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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B21327 A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting of the sons of clergy-men in the church of S. Mary le Bow on Thursday, Decemb. 2, 1686 by Henry Dove. Dove, Henry, 1640-1695. 1686 (1686) Wing D2051 15,981 40

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Father he delivered unto the Apostles that which the Apostles received of Christ they delivered to the Saints who were called so to be being converted by their preaching And thus the Faith was planted and the Church of Christ was founded That Primitive Holy and Uniform Church which began at Jerusalem and was the Mother of all true Churches in after Ages which consisted of a company of faithful and obedient and devout People professing the same Doctrine communicating in the same Sacraments and presenting the same Prayers As ye find them describ'd Act. 2. 41 42. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about 3000 Souls and they continued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship and in breaking of Bread and in Prayers I beseech you consult the place and ponder the words well because they contain all the necessary Notes and essential Ingredients of a true Church They were all baptized there 's the entrance by Baptism they stedfastly retained the Apostles Doctrine there 's the unity of the Faith they continued in the Apostles Fellowship there 's their union and adherence to their Governours they received the blessed Eucharist expressed by breaking of bread and consented in the use of the common Prayers there 's the Uniformity of their Worship These were the Saints of the first Church built upon the Faith which the Apostles then preached made capable of a continual increase and an uninterrupted succession for the Lord added daily then such as should be saved and Acts 2. 47. hath ever since added more and will still persevere to adde even unto the end of the World till he shall have compleated the number of his Elect and presented unto himself a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle in Eph. 5. 27. Heaven So much for the manner of its first conveyance and the Persons that first received it But here ariseth a material question that concerns all the succeeding Ages and is of great moment to us now living for that the Faith was at first revealed by Christ and published by his Apostles is confessed by all Christians however they be otherwise divided in their opinions or judgments but where this Faith is now to be found and how it is derived downwards unto us who live at the distance of 1600 years and upwards is a controversie that at this very hour disturbs Christendom That 't is preserved in the Scriptures as a perfect Rule of Gods revealed Will is the Doctrine of ours and all reformed Churches That the Scriptures are not a sufficient Rule of Faith but want a supply from Tradition is the known Doctrine of the Church of Rome By the meer mention of which you cannot but see the necessity of a Resolution for setling our Judgments for guiding our Consciences and building us up in our most holy Faith In order to which I crave leave to premise some few preliminaries that may at once give us light and prevent cavils in this Enquiry 1. It is confessed that as our Saviour writ Mat. 28. 19. Mark 16. 15. nothing himself so the commission he gave his Apostles was not to write but to teach and preach 2. But then it is no less certain that the Apostles taught the Churches by writing as well 2 Thess 2. 2. 5. 1 Cor. 11. 2. as by preaching and that the Faith was propagated by both by preaching to the Saints present by writing to those absent 3. Whatever the Apostles delivered by word of mouth or committed to writing is of equal authority because in both they were inspired by the Holy Ghost If therefore it appear that what is delivered be the Word and Will of God whether it be written or unwritten 't is sufficient ground of a Christians Faith. 4. But then fourthly since it is impossible to make it appear that after the Scriptures were written and the Canon was compleat there remained some Articles of Faith preserved onely by Tradition and not delivered in the Scriptures it will naturally follow that the written Word of God is a sufficient Rule of divine Faith. I confess at the first when Christianity was confin'd to a narrow compass and the number of Believers was but small their zeal and concern for the Faith was such that there was no danger of letting any thing slip which they had received as a necessary Doctrine and then Oral Tradition was a proper conveyance of the divine Will especially considering that then the gifts of the Spirit were plentifully shed not onely on the Apostles but on every true Believer also But when the Word of God grew and multiplied and the Religion of Jesus gained ground in the World when it spread it self far and near and passed through many hands into divers remote Countries the same Spirit that moved the Apostles to teach and preach moved some of them to write what they had preached and other holy men to write what they had seen and heard lest in process of time their Doctrine might be forgotten by the carelesness of luke-warm Professours or corrupted by the contrivance of crafty Hereticks or destroyed by the malice of the Devil And truly though the Writings of any one Apostle appointed for this purpose had been sufficient to preserve the Faith entire particularly had we onely the Gospel of St. John affirming of himself that though he had omitted many things that Jesus did yet he had written all things necessary to salvation Joh. 20. 30 31. And many other signes truly did Jesus in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this Book But these are written why that ye might believe written that ye might believe what that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and what of that and that believing this as the great foundation of all the rest which the belief of this is apt to produce in your hearts and lives ye might have life through his Name I say though the Testimony of one in this manner had been sufficient yet such is the Providence of God and his abundant care of his Church which must continue to the end of the World that he ratifies his Will by a joynt testimony and consignes the Rule of our Faith by the hands of several Witnesses differing perhaps in stile and method and other circumstances but agreeing in the substance of all things necessary as the water is the same though it be conveyed through sundry pipes and channels From what hath been premised we may thus argue If to preserve a thing from oblivion or corruption be the main end of writing it then all that is necessary to salvation was also written because 't is most requisite to preserve what is most necessary Or if you please thus If it was necessary for the Apostles to write at all lest what they had delivered might be lost it was requisite they should write all that was necessary lest the designe of the whole might be frustrated
