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B08235 The ymage of both pastoures sette forth by that mooste famouse clerck, Huldrych zwinglius ; [and] now tra[n]slated out of Latin into Englishe, By John Veron Sinonoys. A most fruitefull [and] necessary boke, to be had [and] redde in all churches, ther wyth to enarme all symple [and] ignorant folkes, agaynst the raueninge wolues and false prophetes.; Von dem predig ampt. English Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531.; VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1550 (1550) STC 26143; ESTC S111785 87,055 198

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of his adherentes for they dyd allure into Monasteries thee sonnes and daughters of the noble mē of thee ryche and myghtye rulers that they hauing theyr chyldren as pledges shuld feare and dreade theyr power the lesse Whych thing we may see nowe a dayes by manyfest and playne tokens For in those places where ther be fewe or no Monasteries men are wont to resyste lesse the Euangelicall doctryne priestes do take wyues doeth not God hym selfe commaunde the same Of deuylyshnesse but yf they shuld vse concubynes and harlots so that the Byshop myght yearely get of euery one of them iiii crownes whē eyther the chyldrē that are thus vnlawfully gottē are redemed or the charges and costes of the visitacion as they cal it payde so that the Bishop might that way scrape .iiii. M. crounes euery yere they wolde cōplayne nothyng These newe preachers do set forthe thynges vnaduisedly in theyr sermons that wil shortlye brede tumultes and sedycyons In thee meane season that all mens goodes at morgaged vnto you that ye chalenge vnto your selfes all mens rychesse and possessions that ye oppresse the poore with an intollerable yoke of rentes and seruitude that wyth suche an vngodly violēce as was neuer heard of ye thincke that there can be no cause of sedition where as euery man doeth know that all seditions tumultes that euer were sens ther beginninge of the worlde dyd acyse of the pryde tyranny of the ryche and myghtye men of the worlde These thinges I saye other lyke are they wont to bringe about the latter ende of their Oration wherby any wyse man may easely gather that these men wyll colour or cloke most deceyptfully The papistes do make the mistery of christ a cloke too hyde theyr carnall lustes affections craftely and hypocritically theyr inordinate lustes and affections wyth that moost free and gratuite mystery of our Lorde and Sauyour Iesu christe But go to let them not bewraye theyr fylthynes and impietie of theyr counsayle by soche addition yet euery man doeth vnderstand what these men go about by theyr vnmeasureable pride and exceadinge great trayne Whether that they do seeke christe and the glorye of God ●eyth a syncere harte or rather be displeased that theyr cyches myght gaynes and pleasures are mynysshed for Christ neuer drewe with hym suche a multitude of seruātes nor such a greate trayne But because they do make mētiō of the Christian Catholike church Of the catholike churche of Christ whiche christ hath doth redemed with the merite of his bitter deathe also instituted established by his own auctoritie We must fetch diligētly what is that Christian and Catholyke church But wher shal we fynde it more playnelye set forth than in the wordes oracles of our lord Iesus christ whych he him self hath spokē of thys thyng Yf thē we may deprehēd fynde by the wordes of christ that the conspiracie congregatiō of the Papistes is the christiā churche truly it is cōuenyent mete that we do acknowledg it so But yf christ hath not instituted it with what boldnesse and impudency do they bost crake and set theym selues forthe by that tytle Truely they may be a Papistical churche thys we do not denye vnto them But they can be no more called Yf Belial may be called god the cōgregation or cōspiratie of the Papystes may be called thee Churche the Chrystian churche whych we do confesse in the Crede or symbole and is the communiō of al thee faythful spouse of christ than Belial is god For onelesse this were true the foūdaciō of our fayth and beleue that we haue of the church shulde leaue vpon wretched fraile and mortall men Howe folysshe absurde and impossyble thys thynge is anye Christyan harte doeth easely vnderstād and perceaue The bnyuersal churche of all the godly The church thē that we may also speake of it as much as the necessitie of thys place tyme doth requyre in hys