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tradition_n concern_v faith_n scripture_n 2,167 5 6.0411 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03452 Obseruations concerning the present affaires of Holland and the Vnited Prouinces, made by an English gentleman there lately resident, & since written by himselfe from Paris, to his friend in England; Spiegel der Nederlandsche elenden. English Verstegan, Richard, ca. 1550-1640. 1621 (1621) STC 13576; ESTC S116935 38,409 134

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indebted thereupon attendant for some one or other remedy now in the absence of their Soueraigne Lord which might keep their estates from declyning wholy to ruine And amongst these there lurcked in the hart of the aforsaid William of Nassaw Prince of Orange as well a desyre of reuenge as of remedy for the vnderpropping of his decayed estate This desire of reuenge was not for any wronges or iniuries donne or suffred to be donne vnto him by the king of Spayne but a reuenge forsooth because the greedy appetit of his insatiable ambition was not fully satisfyed For knowing that the King of Spayne after he had receaued possessiō of these Netherland Prouinces must needs returne agayne into Spayne and leaue some generall Gouernour thereof behind him he laboured by what meanes he might both by himselfe and such of the Nobility as were of his faction that this authority might be giuen vnto the Lady Christierna Duchesse of Lorayne daughter vnto the sister of the Emperour Charles the fifth who was maryed vnto Chri●●iernus the third King of Denmarcke and this Duchesse had a daughter called the Lady Dorothy and with this Lady the aforesayd Prince of Orange meant to haue maryed that by this meanes after the death of the Duchesse Christierna he might haue come to haue beene Supreme gouernour of the whole low Countries But by reason of the Duchesse of Parma her being preferred vnto this dignity his designment broken he out of cōceaued reuenge went and maryed with a daughter of Mauritius Duke of Saxony being in religion a Lutheran and with her returned agayne into the Netherlandes retayning still in his hart the mali●e which he had cōceaued the expectation of some occasiō of further reueng with reparation of his decayed estate Now is it to be noted that albeit Martin Luther the New-Religiō-maker of Germany dyed not past three years before king Philip departed out of these Netherlandes yet were there already by meanes of him and his disciples six seueral religions risen vp in these Coūtries to wit The religion which Luther himselfe had first begune The religion of the Anabapstists The religiō of the Caluinists The religion of the Loyistes The religion of the family of loue and the religion of the Georgists of which six for your more satisfactiō I will heere giue you though briefly some particuler relation Martin Luther when he had made his reuolt from the Catholike Roman Church fynding that there were some thinges taught and obserued in the same Church that were thereto descended by ancient tradition and also deduced from the scriptures though not expressly therein mentioned thought with himself that the only way for him to draw many disciples after him was to proclayme in all his sermons and writings that we ought not to belieue or do nay thing concerning faith religion but that which was expressly comaunded and set downe in the written Word of God By this deuyce in the beginning he found great applause especially among the vulgar sort into whose handes he had thrust Bibles and Testaments translated by himself into Dutche to the best aduantage of his doctrine But it was not long after that some of these his disciples grew so subtile as to examine his doctrine by his owne rule and to see if all that he had taught them were expressly to be found in the written Word of God In which examination they found that the Christening of yonge children was not there to be found and thereupon esteeming the baptisme of children to be of no force they reuolted from him and rebaptized themselues and so began the sect of the Anabaptists After these Andrew Carolostadius one of the first and greatest disciples of Luther who with him allowed the baptisme of children although not expressed in Scripture began to dissent frō 〈◊〉 in opiniō of the real presence of Christ in the Sacrament albeit expressed in Scripture which opinion being imbraced by Zuinglius and others and afterward p●●lished by Iohn Caluin left vnto his followers the name of Caluinists The Loyists tooke their name of one Lo● by occupation a Slater and a townseman of Antwerp who was so confident in his right vnderstanding of Scripture by inward illumination from heauen that being furnished of money by certayne rich Merchantes of that citty whom he had brought to be of his Sect trauailed to Wittemberge to dispute with Luther and to conuert him to his religion but Luther finding him so to interpret the Scripture as to deny the resurrection of the dead to hold that the soules of the good are immortal and do go to God and that the soules of the euill do consume away and come to nothing and consequently that there is neither Diuel nor Hell except the hell of this world and the Men-diuels in it Luther offered rather to dispute with him with fistes then with Scripture wherupon Loy finding such harsh entertaynment returned to Antwerp again left Luther vnconuerted But hauing in Antwerp seduced and brought many to be of his opinion after he had recanted his doctrine and fallen to it againe he was finally burnt The family of Loue began by one Henry Nicholas a Mercer or Seller of Silks also of Antwerp who held among other thinges that man ought to be Deifyed in God and God ho●●●fyed in man and that men may haue their heauen first heer in this world by liuing in that deifyed loue they ought to do and heereafter in Heauen also The last of these six was the sect of Dauid George a Glasse painter of Delft in Holland This monster secretly taught his disciples that in himselfe was infused the soule of the true Messias and Sauiour of the World that he was more then Elias more then S. Iohn Baptist yea more then Christ These six sects beginning now to grow and spread themselues in sundry parts of the Countrey though some increased more then some the Georgistes keeping themselues more secret then any of the others there was now no remedy for the preseruation of the subiects from so great confusion in religion as also from the dayly increase of more Sects the great inconueniences iustly feared thereby to arise then by putting in practise the Placarts or Ordinances of the Emperour being no other then consonant vnto the ancient lawes of all other Countryes in Christendome as also for the preseruation of the Oath which the Emperour and his Son the King of Spayne had take in this Country for maintenance of the ancient established Religion and Clergy These lawes then being now begun to be put in execution and diuers of those that were of these Sects put to death but of none more then of that of the Anabaptists certain of the decayed Nobility aforesayd of which faction William of Nassaw was the chiefe seeing that all this made for them that somthing must needes come of it whereby they might fall to fishing in a troubled water sought by all meanes to get themselues