to the end he might now preuaile to deceaue the people dwelling vpon the foure corners of the earth Gog and Magog c. By meane of which pestiferous deceauing it is scarse credible to be spoken what mōstruous ruine dissipation of Empires and Kyngdomes with in these 500. yeares what an alteration hath ensued in that church chiefly how much of Christian force hath bene decayed through Ciuill warres priuate grudgynges how greatly the power of foreine Nations hath increased to our destruction and vndoyng And how in the meane tyme whiles the Turke doth inuade the Christian Church without seékyng with foreine force to vndermine it The Popish Prelates be no lesse busily bent to builde vppe their fortresse of furious Tyranny euen within the bowels of the same Church and to fill vppe their Coffers with Treasures they moyle and turmoyle all thynges Procure warres and bloudshed for the establishment of their primacy sturre vppe Ciuill warres and commotions turne all thynges vpsidowne Wherupō commeth to passe that doctrine is nought sett by by how much their treasory aboundeth in ouer flowing-plenty by so much to speake with Ierome their vertues are pyned away with famine skarsity Idolatry ambitiō superstitiō haue growne to an vnmeasurable excesse all things are defiled with abuse Religiō ruleth the roast with violence cruelty Finally all things are come to nought Trueth is turned to playne lying and treachery The place of sincere fayth possesseth false hipocrisie Praying for the dead kneéling and crowching to Images supplyeth the place of the true and pure worshipping of God The word of the Lord is troden downe with mans authoritye The most godly and auncient ordinaunces are transformed into new fangled traditiōs the simple meaning of the Scriptures is entāgled with scholetrickes and Sophystrye Luste and vnbrideled licentious outrages preuayle aboue godly conuersation and seueritye of discipline Presūptuous pride and greédy desire of Lordlynes and superioritye doe wrestle agaynst lowlynes and humilitye huge heapes of new Noueltyes increase dayly errors and falshode flocke abroad vnmeasurably Finally the whole state of the auncient Church is become a very stage of an earthly Monarchye and a filthy forgeshoppe of foolishe fond ceremonies But now assoone as the Lord of his louing mercy good pleasure towardes vs vouchsafed to amend this dayly drowsy darkenes with
the questions whereof ariseth our controuersie were so harde and intricate that they exceeded your capacities I would not haue entruded my selfe into your presence with this maner of persuasion but would haue referred my selfe rather to the censure of the learned But for as much as this Religion of Gods holy Gospell which we professe is so resplēdisant in the eyes and eares of all men as the bright shyning Sunne in whott Sommers day the doctrine I say wherewith we are enstructed which preacheth Repētaunce to the bruysed cōscience which agayne imputeth vnto the penitent persons free righteousnesse and deliueraunce from Sinne by fayth without workes in Christ Iesu onely which forbiddeth Idolatry which restrayneth to adde or diminish any title from the prescript rule of holy Scriptures which forbiddeth the inuocation of the dead and prayeng to straūge Goddes which acknowledgeth the humanitie of Christ the Sonne of God to be in no place but at the right hand of the Father which approueth honest and honorable estate of Wedlocke in all persons indifferently which hath made all foode and sustenaunce both fishe and flesh without choyse beyng receaued with thankesgeuyng subiect to the necessary vse of man which taketh away all confidence and affiaunce vsually ascribed vnto merites and workes which calleth vs away from the opiniō of soules health to be set in obseruation of prescribed dayes and monethes which reduceth vs from the naked elementes of the world from worshippyng of signes and outward ceremonies which I say cleareth our hartes and myndes from the bondage of mens traditions and dreames and doth ensure and establish vs in mearcy and grace which allureth all persons indifferently to the readyng of holy Scriptures which denyeth to no man the participation of the Cuppe of the new Testament in the bloud of Iesu Christ which abbridgeth all Ministers of the word from desire of all worldly superiority And to stay here frō the reckoning vpp of all the rest which are more notable and manisest then the bright shynyng Sunne in mydday what cann your Maiestie atchieue more worthy or more beseemyng your highe excellency then to admitt into the secrett closett of your soule this most euident trueth of heauenly discipline If your highnesse be not as yet made acquainted therewith or if ye know the same to be infallible and true that ye will no longer shrowde vnder your protection such pestilent errours allready disclosed and repugnaunt to the knowen veritie wherewith your grace may one day hereafter paraduenture desire to be shielded before the dreadfull Iudgemēt seate of the Lord of hostes accordyng to the promise of Iesu Christ. And the trueth sayth he shall deliuer you Iohn 8. And if your highnes shal be persuaded that this reformatiō of Religion whereof I haue treated doth not apperteigne to your estate or to the charge of seculer Princes what doth the wordes of Osori emporte thē wheras writyng of our gracious Queene Elizabeth he doth so carefully admonish her Maiestie to vouchsafe especiall regard to know what the glory of Christ meaneth what the law of the Lord teacheth how much the rule of sacred religiō doth exact of her highnes Again whereas in the same Epistle he doth very learnedly pronoūce that the speciall duty of Princely gouernemēt ought to be wholy employed to the preseruatiō of true and pure Religion Pag. 10. But els otherwise if your grace do thoroughly conceaue that is most true that the gracious restitutiō of gods holy word doth no lesse cōcerne the furtheraūce of the Gospell then the preseruatiō of your Royall estate Saluation of your subiectes I most humbly then beseech you most noble kyng by that redoubled linke of pietie wherewith you are first bounde vnto the Lord That as your Maiestie shall playnly perceaue this cause which we are entred vpon not to varye or decline any iote awrye from the true touchestone of the liuely word neuer so litle that your highnesse of your excellent clemency will vouchsafe to aduertize your Bysh. Osorius That being myndfull of his professiō he do behaue him selfe in debatyng the state of Religion in the vprightenes of iudgement so as the cause requireth and frō henceforth he desiste frō backbyting his neighbours with clamorous lyeng and slaunderous reproches who haue rather deserued well of him then in any respect offended him If he be of opinion that errours ought to be rooted out of the Church lett him first cōuince those for errours which he gaynesayth and shew him selfe abler man to make proofe by Argumēt thē to resist with onely cauillyng By such meanes will he be deemed a more profitable member of the Church and procure him selfe lesse hatred It is an easie matter for euery common rascall to vomitt out disdaynefull names of infamous persons as Protagoras Diagoras Cicloppes Blindsinckes Epicures gortellguttes and monsters But it fitteth comlyer for learned men and more profitable for the Christian congregation to lay aside distompered choler and instruct the vnlearned and reclayme the obstinate with sounde Argumentes and expresse testimonies of the Scriptures If this order be not obserued euery carter may soone by aucthoritie clayme to be a cōmon rayler An other methode of writyng was requisite in Osorius more effectuall to edifie then as he hath vttered in his bookes For this sufficeth not for him to reuile men with odious names as callyng them madd impudent childish and infaūtes and to declame whole cōmon places vsed agaynst heretiques I doe know and playnly confesse That it is most necessary to oppugne erronious sectes heresies But it is not errour forthwith that hath somewhat a bitter smatclie and is vnsauory to euery queysie stomacke neither is it allwayes trueth that is plausible to eche fonde and dotyng phantasie But wise men ought chiefly haue considered how euery mans assertiō is framed to the agreablenes of the word of God Yet now a dayes I cann not tell how the carte is sett before the horse and the preposterous frowardnes of some persons haue brought to passe that bycause men shall not be guided by the Gospell they will runne before it so mens imaginatiōs shall not obey but beare the principall Banner before But where as the right squaryer of Christian fayth hath none other sure foundation but that onely which is grounded vpon the holy Scriptures our dutie hadd bene to direct the buildyng of our Religion by this lyne and leuell and to ramme fast the wallworkes hereof with this cemente and morter But now I cann not tell how it is so come to passe that many do worke guyte contrary For they despise this well fenced order and hauyng as litle regarde to the meanyng purporte of the word they rayse to them selues a Church which they call Catholicke and the same they assigne to be the onely guide and gouernesse yet notwithstandyng they make no demonstration whether it be the Church of Christ yea or nay But measuryng the same by the onely Title of the Romish See
