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A49156 The abominations of the Church of Rome discovered in a recantation-sermon lately preached in the French church of the Savoy : whereunto are added many curious particulars of the practices of the papists beyond the seas / by Franc. de La Motte ... ; English'd.; Motifs de la conversion à la religion reformée. English La Motte, François de. 1675 (1675) Wing L303; ESTC R8201 73,183 130

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of Christ's Church For to perswade people the more that their Traditions are necessary they exalt them above the Authority of the Holy Scriptures and advance such doctrines and propose such questions as might make any man an Atheist that will hearken to them How do you know say they that these Writings that bear Moses's name have been written by him How do you know that St. Matthew St. Mark St. Mark St. Luke and St. John are Authors of the Gospel that St. Paul St. James and St. Peter have written the Epistles unless it be by Tradition Have you seen the first Originals of these Writings that you credit so much And if you did see them who is it can affirm that they were written by these great Apostles that have been dead so long unless you believe the men of our days who have received what they affirm either by writing or otherwise from the hear-say of their Forefathers This we name Tradition Pighius argues in this manner Hierarch Eccles l. 1. c. 2. This was also my reason and argument that I have often made use of but when I had seriously examined its strength its veracity and design I found it to be but weak and tending to undermine the foundations of our Faith of our Laws and Religion for if I might have the liberty to propose such questions I might as well make others which shall intangle them in as great a difficulty as theirs do us How know you may I say that your Tradition is good and true How do you know that such as affirm St. Peter to have been Bishop of Rome speak truth How came you to be perswaded that there is a Bishop of Rome have you seen him How are you certain that the Pardons and Indulgences that you receive came from him that he hath confirmed them with his signature could not the persons that have delivered them to you counterfeit his hand May not an Atheist make use very well of this argument and ask How do you know that there is any other God besides the Sun have you ever seen him have you ever spoken with him How do you know that there are three Persons in the Godhead How do you know that Jesus Christ hath lived upon earth that there have been Apostles c. This is the drift and end of these questions which we must reject as the Devils cunning to ensnare our Faith Hearken not to those that will speak in this manner saith St. Austin Confess l. 6. c. 5. How knowest thou that these Books proceed and are derived unto men from the Spirit of a true God for this we must believe above all things And Tertull. contra Hermogen I acknowledge the fulness of the Scripture Hermogenes cannot find there any pretence for his errours therefore he and his fellows flye to the assistance of Tradition And elsewhere he saith Take away from Hereticks that which is common to them with the Heathens and confine them to the Holy Scriptures and they can no longer subsist De Resur carnis I think this answer is a sufficient reply to the Papists Many others have been given which are to be read in the Books of Controversie It is my judgment that God hath fully as much power as men and that his voice is as efficacious and perfect as ours We are to be distinguished by our voices and speeches as when a Son hears his Fathers voice he needs not that a Servant should inform him that his Father speaks likewise our Saviour Christ assures us that his sheep hear his voice and know it We need no other but Christ's voice to know that it is His that He speaks unto us in the Holy Scriptures Let not the Papists propose any such questions for the future and let them take notice of what St. Jerome tells us upon Hagg. That the things that are invented are false as for example such as are said to be the Apostles traditions which have no authority nor testimony from the Holy Scriptures are mark'd by God's sword § From this Doctrine of Tradition proceeds their Faith of Miracles a Faith as ill grounded and ridiculous as the Traditions themselves that are but old wives tales We may judge of such as are related to us of former ages by them that are published and performed in our days of a thousand there is scarce one that hath the least appearance of reality if we will but seriously consider and examin them Nevertheless they are as boldly delivered for truths in the Popish Pulpits as the Gospel I have declared many being forced thereunto by my Office that I knew to be very false Several persons of the common people have related to me accidents that have happened in places of devotion which they look'd upon as notable Miracles but when I have examined them well I have understood that they were but natural effects If they had addressed themselves to some other persons their belief and declarations had passed as currant as Christ's Resurrection from the dead and Lazarus rising out of the Sepulchre they had been recorded and laid up for posterity to read For example A Country fellow comes to me with two or three of his neighbours assuring me that his