fyrst signification is taken for all thē that put theyr whole truste hope and confydence in Christe onelye and in him do seeke all theyr saluacyon accordynge to Christes sayinge where Math. xvi he sayethe of hym selfe And vppon thys stone whych thou Peter had confessed euen nowe and therfore act called Peter I wyll or shall buylde my churche that is to say I wyl reconcile my people with god my father by this one only meane I am that true immaculate lambe and therfore I wyl offer my self an omnisufficient sacrifice for the sinnes of al the whole world Who soeuer thē doth put his whole trust cōfydēce vpon this rocke or stone he shal be saued is a membre of my saintes that is to say of my people of my churche By christes wordes thē it is manifest playne that al they which do truste in christ put al theyr hope and cōfidēce in him are the christian church For he that is builded vpon this rock or stone must nedes to be in the church sythe that the church is builded vpō y● same stone Part●cul●re churches Secondlye the churche is taken other whiles for euery paryshe For after the sense and significatiō we do cal the churche of the Corinthiās that part of the vnyuersal church that was in times past gathered at Corinthus in the fayth of christe where as in the meane season they were al membres of that catholike and vniuersal church and yet not wythstāding beīg gathered together they dyd receaue the name of a church or cōgregation After the same maner we cal the churche of London the same congregatyon that is in London wher as in the meane season al they that be cōtayned in it are membres of that vnyuersall christiā church which is that true churche which we do cōfesse in the crede the church of the papistes hathe no power or iuris●iction ouer the Catholike or vniuersal church or symbole of the Apostles But as these partyculare churches of Corynthus of London may nor oughte nor to burden thee vnyuersall Churche of thee Christians whyche dwel dispersed vp on the whole face of the earth with any newe lawes and tradycyons So the Romyshe or Papistical church which is only a particulare churche yf so bee that they haue fayth in christe Iesu ought in no wyse to prefarre it self vnto other nor to make all men subiecte vnto their traditions Also these thinges might be proued with many testimonies of the scriptures but because thei are sufficiently largely ynough aledged in other places ●oke vpō his articles ● answere that he made too one called Valentin● Compar we shal not neade here to bryng thē For the matter doth not admitte nor suffre vs to speake of thys thynge as muche as neade requyreth Wherfore when the Papistes to complaine of any deuision or subuersyon of the churche they care for none other thyng but for theyr own that is to say al their
care is for the lucre gaynes cōmodities of their churche which they se euery day to lose moch profyt For the more do come to the true knowledge of christe and beleue in hym thee greater the church is though no Pope at all or mytred Bysshoppe or hyghe pryeste or patriarch were founde in al thee whole world But that that they complayne vpon doeth get vnto them no small fauour and why it hathe no small shew of godlinesse for they wil be coumpted such as care for the shepe wheras they seke the wolle wold rather be clippers and sherers than Pastours or shepeherdes For the crafty subtyl men knew ryght wel that thee churche of god or shepe or people of god ought to be brought into none other pastoure The papistes yf thei were trew pastours haue more cause to be glad than to be sory but that the true and onely fode of gods word ought to be mynystred vnto them Sythe then that thee faithful pastours do euery where minister lyberally this wholsom healthful fode of the gospel it is mete that they shuld make no complaynte of the deuisyon of thee churche but rather oughte to reioyce and bee gladde that they se thee pastoures of saluacyon to sprynge vp and florysshe so goodly euery where Here against thē the wil haue the fathers to be obserued folowed in the exposition of the scriptures I do not greatlye passe vppon theyr obiectyon wher they do commaūde that the preachyng of the gospel shulde be ruled guyded moderated after or accordyng to the exposityon of the fathers For christe our sauyour did not assubiectize or make subiect thys worde wherof he speaketh Math iiii saying Man doth not liue with bread only but with euery word that cometh out of gods mouth vnto the Iudgemente of