forgeuen but through the merites of Iesu Christ. What then doth not Paul affirme truly that Iewes and Gētiles are all cōcluded vnder sinne Doth not the Propheticall kyng Dauid likewise lōg before him pronoūce truly There is not one righteous person no not one there is not one that will vnderstand not one that will seeke after god All are gone out of the way they are all together become vnprofitable there is not one that doth good no not one If there be not one righteous mā no not so much as one what shal be come of the worthynes of your workes then yea euen amōgest the most perfect and godly If there bee no man that will vnderstand then also the best workes of the godly are of no value If no mā seéke after God what can be duly performed of any person If all haue declined out of the way where be they that haue walked perfectly in the right way Lastly if there be no person that doth good whether then are all your excellent workemaisters vanished a Gods name if all I say all as well Iewes as Gētiles that is to say if all generally are concluded vnder sinne where can those pretie holy men bee founde of whom ye will neédes haue some but Paule vtterly none at all Through the sinne of one man sinne is poured vpon all fleshe to condemnation These be the expresse wordes of Paule which will not admitte any startyng hole yet your Mastershyp notwithstandyng will vrge a certeine perfection of our workes contrary to the manifest authoritie of sacred Scriptures But this Prelate doth make more accompt of the wordes of Christ our Sauiour saying Not he that sayth Lord Lord but he that doth the will of my Father shal enter into the kingdome of heauen And then hee demaundeth If the yoke of sinne bee so alwayes fastened vnto our shoulders that it can by no meanes be remoued how we may then obteine the state of righteousnesse through the grace and goodnesse of Christ Your selfe haue told it wise man truely euen through the very same grace and goodnes of Christ which you haue named And therfore Dauid being full of the holy Ghost lifting his hādes vp vnto God cryeth out in this maner Wash me throughly from my wickednes and clense me frō my sinne for I knowledge my faultes and my sinne is euer before me Why should we desire to bee washed if we did not welter in the filthy puddle of sinnes and why should we require to bee clensed and throughly purified if we were not corrupted wholy defiled with the stinckyng dregges of sinne As by the fall of one mā sayth Paule sinne is deriued by way of propaganaciō vpon all men vnto condēnation euen so by the righteousnesse of one good is extended vnto all men to iustification of life Agayne The same Paule God hath shut vp all men vnder vnbelief that he might haue mercy vpon all Frō our selues therfore proceédeth euill vnto damnatiō And from God commeth Iustification vnto lyfe Of our selues riseth vnbelief but mercy issueth from God But let vs heare our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ him selfe most sweétely cōfortyng vs with these wordes Come vnto me all ye that doe trauaile and be heauy laden and I will refresh you And therfore all anguish and grief of sinne all burden of trespasses wherewith we are ouerladen and haled down not onely to the groūde but euen to hell gates spryng out from our owne selues euen so the asswagyng of all sorrowes and ease of all our importable burdens come from Iesu Christ onely If you bee ignorant of these sentences good Syr wherewith the holy scriptures doe euery where swarme so plentyfully what is it I pray you that you vnderstand in the Gospell if you doe know them why doe ye so maliciously inueighe agaynst those learned men and singular seruauntes of God without cause especially being as now departed this life agaynst whom if they could speake for them selues ye durst not mutter one worde For what are you beyng compared with them But to let them passe whom I did not vndertake to defend what extreme amazednesse is this in you to rehearse my wordes and cull them out of purpose to carpe at them and from them to glaūce away to Luther and Caluin if your quarell be to me why do you not let them alone if ye liste to striue with them then also cauill not with me Doth not reason require this and is not my request allowable Surely it is extreme maddenesse to challenge me vnto the Barriers and then to sckyppe ouer away to others and to pursue them with your venymous toung You say further that it seemeth by my maisters doctrine for so it pleaseth you to tearme thē that the force of sinne is not as yet extinguished in vs through the bloud of Christ. Truely you and I both may acknowledge those men whose names you did recite before to be our maisters not in Diuinitie onely but in practize of pietie also But whereas ye would haue them to teache that the force of sinne is not as yet extinguised through the bloud of Christ I doe expresse here your owne wordes This is onely your horrible and most shamelesse slaūder agaynst them For vnto this marke alwayes they bent their whole endeuour to expresse vnto you Iesu Christ liuely before your eyes the same also crucified to emprint throughly in the very bowels of your soules the most precious bloud of Iesu Christ shed for vs vpon the Crosse to preach vnto vs remission of sinnes through his bitter death and passion to beate into the blind and deafe eares of the world this glad tydyngs of the Gospell beyng ouerwhelmed oppressed by your couled generatiō massemongers confessours and mens traditions altogether choaked buried vnder grounde through the silence of holy Scriptures and to disclose agayne abroad into the open light and put miserable captiues in remembraunce of the sayd doctrine beyng vtterly subuerted by the tyrannous trechery of your gallauntes And therfore in all their sermons lessons and writynges they vsed these and such like speaches The bloud of Iesu Christ doth clense vs frō all sinne You do know that you were redemed from your vayne conuersation which you receaued by the traditiō of your forefathers not with transitorie thyngs as gold and siluer but with most precious bloud as of an vndefiled lambe c. neither whoremōgers nor worshippers of images nor adulterers c. shall inherite the kingdome of God And such ye were but you are clensed but you are sanctified but you are iustified through the name of Iesu Christ and through the spirite of our God You heare men clensed from all sinne redeémed from their vayne conuersation washed sanctified and iustified through the bloud of Iesu Christ Ye know likewise that these men did take vpon them alwayes infinite labours and trauaile about the establishyng and enlargyng of the Gospell of Christ
Asscention day and Whitsonday and the Feast of all Saintes be passed ouer with no lesse brauery if besides this outward shew vayne glorious pompe nothing be ministred els to rayse vppe Fayth to the contemplation of matters of farre greater importaunce For what may we thinke when Christ was first Circumcized when he was first named A Sauiour whē in floud Iordan he was Baptized of Iohn and manifested agayne to be the Sonne of God by a most excellent voyce from heauen when as he was tempted of the Deuill after sixe weékes fasting whenas hauyng finished that triumphe of his Resurrection asscended into heauen he powred vpon his Apostles clouen fiery tounges may we thinke I say that all these were done to none other end but that we should in remembraūce of them keépe idle holy dayes in pastyme play And yet we do not much finde fault with the memorials of those thyngs in godly affected myndes whēas they be rightly taught vnto them as certeine helpes and aydes of godly exercizes euē so also we do not vtterly reiect those holy dayes approued of aūcient tyme by vse and custome yea rather we do in many places reteigne and keépe the same Holy dayes as they doe albeit not with like ceremony as farre as we may without reproche of superstition For euen we also do assemble our selues together and come to the Church celebratyng the memory of the byrth of Christ his Resurrection and Ascention and the Feast of Pe●therost also but not as a memoriall alone whereof we ought to be myndefull euery day and euery houre but seékyng an occasion of the day to heare somewhat that may conduce to sounde and pure Religion and the edifieng of our fayth vnto saluation And therfore we doe not simply deny and reiect these holy dayes but the maner of solemnizyng the same the stinking abuses superstitious worshyppyng the multitude of holy dayes your so●ges and sonnettes for the most part idolatrous your prayers and inuocations most manifestly repugnaunt and iniurious to the glory of Christ those we do vtterly abolish and not without cause The Iewes had their solemne holy dayes in tymes past though in nomber not so many yet prescribed by God him selfe They had also their bloud offringes and Sacrifices Fastynges Easter Solemnities and the brasen Serpent wherof as lōg as they folowed the lawfull vse as beyng certeine signes and meane instruments shadowes leadyng to the endes whereunto they were instituted they were acceptable enough vnto God But after that by turnyng catte in the panne they placed the chief worshyppyng of God and principall marke of true Religion in those thynges which of their owne nature were the last and of least valew how horrible and execrable they became in the sight of God no man can tell you better then Esay y● Prophet What haue I to do with the multitude of your sacrifices ' I am full of them the Burnt offring of your Rammes and fatte of your fattlinges the bloud of your Calues of your Lambes and of your Goates I would not haue when you come before my presence who sought for these thinges at your handes to walke so in my Courtes offer no more any Sacrifice in vayne your Incense is abhominable in my fight your new Moones and Sabbathes and other holy dayes I will not away with your assemblies are wicked my soule hateth you Kalendes and solemne Feastes I am greeued with these things and ouerladen with them And when you stretche forth your hands vnto me I will turne away my face from you and when you multiplie your prayers I will not heare you c. And yet God him selfe ordeined all these thynges in his owne law What then Doth God condemne the thynges which he commaunded No truly but bycause they wrested forced those thynges to an other end then they were instituted for bycause they were fastened wholy to those and had settled the chief foundation of Religiō in these Rites neglecting in the meane tyme the greater and high matters of the Law this now was it that the Lord could not away withall Go to Le ts vs also now take a through view of your notable Feastes and solemne worshyppynges and let vs compare your ordinaunces who liue now vnder the Spirituall law with that people that liued vnder the carnall Law For they neither worshypped their Sacrifices nor burnt offringes at any tyme they neuer painted the resemblaunce or counterfaite of Gods coūtenaūce in table or picture they neuer bedecke their Tēples with Images they did neuer set downe any visible signes or portraictes of Patriarches or Saints to be gazed vpō neither did they euer gadde on Pilgrimage to visite thē to their Psalmes Prayers they had nothyng patched els nothyng intermixt frō els where they made no intercessiō to Saintes Sainctesses they neuer made inuocation to the dead In their Lessons was neuer any thyng heard but Gods scripture onely nor any thyng pronounced out of the Scriptures that was not in their mother toung intelligible enough of all sortes young and old indifferently Briefly there was nothyng exercized but by the expresse prescript and commaundement of Gods law so that the state and condition of the Iewish Feastes may seéme to be farre more ●afie and tollerable then yours if we haue respect to the onely outward forme superstition of