wife had been at the last gasp and that because he had offered her to St. Mathurin or St. Anne the very next day she recovered of her distemper But he did not tell me that the Physitian that had judged her sickness so desperate was but a Country Chyrurgeon who hath scarce seen the outside of Physick Books and therefore knew not how to judge of a disease by the symptoms I have healed many in this manner by prescribing to them no other receipt but patience I did not discover to them that the dangerous distemper which had taken from the Patient speech proceeded from a Crisis or the turning of the blood or from the working of some violent physick Another comes to me and tells me that his child hath been thought to be dead for several hours but when in time he comes to take notice that it was a Convulsion-fit or the Falling-sickness he don't go back to acquaint the Priest that what he thought to be death is but a disease Who is it that would not have really believed to be true what the Bishop of Anger 's published in print he is a person not easily to be perswaded he caused an exact enquiry to be made and was certainly informed that Jesus Christ had visibly appeared in the Parish-Church of Ulmes in the Priests hands as he was saying Mass Yet he hath been forced to acknowledge to the shame of the whole Church that it was but a fiction of the Priest and a few Parishioners who thought to enrich themselves by that means If this Priest had but dyed a few days after he had been Canonized for a Saint but he hath lived and declared by his Life what manner of man he is the Bishop hath been forced for his scandalous behaviour
serious examination of all these things that there can be nothing more contrary than these two things the ancient Christian Rome and that which appears now the Church then with the modern the Faith and Christian Religion under the Popes Government with that Faith and Religion which the Romans first embraced and professed a long whiles under the Teachers and Bishops which the Apostles left them Let any man read over the Gospel and the Records of the Primitive Christians since the time of the Apostles until the fourth or fifth Centuries to seek what Church Jesus Christ established upon the unmoveable foundation of His Word and Merits let him take notice of that which St. Luke describes better with his Pen than with his skilful Pencil of that which all the approved Writers of the Ecclesiastical Affairs immediately succeeding do represent unto us which professed no other belief but in Jesus Christ which had rejected an Angel from Heaven if he had preached any other Doctrine but that which is contained in the Holy Gospel and in the other Books of Sacred Scripture This Church acknowledged no other but Christ looked upon such as named themselves of Apollo's Party of Peter's or Paul's as so many Sectaries and allowed of no other Judge of Controversies and Governour but Jesus Christ Call but to mind all that you have ever read or heard of this Church since its beginning until the time of the Bishop of Rome's usurpation of the Sovereign Power under the name of Pope and compare that Church of Rome with this in our days examine the Tenents Maxims Laws Behaviour and Customs of both and you will be forced to confess that they are not the same but two Churches as much differing the one from the other as the day from the night We must not therefore mention the Antiquity of this Church but as of a languishing and decayed Body we may say she is ancient in the same manner as we say of women that shamefully yield themselves to pleasure in their old age whilst they were young chast and beautiful they were worthily esteemed and admired of every one but since age and lechery time and debauchery seises upon them they become so strangely altered that they seem not to be the same persons We must look upon the Church of Rome in this manner She is no longer that beautiful Wonder that ravishing Spouse whose Picture Solomon labours to draw in chap. 4. of the Canticles but an old Whore the Mother of fornications and abominations of the earth mentioned by St. John Revel chap. 17. She is old I confess like unto those old Palaces which time and want of repair have brought to ruin I may express this by another resemblance She is ancient as are the old Bodies infected with Leprosie and abounding with vicious humours which putrefie the older they grow and corrupt the more with age the continuance of the disease having so changed their constitution that they are not to be known by the former idea's of their persons In this manner the Romish Church may be said to be ancient Antiquity doth but discover her shame reveal her Apostacy and declare her grievous Corruptions Let us say something more to the purpose Men are known by their speech the home-born Inhabitants of a Country are distinguishable from strangers by their language and pronunciation I desire no more to shew that the Church of Rome is not the true Church of Christ and that the present Church is not the same as that which was first established Listen to the language of both and you shall find a vast difference hearken to the Popes language and to that of Jesus Christ to what the one commands and the other forbids to what the first affirms and the latter denies to what Christ with his Apostles preach and the Pope with his Doctors declare and publish We need but read the