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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16065 Of the auctorite of the word of god agaynst the bisshop of london wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the parlament howse betwene the bisshops a bowt the nomber of the sacramen[n]ts and other things, very necessary to be known, made by Alexa[n]der Alane Scot and sent to the duke of Saxon. Alesius, Alexander, 1500-1565.; Allen, Edmond, 1519?-1559. 1544 (1544) STC 292; ESTC S108900 30,774 92

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neuer cease til thei had gotē him out of the way and thei had before brought to death diuerse whom the king did highly fauor before the king him self whom thei moued by all meanes to put them to execucyon quickly could perceyue spye out their craft and suttilty But he bad me gyue hym the paper wherin I had writton my disputacyon that he might shewe it to the bisshop of londō to the other bisshops in the councel the cōtentes wherof was this Right honorable and noble lord and ye right reuerend fathers yesterday whan I disputed of the sacramentes with the bisshop of london we came thus farre that those only ought to be called sacramentes which haue the word of god for them and this point only remained to be further declared that nothing ought to be taken for the word of god but only the holy bokes of the old and newe testamēt For the bisshop of london affirmed that the tradicions and ceremonys wherof the old ecclesiastical writers do make mencyon were receiued of the apostles and geuen us of the fathers from hand to hand and therfor thei may be laufully called the word of god vnwrittō and our faith must be proued by them as well as by the holy scripture which is writton in the bible Now I haue determined to cōfute this saing and opinyō and to shewe by the manifest testimonys of christ of the Apostles of the prophetes and also of the old doctors that the Christen faith ought to leane only vpon the holy scripture and that the bokes of the old newe testament only ought to be had and taken for the word of god And because there hangeth a nother disputacyō vpon this that is to say of the auctorite of the doctors and of councels I wil also speake of them For cochleus and other blasphemos lyers which for the bellys sake haue salable tūges and in whom the saing which Paul alledgeth against them that mainteyne wicked doctrine for their bellys sake doth very wel agre saing The cretyās are alweys false lyers wicked beastes and slowe bellys These hipocrites I say do plainly hold that the church that is to say the bisshops as thei vnderstond hath pour to iudge ouer the scripture and to examyne it and also that it hath auctoryte to allowe or to refuse the gospel and to dispense with the .x. commandments and to alter the forme of baptyme and to make newe articles of our faith beside those which be conteined in the scripture Some there be that speake yet more reuerently saing that thei contend not of the scripture or of the word of god but of the exposicyon theroff which thei wil haue to be taken and sought of the church and of the doctors which be alowed of the church vnto whose iudgemēt thei say we ought to stand in all cōtrouersys of our faith what so euer thei deere whether thei haue any scripture for them or no. This sophistical suttelty although it hath more coning than the first grosse blasphemy yet it is to the same effect and thei both haue one end and defend both one opinion But yet before the bisshop of londō there was neuer none so farre past shame as to say that the rytes and ceremonys in the church which can not be proued by the scripture ought to be called the word of god vnwritten ▪ and that we ought to byld our faith vp on them as vp on the holy scripture written in the bible This threfold maze or rather one tra●●formed .iij. ways couered painted with diuers wordes hath those reasons onli to cōfirme it which the bisshop did before alledge for the vnwritton word and certē other which I wil reherse and confute in the end of this writing But first I wil beate downe this grosse blasphemy and I wil shewe and declare that our whole fayth and all the articles of the christē religiō be cōteined in the scripture of the prophetes and apostles so that a christen man is bownd to byleue no other thing than such things as may be proued out of that scripture This horrible blindnes of men and the boldnes malycyos obstinacy which foloweth therup on wherthorow thei blaspheme god and his holy word is rather to be lamented than to be conuict with many reasons the thing being so manifest But the nerer that the brightnes of the sonne of reightwisnes doth cōe and the more clerely that the light of the gospel doth shyne so moch more blinder