myndes And yet as I sayd before I do not stand so much in this point but that Christiās may haue their holy dayes and solemne Feastes wherein they may refresh them selues be raysed to the remembraunce of Gods benefites and manifold mercyes bestowed vpon vs so that the same be obserued wtout preiudice of fayth in simplicitie of vnfayned piety Neither am I so curious to haue that comely traditions of our elders to be abolished so the true Religiō remaine meane whiles vndeffled the vse wherof cōsisteth not in outwards ceremonies nor in corporall exercises nor in places and times but in spirit truth so that false preposterous hipocriticall deuotion be abandoned wherewith God waxed wroth and was highly displeased For how many christiās may a man seé which do measure the chiefe worshyppyng of God by any other endes almost then by their dayly frequenting churches often hearyng of Masses keéping the euens and holydayes orderly fasting the Ember dayes carefully reiterating their Paternosters and Aues often and solemnely powring out their Synnes into theyr priestes bosomes in Lent treatably croochyng and kneélyng to the Crucifixe barefooted and barelegged humbly Receiuyng the very body and bloud of Christ vnder the formes of bread wyne once a yeare yea euen in their death beddes deuoutly and that besides there remayneth nought to be superadded to attain perfect saluation beleuing stedfastly nor that they be ought indepted to Christ vdoubtedly but suppose vnfaynedly that they ought forthwith for these causes receiue heauen for theyr meéd of very duety I besech you If Esay the Prophet liued now
as was declared before And this was to cleare him selfe Osorius not to purge cleanse the Gospell with like submission humblenesse he testified his innocencie and vttered his conscieuce before the Emperour freély standyng then in perill of his owne life rather then making any bragge or vaunt of him selfe Phil. Mclancthon beyng Sommoned to appeare before the Councell rendered a Confession of his Fayth not so much of any hope to do any good as enforced by necessary constraint of obedience to make aunswere for him selfe beyng in no lesse hassard of his life then Luther The same in his common places of Diuinitie what vaunting or bragges hath he vttered Bucer and before him then Huldricke Zuinglius also after them both Iohn Caluine many other Deuines besides those for the earnest desire they had to know the truth applyed their wittes industry to the readyng of holy Scriptures For what could they do more cōmēdably wherein whē they had well trauailed read and vnderstoode them immediately began the couert conueyaunces of fraude and desceipt to be made manifes● none otherwise then as thynges that lurcke before in darknesse do at the enlightenyng of a candle or torche immediately discouer them selues Now let Osorius tell vs what he would haue these faythfull Pastours do should they be mumme and say nothyng their cōscience would not permitte them For this had bene not to teach the flocke of Christ but to forsake it not to guide but to beguile it not to play the Shepheardes but wolues Theéues should they truly then and freely vndertake to defend the forlorne estate of the Veritie Euē this is it this is the very thyng they vndertooke if you be ignoraunt thereof Osorius and besides this nothyng els Whereas you say that this was a great and a hard enterprise you speake herein but the truth For whereas Veritie is a matter of great importaunce and doth commonly engēder to it selfe hatred surely they could not haue attempted any one thyng with more perill of their owne liues nor more daungerous for that present tyme yea I cā not well tell whether the Apostles them selues professing the Fayth of Christ first or the Prophetes when the● reproued mens traditions superstitious obseruatiō of ceremonies to much affiaunce in Sacrifices and the blind and preposterous opiniōs of their people did euer enter vpon matter of more difficultie or daunger And therfore as touchyng the substaunce of the matter I do confesse that it was a perillous and an hard enterprise when they vndertooke the defence of the Veritie And yet they neuer attempted it of any such courage or confidence as to dare to promise any good successe of their labours to any others For neither was the state of that tyme so appliable as would permit them to promise any thing of thē selues though they would neuer so fayne wherein if they could escape without losse of life albeit they atchieued nought els yet they might well iudge that they had done a notable exploite So farre was it of that they could euer imagine or dreame of so great a renewyng of the Church of the vtter ouerthrow of the pope and Idolles and the like successes that ensued thereupō the which thyng Luther shameth not to confesse simply without all dissimulation as that he could neuer so much as hope for the hundreth part of those thynges which God of his meare mercy and goodnesse brought to passe in them Whereby we do you to vnderstand Osorius that these matters were not begon by mans power or pollicie nor through any lightenes or braggyng of men but performed perfitted by the onely worke of the holy Ghost doubtles And therefore this Tertullus makyng his foundation with a manifest lye doth with like deceaueable falsehoode proceéde to the rest of his declamation that so he may seéme neuer vnlike him selfe You sayth he haue afflicted the Authoritie of the Bishop of Rome c. O affliction O cruell tormentes O holy Martyrdome O greéuous passions and woundes which this Godly Pope doth suffer for Christes sake Whiles I was readyng these wordes of yours Osorius I began to be sodenly in some doubt whether this were an ouerscape of your penne or the ouersight of Theobald your Printer whenas in steade of the Pope afflicted You would haue sayd the Lutherans afflicted or at least you should haue sayd so Certes if you indifferently and vprightly render a iust accompt of all the imprisonmentes setters gibbettes burning plates pyles of flaming woode recātatiōs beheadings boocheries fiers repeales armies tortures hostes rackynges and persecutions by fier and fagot it will easily appeare whether part hath afflicted and doth dayly afflict the other But bycause mention is made here of the afflictions of the Romish Authoritie it were neédefull for me to enquire of Osorius first what kinde of Authoritie Osorius doth define vnto vs For if he meane that Iurisdiction which the Byshop of Rome hath ouer his owne Seé of Rome and the other Prouinces aunexed to the same limited him by the Councell of Nice no man will striue agaynst him for this Authoritie But if by this name of Authoritie he will haue to be signified that hygh and vniuersall Authoritie which the Pope doth exercize and vsurpe equall with God him selfe ouer all Churches Prouinces Pastours and Byshops and aboue all generall Co●●cels This Authoritie for as much as the true written Veritie doth not geue vnto him in any place yea rather oppugneth it very mightely and doth call it the See of the Beast to the which also it threateneth a vyall of vtter darkenes it can by no meanes be auoyded but one of these must neédes come to passe either that this vnmeasurable Authoritie of the Pope must geue place to the Scriptures of God or that this vniuersall Byshop shall triumphe and haue the victory the Scriptures of God beyng vtterly vanquished and put to sci●ence For as much as these two Authorities beyng so directly contrary eche to other can not stand together For if Christ would not permitte any superioritie amongest his owne Apostles will he suffer it amongest Byshoppes If the Lord himselfe came for this purpose as the scriptures do witnesse to become a minister to others to wash the feét of his disciples if he refused to be a king being sought vpon earnestlye for the same will there be any so proude a Disciple of Christ that will with his heéles treade vpō the neckes of Emperours and will blaze abroad Scepters and Diademes of S. Peter in the poore and base Church of Christ what although the Pope of Rome will take vpon him more then the Authoritie of the Scriptures will allow him shall it not be lawfull therfore for godly Pastours learned Deuines to professe freély by the testimonies of the holy Scriptures that which they seé with their eyes and feéle with their handes but that they must be accounted scourgers of the Seé Apostolick But how much more wisely
Agaynst such the Church thundereth out endles excommunicatiōs denoficing the horrible curse of Gods euerlasting wrath and vnappeasable displeasure except they repent And these punishmentes of the primitiue Church in old tyme called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as were neuer ministred but vpon greuous and vrgent causes so was there no hope of release from the same vnlesse playne demonstration were made by open and publique confession of true and vnfayned repentaunce Which kinde of censure the aūcient Fathers deuided into threé degreés 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Excommunication Whereby all maner of offenders aswell spirituall as temporall were as it were cut of from all societye and partaking of the Church and Sacramēts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Depriuation Whereby such as were but newly professed were remoued from their function 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sequestration Whereby all offendours whatsoeuer were excluded from the Sacraments some from partaking of all the Sacramentes and some from the Communion onely whom the Grecians doe note by this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Remouyng from the Communion table onely And thys was the very order and gouernement of the prymityue and Apostolique Church wherein florished not onelye that sincerity of doctrine whereof I spake before but also Ecclesiasticall discipline touching distrybution of dignityes placing of elders ordering of times reading of lessons frequenting of exercises Inquisition of lyfe Reformation of manners and other profitable ordinaunces established after the best manner was dayly exercised All which the prymytyue and vndefiled antiquity of the auntient Fathers obserued purely and sincerely after the age of the Apostles and in all respects very reuerently and orderly as the decrees and Canons of godly assemblies and Synods together with the Hystoryes and Monumentes of auntient Fathers do playnely and manifestly record Hauing now described and faythfully expressed the verye face and countenaunce of the auncient primitiue Church I referre me to any equall