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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02788 The epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe Christyane vnto his derelye beloued co[n]treye of Englande against the pompouse popyshe bysshoppes therof, as yet the true members of theyr fylthye father the great Antichrist of Rome, Henry Stalbrydge. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1544 (1544) STC 1291A; ESTC S100624 26,266 68

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were the great Antichrist of Europa by youre owne consent and graunt yet are his fylthye tradiciōs holye his beggerlye ceremonies godlye and his croked Canon lawes laudable conuenient and comelye precyouse fyt and necessary to be styll admitted for the spirituall lawes of the churche of Englan de and for the true worshyppynges of God therin the scripturs of both testamentes reiected or ess ponnished by most terrible deathe where as they geue not place vnto them Thus by soch●… subtyle slayghtes as ye bse y●… mak●… God to geue place to the d●… and his heauenly worde to youre false supersticious as ded the fyrst serpent yea ye cause the kynges maieste by aua●…ynge soch●… h●…ythnishe tyt●…s and sawes to honour youre Pope a fresshe what though his name be abolysshed with a fewe yearlye pos●…ges besydes Ingenyo●…se is youre ●…glynge as Melanchton telleth your tale and as ●…byllyam ●…braghton declareth in his huntynge of the Romishe foxe lyke a faythfull subiect to his prince and no lesse naturall chylde and souynge brother to his contre If yow be not most wycked workers agaynst God and his verite most spyghtfull trayters to the kynge and his realme I can not thynke there be anye lyuinge vpon the earthe Be this onlye spoken to you that maynt●…e soche mysteries of madnesse If a tree maye be iudged by his frutes as oure sauer sayth it maye we must nedes iudge you most pestilent Papistes vpon the manifest mayntenaunce of so manyfolde myscheues with soche terrible terroure of halters and fyer So long as the blasphemouse beggeryes of y e blodye Bisshoppes of Rome are not plucked vp by the rootes as were the vnsanerye sacrifices of Baal and of Bel and so broken in peces with the brasen serpent idolatrouslye abused the saw●…s of Gods true worshyppynge●… which are in the Byble prescrybed set vp in theyr stede so longe I saye is 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 to ●…an nishe the Pope out of Englande but he will sty●… dwell the in the secrete consciences of menne do the kynges maieste and his counsell with his nobilite and commons what they will or maye to the contrarye ●…nd yfas●… other craftye cōueyaunces sayle to the vpholdynge of him there yet shall theyr auryc●…ar confessyon a plant of his owne settynge in the corrupt coun sell of laterane do it workemanly ynough No better waye is there to restore his nam●… agayne nor no conuenienter meane to bringe him to his olde es●…macyon No craftyar conueyaunce to bringe the people in bondage of blyndenesse in cruell captiuite of co●… to the vtter destruccyon of soule an●… bodye And that knew Gave gala●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 t●…●…opes holye 〈◊〉 in Eng●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which now there in hie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 most plenteousy●…●…eth his ●…se vanit●…s with other of his ●…euterouse adherent●…s more Gr●…at is the diligence labour and stodye of his whoryshe apostataes holye Apostels I shuld saye as are both the olde and newe tytled Bysshoppes Suffraganes archedea cons officials chauncellars deanes c●… missaryes doctors curates and parishe prestes with other gaudyshe gentilmen of that lyuerye and marke to se these vi artycles in euerye poynt obserued In so moche as hauynge theyr mothers face they haue not shamed fercelye to rebuke honest and godlye menne of sondrye questes at the geuynge vp of theyr verdy t●… as they haue not hunted after theyr myndes and founde out theyr game to the cruell shedynge of poore innocentes blood To proue this true I will bringe forth one for example Bonner the blodye Byshop of London Abashed nothynge at all extremelye to rebuke manace and thretten a quest of honest citezēs and mēne of good conscience in the yelde hall at London in the yeare of our lorde a M. D. and. xli for ' quytynge of a poore innocēt ladde called Rycharde mekyns Like a fer ce furyouse rauenynge wolfe insacyably desyerouse of murther cruellye gredye vpon his praye refusynge the seyd quest chose out an other false quest to his purpose of soche as he and his fylthye generacyon had afore peruerted and neuer ceased tyll he brought him to a consuminge fyer in Smithfelde so makynge him a sacrifice to theyr great God Mulciber And after this