the fathers that they shuld pronoūce or geue sentēce vpō it but he wil haue the worde to be vnderstāded which cometh out of Gods mouth as we may se Deut. viii But that these thīges may be more plain easyer to be vnderstāded of euery mā Let these felowes tell Let the pap●stes aunswere to these I praye what was the condiciō of the christian faith how the gospel Euāgelical doctrine could be preached afore that these fathers were borne into the world Howe shall we say that the Apostles did preache the gospell or after what maner dyd they it Now therfore their deceateful craftes ar detected wherby they dyd go about to deceaue the simple witted mē vnder the name of the fathers to include with in certaine limities boūdes the libertie of gods worde For thys we maye boldely affirme say that the christiā people did neuer liue a more innocēt godly lyfe thā whē ther were no humaine tradityōs at al the prescriptyon teachynge of the Euangelycall doctryne being then admixsted with simplicitie They are wāt therfore to speake these other lyke wordes about the begynnyng of their oracyō or this one cause that they may deceaue the symple and ygnorāt people But praysed be god that they begynne theyr tale after this maner fashyō For two or tri actes haue ben set forth by these mē wher they seme that thei haue forgottē to cōmēd at the fyrst beginning the faithful dyligent preachīg of the gospel vnto al mē which we haue most nede of of al thinges How beit they makīg a very cold mētiō of the gospel almost about the ende of their Actes be wōt to say And yet for al the we ought not to be coumpted enemies of the gospel For we wyll that it be preached c. Now thākes be vnto god thee matter is come to that that they be fayne at lēgth to speake make mētiō of the gospel to cōmaūde the pastours to preach it dilygētly but by by lest thei shuld seme to haue graūted to much they do bryng the meanīg expositiō iudgemēt or sētēce of the fathers the cōmune mynd or agreemēt of all the faythful by them wyl they haue the preachīg of gods word to be ruled In good south a mā might thynke sarcasmus that in to say a playne mocke the god hath a very good turne that these doctours and fathers ar come for onelesse these fathers had ben it had ben laweful for no mā to preach his word For let vs faigne the none of al the fathers did expound or went aboute to expounde the worde of god and thee scryptures with theyr wrytynges and cōmentaryes lett theym tell I praye wyll they suffre then goddes worde to bee preached or not Yf then goddes worde can bee preached and sette forthe purelye and syncerely wythout the exposityō and labour of the fathers what shame and impudencye is thys that they be not a shamed to alligate and bynde goddes worde to thautorytye of thee fathers Wheras theyr decrees do teach plainely that booke I haue already trāslated in to English is called a short path-way to come thee ryghte vnderstāding of Gods word that the fathers must gue place geue place vnto gods worde and not the worde vnto the fathers as we maye fynde Distin viii a. .ix. a. from whome the true syncere vndertādīg of gods word doth come wher it ought to be sought I haue sufficiently declared in a booke which is intituled De claritate verbi dei that is to say of the playnelynesse or lyghtsomnes of gods word It is euident playne thē by this that hath ben said hetherto that al they that ar wōt to haue alwayes our lorde Iesus christ in theyr mouthes The hipocrisi of the papistes of the woues therby to commed set forth colour their hypochrytical cōplaintes wherew t now that the gospel begīneth to florish thei do tragically fyl that whole world whereas in the meane season they haue not in thē a crōme of the christian fayth wherby they may be knowen do seke none other thing by this theyr hipocrisye but that they may be taken for true pastours for yf thou doest loke vpon consyder beholde them frō the top to the toes thou shalt alwayes see woluish clawes to appeare out whiche they can neuer hyde We wyll not haue thys thing to be vnderstanded only of those hyghe Prelates mytred Bishops but it ought to be referred to all the ministers of the church by whose sermons any man may easely espye perceaue whether that they doo seke in their doctryne the health saluation of thee shepe or rather theyr owne ●ryuate profyte The fruytes whereby false pastrous are knowen Soch are they that do defend the papistical church saying opēly that the cōstitutions of it statutes and traditions ought to be no lesse accepted thā the sacred holy scriptures And what greater blasphemye can be agaynste God What greater apostasye or rebelliō can be agaynste our heauenly Kynge For by what reason can we make the creature equall wyth the creator Soch