and indiferrent iudgement to discerne whether the Lutheran Church or the Lateran Churche of Rome to resemble that primitiue Church neérest And as for that primitiue Church of Rome hath bene aboundauntly and sufficiently spoken of already Now could I wish that the Romish prelates would vouchsafe to deliuer likewise some painted vysour of theyr Ieratohye if it myght please them or if they refuse so to do we will not disdayne to do so much in their behalfe whereby godly mindes may euydently perceyue the true causes that moued those Lutherans iustly to sequester themselues from that Romysh Reuell In which theyr sequestration notwithstanding from Rome they haue not remoued themselues one ynche so much the more from the Church of Christ. I speak of the Romish Church once agayne I say in that state that it is now The first Institution whereof touching doctrine and Traditions if be sifted and searched by comparing of her first foundation to the true Church of Christ it will euydently appeare that thys Romysh Church being but a late newfāgled vpstart doth expresse no sparke of resemblaunce of that auncient antiquity but patcht and botcht vppe altogether with new opinions erroneous abuses Idolatries traditions deuised by authority of men ioyned with an opinion of necessary worshipping and obseruaunces It is most certayne that the foundations of Christes church were grounded first vpon sure playne infallible and vnmoueable demonstrations proclaymed from aboue in the writinges propheticall and Apostolicall which be builded vpon the true knowledge of the essentiall will of God vpon true inuocation and prayer vpon vnfayned obedience to godward vpon assured acknowledgemēt affiaūce in the Mediator wh is very God and very mā and which doth display abroad the kingdome of Christ to be a spirituall and an euerlasting kingdome not temporall nor instituted or gouerned by mans pollicye or power but begonne by the preaching of the Gospell and enlarged by fayth in them which doe beleue and obay the word of doctryne and life with a pure and sincere affection On the contrary part the foundations of the Romish Ierarchy are builded vpon the decrees of Popes entangled with most intricate and I know not what most crabbed and crooked questions of Scholeianglers Polluted with most manifest errors vtterly dissentyng and cleane contrary to the prescript rule of Gods word which being apparaunt enough in very many matters besides yet is notably discernable in iiij principall pointes chiefly Fyrst Because this doctrine doth abolish quite the doctrine of the law of repentaunce of righteousnes by fayth and commaundeth a mammering doubtfulnesse out of which puddle yssueth an outragious ouerflowing Sea of papisticall errors Secondaryly because it doth transpose merites and worshippings which are proper and peculiar vnto the sonne of God into adoration oblation and application of the consecrated breade for the quicke and the dead by merite meritorious in theyr masking Masse and without theyr masse whereas in very deéd the Gospell doth playnely teach that the benefittes of the sonne of God are not applied to any person but in respect of euery theyr proper and peculiar fayth Thirdly after the manner of Infidels Because it translateth to dead men Inuocation which ought to be yelded to God onely Fourthly because it commaūdeth traditions of men Mounckish vowes Canonicall satisfactions pilgrimages and innumerable such dredge with an opinion of merite worshyppyng and necessary obseruaunce and doth preferre the same before the commaundementes of the law which God hath commaunded to be especially obserued To this Beadroll appertayne more then dottered Bussardly fables of Purgatory Pardons secret and compulsary confesūon pompous Processions and superstitious supplications wherein is carryed abroad to be gazed vpon the consecrated bread profaning of the Lordes Supper making sale thereof as it were in open Fayre or Markette Magicall consecrations of naturall thinges to wytte of water wyne oyle salt and such like What shall I say of that more then whorysh shamelenesse when as the Popes without all proofe or probabilyty of aunciēt antiquity of a certayne insolent arrogancy not by any Dyuyne authoryty but through theyr owne trayterous treachery haue raysed to them selues not a true Catholicke and Apostolycke Church to Christ Iesu but a Seraphycall Ierarchy exceédyng all earthly prymacy superiority and potentaty Wherein reygneth in place of Christ a proud Popysh Peacock For the Apostles cormoraunt Cardinalles For Martyres monstruous Mounckes for professors pestiferous persecutors For fathers Bellygod Byshoppes and Gorbelly Abbottes For Euangelistes cruell Canonistes Copistes Decretaries Summularyes seditious Sententioners For Minysters sheépysh shauelinges And for Pastours Maskyng Massemongers Who hauyng rauenously Raked the ryght of the Church haue turned and chaūged it into a newfangled fashion of an earthly kingdome where it may not suffice to serue Chryst Iesu our pastor and head onely to settle our selues vpon hym whollye to depend vpon hys mercy onely Unlesse we become vassals and bondslaues to thys popysh Byshoppe and honour him as a certayne other Chryst vpon earth who vnder a delycate vysor of
but sturred vpp by the flaming fyrebrandes of the furyes of hell and that they applyed themselues not to teach men but to peruert men Of the discention and variable opinions of Deuines and Churches hath bene spoken of before so that it shall be but neédeles to repeate the same agayne onely I will aunswere here to the argument God is not the Author of discention but of peace I doe know this and confesse it to be most true So also is the same God the fountayn of all righteousnes and father of all consolation The same is also Author of Matrimony and of all good thinges Go to now where can you finde in all the estates courses and actions of this transitory lyfe that fulnes and absolute perfection of righteousnes of consolation or of peace yea in the most holy estate of matrimonye as may be aunswerable to that absolute patterne of perfection Lett it suffice vs to haue receaued the first fruits thereof though we possesse not the Tenthes There will come a day and a place when as no darkened cloud of discention shall ouershadow this perfect peace betwixt vs. In the meane space whiles we lyue in this vale of misery men with men we shall neuer be destitute of one thing or other that will alwayes argue vs to be men dwelling in the tabernacle of Imperfection And therefore if Osorius will be so nyce as to exact of vs so precise a knitting together of vnvariable minds as may in no poynt swarue frō ech other lett himselfe become a president hereof in his owne Coūtrey and shew himselfe an Angell emongest his owne people And what maruell is it if in so great varietie of Iudgemētes and amongest so many men two men onely dissent somewhat in matter of so small importaunce whenas in this your so vniforme a Church whereof ye boast so proudly there is no parcell of Religion almost or order in profession wherein Schoole agaynst Schoole Uniuersitie agaynst Uniuersitie Colledge agaynst Colledge Councell agaynst Councell Canon agaynst Canon doe not mainteine continuall iarryng How is it then Osorius that with shuttevppe eyes ye can so lightly ouerlooke and not looke vpon so many and so monstruous Beames ouerspreadyng your Churches and not passe ouer one litle moate in our Church without controllyng your brethren but that ye must burst out into such whotte fury of hellish firebrandes With the Spirite of God say you is no dissensiō This is most true And so it is true also that Luther Zuinglius be not taken for Gods which can not erre nor dissent eche from other in some pointes Neither doth it therfore follow hereupon that bycause they do not reteigne a mutuall constaunt cōsent of myndes in all thyngs that therfore they were not raysed vppe by God Otherwise after this Logicke how many auncient and godly Fathers will you banish out of all Churches was there neuer any iarryng betwixt Moyses and Aaron That contention betwixt Paule Peter about the mainteynyng of the libertie of the Gospell and agayne that separatyng a sunder of Paule from Barnabas is well knowen to all mē It whiles the Lord him selfe lyued vpon the earth the Disciples them selues could be at variaunce about preéminence and superioritie what maruell now if his Disciples do not so well agreé together in all pointes sithēce Christ is not present emongest them who were more familiar then Basile and Gregory Nazienzene and yet in this marueilous consent of qualities and studies wanted not a certeine offence and breache of that mutuall amitie Victor did not of all partes agreé with Policarpus How earnest a conflict deuided Iohn Byshop of Constantinople and Epiphanius Byshop of Cypres Neither did Augustine in all thynges agreé with Ierome And yet I thinke you will not say that these men were not raysed vppe by the grace and Deuine inspiration of God Well now Let vs seé what this so great dissention was betwixt them which as you say proceéded from Luther What a brable was there betwixt them say you about wordes what varietie and inconstancy of opinions how disorderly how intricately and ouerthwartly do they speake in how many sondry matters and Argumentes do they not onely not agree with others but also disagree eche from other Forsooth if you will know Osorius and sith you require the same I will shew you in few wordes what and how monstruous this cōflict was betwixt thē First they do all togethers with one voyce confesse one God they doe all with one Fayth acknowledge the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost They do all with one mynde agreé togethers in the Articles of the Christian Creede with the true auncient and Catholicke Fayth of the Church of Christ. Of this Church they do all acknowledge the authoritie of the Scripture to be chief next vnder Christ the second place and dignitie they do yeld to the Church to the auncient and approued Councels The godly and auncient Fathers they do all with one consent allow and yeld vnto so farreforth as euery of them is founde to agreé with the expresse word of God Heresies and false opiniōs reproued by the authoritie of holy Scripture and the sacred antiquitie of the Church they do all generally oppugne besides this authoritie of Scripture the most couenable proportion of Fayth whatsoeuer hath priuily crawled and crept in by stealth into the profession of Fayth and true worshyppyng of God they do all vtterly and worthly abhorre whatsoeuer is most aunciēt in Fayth and most approued by cōstaunt allowaunce of antiquitie the same is had amongest thē in greatest admiration In the acknowledgemēt of one onely Mediatour in heauen one onely Sacrifice for Sinnes which is resiaunt not in the earth but in heauen in confessyng one onely generall head of the vniuersall Church in all these is there no discention nor brawlyng about wordes or Sentences Moreouer in this they agreé together all be of one mynde and iudgement all namely that the Pope of Rome is the very Antichrist whereof they haue assured and vndoughted proofe by the certeine and infallible Rules and forewarnynges of the holy Scripture and by his horrible persecution of the word of God Besides this also that all Idolles and Images ought to be abolished out of the Church of God That those choppyng chaungyng of Pardons ought to be abhorred That all affiauce of righteousnes of God ought to be settled in the onely Fayth of Iesu Christ and in nothyng els That superfluous vowes and Traditions of men which do yoake fast and clogge Christian libertie and well disposed consciences ought vtterly to be abolished That Ceremonies and Constitutions which are ioyned with an opinion of righteousnesse of worshyppyng of Saluation merityng ought worthely to be banished abandonned that Priestes Concubines ought to be conuerted into lawfull Matrimony that those mōstruous vpstartes of disguised professions rules and orders ought be rooted out that all thyngs may be reduced and leuelled