shamelesse sort no doubt of it all the other Bysschoppes of Englande a verye fewe excepted haue tyrannously handeled the kynges true subiectes and yet do to this daye with lesse Christen equite and pyte than eyther Saracene or turke Iewe or Pagane to asuage theyr vnquencheable thyrst It is not to be thought that they are verye Gentyll abroade or in the fardest partes of the realme whan they vse soche furyouse feates so nygh the kynges presence So frantyke haue they bene of late dayes and so forgetfull of themselues in theyr madde modye mastry●…s that they haue not feared to entre the kynges owne house to hūte theyr game nor yet abashed at all sawcelye to seke out theyr desyered praye in his owne Preuye chambre couetynge so to haue murthered his most trustye fryndes and faythfull seruauntes The same selfe part in a maner wolde they haue played with his noble grace that proude ●…aman the Amalechyte played with kynge Assu●…s malicyouslye sekynge the destruccyon of Mardocheus and other which aboue all menne had sought his lyues preseruacyon ●…ester iii. ●…herin of right they haue deserued vpon a gyb●…et to be hanged as he was Neuer sent Christ soche bloodye Apostles nor two horned warryours but the deuyfe vicar Antichrist which is y e deadsye destroyer of faythfull beleuers And now to you w c o●…ishe 〈◊〉 vynchestre agayne-the wyfye watterer of the Popes olde gardene Although doctor Londō be dead doctor Pates ronne awaye youre owne dere kynsmanne germane gardener hanged with other of youre preuycounsell yet cease not you to playe cruell Haman styll No do youre olde feares to shewe whose chyldren ye are of nature If your wycked counsell had taken effect as God forbyd it shuld verye fewe true fauerers of the Lordes verite had bene about the kynge this houre least they shulde somtyme haue infourmed him of youre papistrie and so detected you of your manifest treason Soche hauock begāne you to make in the court as cruell Haman thought to haue made amonge the faythfull Hebrues belonginge to good quene Hester had not God by the hygh wisdome of oure seyd kynge preuented youre subtyll practyses This mischefe ones perfourmed ye thought easelye to haue deluded his nobl●…s and so in the ende to haue brought in agayne youre great Patriarke of Rome and so layserlye to haue made of him an other kynge Iohan. But thankes be geuen alwayes to oure eternall lyuinge God for delyueringe his ●…ellent maie ste with his most faythfull subiectes from the snares of youre craftye compassinges And how so euer this writinge of myne shall be taken yet is it a true tale and so moche the more of his maieste to be marked that youre forefathers and you haue bene trayters alwayes for youre Romishe fathers sake to emprours kynges prin ces and
The epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe Christyane vnto his derelye beloued cōtreye of Englande against the pompouse popyshe Bysshoppes therof as yet the true members of theyr fylthye father the great Antichrist of Rome Henrye Stalbrydge ☞ As I haue compyled this treatyse in the zele of God my prince against the tyraūt of Rome his secret maynteners So ys yt my desyre that his grace maye haue yt as a frute of my Christen obedience And I doubt yt not but some godlye manne louynge his grace better then that wycked Pope wyll faythfullye delyuer it vnto him the slayghtes of theyr false generation consydered Praye gentyll reader that yt maye fynde grace in his syght ☞ Deale with Babylon as she hath deserued for she hath set vp herselfe against the Lorde against the holye one of Israel ●…ere 〈◊〉 ☞ The epistle exhortatorye of an Englishe Christiane vnto his derelye beloued contreye of Englande against the pompouse popyshe Bysshoppes therof as yet the true members of theyr fylthye father the great Antichrist of Rome IN my hart I wyshe daylye for the same do I ernestlye praye vnto our most mer cyfull father the euerlyuynge God that for his sonnes sake oure onlye redemer and full sauer Iesus Christ yf his heauenlye will so be that he ones open throughlye the eyes of our most worthye and noble kynge as he hath alredye begonne and of all his other counsellers lordes and burgeses of his parlement which are chosen out of the whole realme to confounde vngodlye customes and to set vp in ther towmes sawes that are more godlye to suppresse wyckednesse and to maynteyne Christen vertues to preferre the commen welthe afore all singular or priuate welthes yea vtterlye to destroye and abolyshe for euer soche fylthye tradicions as haue no iust grounde vpon Gods holye worde as are all the vsages rytes lawes decrees seruices supersticions sorceries of the Romishe Antichrist and to s●… in open practise the true worshyppinges auaunced to Christes glorie so edifyeng his people by the scripturs in the