vnderstand of what Prophetes the Lorde doth speake truely of dreamers lyers tale tellers But what rewarde doeth he promyse vnto theym Wherefore sayth he theyr waye shal be slyppery in the darckenesse wherin they may stacker and fall c. And a lyttle after I wyll fede them wyth wormewood make thē drinke the water of gall Behold how he doth denaunce tell forth theyr slyppery waye greuouse fall of ignoraūce also theyr exceading great bitternesse whych as it doeth dayly encrease so at length theyr greuous and peryllous tuyne or fall as the broken walles shall ensue and folowe Esaye xxx The scriptures are full of such Testimonies whereby we may knowe and espye out false Prophetes but they are most lyuely depicted and set forth Ezechiel xxxiiii Chapter Which place the shortenes of oure matter wyll not suffre vs nor admytte to wryte oute here Yet the ende of theym is shewed euery where of thee LORDE Thee ende of false prophetes that they oughte wythoute remedye to be rooted out of the earth How by whō false pastours must be taken away and roted frō the earth But now it is doubtfull by whom they ought to be roted out of the earth For there bee some that are desyrous to kyll them where soeuer they fynd thē But it is playne that it is lawfull for no pryuate person to kyll any man wtout the law a iudgemēt geuē vpō him or without a speciall cōmandement of god Wherefore certayn hote and fierce Christians do greatly erre whyche as sone as th●i se a faile prophet do thinke that any man may kyl hym for so they stycke to the letter of gods lawe seeke or searche out no deper sence or vnderstandinge We must beware then that we geue not to much the brydell to our affections For al this whole matter and busynesse ought to be cōmitted to god who yf he wyll haue thē to be taken away shal casely bring it to passe by hys mynisters that is to saye by the Magistrates In the meane season be thou of a good comfort thinking within thy self of whose spirite thou arte submit thy self obediently to the meke iudgemēt of our most mercyfull master and sauyour Iesus Christ which sayeth Math. vii Euery tree that bringeth forth noo good frute shal be hewed downe caste into the fyer Yf his craftes deceyptfull subtilties were knowe of the whole church he ought to be deposed and put from the office of teaching by the commune assent agreement of all the congregation But yf the churche hath no soch auctorytye nor may do it lette no man herken vnto hym but rather suffre death than ye shulde hearken vnto a raueninge wolfe who wyth his doctryne and traditions goeth aboute too plucke you awaye from the one onelye God and heauenly father All these thinges are manyfeste playne by the plages of the scriptures afore alledged so that they haue no neade of any more demonstratiō Besydes that the Lord him selfe Math .v. bydeth vs to plucke out and cast awaye from vs Mathe .v. our ryght eye yf it doeth offend vs. Therfore it is our part duetye to pluck out that wicked eye that is to say the false pastour whiche leadeth not to the true pastures and to pulle vp by the rootes the rotten and vnfruytefull tree but after that it is done let vs commit the iudgement vnto the Lord who wil cast it into the fyre when he shal thinke beste when he is remoued put frō the office of teaching we shall reken hym amonge the tares Mat. xlii whyche oughte not be pulled vp tyll the tyme of the haruest be come as our sauiour him self sayth After the same maner ●●et xxxiiii the Lord speaketh Ezech xxxiiii I my self wyl vpon the shepehardes requyre my shepe from theyr handes make them ceasse from fedinge of my shepe Yea the shepehardes shal fede thē selfes no more By whō the sentēce of Lorde Deut. .xiii oughte to be executed Wherefore lette theym that beare the swearde of iustye delyuered vnto theym by God put too execution that sentence of the Lord which is expressed Deu. xiii For they shal easely vnderstand what they ought to do for the glorye of god when they must punish extremely those false prophetes And yf they beyng of that mynde that the false pastours are wyl neyther punishe them nor kepe thē shorte we must patiently beare thys yoke layde vpon vs as yf it were another capt●uitie of Babylon tyll the Lord hym self