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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05364 A consultation what faith and religion is best to be imbraced. Written in Latin by the R. Father Leonard Lessius, Professour in Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by W.I. Lessius, Leonardus, 1554-1623.; Wright, William, 1563-1639. 1618 (1618) STC 15517; ESTC S105037 99,482 276

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by vertue and power of Gods decree And this againe was in tymes past an heresy of Simon (d) Vincēt Lirin Magus and of (e) Eusebius l. 5. c. 20. Florinus 3. Both teach that good works be not necessary to saluation and that fayth is ynough But this was an heresy of the same Simon (f) Iren. l. 1. c. 20● Magus and of (g) Aug. haer 54. the Eunomians about the yeare of Christ 360. 4. Both also teach that syns though neuer so many and great do not hurt him who hath fayth for that the malice of them is not imputed to him who beleeueth And this was also in tymes past an heresy of the (h) Aug. haer 54. Eunomians and of Basilides and Carpocrates as witnesseth Irenaeus l. 1. c. 23. 24. 5. Caluin denyeth the reall presence of Christs body in the Eucharist But this was againe an heresy of Berengarius about the yeare of our Lord 1051. Where it is to be noted first though some priuately before Berengarius doubted of that matter and moued the question about it yet none was so hardy as to professe it in publike as testifieth Hugh of Langres and Adelman of Bressia in their epistles to Berengarius and Paschasius in his booke of the words of the Institution of this Sacrament In so much as this was the constant and vniforme doctrine of the Church not opposed against by any arch-heretike vntill the tyme of Berengarius Secondly that Berengarius his opinion was whiles he yetlyued condemned in fiue Councells and that Berengarius himselfe thrise abiured his opinion and in conclusion died very penitent in the Catholike fayth He being dead the same heresy lay buried vp welneere two hundred yeares vntill the tyme of the Lollards who brought it to light againe as is gathered out of Trithemius in his Chronicle about the yeare 1315. After this againe VVicliffe held the same as appeareth by his third article After his death againe there was a deep silence of that matter for the space of an hundred yeares vntill Swinglius renewed it and Caluin and some others after him Whereby it euidently appeareth that this opinion was euer in the Church held for a manifest heresy therfore eyther the Church hath euer erred in a principall article of fayth and so consequently it was neuer Christs Church or that opinion which abrogateth and disclaymeth from the Reall presence of Christs body is an heresy indeed 6. Both take away all traditions and would haue all things to be comprehended in Scriptures alone The same was the heresy of the Arians as is recorded by S. Augustine also of Nestorius l. 1. contra Maxim c. 2. vlt. Dioscorus and Eutiches as is declared in the seauenth Synod Act. 1. 7. Both deny the Sacraments of Penance and of Confirmation The Nouatians taught the same opinion long ago as witnesse S. Cyprian l. 4. epist 2. l. 3. baer fabularum and S. Theodoret 8. Both teach that the Church consisteth of good alone and that the Church in former tymes visible perished notwithstanding for many ages that in this tyme it only remayneth in their congregations The very like was the heresy of the Donatists as testifieth S. Augustine l. de vnit Eccl. c. 12. 9. Both of them teach that prayer is not to be made for the dead that 〈◊〉 fast of Lent or any other stable fasts be not to be keep but euery one is then to fast when it shall to him seeme good The Aerians taught the very same in former ages if we beleeue Epiphamus haer 75. and S. Augustine l. dehaer c. 33. 10. Both deny the veneration of holy Reliques of Christs and Saints Images and call it Idolatry Vigilantius did no lesse many ages past as witnesseth S. Hierome The same did the Image breakers as testify Zoneras Cedrenus and Nicephorus touching them who made war against Images By these it is more then manifest that the chiefest opinions whereof Lutheranisme and Caluinisme consist be ancient heresyes long since condemned by the Church and that the same were alwayes held in the Church for heresyes The same may we easily exemplify and declare touching the rest Vide Bellar de notis Eccl. c. 9. Coccius de signis Eccl. l. 8. art 3. Wherehence it followeth that these Religions be nothing but the very sincke of heresyes of old longe ago put to silence and now in these latter dayes brought to light againe The XI Reason From the want of a Rule of Faith THESE new Religions haue no certaine rule of Faith to follow therfore they are not to be receyued For the principall heads of Religion must be determined certaine and withall immutable And that they haue not any certaine rule of beliefe whereby it may be resolued what is necessary to be beleeued and what not is euident First for that they admit neyther the traditions of the Church nor the authority of generall Councells nor the iudgment of the ancient Doctors of the Church and of those who flourished and liued before these our Controuersies Luther reiecteth all traditions in c. l. 4. c. 8. §. 6.7 8 in Antid ad 4. fes● Conc. Trident 1. ad Galatas as doth Caluin also l. 4. Instit and they teach that nothing is to be beleeued nothing to be receyued an holy Scripture Luther so contemneth Generall Councells which haue hitherto had most great authority in Gods Church for they be as it were the Parlaments of Princes In art 115 sequentib Peers in Christs Kingdome as he will haue the definitions therof subiect to the iudgment and censure of euery priuate person And he further sayth that it is a mad thing that the Councells will conclude what is to be beleeued And in the same place he teacheth that what is to be beleeued what not is to be left to the iudgment of euery spirituall man Caluin insinuateth no lesse l. 1. c. 7. § 1.2 4. when he sayth that it is not for the Church to iudge what books be Canonicall but that appertayneth to the inward spirit alone Finally as touching the Fathers Luther careth not for a thousand Augustines l. contra Regem Augiae a thousand Cyprians Caluin also in very many places contemneth them and affirmeth that they erred Wherefore none of all these is vnto them a rule of fayth But say they The Scripture it selfe is vnto vs a rule of fayth it cānot erre But it is an easy matter ●o shew that this rule serueth not the turne First because we by this rule cannot iudge of the Scripture it selfe and so the rule it selfe will remayne vnto vs vncertain which yet should haue the greatest certitude of all For by the Scripture it cannot come to be knowne for certaine that such a book is truly Scripture is not Apocripall nor composed by some deceiptfull person that this or that sentence is not peruerted northrust in Finally that nothing is added or taken