knowledge of one onlye eternall lyuinge God And in so doinge they shuld mainteyne the cōm●…n welthe both of soule and bodye I saye yet ones agayne that in theze se of y e Lorde as he is my iudge I wyshe ●…f his graciouse pleasur so were that first the kynges maieste and so forth all the rest vnto whom God hath geuen power and auctorite vpon earthe vndre him maye throughlye se and perseyue how that not onlye the bloudy bearwolfe of Rome but also the most part of y e other Bysshoppes stoute sturdye canons of ca thedrass churches with other petie prowlers and prestigiouse Prestes of Baal his malignaunt members in all realmes of Christendome speciallye here in Englande doth yet tore abrode lyke hongrie lyons frete inwardlye lyke angrie beares and byte as they dare lyke cruel wolues ●…ringe togyther in corners 〈◊〉 a swarme of add●…rs in a donge hyss 〈◊〉 wylye subtile serpentes to vphold●… and pr●… theyr fylthy father of Rome the head of theyr bawdye brode yf it maye be This ones perseyued and seaue by a godlye circumspeccyon I wysh ●…n the same vehemencie of sprete and prayer the seyd noble kynge counsellers burgeses to procure a full reformacyon concerninge there aduowterouse doctrine ther prodigiouse pompe ther insaciable cloyninge and tyrannycall persecutinge of Christ in his faythfull members No doubt of yt but the mercie of our eternall father hath opened vnto vs in these latter dayes what ther forked fatherhede ther oyled auctorite and ther shauen holynesse is for all ther craftye compases of wordlye wisdome that they shuld not apere y e same generacyon of vipers that Iohan Baptist Christ hath warned vs of His worde hath he now appointed by diuerse of his ministers to be theyr vtter destruccyon for blasphemouslye deludinge his redemed heritage so manye hondred years in ther counterfete kyngedome of hypocresie wherin they shewe now what they haue bene euen verye heretiques to God trayters to theyr princes and theues to theyr Christen commons No lesse do I iudge it then a bounde dewtye of y e seyd faythfull ministers to manifest theyr mischeues to y e vniuersall worlde euerye manne accordinge to his talent geuen of God some with penne and some with tonge so bringinge them out of theyr olde estimacyon least they shuld styll regne in the peoples consciences to theyr soules destruccyon An euident example haue they of Christ thus to do which openlye rebuked theyr fylthye forefathers the scribes lawers pha rise●…s doctors pr●…s bisshops and hypocrites for makinge Gods cōmaundementes of non effect to support theyr owne tradicions so clerlye condempninge theyr hypocrita●… lyfe and doctrine Mat thew xv xvi and. xxiii xxiiii Beware sayth he of the corrupt leuen of the pharis●…s Marke viii Luke xii Pause admonisheth vs also that soche rauenynge wolues shuld entre in amonge vs after his departing as shuld not spare the floc ke Act. xx ii Thes. ii i. Tim. iiii So doth Ioh●… i. Ioh●… ii so doth Peter ii Pe ii so doth Iudas Thadeus in his epistle By these and many other places of the scriptures are we taught easily to knowe at none dayes the wolfe from the lambe and the hastye lyon from the simple shepe As Christ sought by al meanes to deface the proude Pr●…s and to bringe poor Iohan Baptist in reputacion of the people for that he had vttered the truthe without flatterye So wolde he now the true teachers of his Gospell to be regarded be they neuer so poore for his veryte●…s sake and the blasphemers therof to be had in an vtter contempt No lesse is it therfore than a doctrine of his to be put in practyse amōge true Christianes both in worde and wrytynge to haue the myscheues manifest of these spirituall mahoundes the verye ofspringe of Cain chyldren of Caiphas and successors of Symon Magus as theyr doctrine and lyuinge declareth nedynge no farther probation Notwithstandinge through Gods grace I shall partlye open the wickednesse both of them and theyr fathers as the truthe shall leade me Most cruell enemyes haue they bene in all ages to y e verite of God euer sens the lawe was fyrst geuen and most ferce persecuters of Christ and his churche Consydre fyrst of all besydes that was done afore in the lawe of nature how deuerslye Iannes and Iambres with other false prestes of Egypt persuaded Pharao through lyenge signes and tokens to withstande the pleasure of God in Moyses and Aaron Eyo. vii and. ii Tim. iii. Greuouslye was Micheas the true prophete of the Lorde vexed of Sedechias iii. Reg. xxii and. ii Para. xviii So was the good Prophete Hieremie of phassu●… and Semeias Hiere xx xxvi and. xxix Vvonderfullye were the Israelites abused by the idolatrouse prestes of Baal and the Chaldeanes by Belles prestes also in Babylon tyll Helias and Daniel in the worde of the Lorde detected theyr craftye cloyninges iii. Reg.