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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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wordes breede some vvicked opinion concerning the thinges conteined vnder the vvordes De ciuitate lib. 10. cap 12. Vvhereof our holy forefathers and auncient Doctors had such a religious care that they vvould not change the very barbarismes of incongruities of speach vvhich by long vse had preuailed in the old readings or recitings of scriptures as Neque uubent neque nubentur in Tertullian li. 4. in Marcion in S. Hilarie in c. 22 Mat. and in al the fathers Qui me confusus fuerit confundar ego eum in S. Cyprian ep 63 nu 7. Talis enim nobis decebat sacerdos vvhich vvas an elder translation then the vulgar Latin that novv is in S. Ambrose c. 3 de fugaseculi and S. Hierom him self vvho othervvise corrected the Latin translation that vvas vsed before his time yet keepeth religiously as him self professeth Praefat. in 4 Euang. ad Damasum these and the like speaches Nonne vos magis pluris estis illis and filius hominis non venit ministrari sed ministrare and Neque nubent neque nubentur in his commentaries vpon these places and Non capit Prophetam perire extra Hierusalem in his commentaries in c. 2. Ioël sub finem And S. Augustine vvho is most religious in al these phrases counteth it a special pride and infirmitie in those that haue a litle learning in tonges none in thinges that they easily take offense of the simple speaches or solecismes in the scriptures de doctrina Christ li. 2. cap 13. See also the same holy father li. 3 de doct Christ c. 3. and tract 2 in Euang. Ioan. But of the maner of our translation more anon Now though the text thus truely translated might sufficiently in the sight of the learned and al indifferent men both controule the aduersaries corruptions and proue that the holy Scripture vvhereof they haue made so great vauntes make nothing for their nevv opinions but vvholy for the Catholike Churches beleefe and doctrine in all the pointes of difference betvvixt vs yet knovving that the good and simple may easily be seduced by some fevv obstinate persons of perdition vvhom vve see giuen ouer into a reprobat sense to whom the Gospel vvhich in it self is the odour of life to saluation is made the odour of death to damnation ouer vvhose eies for sinne disobedience God suffereth a veile or couer to lie whiles they read the nevv Testamēt euen as the Apostle saite the Ievves haue til this day in reading of the old that as the one sort can not finde Christ in the Scriptures reade they neuer so much so the other can not finde the Catholike Church nor her doctrine there neither and finding by experience this saying of S. Augustine to be most true If the preiudice of any erreneous persuasion preoccupate the mind vvhatsoeuer the Scripture hath to the contrarie men take it for a figuratiue speach for these causes and somevvhat to help the faithful reader in the difficulties of diuers places vve haue also set forth reasonable large ANNOTATIONS thereby to shevv the studious reader in most places perteining to the controuersies of this time both the heretical corruptions and false deductions also the Apostolike tradition the expositions of the holy fathers the decrees of the Catholike Church and most auncient Coūcels which meanes vvhosoeuer trusteth not for the sense of holy Scriptures but had rather folow his priuate iudgemēt or the arrogat spirit of these Sectaries he shal vvorthily through his owne wilfulnes be deceiued beseeching all men to looke vvith diligence sinceritie and indifferencie into the case that concerneth no lesse then euery ones eternal saluation or damnation Vvhich if he doe vve doubt not but he shal to his great contentment find the holy Scriptures most clerely and inuincibly to proue the articles of Catholike doctrine against our aduersaries vvhich perhaps he had thought before this diligent search either not to be consonant to Gods vvord or at least not conteined in the same and finally he shal proue this saying of S. Augustine to be most true Multi sensus c. Many senses of holy Scriptures lie hidden and are knowen to some fevv of greater vnderstanding neither are they at any time auouched more commodiously and acceptably then at such times vvhen the care to ansvver heretikes doth force men there vnto For then euen they that be negligent in matters of studie and learning shaking of sluggishnes are stirred vp to diligent hearing that the Aduersaries may be refelled Againe hovv many senses of holy Scriptures cōcerning Christes Godhead haue been auouched against Photinus hovv many of his Manhod against Manichaeus hovv many of the Trinitie against Sabellius hovv many of the vnitie in Trinitie against the Arrians Eunomias Macedonians hovv many of the Catholike Church dispersed through out the vvhole vvorld and of the mixture of good and bad in the same vntil the end of the vvorld against the Donatistes and Luciferians and other of the like errour hovv many against al other heretikes vvhich it vvere to long to rehearse Of vvhich senses and expositions of holy Scripture the approued authors and auouchers should othervvise either not be knovven as al or not so vvel knovven as the contradictions of proud heretikes haue made them Thus he saith of such thinges as not seeming to be in holy Scriptures to the ignorant or heretikes yet in deede be there But in other pointes doubted of that in deede are not decîded by Scripture he giueth vs this goodly rule to be folovved in all as he exemplifieth in one Then doe vve hold saith he the veritie of the Scriptures vvhen vve doe that vvhich novv hath seemed good to the Vniuersal Church vvhich the authoritie of the Scriptures them selues doth cōmend so that forasmuch as the holy Scripture can not deceiue vvhosoeuer is afraid to be deceiued vvith the obscuritie of questions let him therein aske counsel of the same CHVRCH vvhich the holy Scripture most certainely and euidently shevveth and pointeth vnto Aug. li. 1. Cont. Crescon c. 13. NOVV TO GIVE thee also intelligence in particular most gentle Reader of such thinges as it behoueth thee specially to knovv concerning our Translation Vve translate the old vulgar Latin text not the common Greeke text for these causes 1. It is so auncient that it vvas vsed in the Church of God aboue 1300 yeres agoe as appeareth by the fathers of those times 2. It is that by the common receiued opinion and by al probabilitie vvhich S. Hierom aftervvard corrected according to the Greeke by the appointment of Damasus then Pope as he maketh mention in his preface before the foure Euangelistes vnto the said Damasus and in Catalogo in fine and ep 102. 3. Consequently it is the same vvhich S. Augustine so commendeth and allovveth in an Epistle to S. Hierom. 4. It is that vvhich for the most part euer since hath been vsed
10 c. 23. Tradition caused him to beleeue that the baptized of heretikes should not be rebaptized notvvithstanding S. Cyprians authoritie and the manifold scriptures alleaged by him though they seemed neuer so pregnant De bap li. 2. c. 7. By tradition onely he and others condemned Heluidius the heretike for denying the perpetual virginitie of our Lady And vvithout this be the Scriptures neuer so plaine no Arian no Macedonian no Eutychian no Pelagian no Zuinglian vvil yeld We must vse tradition saith S. Epiphanius ●har 61 Apostolicorum For the Scripture hath not al things and therfore the Apostles deliuered certaine things in vvriting certaine by tradition and for that he alleageth this place also of S. Paul And againe haer 55. Melchised There be boundes set dovvne for the foundation and building vp of our faith the tradition of the Apostles and holy Scriptures and succession of doctrine so that truth is euery vvay ●insed S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 4. hath one notable chapter that in al questions vve must haue recourse to the traditions of the Apostles teaching vs vvithal that the vvay to trie an Apostolical tradition and to bring it to the fountaine is by the Apostolike succession of Bishops but specially of the Apostolike See of Rome declaring in the same place that there be many barbarous people simple for learning but for constancie in their faith most vvise vvhich neuer had Scriptures but learned onely by tradition Tertullian li. de corona militis nu ● reckeneth vp a great number of Christian obseruations or customs as S. Cyprian in many places doth in maner the same vvhereof in fine he concludeth Of such and such if thou require the rule of Scriptures thou shalt finde none Tradition shal be alleaged the author custom the confirmer and faith the obseruer Origen also of this matter vvriteth in plaine termes that there be many thinges done in the Church vvhich he there nameth vvhereof there is no easier reason to be giuen then tradition from Christ and the Apostles ho. 5. in Numer S. Dionysius Areopagita referreth the praying and oblation for the dead in the Liturgie or Masse to an Apostolical tradition in fine E● Hierarch c. 7. parte 3. So doth Tertullian De coron militit S. Augustine De ●ura pro mortuis c. 1. S. Chrysostom ho. 3. in ep ad Philip. in Moral S. Damascene S●r. de defunctis in initio Vve might adde to al this that the Scriptures them selues euen al the bookes and partes of the holy Bible be giuen vs by tradition els vve should not nor could not take them as they be in deede for the infallible vvord of God no more then the vvorkes of S. Ignatius S. Clement S. Denys and the like The true sense also of the Scriptures vvhich Catholikes haue heretikes haue not remaineth stil in the Church by tradition The Crede is an Apostolike traditiō Ruffin in expo Symb. in principio Hiero. ep 61. c. 9. Ambros Ser. 38. Aug. de Symb. ad Catechum li. 3. c. 1. And vvhat Scriptures haue they to proue that vve must accept nothing not expresly vvritten in Scriptures Vve haue to the contrarie plaine Scriptures al the fathers most euident reasons that vve must either beleeue traditions or nothing at al. And they must be asked vvhether if they vvere assured that such and such things vvhich be not expressed in Scriptures vvere taught and deliuered by vvord of mouth from the Apostles they vvould beleeue them or no If they say no then they be impious that vvil not trust the Apostles preaching if they say they vvould if they vvere assured that the Apostles taught it then to proue vnto them this point vve bring them such as liued in the Apostles daies and the testimonies of so many fathers before named neere to those daies and the vvhole Churches practise and asseueratiō descending dovvne from man to man to our time vvhich is a sufficient proofe at least for a matter of fact in al reasonable mens iudgement specially vvhen it is knovven that S. Ignatius the Apostles equal in time vvrote a booke of the Apostles traditions as Eusebius vvitnesseth li. 3. Ec. hist c. 30. And Tertullians booke of prescriptiō against Heretikes is to no other effect but to proue that the Church hath this vantage aboue Heretikes that she can proue her truth by plaine Apostolike tradition as none of them can euer do CHAP. III. He desireth their praiers 4 and inculcateth his precepts and traditions namely of vvorking quietly for their ovvne liuing commaunding to excommunicate the disobedient verse 1 FOR the rest brethren pray for vs that the vvord of God may haue course and be glorified as also vvith you ✝ verse 2 and that vve may be deliuered from importunate and naughtie men for al men haue not faith ✝ verse 3 But our Lord is faithful vvho vvil confirme and keepe you from euil ✝ verse 4 And vve haue confidence of you in our Lord that the things vvhich vve commaund both you doe and vvil doe ✝ verse 5 And our Lord direct your hartes in the charitie of God and patience of Christ ✝ verse 6 And vve denounce vnto you brethren in the name of our Lord IESVS Christ that you vvithdravv your selues frō euery brother vvalking inordinarly and not according to the traditiō vvhich they haue receiued of vs. ✝ verse 7 For your selues knovv hovv you ought to imitate vs for vve haue not been vnquiet among you ✝ verse 8 * neither haue vve eaten bread of any man gratis but in labour in toile night and day vvorking lest vve should burden any of you ✝ verse 9 * Not as though vve had not authoritie but that vve might giue our selues a paterne vnto you for to imitate vs. ✝ verse 10 For also vvhen vve vvere vvith you this vve denounced to you that if any vvil not vvorke ● neither let him eate ✝ verse 11 For vve haue heard of certaine amōg you that vvalke vnquietly vvorking nothing but curiously meddling ✝ verse 12 And to them that be such vve denounce beseeche them in our Lord IESVS Christ that vvorking vvith silence they eate their ovvne bread ✝ verse 13 But you brethren * fainte not vvel-doing ✝ verse 14 And if any ● obey not our vvord ● note him by an epistle ✝ verse 15 and do not companie vvith him that he may be confounded and do not esteeme him as an enemie but admonish him as a brother ✝ verse 16 And the Lord of peace him self giue you euerlasting peace in euery place Our Lord be vvith you al. ✝ verse 17 The saluation vvith mine ovvne hand Paules vvhich is a signe in euery epistle so I vvrite ✝ verse 18 The grace of our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith you al. Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 10. Neither let them eate It is not a general precept or rule that euery man should liue by this handvvorke
passion It hath in deede in it self to profite al but if it be not drunken it healeth not 11. Inexplicable Intending to treate more largely and particularly of Christes or Melchisedek● Priesthod he forvvarneth them that the mysterie thereof is far passing their capacitie and that through their feeblenes in faith and vveakenes of vnderstanding he is forced to omit diuers deepe points concerning the Priesthod of the nevv lavv Among vvhich no doubt the mysterie of the Sacrament and Sacrifice of the altar called MASSE vvas a principal pertinent matter vvhich the Apostles the Fathers of the primitiue Church vsed not to treate of so largely and particularly in their vvritings vvhich might come to the hands of the vnfaithful vvho of al things tooke soonest scandal of the B. Sacrament as vve see Io. 6. He spake to the Hebru●s saith S. Hierom ep 126 that is to the Ievves and not to faithful men to vvhom he might haue been hold to vtter the Sacrament And in deede it vvas not reasonable to talke much to them of that sacrifice vvhich vvas the resemblance of Christes death vvhen they thought not right of Christes death it self Vvhich the Apostles vvisedom and silence our Aduersaries vvickedly abuse against the holy Masse CHAP. VI. He exhorteth them to be perfect scholers and not to neede to be Catechumen● againe 4 considering they can not be baptized againe 9 and remembring their former good vvorkes for the vvhich God vvil not faile to performe them his promis if they faile not to imitate Abraham by perseuerance in the faith vvith patience 20 And so endeth his digression and returneth to the matter of Christes Priesthod verse 1 VVHERFORE intermitting the vvord of the beginning of Christ let vs proceede to perfection not againe laying ″ the foundatiō of penance from dead vvorkes and of faith tovvard God ✝ verse 2 of the doctrine of baptismes and of imposition of handes and of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal iudgement ✝ verse 3 And this shal vve doe if God vvill permit ✝ verse 4 For * it is ″ impossible for them that were once illuminated haue tasted also the heauenly gift and vvere made partakers of the holy Ghost ✝ verse 5 haue moreouer tasted the good vvord of God and the povvers of the world to come ✝ verse 6 and are fallen to be renevved againe to penāce crucifying againe to them selues the sonne of God and making him a mockerie ✝ verse 7 For the earth drinking the raine often cōming vpon it bringing forth grasse commodious for them by vvhom it is tilled receiueth blessing of God ✝ verse 8 but bringing forth thornes and bryers it is reprobate and very neere a curse vvhose end is to be burnt ✝ verse 9 But vve confidently trust of you my best beloued better things and neerer to saluation although vve speake thus ✝ verse 10 For ″ God is not vniust that he should forget your vvorke loue which you haue shevved in his name vvhich haue ministred to the sainctes and do minister ✝ verse 11 And our desire is that euery one of you shevv forth the same carefulnesse to the accomplishing of hope vnto the end ✝ verse 12 that you become not slouthful but imitatours of them vvhich by faith and patience shal inherite the promisses ✝ verse 13 For God promising to Abraham because he had none greater by vvhō he might sweare he sware by him self ✝ verse 14 saying * Vnles blessing I shal blesse thee and multiplying shal multiplie thee ✝ verse 15 And so patiently enduring he obtained the promise ✝ verse 16 For mē svveare by a greater then them selues and the end of al their controuersie for the confirmation is an othe ✝ verse 17 Vvherein God meaning more aboundantly to shevv to the heires of the promise the stabilitie of his coūsel he interposed an othe ✝ verse 18 that by tvvo things vnmoueable vvhereby it is impossible for God to lie vve may haue a most strong comfort vvho haue fled to hold fast the hope proposed ✝ verse 19 vvhich vve haue as an anker of the soule sure and firme and going in into the inner partes of the vele ✝ verse 20 vvhere IESVS the precursor for vs is entered made a high priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedec ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. The foundation of penance Vve see hereby vvhat the first groundes of Christian institution or Catechisme were in the primitiue Church and that there vvas euer a necessarie instruction and beleefe of certaine points had by vvord of mouth and tradition before men came to the Scriptures vvhich could not treate of things so particularly as vvas requisite for the teaching of al necessarie groundes Among these points were the 12 Articles conteined in the Apostles Creede the doctrine of penance before Baptisme the maner and necessitie of Baptisme the Sacrament of Imposition of hands after Baptisme called Confirmation the articles of the Resurrection Iudgement and such like Vvithout vvhich things first laid if one should be sent to picke his faith out of the Scripture there vvould be madde rule quickly See S. Augustine in exposit inchoat ep ad Ro. versut finem 4. Impossible How hard the holy Scriptures be and how dangerously they be read of the vnlearned or of the proud be they neuer so vvel learned this one place might teach vs. Vvhereat the Nouatians of old did so stumble that they thought and heretically taught that none falling into any mortal sinne after Baptisme could be receiued to mercie or penance in the Church and so to a contentious man that vvould folow his owne sense or the bare vvordes vvithout regard of the Churches sense and rule of faith after vvhich euery Scripture must be expounded the Apostles speach doth here sound Euen as to the simple and to the Heretike that submitteth not his sense to the Churches iudgement certaine places of this same Epistle seeme at the first sight to stand against the daily oblation or sacrifice of the Masse vvhich yet in truth make no more for that purpose then this text we now stand on serueth the Nouatians as vvhen we come to the places it shal be declared And let the good Readers beware here also of the Protestants exposition for they are herein vvorse then Nouatians specially such as precisely folovv Caluin holding impiously that it is impossible for one that forsaketh entirely his faith that is becommeth an Apostata or an Heretike to be receiued to penance or to Gods mercie To establish vvhich false and damnable sense these fellowes make nothing of S. Ambroses S. Chrysostoms and the other fathers exposition vvhich is the holy Churches sense That the Apostle meaneth of that penance vvhich is done before and in Baptisme vvhich is no more to say but that it is impossible to be baptized againe and thereby to be renouated and illuminated to die be buried and rise againe the second time in