doe aunswere and confesse that this Iustice and Clemēcy of God wherof you speake haue their place and time But you haue not yet proued that the time and place of executing this Iustice and Clemency doth belong to any Purgatory vnder the ground neither is it concluded by that your manner of arguing through any necessitye of consequence There is a Fier that shall torment in euerlasting paynes the Persecutors and Enemies of Christ. Ergo There is also a Fyer els where that maye be putt out If this argument should be examined by the exact Rules of Logick the Logicians would surely say that there is no forme at all in your Consequence howebeit in respect of the materiall poyntes both propositions be true For as it is certayne and assured by the authoritie of the Scriptures that the fier of hell shall neuer be extinguished so hath this life also his fier and tēporall paynes wherewith Gods elect are now and then tryed purged both which we do read in the history of the Rich man and Lazarus whereof the one feéling no greéuaunces in this life was throwen into the Tormentes of Hell The other contrarywise after many greéuous stormes and dayly miseries of this life was receiued into the Bosome of euerlasting ioy In which Similitude euery man may behold his owne estate and condition For such as with barbarous cruelty do outragiously rage agaynst the Gospell of Christ and triumph in this world in carelesse security shall tast of bitter wormewood in an other world on the contrary part such as are afflicted with wretchednes and purging calamities in this life their passadge frō hence is not to Purgatory but to glory But the troublous turmoyles and paynefull afflictions wherewith the godly are ouerwhelmed in this life are not sufficient after the opinion of Osorius for besides all these temporall miseries punishmentes and plagues a certayne meane place yet is sought out which they call by the name of Purgatory Where greeuous tormentes doe abide for the clensing the remnaunt and dregges of sinne which doe deserue vengeaunce through a certayne vnauoydable necessity of iustice And how so Forsooth because the iustice of God must needes be satisfied And because this satisfaction once purchased by the merites of Iesu Christ is not so absolute and sound but hath certayne degreés as that it may be made more absolute and perfect therefore are our passions and afflictions required of necessity which if be not superadded and coupled together with the merites of Christ it can not by any other possible meanes be brought to passe that the cryme which is inordinate may be reduced to the order of Iustice. O sacred Fayth O new tradition not procured out of Portingall I trowe but coyned euē in the very forgeshop of Purgatory it self If Caluine or Luther were aliue present whose doctrine you affirme to haue proceéded from the most detestable deuill of hell and did heare this communication of yours how lowdly how extreamely how forcibly how vehemētly would they exclayme and cry out with full mouth agaynst you in this place surely as fiercely as they might agaynst an open enemy of Christ. For what shall we say if this be not a notorious reproche and blasphemy vnto Christ Many hundred yeares agoe did S. Paule teach that we were all made perfect in Christ Iesu and your worship now like a fresh vpstart Gospeller creépyng out of the crooked crowdes and ragged skrappes of the Thomystes dare take vpon you to pyke out certayne degrees I know not what in this most excellent clensing purchased by the great boūty and liberality of Christ which neither Paule nor any one of all the Apostles could euer descry Go to let vs heare then I beseech you from out that Syluane Pulpet what steppes be these of amplifieng this clensing and purifieng Without salt say you no sacrifice was accustomed to be offered in the olde Law Therfore in this salt and in this fier that is to say in the punishement appoynted for purging sinnes all this amplification of purifieng doth consist that so the sacrifice may be more pure and more holy I do heare it and doe aunswere to this most vnsauerye argument of Salte if he will vouchsafe first with all the seasonable Salte of hys wisedome to declare what was signified by these Priestly sacrifices moreouer what the wisedome of God dyd meane to expresse by this Salte Fier for it is not to be doughted but that vnder these carnall shadowes lay hidden some more darcke couert misteries whether will he say that this mistery did represent the body of Christ or our bodyes If he meane the body of Christ that was wasted with the fier of Gods iudgement being seasoned and besprinckled with a certayne heauenly Salte of most sweéte smelling sauour But this payne of fier and Salte can signify none other kinde of Purgatory but that onely Purgatory that was finished and accomplished vpon the Crosse If he meane our bodyes which are filthy by nature but this cann in no wise be true for that the ceremoniall law it selfe would not admitte any vncleane flesh to be sacrificed Furthermore whereas that Frye and Salt also of Gods iudgement did cōsume not the spottes and filth onely of those Sacrifices but the holy substaunce of the Sacrifices also for the clensing of Sinnes It remayneth therefore that either there is no Purgatory after thys life that may encrease the degreés of purifiyng with Fire and Salte or els that the Sacrifices themselues that is to say the Soules of the faythfull must of necessity be swallowed vpp and consumed wholy in this Purgatory For not the Bodies but the Soules be tormented there I suppose Which way will our Portingale wend himselfe now to the example of Dauid in whom although the condemnation of the trespasse committed was forgeuen yet was he not clearely deliuered from punishment notwithstanding It is true but this Punishement good Osorius was exequuted vpon him in this worlde and not reserued for an other worlde How thē can you square vs out a new plattforme of Purgatory myddway betwixt heauen and earth for them that are departed out of this lyfe by this example of Dauid Because a recompence must be made say you for the trespasse committed according to the dew and iust rule of Gods Iustice. But this Iustice of God being prouoked to displeasure by infinite and vnmeasurable wayes and meanes cann not be duely recompenced without endlesse punishment or perhappes it will not be satisfied without his owne vicar the Pope and his propiciatorye Masses Not so but he will exequute his punishment vpon vs for our sinnes nothwithstanding And why so because the sacrifice say you may be more pure more holy and more acceptable vnto God May we be so bold by your patience Osorius to take a taste how this assertion of yours will agreé with the rule of the Apostles Doctrine And first I would
men not to the worshipping of the liuing God but to the inuocation of dead soules and adoration of Reliques not vnto fayth but vnto workes not vnto freé forgeuenesse but vnto Pardons not vnto grace but vnto workes not vnto the promises of God but to mens satisfactions not vnto heauen but vnto Purgatory which doth allure vs not to the spyrite but vnto the hungry letter to ceremonies to written Traditions and vnwritten verityes to the bare naked elemēts of this world to bodyly exercises which of theyr owne nature do prenayle litle or nothing at all If this be not the very naturall power and state of all your Religion almost confound me if you can but if you cannot with honesty denye it where is then that glorious bragg so often craked vpon of the first principles of your Traditions which how gaylye are liked and blazed abroad by you let other mē like as they list Surely I am of this opinion that there be no surer groundworkes of our Religion nor better layd then such as the Apostles and Prophettes haue established vnto the which if you will but call vs we will yelde gladly and ioyne with you But you doe meane some other principles and foūdations I suppose not such as were builded vpp by the Apostles and Prophets but such as haue bene inuented by Mounkes Fryers and Noonnes whose orders and institutions you iustify to be most holy and godly and haue determined with your selfe that all thinges which are swarued from thence ought to be called home agayne to the holynesse of these sacred orders howsoeuer some particuler Mounckes doe abuse theyr profession yet you do stoutly auerre that the first institutiō of the profession and foundation of their orders doth persist as at the first and ought not by any meanes be dissolued This is well But what if I be able to iustify the contrary to witt that the very first foundations of those Mounckeryes as they were erected by the first founders thereof be wicked damnable and to be detested of all christians Now I beseéch your syr Byshopp for the honor of your sacred Myter if any man doe direct you to any other redeémer then vnto Christ the sonne of God or will allure you to seéke for any other redemption then in the most precious blood of Iesus Christ Doe ye thinke such a fellow in any respect tolerable I do not beleue it Goe to then let vs take a view now of