vouchsafe to delyuer vs wyth hys myghtye hand For this that we suffre in the meane season is no losse nor harme vnto vs but an exercyse and tryall wherby our faith being exercised Psalm ● xxxviii shal shyne afterwardes with greater glorye The lord is gētyl meke of moch mercy in many thinges also he doeth spare is wont to differre lōge the plage punishmēt for no mā is able to escape his hād Besydes that no soch example of crudelitie is set forth to vs in Christ or in hys Apostels which neuer punished no mā with death sheding of bloud In dede it is lawful for al churches to put awaye reiecte the false pastour that he do not teache And yf they begin obstinately stubburnly to perseuere cōtinne nor wyll cease to pluck away from god it is the parte and duetye of thee Magistrates to kyll them vp with the sweared But thou that art a pryuate mā do not raye and defyle thyne handes wyth bloude For the Lord shal not fayle yf these rauening wolues can not peasibly or wtout tumulte and insurrection be expelled out awaye he wyl wythout fayle rayse vp some Helias iii. re xviii which shall at one clappe kyll vp iiii hundreth and .l. priestes of Baal and .iiii. hundreth prelates of groues hyll aulters He shall not fayle I saye take the onely in good worth this differringe and delayinge Christ wolde not cōdempne to death the wycked woman as we may sie Iohn viii which was takē in adulterye and whom the lawe dyd cōdempne But agayne what great calamities and miseries hoe horrible a destruction dyd he bringe vpon the whole people Reade ye Iosephus Sabellicus vpō that whē Titus both gotte the towne and subdued all the whole countreye We must therfore folow the leuge sufferaunce of our moste bounteous father In the meane season as moche as in vs lieth we must take hede that rauenynge wolues doo not occupye the towmes of Pastours whych thynge yf we can not lette we muste paciently abyde the delyueringe hande of the Lorde for the gētyll meke and mercyful example of christ doethe moue me more thā that seuere cruel sentence or punishmēt of Moses How be it in the meane seasō I know that the dreadeful iudge Christ wyll come whyche wyl arme eyther the Prynces or the people theym selues to vengeaunce ¶ The Epilogus or
The ymage of bothe Pastoures / sette forth by that mooste famouse Clerck Huldrych zwinglius now trāslated out of Latin into Englishe By Iohn Veron Sinonoys A most fruitefull necessary Boke to be had redde in all Churches ther wyth to enarme all symple ignorant folckes agaynst the raueninge wolues and false prophetes M.D.L. Cum Priuilegio ad Imprimendum Solum Actu xx Chap. ¶ Take hede to your selfes and to the whole flocke whervpon thee holye ghoste hath appoynted you Byshops to gouerne the Church of God whych he hath purchased wyth hys bloude Math vii Chap. ¶ Beware of false Prophetes that come vnto you in shepes clothinge but inwardely they are rauening wolues ¶ To the Most mighty Prince Edwarde Duke of Somerset Earle of Harforde Vycount of Beaw Champe Vncle to our most souerayn Lord the King Iohn Veron wysheth peace grace health of soule body encreace of diuine knowledge and godly honour frō God the father through our Lorde sauiour Iesus Christ COnsydering wtin my self moste redoubted Prince the vnspeakeable exceding great mercy of our mooste boūteous heauēly father whych so plēteously hath now at this present sente amōg vs the most pleasaūt ioyful light of his holy sacred woorde that sens the byrth natiuitie of oure Lorde sauiour Iesus Christ it was neuer in thys illustre florishing realme so purely sincerely preached as it is now in our tyme set forth to the great cōfort cōsolatiō of our poore wretched cōsciences which so lōge haue bē detēted holdē captiues in the thicke darknes of mēs traditiōs I haue a good cause to wonder meruail at the īgratitude vnthākfulnesse of manye and sundrye folkes whyche in thys moste gracyous tyme that saluatyon is so frely in the word of God and holye scryptures offered euerye where vnto them yet to theyr vtter vndoynge and destructyon haue rather to stycke to the dregges of mennes dreames and deuyllysshe inuencyous of Antichriste than to embrace the ioyfull tydynges of thee Gospel where onely they maye fynde reste too theyr poore wearye soules Chryste the euerlastynge wysedome of the father doeth crye oure there sayinge Math. xi Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I wyll ease you And yet these madde and bewytched persons wyll in noo wyse harken vnto hym but