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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11186 A president for a prince Wherein is to be seene by the testimonie of auncient writers, the duetie of kings, princes, and gouernours. Collected and gathered by Anthonie Russhe, Doctor of Diuinitie. Seene and allowed, according to the order appoynted. Rush, Anthony, 1537-1577. 1566 (1566) STC 21453; ESTC S116295 22,857 58

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lightes therein 4. Reg. 18. 4. Reg 23. 4. Reg. 12. 4. Reg. 20. makyng sweete perfumes breaking the brasen serpent and puttinp it to pouder I nede not make mention of Iosias Iehu Ioas who stil warned the Priests of their duty restrained their riot and insolency and last of all deliuered to death the false and peruerse Prophetes But what do I as the Latine prouerbe sayth lyght a Candle to helpe the moste glorious beames of the shinyng Sunne Thys not onelye in the time of shadowes but also in the time of grace and truth hath most plainely appeared As of Constantine we reade Euseb li. 1. Cap. 5. in promoting the Religion of God in the Counsel of Nice of Theodosius the firste at the Counsell of Constantinople Theodosius the second at the Counsell of Ephesus and to be short of Martianus at the Counsell of Calcedon Who shewed them selues the true and naturall Nursses of Gods Church and the fostering fathers of Christ his Religion according to the saying of the Prophet Esay Esay 44. Reges erunt Nutritij tui Kings shal be thy feeders and fosterers Makyng this the chiefe care amōg the musters of their thoughtes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to conforme their will to the will of God to set forth his holye worde to direct all things to his honor and glory and to make hym in all things both theyr beginning and ending fullye aunswering the definition of S. Paule Rom. 13. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dei enim Minister est tibi in bonum For he is the Minister of God for thy wealth Which is not onely extended to the bodye but also to the soule Forasmuche as man is composed of these two principall partes who lyueth not onely by bread a bodilie life but also a spirituall lyfe Deut. 8. Math. 4. Iohn 6. Rom. 2. Cant. 2. Io. 15. Rom. 13. euen by euery worde proceeding out of the mouth of God which is spirite and lyfe which is the power of God working saluation in the beleuers mollifying their heartes and perfectly cleansing them For the which Princes continually ought to care as the Greke text teacheth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in hoc ipsum constanter ac perseueranter incumbentes ac immorantes they vncessantly prest to be occupied busied in propaling the pure Religion true worshipping of God according to that saying of S. Augustine In hoc Reges seruiunt Deo Lib. 3. ad Chrys si in regno suo bona iubeant mala ꝓhibeant non solùm quae pertinent ad societatē humanam sed quae ad Religionem diuinam In this Kings doe seruice vnto God if they in their Kingdomes commaunde good things and forbid euill not only appertaining to humaine societie but also to the Religion of God Authorizing Godly and learned personages to the superintendment and Ministerie of the Churche estranging from thence Drones and time slaues Almon eaters 3. Reg 13. Io. 6. Ieroboams Priests and Barly bread Gospellers foreclosing lose liuers and seducers by leauened doctrine maintayning peace and concord among them keeping a continuall watche that the worde of life salvation may be faithfully and purelye preached without the miserable mixture of humaine traditions Matth. 5. Luc. 16. which make of no force the cōmaundement of God they beyng abhomination vnto the Lorde although greatly estemed of men vtterly deceiuing them who are the first finders out therof according to the testimony of the Prophet Esay Esay 47. Sapientia tua scientia tua ea ipsa decepit te Defecisti in multitudine adinuentionum tuarum Thy wisedome and thy skill euen the selfe same hath deceyued thee Thou haste soultred in the multitude of thine owne inuentions wherein God taketh no delight For he regardeth not flesh and bloud He weyeth not outward signes silly ceremonies neither wil he be worshipped in thē but in the spirite of truth by Christe Iesus For he is a busy beholder of faith Iohn 4. considering the inwarde intent being a subtile searcher of hidde hearts These things not promoting vs to God with whom nothing is attentiuely accepted beside a firme faith in Christ these did Plato remoue from the worshippyng of the highe God for the which he was called Diuinus Plato These did Christ vtterly put to flight when as he declared all things to be fully ended which were necessarie for mans saluation not fastening his Church to the bondage of figures but to the freedome of the spirit A Christiā Prince therefore must all trifeling traditions sette a part and the ydle inuentions of mortall men direct his subiectes vnto the Law and testimonies of God Esay 8.34 to make diligent search in the booke of the law and to reade therein to shewe vnto them that which is expressed in the Scripture of trueth to cause them to heare Moyses Dan. 11. Luc. 16. Iohn 5. Act. 3. Act. 5.13 and the Prophets earnestly to exhort them to reade the Scriptures which beare witnesse of Christ and of his power which fittingly shewe forth hys dayes and that eternall lyfe and health settled in him Whiche thing if it had bene practised in all ages of all Christian Princes poyson had neuer bene shedde in the Church De praescrip Haeret. Then the blessed Church as Tertullian witnesseth and the most simpliest as Damascius writeth to Ierom had neuer receyued any mans doctrine against the doctrine and institution of Christe Then had not Religion brought and chylded forth that Cocatrice egge Riches neyther should the daughter haue deuoured the mother Then had neuer the Kings of the earth willingly dronke the cup of sorcering Circes wittingly haue ben empoisoned therewith The discipline of the Apostles as Cyprian writeth had neuer by idlenesse De lapsis and the want of Christes Crosse bene corrupted and by heaping of Patrimonie generally forgotten Then palpable darkenesse had neuer been receyued in the place of cleare and large light Ierem. 5. when as as the Scripture witnesseth the Prophetes preached lyes and the Priestes allowed the same by clappyng their handes and the people loued such seruice Then should neuer Gods siluer haue ben turned into drosse Esay 1. Then shoulde the Citie which in times paste was faithful not haue bene prostituted and defiled to wit the chast Churche of God vnder the maske of a haunted harlot Then shoulde neuer the house of God whiche by institution is Math. 21. Luc. 19. Math. 24. 2. Thess 2. 2. Pet. 2. 2. Tim. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the house of true worshippe and religion haue bene made a house of foolish fables Then desolatiō as Christ saith should neuer haue stoode in holie place nor Antichrist haue pitched his pauilion in the Temple of God lying Legendes and Masters of leasings had neuer taken place in the Church of Christ Math. 21. Luc. 21. 3. lib. Ep. 3. ad Ce. Then had not the Sunne nor Moone lost their light and the starres haue fallen frō