the originall causes and principles vpō the which were groūded the first foundations of Mounckeryes I will speake onely of our owne Mounckeries here in England as much as I know by experience When the first foundations of Mounckeries beganne to be erected in this Realme which was in the tyme of a certeyn Mounck called Austine whēas Ethelbert reigned king of kent in the yeare 605. We will declare euen out of his owne letters patentes the very cause that moued him chiefly to build an Abbay at Douer for the order of Benedictines And these be the very wordes of his owne charter I Ethelbert established in the kingdome of my father and enioying the crowne and dignity of my father by the permission of God in peacible tranquillity emōgest other churches that I haue builded by the persuatiō councell of our holy father Austen haue erected from the very foundation a Church to the most blessed Prince of the Apostles S. Peter and to S. Paule Doctour of the Gentiles and haue endeuoured to enriche the same with large Reuenewes and landes and haue caused there to be assembled Mounckes which do feare God Therefore entending to amplifie and to enlarge the same Church to the proportiō of a iust heighth being in perfect minde and sownde iudgement I haue geuen vnto the same church by the consent of Ealbalde my sonne and other my deare counsellors a Towne called Cistelett for the redemption of my soule in hope to attayne euerlasting reward for the same c. I do not accuse the well disposed king worthy of singuler prayse but I doe vtterlye condemne Austen the Mouncke that wicked counsellor and instrument of that doctrine Uerely if redemption of soules be purchased by buylding of Abbyes then dyed Christ in vayne and the promise is made voyde and of none effect finally what remayneth for vs by this reason but that weé haue as many redeémers as we haue Mouncks You haue heard of Ethelbert the father now harken likewise of Ealbalde hys Sonne I Ealbalde placed in my Fathers kyngdome followyng my Fathers steppes who of a valiaūt courage did build Churches of God at the earnest entreaty of Father Austen and enriched them with diuers dignities doe freély and willyngly geue and graunt a certein part of my kyngdome called Northburne to the behoofe of the Monckes of the Monastery of Peter Paule at Douer in the honour of almighty God and his holy Apostles and of S. Augustine for the Redemption of my Fathers soule myne owne soule and my predecessours soules c. I Ethelrede kyng of Mercia do graunt this Charter for the redemption of my soule and to be prayed for by the seruauntes of God the Moūckes of Malmesbury The same Charter was confirmed by kyng Berthewalde for the Saluation of his soule as his Letters Patētes do declare and for the Remission of the Sinnes that he hadd committed What shall I speake of the rest of Osricke kyng of Mercya of Oswy kyng of Northumberland of Whitrede Cissa kyng of Southsex Ethelrede Prince of Mercia Ina Renulphe Offa Alurede Athelstane Edgar William of Normandy Henry the first Stephen kyng Iohn and Edward by whom whereas many Monasteries haue bene erected euen from the first foundations and endowed with large possessions and reuenewes if we behold the originall Charters of the first founders we shall finde that they were erected for none other cause nor vnder any other Title but for the Redemptiō of soules for saluation of soules and to vse their owne wordes for the remedy and remission of sinnes For myne owne soule and all my predecessours soules for my fathers soule and mothers soule for the soule of my wife and all Christian soules for the Remission of sinnes for the prosperous estate of our kyngdome the subiectes of our Realme To the honour of the blessed Uirgine Mary for reward of eternall felicitie c. For all these titles are extaunt in the auncient Charters of the kinges grauntes After the same maner did Elfride wife to the Earle Ethelwolde builde an Abbay at Malmesbury for the death of her husband whereof she was her selfe a Procurour for the Remission of that wicked acte into the which afterwardes she made her selfe a perpetuall Recluse for euerlastyng penaūce Moreouer kyng Edgar which murthered the sayd Ethelwolde for the loue of his wife for satisfactiō of his offence and for the preseruation of his subiectes is reported to haue builded so many Abbayes as there be weékes in the yeare
of the very bowels of Hystories and philosophy wherein I do not so much mislike with him for his good councell But whereunto were these glorious flooryshes framed more for Queéne Elizabeth then for anye other Potentate or Prince of the world then for the King of Portingall or for his proper pigsnye the Pope When or in what place hath our soueraygne Lady whose Princely mildenes doth surmount all her Predecessors in lenity and temperaunce so demeaned her selfe in all her most fortunate and prosperous calme of happy Reigne that her Maiesty may seéme to stand in neéd of this your Philosophicall persuasions more then any other Prince Wherein hath she euer vaunted her Royaltye in such sort that she must be enstructed by this Portingall Solon to haue regard to the slippery state of this fickle life Declare a good fellowshipp Osorius what matter haue you noted at anye time or heard of by report done by her Maiesty wherin you may iustly reprehend want of wisedome in counsell or lacke of clemēcy in iustice beseéming the most vertuous prince of the world I will boldely also adde hereunto wherein this mayden Queéne may not worthely compare with the most mighty and auncient Monarche of most famous memory And if you thinke that this litle Isle of England is so voyd and barreyne of councell that Kinges and Queénes must of necessitye be enstructed of Osorius How happened it that you did not vtter your skill and signifye your good will rather to Queéne Marye her graces Sister whom you might haue persuaded to temperaunce and lenity whenas she executed Tyrannye without all measure and meane in shedding her owne subiectes blood where was thē this Portingall Clawbacke whiche should haue remembred the Queéne of humayne weakenesse and imbecillity that was so forgettfull of all humanity and her owne fraylty Reioyse therefore Elizabeth our most noble and vertuous soueraigne for this your Alcion dayes you may well seé nowe howe muche you be indebted for this your most prosperous raigne For if that mighty Macedō King Phillipp were so ioyously affected in his sonne Alexanders behalfe that it chaunced him to be borne in the time of the famous philosopher Aristotle why should not ye rather clappe your handes for ioy in respect of your most happy happynesse more then Alexāders felicity whom it happeneth to raygne now in the time of this notorious Solon the eighth wise in number or the third Cato of this age who is able to replenish your eares with most wholesome preceptes of life and fashion your fayth with true catholicke institution and doctrine who if your Maiesty will vouchsafe to beleue his lessons is able to direct your grace by lyne and by leuell to know the difference betwixt true religion and false howe your highnesse ought to discerne betwixt true and false Prophets how you ought to cōceiue of Purgatory of pardōs of auriculer cōfession of compulsary single life of the sacrifice of the Masse of Images Pictures and Reliques of Saynctes Who cann restore your owne person to her auncient freédome from out of that Tyrannous bondage of false flatterers wherein your grace is now holden captiue To with that of a freé Queéne you may at the last become a seruile bondmayd of the Pope For vpon this onely bunch of thraldome hang all the Keyes of Osorius freé Manumissions And therefore sith the matter is come to this passe what remayneth Most renowmed and vertuous Queéne but that you finde meanes to send for this new Solon by all meanes possible and assigne him a place emōgest the chiefe of your priuye councell and alter the whole state of your Realme after his directiō and appoyntment who will guyde your Maiestye on this wise First that renouncing this Religion whereunto you haue bene enured euen from your Cradle you may now straggle away to the trimme Traditions of the Romish Religion which Osorius doth mayntayne that where as you haue begonne in the spirite you may end afterwardes in the flesh that you may banish the scriptures from your subiectes hearing That you may conuert your publique preaching into mumbling Massing That your subiects may beginn to learne to call vpō God in an vnknowen toung that excluding that righteousnesse which doth consist in the fayth of Iesu Christ your people may be noosled in confidence and assuraunce of theyr owne workes and merites that you should dispoyle the communion of the one part of the Sacrament that you should dissolue lawfull marriages of Christes Ministers That in your owne Realme you should establish a kingdome to the Pope of Rome that he may gouerne your scepter and you carry his Crosier That he may haue full skope in your kingdome to distribute benefices to geue Byshopprickes to exact first fruites tenthes and yearely pencions that after he hath once swept away the cropp of English Golde you may come after gather the drosse Finally that you make a cleare dispatch of these Lutheran Heretiques kill them spoyle them ●●ll England full of fagott fier so that the English blood being spilte and the name of English Nation being vtterly rooted out the Portingalles may freély be propt vpp in theyr possessions Surely this is notable councell Osorius and right well beseéming your dignity which whatsoeuer colourable shew it pretend in wordes doth in trueth and in deéd sound and breath forth nothing els but slaughter and bloud For hereof you can not be ignoraunt that this Romish counterfait could neuer be receiued into this Region without wonderfull disturbaunce of the state and losse of many liues And for this cause I suppose you directed your bloody and murtherous Inuectiues to our noble Queéne whereunto if she would haue bene pliable the whole Realme had bene long sithence replenished with fire and flame wherewith you would haue made boanefiers with the blood of many good Preachers But you come to late gentle Synon with these fables and bables and may keépe your breath to keale your potage The late lauish lewdnes of Queéne Maryes madd daies hath made vs to well acquaynted with that Romish Iennett to graunt him any grasing within English soyle or to permitt any pasture for such a popish palfray Christ Iesu be thanked for euer and euer now that this Romish Ruffler is excluded we liue in godly calme who as now cann neuer hope to haue anye footing here before concorde be exiled and peace vtterly banished Wherefore if that your superexcellent Byshopp of Rome be rauished with so hott a zeale of Ambicion that he can not reigne without a kingdome if he will follow my simple councell either lett him seéke out for some straunge vnknowen Islandes where he may rule ouer such as do not know him or els lett him chaūge the state of his Religion In like maner I would aduertize Osorius if he be of that courage that he can not stay the outrage of his quill but must neédes presume to perke and preach to kings and to Queénes