Holy Gospel and the Decretals of Rome the Scripture and the Canons of the Council of Trent the Books of the ancient Fathers and the Belief of the Jesuits and of modern Authors to understand that the Church which stiles her self Christian Catholick Apostolick and Roman is nothing of all that and deserves none of those glorious Titles for she is neither Christian nor Catholick nor Apostolick nor Roman if we take the Roman Church for what she was anciently She cannot be properly named Christian because she acknowledgeth another Lord and Superiour besides Jesus Christ and denies Him to be the only Saviour of Men ascribing this honour to the Virgin Mary and others by saying that she may and doth save many by her interceding for them that the Pope is able to do the like by pardoning their sins and granting unto them his Indulgences and that they themselves may contribute to their own salvation by their good works c. She is not Catholick in that sense which the Romanists give to this word because she preaches a Doctrine not agreeable to that which God hath revealed to us by His Son and Ministers and prefers her own Traditions before the Oracles of the Holy Scripture because she invents many superstitious Laws which occasion grievous sins She is not Roman like unto that Church which was anciently so called for besides that primitive Church as we shall further take notice never did claim an universal Dominion for she did acknowledge the Churches of Antioch Alexandria and of Jerusalem and others to be her equals in all respects therefore her Bishops never believed themselves to be their superiours but their brethren and companions The Christians of those days understood nothing of Indulgences of Fraternities of Holy-water of Consecrated Crums of Relicks and Repositories of Medals and Beads and other such like Baubles in which the Church of Rome placeth the Holiness of Christianity They knew nothing of Holy Bread kept in little Tabernacles to be there worshipped they never had in their Churches Images like to those of Rome as may appear by the words of Epiphanius who lived in the fourth Century and writ to John the Patriarch of Jerusalem an Epistle which St. Jerome hath translated into Latin and therefore declares the Judgment of those two Eminent Persons In this Epistle he saith that when he went into a Church situate in a Country Village he perceived upon the door a veil where there was an Image to be seen therefore he caused it to be taken down and to be torn in pieces for saith he by this means men may introduce Idolatry amongst Christians By this passage we may understand that the Worship of Images was a strange thing in that Age as other Historians and after them Baronius are forced to confess Christians of those days did rather chuse to be burned alive and tormented than to suffer the least grain of Incense to fall from their hands into that fire which was intended to burn it in honour of an Image or Idol which they were required to worship Those wise and couragious Christians did
Brethren but by the principles of conscience and the more rational motives to salvation On the other side those that are acquainted with the Reasons that retain the Romanists in the Religion which they profess will not wonder that there are so few of them made Proselytes They know well enough that the Nobility and the Commonalty the Learned and the Unlearned the Zealots and the Libertines have an hundred invisible chains by which they are held fast Never expect that a rich Abbot of 5000 Livres per ann should quit such a preferment to become a Minister or that a man in favour at Court should incur the displeasure of his Prince by renouncing the Pope Nor can you with any more reason hope for the conversion of the Learned for you must look upon them in their Schools as Disciples to no other but Aristotle for they learn to dispute before they are taught to believe and become Philosophers before they are Christians If at any time they read the Holy Scripture it is not with any intent to satisfie themselves which doctrine is most agreeable to that divine Rule but that they may find therein some Text or other to be wrested in favour of themselves and their perverse opinions I read the Scripture my self for a long time with this very design when I met with any thing in it different from my principles I thought my self obliged to encounter it and applied my self forth with to the finding of Arguments which might serve as an answer to it And this is that which renders the conversion of the Learned so difficult nor is that of the Ignorant any less for these are the people that will have no other Faith but that which they deposite with their Curate and yet so great an abhorrence for all such as follow not their superstitions that come not to Mass carry not their Rosaries about them make no use of the Office of the Virgin nor pray to other Saints that they are always ready to attempt their extirpation and believe that they should therein do God good service I have heretofore my self had such unchristian intentions and desires as these wherewith the Papists are imbued and amongst the rest those of the Order of the Jesuits I became once so tractable a Scholar by the charitable instructions of these Masters that I was one of the first that rais'd the Tumult at Rennes and set fire to a Protestant Church at such time as it was believed that they