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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17037 A true and short declaration both of the gathering and ioyning together of certaine persons, and also of the lamentable breach and division which fell amongst them. Browne, Robert, ca. 1550-1633. 1583 (1583) STC 3910.5; ESTC S1834 31,414 25

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then are thei ●ot against Christ that is hovve are thei not antichrists And these things against Christ are not onelie lamentable vvantes among them but alsoe mo●● greeuous vvickednes horrible abominations Therefore both to R. H. to the companie that aftervva●d ioined vvere such things spoken as follovve also set dovvne in Vvriting namelie that vve are to forsake denie all vngodlines vvi●ked fellovveship to refuse all vngodlie communion vvith Vvicked persons For this is it that is most first of all needfull because God vvil receaue none to communion couenant Vvith him Vvhich as yet are at one vvith the Vvicked or do openlie them selues transgresse his commaundementes Novue it vvas shevued thē that the foundacion of that state is the popes canon lavve the head stones in the building is the povver authoritie of canon officers that therefore thei could not ioine vvith them as in one spirituall building For so is it vvritten Ezr. 4. 2. 3. lik●vvise other scriptures vvere alleged to this end as Ezr. 6 21. Act. 2 40. Ephe. ● 3. Rom. 16 17 Ioh 10 5 2. Thess 3 14. 2 Cor. 6 17. But because the enimies sought it out deeplie hovue to iustifie all such antichristiā offices he taught them herein also to take heed of their leauen For th●● b●ing for their vvar●ant the Qu●enes commaun●ement Shee appointed them saie thei thei are not novue antichristian but ciuill orders iff you Vvill not haue them to be callinges in the church yet let them be offi●es in the common Vvelth For ansvuere hereof it Vvas said that in deed in the parlaments the bishopes had set doune their traditions orders the Queene Vvith the Counsell did agree graunt vnto them But such traditions except thei vvere Warranted bie the Word off God are but the precepts doctrine off ●en And the scripture sa●th plainlie Ho● 5. 11. that Israel is oppressed broken in iudgment because he Willingl● vvalcked affter the commaundement that is because mens commaundements Vvere so much made off the Will off the Lord not regarded Therefore saith the Lord in Esa 29 13. because this people come neare vnto me vvith their mouthes honour me vvith their lippes but haue remoued their hart ffrom me and their f●eare tovvard me is taught by the precept off men therefore the vvisedom off the vvise men shall perish the vnderstanding off the prudent shall be hid Therefore though thei be nobles or bishopes or vuho so euer yet iff thei reiect the lavve off the Lord for their ovvne traditions vvhat vvisdom is in them Novve vvhereas thei mingle ciuil church offices it vvas ansvvered bi the vvord off God that such mingling vvas flatt antichristianitie For Christ him self refused to be a ciuiliudge diuider of landes Luc 12 14. forbad his apostles to medle in such manner Luc. 22 25. Againe it is vvritten no man that goeth on vvarfare intangleth him selfe vvith the affaires of this life 2. Tim. 2 4. For if once ecclesiasticall persons as thei call them get ciuil offices thei become that second beast vvhich is antichrist Reuel 13 15. For thei get the image off the first beast vvhich is the povver authoritie off vvicked magistrates that confirme their authoritie so thei geue a spirit to the image that it should speake that is their church lavves orders hauing got ciuil povver both to deceaue men b● sh●vve of religion to force them vvith threates and penalties the kingdom of● antichrist doeth mightilie vvorck lift vp it selfe But because thei againe did striue that thei vvere protestantes did but as the martyrs had done before them Thei had sought the Lord sence the time of the martyrs It vvas ansvuered that so saied the aduersaries of Iudah beniamin added further that thei had sacrificed a long time vnto the true god Ezr. 4 2. as these also sai thei haue the vvord the sacamētes So said the scribes phraises vvhich builded the tombes of the prophets garnished the sepul●heres of the righteous Mat. 23. 