away that maketh to the substance of doctrine All this cannot to be known by Scripture but proued only by certaine humane weake coniectures if you take away the traditions of the Church and so the whole foundatiō of our fayth shall rely vpon vncertaine coniectures Moreouer the vertue and efficacy of the Scripture consisteth not in the sound of the words but in the sense meaning which is the life and soule of the Scripture But there may be a thousand controuersies about the sense which cannot in any sort be decided by the Scripture it selfe if you take a way Traditions and the exposition of the Fathers as experience teacheth For about the sense of these words Hoc est Corpus meum and of many more there is most eager disputation betwene the Lutherans and Caluinists c. If you say with Caluin that the iudgment touching the Scriptures and the vnderstanding of them belongeth to an inward spirit this is nothing but the dictamen of an internall spirit that is for the priuate iudgment of euery particular person to set down the first rule how to beleeue For euery one may say that he hath the spirit and by the inspiration therof can iudge and determine that this part or booke is holy Scripture and not that that this is the sense not that So a● Lutheran out of his spirit giueth iudgment In prologonou● Testamer ti that S. Iames Epistle is a strawy Epistle and the Apocalyps of S. Iohn of doubtfull authority But the Caluinist out of his soiri● iudgeth the one and the other to be the word of God So Luther out of his spirit iudgeth that this false opinion is to be abolished that there be foure Gospells for that S. Iohns Gospell is but one faire true and principall and to be far preferred before the other three In like manner S. Paules and S. Peters epistles do sar go beyond sayth be the three Gospells of Mathew Marke and Luke He would willingly haue reiected them because they plainely proue establish the merit and necessity of good works and the obseruation of the commaundements and do recommend chastity and pouerty But when he durst not cleane reiect them he would extennate their authority and insinuate that they were not written with the spirit of God In like maner Caluin out of his own sense iudgeth that these words Hoc est Corpus meum haue this meaning This breed is the figure of my body and Luther will haue it This bread is truly my body I omit other thing without nūber by which it appeareth that euery ones priuate iudgment is proposed for arule of beleefe or which is the same that the Scripture it selfe is expounded and interpreted according to euery ones priuate iudgment Secondly that is not any fit rule of beliefe that is a like accommodated to contrary doctrines but the scripture is accommodated to contrary Religions and doctrines for as much as all the Sects of this time though they do in an hostile manner dissent and contend in very many and those the most inportant heads and grounds do neuertheles make this rule to serue their turne and doe vse it for the mantayning of their opinions and heresyes For the Lutherans say they rely vpon Scripture the Caluinists affirme the same the Anabaptists also are nothing behind them in auerring that the Scriptures be for them And no meruaile because euery one of them taketh and interpreteh the Scripture not conforme to the comon vnderstanding of the Church or the common exposition of the Fathers as do the Catholikes but according to the sense of euery priuate spirit in which sort it may bee easilie accommodated to all heresies Whence it is euident that this rule so taken serueth not the turne whiles all is reduced to the iudgment of euery ones priuate spirit Thirdly if there were some iudge who in euery Controuerly wherein he were to giue sentence should so doe it as it could not be certainly vnderstood for whether party he pronounced the sentence but both partyes should contend that the matter were adiudged and determined on their side and that the sentence of the Iudge was expresly plainly pronounced for them such an one in the opinion of all men could not be thought a competent Iudge sith no matter in cōtrouersie could bee determined or ended by sentence giuen by him For after sentence there would bee as greata contention about the sentence it selfe whether of them it might seeme to fauour as there had been before about the right that ech party had And such a Iudge is Holy Scripture if you take away the Churches interpretation and declaration and the exposition of the holy Fathers for as much as the sentence therof is euer such as it cannot bee euident to both parties whether of them it fauoureth whiles the one and the other doth stifly maintaine that it is most plaine that it holdeth and standeth for them And hence it is that controuersies bee neuer ended and therefore it is not onely a vaine but also a ridiculous thing to appoint the Scripture alone for Iudge For in euery controuersy there ought such a Iudge to be designed who may so giue sentence as it may be manifest to all and most of all to those parties on whose behalf the cause is adiuged otherwise such a controuersy can neuer be ended Wherfore those who make the Scripture alone the Iudge of matters in question do therin plainely manifest that they admit not any iudge at all by whome the cause may be determined besids their priuate iudgment alone For they do as if Titus and Caius hauing a suite at Law would not haue any other Iudge in the matter but Iustinian his Code together with the Pandects without hauing any thing to do with the interpretation of Doctors and Titus producing for his owne right some law should by it maintayne that the cause was manifestly adiudged for him And Caius againe should deny it who by citing an other law for himselfe should say that it was cleare that that law fauoured made for him which Titus would in lake manner deny and so they should both depart without any decision of the cause or controuersy in hand would it not be a matter worthy of laughter and all would say that neyther of them desired the determination or decision of the cause And that neyther admitted other Iudge then his owne iudgment In the very like manner in this that they wil not haue any other Iudge then Scripture and euery one reserueth the interpretatiō thereof to his owne spirit they plainely shew that they haue no will that the cause should be decided or defined by any lawfull way nor to admit any Iudg but their owne iudgment Fourthly how very insufficient this rule of beliefe is experience it selfe plainely teacheth For we see that there is not any end of controuersies among them euen about the greatest matter of fayth sith at this very tyme the Lutherans Caluinists