to deceiue the reader Sometime also vve doe it for an other cause as vvhen vve say The aduent of our Lord and Imposing of handes because one is a solemne time the other a solemne action in the Catholike Church to signifie to the people that these and such like names come out of the very Latin text of the Scripture So did Penance doing penance Chalice Priest Deacon Traditions aultar host and the like vvhich vve exactly keepe as Catholike termes procede euen from the very vvordes of Scripture Moreouer we presume not in hard places to mollifie the speaches or phrases but religiously keepe them vvord for vvord and point for point for feare of missing or restraining the sense of the holy Ghost to our phantasie as Eph. 6. Against the spirituals of vvickednes in the celestials and Vvhat to me and thee vvoman whereof see the Annotation vpon this place and 1 Pet. 2. As infants euen novv borne reasonable milke vvithout guile desire ye Vve do so place reasonable of purpose that it may be indiffēt both to infants going before as in our Latin text or to milke that folovveth after as in other Latin copies and in the Greeke Io. 3 vve translate The spirit breatheth vvhere he vvil c. leauing it indifferent to signifie either the holy Ghost or vvinde vvhich the Protestants translating vvinde take avvay the other sense more common and vsual in the auncient fathers Vve translate Luc. 8 23. They vvere filled not adding of our ovvne vvith vvater to mollifie the sentence as the Protestants doe and c. 22. This is the chalice the nevv Testament c. not This chalice is the nevv Testament likevvise Mar. 13. Those daies shal be such tribulation c. not as the Aduersaries In those daies both our text and theirs being othervvise Iac. 4 6. And giueth greater grace leauing it indifferent to the Scripture or to the holy Ghost both going before Vvhereas the Aduersaries to to boldly presumptuously adde saying The Scripture giueth taking avvay the other sense which is far more probable likevvise Hebr. 12 21 vve translate So terrible vvas it vvhich vvas seen Moyses said c. neither doth Greeke or Latin permit vs to adde that Moyses said as the Protestants presume to doe So vve say Men brethren Avvidovv vvoman A vvoman a sister Iames of Alphaus and the like Sometime also we folow of purpose the Scriptures phrase as The hel of fire according to Greeke and Latin vvhich we might say perhaps the firy hel by the Hebrue phrase in such speaches but not hel fire as commonly it is translated Likevvise Luc. 4 36. Vvhat vvord is this that in povver and authoritie he cōmaundeth the vncleane spirits as also Luc 2. Let vs passe ouer and see the vvord that is done Vvhere we might say thing by the Hebrue phrase but there is a certaine maiestie and more signification in these speaches and therfore both Greeke Latin keepe them although it is no more the Greeke or Latin phrase then it is English And vvhy should vve be squamish at nevv vvordes or phrases in the Scripture vvhich are necessarie vvhen vve do easily admit and folovv nevv vvordes coyned in court and in courtly or other secular vvritings Vve adde the Greeke in the margent for diuers cause● Sometime vvhen the sense is hard that the learned reader may consider of it and see if he can helpe him self better then by our translation as Luc 11. Nolite extolli 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and againe Quod superest date eleemosynam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sometime to take away the ambiguitie of the Latin or English as Luc. 11. Et domus supradomum cadet Vvhich we must needes English and house vpon house shal fall by the Greeke the sense is not one house shal fal vpon an other but if one house rise vpon it self that is against it self it shal perish according as he speaketh of a kingdom deuided against it self in the wordes before And Act. 14. Sacerdos Iouis qui erat in the Greeke qui is referred to Iupiter Sometime to satisfie the reader that might otherwise conceiue the translation to be false as Philip. 4. v. 6. But in euery thing by praier c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not in al praier as in the Latin it may seeme Sometime when the Latin neither doth nor can reache to the signification of the Greeke word we added the Greeke also as more significant Illi foli seruies him only shalt thou serue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And Act. 6. Nicolas a stranger of Antioche 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Ro. 9. The seruice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Eph. 1. to perfite instaurare omnia in Christo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And Vvherein he hath gratified vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 6. Put on the armour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a number the like Sometime when the Greeke hath two senses and the Latin but one we adde the Greeke 2. Cor. 1. By the exhortaion vvherevvith vve also are exhorted the Greeke signifieth also consolation c. and 2 Cor. 10. But hauing hope of your faith increasing to be c. vvhere the Greeke may also signifie as or vvhen your faith increaseth Sometime for aduantage of the Catholike cause when the Greeke maketh for vs more then the Latin as Seniores 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vt digni habeamini 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Qui effundetur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Praecepta 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Io. 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pasce rege And sometime to shew the false translation of the Heretike as when Beza saith Hoc poculum in meo sanguine qui. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luc. 22. Quē oportet coelo cōtineri 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 3. Thus we vse the Greeke diuers waies esteeme of it as it is worthie taken al cōmodities thereof for the better vnderstāding of the Latin which being a translation can not alwaies attaine to the ful sense of the principal tonge as vve see in al translations Item vve adde the Latin vvord sometime in the margent vvhen either vve can not fully expresse it as Act. 8. They tooke order for Steuens funeral Curauerunt Stephanum and Al take not this vvord Non omnes capiunt or vvhen the reader might thinke it can not be as vve translate as Luc. 8. A storme of winde descended into the lake and they vvere filled complebantur and Io. 5. vvhen Iesus knevv that he had novv a long time quiaiam multum tempus haberet meaning in his infirmitie This precise folovving of our Latin text in neither adding nor diminishing is the cause why we say not in the title of bookes in the first page S. Matthevv S. Paul● because it is so neither in Greeke nor Latin though in the toppes of the leaues folovving where vve may be bolder we adde S. Matthew c. to satisfie the reader Much
not * Manichaeus Choose vvhether thou vvilt If thou wilt say Beleeue the Catholike loe they vvarne me that I giue no credite vnto you and therefore beleeuing them I must needes not beleeue thee If thou say Beleeue not the Catholikes it is not the right vvay by the Gospel to driue me to the faith of Manichaeus because I beleeued the Gospel it self by the preaching of Catholikes Againe li. de vtilit credend cap. 14. I see the concerning Christ him self I haue beleeued none but the confirmed and assured opinion of peoples and nations and that these peoples haue on euey side possessed the mysteries of the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH Vvhy should I not therfore most diligently require specially among them what Christ commaunded by vvhose authoritie I vvas moued to beleeue that Christ did commaund some profitable thing Vvilt thou ō Heretike tel me better vvhat he said vvhom I vvould not thinke to haue been at al or to be if I must beleeue because thou saiest it Vvhat grosse madnes is this to say Beleeue the Catholikes the Christ is to be beleeued and learne of vs vvhat he said Againe cont Faustum li. II. cap. 1. Thou seest then in this matter what force the authoritie of the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH hath vvhich euen from the most grounded and founded seates of the Apostles is established vntil this day by the line of Bishops succeding one an other by the consent of so many peoples Vvhereas thou saiest This is Scripture or this is such an Apostles that is not because this soundeth for me and the other against me Thou then art the rule of truth vvhatsoeuer is against thee is not true 3 No heretikes haue right to the Scriptures but are vsurpers the Catholike Church being the true ovvner and faithful keeper of them Heretikes abuse them corrupt them and vtterly seeke to abolish them though they pretend the contrarie Tertullianli De praescriptionibus bringeth in the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH speaking thus to all Heretikes Vvho are you vvhen and from vvhence came you vvhat doe you in my possession that are none of mine by vvhat right Marcion doest thou cut dovvne my wood vvho gaue the licence ô Valentine to turne the course of my fountaines by vvhat authoritie Apelles doest thou remoue my boundes and you the rest vvhy do yovv sovv and seede for these companions at your pleasure It is my possession I possesse it of old I haue assured origins thereof euen from those authors vvhose the thing vvas I am the heire of the Apostles As they prouided by their Testament as they comitted it to my credite as they adiured me so doe I hold it You surely they disherited alvvaies and haue cost you of as forainers as enemies Againe in the same booke Encountering vvith such by Scriptures auaileth nothing but to ouerturne a mans stomake or his braine This heresie receiueth not certaine Scriptures and if it do receiue some yet by adding and taking avvay it peruerteth the same to serue their purpose and if it receiue any it doth not receiue them vvholy and if after a sort it receiue them vvholy neuertheles by diuising diuers expositions it turneth them cleane an other vvay c. 4 Yet do they vaunt them selues of Scriptures excedingly but they are neuer the more to be trusted for that S. Hierom aduersus Luciferianos in fine Let them not flatter them selues if they seeme in their ovvne conceite to affirme that vvhich they say out of the chapters of Scripture vvhereas the Diuel also spake some thinges out of the Scriptures and the Scriptures consist not in the reading but in the vnderstanding Vincentius Lirinensis li. cont prophanas haeres●●● Nouationes Here perhaps some man may aske vvhether heretikes also vse not the testimonies of diuine Scripture Yet in deede do they and that vehemently For thou shalt see them flie through euery one of the sacred bookes of the Lavv through Moyses the bookes of the kings the Psalmes the Apostles the Gospels the Prophets For vvhether among their ovvne fellowes or strangers vvhether priuatly or publikely vvhether in talke or in their bookes vvhether in bankets or in the streates they I say alleage nothing of their ovvne which they endeuour not to shadow vvith the wordes of Scripture also Read the vvorkes of Paulus Samosatenus of Priscillian of Eunomian of Iouinian of the other plagues pestilences thou shalt finde an infinite heape of examples no page in a manner omitted or voide which is not painted and coloured with the sentences of the new or old testament But they are so much the more to be taken heede of to be feared the more secretly they lurke vnder the shadowes of Gods diuine law For they knovv their stinkes vvould not easily please any man almost if they were breathed out nakedly simply them selues alone therfore they sprinkle them as it vvere vvith certaine pretious spices of the heauenly vvord to the end that he vvhich would easely despise the errour of man may not easely contemne the oracles of God So that they doe like vnto them vvhich vvhen they vvil prepare certaine bitter potion● for children do first anoint the brimmes of the cup vvith honie that the vnwarie age vvhen it shal first feele the svvetnes may not feare the bitternes 5 The cause vvhy the Scriptures being perfit yet vve vse other Ecclesiastical vvritings and tradition Vincentius Lirinensis in his golden booke before cited aduersus prophanas haeres●● Nouationes Here some man perhaps may aske for asmuch as the Canon of the Scriptures is perfit and in all pointes very sufficient in it self vvhat neede is there to ioyne therevnto the authoritie of the Ecclesiastical vnderstanding for this cause surely for that all take not the holy Scripture in one and the same sense because of the deepenes thereof but the speaches thereof some interpret one vvay some an other vvay so that there may almost as many senses be picked out of it as there be men for Nouatian doth expound it one vvay and Sabellius an other vvay othervvise Donatus othervvise Arîus Eunomius Macedonius othervvise Photinus Apollinaris Priscillianus othervvise Iouinian Pelagius Celestius lastly othervvise Nestorius And therfore very necessarie it is because of so great vvindinges and turninges of diuers errours that the line of Prophetical and Apostolical interpretation be directed according to the rule of the Ecclesiastical and Catholike sense or vnderstanding S. Basil li. de Spiritu sancto cap. 27. Of such articles of religion as are kept and preached in the Church some vvere taught by the vvritten vvord other some vve haue receiued by the tradition of the Apostles deliuered vnto vs as it vvere from hand to hand in mysterie secretly both vvhich be of one force to Christian religion and this no man vvil deny that hath any litle skill of the Ecclesiastical rites or customes for if vve goe about to reiect the customes not conteined in Scripture as being of smal force vve shal vnvvittingly and
to Gods commaundements be here condemned as al obseruations not edifying nor profitable to the fulfilling of Gods commaundements be vaine and superfluous as many obseruations of the Pharisees were then and the like traditions of Heretikes be now for howsoeuer they bragge of Scriptures al their maner of administration and ministerie is their owne tradition and inuention without al Scripture and warrant of Gods word But the traditions of the Apostles and Ancients and al the precepts of holy Church we are commaunded to keepe as things not prescribed by man but by the Holy Ghost Act. 15 ●● 41. 2 Thessal ● 61. 11. Gift To giue to the Church or Altar is not forbidden but the forsaking of a mans parents in their necessitie pretending or excusing the matter vpon his giuing that which should relieue them to God or to the Altar that is impious and vnnatural And these Pharisees teaching children so to neglect their duties to their parents did wickedly 15. Nothing entering into a man As these wordes of our Sauiour do not import that the Iewes then might haue eaten of those meates which God forbade them no more doe they now that we Christians may eate of meates which the Church forbiddeth vs. And yet both then and now al meates are cleane and nothing entering into a man defileth a man For neither they then nor we now absteine for that any meates are of their nature abominable or defile the eaters but they for signification we for obedience and chastisement of our bodies 33. Spitting Not only by Christs vvord and vvil but also by ceremonie and by application of external creatures vvhich be holy miracles are vvrought as by Christs spittle vvhich vvas not part of his person being a superfluity of his body but yet most holy Theophyl in 7 Marci 34 Ephphetha The Church doth most godly imitate and vse these very vvordes and ceremonies of our Sauiour in the Exorcismes before Baptisme to the healing of their soules that are to be baptized as Christ here healed the bodily infirmitie and the disease of the soule together Ambros li. 1 de Sacram. c 1. CHAP. VIII Of compassion he feedeth the people 4000 vvith seuen loaues 10 After al vvhich miracles as though they vvere yet vnsufficient to proue him to be Christ the obstinate Pharisees do require some miracle from heauen 13 Wherevpon forsaking them he vvarneth his Disciples to bevvare of the leauen of their doctrine neither to feare vvant of necessaries 22 He healeth a blind man by degrees and vvith ceremonies 27 Peter confesseth him though men al this vvhile had not learned so farre to be Christ 31 and by and by he reuealeth to them his passion 32 rebuking also Peter for dissuading it 34 and shewing that it is a thing vvherein al that vvil be saued namely in time of persecution must folovv him verse 1 IN those daies againe vvhen there vvas a great multitude and had not what to eate calling his Disciples together he saith to them ✝ verse 2 I haue compassion vpon the multitude because loe three daies they now endure vvith me neither haue vvhat to eate ✝ verse 3 and if I dimisse them fasting into their home they vvil faint in the vvay for some of them came farre of ✝ verse 4 And his Disciples ansvvered him Whence may a man fil them here vvith bread in the vvildernes ✝ verse 5 And he asked them Hovv many loaues haue ye Who said Seuen ✝ verse 6 And he commaunded the multitude to sit dovvne vpon the ground And taking the seuen loaues giuing thankes he brake and ″ gaue to his Disciples for to set before them and they did set them before the multitude ✝ verse 7 And they had a fevv litle fishes and ″ he blessed them and commaunded them to be set before them ✝ verse 8 And they did eate and vvere filled and they tooke vp that vvhich vvas left of the fragments seuen maundes ✝ verse 9 And they that had eaten vvere about foure thousand and he dimissed them ✝ verse 10 And * immediatly going vp into the boate vvith his Disciples he came into the quarters of Dalmanûtha ✝ verse 11 And the Pharisees vvent forth and began to question vvith him asking of him a signe from heauen tempting him ✝ verse 12 And groning in spirit he saith Why doth this generation aske a signe Amen I say to you If a signe shal be giuen to this generation ✝ verse 13 And leauing them he vvent vp againe into the boate and passed beyond the straite ✝ verse 14 And they forgot to take bread and they had but one loafe vvith them in the boate ✝ verse 15 And he commaunded them saying Looke vvel and bevvare of the leauen of the Pharisees and the leauen of Herod ✝ verse 16 And they reasoned among them selues saying Because vve haue not bread ✝ verse 17 Which IESVS knovving saith to them Why doe you reason because you haue not bread do you not yet knovv nor vnderstand yet haue ye your hart blinded ✝ verse 18 hauing eies see you not and hauing eares heare you not Neither do you remember ✝ verse 19 When * I brake fiue loaues among fiue thousand and hovv many baskets ful of fragmēts tooke you vp They say to him Tvvelue ✝ verse 20 * When also seuen loaues among foure thousand hovv many maundes of fragments tooke you vp And they say to him Seuen ✝ verse 21 And he said to them Hovv do you not yet vnderstand ✝ verse 22 And they come to Bethsaida and they bring to him one blinde and desired him that he vvould touche him ✝ verse 23 And taking the hand of the blinde he led him forth out of the tovvne and spitting into his eies imposing his hands he asked him if he savv any thing ✝ verse 24 And looking vp he said I see men as it vvere trees vvalking ✝ verse 25 After that againe he imposed his hands vpon his eies and be began to see and vvas restored so that he savv al things clerely ✝ verse 26 And he sent him into his house saying Goe into thy house and if thou enter in to the tovvne tel no body ✝ verse 27 And * IESVS vvent forth and his Disciples into the tovvnes of Caesarêa-Philippi and in the vvay he asked his Disciples saying to them Whom do men say that I am ✝ verse 28 Who ansvvered him saying Iohn the Baptist some Elias other some as it vvere one of the Prophets ✝ verse 29 Then he saith to them But vvhom do you say that I am Peter ansvvering said to him Thou art Christ ✝ verse 30 And he threatened them that they should not tel any man of him ✝ verse 31 And he began to teache them that the Sonne of man must suffer many things and be reiected of the Auncients and of the high Priestes and the Scribes and be killed and after three daies rise againe ✝ verse 32
degentes is bold to call the Emperour Constantius being an Arian Heretike Antichrist for making him self Principem Episcoporum Prince ouer the Bishops and President of Ecclesiastical iudgements c. The other cause is for impugning Christes Priesthod vvhich is only or most properly exercised in earth by the sacrifice of the holy Masse instituted for the commemoration of his death for the external exhibition of godly honour to the B. Trinitie vvhich kinde of external vvorship by sacrifice no lavvful people of God euer lacked And by these tvvo things you may easily perceiue that the Heretikes of these daies do more properly and neerely prepare the vvay to Antichrist and to extreme desolation then euer any before their special heresie being against the spiritual Primacie of Popes and Bishops and against the sacrifice of the altar in vvhich tvvo the soueraintie of Christ in earth consisteth 6. What letteth S. Augustine li. 20 c. 19 de ciuit del professeth plainely that he vnderstandeth not these vvordes not that that folovveth of the mysterie of iniquitie and least of al that vvhich the Apostle addeth Only that he vvhich holdeth novv do hold c. Vvhich may humble vs al and stay the confident rashnes of this time namely of Heretikes that boldly feine hereof vvhatsoeuer is agreable to their heresie and phantasie The Apostle had told the Thessalonians before by vvord of mouth a secret point vvhich he vvould not vtter in vvritting and therfore referreth them to his former talke The mysterie of iniquitie is cōmonly referred to Heretikes vvho vvorke to the same and do that that Antichrist shal do but yet not openly but in couert and vnder the cloke of Christes name the Scriptures the vvord of the Lord shevv of holines c. Vvhereas Antichrist him self shal openly attempt and atchieue the foresaid desolation and Satan novv seruing his turne by Heretikes vnderhand shal tovvard the last end vtter reueale bring him forth openly and that is here to be reuealed that is to appeare in his ovvne person These other vvordes Only that he vvhich novv holdeth hold Some expound of the Emperour during vvhose continuance in his state God shal not permit Antichrist to come meaning that the very Empire shal be vvholy desolate destroied and taken avvay before or by his comming vvhich is more then a defection from the same vvhereof vvas spoken before for there shal be a reuolt from the Church also but it shal not be vtterly destroied Others say that it is an admonition to al faithful to hold fast their faith and not to be beguiled by such as vnder the name of Christ or Scriptures seeke to deceiue them til they that novv pretend religion and the Gospel end in a plaine breach reuolt and open apostasie by the appearance of Antichrist vvhom al Heretikes serue in mysterie that is couertly and in the Diuels meaning though the vvorld seeth it not nor them selues at the beginning thought it as novv euery day more more al men perceiue they tend to plaine Atheisme and Antichristianisme 9. In al povver Satan vvhose povver to him is abridged by Christ shal then ●e let loose and shal assist Antichrist in al maner of signes vvonders and false miracles vvhereby many shal be seduced not only Ievves But al such as be deceiued and caried avvay by vulgar speache only of Heretikes that can vvorke no miracles much more shal folovv this man of sinne doing so great vvonders And such both novv do solovv Heretikes and then shal receiue Antichrist that deserue so to be forsaken of God by their forsaking of the vnitie and happie fellovvship of Saincts in the Catholike Church vvhere onely is the Charitie of truth as the Apostle here speaketh 15. Traditions Not onely the things vvritten and set dovvne in the holy Scriptures but al other truthes and pointes of religion vttered by vvord of mouth and deliuered or giuen by the Apostles to their scholers by tradition be so here approued and els vvhere in the Scripture it self that the Heretikes purposely guilfully and of il cōscience that belike reprehendeth them refraine in their translations from the Ecclesiastical and most vsual vvord Tradition euer-more vvhen it is taken in good part though it expresse most exactly the signification of the Greeke vvord but vvhen it soundeth in their fond phantasie against the traditions of the Church as in deede in true sense it neuer doth there they vse it most gladly Here therfore and in the like places that the reader might not so easily like of Traditions vnvvritten here commended by the Apostle they translate it Instructions Constitutions Ordinances and vvhat they can inuent els to hide the truth from the simple or vnvvarie Reader vvhose translations haue no other end but to beguile such by art and conueiance But S. Chrysostom ho. 4 in 1 Thes 2. and the other greeke scholies or commentaries say herevpon both vvritten and vnvvritten precepts the Apostles gaue by tradition and both be vvorthy of obseruation S. Basil De Sp. Sancto c. 29 in principio thus I account it Apostolike to continevv famely euen in vnvvritten traditions and to proue this he alleageth this place of S. Paul In the same booke c. 17 he saieth If vve once go about to reiect vnvvritten customs as things of no importance vve shal are vve be avvare doe damage to the principal partes of the faith and bring the preaching of the Gospel to a naked name And for example of these necessarie traditions he nameth the signe of the Crosse praying tovvards the east the vvords spoken at the eleuatiō of sheavving of the holy Eucharist vvith diuerse cerimonies vsed before after the consecration the halovving of the sont the blessing of the oile the anointing of the baptized vvith the same the three immersions into the font the vvordes of abrenuntiatiō and exorcismes of the partie that is to be baptised c. Vvhat scripture saith he taught these and such like none truly al comming of secret and silent tradition vvherevvith our fathers thought it meete to couer such mysteries S. Hierom Dialog cont Lucif c. 4. et ep 28 ad Li●iniū reckeneth vp diuers the like traditiōs vvilling men to attribute to the Apostles such customs as the Church hath receiued in diuers christian countries S. Augustine esteemeth the Apostolike traditions so much that he plainely affirmeth in sundrie places not onely the obseruation of certaine festiuities fastes ceremonies whatsoeuer other solemnities vsed in the Catholike Church to be holy profitable and Apostolike though they be notvvritten at al in the scriptures but he often also vvriteth that many of the articles of our religion and pointes of highest importance are not so much to be proued by scriptures as by tradition namely auouching that in no vvise vve could beleeue that children in their infancie should be baptized if it vvere not an Apostolical tradition De Gen. ad lit li.