were immur'd within it and these reverend Fathers were so far from discountenancing the outrage that they declared their sorrow and regret that we had not at least burnt the Minister there alive Judge therefore if there be any hopes of their Conversion who from their Cradle have imbibed such sentiments as these But the Zealots are yet further removed from it being blinded and kept close to their Principles by erroneous Maxims and superstitious Principles in which they are made to believe the truth and purity of the Christian Religion to consist They perswade them that they must at a venture believe what the Church believes that is what their Director tells them that they ought not to raise the least dispute about what is preach'd to them out of the Scripture as being uncapable to comprehend those Mysteries that to doubt in the least of the truth of Miracles Traditions Indulgences the Power of the Pope and his Priests or to entertain the least thought of the possibility of being saved in any other Religion is a most enormous crime So that that very light which by the special favour of God is afforded them for their conversion is look'd upon by them as a machination of the Devil against which they are obliged to engage This renders it in a manner impossible that they should ever be reclaimed As for the Libertines they have no thoughts of the well fare of their future state and therefore all Religions are to them indifferent carrying always about them some pernicious principles wherewith they are provided to combat against whatsoever shall oppose their sensual inclinations and wherewith they extinguish the light of the Spirit which is afforded them for their relief Amongst these I may rank the giddy and inconstant that out of a principle of Libertinism abandon the Romish Religion and a while after upon the like motives return to their former estate a mercenary sort of people that are ready to enroll themselves in the service of any that will hire them at a dearer rate Such men as these having inconsiderately shut themselves up in a Cloister where they are obliged to lead a regular life grow quickly weary of their first design the Cowl is burdensom to them and the Religious Yoke becomes insupportable hereupon they fancy that if they sally out and go over to the Protestant Party they shall be received after the same manner that they are wont to entertain the revolting Ministers in France who are usually complemented like Princes With such imaginations as these and without any other motive or being able to render any solid reason of their actions one of them presents himself to a Consistory which they presume to be with a good intention and being unwilling to be so injurious as to send him back they receive him in hope that he is sincere in his profession and will prove a good man nor is the assistance of some charitable persons wanting But the man finding himself free from all subjection begins to give the reins to his inordinate appetite frequents Brothel-houses and gives himself over to a scandalous and sensual life hereupon they summon him to the Consistory that he may have the punishment inflicted on him which he deserves the charity lately extended to him is with-held and the Papists again by their sollicitations and promises of a Dispensation from Rome for the future and an Act of Oblivion for what is past they assure him of all possible incouragement and thereby prevail with him to return to his former state without any conviction wrought upon his conscience or any other true motives of his change than the inconstancy of his mind and his propensity to his lusts and pleasures We need not marvel then that such as these should forsake the communion of the true Church since we seem hereby the rather to be confirmed that that Church is the true Church from which they revolt according to their own argument which infers the holiness and good discipline of a Religious Order from the number of such as do renounce it They went out from us saith St. John Ep. 1. c. 2.19 but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have remained with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us By their works we may judge of the sincerity of their conscience and the truth of their faith as the goodness of the tree is judged by its fruit § There are several
careful to oblige her domesticks to live well according to the Laws of God I cannot believe that such a person can be damned nor I neither said I to my self I am of your mind nevertheless it was then my interest to dissemble the inward perswasion of my mind Don't let that trouble you I was about to say to such if you have not committed a more grievous sin than that I shall not load you with an heavy penance I am certain that many are of my mind in the Church of Rome It is a cheat and a design to force people to believe it as confidently as the most holy mysteries and a great error to tell them that they cannot have any hopes of salvation if they are not perswaded that the others are assuredly damned although God commands us to the contrary by his Apostle not to judge others Rom. 14.3 Jam. 4.12 and assures us in his Gospel that there needs nothing else to attain unto salvation but the keeping of his Commandments which the Protestants profess to do and perform Therefore I did often argue in this manner It is not possible to be damned without sin for sin is