slaunderous cauill which you haue so malapertly and grossely imagined and whereof you accuse Haddon so vndeseruedly For Haddō was neuer that kinde of man as would permitt his imaginatiō to be whirled about with any such vaine arrogancy Neither was Queéne Elizabeth euer so embased or apalled in courage or euer will be so daunted in spirite as to be afrayd of any her subiectes lowring or browbeating or that euer cann be vndermined from that inuincible fortresse of her Religion with all the Engynes and Crampes that Osorius can deuise And therefore if your imagination haue heretofore bene deluded with any vayne hope of winning the castle of the Queénes Maiestyes constancy in fayth and profession trust not frō henceforth to any such cōceipt for what likelyhood of successe can you hope or persuade your selfe in whenas your selfe open nothing that deserueth any creditt define or deuide nothing that ought to be discussed make proofe of nothing soundly or substantially conclude nothing but altogether ridiculously how can any such thought I say comber your braines as to beleue you shal be able with any smooth fawning or delicate speéches as it were with Syrenes melody so to bewitch the Queénes highnesse that she shall renounce her Christ and follow Antichrist that renoūcing the doctrine of fayth in the assuraunce whereof she is grounded and rooted by the infallible testimonies of holy scriptures which she hath sucked out of the Source and welspring of the Apostles Prophetts Euangelistes yea and from Christ himselfe she shall be carryed away with the deuises I do not say of deuines but drowsy dreames of dronken Sophisters that abandoning the true and assured consolation of minde which she hath reposed on high in the bosome and boweles of the freé mercy and promise of God through fayth in Christ Iesu she shall decline to the hungry and naked elementes of this world to windeshaken rotten postes of your Satisfactions to pardons to Masses to Sacrifices to Purgatory to Freéwill to Traditions that cowardly fleéing from the freédome of the Gospell of grace she shall yelde her selfe Captiue to the Law and shrowd her selfe vnder the ruinous roofe of the Law and of merites Finally that by the sinister enticementes of Osor. flattery she shall make an exchaunge of the safety of her soule of the infallible hope and possession of euerlasting glory and the eternall loue and fruition of the Lord of Lordes for a peéuish blessing of a Romish Pope Could you be at any time so Braynesicke as to conceiue any such vayne toy in your head to be able to perswade her thereto Next herunto you adde But be it that she be so subiect to your cōmaundement that she dare not gaynesay you in any thing what if she be enlightened by the inspiration of the holy ghost what if Christ himselfe will encline her hart to haue a desire to behold his inestimable riches and to enioy it what if he will open her vnderstāding that she may euidētly see the plattformes of Trayterous Trecherous conspiring agaynst her life what if but meanely ouershadowed with the enlighteninge of Gods spirite to say nothing els she shall easilye perceiue that Luther and his sectaryes were neuer raysed vpp by the spirite of God but sturred vpp by the furyes of hell c. I doe heare how you do barcke agaynst Luther and his Sectaries Osorius Now therefore do you harkē againe what aunswere I will make in the behalfe of Luther and his wellwillers And first where you speake of the inspiration of the holye Ghost this is an vndoughted trueth vnlesse that Queéne Elizabeth had bene raysed vpp and aduaunced by the speciall prouidence of Gods spirit to the dignity Regall vnlesse that the Lord Christ had opened the eyes of her hart with a marueilous and singuler grace of his enlightening not onely to looke vpon and behold the precious Iewell of his Gospell but also to be a patronesse and defendresse thereof vnlesse the same goodnesse liberality and mercy of the most sweét Sauiour had with that profound and vnsearchable power of his omnipotency both guyded her coūcells and preserued her life for the safety of this commō weale it could not possibly haue come to passe that her life might haue eskaped safe and defensible from those raging stormes of that swelling Gulfe procured by the priuy practizes of popish pirates in her Sisters dayes At what time that sauadge Leopard the professed enemye of Christ that stately Stephen greédye Gardiner attempted all meanes and wayes possible to take her head from her shoulders Unlesse the Lord himselfe I say miraculously and beyond all expectation had at that present as it were with his outstretched hand raught her from the bloodye pawes of her enemies and had shielded her with his Targett and Armes and caught away Gardiners life amiddes his furyous attemptes and Trayterous snares and withall bereft the crowne from Mary her Sister within a whiles after surely the head of Elizabeth and the whole hope of Christes Gospell had bene chopt of at a blow And therefore whereas the happy felicitye of the most vertuous Queéne preuayled as then whereas she now liueth and raigneth at this present and is vaūced in Throane enioying so calme a continuaunce and whereas also the glory of the Gospell doth florish and stand vnshaken in a certein meane state of tranquillity we do herein most ioyfully and thankefully acknowledge our selues indebted not to any pollicy of man but to the power of the almighty and his heauenly benediction and do most humbly thanke him with all our hartes in all reuerence humility power out in his presence most thankefull prayers with outstretched handes vnto heauen by whose vnspeakeable mercy as the life of her Maiesty was preserued frō that slaughterhouse so were the powers of her soule enlumined with the orient beames of his diuine inspiration wherwith she was enabled to pearce into the knowledge not of the furious outragies of these Lutherans wherewith you say they be enflamed but to preserue them harmelesse and deliuer them from your franticke maddnesse and rampaunt clawes and cleare them from the fierce fierbrandes and raging flames of your bloody bootchers In which wonderfull brightnesse of Gods inestimable bounty and liberality if the canckred clowd of mischieuous malice had not dazeled the sight of your harish head you should easily discerne a most euident token and singuler testimony of Gods fauour and mercy not onely in the miraculous preseruatiō of her Maiesty but much more discernable in the restoring and relieuing the dispeired cause of his distressed Church and mangled Gospell agaynst the which you raue at this present so barbarously And if it may please that heauēly grace to ouershadow the afflicted members of his weake Church with the bright beames of his fauorable countenaunce some longer time yet as he hath already most mercifully begonne and pardone our sinnes and vnthankefullnesse and will vouchsafe also to heape vpp vnto the dayes
your owne Doctours and their whole doctrine is yours They were tractable for a tyme in the mariage of Priestes in the receauyng of the Sacrament vsing the necessitie of the present tyme but in all the rest as much as in them was they did gorgiously garnishe their Romish kyngdome And therefore in this last place you were fondly foolishe to affirme that your owne chieftaines displayed banner vnder your enemyes enseignes Truly either your memory is very slipperie or your wittes went a wollgatheryng when you were ouer earnest in your slaunderous imagination Yet are you much miscontented with these men likewise bycause they seéme to varie amongest them selues For they correct I will vse your intricate wordes by your leaue they alter they turne in and out they blotte out the old and make new places c. When you name places I suppose you meane common places of Scriptures or litle bookes of common places If it be so you ought to haue remembred the Grecian Prouerbe The secōd determinations are accōpted wiser then the first Neither can any thyng resemble the Christian modesty more nearely then if we amend our selues as neéde requireth We haue a notable example hereof Aurel. Augustine who made a booke of his errours entitled a Retractation But you are in an other predicament That is to say you are apprentices and so addicted bondslaues to these drowsie dreames the dayly practize whereof hath so betwitched your senses that no strēgth of the truth cā mollifie your harts cloyed altogether in that phantasticall puddle of schoolemyre But howsoeuer you shall remaine stiffenecked your selues you ought not yet reproue the modestie of others whiche fashion them selues nearest to Christian simplicitie Neither was any exāple at any tyme more cōmendable in the Church of Christ then this of Augustine was You seé now what a stinckyng reward you haue gotten for this pursuyte of Sectaries and yet as if you had besturred your stumpes hādsomely you triumph in these wordes What can you Replie to this was there a generall consent betwixt them that sprang out of Luther no disagreement no contradiction in opinions But how much better had it bene for you to haue reuerenced that lead whereat you scorne so much then to haue opened such a gappe to so mōstruous pestiferours errours I aunswere that these your metie questions concerne me nothyng at all For I am an English man not a Lutherane I stand for England and not for Luther agaynst you Yet do I pronoūce this also that there was a generall consent amongest the Lutherans no disagreément no contradiction in opinions For they all sticke fast to Augustines cōfession nor will suffer them selues to be drawen from it But that confession say you I do not allow Neither is this matter now in question what maner of confession that was for howsoeuer that be it is most certeine that the Lutherans did perseuer stedfastly therein As for the rest whiche you heape together are either fayned or coyned by you or banished from all men as well from vs as from you Or els they be your owne sweéte