may be broken and otherwise emploied 78. nu 10. pag. 92. nu 25. Sainctes know our doings hartes heare our praiers 64. 184. 186. m. 187. 428. 457. m. They are as Angels 198. They may be present with the liuing 49. 110. m. at their ovvne tōbes monumēts 711. Praying to Saincts that they pray for vs. 380 m. 186. 304. 471. 668 at large 679. 709. 711. 717. 309. m. They are our mediators an aduocates without any derogatiō to Christ 471. 568. 678. 679. 714 m. How Christ is our only Mediator and only Aduocate 568. 678. 679. The conclusion of al praiers is Per Christum Dominum nostrum 265 marg The Protestants arguments ansvvered 409. 607. 608. 611. nu 9. 568. 678. Vigilantius their father founder of this heresie refuted by S. Hierom 711. Hovv S. Hierom saith that Christ his Saincts are euery where ibidem Their Festiuities or holidaies 7. nu 16. 75. m. 507. at large 668. Their memories or commemorations in the sacrifice of the Masse 332. 454. 726. Canonizing of Saincts 7. Their miracles 33. nu 24. See Miracles Relikes The great honour of Saincts and that it is no derogation to Christs honour 55. nu 28. pag. 350. nu 16. pag. 553 marg 577. 601. 653. 703 marg 704. 714 marg 720 marg 742 marg They are patrones of men and countries 404. They are called sauiours redeemers c. vvithout derogation to Christ 569. 577. 653. 308 marg our hope 548 marg God and our Ladie saue vs the like speaches 337. 700. To beleeue in Saincts 409. nu 14. pag. 601. Saluation No man sure of his saluation but in hope 263. 394. 402. nu 16. pag. 403. 418. 433. 444. 493. 530. 393. marg See F. The Protestants special faith Satisfaction See Penance Satisfactorie vvorkes of one for an other 474. 485. 538. Satisfaction enioyned 143 m. Schisme Prefigured in the Ievves Schismatical temples 166. 227. 228. 448. in Ieroboams calues and altars 448. in Corè Darhan Abiron 482. 695. contrarie to the vnitie of the Church 456 501. nu 9. pag. 519. 520. detestable and sacrilegious 520. The beginning of al Schismes 426 marg In schisme no vvorke auailable to saluation 14. nu 24. pag. 180. 263. nu 4. pag. 457. num 1. See Church Schismatikes Schismatical seruice sermons to be auoided 94. 482. 590. 225 marg Specially the Communion 442. 447. 448. See Heretike and Heresie Scandal 112 marg 356. 386 marg Scripture Canonical and not Canonical discerned and iudged by the Church 499. 500. See pag. 2 after the preface S. Augustines sentences cited at large The Scripture and Church Whether is elder and of more authoritie 500. The Protestants deny many bookes of the Scripture because they are repugnant to their heresies See Heretikes They many vvaies corrupt the Scriptures See Heretikes Priuate Phantastical interpretatiō of Scriptures 669. 672. Al Heretikes and the Diuel him self alleage Scriptures but falsely p. 5. nu 25. p. 11. nu 6. p. 34. 145 m. 162. nu 20. p. 261. 402. 14. nu 35. 39. pa. 613. 645. 651. nu 12. p. 646. nu 21. p. 682. 711. 740. Vvomē great tatlers talkers of Scripture 568. Not the great talkers and hearers thereof but the doers are blessed 698 m. The Scripture is ful of profound senses 232. 508. hard to vnderstand 151 marg 311 marg 558. nu 6. pag. 613. nu 4. pag. 672. 673. 661. nu 19. p. 662 marg 740. S. Paules epistles hard about iustification by faith and therfore misconstrued of old and new heretikes 389. 646. 672. The Epistle to the Romanes hard concerning predestination 404 marg The difficultie of the Apocalypse 699. The Protestants count al Scriptures easie for euery mā to vnderstand by his priuate spirit therfore they reiect the Doctors expositiōs admit nothing but Scripture 672. Their folish distinction that S. Paules epistles are not hard but the matter he vvriteth of ibid. The self same scriptures alleaged by the old heretikes and the Protestants and answered by the fathers long agoe 444. nu 5. pag. 575. 646. 711. 712. The Scripture cōsisteth in the true sense therof which is only in the Cath. Church 477. nu 6. p. 669. nu 20. The bare letter killeth both Iew Heretike 477. They searche not the Scriptures deepely but superficially 232. Vvho be the litle ones that best vnderstand the Scriptures 30. nu 25. p. 169. nu 21. The auncient fathers humilitie in reading and expounding the Scriptures 67● 5●8 661. nu 19. pag. 699. Catholike Doctors only are right handlers of the Scriptures 590. The curse for adding and diminishing thereof and that it pertaineth to heretikes not to Catholike expositors 45. The interpretation of Scripture is called prophecie 413 marg when the same is according to the rule of faith ibid. Of the translating and reading the holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongue of the difficultie of them vvith what humilitie they ought to be read of many others pointes concerning the sacred Scriptures see the Preface to the reader The text corrupted by old heretikes 684. 687. Scriptures haue not only a literal sense but also a mystical and allegorical 7. nu 15. pag. 508. 607 marg 614 marg The Protestāts deride the mystical interpretations of the auncient Doctors 614 marg The people may not iudge of the sense of Scriptures or of their Pastors expositions 344. The comfort and profite of Christian Cathol men in reading and hearing the Scriptures 344. 419 marg 592. Vvhat they finde in searching the Scriptures 230. Not only Scriptures but tradition also 622. marg 559. 592. 279 marg 678 marg 717 marg The Apostles and Churches precepts 336 marg See Tradition The Churches order in reading the Scriptures in her diuine Seruice See CHVRCH Secte taken sometime in good part but novv in the euil 373. 362 marg Simonie vvhat and vvhy so called 314. Vvhat a heinous sinne ibid. nu 22. Sinne original actual 395. nu 14. 676. nu 7. Al conceiued and borne in original sinne Christ excepted and his B. mother 395. No man liueth vvithout sinne 676. nu 8. pag. 16. S. Augustine excepteth our B. Ladie ibidem Sinnes mortal and venial 14. 16. 385. 643. 676. Not God but the Diuel is author of sinne 36 m. See God Hovv the Diuel sinned from the beginning 682. Cōcupiscence cause of sinne 642 m. Al sinne procedeth of three special things mentioned by S. Iohn 677 marg The lavv did not cause sinne 395. 398 m. Mortal sinne excludeth grace and iustice 682. Venial sinnes consist vvith grace and true iustice 676. Examples of venial sinnes 676. How they are taken away without any Sacrament 258. they may be forgiuen after death 94. Al remission of sinnes is by the Passion of Christ 676. Many secundarie meanes instruments of remission by which the Passion of Christ is applied 676. Vvhat is meant by Sinnes couered and not imputed 392. Sinnes against the holy Ghost 33. nu 31. Sinnes crying
all sortes so to vse them or absteine from them as is most conuenient for euery ones saluation with this general admonition that none can vnderstand the meaning of God in the Scriptures except Christ open their sense and make them partakers of his holy Spirit in the vnitie of his mystical bodie and for the rest she committeth it to the Pastor of euery prouince and people according to the difference of time place and persons how and in vvhat sort the reading of the Scriptures is more or lesse to be procured or permitted Vvherein the varietie of circūstances causeth them to deale diuersly as we see by S. Chrysostoms people of Constantinople vvho vvere so delicate dull vvorldly and so much giuen to dice cardes specially stage-plaies or theaters as S. Gregorie Nazianzene witnesseth that the Scriptures all holy lections of diuine things were lothsome vnto them whereby their holy Bishop was forced in many of his sermons to crie out against their extreme negligence and contempt of Gods vvord declaring that not onely Eremites and Religious as they alleaged for their excuse but secular men of all sortes might reade the Scriptures and often haue more neede thereof in respect of them selues then the other that liue in more puritie and contemplation further insinuating that though diuers thinges be high and hard therein yet many godly histories liues examples precepts of life and doctrine be plaine and finally that when the Gentiles vvere so cunning and diligent to impugne their faith it were not good for Christians to be to simple or negligent in the defense thereof as in truth it is more requisite for a Catholike man in these daies vvhen our Aduersaries be industrious to empeache our beleefe to be skilful in Scriptures then at other times vvhen the Church had no such enemies To this sense said S Chrysostom diuers thinges not as a teacher in schole making exact and general rules to be obserued in all places times but as a pulpit man agreably to that audiēce his peoples default nor making it therfore as some peruersely gather of his wordes a thing absolutely needful for euery poore artificer to reade of studie Scriptures nor any vvhit fauouring the presumptuous curious and contentious iangling and searching of Gods secretes reproued by the foresaid fathers much lesse approuing the excessiue pride and madnes of these daies vvhen euery man and vvoman is become not only a reader but a teacher controuler and iudge of Doctors Church Scriptures and all such as either contemne or easily passe ouer all the moral partes good examples and precepts of life by vvhich as vvell the simple as learned might be much edified only in a maner occupie them selues in dogmatical mystical high and hidden secretes of Gods counsels as of Predestination reprobation election prescience forsaking of the Ievves vocation of the gentiles other incomprehensible mysteries Languishing about questions of onely saith fiduce nevv phrases and figures euer learning but neuer comming to knovvledge reading and tossing in pride of vvitte conceit of their ovvne cunning and vpon presumption of I can tell vvhat spirit such bookes specially and Epistles as S. Peter foretold that the vnlearned and instable vvould depraue to their ovvne damnation They delight in none more then in the Epistle to the Romans the Cantica canticorum the Apocalypse which haue in them as many mysteries as wordes they find no difficultie in the sacred booke clasped vvith seuē seales they aske for no expositor vvith the holy Eunuch they feele no such depth of Gods science in the scriptures as S. Augustine did vvhen he cried our Mira profunditas eloquiorum tuorum mira profunditas Deus meus mira profunditas horror est intendere in eam horror honoris tremor amoris that is O vvonderful profoundnes of thy vvordes vvonderful profoundnes my God vvonderful profoundnes it maketh a man quake to looke on it to quake for reuerence and to tremble for the loue thereof they regard not that vvhich the same Doctor affirmeth that the depth and profunditie of vvisedom not only in the vvordes of holy Scripture but also in the matter sense is so vvonderful that liue a man neuer so long be he of neuer so high a vvitte neuer so studious neuer so seruēt to attaine the knovvledge thereof yet vvhen he endeth he shall confesse he doth but begin they feele not vvith S. Hierom that the text hath a hard shel to be broken before vve come to the kirnel they vvill not stay them selues in only reading the sacred Scriptures thirtene yeres together vvith S. Basil S. Gergorie Nazianzene before they expound them nor take the care as they did neuer othervvise to interpret them then by the vniforme consent of their forefathers and tradition Apostolike If our nevv Ministers had had this congitation and care that these and all other vvise men haue and euer had our countrie had neuer fallen to this miserable state in religion that vnder pretence colour and coūtenance of Gods vvord neither should vertue and good life haue bene so pitifully corrupted in time of such reading toiling tumbling and translating the booke of our life and saluation vvhereof the more pretious the right and reuerent vse is the more pernicious is the abuse and prophanation of the same vvhich euery man of experience by these fevv yeres proofe and by comparing the former daies and maners to these of ours may easily trie Looke vvhether your men be more vertuous your vvomen more chast your childrē more obedient your seruants more trustie your maides more modest your frendes more faithful your laitie more iust in dealing your Cleargy more deuout in praying vvhether there be more religion feare of God faith and conscience in all states novv then of old vvhen there vvas not so much reading chatting and iangling of Gods vvord but much more sincere dealing doing and keeping the same Looke vvhether through this disorder vvomen teach not their husbands children their parents yong fooles their old and vvise fathers the scholers their maisters the sheepe their pastor and the People the Priest Looke vvhether the most chast and sacred sentences of Gods holy vvord be not turned of many into mirth mockerie amorous ballets detestable letters of loue and leudnes their delicate rimes tunes and translations much encreasing the same This fall of good life prophaning the diuine mysteries euery body seeth but the great corruption decay of faith hereby none see but vvise men who onely knovv that vvere the Scriptures neuer so truely translated yet Heretikes and ill men that follovv their ovvne spirit and knovv nothing but their priuàte fantasie and not the sense of the holy Church and Doctors must needes abuse them to their damnation and that the curious simple and * sensual men vvhich haue no tast of the things that be of the Spirit of God may
CHRIST ⊢ ✝ verse 17 Therefore al the generations from Abraham vnto Dauid fourtene generations And from Dauid to the Transmigration of Babylon fourtene generations And from the Transmigration of Babylon vnto CHRIST fourtene generations ✝ verse 18 And the generation of CHRIST vvas in this vvise When his mother MARIE vvas spoused to Ioseph before they came together she vvas found to be vvith childe by the Holy Ghost ✝ verse 19 Wherevpon Ioseph for that he vvas a iust man vvould not put her to open shame vvas minded secretely to dimisse her ✝ verse 20 But as he vvas thus thinking behold the Angel of our Lord appeared to him in sleepe saying Ioseph sonne of Dauid feare not to take MARIE thy vvife for that vvhich is ″ borne in her is of the Holy Ghost ✝ verse 21 And she shal bring forth a sonne and thou shalt call his name IESVS For he shal saue his people from their sinnes ⊢ ✝ verse 22 And al this vvas done that it might be fulfilled vvhich our Lord spake by the Prophet saying ✝ verse 23 Behold ″ a Virgin shal be vvith childe ″ and ″ bring forth a sonne and they shal call his name Emmanuel vvhich being interpreted is God vvith vs. ✝ verse 24 And Ioseph rising vp from sleepe did as the Angel of our Lord cōmaunded him and tooke his vvife ✝ verse 25 And he knevv her not ″ til she brought forth her ″ first borne sonne and called his name IESVS ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 1. Thamar Christ abhorred not to take flesh of some that were il as he chose Iudas among his Apostles Let not vs disdaine to receaue our spiritual birth and sustenance of such as be not alwayes good 16. Ioseph Ioseph marying our Lady as neere of kinne for so was the law by his pedegree sheweth hers and consequently Christs pedegree from Dauid 16. Husband True and perfect mariage and continual liuing in the same without carnal copulation Aug. lib. 2. Consen Euang. c. 1. 20. Borne in her The triple good or perfection of mariage accomplished in the parents of Christ to wit Issue Fidelitie Sacrament Aug. de nup. conc li. 1. c. 11. 23. A Virgin Our Sauiour borne in mariage but yet of a Virgin would honour both states and withal teacheth vs agaynst Iouinian the old Heretike and these of our time that virginity and the continent life are preferred before mariage that hath carnal copulation See S. Hierom. adu Iouin and S. Greg. Nazianz. Ser. 20. de studio in pauperes in initio 23. A Virgin As our Ladie both a virgin and a mother brought forth Christ the head corporally so the Churche a virgin and a mother bringeth forth the members of this head spiritually Aug. li. de Virg. ca. 2. 23. And bring forth The Heretike Ioulnian is here refuted holding that her virginity was corrupted in bringing forth Christ Aug. har 28. Li. 1 cont Iulian. c. 2. 25. Til First-borne Heluidius of old abused these wordes til and first-borne agaynst the perpetual virginity of our B. Ladie Hiero. cont Helu which truth though not expressed in Scripture yet our Aduersaries also do graunt and Heluidius for denial therof was condemned for an heretike by tradition only Aug. har 14. CHAP. II. The Gentils come vnto Christ with their offerings and that so openly that the Iewes can not pretend ignorance 1 The Iewes with Herode conspire against him 13 He therevpon fleeth from them into Aegypt 16 They afterward seing their subteltie preuailed not imagined to oppresse him by open persecution 19 But they at length dyed and he returneth to the land of Israel al according to the Scriptures verse 1 WHEN IESVS therfore vvas borne in Bethlehem of Iuda in the dayes of Herod the King ″ behold there came Sages from the East to Hierusalem ✝ verse 2 saying vvhere is he that is borne King of the Ievves For vve haue seene his ″ starre in the East and ″ are come to adore him ✝ verse 3 And Herod the King hearing this vvas troubled al Hierusalem vvith him ✝ verse 4 And assembling together al the high Priestes the Scribes of the people he ″ inquired of them vvhere Christ should be borne ✝ verse 5 But they sayd to him In Bethlehē of Iuda For so it is vvritten by the Prophet ✝ verse 6 And thou Bethlehem the land of Iuda art not the least among the Princes of Iuda for out of thee shal come forth the Capitaine that shal rule my people Israel ✝ verse 7 Then Herod secretly calling the Sages learned diligently of them the time of the starre which appeared to them ✝ verse 8 and sending them into Bethlehem sayd Goe and inquire diligently of the childe and when you shal finde him make reporte to me that I also may come and adore him ✝ verse 9 Who hauing heard the king went their way and behold the starre which they had seen in the East went before them vntil it came stoode ouer where the childe was ✝ verse 10 And seing the starre they reioyced vvith exceding great ioy ✝ verse 11 And entring into the house they found the childe vvith MARIE his mother falling dovvne ″ adored him and opening their ″ treasures they offered to him ″ giftes gold frankincense myrrhe ✝ verse 12 And hauing receiued an ansvver in sleepe that they should not returne to Herod they vvent backe an other vvay into their countrey ⊢ ✝ verse 13 And after they vvere departed behold an Angel of our Lord appeared in sleepe to Ioseph saying Arise take the childe his mother flee into Aegypt and be there vntil I shal tel the. For it vvil come to passe that Herod vvil seeke the childe to destroy him ✝ verse 14 Who arose tooke the childe and his mother by night and retyred into Aegypt and he vvas there vntil the death of Herod ✝ verse 15 that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas spoken of our Lord by the Prophet saying ″ Out of Aegypt haue I called my sonne ✝ verse 16 Then Herod perceauing that he vvas deluded by the Sages Was exceding angrie and sending ″ murdered al the men children that vvere in Bethlehem in al the borders therof from tvvo yere old vnder according to the time vvhich he had diligently sought out of the Sages ✝ verse 17 Then was fulfilled that vvhich vvas spoken by Ieremie the Prophet saying ✝ verse 18 A voice in Rama vvas heard crying out much vvayling Rachel bevvayling her children vvould not be comforted because they are not ⊢ ✝ verse 19 But vvhen Herod vvas dead behold an Angel of our Lord appeared in sleepe to Ioseph in Aegypt ✝ verse 20 saying Arise and take the childe his mother goe into the land of Israel for they are dead that sought the life of the childe ✝ verse 21 who arose tooke the childe his mother and
came into the land of Israel ✝ verse 22 But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Ievvrie for Herod his father he feared to goe thither and being vvarned in sleepe retyred into the quarters of Galilee ✝ verse 23 And coming he dvvelt in a citie called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas sayd by the Propheres That he shal be called a Nazarite ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Behold Our Lordes apparition or Epiphanie to these Sages being Gentils their Pilgrimage to him and in them the first homage of Gentilitie done vnto him the twelfth day after his Natiuitie and therfore is Twelfth day highly celebrated in the Catholike Churche for ioy of the calling of vs Gentils His baptisme also and first miracle are celebrated on the same day 2. Starre Christs Natiuitie depended not vpon this starre as the Priscillianists falsely surmised but the starre vpon his Natiuitie for the seruice wherof it was created Grego Ho. 10. 2. Come to adore This coming so far of deuotion to visite and adore Christ in the place of his birth was proprely a Pilgrimage to his person and warranteth the faithful in the like kind of external worship done to holy persons places and things 4. Inquired of them The high Priests were rightly consulted in quaestion of their law and religion and be they neuer so il are often forced to say the truth by priuilege of their v●ction as here and after they did concerning the true Messias 11. Adored him This body saith S. Chrysostom the Sages adored in the cribbe Let vs at the least imitate them thou seest him not now in the cribbe but on the altar not a woman holding him but the Priest present and the Holy Ghost powred out aboundantly vpon the sacrifice Ho. 24. in 1. Cor. Ho. 7. in Mt. Ho. de sancto Philogonio 11. Treasures These treasures are as it were the first fruites of those riches and gifts which according to the Prophecies of Dauid and Esay Gentilitie should offer to Christ and his Churche and now haue offered specially from the time of Constantine the Great As also these three Sages being principal men of their Countrie represent the whole state of Princes kings and Emperours that were according to the said Prophecies to beleeue in Christ to humble them selues to his crosse to foster enriche adorne and defend his Church Wherevpon it is also a very conuenient and agreable tradition of antiquitie and a receiued opinion among the faithful * not lacking testimonies of ancient writers and much for the honour of our Sauiour that these three also were kings to Witte either according to the state of those Countries * where the Princes were Magi and * Magi the greatest about the Prince or as we read in the Scriptures of Melchisedec king of Salem and many other kings that dwelt within a small compasse or as * Iobes three freendes are called kings These are commonly called the three kings of Colen because their bodies are there translated thither from the East Countrie their names are said to haue been Gaspar Melchior Baltasar 11. Gifts These Sages were three and their gifts three and eche one offered euerie of the three to expresse our faith of the Trinitie The Gold to signifie that he was a King the frankincense that he was God the myrrhe that he was to be buried as man Aug. ser i. de Epiph. 15. Out of Aegypt This place of the Prophete and the like in the new Testament here applied to Christ wheras in the letter it might seeme otherwise reacheth vs how to interprete the old Testament and that the principal sense is of Christ and his Churche 16. Murdered By this example we learne how great credite we owe to the Churche in Canonizing Saints and celebrating their holy daies by whose only warrant without any word of Scripture these holy Innocents haue been honoured for Martyrs and their holy day kept euer since the Apostles time although they died not voluntarily nor al perhaps circuncised and some the children of Pagans Aug. ep ●● Orig. ho. 1. in diuersos CHAP. III. Iohn Baptist by his Eremites life by his preaching and baptisme calleth al vnto penance to prepare them to Christ 10. He preacheth to the Pharisees and Sadducees threatening to them vnles they truly doe penance reprobation here and damnation hereafter and so saluation sendeth them to Christ and his baptisme Which being far more excellent then Iohns yet Christ him self among those penitents vouchsafeth to come vnto Iohns baptisme where he hath testimonie from heauen also verse 1 AND in those dayes * cometh Iohn the Baptist preaching in the ″ desert of Ievvrie ✝ verse 2 saying ″ Doe penance for the Kingdom of heauen is at hand ✝ verse 3 For this is he that vvas spoken of by Esay the Prophet saying A voyce of one crying in the desert prepare ye the way of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 And the sayd Iohn had his garment of camels heare a girdle of a skinne about his loynes and his meate was locustes vvilde honie ✝ verse 5 Then vvent forth to him Hierusalem al Ievvrie and al the countrey about Iordan ✝ verse 6 vvere baptized of him in Iordan ″ confessing their sinnes ✝ verse 7 And seeing many of the Pharisees Sadducées coming to his baptisme he sayd to them Ye vipers brood vvho hath shevved you to flee from the vvrath to come ✝ verse 8 Yeld therfore ″ fruite vvorthie of penance ✝ verse 9 And delite not to say vvithin your selues vve haue Abraham to our father for I tel you that God is able of these stones to raise vp children to Abraham ✝ verse 10 For novv the ″ axe is put to the roote of the trees Euery tree therefore that doth not yeld good fruite shal be cut dovvne cast into the fyre ✝ verse 11 I in deede baptize you ″ in vvater vnto penance but he that shal come after me is stronger then I vvhose shoes I am not vvorthie to beare he shal baptize you in the Holy Ghost fire ✝ verse 12 Whose fanne is in his hand and he shal cleane purge his ″ floore and he vvil gather his vvheate into the barne but the chaffe he vvil burne vvith vnquencheable fire ✝ verse 13 Then cometh IESVS from Galilee to Iordan vnto Iohn to be baptized of him ✝ verse 14 But Iohn stayed him saying I ought to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me ✝ verse 15 And IESVS ansvvering sayd to him Suffer me for this time for so it becommeth vs to fulfil al iustice Then he suffered him ✝ verse 16 And IESVS being baptized forthvvith came out of the vvater and loe the heauens vvere ″ opened to him and he savv the Spirit of God descending as a doue coming vpon him ✝ verse 17 And behold a voyce from heauen saying This is
✝ verse 9 And in vaine do they vvorshippe me teaching doctrines and ″ commaundements of men ✝ verse 10 And hauing called together the multitudes vnto him he said to them Heare ye and vnderstand ✝ verse 11 ″ Not that vvhich entreth into the mouth defileth a man but that vvhich procedeth out of the mouth that defileth a man ✝ verse 12 Then came his Disciples and said to him Doest thou knovv that the Pharisees vvhen they heard this vvord vvere scandalized ✝ verse 13 But he ansvvering sayd All planting vvhich my heauenly father hath not planted shal be rooted vp ✝ verse 14 Let them alone blinde they are guides of the blinde And if the blinde be guide to the blinde both fall into the ditch ✝ verse 15 And Peter ansvvering sayd to him Expound vs this parable ✝ verse 16 But he sayd Are you also as yet vvithout vnderstanding ✝ verse 17 Do you not vnderstand that al that entreth into the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast forth into the priuy ✝ verse 18 But the things that proceede out of the mouth come forth from the hart and those things ″ defile a man ✝ verse 19 For from the hart come forth euil cogitations murders aduoutries fornications thefts false testimonies blasphemies ✝ verse 20 These are the things that defile a man but to eate vvith vnvvashen hands doeth not defile a man ⊢ ✝ verse 21 And IESVS vvent forth from thence and retired into the quarters of Tyre and Sidon ✝ verse 22 And behold * a vvoman of Chanaan came forth out of those coastes and crying out sayd to him Haue mercie vpon me O lord the Sonne of Dauid my daughter is sore vexed of a Deuil ✝ verse 23 Who ansvvered her not a vvord And his Disciples came and besought him saying Dimisse her because she crieth out after vs ✝ verse 24 And he ansvvering said I vvas not sent but to the sheepe that are lost of the house of Israel ✝ verse 25 But she came and adored him saying Lord help me ✝ verse 26 Who ansvvering said It is not good to take the bread of the Children and to cast it to the dogges ✝ verse 27 But she said Yea lord for the vvhelpes also eate of the crummes that fal from the table of their maisters ✝ verse 28 Then IESVS ansvvering said to her O vvoman great is thy faith be it done to thee as thou vvilt and her daughter vvas made hole from that houre ⊢ ✝ verse 29 And vvhen IESVS vvas passed from thence he came beside the sea of Galilee and ascending into the mountaine sare there ✝ verse 30 And there came to him great multitudes hauing vvith them dumme persons blinde lame feeble and many others and they cast them dovvne at his feete and he cured them ✝ verse 31 so that the multitudes marueled seeing the dumme speake the lame vvalke the blinde see and they magnified the God of Israel ✝ verse 32 And * IESVS called together his Disciples and said I pitie the multitude because three dayes novv they continue vvith me and haue not vvhat to eate and dimisse them fasting I vvil not lest they fainte in the vvay ✝ verse 33 And the disciples say vnto him vvhence then may vve gette so many loaues in the desert as to fil so great a multitude ✝ verse 34 And IESVS sayd to them Hovv many loaues haue you but they sayd Seuen a fevv litle fishes ✝ verse 35 And he commaunded the multitude to sit dovvne vpon the ground ✝ verse 36 And taking the seuen loaues the fishes and geuing thankes he brake gaue to his disciples and the disciples gaue to the people ✝ verse 37 And they did al eate and had their fill And that vvhich vvas left of the fragments they tooke vp seuen baskets ful ✝ verse 38 And there vvere that did eate foure thousand men beside children vvomen ✝ verse 39 And hauing dimissed the multitude he vvent vp into a boate and came into the coastes of Magedan ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 8. With their lippes This is to be vnderstood properly of such as haue euer God in their mouth the word of our Lord the Scriptures the Gospel but in their hart and al their life be in deede Godles It may be applied also to such as say their prayers without attention or eleuation of mind to God whether he vnderstand the prayers or no that saith them For many a poore Christian man that vnderstandeth not the wordes he speaketh hath his hart neerer heauen more seruor and deuotion more edification to him self more profite in spirit as the Apostle speaketh and lesse distractions then not only al Heretikes Which haue no true feeling of such things but then many learned Catholikes And therefore it is not to be vnderstood of praying in vnknowen tongues as Heretikes sometime expound it farre wide from the circumstance of the place and Christes intention speaking of the hypocritical Iewes 9. Commaundements of men Such only are here called traditions doctrines or commaundements of men which be either repugnant to Gods lawes as this of defrauding their parents vnder pretense of religion or which at the lest be friuolous vnprofitable and impertinent to pietle or true worshipe as that other sort of so often Washing hands and vessels without regard of inward puritie of hart and mind Let no man therefore be abused with the Protestants peruerse application of this place against the holy lawes canons and precepts of the Church and our spiritual Gouernours concerning fastes festiuities and other rules of discipline and due order in life and in the seruice of God For such are not repugnant but consonant to Gods word and al pietie and our Lord is truely honoured worshiped and serued both by the making and also by the obseruing of them * S. Paul gaue commaundements both by his epistles and by word of mouth euen in such matters wherein Christ had prescribed nothing at al and he chargeth the faithful to obserue the same The Apostles and Priests at Hierusalem made lawes and the Christians were bound to obey them The keeping of Sunday in steede of the Sabboth is the tradition of the Apostles and dare the Heretikes deny the due obsentation therof to be an acceptable worshipe of God They prescribed the Festes of Easter and whitsontide and other Solemnities of Christ and his Saincts which the Protestants them selues obserue They appointed the Lent and Imber fastes and other as wel to chastise the concupiscence of man as to serue and please God thereby as is plaine in the fasting of * Anna Tobie Iudith Esther who serued and pleased God thereby Therefore neither these nor other such Apostolike Ordinances nor any precepts of the holy Church or of our lawful Pastors are implied in these Pharisaical traditions here reprehended nor to be compted or called the doctrines and commaundements of men because they are not made by mere humane power