For when God of his infinite goodness had revealed his Will for the salvation of man and in his own due time inspired those holy men that writ it had they with-held or suppressed any part of it the drift of the whole had been rendered ineffectual our Faith had been lame and the means of our salvation imperfect Which can never consist with the integrity of such as are supposed to write by inspiration nor with the goodness of God that inspired them in order to the salvation of mankind But if this general Argument be less perswasive give me leave to enforce it with a matter of fact which admits of no exception And here for the Authority of the Old Testament we have the references and quotations of our Saviour and his Apostles for the perfection of the New the concurrent testimony of the Antients and for the sufficiency of both the constant appeals of the Church of God. 1. It is manifest that though our Saviour sometimes proved the truth of his Doctrine by Miracles and mighty Works yet generally he appeal'd to the Scriptures as to the principal test of the greatest truths for thus he confuted the Sadducees in that fundamental Article of the Resurrection Mat. 22. 29. Ye do err not knowing the Scriptures To them he referred the Jews when he prov'd himself the Messias Joh. 5. 39. Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they that testifie of me By them he confirmed his Disciples when he was risen from the dead for beginning at Moses and all the Prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself Luke 24. 27. And hence St. Peter seems to prefer the Prophecies of old time before an immediate voice from Heaven for though we heard the voice in the holy Mount 2 Pet. 1. 18. yet he presently adds we have also a more sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place Thus St. Paul commends Timothy that from a child he had known the holy Scriptures which were able to make him wise unto salvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 3. 15. And to name no more The Beraeans are said to be more noble than they of Thessalonica because they searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so Acts 17. 11. But you 'll say the testimonies hitherto produced concern onely the Old Testament what 's all this to the New which was not written while our Saviour was on Earth but after the descent of the Holy Ghost and that at some distance of time and by degrees as the Spirit moved the Apostles and other holy men to write For the perfection therefore and sufficiency of the New we have the practice of the Church in the purest times and the unanimous consent of the Fathers who appealed to the Scriptures in all their questions that concerned Faith or Manners and confuted all Heresies by them An Argument I confess from humane testimony but yet of undoubted authority such as no prudent man has reason to distrust and such as the matter is capable of I know they did sometimes alledge Traditions especially when they disputed with those that denied the Scriptures but this does not at all infer the insufficiency of the Scriptures because the Traditions they urged were of such things as were set down in the Scriptures Nay they did rather hereby confirm their authority by shewing the great agreement there was between such as were true Traditions and the holy Scriptures For it ought to be remembred that the Fathers were to encounter two sort of Adversaries some few that denied the Scriptures and others that received them Where the Scriptures were denied they alledg'd onely Traditions where the Scriptures were allowed they alledg'd the Scriptures in the first place and Traditions for the true sence and interpretation of the Scriptures But it does not appear that they ever did alledge Traditions for any one Article of Faith which is not plainly expressed in the Scriptures I shall not here detain you with a cloud of Quotations which are collected to my hands by a great many learned Pens but onely with a few that are plain and positive for I think I may safely affirm that if there be one Tradition which runs through the Writings of the Antients as a common Principle it is this That the Scriptures contain the perfect Rule of Faith. Irenaeus The Scriptures are perfect for Lib. 1. cap. 47. Lib. 3. cap. 1. they are the Word of God and were dictated by the Spirit of God. Again We have known the method of our salvation by no other but those that brought us the Gospel which at first indeed they preach'd but afterwards by the Will of God they delivered it unto us in the Scriptures to be the Foundation and Pillar of our Faith in time to come Clem. Alexandr They that look for the Strom. 7. vid. three pages near the end truth must non desist till they have found it in the holy Scriptures for the Writings of the Apostles and Prophets are the onely certain principle of the Christian Doctrine the onely demonstration 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in matter of Faith. Origen For the confirmation of all our Hom. 25. in S. Mat. words which we deliver as Doctrine we must produce the sence of the Scriptures for as no gold was sanctified without the Temple so no Opinion without the Scriptures is holy Athanasius If ye are the Disciples of the De Incarnat Christi Gospel speak not wickedly against God but walk by the Scriptures for if ye discourse without them why do ye contend with us who dare not speak nor hear what is foreign to them Chrysost If we speak without the warrant Hom. in Ps 95. of Scripture the thoughts of our hearers are uncertain now they assent anon they doubt sometimes they reject our discourse as frivolous at the best they receive it onely as probable but when we produce the testimony of the voice of God from the Scripture it gives authority to the speech of the Preacher and confirms the mind of the Hearer And to the same effect speak St. Basil St. Cyril Hieros Damascen Theophylact Theoph. Alexandr and sundry other of the Greeks Give me leave to subjoyn some few of the Latins that by two sorts of Witnesses we may learn the Truth and silence Gain-sayers Tertullian The Gospel of Christ puts an end Adv. Hermog c. 22. De Praescr adv Haeret. to all our curiosity and enquiry when once we believe that we expect nothing further for this we believe first that we are to believe nothing further Again I adore the fulness of the Scriptures Let Hermogenes shew that 't is written if not let him expect the woe denounced against them that add or detract any thing St. Cyprian If it be commanded in the Ep. 74. ad Pompeium Gospel or