sworne brethren sauyng that they haue somewhat more modestie discretion then you Therfore this is but a slender Argumēt to enduce me to reuerence your lead except I were too too leaddish by nature But sithence you haue shronke from your tackle and forsaken the leaden Bulles of your Monarche in so succourlesse a shipwracke without helme or cable in such dispayred perplexitie you are to be esteémed not onely a leadden and woodden but a durtie aduocate also of your Romish Monarchie if at the least any thyng may be more filthy then durte Yet that ye may the better proceéde you spitte on your handes and take hold of my wordes which are these But there came a thundercracke into our eares out of the heauenly authoritie of the sacred Scriptures that made our consciences afrayde and compelled vs to abandonne and forsake all mens Traditions and too putte our whole confidence in the onely freémercy of God Well I acknowledge this speache to be myne owne yea and gladly also And I finde nothyng therein blameworthy But what sayth Osorius to this grace Doe ye not say gramercy to Luther sayth hee that linked you so fast with such a singular benefite to abandonne all fearefulnes from you What is the matter my Lord what Planet hath distempered you I haue nothyng here to do with Luther nor with his doctrine of fayth I shewed that our consciences were terrified with the authoritie of sacred Scriptures and constrained to fleé to the freé mercy of God you say Luther hath written erroniously touchyng fayth forsooth these two hang together like a sicke mans dreame As if a man would argue in this wise Osorius is a most impudent rayler Ergo his companion of Angrence is a perfect Logician Are you not ashamed to cite whole sentences from an other writer beyng vnable to frame any probable obiections agaynst any one of them For as concernyng Luther albeit I haue not vndertaken to defende him as I haue oftentymes protected yet this doe I suppose that neither he nor any other interpretour of that Scriptures ought to bee admitted vpon euery particular Assertion but to haue relation to the whole discourse and meanyng of the Authour If this especiall regard bee had vnto Luther as in deéde it ought he shal be founde a profounde scholemaster both of fayth and a good workes and so farre to excell you in learnyng that ye shall not be worthy to beare his bookes after him howsoeuer you delight your selfe to gnaw vpon a few wordes of his vnaduisedly throwen out in some heate of disputation But by the way you stūble also at an other straw of myne bycause I wrate that we haue forsaken and reiected the traditions of men And with many i●gglyng wordes challenge vs that we are beholdyng herein to Luther Zuinglius Melancthon Bucer Caluin and Peter Martyr O my ouer tedious and toylesome lucke that hoped to dispute with a learned and discrete Diuine who would without good grounde haue blamed nothyng nor vsed any cauillatiōs but now finde all contrary For I am pestered with a fonde brabblyng clatterer which delightyng altogether in vncessaunt chatteryng snatcheth and snarleth at thynges ratified and approued by all men I am therfore constrayned now to play the child agayne in the principles of Diuinitie as he doth and those questions must be debated wherof no man hauyng any skill can be ignoraunt In the same maner therfore we haue cast away traditiōs of men as our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ hath pronounced in the Gospell vnder the person of Esay the Propet But in vayne they worshyppe me teachyng the doctrine and traditions of men And as our Lord Iesu a litle before rebuked the Phariseis You haue made frustrate sayth he the commaundement of God through your owne traditions We geue eare vnto men as they be men but if they ones teach contrary
to God we despise and set them at naught And enen so we doe allow of Luther Bucer and of the rest so long as they explane the mysteries of the sacred Scriptures vnto vs wherein those famous men haue oftentymes trauailed very cōmendably though you iangle neuer so much agaynst them As for those beggerly fragmentes of mans inuention beyng without all couer of Scriptures yea rather contrary to the same though they and you also doe warraunt them vnto vs we will not receaue them Now you are taught sufficiently enough I thinke how we haue forsaken those peltyng phantasies of men likewise how we conceaue of those notable learned fathers whose workes wil be thākefully embraced whiles the world doth endure though you slaūderously barcke at them neuer so much And yet I deny not but they were subiect to sinne and errours which happened also to the auncient fathers Augustine Tertullian Origine Cyprian Who sometymes wandred out of the way were estranged from the truth Yet do I not now compare nor at any time heretofore did compare our ●ate writers with those auncient fathers as you cauill agaynst me but I iudge of them as beseémeth me and I professe that they were the seruauntes of God Whereas you vpbrayde vs with our maner of lyfe by the reportes of our cursed enemyes such as you are you follow herein your owne gyddy brayne For true innocencie will neuer desire better witnesses then such filthy and slaunderous backbyters wherin your request to be pardoned is so much the more vnreasonable by how much you do boldly defend without all regarde of the grauitie of a Byshop or the naturall duetie of an honest man such scattered rumours rashly conceaued of headles report in steéde of well knowen and approued offences This also you seéme to mislike in me as a matter intollerable that I commende the prosperous raigne of our Queénes Maiestie and herein your coūsell is to for seé the tyme to come the troublesome estate of other Princes The Queénes highnes belike without the aduise of Osorius can not cōceaue those matters wherof no man can be ignoraunt that is but meanely practized in the dayly actions of mās life Haue an eye to your owne charge of Siluan and be ye carefull for them Her Maiestie surmountyng in knowledge and wisedome regardeth not your peéuishe and dotyng counsell especially beyng conceaued rather of malice to true Religion then of any loue to her safetie Ye keépe a great sturre about the Tumultes in Fraunce and complayne much of treason conspired agaynst the kyng and safetie of his person and with all that his aduersaries required not his bloud onely but that the whole bloud Royall should be rooted out of Fraunce O licencious venemous toūg worthy to be pluckt out by the rootes from out that execrable mouth except it recant in tyme. Dare you presume so impudently to make guiltie of so cruell and horrible treason so many worthy personages of the florishyng Realme Namely when as the kyng him selfe by his open Proclamation acknowledged some of them agaynst whom you rayle so pestiferously to be his deare kinsmen the other his beloued subiectes and that their beyng in armes concerned the generall safetie of Fraūce Many variable vnciuill and malicious rumours haue bene blowen abroad in many places touchyng those ciuill warres but neuer was any man heard to haue spoken so blockishly so barbarously so voyde of reason and so monstruously as this Gentleman speaketh beyng a Byshop an old man And therfore we shall the lesse wonder at your rashnesse and impudencie in controuersie of Religiō hereafter seyng your sauadge boldnesse in this detestable bloudy accusation of the greater part of Fraunce without cause without reason and without proofe When matter and reason doe openly fayle you then you wrangle about wordes Bycause I named Luthers doctrine yours agaynst the which you stand stoutely and doe most deadly hate it What shall I say to so captious and bussardly a Sophister I terme it not yours as though you defend it but bycause you depraue it bycause you peruert and iumble it with lyeng that it can not be discerned as you haue mishapen it whereas otherwise of it selfe it is a most comfortable treasure of the Gospell somewhat infected with poysoned contagiō of childish errours but in these latter dayes through the inestimable benefite of God discouered and clensed by the commendable industrie of those singular learned Diuines Luther Bucer Caluin Melanchton and others whom though you despise at your pleasure yet whē Osorius shal be dead and rotten and the name of this reuerend Prelate of Portingall out of all remembraunce their names wil be commended to eternitie to their immortall prayse For what man will esteéme of you who besides your foolish and vnskilfull handlyng the matter wherof you entreate are altogether ignoraunt in the proprietie of wordes wherein you may seéme to make a pretie shewe You thinke this spokē vnproperly by me videl that your sluggishnes should be awakened and your dulnes pricked forward what say you drousie Prelate Truly you sleape so soūdly that you snorte agayne that cā deny this kynde of speach A mā may be awakened out of sleape and be pricked forward beyng dull Learne out of the Gospell The blynd do see the lame doe walke leapers are cleansed the deafe do heare the dead do ryse agayne Which wordes of our Sauiour doe not argue that the blynd do see or that the lame doe walke but that those whiche were blynde and lame were restored to sight and walkyng Learne againe of Cicero who speaketh on this wise Let yoūg men obserue the boundes of their owne chastitie lest they defile the chastitie of others lest they consume their patrimonie be deuoured with debt Let them not offer force to virgines nor dishonestie to the chast nor infamie to the vertuous c. what Can virgines be defloured no surely not so long as they are virgines but by allurements they may be carried frō their shamefastnes Cā the chast be defiled no truely but yet this chastitie may be seduced in processe of tyme to loosenesse Learne at the last what the old Prouerbe emplyeth whereby is forbidden to pricke foreward the willyng which Prouerbe if we do admit this also is spoken properly enough The dull are to bee pricked foreward and the sluggish to be awakened Neither would you haue euer gaynsayd the same vnlesse the malice you owe vnto me had drowned your sences In good sooth I am ashamed of you Osorius and so haue bene lōg agoe neither would I contend any further with so bluntish blockish a person if I were not determined to open euidētly what a senselesse aduersary of this holy father England hath and how vnmeasurable a bragger he is in whom besides a vayne sounde of friuolous wordes no mettall can be founde at all Hereafter therfore I will spende as litle labour as I may nor will willyng touche ought of all