case to be assured that Christs faith shal be preached and the Church spred through out al Nations the Holy Ghost concurring continually with the Apostles and their Successors for the same 11. Assumpted from you By this visible Ascending of Christ to heauen and like returne from thence to iudgement the Heretikes do incredulously argue him not to be in the Sacrament But let the faithful rather giue eare to S. Chrysostome saying thus O miracle he that sitteth vvith the Father in heauen aboue at the very same time is handled of men beneath Christ ascending to heauen both hath his flesh vvith him and left it vvith vs beneath Eliae● being taken vp left to his Disciple his cloke only but the Sonne of man ascending left his ovvne flesh to vs. Li. ● de Sacerd. Ho. 2 ad po Ant. in fine Ho. de diuit paup in fine 14. MARIE the mother of IESVS This is the last mention that is made in holy Scripture of our B Lady for though she were ful of al diuine wisedom and opened no doubt vnto the Euangelistes and other writers of holy Scriptures diuerse of Christs actions speaches and mysteries whereof she had both experimental and reuealed knowledge Yet for that she was a woman and the humblest creature liuing and the paterne of al order and obedience it pleased not God that there should be any further note of her life doings or death in the Scriptures She liued the rest of her time with the Christians as here she is peculiarly named and noted among them and specially with S. Iohn the Apostle * to whom our Lord recommended her Who prouided for her al necessaries her spouse Ioseph as it may be thought being deceased before The common opinion is that she liued 63 yeres in al. At the time of her death as S. Denys first after him S. Damascene de dormit Deiparae writeth al the Apostles then dispersed into diuers nations to preache the Gospel were miraculously brought together sauing S. Thomas who came the third day after to Hierusalem to honour her diuine departure and funeral as the said S. Denys witnesseth Who saith that him self S. Timothee and S. Hierotheus were present testifying also of his owne hearing that both before here death and after for three daies not onely the Apostles and other holy men present but the Angels also and Powers of heauen did sing most melodious Hymnes They buried her sacred body in Gethsémaui but for S. Thomas sake who desired to see and to reuerence it they opened the sepulcher the third day and finding it void of the holy body but excedingly fragrant they returned assuredly deeming that her body was assumpted into heauen as the Church of God holdeth being most agreable to the singular priuilege of the mother of God and therfore celebrateth most solemnely the day of her Assumption And that is consonant not onely to the said S. Denys and S. Damascene but to holy Athanasius also who auoucheth the same Serm. in Euang. de Deipara of which Assumption of her body S. Bernard also wrote fiue notable sermons extant in his workes But neither these holy fathers nor the Churches tradition and testimonie do beare any sway now a daies with the Protestants that haue abolished this her greatest feast of her Assumption who of reason should at the least celebrate it as the day of her death as they doe of other Saincts For though they beleeue not that her body is assumpted yet they wil not we trow deny that she is dead and her soule in glorie neither can they aske scriptures for that no more then they require for the deathes of Peter Paul Iohn and other vvhich be not mentioned in scriptures yet are still celebrated by the Protestants But concerning the B. Virgin MARIE they haue blotted out also both her Natiuitie and her Conception so as it may be thought the Diuel beareth a special malice to this woman whose seede brake his head For as for the other two daies of her Purification Aununciation they be not proper to our Lady but the one to Christs Conception the other to his Presentation so that she by this meanes shal haue no festiuitie at al. But contrariwise to consider how the auncient Church and fathers esteemed spake and wrote of this excellent vessel of grace may make vs detest these mens impietie that can not abide the praises of her whom al generations should call blessed and that esteeme her honours a derogatiō to her sonne Some of their speaches we wil set downe that al men may see that we neither praise her nor pray to her more amply then they did S. Athan●sius in the place alleaged after he had declared how al the Angelical spirits and euery order of them honoured and praised her with the AVE wherewith S. Gabriel saluted her We also saith he of al degrees vpon the earth ●xtol thee with loude voice saying Au● gratia plena c. Haile ful of grace our Lord is vvith thee pray for vs 〈◊〉 Maistresse and Lady and Queens and mother of God Most holy and auncient Ephrem also in a special oration made in praise of our Lady saith thus in diuerse places thereof Intemerata De●p●●● c. Mother of God vndifiled Queene of al the hope of them that despaire my lady most glorious higher them the heauenly spirit● more honorable then the Cherubins holier then the Seraphins and vvithout comparison more glorious thē the supernal hostes the hope of the fathers the glorie of the Prophets the praise of the Apostles And a litle after Virgo ante partum in partu post partum by thee vve are reconciled to Christ my God thy sonne thou art the helper of sinners thou the hauen for them that are tossed vvith stormes the solam of the vvorld the deliuerer of the emprisoned the helpe of orphans the redemption of captiues And afterward Vouchsafe me thy seruant to praise thee Haile lady MARIE ful of grace haile Virgin most blesed among vvomen And much more in that sense which were to long to repeate S. Cyril hath the like wonderful speaches of her honour hom 6. contra Naestorium Praise and glorie be to thee ● holy Trinitieito thee also be praise holy mother of God for thou art the pretious pearle of the vvorld thou the candel of vnquencheable light the crovvne of Virginitis the scepter of the Catholike faith By thee the Trinitie is glorified and adored in al the vvorld by thee heauen reioyceth Angels and Archangels are glad diuels are put to flight and man is called againe to heauen and euery creature that vvas held vvith the errour of Idols is turned to the knowledge of the truth by thee Churches are foūded through the world thee being their helper the Gentiles come to penance and much more which we omit Likewise the Greeke Liturgies or Masses of S. Iames S. Basil and
their coastes ✝ verse 51 But they * shaking of the dust of their fecte against them came to Icónium ✝ verse 52 The disciples also vvere replenished vvith ioy and vvith the holy Ghost ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 2. As they vvere ministring If vve should as our Aduersaries do boldly turne vvhat text vve list and flee from one language to an other for the aduantage of our cause vve might haue translated for ministring sacrificing for so * the Greeke doth signifie and so Erasmus translated yea vve might haue translated Saying Masse for so they did and the Greeke Fathers here of had their name Liturgie vvhich Erasmus translateth Masse saying Missa Chrysostomi But vve keepe our text as the translators of the Scriptures should do most religiously 2. Separate me Though Paul vvere taught by God him self and specially designed by Christ to be an Apostle and here chosen by the Holy Ghost together vvith Barnabas yet they vvere to be ordered consecrated and admitted by men Vvhich vvholy condemneth al these nevv rebellious disordered spirites that chalenge and vsurpe the office of preaching and other sacred actions from heauen vvithout the Churches admission 3. Fasting Hereof the Church of God vseth and prescribeth publike fastes at the foure soléue times of giuing holy Orders vvhich are our Imber daies as a necessarie preparatiue to so great a vvorke as S. Leo declareth by this place naming it also an Apostolical tradition See S. Leo Ser. 9 de ieiuni● 7 mensis Calixtus ep 1. to 1. Conc. Conc. Magunt c. 34. 35. to 3. And this fasting vvas not fasting from sinne nor moral or Christian temperance as the Protestants ridiculously affirme for such fasting they vvere bound euer to keepe but it vvas abstinence for a time from al meates or from some certaine kindes of meates vvhich vvas ioyned vvith praier and sacrifice and done specially at such seasons as the Church prescribed of al together as in Lent the Imber daies Friday Saturday and not vvhen euery man list as Aërius and such Heretikes did hold S. August har 53. 3. Imposing hands Because al blessings and consecrations vvere done in the Apostles time by the external ceremonie of imposition of hands diuers Sacraments vvere named of the same specially Confirmation as is noted before and holy Ordering or consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons and Subdeacons as vve see here and els vvhere In vvhich though there vvere many holy vvordes and ceremonies and a very solemne action yet vvhatsoeuer is done in those Sacraments is altogether called Imposition of hands as vvhatsoeuer vvas done in the vvhole diuine mysterie of the B. Sacrament is named fraction of bread for the Apostles as S. Denys Eccl. bier c. 1 in fine vvriteth purposely kept close in their open speaches and vvritings vvhich might come to the hands or eares of Infidels the sacred vvordes and actions of the Sacraments And S. Ambrose saith in 1 Tim. c. 4. The imposition of the hand is mystical vvordes vvherevvith the elected is conformed and made apt to his function receiuing authoritie his conscience bearing vvitnes that he may be bold in our Lordes steed to offer sacrifice to God And S. Hierom The imposition of hand is the Ordering of Clerkes Which is done by praier of the voice and imposition of the hand And this is in some inferior orders also but Paul and Barnabas vvere ordered to a higher function then inferior Priests euen to be Bishops through out al Nations 4. Sent of the Holy Ghost Vvhosoeuer be sent by the Church are sent of the Holy Ghost though in such an extraordinarie sort it be not done Vvhereby vve see hovv far the Officers of our soules in the Church do passe the temporal Magistrates vvho though they be of Gods ordinance yet not of the Holy Ghosts special calling CHAP. XIIII Naxt in Iconi●● they preach vvhere many being conuerted of both sortes the obstinate Ievves raise persecution 6 Then in the tovvnes of Lyca●nīa vvhere the Heathen first seing that Paul had healed one borne lame are hardly persuaded but they are Gods 18 but aftervvard by the instigation of the malitious Ievves they stone Paul leauing him for dead 20 And so hauing done their circuite they returne the same vvay confirming the Christians and making Priests for euery Church 2● And being come home to Antioche in Syria they report al to the Church there verse 1 AND it came to passe at Iconium that they entred together into the synagogue of the Ievves and so spake that a very great multitude of Ievves and of the Greekes did beleeue ✝ verse 2 But the Ievves that vvere incredulous stirred vp and incensed the hartes of the Gentils to anger against the brethren ✝ verse 3 A long time therfore they abode dealing confidently in our Lord vvho gaue testimonie to the vvord of his grace graunting signes and vvonders to be done by their handes ✝ verse 4 And the multitude of the citie vvas deuided and certaine of them in deede vvere vvith the Ievves but certaine vvith the Apostles ✝ verse 5 And vvhen the Gentils and the Ievves vvith their princes had made an assault to vse them contumeliously and to stone them ✝ verse 6 vnderstanding it they fled to the cities of Lycaónia Lystra and Derbé and the vvhole countrie about and there they vvere euangelizing ✝ verse 7 And a certaine man at Lystra impotent of his feete sate there lame from his mothers vvombe that neuer had vvalked ✝ verse 8 This same heard Paul speaking Vvho looking vpon him and seeing that he had faith for to be saued ✝ verse 9 he said vvith a loud voice Stand vp right on thy feete And he leaped vvalked ✝ verse 10 And the multitudes vvhen they had seen vvhat Paul had done lifted vp their voice in the lycaónian tongue saying Gods made like to men are descended to vs. ✝ verse 11 And they called Barnabas Iupiter but Paul Mercurie because he vvas the cheefe speaker ✝ verse 12 The Priest also of Iupiter that vvas before the citie bringing oxen garlands before the gates vvould vvith the people ″ sacrifice ✝ verse 13 Vvhich thing vvhen the Apostles Barnabas Paul heard renting their coates they leaped forth into the multitudes crying ✝ verse 14 and saying Ye men vvhy doe you these things Vve also are mortal men like vnto you preaching to you for to conuert from these vaine things to the liuing God that made the heauen and the earth and the sea and al things that are in them ✝ verse 15 vvho in the generations past suffred al the Gentils to goe their ovvne vvaies ✝ verse 16 Hovvbeit he left not him self vvithout testimonie being beneficial from heauen giuing raines and fruiteful seasons filling our hartes vvith foode gladnes ✝ verse 17 And speaking these things they scarse appeased the multitudes from sacrificing to them ✝ verse 18 But there came in certaine Ievves from Antioche
9 to many other good actions 17 and specially to louing of their enemies verse 1 I BESECH you therfore brethren by the mercie of God * that you exhibite your bodies ″ a liuing host holy pleasing God your reasonable seruice ✝ verse 2 And be not conformed to this vvorld but be reformed in the newnes of your minde * that you may proue vvhat the good and acceptable and perfect vvil of God is ✝ verse 3 for I say by the grace that is giuen me to al that are among you not to be more vvise then behoueth to be vvise but to be vvise vnto sobrietie * to euery one as God hath deuided the measure of faith ✝ verse 4 For as in one body vve haue many members but al the members haue not one action ✝ verse 5 so vve being many are one body in Christ eche one an others members ⊢ ✝ verse 6 And hauing giftes according to the grace that is giuen vs differēt either prophecie ″ according to the rule of faith ✝ verse 7 or ministerie in ministring or he that teacheth in doctrine ✝ verse 8 he that exhorteth in exhorting he that giueth in simplicitie he that ruleth in carefulnes he that shevveth mercie in cheerefulnes ✝ verse 9 Loue vvithout simulation Hating euil cleauing to good ✝ verse 10 Louing the charitie of the brotherhod one toward an other Vvith honour preuenting one an other ✝ verse 11 In carefulnes not slouthful In spirit feruent Seruing our Lord. ✝ verse 12 Reioycing in hope Patient in tribulation Instant in praier ✝ verse 13 Communicating to the necessities ' of the sainctes Pursuing hospitalitie ✝ verse 14 Blesse them that persecute you blesse and curse not ✝ verse 15 To reioyce vvith them that reioyce to vveepe vvith them that vveepe ✝ verse 16 Being of one minde one tovvard an other Not minding high things but cōsenting to the humble ⊢ Be not vvise in your ovvne conceite ✝ verse 17 To no man rendring euil for euil Prouiding good things not only before God but also before al men ✝ verse 18 If it may be as much as is in you hauing peace vvith al men ✝ verse 19 Not reuenging your selues my deerest but giue place vnto vvrath for it is vvritten Reuenge to me I vvil revvard saith our Lord. ✝ verse 20 but if thine enemie hunger giue him meate if he thirst giue him drinke for doing this thou shalt heape coales of fire vpon his head ✝ verse 21 Be not ouercome of euil but ouercome in good the euil ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 1. A liuing host Lest men should thinke by the former discourse of Gods eternal predestination that no reward were to be had of good life and workes the Apostle now earnestly recommendeth to them holinesse of life 1. A liuing host Man maketh his body a sacrifice to God by giuing it to suffer for him by chastising it vvith fasting vvatching and such like and by occupying it in workes of charitie and vertue to Gods honour whereby appeareth how acceptable these workes are to God and grateful in his sight being compared to a sacrifice which is an high seruice done to him 6. According to the rule of faith By this and many places of holy write we may gather that the Apostles by the holy Ghost before they were sundered into diuers Nations set downe among them selues a certaine Rule and forme of faith and doctrine conteining not onely the Articles of the Crede but al other principles groundes and the whole platforme of al the Christian religion Which Rule was before any of the bookes of the new Testment were written before the faith was preached among the Gentiles by vvhich not onely euery other inseriout teachers doctrine was tried but al the Apostles and Euangelistes preaching vvriting interpreting which is here called prophecying were of gods Church appointed and admitted or disproued and reiected This forme by mouth and not by Scripture euery Apostle deliuered to the countrie by them conuerted For keeping of this forme the Apostle before praised the Romanes and afterward earnestly warneth them by no man 〈◊〉 speache to be drawen from the same This he commendeth to Timothee calling it his 〈◊〉 For not holding this fast and sure he blameth the Galatians further also denouncing to him self or an Angel that should write teach or expound against that which they first receiued 〈…〉 and commanding alwaies to bevvare of them that taught otherwise For feare of missing this line of truth him self notwithstanding he had the Holy Ghost yet lest he might haue preached in vaine and lost his labour he went to conferre with Peter and the rest for tho fast keeping of this Rule of truth the Apostles held Councels and their successors by their example For the holding of this Rule and by the measure thereof were al the holy Scriptures written for and by the same al the glorious doctors haue made their sermons commendries and interpretations Gods vvork al vvritings and interpretatiōs no otherwise admitted nor deemed to be of God but as they be agreable to this Rule And this is the sure Analogies 〈◊〉 measure of faith set downe and commended to vs euery where for the Apostles tradition and not the phantastical rule or square that euery Sectmaister pretendeth to gather out of the Scriptures falsely vnderstood and wrested to his purpose by which they iudge of doctor Scripture Church and al. Arîus had by that meanes a rule of his owne Luther had his false weightes and Caluin his owne also According to which seueral measure of euery Sect they haue their expositions of Gods word and in England as in other infected Countries they kept of lare an apish imitation of this prophecying which S. Paul here and in other places speaketh of and which was an exercise in the primitiue Church measured not by euery mans peculiar spirit but by the former Rule of faith first set downe by the Apostles And therfore al this new phantastical Prophecying al other preaching in Caluins schoole is iustly by this note of the Apostle condemned for that it is not according to but quite against the Rule of faith CHAP. XIII To yeld obedience and al other duties vnto Potestats 8 to loue their neighbour vvhich is the fulfilling of the Lavv 11 and specially to consider that novv being the time of grace vve must doe nothing that may not beseeme day light verse 1 LET ″ euery soul be subiect to higher powers for there is ″ no povver but of God And those that are of God are ordeined ✝ verse 2 Therfore he that resisteth the povver resisteth the ordinance of God And ″ they that resist purchase to them selues damnatiō ✝ verse 3 for princes are no feare to the good worke but to the euil But wilt thou not feare the povver Doe good and thou shalt haue praise of the same ✝ verse 4
the Epistle to the Romanes but here lesse exactly and more briefly because the Galatians vvere very rude and the Romanes contrarivvise repleti omni scientia Rom. 15. replenished vvith al knovvledge THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE GALATIANS CHAP. I. After the foundation laide in the salutation ● 6 he exclaimeth against the Galatians and their false apostles 1● considering that the Gospel vvhich he preached to thē he had it immediatly of Christ him self 13 Vvhich to shevv he beginneth to tel the storie of his conuersion and preaching since then that as he learned nothing of the other Apostles so yet he had their approbation verse 1 PAVL an Apostle not of men ″ neither by man but by IESVS Christ and God the Father that raised him from the dead ✝ verse 2 and al the brethren that are vvith me to the churches of Galatia ✝ verse 3 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 4 vvho gaue him self for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs from this present vvicked vvorld according to the vvil of our God and father ✝ verse 5 to vvhom is glorie for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 6 I maruel that thus so soone you are transferred from him that called you into the grace of Christ vnto an other Gospel ✝ verse 7 vvhich is not an other vnles there be some that trouble you and vvil inuert the Gospel of Christ ✝ verse 8 But although we ″ or an Angel from heauen euāgelize to you beside that vvhich vve haue euangelized to you be he anáthema ✝ verse 9 As vve haue said before so novv I say againe If any euangelize to you beside that vvhich you haue receiued be he anáthema ✝ verse 10 For do I novv vse persuasion to men or to God Or do I seeke to please men If I yet did please men I should not be the seruant of Christ ✝ verse 11 For I doe you to vnderstand brethren the Gospel that vvas euangelized of me that it is not according to man ✝ verse 12 For neither did I receiue it of man no● learne 〈◊〉 but by the reuelation of IESVS Christ ✝ verse 13 For you haue heard my cōuersation sometime in Iudaisme that aboue measure I persecuted the Church of God and expugned it ✝ verse 14 and profited in Iudaisme aboue many of mine equales in my nation being more aboundantly an emulator of the traditions of my fathers ✝ verse 15 But vvhen it pleased him that separated me from my mothers vvombe and called me by his grace to reueale his sonne in me ✝ verse 16 that I should euangelize him among the Gentils incontinent I condescended not to flesh and bloud ✝ verse 17 neither came I to Hierusalem to the Apostles my antecessors but I vvent into Arabia and againe I returned to Damascus ✝ verse 18 Then after three yeres I came to Hierusalem ″ to see Peter and taried with him fiftene daies ✝ verse 19 But other of the Apostles savv I none sauing Iames the brother of our Lord. ✝ verse 20 And the things that I vvrite to you behold before God that I lie not ⊢ ✝ verse 21 After that I came into the partes of Syria and Cilicia ✝ verse 22 And I vvas vnknowen by sight to the churches of Ievvrie that vvere in Christ ✝ verse 23 but they had heard only That he vvhich persecuted vs sometimes doth novv euangelize the faith vvhich sometime he expugned ✝ verse 24 and in me they glorified God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 1. Neither by man Though he vvere not first by mans election nomination or assignement but by Gods ovvne special appointmēt chosen to be an Apostle yet by the like expresse ordinance of God he tooke orders or imposition of hands of men as is plaine Act. 18. Let vs bevvare then of such false Apostles as novv a daies intrude them selues to the office of Ministerie and preaching neither called of God nor rightly ordered of men ● Or an Angel Many vvorthie obseruations are made in the fathers vvritings of the earnest admonition of the Apostle and much may vve gather of the text it self first that the credit of any man or Angel for vvhat learning eloquence shevv of grace or vertue so euer though he vvrought miracles should not moue a Christian man from that truth vvhich he hath once receiued in the Catholike Church of vvhich point Vincentius Li●inensis excellently treateth li. cont profan hares Nouitates Vvhereby vve may see that it is great pitie and shame that so many folovv Luther and Caluin and such other Ieude fellovves into a nevv Gospel vvhich are so farre from Apostles and Angels that they are not any vvhit comparable vvith the old Heretikes in giftes of learning or eloquence much lesse in good life Secondly S. Augustine noteth vpon the vvord Beside that not al other teaching or more preaching then the first is forbidden but such as is contrarie and disagreing to the rule of faith The Apostle did not say saith he If any man euangelize to you more then you haue receiued but beside that you receiued for if he should say that he should be preiudi●ial to him self vvho coueted to come to the Thessalonians that he might supply that vvhich vvas vvanting to their faith Novv he that supplieth addeth that vvhich vvas lacking taketh not avvay that vvhich vvas c. By vvhich vve see hovv friuolously and calumniously the Heretikes charge the Church vvith addition to the Scripture Thirdly as vvel by the vvord euangelizamus vve euangelize as the vvord accepistis you haue receiued vve may note that the first truth against vvhich no second Gospelling or doctrine may be admitted is not that onely vvhich he vvrote to the Galatians or vvhich is conteined either in his or any other of the Apostles or Euāgelistes vvritings but that vvhich vvas by vvord of mouth also preached taught or deliuered them first before he wrote to them Therfore the Aduersaries of the Church that measure the word of God or Gospel by the Scriptures onely thinking them selues not to incurre S. Paules curse except they teach directly against the vvritten vvord are fouly beguiled As therein also they any shamefully erre when they charge the Catholikes with addint to the Gospel when they teach any thing that is not in expresse wordes written by the Apostles or Euangelistes not marking that the Apostle in this Chapter and els where commonly calleth his his fellovves whole preaching the Gospel be it written or vnvvritten Fourthly by the same wordes we see condemned al after-preachings later doctrines new sectes and authors of the same that onely being true which was first by the Apostles and Apostolike men as the lavvful husbandmen of Christes fild sovved and planted in the Church and that false which was laten and as it vvere ouersovven by the enemie By which rule not onely Tertullian de praescript nu 6 9. but all other aūcient Doctors and specially S.