moste wretchedly labouryng and sweatynge vnder the intollerable burden of Antichriste tradycions do wyttynglye and of all obstynate purpose and mynde renne head longe into perdytyon folowynge in it theyr blynde guydes whyche doo yet at thys presente contrarye bothe to gods worde and the kynges moste godlye procedinges leade them into all kyndes of deuelysshe erroure One of the princypall causes of the blyndenesse that yet now a dayes raygneth amōge the people These blynde guydes I saye are the● that poysone the symple and ygnoraunt people and are causes of their vtter vndoyng and destruction Then wyl they not suffre to come into thee ryght way and to folow the for goinge lyght of the gospell of oure sauyoure Iesus Christe whose doctryne and worde they perswade these poore ygnoraunte and blynde folckes to bee playne heresye and that they whych now preache set forthe and bryng vnto theym the gladde and comfortable newes of saluatyon are moste pernytyous heretykes whyche goo aboute to bryng all men from thee olde and auncyent relygyon that was sette vp alowed and establysshed by the holye fathers of the prymatiue churche in to a newe kynde of relygion that they inuented them selfes out of their own braynes thereby too take awaye and banyshe from amonge men thee true worshyppynge of the lyuing God The vngodly perswasyons of the papistes Are not wyll these Antychristes say thoroughe thys newe learnynge all lamable ceremonyes dryuen out of the churches where bee nowe thee holye Saynctes become that ye in al youre afflyctyons and trouble were wonte too flye vnto As for thee holye and blessed Sacramente of thee Aultare they haue moste vngodlye plucked it downe Within a while syth that they haue also put downe that most holy sacred Masse they wyll leaue no God at all vnto vs. Beware take hede too your selfes good folkes herken not vnto them We waraunt you they shall not continue longe Wythin there two or thre yeares and lesse ye shall see all thinges clene altered and chaunged Those and many other lyke thinges doo these rauenynge wolues and false Prophetes not only whysper in mens eares but also most boldely as though they feare nether God nor King blow out abroade among the louing subiectes of thys Realme I tell the truth I lye not god shall beare me recorde of the same Not longe a goo I was in communication wyth one of the chiefest ringe leaders of that vnlucky companye whose name I do here wittingly passe ouer whych is a man of great learnynge and in the Philosophie and doctrine of Aristoteles moste conninge and experte Thys man after that we hadde reasonned a whyle in matters of Relygyon sodeynlye brake forthe wythe these wordes No no sayde he and called me by my name sette your harte at reste I doo not doubte but that wythin these two or thre yeares al these felowes that now are busyest and mooste earnest in settinge forthe of thys heresye for so dyd he cal the preachinge of the gospell that is nowe vsed amonge vs shall be gladde to recante euery one of them as faste to cal backe theyr erroniouse opinions and to saye tongue thou dyddest lye Now moste myghtye Prince yf thys man not wythstandinge the Kynges proceadinges and other godly actes set forth by the Kinges moste honourable counsayll to thee vtter subuersyon of false doctryne vngodly traditions and Idolatrye and agayne to the mayntenaūce of true relygyon durste be so bolde too haue soche talcke and communication wyth me whom he knewe ryght well though that I haue but very smal learninge and knowledge how beit I do moste hyghely thancke god that he of hys goodnes dyd vouchesafe to directe that lyttle that I haue to his glory yet to be most earnest in the defence of this true doctrine religion What wil both he and other of the vngodly fact do among thē whō they know to be both vnlearned weake Truely they wyl vtterly subuerte thē They wyl make thē that whē thei heare of christ of his gospel they shall stoppe theyr eares crye out wyth the vngodlye multytude of thee Iewes sayinge Awaye wythe hym crucyfye hym Marke ye thys o ye Christyan Magystrates whose parte and duetye it is to beware and take heede that thee people commytted vnto you doo not fall agayne into darkenesse and ygnoraunce math xxi Luke xix marke xi When oure Sauyoure Iesus chryste Kynge of all Kynges and Lorde of all lordes made hys solempne entrye into Hierusalem howe ioyfully with songes and hymnes was he receaued of thee commune people Blessed be the kyng sayde they that cometh