29 as these also haue vvritten make much of the booke of martyrs saie iff thei hadd bene in the daies of their fathers thei vvould not haue bene partners vvith thē in the bloud of the martyrs But novve sence the Lord hath called vnto thē thei refuse to be reformed in so manie greuous pollutions also pursue imprison persecute those vvhich call for redresse euen all the bloud of the righteous shed vpon the earth vntill this daie shall come vpon them Againe vvhereas thei vnderprop vvickednes by regard off times or examples of authorities first for their times it vvas thus ansvvered as it is in Hagg 1 2. This people saie the time is not yet come to build the Lordes house but is it time for you saith the Lord to dvv●ll in your seiled houses this house ly vva●● againe in Esa 5● 6. ● ha●e set vva●chmen vpon thi vvalis Oserusilē vvhich all the day ●● the night cōtinuall●● sh●ll not cease yee that are ●in of ●ll or the Lord keep not sil nce geue him no rest till he repaire a●d v●til he set vp ●erusalem the praise of the vvo●ld ●lso for their examples authorities of men it Vvas ansvuered as in E●od 23 2 tho● sh●l● not follovve a multi●u ●e to do euill But further thei alleged the scripture for the● selues as vvhere it is vvritten of Paul ● Cor. 3 If ● man buil 〈◊〉 st●bble this his vvorck ●ur●e be sh●ll lose but he shall be safe him selfe likevvise th●● sai that thei mai build though ●●perfectlie yet help fo●vvard the house of God An●●gaine thei a ●● that Paul reio●●ed ●f Christ vvas preached though it vvere of ●unie ●●●fe Phil. ● Thus by 〈◊〉 sh●ft ●ges exc●les thei h●de as in a nest their ●ato vva●●nes 〈◊〉 T●ei 〈◊〉 v●●estle such pa●king● let them stee vvhen thei list ag●i●e thei can co●er th●m by su●h deep deuises For vvhen Paul speaketh of building hai● st●bble he rebuketh th●ir va●●e ●heto●●ck cloquence this he saith shall burne vv●th the fier but thei shall be safe i● the● cease to be va●● buil ● rightly vpon the foundacion vvherefore for ansvuere of the enimies ●● vvas saied that if Christ the foundacion vvere vvanting hovve should ether the builder him selfe be safe or his vvorck stand abide Fat Christ is the foundacion being duel● preached duely receaued so held 1. Cor. 3. 11. B●t none can hould him vvhich open●● sh●vv them s●●ues to be the children of b●lial And such are thei vvh●ch ca●l so man●e grosse corrupt●ō● to be that haie stubble laied vpō the foundacion For thus do thei iustifie their popish kind of parish●s vvhich though thei ouerthroe the true planted churches yet forsooth thei are b●●lt vpon Christ the foundacion Behould their vvortlue building it is made of stravves the b●ames be
stubble the vvalss be hai vv●thered grasse naitathe● those their v●●e popish dec●ees traditions are ●he sy●evves veins of that mo●ster A●●christ● their concl●●tous lavves made in popish ●onuocations likevvi●e their yearl● in●unctiōs made to persecute the forvvardest be the bloud marro● or rather the strength po●●son of that monsle Their stinted seruice is a popish beadro●● full of vaine rep●ticions as if ●eauen paternosters did please the Lord better then sy● as if the ●●●ttering of a pie or a parate vvere much more th● better because it is much more thē enough Their tossing to fro of psalmes sentē●es is like tenisse pla●e vvhereto God is ca●led a ludg● vvho can do best be most g●llant in his vvo●shipp as bie organs solfaing p●●cksong chaut●●g b●ssing mumling verie roundlie on diuers handes Th●s thei haue a shevve of religion but in deed thei turne it to gaming plai● mockholidaie vvith the vvorsh●p of God For the minister people are b●●dled like horses euerie thing appointed vnto them like pupp●es as to heare tead ansvue● k●ele sitt stand beginn breake of that by number measure course onelie after ●ne order of antichrist The● vvhole ser●●ce is broken d●●ordered catched taken out of the masse book a dum ●●le min●sterie manteined thereb●e yea a va●●e vvorsh●p vvithout knovvelege and feeling And vvhat difference is there betvvene pr●●ng on b●●des and the ●umbling vp of so manye Lordes pra●ers so man●e bab●inges b●e th● priest so ●●a●●e an●vueres by the cla●k people For no part of the seruice must be left out by the bishops ●●unctions Against such praiers vvas the companie also strengthned bie th● vvord of God first b●cause thei are redd and not applied to the vvorde preached vvhich is ag●●n●t the custome ●F the church vnder the o●●●lavve and also sence the co●●ng of Christ For When th● s●crifices With praier and ●●en Vvere offered the Word a●●o Vvas preached Therefore it ●s W●●tten in Eccles●as●● 4. 