of Timothee to Thessadonica they mette not at Athens againe but at Corinth The first three chapters of it are to confirme and comfort them against the tentations of those persecutions The other tvvo are of exhortation to liue according to his preceptes namely in sanctification of their bodies and not in fornication to loue one an other to comfort one an other about their frendes departed vvith the doctrine of the Resurrection and vvith continuall preparation to die the laietie to obey and the Cleargie to be diligent in euery point of their office THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS CHAP. I. He thanketh G●● for them ● and gathereth that they are elect because his preaching at their first conuersion vvas vvith diuine povver and they on the other side receiued it vvith al ioy notvvithstanding the great persecution that vvas raised against them verse 1 PAVL and Siluanus and Timothee to the Church of the Thessalonians in God the Father our Lord IESVS Christ Grace to you and peace ✝ verse 2 Vve giue thankes to God alvvaies for al you making a memorie of you in our praiers without intermissiō ✝ verse 3 mindeful of the vvorke of your faith and labour and of the charitie of the enduring of the hope of our Lord IESVS Christ before God and our father ✝ verse 4 knovving brethren beloued of God your election ✝ verse 5 that our Gospel hath not been to you in word only but in povver and the holy Ghost and in much fulnesse as you knovv vvhat maner of men vve haue been among you for your sakes ✝ verse 6 And you became ″ folovvers of vs of our Lord receiuing the vvord in much tribulation vvith ioy of the holy Ghost ✝ verse 7 so that you were made a paterne to al that beleeue in Macedonia in Achaia ✝ verse 8 For from you vvas bruited the vvord of our Lord not only in Macedonia and in Achaia but in euery place your faith vvhich is to God vvard is proceded so that it is not necessarie for vs to speake any thing ✝ verse 9 For they them selues report of vs vvhat maner of entring vve had to you and how you are turned to God from Idols to serue the liuing and true God ✝ verse 10 and to expect his Sonne from heauen vvhom he raised vp from the dead IESVS vvho hath deliuered vs from the vvrath to come ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 6. Folovvere of vs. S. Paul is hold to commend them for imitation of him yea and to ioyne him self in that point vvith Christ to be their paterne to vvalke after Vvhere without curiositie he nameth him self first and our Lord aftervvard because he vvas a more neere and ready obiect then Christ vvho vvas not nor could not be folovved but through the preaching and conuersation of the Apostle vvho vvas in their sight or hearing And this imitation of some holy man or other hath made so many Religious men of diuers orders and rules al tending to the better imitation of Christ our Lord. See the like vvordes of the Apostle 1 Cor. 11. ● and Philip. 3 17. CHAP. II. No calleth euen them selues to vvitnes that his preaching vnto them vvas as he said in most commendable maner 〈◊〉 And againe on the other side he thanketh God for their maner of receiuing it that is vvith al ioy notvvithstanding the persecution of their ovvne citizens verse 1 FOR your selues knovv brethren our entrance vnto you that it vvas not vaine ✝ verse 2 but hauing suffered before and * been abused vvith contumelies as you knovv at Philippi vve had confidence in our God to speake vnto you the Gospel of God in much carefulnes ✝ verse 3 For our exhortation vvas not of errour nor of vncleannesse nor in deceite ✝ verse 4 but as vve vvere approued of God that the Gospel should be committed to vs so vve speake not as pleasing men but God vvho proueth our hartes ✝ verse 5 For neither haue we been at any time in the vvord of adulation as you knovv nor in occasion of auarice God is vvitnes ✝ verse 6 nor seeking glorie of men neither of you nor of others ✝ verse 7 Vvhereas vve might haue been a burdē to you as the Apostles of Christ but vve became children ' in the middes of you as if a nource I should cherish her children ✝ verse 8 so hauing a desire to you vve would gladly deliuer vnto you not only the Gospel of God but also our ovvne soules because you are become most deere vnto vs. ✝ verse 9 For you are mindeful brethren of * our labour and toile day night vvorking lest vve should charge any of you vve preached among you the Gospel of God ✝ verse 10 You are vvitnesses and God hovv holily and iustly and vvithout blame vve haue been to you that did beleeue ✝ verse 11 as you knovv in vvhat maner we desiring and comforting you haue adiured euery one of you as a father his children that you vvould vvalke vvorthie of God vvho hath called you into his kingdom and glorie ✝ verse 12 Therfore vve also giue thankes to God vvithout intermission because that vvhen you had receiued of vs the vvord of the hearing of God you receiued it not as the vvord of men but as it is in deede ″ the vvord of God who vvorketh in you that haue beleeued ✝ verse 13 For you brethren are become folovvers of the churches of God that be in Iewrie in Christ IESVS for you also haue suffered the same things of your ovvne lineage as they also of the Ievves ✝ verse 14 vvho both killed our Lord IESVS and the Prophets and haue persecuted vs and please not God and are aduersaries to al men ✝ verse 15 prohibiting vs to speake to the Gentiles that they may be saued to make vp their sinnes alvvaies for the vvrath of God is come vpon them euen to the end ✝ verse 16 But vve brethren depriued of you for a short time in sight not in hart haue hastened the more aboundantly to see your face vvith much desire ✝ verse 17 For vve vvould haue come to you I Paul certes once and againe but Satan hath hindred vs. ✝ verse 18 For vvhat is our hope or ioy or crovvne of glorie Are not you before our Lord IESVS Christ in his comming ✝ verse 19 For you are our glorie and ioy ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 12. The vvord of God The Aduersaries vvil haue no vvord of God but that vvhich is vvritten and conteined in the Scripture but here they might learne that al Paules preaching before he vvrote to them vvas the very vvord of God They might also learne that vvhat so euer the lavvful Apostles Pastors and Priestes of Gods Church preach in the vnitie of the same Church is to be taken for Gods ovvne vvord and ought not to be reputed of them for doctrines of men or ●●arisaical traditions as they falsly
chast not detracting sober faithful in al things ✝ verse 12 Let deacons be the husbandes of one vvife vvhich rule vvel their children their houses ✝ verse 13 For they that haue ministred vvel shal purchase to them selues a good degree and much confidence in the faith vvhich is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 14 These things I vvrite to thee hoping that I shal come to thee quickly ✝ verse 15 but if I tary long that thou maiest knovv how thou oughtest to conuerse ″ in the house of God which is the CHVRCH of the liuing God ″ the piller and ground of truth ✝ verse 16 And manifestly it is a great sacrament of pietie vvhich vvas manifested in flesh vvas iustified in spirit appeared to Angels hath beene preached to gentils is beleeued in the vvorld is assumpted in glorie ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. A good vvorke Nothing saith S. Augustine in this life and specially in this time is easier pleasanter or more acceptable to man then the office of a Bishop Priest or Deacon if the thing be done onely for fashion sake and ●●●●●ringly but nothing before God more miserable more lamentable more damnable Againe There is nothing in this life and specially at this time harder more laborious or more dangerous then the office of a Bishop Priest or Deacon but before God nothing more blessed if they vvarre in such sort as our Captaine commaundeth August ep 148. 2. A Bishop That vvhich is here spoken of a Bishop because the vvordes Bishop Priest in the nevv Testament be often taken indifferently for both or either of the tvvaine as is noted in an other place the same is meant of euery Priest also though the qualities here required ought to be more singular in the Bishop then in the Priest according to the difference of their degrees dignities and callings ● Of one vvife Certaine Bishops of Vigilantius sect vvhether vpon false construction of this text or through the filthines of their fleshly lust vvould take none to the Cleargie except they vvould be maried first not beleeuing saith S. Hierom aduers Vigilant c. 1. that any single man liueth chastly shevving hovv holily they liue them selues that suspect il of euery man and vvil not giue the Sacrament of Order to the Cleargie vnl●s they see their vviues haue great bellies and children vvalling at their mothers breastes Our Protestants though they be of Vigilantius sect yet they are scarse come so farre to commaund euery Priest to be maried Neuertheles they mislike them that vvill not marrie so much the vvorse and they suspect il of euery single person in the Church thinking the gift of chastitle to be very rare among them they do not onely make the state of mariage equal to chast single life vvith the Heretike Iouinian but they are bold to say sometimes that the Bishop or Priest may do his duety and charge better maried then single expresly against S. Paul vvho affirmeth that the vnmaried thinke of the things that belong to God and that the maried be diuersely distracted and intangled vvith the vvorld The Apostle then by this place vve novv treate of neither commaūdeth nor counseleth nor vvisheth nor vvould haue Bishops or Priests to marrie or such onely to be receiued as haue been maried but that such an one as hath been married so it vvere but once and that to a virgin may be made Bishop or Priest Which is no more then an inhibition that none hauing been tvvise maried or being bigamus should be admitted to that holy Order And this exposition onely is agreable to the practise of the vvhole Church the definition of aūcient Councels the doctrine of al the fathers vvithout exception and the Apostles tradition Vvhich sense S. Chrysostom vvholy folovveth vpon the Epistle to Titus though here he folovv not vvholy the same sense Ho. 2 in ep ad Tit. S. Ambrose also vpon this place and most plainely and largely in his 82 Epistle post med giuing the cause why bigamus can not be made Bishop or Priest in fine affirmeth not onely the Apostle but the holy Councel of Nice to haue taken order that none should be receiued into the Cleargie that vvere tvvise maried S. Hierom Ep. 83. ad Oceanum c. 2. ep ● c. 18. ep 11. ● 2 expresly vvriteth that the Cleargie is made of such as haue had but one vvife at least after Baptisme for he thought that if one vvere often maried vvhen he vvas yet no Christian he might notvvithstanding be ordered Bishop or Priest But S. Ambrose ep 82. S. Augustine de bono Coniug c. 18. S. Innocentius the first ep 2. c. 5. ● to 1. Concil S. Leo ep 87● S. Gregorie after them the vvhole Church exclude those also vvhich haue been tvvise maried vvhen so euer vvhereof S. Augustine giueth goodly reason and example in the place alleaged S. Leo ep 87 addeth further proueth that the mā is coūted bigamus not the husband of one vvife in respect of holy Orders not onely if he hath had tvvo vviues but if his one vvife vvere not a virgin vvhich being obserued in the high Priests of the old lavv must needes be much rather kept novv See also the booke de Ecclesiasticis dogmatibus c. 72 in S. Augustines vvorkes And by these fevv you may see hovv shamefully the state of the new heretical Cleargie of our time is fallen from the Apostolike and al the fathers practise and doctrine herein Vvho do not onely take men once or twise maried before but vvhich vvas neuer heard of before in any person or part of the Catholike Church they marie after they be Bishops or Priests once tvvise and as often as their lustes require Whereas it vvas neuer lawful in Gods Church to marrie after Holy Orders Neither is there one authentical example thereof in the world For those of vvhom Nice Councel speaketh vvere maried before were but tolerated onely to vse their wiues the fathers in the same Councel prouiding expresly at the same time that none from thence forth should marrie after they came to holy Orders and that according to the aūcient tradition of the Church as Socrates and Sozomenus declare in most plaine vvordes See Suidas in the vvord Paphnutius And in vvhat countrie so euer they haue been permitted to haue carnal dealing euen vvith their vviues whom they had before it was not according to the exact rule of the Apostles Churches tradition by vvhich al that be in holy Orders should wholy abstaine not onely from marying but euen from their wiues before maried Vvhereof thus vvriteth S. Epiphanius hares 59 c●nt Cathares The holy preaching of God receiueth not after Christ them that marrie againe after their vviues departure by reason of the great dignitie and honour of Priesthod And this the holy Church of God obserueth vvith al sinceritie Yea she doth not receiue the once maried person that yet
of the Crosse and the bread saith he vvhich they receiue thought it be not the body of Christ yet is holy and more holy then the vsual bread of the table He meaneth a kinde of bread then halovved specially for such as vvere not yet admitted to the B. Sacrament either the same or the like to our holy bread vsed in the Church of England and France on Sundaies And it vvas a common vse in the primitiue Church to blesse loaues and send them for sacred tokens from one Christian man to an other and that not among the simple and superstitious as the Aduersaries may imagine but among the holiest learnedst and vvisest Such halovved breads did S. Paulinus send to S. Augustine and Alipius and they to him againe calling them blessings Read S. Hierom in the life of Hila●ion post medium hovv Princes and learned Bishops other of al sortes came to that holy man for holy bread panem benedictum In the primitiue Church the people commonly brought bread to the Priests to be halovved Author op imp ho. 14 in Mt. The 3 Coūcel of Carthage cap. 24. maketh mention of the blessing of milke honie grapes and corne See the 4 Canon of the Apostles And not onely diuers other creatures vsed at certaine times in holy Churches seruice as vvaxe fire palmes ashes but also the holy oile Chrisme and the vvater of Baptisme that also vvhich is the cheefe of al Priestly blessing of creatures the bread and vvine in the high Sacrifice be sanctified for vvithout sanctification yea as S. Augustine affirmeth tract 118. in Ioan. vvithout the signe of the Crosse none of these things can rightly be done Can any man novv maruel that the Church of God by this vvarrāt of S. Paules vvord expoūded by so long practise and tradition of the first fathers of our religion doth vse diuers elements and blesse them for mans vse and the seruice of God expelling by the inuocatiō of Christes name the aduersarie povver from them according to the authoritie giuen by Christ Super omnia d●monia ouer al Diuels and by praier vvhich importeth as the Apostle here speaketh desire of help as it vvere by the vertue of Christ to combat vvith the Diuel and so to expel him out of Gods creatures vvhich is done by holy exorcisme and euer beginneth Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini as vve see in the blessing of holy vvater and the like sanctification of elements Vvhich exorcismes namely of children before they come to Baptisme see in S. Augustine li. 6 cont Iulian c. 5. de E● dogmat 6. 31. Denupt concupis li. 1 6. 20. and of holy vvater that hath been vsed these 1400 yeres in the Church by the institution of Alexander the first in al Christian countries and of the force thereof against Diuels see a famous historie in Eusebius li. 5 c. 21. and in Epiphanius her 30 Ebionitarum See S. Gregorie to S. Augustine our Apostle of the vse thereof in halovving the Idolatrous temples to be made the Churches of Christ apud Bedam li 1 c. 30 hist Angl. Remember hovv the Prophet Eliseus applied salt to the healing and purifying of vvaters 4 Reg. 2 hovv the Angel Raphael vsed the liuer of the fish to driue avvay the Diuel Tob. 6. 8 hovv Dauids harp and Psalmodie kept the euil spirit from Saul 1 Reg. 16 hovv a peece of the holy earth saued such a mans chamber from infestatiō of Diuels August de Ciuit. dei li. 22 c. 8 how Christ him self both in Sacramēts out of them occupied diuers sanctified elements some for the health of the body some for grace and remission of sinnes and some to vvorke miracles by See in S. Hierom against Vigilantius c. 2. hovv holy Relikes tormēt them In the historie of Iulianus the Apostata hovv the signe of the Crosse in the Actes cap. 19 hovv the name of IESVS yea and of Paul putteth them to flight Furnish your selues vvith such examples and groundes of Scriptures and antiquitie and you shal contemne the Aduersaries cauillations and blasphemies against the Churches practise in such things and further also finde these sacred actions and creatures not only by increase of faith feruor and deuotion to purge the impuritie of our soules and procure remission of our daily infirmities but that the cheefe Ministers of Christes Church by their soueraine authoritie graunted of our Lord may ioyne vnto the same their blessing and remission of our venial sinnes or spiritual dettes as vve see in S. Iames remission of al sinnes to be annexed to the vnction vvith holy oile vvhich to the Catholikes is a Sacrament but to the Protestants vvas but a temporal ceremonie and to some of them not of Christes institution but of the Apostles onely In their ovvne sense therfore they should not maruel that such spiritual effectes should procede of the vse of sanctified creatures vvhereas venial trespasses be remitted many vvaies though mortal ordinarily by the Sacraments onely S. Gregorie did commonly send his benediction and remission of sinnes in and vvith such holy tokens as vvere sanctified by his blessing and touching of the Apostles bodies and Martyrs Relikes as novv his successors do in the like halovved remembrances of religion See his 7 booke epistle 126 and 9 booke epistle 60. Thus therfore and to the effectes aforesaid the creatures of God be sanctified If any man obiect that this vse of creatures is like coniuration in Necromancie he must knovv the difference is that in the Churches sanctifications and exorcismes the Diuels be commaunded forced and tormented by Christes vvord and by praiers but in the other vvicked practises they be pleased honoured and couenanted vvithal and therfore the first is godly and according to the Scriptures but Necromancie abominable and against the Scriptures 14. The grace S. Augustine declareth this grace to be the gift of the holy Ghost giuen vnto him by receiuing this holy Order vvhereby he vvas made fitte to execute the office to his ovvne saluation and other mens And note vvithal that grace is not onely giuen in or vvith the Sacraments by the receiuers faith or deuotion but by the Sacrament per impositionem by imposition of handes for so he speaketh 2 Tim. 1. which is here said cum impositione vvith imposition 14. With imposition S. Ambrose vpon this place implieth in the vvord Imposition of ●ands al the holy action and sacred vvordes done and spoken ouer him vvhen he vvas made Priest Whereby saith he he vvas designed to the vvorke and receiued authoritie that he durst offer sacrifice in our Lordes steede vnto God So doth the holy Doctor allude vnto the vvordes that are said novv also in the Catholike Church to him that is made Priest Accipe potestatem offerendi pro viuis mortuis in nomine Domini that is Take or receiue thou authoritie to offer for the liuing and
other but not al that suffer persecution be holy as al malefactors The Church and Catholike Princes persecute heretikes and be persecuted of them againe as S. Augustine often declareth See ep 48. 13. Prosper Though heresies and the authors of them be after a while discouered by litle and litle forsaken generally of the honest discrete and men careful of their owne saluation yet their authors and other great sinners proceede from one errour and heresie to an other and finally to plaine Atheisme and al Diuelish disorder 16. Al Scripture Besides the Apostles teaching and tradition the reading of holy Scriptures is a great defense and helpe of the faithful aud specially of a Bishop not onely to auoid and condemne al heresies but to the guiding of a man in al iustice good life and vvorkes Vvhich commendation is not here giuen to the bookes of the new Testament onely vvhereof he here speaketh not as being yet for a great part not vvritten but to the Scripture of the old Testament also yea and to euery booke of it For there is not one of them nor any part of them but it is profitable to the end aforesaid if it be read and vnderstood according to the same Spirit vvherewith it vvas vvritten The Heretikes vpon this commendation of holy Scriptures pretend very simply in good sooth that therfore nothing is necessarie to iustice and saluation but Scriptures As though euery thing that is profitable or necessarie to any effect excluded al other helpe and vvere onely ynough to attaine the same By vvhich reason a man might as vvel proue that the old Testament vvere ynough and so exclude the new or any one peece of al the old and thereby exclude the rest For he affirmeth euery Scripture to haue the foresaid vtilities and they might see in the very next line before that he requireth his constant perseuêrance in the doctrine vvhich he had taught him ouer and aboue that he had learned out of the Scriptures of the old Testament vvhich he had read from his infancie but could not thereby learne al the mysteries of Christian religion therein Neither doth the Apostle affirme here that he had his knowledge of Scriptures by reading onely vvithout helpe of maisters and teachers as the Aduersaries herevpon to committe the holy Scriptures to euery mans presumption do gather but affirmeth onely that Timothee knevv the Scriptures and therfore had studied them by hearing good readers and teachers as S. Paul him self did of Gamaliel and the like and as al christian students doe that be trained vp from their youth in Catholike vniuersities in the studie of Diuinitie CHAP. IIII. He requireth him to be earnest vvhile he may because the time vvil come vvhen they vvil not abide Catholike preaching 5 and to fulfil his course as him self novv hath done 9 and to come vnto him vvith speede because the rest of his traine are dispersed and he dravveth novv to heauen verse 1 I Testifie before God and IESVS Christ vvho shal iudge the liuing and the dead and by his aduent and his kingdom ✝ verse 2 Preach the vvord vrge in season out of season reproue beseeche rebuke in al patience and doctrine ✝ verse 3 For ″ there shal be a time vvhen they vvil not beare ●ound doctrine but according to their ovvne desires they vvil heape to them selues maisters hauing itching eares ✝ verse 4 and from the truth certes they vvil auert their hearing and to fables they vvil be conuerted ✝ verse 5 But be thou vigilant labour in al things doe the vvorke of an Euangelist fulfil thy ministerie Be sober ✝ verse 6 For I am euen novv to be sacrificed the time of my resolutiō is at hand ✝ verse 7 I haue fought a good fight I haue consummate my course I haue kept the faith ✝ verse 8 Concerning the rest there is laid vp for me ″ a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge and not only to me but to them also that loue his comming ⊢ ✝ verse 9 Make hast to come to me quickly ✝ verse 10 For Demas hath left me louing this vvorld and is gone to Thessalonica Crescens into Galatia Titus into Dalmatia ✝ verse 11 * Luke only is vvith me Take Marke and bring him vvith thee for he is profitable to me for the ministerie ✝ verse 12 But Tychicus I haue sent to Ephesus ✝ verse 13 The cloke that I left at Troas vvith Carpus cōming bring vvith thee and the bookes especially the parchement ✝ verse 14 Alexander the Coppersmith hath shevved me much euil our Lord vvil revvard him according to his vvorkes ✝ verse 15 vvhom doe thou also auoid for he hath greatly resisted our vvordes ✝ verse 16 In my first ansvver no man vvas with me but al did forsake me be it not imputed to them ✝ verse 17 But our Lord stoode to me and strengthened me that by me the preaching may be accomplished and al Gentiles may heare and I was deliuered from the mouth of the lion ✝ verse 18 Our Lord ● hath deliuered ' me from al euil vvorke and vvil saue me vnto his heauenly kingdom to vvhom be glorie for euer euer Amen ✝ verse 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and * the house of Onesiphorus ✝ verse 20 Erastus remained at Corinth And Trophimus I left sicke at Milêtum ✝ verse 21 Make hast to come before vvinter Eubûlus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and al the brethren salute thee ✝ verse 22 Our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith thy spirit Grace be vvith you Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 3. There shal be a time If euer this time come as needes it must that the Apostle foresavv and foretold novv it is vndoubtedly for the properties fall so iust in euery point vpon our nevv Maisters and their Disciples that they may seeme to be pourtered out rather then prophecied of Neuer vvere there such delicate Doctors that could so pleasantly clavv and so svveetly rubbe the itching eares of their hearers as these vvhich haue a doctrine framed for euery mans phamsie lust liking and desire the people not so fast crying Speake placentia things that please but the Maisters as fast vvarranting them to doe placentia 8. Acrovvne of iustice This place conuinceth for the Catholikes that al good vvorkes done by Gods grace after the first iustification be truely and properly meritorious and fully vvorthy of euerlasting life and that therevpon heauen is the due and iust stipend crovvne or recompense vvhich God by his iustice ovveth to the persons so vvorking by his grace for he rendreth or repaieth heauen as a iust iudge and not onely as a merciful giues and the crovvne vvhich he paieth is not onely of mercie or fauour or grace but also of iustice It is his merciful fauour and grace that vve vvorke vvel merite heauen it is his iustice for those merites to giue vs