that alone that shuts heaven and draws upon us the wrath of God Now there is no sin but is against his commandments either we must omit what he enjoyns or commit what he forbids Every one therefore that believes what God hath revealed unto us by his Prophets and Apostles and by Christ and shall keep the commandments of God shall infallibly be saved the Scripture declares it He that believeth in me although he were dead yet shall he live saith our Saviour Joh. 11.25 and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never dye He don't tell us we must believe in the Pope to be saved but we must believe in him He repeats these words in several passages of the Gospel Verily verily I say unto you if any man keep my word he shall never see death he speaks the same to that man which enquired of him what he was to do to be saved If thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments Matth. 29.16 when he enquired which Christ answered Thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal c. Now the Protestants profess and observe these two things to believe in God and to obey his commandments This is their Faith and the principles of their Religion to believe all that God hath revealed and to do all that he hath commanded Wherefore should they be damned Because they don't believe in the Pope answers a Papist and because they don't keep the commandments of the Church of Rome But my friend from whence hast thou that these two things are also necessary for thy salvation is it from God or from man can you find in any passage of the Holy Scripture or in the three Creeds of your Religion any thing of this doctrine It is true you shall find I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord c. You shall not find there that you must believe in the Pope that the Bishop of Rome is the Head of all the Christian Church that he is infallible and that he must be obeyed as God himself You shall not find there any mention made of the Sacrifice of the Mass of Purgatory Indulgences the Worshipping of Images nor of the other Articles of the Popish Religion And the two other Creeds made about two or three hundred years after the first to explain and paraphrase it speak of no such things Listen attentively at your Morning Prayers or when Mass is sung in your Churches publickly you shall hear nothing of the Pope nor of his Church you shall only hear of the Articles which Protestants believe with less additions than you for they credit them only because God hath revealed them they will have no mixture of humane authority with the divine Look over all the commandments of God's Law you shall not find there any thing of praying to Saints of worshipping of Images of abstinence from meats of fasting in Lent of confession of sins to men but there you shall find that we must worship God that we must not make any graven Image c. All these commandments are kept more religiously by the Protestants than by the Papists what reason therefore can we find for their Damnation how come they to be so bold as to thrust this into their Creed as an Article of Faith ambition and antichristian rage against them hath perswaded them to it But I wonder how they can offer to maintain this doctrine with this addition that there is no salvation but by an union with the Pope whom they affirm to be the Head of the Church and by consequence to influence and give life to every one of its Members Suppose the Pope is a wicked man as many such have been according to their own confession if he be covetous profane lechrous an Heretick a Negromancer or a hellish Monster how can any relation and union with such a one do me any good can he make me partaker of that holiness which he himself wants I have good cause to fear that he will infect me with his vices Is it not a grievous mistake and a ridiculous fancy to say that I cannot please God unless I communicate with and be related to his enemy and that I must not expect salvation but by a communion with him that is assuredly damned Nevertheless this is one of the Articles of the Popish Creed and Faith § Their Doctrine concerning Traditions is also contrary to the Holy Word of God It tends to withdraw us from our faith and belief in it If Jesus Christ did now live in the world he might with reason treat the Papists in the same manner as he did the Pharisees In vain do they honour me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men for laying aside the commandment of God ye hold the tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things you do transgress the commandment of God by your tradition Mark 7.7 13. Matth. 15.3 The most part of the Papists Principles and Articles of Faith are nothing but Doctrines and Commandments of men which have altogether changed the appearance of Christ's Church in all those Kingdoms where they have been admitted I might make this appear more plainly if I did but run over all the grievous impertinencies that are by this means received as so many Articles of Faith in the Church of Rome if I did but make an enumeration of all the false Miracles published for true but I should exceed the narrow limits prescribed to my self I shall therefore confine my self to one thing that hath very much scandalised me in this Doctrine it is the reason and expedient that they have to maintain it which tends to the total subversion of Christian Religion and to the destruction