7 Take ●eed to thy foot When thou entrest in●● the house off God and be more 〈◊〉 to h●●re th●n to grue the sacrifice off ffoo●es for th●i knovve not that th●i do euill So then to bable ●uer praiers VVhen the people ●● novve not nether are taught th●ir sinnes is an ●●ommation Proue●● 15 8. 21 27. And to seu●r the offices off the pastor Vvhich God b●th ●ined it is iniquitie For to preach to praie and minister the sac●aments are so put tog●th●r in the scriptures that in the pastor d●d prai or minister the s●c●amentes be Vvas also to preach as it is Written Deut. 33. ●0 Likevvise in Ma●ac 2 6 7. Also the Apostles did not publiqueli prai and minister the sacramentes except the Vvord Vvere preached vvithall Act 2. 42. Act. 10. 3● Act 6 4. Also because such praiers are off custom● and course thei can not be Vvith true feeling and touch off hart Therefore in vaine thei Vvorsh●p me saith the Lord because thei come neare vnto me Vvith their mo●thes and honour me vvith their ●●pes but haue ●enoued their hart from me Esa 29 13 Novve then ●ff it be the offi●e off the pastor and preacher and part off his calling toe pray then must he be able off him selfe to do it Wh●e then should a seruice or reading off praiers be stinted vnto him For iff his lippes keep not knovvledg Malac. 2. 7. iff he can not min●ster the vvo●d Vvith praier Act. 6 4. he is not meet to be a pastor or vvatch m●●ouer the people But vvhereas the praiers are set devvne bi number and course it is alltogether a popish superstition or rather an heathnish follie For to Vvhat purpose are such fond repeticions and vaine babli●g s forbidden bie Christ Mat. 6 7 And iff all thinges ought to be done in due order 1. Cor. 14 40. Col. 2 5. then vvhere is that order in so chiefe a thing as is the vvo●ship off God Suerlie such a seru●●e and vvorship off God is to build vpon the foundacion as he that buildeth a dunghill vpon the sandes and vvhen the tempest off vengeance shall come it shall take him avvare Vvith the dong●e he hath gathered But thei obiect that a le●tu●gie maie be appointed and red and that most off their seruice is good and the rest iff anie be euill maie be left of them that heare though the minister must nedes read it all To this it vvas ansvvered that it is a shame for them to come into such bondage as ether to suffer the incense of Nadab and Ab●h● for such is their seruice and abstractes from the mass●booke Leuit 10 1. or else to be seruauntes to men to hinder their I bertie vvhich is forbidden 1. Cor. 7 23. 2. Cor. 11 20. For bie the capp and the surplisse the bishops dischargings vvith other their traditions the VVord is in bondage likevvise their Vvorshipping off God ●ie such stinted seruice so that thei can nether praie nor preach as thei should but as it pleaseth the bishopes Nether let them account off the feeling vvhich some saie thei haue vvhen thei heare the seruice red For euen in vvo shipping Idols there is a strong feeling or ●a her a strong delusion and though there m●ght be good motions in an euill thing yet that did not vvariant the euill no more then Paules zeale did iustifie his persecuting of the sainctes nor the tear●s vvhi●h come from a troubled hart do iust●fie the ●inne for the vvhich it is troubled And Vvhat is it to Vveep before an Idol or to sh●d teares in a false ●aine vvorshipp And vvhat should thei boast of some good praiers some good vvordes vvhich are in their commō seruice For vvitches coniurers vvill Vse good vvords good praiers vvhe thei coniure charme the deuil And vvhi halt thei betvuene good euill For iff thei do many things vvell yet in one thing be open greuous transgressors all is made naught And hovve should anie thing be partli good as thei sai partli euil For the euil that is doth make it vvholi euil as it is vvritten Iam. 2. 10. 2. Sam. 15 23. So then such traditions and orders are so far from building vpon Christ the foundacion as the Lordes house temple can not be the synagogue of satan nor his builders the open knovvē balamits maisters of iniquitie For Balaam blessed Israel but counseled to make an agremēt partakeing together of Israel amalek So these do blesse the cause prai for discipline but thei tolerat dispense vvith abominations to make Christ belial agree Yea sai thei Paul teacheh vs to preach Christ bi all māner of vvaies Phil. 1. also reioiseth there ī So th●i vvil preach Christ after the manner of Balaam as bi their praiers thei hould stil the mediation intercession of antichrist so bi their tolerating dispensing vvith vvickednes thei hould