first effect of this Sacrament is to saue the soule by giuing grace and comfort to vvithstand the terrours and tentations of the enemie going about specially in that extremitie of death to driue men to desperation or distresse of minde and other damnable inconueniences the vvhich effect is signified in the matter of this Sacrament specially 15. Shal lift him vp Vvhen it shal be good for the saluation of the partie or agreable to Gods honour this Sacramēt restoreth also a man to bodily health againe as experience oftē teacheth vs. Vvhich yet is not done by vvay of miracle to make the partie sodenly vvhole but by Gods ordinarie prouidence and vse of second causes vvhich othervvise should not haue had that effect but for the said Sacrament This is the second effect 15. They shal be remitted him Vvhat sinnes soeuer remaine vnremitted they shal in this Sacrament and by the grace thereof be remitted if the persons vvorthely receiue it this is the third effect S. Chrysostom of this effect saith thus They speaking of Priests do not onely remit sinnes in baptisme but aftervvard also according to the saying of S. Iames. If any be sicke let him bring in the Priests c. Li. 3 de Sacerd. prope initiū Let the Protestāts marke that he calleth Presbyter●s sacerdotes that is Priests and maketh them the onely ministers of this Sacrament and not elders or other lay men By al vvhich you see this Sacrament of al other to be maru●lous plainely set forth by the Apostle Onely sicke men and as the Greeke vvord giueth men very vveake must receiue it onely Priests must be the ministers of it the matter of it is holy oile the forme is praier in such sort as vve see novv vsed the effects be as is aforesaid Yet this so plaine a matter and so profitable a Sacrament the enemie by Heretikes vvould vvholy abolish 16. Confesse therfore It is not certaine that he speaketh here of sacramental Confession yet the circumstance of the letter vvel beareth it and very probable it is that he meaneth of it and Origen doth so expound it ho. 2 in Leuit. Venerable Bede vvriteth thus In this sentence saith he there must be this discretion that our daily and litle sinnes vve confesse one to an other vnto our equals and beleeue to be saued by their daily praier but the vncleannes of the greater leprosie let vs according to the lavv open to the Priest and at his pleasure in vvhat maner and hovv long time he shal commaund let vs be careful to be purified But the Protestants fleing from the very vvord confession in despite of the Sacrament translate thus Acknovvledge your faultes one to an other They do not vvel like to haue in one sentence Priests praying ouer the sicke anoiling them forgiuing them their sinnes confession and the like 17. He praied The Scriptures to vvhich the Apostle alludeth make no mētion of Elias praier therfore he knevv it by tradition or reuelation Vvhereby vve see that many things vnvvritten be of equal truth vvith the things vvritten 20. Maketh to be conuerted Here vve see the great revvard of such as seeke to conuert Heretikes or other sinners from errour and vvickednes and hovv necessarie an office it is specially for a Priest 20. Shal saue Vve see it derogateth not from God to attribute our saluation to any man or Angel in heauen or earth as to the vvorkers thereof vnder God by their praiers preaching correction counsel or othervvise Yet the Heretikes are so folish and captious in this kinde that they can not heare patiently that our B. Lady or others should be counted meanes or vvorkers of our saluation THE ARGVMENT OF BOTH THE EPISTLES OF S. PETER THE FIRST AND THE SECOND OF S. Peter vve reade at large both in the Gospels and in the Actes of the Apostles and namely that Christ designed him and also made him his vica● as S. Mathevv for that cause in the catalogue of the Apostles calleth him Primus the first and all antiquitie Princeps Apostolorum the Prince of the Apostles and that he accordingly executed that office after Christes departure plating the Church first among the Ievves in Hierusalem and in al that countrey and coastes about as Christ also him self before had preached to the Ievves alone But preaching at length to the Gentiles also according to Christes commission Mat. 28. v. 19. and being novv come to Rome the head citie of the Gentiles from thence he vvriteth this Epistle to his Christian Ievves hauing care of them in his absence no lesse then vvhen he vvas present and not to the Ievves that vvere at home belike because they had S. Iames or his successor S. Simon Cleoph● resident vvith them but * to them that vvere dispersed in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia and Bithynia And that he vvriteth it from Rome him self signifieth saying The Church that is in Babylon saluteth you Vvhere by Babylon he meaneth Rome as al antiquitie doth interpret him not that he so calleth the Church of Rome but the heathen state of the Romane empire vvhich then and 300 yeres after vnto the conuersion of Constantinus the Emperour did persecute the elect Church of Rome in so much that the first 33 Bishops thereof vnto S. Siluester vvere al Martyrs For the matter vvhereof he vvriteth him self doth signifie it in these vvordes This loe the second Epistle I vvrite to you my deerest in vvhich Epistles I stirre vp by admonition your sincere minde that you may be mindeful of those vvordes c. So he saith there of both together And againe of the first to the same purpose in an other place I haue breefely vvritten beseeching and testifying that this is the true grace of God vvherein you stand For there vvere at that time certaine Seducers as S. August also hath told vs vvho vvent about to teach Onely faith as though good vvorkes vvere not necessarie nor meritorious there vvere also great persecutions to compel them vvith terrour to denie Christ al his religiō He therfore exhorteth thē accordingly neither for persecution neither by seduction to forsake it though in the first his exhortation is more principally against persecution and in the second more principally against seduction The first epistle is noted to be very like to S. Paules epistle to the Ephesians in vvordes also and so thicke of Scriptures as though he spake nothing els The time vvhen the first vvas vvritten is vncertaine the second vvas vvrittē a litle before his death as is gathered by his vvordes in the same c. 1. v. 14. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. He comforteth them in their persecutions being novv by Baptisme made the children of God vvith the hope of their heauenly exh●ritance 6 shevving hovv meritorious it is for them to be so constant in faith 10 and confirming them therein vvith the authoritie of the Prophets and of the
B Ladie the perpetual virgin MARIE Hovvbeit some good authors say that their mother Marie vvas the natural sister of our Ladie and that therfore they are called Fratres Domini the brethren of our Lord. Hovvsoeuer that be three of them are reckened amōg the 12. Apostles Iames and Simon Cananaeus and Iude. Yea and that they vvere somevvhat more then Apostles though lesse then Peter S. Paul signifieth vvhere he saith speaking of him self and Barnabas As also the other Apostles and the brethren of our Lord and Cephas 1. Cor. 9. And as S. Luke calleth this Iude Iude of Iames so he calleth him self in this Epistle of his Iude the seruant of Iesus Christ and the brother of Iames. S. Matthevv and S. 〈…〉 as Lebbaeus also in the Greeke His feast and his 〈…〉 Church keepeth Octob. 28. called Simon and Iudes day His Epistle is an 〈◊〉 against a● heretikes as it vvere a Commentarie of 2 Pet. 2. and namely as * ● Aug. hath told vs against those vvhich misconstred S. Paules Epistles and held Only faith vvhom he calleth therfore Men that transferre or 〈…〉 grace of God into rio●ousnes v. 4. exhorting Catholikes to be constant and 〈◊〉 from their old faith and to contend for the keeping thereof v. 3. 〈…〉 heretikes ● saith he segregate them selues from the Church and from 〈…〉 v. 19. THE CATHOLIKE EPISTLE OF IVDE THE APOSTLE He exhorteth them to stand to their old faith sh●vving them by examples that it is damnable not to continue and be constant 8 inueighing against the lecherie blasphemie apostasie banketing of the heretikes 14 and that their damnation vvas long foretold 17 Catholikes therfore to be vnmoueable to reproue the obstinate to recouer al not desperate to confirme the vveake and to liue them selues vertuously and vvithout mortal sinne vvhich by Gods grace they may doe verse 1 IVDE the seruant of IESVS Christ and brother of Iames to them that are in God the Father beloued and in IESVS Christ preserued and called ✝ verse 2 Marcie to you and peace and charitie be accomplished ✝ verse 3 My deerest taking al care to vvrite vnto you of your common saluation I thought it necessarie to vvrite vnto you beseeching you to contend for the faith once deliuered to the sainctes ✝ verse 4 For there are certaine men secretely entred in vvhich vvere long ago prescribed vnto this iudgement impious transferring the grace of our God into riotousnes and denying the onely Dominator and our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 5 * But I vvil admonish you that once knovv al things that IESVS sauing the people out of the land of Aegipt * secondly destroied them vvhich beleeued not ✝ verse 6 But the Angels vvhich kept not their principalitie but forsooke their owne habitation he hath reserued vnder darkenesse in eternal bondes vnto the iudgment of the great day ✝ verse 7 As * Sodom and Gomorrhe and the citie adioyning in like maner hauing fornicated and going after other flesh vvere made an example sustaining the paine of eternal fire ✝ verse 8 In like maner these also defile the flesh and despise dominion blaspheme maiestie ✝ Vvhen Michael the Archangel disputing vvith the Diuel made altercation ″ for the body of Moyses he durst not inferre iudgment of blasphemie but said Our Lord commaund ' thee ✝ verse 10 But these vvhat things so euer certes they are ignorant of ″ they blaspheme and vvhat things so euer naturally as dumme beastes they knovv in those they are corrupted ✝ verse 11 Vvo vnto them vvhich ' haue gone in the vvay of * ″ Ca●n and vvith the errour of * Balaam haue for revvard povvred out them selues and haue perished in the contradiction of Corè ✝ verse 12 These are in their bankets spottes feasting together vvithout feare feeding them selues cloudes vvithout vvater vvhich are caried about of vvindes trees of autumne vnfruiteful tvvise dead plucked vp by the rootes ✝ verse 13 raging vvaues of the sea foming out their ovvne confusions vvandering starres to vvhom the storme of darkenesse is reserued for euer ✝ verse 14 And of these prophecied Enoch the seuenth from Adam saying Behold our Lord is come in his holy thousandes ✝ verse 15 to doe iudgement against al and to reproue al the impious of al the vvorkes of their impietie vvherby they haue done impiously and of al the hard thinges vvhich impious sinners haue spoken against him ✝ verse 16 These are murmurers ful of complaintes vvalking according to their ovvne desires and their mouth speaketh pride admiring persons for gaine sake ✝ verse 17 But you may deerest be mindeful of the vvordes vvhich haue been spoken before by the Apostles of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 18 vvho told you * that in the last time shal come mockers according to their ovvne desires vvalking in impieties ✝ verse 19 ″ These are they vvhich segregate them selues sensual hauing not the Spirit ⊢ ✝ verse 20 But you my deerest building your selues vpon our ' most holy faith in the holy Ghost praying ✝ verse 21 keepe your selues in the loue of God expecting the mercie of our Lord IESVS Christ vnto life euerlasting ✝ verse 22 And these certes reproue being iudged ✝ verse 23 but them saue pulling out of the fire And on other haue mercie in feare hating also that vvhich is carnal the spotted cote ✝ verse 24 And to him that is able to preserue you vvithout sinne and to sette you immaculate before the sight of his glorie in exultation in the comming of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 25 to the onely God our Sauiour by IESVS Christ our Lord be glorie and magnificēce empire and power before al worldes and novv and for al vvorldes euermore Amen ANNOT. 9. For the body of Moyses Vvhen why or hovv this altercation or combat was betwene S. Michael and the Diuel about Moyses body no man can declare only this vve see that many truthes and stories vvere kept in the mouthes and hartes of the faithful that vvere not written in Scriptures canonical as this vvas among the Ievves 10. They blaspheme He speaketh of Heretikes who being ignorant in Gods mysteries and the diuine doctrine of his Church vvhen they can not reproue the things then they fall to execrations irrisions and blasphemies against the Priests Church and Sacraments and vvhatsoeuer is godly 11. Cain Balaa● Corè The Apostle vvould haue Heretikes specially to be knowen by the resemblance they haue first to Cain in that for enuy that his brothers seruice and sacrifice was accepted and his reiected s●ewe his said brother and was a fugitiue from the face and citie of God vvhich is the Church Secondly by their resemblance to Balaam who for money was induced to curse Gods people as couetousnes is commonly the cause that first maketh Heretikes and false Prophets wherevpon S. Augustine saith He is an Heretike that for
marg 419. marg See Schisme The Protestants at the first auoided the name of Church and thrust it out of the Bible pag. 521. 522 marg It can neuer faile not erre pag. 11. nu 23. pag. 70. 85. 192. 238. nu 68. pag. 261. 264 marg 266. 267. 522. 523. 555. 572. 573 721. 740. 303. m. 536. marg The Protestants blasphemie cōcerning the Churches apostasie and reuolt from God pag. 555. nu 3. Christ vvithout his Church as the head vvithout a body 514. marg Alvvaies visible pag. 14. 290 marg 295 marg 296. 298 marg 323. 555. 556. 572. 573. 701. Elias vvordes make nothing to the cōtrarie pag. 411. The state thereof in Antichrists time 721. Smal in the beginning grovving great aftervvard pag. 38. nu 32. pa. 71 nu 14. pag. 97. nu 27. 31. 32. pag. 150. nu 6. 7. 10. p. 213. nu 46. pag. 175 marg 178 marg 295 marg 296. 298 marg 316. ma. 536. marg Her lavves customs Gouernours must be obeied p. 43. nu 9. p. 51. marg p. 53. 336. marg 337. nu 20. 450. nu 2. 16. p. 471. nu 24. p. 480. 550. 562. nu 14. p. 639. 262. marg She only hath the true sense of Scriptures pag. 477. 429. marg She iudgeth al and is iudged of none p. 429. She iudgeth betwene canonical Scriptures not canonical p. 499. vvhich are Sacramēts which not 258. 259. She consisteth of good and bad p. 9. nu 12. p. 37. marg 38. 62 marg 64. 74. 262 marg not without vvrinkle in this life p. 522. nu 35. The seuenfold candlesticke in the Apocalypse 699 marg The woman clothed with the sunne whom the dragon persecuteth 720 marg The wife of the Lambe 734. The campe of Saincts 741. The true Church is proued by succession pag. 228. 520. 303 m. Christ left many things to be taught by the Church 265. 717 marg The custom of the Church is a good answer against al wranglers 450. Out of the Church no saluation p. 522. 676. p. 573. al blindnes lacke of vnderstāding 95 marg no praier auailable 262 m. Christ head of the Church in a most excellent sort 514. 515. The B. of Rome the ministerial head 515. No temporal prince can be head 47. 64. 639. nu 17. pa. 659. No woman 280. 463. The Church that is the Prelates and cheefe Pastors of the Church 51 marg 701 m. To contemne their wordes is to contemne Christ 262 marg The Churches order of diuine seruice in reading the Scriptures that it is according to the primitiue Church 268. in 288. 289 m. 382. 641. 698. See the table of Epistles and Gospels at the end of the booke Church militāt resembleth the triumphant in heauen 707 m. and nu 8. 736. The triumphant Church called the new citie of Hierusalem the state and glorie thereof 741. 742. 743. 635 marg Material churches The building of them pa. 158. Dedication of churches 250. Cost in adorning them p. 78. nu 8. 10. p. 106 nu 11. p. 128. 256. God wil be honoured in them rather then els where p. 309. 471. nu 11. p. 254 marg How he dwelleth not in material temples 309. 343 marg Not to be profaned p. 59 m. 118. 222. Our parents and other necessities of poore men are sometime to be preferred before the adorning of Churches 106. 92. nu 25. Clergie The name p. 665. their difference from the Laitie ib. nu 3. The maner dignitie of their calling p. 330. nu 4. p. 352 marg Degrees of superioritie among them selues and ouer other p. 57 marg 58. nu 28. p. 206. nu 24. p. 472. 492. 665. Their good life much edifieth p. 14. nu 17. their exemption and priuileges p. 50. 416. They may not exercise holy functions for filthy lucre 664 marg Commaundements possible to be kept p. 30. 138. nu 6. p 169. 260 marg 682 nu 22 p. 686. 400 marg 415 marg Keeping the commaundements profitable and necessarie to saluation 14. nu 20. p. 440. nu 19. p. 645. 54 marg 114 marg 191. m. 725 m. They differ from Counsels 114 marg 191 marg By keeping of them man is iustified 138. 400 marg Commaundements of men what they are and that they make nothing against the Apostles and Churches traditions 406. See Tradition Heretical lawes and doctrines are cōmaundements of men 43. nu 9. p. 106. Communion The protestants Communion p. 451. 452. 453. 454. They imitate not in the same Christs institution ib. p. 451. much lesse the Apostles traditions p. 454. Comming to the Communion against our conscience 442. They call it vnproperly the Cōmunion p. 452. and the supper of the Lord. p. 451. nu 20. Their communion bread profane p. 453 n 29. Caluins bread 228. It is the very table cuppe of Diuels p 448. is accordingly to be abhorred ibid. Communitie of life and goodes in the first Christians vsed now of the religious only p. 296. not a commaundement but a counsel only ibidem Concupiscence after Baptisme is of it self no sinne without consent p. 397. 399. 643. 682. It moueth to sinne 642. mar How the Apostle calleth it sinne pag. 397. It maketh not al the actions of a iust man sinnes p. 399. nu 25. Cōfession in particular p. 8. nu 6. p. 89. 276. 348 m. Secret or auricular cōfession p. 277. to a priest 190. 277. 653. of al mortal sinnes 653. before the receiuing of the B. Sacrament 453. The English Ministers heare confessions and absolue against their owne doctrine pag. 277. See Penance Confessing of Christ his religion highly esteemed 27. 702. m. See Faith They that dare not confesse and professe the Cath. religion to whom they are like 255 marg To deny that thou art a Catholike is to deny Christ 269. Confirmation other wise called Bishoping pag. 314. It is a Sacrament pag. 313. The grace and effect thereof 241 m. 313. nu 17. p. 514 marg The old and new heresies against this Sacrament pag. 313. Chrisme or holy oile in cōfirmation ib. Conscience Doing against our conscience p. 83. 109. 131. nu 15. Horrour of conscience for sheding innocent bloud 83. 131. nu 15. Continencie See Chastitie Examples of notable persons that liued continently from vviues 596. The continencie of maried folke for praier sake pag. 439. for the more worthie receiuing of the B. Sacrament p. 463. Perpetual cōtinencie of man ad wife p. 439. 440. Contrition 483. See Penance Corporals for the B. Sacrament p. 84. Councels of what persons they consist p. 336. They represēt the whole Church ibid. Peter and his successors presidēts in Councels p. 337. Councels of no force with out their confirmation p. 337. Controuersies in religion to be decided by Coūcels p. 336. They haue the assistance of the holy Ghost p. 337. 338. 138. nu 3. 263. nu 27. p. 265. 266. 388 marg of Christ 51 marg 53. This assistance taketh not away due examination
to heauen 651. No sinne but in this life it may be remitted the contrarie is the heresie of the Caluinists 686. See Penance They are worse in this point then the Nouatians 613. Vvhat is in S. Iohns Epistle a sinne to death 687. Three degrees of sinnes signified by the three dead that Christ raised to life 100. Sinne the cause of sicknes and other plagues 132. Spirit To adore and serue God in spirit 228. Boasting of the spirit 684. Not to credit euery spirit and hovv to trie them 552. The Church onely hath to discerne spirites 684. The testimonie of the Spirit in vs. 402. Superioritie and difference of degrees not forbidden 57 marg 165 marg Superstition not allowed in the Catholike Church 344. 539 marg The Protestants falsely call deuotion superstition 344. Supremacie of temporal Princes in matters Ecclesiastical See Princes T Tithes due to God and his Priests 615. Giuen by the inferior to the superior ibid. Paied in the Law of nature Moyses ib. How due to the Priests of Christes Church 616. Tongues Praiers in an vnknovven tōgue See Praiers The 14 chap. of the first to the Corinthians explicated concerning tongues 460. The Protestants vaine boasting of tongues 457 marg The three principal tongues in the title of the Crosse of Christ 271 marg The holy Scriptures most conueniently preserued in them ibid. Traditions not written 559. at large 413. 414. 476. 612. 653. 279 marg 353. 451. 454. 43. 106. 464 marg 695. 591 marg Apostolical traditions 413. 414. 451. 476. 559. 560. 612. 464 marg Particular traditiōs of the Apostles the Lent 12. 145 marg the administration of the B. Sacrament 451. 454. a commemoration inuocation of Saincts in the Masse ibid. praier for the dead ibid. and 560. mingling water with wine ibid. Baptizing of infantes 559. the Apostles Creede 560. See other particular traditions pag. 454. 559. Pater noster in the Masse 567. keeping of Sunday Easter Vvhit-sontide c. 43. 467 mar How to know Apostolical traditions 560. 559. Ignatius booke of the Apostles traditions ib. The fathers estimation of traditions 559. The Protestants hatred of the very name and suppressing the same in the text of holy Scripture 559. 560 marg They are called Depositum 414. 581 mar descending from the Apostles by Bishop and Bishop vnto the end 584. The Protestāts can shew no such Depositum 584. Heretikes conuicted by traditiō 5. 559. Iewish and heretical traditions 43. 106. Translation of the Bible into Greeke called Septuaginta 633. cited of the Euangelistes and authentical in the Greeke Church ibid. The authentical Latin translation 633. Beza preferreth it before al the rest See the preface Translatours of holy Scripture must be exacte and sincere 221. See the preface V VIrginitie better then Mariage more meritorious and grateful to God fitter for his seruice 4. 55. 440. 725 m. 356. The contrarie was Iouinians old condēned heresie 582. Virginitie coūseled not commaunded 55. 440. 438 marg See Mariage Professed virgins may not marie See Vovv The state of virgins passeth the rest 725 m. Visions recorded in the Scriptures 315. 318. 319. 368. 492. Visions haue no credite with Heretikes specially with the Protestants 319 marg 492. Some haue been rapt to see the state of the next life 491 marg Extreme vnction See Extreme Vovv an acte of soueraine worship 169. Neuer true religion without vowes and votaries ib. The Protestants haue abandoned al vowes and votaries ib. Vow of monastical and religious life 169. 304. Vow of Virginitie or chastitie lawful possible c. 55. 580. 581. 582. Yong vvomen may vovv Religion 581. Our B. Ladie vowed virginitie 138. The daughters of Philip the Deacon were vowed virgins 356. The Apostles vowed pouertie and professed the religious state of perfection pag. 55. nu 21. 27. Breache of vowes damnable 304. 439. 440. It is to breake their first faith 580. It is to goe after Satan 581. It is the highest kinde of Sacrilege 304. It is worse then aduoutrie 582. Vvhat virgins widovves the Apostle allovveth to marie 440. 581. Iouinian for persuading Nunnes to marie is called of S. Augustine a monster of S. Hierom he and his folovvers Christian Epicures 582. The Protestants call Iouinians heresie Gods word 582. Vvhat vovves are unlavvful and not to be kept 361. Vsurie not to be vsed among Christians 255. Spiritual vsurie in the better sense 74. nu 27. W VVidovvhod 579 at large This state more blessed then the state of matrimonie 439 m. Their cōtinual praier continencie 578 m. The example of holy Anne 141. 142. S. Ambrose and S. Augustine wrote whole bookes in cōmēdation of the state of widowhod 579. The Churches widowes called Diaconissae and their office 579. They must haue had but one husband ibid. The Caluinists most absurd expositiō of these wordes The husband of one wife 580. The Apostle forbiddeth not al yong widowes to vow 581. See Continencie The vvord of God is not only that vvhich is written in the Scriptures 548. See Gospel Tradition Vvorkes meritorious of life euerlasting 17. 177. 387. 430. 593. 594. 613. 703 mar No workes of them selues vvithout faith and the grace of God are meritorious 378. 594. Such are the workes that S. Paul excludeth from iustification 378. 387. 390. 411. 385. 499 marg Vve presume not vpon our owne workes or merites as of our selues but as of Gods grace 516 marg 594. The Protestants make no difference betwene Christian mens workes done in grace and the workes of Ievves Pagans 411. They are iniurious to Gods grace vvhich maketh vorkes meritorious 594. The Scriptures which they falsely alleage answered 189. 402. Vve are iustified by vvorkes also and not by faith only 16. 643. 645 and 646 at large 153 marg 678 marg 510 m. 538. m. See faith Good workes before faith though not meritorious yet are preparatiues to the first iustification 320. 389 m. That euery man shal be rewarded according to his vvorkes is a cōmon phrase in Scripture 47. 386 marg 387. 430. 656 marg 744 marg not according to faith only or lacke of faith 741. nu 12. Al good workes rewarded in heauen 630 marg 413. nu 1. pag. 587. 524 marg 543 marg 191 marg Heauen is due for them according to Gods iustice 593. 594. 613. 553 mar They giue great confidence before God 630. 627 marg Vvorkes may be done in respect of reward 16. nu 4. pag. 631. marg pa. 444. The three workes of iustice 14. 15. 16. Vvorkes of mercie how acceptable to God 663. 317. m. 341 marg See Almes Vvorkes of perfection or supererogation 444. 485. 168 m. See C. Euangelical Counsels Vvorkes satisfactorie 143 m. See faith Iustification Merite Revvard Heauen prepared for them only that deserue it by good workes 58. nu 23. pag. 73 marg Vvithout good vvorkes a man shal be demned 143 marg 153 marg 739 marg The booke of euery mans workes opened in the day of iudgement 741.
