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tradition_n church_n law_n scripture_n 2,211 5 6.0049 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03621 A declaration of Christe and of his offyce compylyd, by Johan Hoper, anno 1547 Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1547 (1547) STC 13745; ESTC S104201 55,274 188

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that I condemne all princes and Kynges as Ennymies of the gospell because they peaceable enyoi there kingdōes so I wishe thē allwaies so to do with harti praier to the glory god But of this one thing I will assure euery prince of the worold the more syncere he is in the cause of god the more shalbe his crosse I report me unto the Kynges maiestye that ded is whiche at the fyrst brount as sone as he toke godes cause in hand that Leopard and dragon of Rome did not only solicitat thole forene worold agaist him but also he suffryd souch an ungodly and detestable insurrection of his papyshe subiectes and other more crosses that neuer shuld haue ben mouyd had he not unquietid the best of her rest that sate aboue his maiesti and God also in this awne Realme they be flaterers of prynces that say euerything may be rulyd with ease they cō consider not what an Ennymye of godes order the deuill is that would not only the gospell of truith to be appressid but also euery prince that studithe the preferment and setting fortb of godes word the deuill neuer seasith to molest and unquiet euery Godly polytyke and commune wealthe where there no scriptur deuine to detect thart of the deuyll Aristotile in the 5. book of his politykes were sufficient to manifest the deuille ennymyte agaynst all comme wealthes farther the nature of man is infyrm and fare unable to sustayne the offyce of ony uocaciō be it polliticall Ecclesiasticall or domesticall with out à singuler ayde of god Wese be saul that noble man who in the begynning of his raygne dyd many noble actes yet the deuill gote the uictori in the end his successor Dauid was lik wyce so intanglid in the snares of the deuill that with mouche paine he could quit hym self from the wycchyd coupe that the deuill had ons browght hym god Luk of how be it god defendid booth him and his kyngdom so that not only the preachers but also he himself tawght the word of god unto the people as he had promisid Psal 6. 50. god preseruithe aboue humane reason his ministres as he dyd Iacob from the handes of Esau Dauid ffrom Saul daniell from the lyons and Paule in the shippe where as no humane hope of saluacion was at all but onli the protection of god Those examples declare that he dooth defend his people agaynst all the worold by his mighr poore Likewyce he gouernith this churche with his only lawes and would his subiectes to know hym to honor him and to obey him as he hathe cōmaundid in his lawe Paule expressith this law Roma 1. Euangelium uirtus dei est in salutem omni credendi Marci ultimo Predicate Euangelium omni creaturae The only law wherūto this congregation is bound is the gospell as Christ saith Io. 14. Spiritus sanctus docebit uos omnia rediget uobis in memoriam omnia quae ego dixi uobis Here Christ byndith the Apostelles and all the churche unto the thynges that he had tawght them This cōmune wealthe of the trew churche is knowyn by these too Markes the pure preaching of the gospell and the ringht use of the sacramētes thus prouith Paule Ephesios 2. that the churche is bound unto the word of god super fundamentum Apostolorum prophetarum extructi estis Likwyse Esa 59. Spiritus meus qui est in te uerba mea quae posui in ore tuo nō recedent ab ore tuo nec ab ore seminis tui in aeternum Of the right use of sacramentes it is tawght 1. Cor. 11. Mar. ult Luce ult Mat. ult souche as teachith people to know the churche by these signes The traditions of men and the succeffion of bishopes teache wrong Those too false opinions hathe yeuen unto the succession of bishopes pore to interpretat the scripture and pore to mak souche lawes in the church as it pleacid them There is nomā hath pore to interpretat the scripture god for the preseruacion of his churche doothe yeue unto certayne persones the giffte and knolege to opē the scripture But that yest is no pore bound to ony order succession of bishopes or title of dignite Te princes of the Erth dooth yeue allwayes souche pore of ciuile Iustice by succession as one is cheyffe iustice for the tyme of his office to do euery thing appettayning unto the same so hath allwayes his successor the like God hathe yeuē the ciuile magistrates poure and auctorite to make souche lawes for the cōmune wealthe as shalbe agreable withe reason and not agaynst godes lawe and like wyce pore to interpretat the same lawes But this is not to be admittid in the church unto whom god hathe yeuen the gospell and inter pretatyd the same by his only sonne tawght the mening and cōtentes therof himselfe To know god and his ire agaynst sinne the greatnis of sinne the iustice yeuen in Christ the fere of god The faith in his promises the persequution of his membres The ayed and helpe of god in aduersite the resurrexion of the ded Where and what the trew church is of Euerlasting lief Of the too natures in Chtist of the father the sonne and the holy gost These be contentes of the law wher unto god hath bound his churche and commandyd here to hyre his sonne conserning the interpretation of these poyntes And at the commandement of Christ the Apostelles were sent to preache these uerites in the sprit of god It is therfore necessary to retayne in the churche the doctrine yeuē unto us by the Apostelles ād to be the disciples of there doctrine and not to fayne interpretations of our awne hedes cōtrari unto there doctrine Souche as will be the mēbres of this churche must be adisciple of the gospell ād lern in fere and humblenys of sprit tharticles of our religion as they be tawght there and not stand unto the iudgēt of ony man what so euer hebe towghe he say truithe for his truithe is nothing except thauctorite of Godes worde conteyne the sayd truithe it is a great confirmacion of our faythe when we see souche as were godly persones before us interpretat the scripture and use the Sacramentes as we doo As when the heresye of semo satenus troblid the Christiāe brothers that sayd this word uerbum in Iohan In principio erat uerbum did not signifie ony person nor substaynce deuyne They were confyrmid by the te testimony of Ireneus that hard Policar pus Iohan the Euangelist Disciple interpretat uerbū in the gospell for the sane of God second person in Trinite thowghe we be bound to hire the churche to say the trew and fayhfull preachers of Godes worde as was in this case Policarpus and Ireneus Not with stōding our faithe Is not grown dyd upon the authorite of the churche But in and upon the uoyce of the gospell we pray and inuocat the son̄e of God second