It remitteth venial sinnes Confessing of Christ and his truth Act. 9. The Gospel on the 2. Sunday in Aduent Luc. 7 18. Esa 35 5. 61 1. Mal. 3 1. Luc. 16 16. Mal. 4 5. Luc. 7 31. Mt. 3 4. Luc. 10 13. Luc. 10 21. The Gospel vpō S. Matthias day Feb. 24. and vpon S. Francis day Octob. 4. and for many Martyrs Eremitical life Elias Penance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Dionys Eccl. hier c. 3. in initio Mt. 18. ● The commaundements possible Mr. 2 23. Lu. 6 ● 1. Re. 21 4. Leu. 24 9. Nu. 28 9 Ose 6 6. ⸬ See the annotatiō chap. 9 13. Mr. 3 1 Lu. 6 6. Es 42 1 Luc. 11 14. Mar. 3 22 ⸬ Therfore the Kingdom of heretikes can not possibly stand because it is alwayes ful of diuisiō and dissension ⸬ It is a mans owne free wil and election to be a good tree or an il tree to bring forth good fruites or bad S. Augustine vpon this place li. 2. c. 4 de actis cum F●lic Manichae● THE GOSPEL vpon vvenesday the first weeke of Lent Ion. 2 ● Ion. 3 5. 3. Reg. 10 1. Luc. 11. 24. 2. Pet. 2 20. Mar. 3 31. The Gospel vpō the day of the Seuen Brethren c. Iulij ●0 Luc. 8. 20. Neuters in religion Ep. ●8 Final impenitence Remission of sinnes in the Church Purgatorie Al Heresies alleage Scriptures Mr. 4 1. Lu. 8 4. ⸬ When Gods word is preached they proprely haue eares to heare that haue hartes to obey and they hearing do not heare which heare by sense of their body and obey not by consent of their hartes Aug. de dono perseu c. 14. Luc. 10 23. The Gospel vpō the 5 Sunday after the Epiphanie The Gospel vpō the ● Sunday after the Epiphanie Mar. 4 30. Luc. 13 18. Psa 77 2. ⸬ Nor God then but the Diuel is the author of all euil The Gospel for Virgins other holy women ⸬ Here also are signified good and bad in the Church Mr. 6 1. Luc. 4 16. Difference of merites and rewardes God is not the author of euil Iren. apud Euseb li. 5. c. 19. Calu. li. 2 Instit c. 4. Good and euil in the Church Mar. 6 14. Lu. 9 7. 3 19. ` brother Philips ⸬ A wicked and rash othe and more wickedly fulfilled because an vnlawfull othe bindeth no mā ⸬ S. Iohns disciples at this time had wel learned their duety toward Christ Mar. 6 31 Lu. 9 10 Io. 6 2. The Gospel vpon the Octaue of S. Peter and S. Paul Iulij 6. Mar. 6 46. Io. 6 16. ⸬ Notwithstāding the infirmities of them that gouerne the Churche yet Christ sustaineth them and holdeth them vp yea and by them whatsoeuer they are he vpholdeth and preserueth his Church ⸬ See before chap. 9 20. Hiero. in Epitaph Paula c. 6. Sacrilege against holy Relikes Eremites Peters Primacie Mr. 7 1. The Gospel vpō wensday the 3. weeke in Lent Exo. 20 12. Leu. 20 9. Esa 29 13. The Gospel vpō Thursday the fifth weeke in Lent Mr. 7. 25. ⸬ It were a straunge case that Christ should commend in this woman a sole faith without good workes that is to say a dead faith such as could not worke by loue and which S. Iames doubted not to call the faith not of Christians but of Diuels Aug. de Fid. Op. c. 1● Mr. 8 1. ⸬ Here we see againe that the people must not be their owne caruers nor receiue the Sacraments or other spiritual sustenance immediatly of Christ or at their owne hād but of their spiritual gouerners 1. Cor. 14. The difference betwene the Iewish traditions here reprehended and the Churches Apostolical traditions ● Thes 2 15. 1. Cor. 11. * Act. 15. a Aug. Ser. de tēp 251. See 1. Cor. 16 2. b Epiph. har 75 c Hiero. ep 54 ad Marcel cōt Mont. * Luc. 2 37 Tob. 12. Iudith c. 8 Esth 4. Luc. 10 16 * Mat. 18 17. Difference of meates Catholike abstinence Gen. 3. Mar. 8 12. Luc. 12 54. Mat. 12 39. Mar. 8 14. Lu. 12 1. Mat. 14 17. 15 34. The Gospel vpō SS Peter and Paules day Iun. 29. And in Cathedra Petri Roma Ian. 18. Antiochia Febr. 22. And Petri ad vincula Aug. 1. And on the day of the creation and coronation of the Pope and on the Anniuersarie thereof Mar. 8 27. Luc. 9 18. Io. 1 42. ⸬ That is a Rocke Io. 21 15. ⸬ This word in Hebrew signifieth an aduersarie as 3 Reg. 5 4. and so it is taken here THE GOSPEL for a Martyr that is a bishop Mar. 9 1 Luc. 9 27. OF PETERS PRIMACIE Hilar. can 6 in Mat. li. 6. de Trinit Chrys ho. 55 in Mat. Basil li. 1 adu Eunom PETER Cyril li. ● c. 12 Com. in Io. Hilar. in hunc lo●ū Basil li. de poenit 2 Mt. 5. 14. 3 Luc. 22. 19. Thou art Cephah and vpon this Cephah rocke Aug. li. 1 retr c. 21. 〈…〉 in Ps 69. de verb. Do. sec Io. ser 49. ser 15. 16. 26. 29 de Sanctis Annot in Iob c. 30. * Theodor. li. 5 haer Fabul c. de poenit Hiero. ep 7 to 2. Psal cont part Donat to 7. Leo ep 89. Psal cont part Donati De vtil ●●ed c. 17. Cyp. epist 73. Greg. li. 4. ep ●2 ind 11. The dignities of the keies Apoc. 1. Esa ●2 22 Esa 22. Apoc. ● Good workes Freewill The TRANSFIGVRATION of our Lord celebrated in the Church the 6. of Aug. Mr. 9 2. Luc. 9 28. 2. Pet. 1 17. The Gospel of the said feast of the 2. Sunday in Lent and on the Saterday before Mal. 4 5. Mar. 9 14. Luc. 9 37. Mr. 9 31 Luc. 9 44. ⸬ These didrachmes were peeces of money which they payed for tribute ⸬ This stater was a double didrachme and therfore was payed for two Christ can exhibite his body vnder what forme he list Saincts after their death deale with and for the liuing Holy places 2. Pet. 1 18. Exo. 3 ● Deuotion and Pilgrimage to the same The holy land Elias Luc. c. 17. Mal. 4 5. True miracles onely in the Cath. Church Mt. 10. 1. Cor. 13. Hiero. in vita S. Hi lari●nis Niceph. li. 6 c. 17. Gregorius Than maturgus Prayer and Fasting Greg. Niss de vit Gregorij The priuileges and exemptions of the Clergie Peters praeminence Mr. 9 34. The Gospel on Michelmas day Septemb. 29. And vpon his Apparition Maij 8. Luc. 9 46. ⸬ Humility innocencie simplicity cōmended to vs in the state and person of a childe Mr. 9 42. Lu. 17 2 Mt. 5 30 Mar. 9 43. Luc. 19 10. Lu. 15 4 Luc. 17 3. The Gospel vpō Tuesday the 3 weeke in Lent Deu. 19 15. ⸬ That is as S. Chrysostō here expoundeth it tell the Prelates and cheefe Pastours of the Church for they haue iurisdiction to binde and loose such offenders by the wordes folowing v. 18. ⸬ Al ioyning together in the vnity of Christes Churche in Councels
themselues 2 Cor. 2 16 Holy vvidowhod 1 Cor. 7. Fasting an act of religion Dutiful obedience to parents THE SECOND part The preparation that vvas made to the manifestation of CHRIST The Gospel vpō Imber Saturday in Aduent And on the 4 Sunday in Aduent Mt. 3 1. Mr. 1 1. ⸬ Penance prepareth the way to Christ Esa 40 3. Mt. 3 7. ⸬ Fruites of penance be workes satisfactorie ⸬ A man vvithout good workes is vnfruitful and shal be cast into euerlasting fire ` is ⸬ Almes counseled or enioyned for sinnes and to auoid damnation ⸬ Iohn was so holy that many might by errour easily thinke he was Christ Mt. 3 11. Mr. 1 8 ⸬ How say then the Heretikes that the Baptisme of Christ is of no greater vertue then Iohns ` cōmeth Io. 1 26. Act. 1 5. 11 16. 19 4. Mat. 14 3 ` brother Philips Mar. 6 17. Mt. 3 13. Mr. 1 9. Io. 1 32. ⸬ Beza boldly wipeth out of this Gospel these wordes vvho vvas of Cainan though al the Greeke copies both of the old Testament of the new haue the wordes with ful cōsent whereby vve learne the intolerable saucines of the Caluinists and their cōtempt of holy Scripture that dare so deale with the very Gospel it self The reconciliation of Matthew and Luke in our Sauiours petigree Mt. 4 1. Mr. 1 12 ⸬ The Churches fast of 40 daies called Lēt cōmeth of this is an Apostolical Tradition Clem. Constit Apost li. 5 c. 13. Hier. ep ad Marcal ●du erro Mōtani Leo ser 6 et 9 de Quadrages Deuter. 8 3. Deu. 6 13 10 20. ⸬ See the Annot in S. Matthew c. 4 11. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psal 90 11. ⸬ If the Diuel him self alleage Scripture against Christ no maruel that Heretikes do so against Christs Church Deut. 6 16. THE third part of Christes manifesting him self by preachīg and miracles specially in Galilee Mt. 4 12. Mr. 1 14 Mt. 13 54. ⸬ Our Sauiour vsed to preach in their Synagogues Mr. 6 1. Io. 4 43 Esa 61 1 ⸬ He had a maruelous grace and an extraordinarie force in mouing the harts of his hearers The Gospel vpon Munday in the 3 vveeke of Lent 3 reg 17 9. 4 reg 5 14. Mat. 4 13. 7 28. Mr. 1 21 Mat. 8 14. The Gospel vpon Thursday in the 3 vveeke of Lent And vpon Saturday in Vvhitson-vveeke Mr. 1 30 The diuels tentations Miracles at one place and not at an other Christs body conteined in place aboue nature The Apostles left their vviues The Gospel vpō the 4 Sunday after Pentecost Mt. 4 18. Mar. 1 16. Mt. 8 2. Mar. 1 40. ⸬ See S. Mat. Annot. c. 8 4. Leu. 14 2. Mt. 9 2. The Gospel vpō Friday in whitsonvveeke Mr. 2 3. Mt. 9 9. Mr. 2 14 The Gospel vpō S. Matthevves eue Septēb 2● Mat. 9 14. ⸬ Christ came not to call those who presume of their owne iustice and that coūpt them selues to haue no neede of Christ Mar. 2 18. ⸬ See S. Mat. Annot. c. 9 14. Lu. 5 33. Peters ship Peter fishing Act. 2 41. 4 4. Peters coadiutors Peters preeminence in fishing for 〈◊〉 soules Zeale of soules The intercessiō of others In catena S. Thomae Priests do remit sinnes Io. 20 23. Hiero. in Mat. 9. Forsaking al and folovving Christ Athan. in vit S. Antonij August cōfes li. 8 c. 12. Bonau in vit S. Frācisci ⸬ S. Hierom ep 1 ad Nepotia vvriteth of him self that being at Cōstantinople he asked his maister Gregorie Nazianzene the famous Doctor then Bishop there what Sabboth this vvas who by his answer declared that it was very hard to tel neither is it yet knowen to the best learned Yet the Protestants are wont to say Al is very easie Mt. 12 1 Mr. 2 23 1. Re. 21 4. Leu. 24 9. Mt. 12. 10. Mr. 3 1. The Gospel vpō S. Bartlemewes day Mt. 10 1 Mr. 3 13 6 7. Lu. 9 1. The Gospel vpō Alholowes eue And for many Martyrs Mt. 5 2. 6 7. ⸬ That is to euery one iustly asking For that vvhich is vniustly asked may be iustly denied Aug. li. 1. c. 40. de Serm. Do. in monte The Gospel vpon the first Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ He buildeth right surely that hath both faith and good vvorkes he buildeth on sand that trusteth to his faith or reading or knovvledge of the scripture and doth not vvorke or liue accordingly Heretikes vnderstād not the Scriptures The Churches praiers at the times of giuing holy Orders Calu. Inst li. 4 c. ● The name and dignitie of Apostles Ps 108 8. Act. 2 20. Eph. 1 20. Act. 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 12. Eph. 4 11. 1 Cor. 9 2. Phil. 2 25. Luc. 4 18. Hebr. 3 1. Peters preeminence Al persecution for Christ is a blessing The vanitie of Heretical preachers Against vsurie Mt. 8 5. ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matth. c. 8 8. The Gospel vpō the 15 Sunday after Pentecost And vpō Thursday in the 4 vveeke of Lent And for S. Monica S. Augustin● mother Maij. 4. Mt. 11 2 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Esa 35 5. 61 1. ⸬ Pauperes euangelizantur that is to the poore the Gospel is preached and they receiue it Mt. 11 7 ⸬ Marke this vvel concerning Iohns apparel and diet See the Annotations vpon S. Matth. c. 3 4. Mal. 3 1 ⸬ As they that contēned Iohns baptisme despised Gods counsel and wisedō so much more they that make no accoumpt of the Sacraments of the Church despise Gods counsel and ordinance touching their saluation to their owne damnation Mt. 3 4. The Gospel vpō S. Marie Magdalens day Iul 22. And vpon Thursday in Passion weeke And vpō Imber Friday in Sept. ⸬ A perfect paterne of true penance in this vvoman vvho sought of Christ vvith opē teares other strange vvorkes of satisfaction and deuotion remission of her sinnes ⸬ Not only faith as you may perceiue but loue or charitie obtaineth remission of sinnes ⸬ As the Pharisees did alwaies carpe Christ for remissiō of sinnes in earth so the Heretikes reprehend his Church that remitteth sinnes by his authoritie Building of Churches Monasteries c. Exteriour signes of more then common deuotion Iustification attributed not to faith onely Mr. 16 9. c aliae multae Mt. 13 1. The Gospel vpō the Sunday of Sexagesine Mr. 4 1. Es 6 9. ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matthevv c. 13 14. ⸬ Against the Heretikes that say faith once hat can not be lost and that he vvhich novv hath not faith neuer had ⸬ He did not here disdainfully speake of his mother but teacheth that our spiritual kinred is to be preferred before carnal cognation Hilar. in 〈◊〉 Mat. Mt. 8 23. Mar. 4 36. c complebantur ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matthevv c. 8 24. Mt. 8 28 Mr. 5 1. Mt. 9 18 Mr. 5 22. ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matthew c. 9. 19. ⸬ It is an euidēt signe of prerogatiue that Peter only is named
part Of his Traditions c In the greeke Traditions 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 2 21. ` churches The Epistle vpon Maundy Thursday a The Epistle vpon CORPVS Christi day Mat. 26 26. ⸬ The Apostles drift in al that he saith here of the Sacramēt is against vnvvorthy receiuing as S. Augustine also noteth Ep. 11● c. 3. and not to set out the vvhole order of ministratiō as the heretikes do ignorātly imagine Mr. 14 22. Luc. 22 19. The Custome of the Church is a good answer against al vvranglers That heresies shal come and vvherfore Vvhat cōmoditie vve may make of heresies Agapae or suppers of charitie Cōc Gang. can 11. Conc Loadic can 27. 28. Vvhether the Apostle meane by our Lords supper the B. Sacrament Traditiō vvithout vvriting Whether the catholikes or Protestants doe more imitate Christs institution of the B. Sacrament Al circunstāces in our Sauiours action about the B. Sacramēt neede not be imitated Io. 13 2. Luc. 9 16. The Protestants imitate not Christ in blessing the bread and vvine They imitate him not in vnleauened bread and mingling water with wine The vvordes of consecration to be said ouer the bread and vvine the vvhich the Protestants do not tract ●0 in Io. The Protestants haue taken away the B. Sacrament altogether The povver to consecrate giuen to Priests onely The Sacramēt consisteth not in the receiuing Vvhy the Protestants call it the Communion Communion vvhich is a part of the MASSES what it signifieth li. 4. c. 14. de orthod fide Hovv Christs death is shewed by the B. Sacrament it self vvithout sermon or othervvise The vvicked receiue the body bloud The real presence is proued by the heinous offēse of vnvvorthy receiuing Confessiō before receiuing the B. Sacrament Adoration of the B. Sacrament * See the Annot. The manifold honour and discerning of Christes body in the Cath. Church Mat. ● ● ep 118 c. 6. The Profane bread of the Protestants * Aug. de pec merit li. 2. c. 24. Ep. Iuda Holy bread Vnvvorthie receiuing Penance and satisfaction The Masse is agreable to the Apostles vse and tradition the Communion is not Aug. ep 118 c. 6. Aug. tract 84 in Io. Chrys ho. 〈◊〉 in Act. The 6. part As couching the Giftes of the Holy Ghost The Epistle vpon the 10 Sunday after Rentecost ⸬ Al these Giftes be those vvhich the lear n●ecall Gratias gratis datas vvhich be bestovved often euen vpon il liuers vvhich haue not the other graces of God whereby their persons should be grateful iust holy in his sight Ro. 12 4 Eph. 4 7. ⸬ A maruelous vniō betwixt christ his Church a great cōfort to al Catholikes being members therof that the church and he the head the body make be called one Christ Aug. de vnit Ec. ` one body Eph. 4 11. ⸬ S. Augustine ep 137 giueth the same reason vvhy miracles cures be done at the memories or bodies of some Saincts more then at others by the same Saincts in one place of their memories rather then at other places Zealous faith Vnitie Schisme The Epistle vpon the Sunday of Quinquagesme called Shrouesunday ⸬ This proueth that faith is nothing vvorth to saluatiō without vvorkes and that there may be true faith vvithout Charitie ⸬ By this text S. Augustine li. ●2 Ciu. c. 29 proueth that the Saints in heauen haue more perfect knovvledge of our affaires here then they had vvhen they liued here ⸬ Charitie is of al the three the greatest Hovv then doth onely saith being inferior to it saue iustifie and not Charitie Charitie False Mattyrs The 3 vertues theological Charitie is lost by mort●l sinne not faith ″ Much like to some fond Linguists of our time who thinke them selues better then a doctor of Diuinitie that is not a Linguist c By this word are meant al rude vnlearned men but specially the simple which vvere yet vncharistened as the Catechumens vvhich came in to those spiritual exercises as also infidels did at their pleasures c idiotae ` vvith tongues more thē you all Es 28 11 2. Tim. 2 12. Gen. 3 16. A paraphrastical exposition of this Chapter concerning vnknovven tongues Of vvhat spiritual exercise the Apostle speaketh The disorders in the same That S. Pauls place maketh nothing against the seruice in the saith tōge By strange tonges the Apostle meaneth not the latin Greeke or Hebrue S. Augustine our Apostle brought in the Seruice in the latin tongue The latin seruice one and the same in al countries and strange to none The seruice in vulgar tōge strange and barbarous to euery strāger Vvhether the seruice in vulgar tonges do more edifie See Annot 1. Cor. 10. 13. The vertue of the Sacramēts and Seruice consisteth not in the peoples vnderstāding The people is to be taught the meaning of Sacraments ceremonies and are taught in al Catholike coūtries Catholike people in euery countrie vnderstandeth euery ceremonie and can behaue them selues accordingly Aug. doct Chr. li. 2. c. 13. That he speaketh not of the Churches seruice is proued by inuincible in arguments The Apostle speaketh not of the peoples priuate praiers in latin as vpon primmars beades or othervvise Latin praiers translated or the people taught the cōtents thereof The peoples deuotion nothing the lesse for praying in Latin Mat. 24. * Greg. li. 27. Moral c. 6. The seruice alvvaies in Latin through out the vvest Church It is not necessarie to vnderstand our praiers Hovv far is sufficient for the people to vnderstand Hovv the mind or vnderstāding is edified 1 Cor. 13. 1 Cor. 11 16. A notable rule of S. Augustine Vvomen may haue any temporal Soueraintie but no Ecclesiastical function The 7 part Of the resurrection of the dead The Epistle vpō the 11 Sūday after Pentecost c This deliuerie in the latin greeke importeth tradition so by Tradition did the Apostles plant the Church in al truth before they vvrote any thing Es 53 8. Dan. 9 26. Ps 15 10 Ion. 2 2. Lu. 24. Act. 9 3 Con● borne out of time c tradidi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ In him Gods grace is not void that worketh by his free vvil according to the motion and direction of the ●●me grace ⸬ So may we say If the Cath. faith in al pointes be not true then our first Apostles vvere false vvitnesses then hath our Countrie beleeued in vaine al this while then are al our forefathers dead in their sinnes and perished Which presupposing Christ to be God vvere the greatest absurditie in the vvorld Col. 1 18 Ap. 1 5. Ro. 5 12. 1. Thes 4 15. Ps 109. 1. Ps 8 8. Esa 22 13. Menander ⸬ The glorie of the bodies of Saincts shal not be al alike but differēt in heauen according to mens merits ⸬ As to become spiritual doth not take away the substance of the body glorified no more vvhen Christes body is said to be in spiritual sort in the Sacrament doth
estimation examples of some peculiar traditions out of the fathers S. Chrysostom S. Basil S. Hierom. S. Augustine S. Epiphanius S. Irenaeus Tertullian S. Cyprian Origen The Scriptures giuen vs by tradition and the sense thereof The Creede an Apostolical tradition An inuincible argument for the credite of Traditions ● Here also 〈◊〉 as is noted before 2 Thess 2. 15. the aduersaries in their translatiōs auoid the vvord Tradition being plaine in the Greeke lest them selues might seeme to be noted as men vvalking inordinately and not according to Apostolical Tradition as al Schismatikes Heretikes and rebels to Gods Church doe Ep. 6 18. Col. 4 3. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 20. 1. Cor. 4. 1. Th. 2. 1. Cor. 9 6. Gal. 6 9. The heretikes cauillation against Religious mē that vvorke not ansvvered 1 Cor. 9. The spiritual trauailes of the Clergie * See S. Cypr. ep 66. Religious mē working with their handes Monkes were shauen in the primitiue Church and Nonnes clipped of their heare S. Augustines opinion concerning Religious mens working or not working li. de ●p Monach. c. 21. Ecclesiastical censures against the disobedient Not to communicate with excōmunicate persons but in certaine cases 1 Timoth. 3. 1 Timoth. 3. * 1 Tim. 1. Act. 20. v. 25. 38. Col. 2. v. 1. ⸬ S. Augustine saith He that list to haue the hope of heauē let him looke that he haue a good cōsciēce to haue a good conscience let him beleeue vvorke vvel for that he beleueth she hath of faith that he vvorketh he hath of charitie Praefat. in Psa 31. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 7 13 Mt. 9 13. Mr. 2 17. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Euil life and no good conscience is often the cause that men fall to Heresie from the faith of the Catholike Church Againe this plainely reproueth the heretikes false doctrine saying that no man can fall from the faith that he once truely had Teaching othervvise then the doctrine receiued is a special marke of Heretikes * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luthers teaching othervvise Al heretical doctrine is fables Curious questioning in religion Charitie the very formal cause of our iustification Heretikes great boasters but vnlearned Libertines alleage scripture Excommunication of Heretikes and the effect thereof The Priests high authoritie of Excommunication The terrible effect thereof ⸬ Euen for heathen kings Emperours by vvhom the Church suffereth persecution much more for al faithful Princes powers and people both spiritual and temporal for vvhom as members of Christes body and therfore ioyning in praier oblation vvith the ministers of the Church the Priestes more properly and particularly offer the holy Sacrifice See S. Augustine de orig anima li. 1. c. p. 2. Tim. 1 11. 1. Pet. 3 3. 1. Cor. 14 34. Gen. 1 27. 3 6. ` she The praiers petitions in the Masse deduced out of the Apostles vvordes by S. Augustine other fathers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 PATER NOSTER in the Masse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Theoph. in hunc loc Praier in the Masse for kings and other God vvil no mans perditiō but the saluation of al. Hovv there is but one Mediator Christ and vvhat it is to be such a Mediator * Aug. li. 9. de Ciu. cap. 15. De fid ad Pet. c. 2. The different maner of praying to Christ and to Saincts Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Hovv there be many mediators as there be many sauiours and redeemers euē in the Scriptures Iud. 3 9. 2 Esd 9 27. Act. 7 35. Women great talkers of Scripture and promoters of heresie * S. Chrys Ho. 9. in 1. Tim. Tit. 1 6. c He saith hauing children not getting children S. Ambr. Ep. 82. b Neophytus is he that vvas lately christened or nevvely planted in the mystical body of Christ b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The great charge great merite of Ecclesiastical functions The Apostle vnder the name of Bishop instructeth Priestes also The heretikes opinion cōcerning Priests mariage 1 Cor. 7. S. Paules place of one vvife excludeth bigamos from holy Orders * li. 2 ep 25. Vvho are counted bigami Leuit. 21. The Heretical clergie nothing regardeth the Apostles prescription of one vvife None euer maried after holy Orders Socrat. li. 1 c. 8. They that vvere made Priests of maried men absteined from their vviues Sozom. li. 1 c. ●2 S. Epiphanius Mariage of Priests is contrarie to the aūcient canōs Eusebius S. Hierom. S. Augustine See S. Leo ep 92. c. ● S. Ambrose Tertullian S. Cyprian Councels None rashly to be admitted to the Clergie Heretikes admit al sortes vvithout exception The three holy orders only bound to chastitie Leo ep 92. c. 3. Greg. li. 1 ep 42. The 4 inferiour orders not bound to chastitie Al the seuen orders auncient euē from Christ and the Apostles time S. Ambrose calleth the B. of Rome Rector of the vvhole Church The heretikes say directly cōtrarie to the Apostle that the Church is not the piller of truth That the Church is the piller of truth and can not erre is proued by many reasons Io. 14 16. Mat. 16. Mat. 28. Eph. 4. Io. 17. Luc. 22. Psal 2. Eph. 5. The meaning of this article I beleeue the Cath. Church 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is the visible Church that is the piller or truth and can not erre Vvhence the Church hath this priuilege neuer to erre S. Augustine Lactantius S. Cyprian S. Irenaeus 2 Tim. 3 3 Pet. 3. Iude v. 18. ⸬ We see plainely by these vvordes such abstinence only to be disalovved as condemneth the creatures of God to be naught by nature creation 1. Tim. 1 4. Tit. 3 9. ⸬ Some saith S. Chrysost expound this of fasting but they are deceiued-for fasting is a spiritual exercise See a goodly commentarie of these vvordes in S. August li. de mor. Eccl. Cath. c. 33. Al Heretikes are apostataes from the faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cap. 1. 19. The old Heresies against matrimonie * Aug. har 46. The old Heresies about abstin●●e from meates The Catholikes impudently charged vvith the said old heresies Abstinence from certaine meates is no condemnation of the meates Diuers good causes of abstinence Forbidding certaine persons to marrie is no condemnation of matrimonie Catholikes esteeme matrimonie more then the Protestants doe The Protestants obiectōs answered long ago by S. Hierom and S. Augustine * Aug. li. 2 c. 5 de nupt c●ncupise Blessing of the table or of meates specially by a Priest 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To blesse is a preeminence of the better person Hebr. 7. No creature il by nature yea one more sanctified then an other Holy times and places euery thing deputed to the seruice of God holy Mat. 23. 2 Pet. 1. Creatures hallovved by the signe of the Crosse The blessing of our meate vvhat a vertue it hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Holy bread August ep 31. 34 35. 36. The signe of the crosse vsed in blessing The Churches exorcismes Luc. ● Holy vvater The force of sanctified creatures The holy land Relikes theodoret li. 36. 3. The crosse The name of IESVS Remission of venial sinnes annexed to halovved creatures Ia. c. 5. S. Gregorie The difference betvvene the Churches exorcismes other coniurations Grace giuen in the Sacramēt of Orders Consecratiō of Priests by imposition of handes In Esa c. 58. Holy Orders a Sacrament Conc. Carth 4 c. 3. Beza in cap. 6. Act. Men also are called sauiours vvithout derogatiō to Christ The Epistle for holy vvidovves ⸬ Because of this continual praier vvhich standeth not vvith cōiugal carnal actes of matrimonie as the Apostle signifieth 1 Cor. 7 5 therfore vvere these vvidovves to liue in the state of perpetual continencie c Double honour and liuelihod due to good Priestes Deu. 25. 1. Cor. 9. Mat. 10 10. ⸬ Here the Apostle vvil not haue euery light felovv to be heard against a priest so S. Augustin for the like reuerence of priesthod admonisheth P●̄carius that in no vvise he admitte any testimonies or accusations of Heretikes against a Catholike priest ep 212. ⸬ Bishops must haue great care that they giue not orders to any that is not wel tried for his faith learning and good behauiour Ambr. in hunc loc Luc. c. 2 37. widowhod widowes called Diaconissa their office These widowes must haue had but one husbād wherof many Catholike cōclusiōs are deduced C. 3 2. Beza vpon this place The Caluinists most absurd exposition of the Apostles wordes Their blasphemie against the plaine text * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The very vvil to breake the vovv of chastitie is damnable * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Breaking of their first faith is by the consent of a antiquitie vvhē they bre●ke their vovv of chastitie Why this vow is called faith or fidelitie Vvhy the first faith The heretikes exposition of this first faith impossible against the text S. Paul meaneth not that vvidovves professed should marie * othervvise Ag●ruchia ep 11. It is better for the frailer sort that are in danger of falling to marie rather then to vow Yong vvomen may be professed taken into religion To marie after the vovv of Chastitie is to goe after Satan 1 Cor. 7. The heretikes only remedie against concupiscence is mariage The vow of chastitie lawful possible to be kept more grateful to God Iouinians heresie in this point cōdemned of old is called of the Protestants Gods vvord Many good vvorthie Bishops that haue not the gift of preaching and teaching c See the an̄o●ation before cap. 1 3. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b The epistle for S. Alexius ●ul 17. Iob 1 21. Mat. 6 25. ⸬ As in the 1. chap. lacke of faith and good conscience so here couetousnes or desire of these temporal things in the end of this chap. presumption and boasting of knowledge are causes of falling from the faith heresie often being the punishmēt of former sinner b The epistle for S. Timothee Ian. 24. Io. 18 37 Apoc. 17 14. 19 16. Io. 1 18. ⸬ Almes deedes and good workes laide for a foūdatiō and ground to attaine euerlasting life So say the doctors vpō this place c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 S. Chrysostom Depositum is the Catholike truth descending from the Apostles by succession of Bishops euen vnto the end The Protestāts can shew no such depositum Prophane nouelties of vvordes how to be tried and examined Catholike termes not expresly in the Scriptures but in sense are no such nouelties of vvordes Heretical nouelties of vvordes * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Protestāts prophane nouelties of vvordes Catholikes must abhorre from heretical phrases and vvordes ● Ps 132. Heretikes arrogate knowledge falsely so called ⸬ Here againe it is plaine that holy Orders giue grace that euen by and in the external ceremonie of imposing the Bishops hands And it is a maner of speach specially vsed in this Apostle and S. Luke that Orders giue grace to the ordered that to take orders or authoritie to minister Sacramēts or preach is to be giuen or deliuered to Gods grace Act. 14 25. Tit. 3 5. Tit. 1 ● 1 Timo. 2 7. c Faith and loue coupled commonly together in this Apostles vvritings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Tim. 4 19. ⸬ Vvhat a happie meritorious thīg it is to relieue the afflicted for religiō not to be ashamed of their disgrace yrōs or what miseries so euer A great blessing to haue Catholike progenitors and very cōmendable to cleaue fast to their faith Apol. cōt Ruff. li. 1. c. 8. The peoples speaches of their fathers faith is very Christian and laudable Deut. 32. Ps 43. * Act. 24. 2 Cor. 11. Al our good deedes are laid vp vvith God to be revvarded We must speake in Catholike termes after a certaine rule of faith and forme of vvordes Relieuers of Cath. prisoners ⸬ Marke here that the elect though sure of saluation yet are saued by meanes of their preachers teachers as also by their ovvne endeuours Mat. 10 Ro. 3 3. c See the Annotatiō before 1 Tim. 6. v. 20. Tit. 3 9. ⸬ Conuersion from sinne and heresie is the gift of God and of his special grace yet here vve see good exhortations and praier and such other helpes of man be profitable therevnto Vvhich could not be if vve had not free vvill Vvhat secular affaires do not agree nor cōsist vvith spiritual mens function Hovv spiritual men may serue secular Princes deale in ciuil causes in vit 8. Ambr. Bern. Catholikes only right hādlers of the Scripture 2 Cor. 2 4. Heretical bookes and sermōs are to be auoided Who are out of the Church or vvithin it Free vvil 1 Timot. 4 1. ⸬ That those Magicians vvhich resisted Moyses were thus called it is not written in al the old Testamēt therfore it came to the Apostles knowledge by tradition as the Church novv hath the names of the 3 kings of the penitēt theefe of the souldiar that pearced Christes side on the Crosse and of the like Exo. 7. ⸬ In al danger and diuersitie of false sectes S. Paules admonition is euer to abide in that vvas first taught deliuered neuer to giue ouer our old faith for a new fansie This is it which before he calleth depositum 1. Tim. 6. and 2. Tim. 1. 2. Pet. 1 21. Women easily seduced by heresie The folly of Heretikes in time appeareth Persecution The great profit of reading the Scriptures The Heretikes folish argumēt Al Scripture is profitable ergo only Scripture is necessarie sufficient The Epistle for holy Doctors and for S. Dominike August 4. ⸬ The martyrdom of saincts is so acceptable to God that it is counted as it vvere a sacrifice in his sight and therfore hath many effectes both in the partie that suffereth it
Gen. 1 26. The Epistle vpon the 5 Sunday after the Epiphanie Eph. 4 32. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 triumph and haue the victorie Eph. 5 22. 1. Pet. 3 7. Eph. 6 1. Eph. 6 5 Tit. 2. 9. 1. Pet. 2 18. ⸬ Retribution or revvard for good vvorkes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vvhich signifieth rendering one for an other Deu. 10 17. Ro. 2 11. Gal. 2 6. Heretical and foolish translation Iustice an inherent qualitie in vs. Luc. 18 1 Eph. 6 18. 2. ⸬ S. Paul euer much desireth the praiers of the faithful whereby vve learne the great efficacie of them Thes 3 1 Eph. 5 15. Phile. 10. ⸬ He did not only pray but tooke other great paines to procure Gods grace for the Colossians perhaps by watching fasting and doing other penance of body that God would not suffer them to fall from their receiued faith to the secte of Simon Magus or the Iudaizing Christiās 2 Tim. 4 10. 11 The Epistle vpon the 6 Sunday after the Epiphanie ⸬ In this and the like places the Heretikes malitiously most falsely translate construe apply al things meāt of the Heathē idols to the memories and images of Christ and his saincts namely the English Bibles of the yere 1562. 1577. See the Annotatiō 1 Io. 5 21. Religious persons imitation of diuers holy men is the imitatiō of Christ him self c A notable example for Catholike preachers and passing comfortable whē in the middes of persecutiōs and reproches they preache sincerely to please God not men Act. 16 12. 23. ` milde Act. 20 34. 1. Cor. 4 12. 2. Thes 3 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ If the Apostle vvithout iniurie to god in right good sense call his scholers the Thessaloniās his hope ioy glorie vvhy blaspheme the Protestāts the Cath. Church her childrē for terming our B. Ladie or other Sainctes their hope for the special considēce they haue in their praiers Not only the vvrittē vvord is the vvord of God Act. 18 5. ⸬ Though letters or epistles in absēce giue great comfort and confirmation in faith yet it is preaching in presence by vvhich the faith of Christ and true religion is alvvais both begunne and accomplished The Epistle vpon the 2 Sunday in Lent c Al Catholike Christians make one fraternitie or brotherhod Io. 13 34 15 17. Heb 13 1 ⸬ Christian men ought to procede and profite continually in good vvorkes and iustification The Epistle in a Masse for the dead vpon the day of the burial or deposition 1. Cor. 15 23. ⸬ He speaketh in the person of those that shal be aliue vvhen our Sauiour returneth to iudgement Mt. 24 31. 1. Cor. 13 52. The precepts of the Church Mt. 24 44. 2 Pet. 3 10 Apoc. 3 3 16 15. Esa 59 17. Eph. 6 17. ⸬ A christian mans vvhole armour is not faith only but al the three vertues here named b The Epistle vpō the Imber Saturday in Lent Pro. 17 13. Ro. 12 1. Pet. 3 9. Luc. 18 1. c To desire eternal life of him that onely can giue it is to pray vvithout intermission but because that desire is oftē by worldly cares cooled certaīe houres and times of vocal praier vvere appointed See S. Aug. ep 121 ad Probam Not rashly to credite euery spirit * Act. 1● v. 11. * c. 2. v. 15. ⸬ Note that by constant and patient suffering of afflictiōs for christ men are made vvorthie so the Greeke signifieth as the Aduersaries them selues trāslate v. 11. of the crowne or kingdom of heauen and so do merite and deserue the same See Anno. Luc. 20 35. And the Apostle here saith that it is Gods iustice no lesse to repay glorie to the afflicted then to render punishmēt to them that afflict because of their contrarie deserts or merites c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Thes 4 16. ⸬ Christ shal be glorified in his Saincts that is by the great and vnspeakable honour exaltatiō of them he shal be honoured as now he is the honour vvhich the Church doth to them not diminishing Christs glorie as the Aduersaries folishly pretēd but excedingly augmenting the same c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Epistle in the Imber Saturday of Aduent c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Hovv then can the Pope be Antichrist as the Heretikes fondly blaspheme vvho is so far from being exalted aboue God that he praieth most humbly not onely to christ but also to his B. mother and al his Saincts Es 11 4. ⸬ Deus mi●●et saith S. Aug. li. 20. de Ci. c. 19. quia Deus Diabosum sacere ista permittet God wil send because God wil 〈◊〉 the Diuel to do these things Whereby vve may take a general rule that Gods action or working in such things is his permissiō See Annot. Ro. 1 24. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c This vvord of exhorting implieth in it comfort and consolation as 2. Cor. 1. v. 4. 6. The day of iudgment vncertaine and to be left to Gods secretes Two special signes before the later day a general apostasie and the comming of Antichrist Caluin in hunc locū The heretikes interpretatiō of this apostasie their cōdēning of the fathers There can be no apostasie of the visible Churche from God * Dialog adu Lucifer c. 6. 1 Io. 2 v. 18. It is very like the Apostle speaketh of a great apostasie frō the See of Rome and from most articles of the Catho faith li. 2. cont lit Petil. c. 51. The wonderful prouidēce of God in preseruing the See of Rome more then al other states notwithstanding manifold dangers and scandals Many Antichrists as fore runners of the great Antichrist The great Antichrist shal be one special and notorious man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 49 17. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beza in hoc cap. The Caluinistes place Antichrist in the See of Rome in S. Paules daies They make S. Leo S. Gregorie great furtherers of Antichristes pride Against D. Sanders rocke pag. 248. pag. 278. Iuel Antichrist shal suffer no worship or adoration but of him self only therfore the Pope can not be Antichrist Dan. ● 6. In vvhat temple Antichrist shal sitte Dan. 9. Mat. 24. 1 Mach. 1. The abomination of desolation consisteth cheefely in abolishing the sacrifice of the altar Hovv Antichrist shal sit in the Church Beza● Neither Antichrist nor his precursors are mēbers of the Church * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Antichrist by interpretatiō One against Christ why so called Protestants Caluinists the neere forerūners of Antichrist S. Augustins humilitie in interpreting the scriptures The mysterie of iniquitie is the couert working of heretikes toward the manifest reuelation of Antichrist himself What kinde of men shal folow Antichrist * See S. D●ny● Arcopag Ec. Hier. c. 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heretical trāslation Traditions vnvvritten * ● Cor. 11 2. Thes 3. Their authoritie