and more obstynate are the vnfaithful made in so moch veryly that thei are more blynder now in the gret light than thei were before and thei stomble in very dede vp on the stomblyng stone and vp on the rock of sclander For the false teachers euen whan thei were in the most blind darknes were neuer so bold nor impudent as to breake out in to such a blasphemy as to say the church might make newe articles of the faith not cōteyned in the scripture or that it hath auctorite to dispēse with the .x. cōmandmēts and to alter the forme of baptyme Gerson duns dorbel Decam Tomas Bonauēture do plainly condemne this heresy and thei affirme that the truth reueled of god and conteined in the body of the bible or in the holy scripture is the foundacion of our faith that is to say the thīg where vp ō our fayth ought to be bylded thei wold neuer haue byleued that there shuld euer be so gret blindnes in the church that any man shuld be so bold as to affirme that the articles of the christen faith ought to be sought not in the scripture but in the gloses of men and in bisshops lawes or that mans tradicions rites and ceremonys receyued in the church and not conteyned in the scripture ought to be called the word of god vnwritton But I wil cease my cōplayning seing I know that now is the latter tyme wherof the prophetes christ and the apostles did prophecy that there shuld come false prophetes which shuld face out the gospel and imagyne a newe gospel euen stynking hethenyssh old wiuyssh and capcyos fables inuented by the suttyl wit of man as peter and paul calle them and of these false prophetes that is to say Antichrist did daniel christ and paul admonissh us that he shuld extolle him self a boue god and shuld robbe god of his name pour wisdom and mercy and shuld accuse him of right wisnes cruelnes and weakenes vnabylyte which thing we do manifestly see in maner in all their doctrynes as in their pardons in the popes your in purgatory in pryuate masses in the prayng vnto saintes in worshipyng of Images in the vowes of monkes and pristes and in all mans tradicyons And I pray yow is not this to accuse god of ignorance of malice and of sluggisshnes neclygence to say that god hath not writton in his holy bokes of scripture all things necessary vnto our saluacyon as though either he did not remember althings
set vp in the steade of it his own blasphemes and that thei shuld haue bene called the writton word of god rather thā the vnwritton inuented word Oh lord the holy gost had euel prouided for us if he had left us in the holy scripture only part of the word and will of god And how could god haue lauffully dāned us for receyuing strange doctrines euen after the commandmentes of the bisshops if he had not left all things necessary for our saluacyon writton in his holy word And againe where as christ cōmandeth us to heare the church if we shuld not know the true church only by the scripture but by pour auc torite saccession who shuld haue durst ones to haue opened his lippes against the Idolatrissh seruice and false tradiciōs of the bishops or ones haue whisspred against any wickednes had it bene neuer so manifest But thei being thorouly blīded do not perceyue this most shameful and detestable blasphemy Thei doo not consyder what ignorance neclygence vnmercifulnes thei ascrybe vnto god whā as thei say that god did not regard that the word shuld be writton whereby he saith that we shal be iudged at the latter day But the holy gost esspyed before the malyce of the deuel and also this blasphemy and therfor to represse and confownd his purpose and tyranny and agayne to stopp the mouthes of all other he enioyned his scribes that is to say the Prophetes Apostels and euangelistes to wryte this word that we shuld haue by us a sure and a perpetual testimony whereunto we might surely trust and wherby he might shew declare hym selfe to damne the wicked lawfully And he cōmanded the apostels that thei shuld beare witnes of this scripture and that thei shulde reiecte all other writinges whose so euer thei were which went abowt to mixe their lyes with the gospel lyke as s. luke in the prologe of his gospel sayth I thought it good to wryte vnto the gentil brother Theophyl all things which I haue serched out with all dilygence from the beginning that thou mightest haue a perfight groūde to bild thy fayth vp on which thou le●nydst in thy youth c. By this so euydent a testymony hath the holy goost stablysshed confirmed our hartes agaynst the blasphemy of antichrist which accuseth the holy gost of most shameful wickednes and vnrightuosnes saing that he did not regard to wryte all Articles of our christen religyon and faith but that he wold thei shuld depend vpon vncerten doctrynes which the bisshops might make and alter as oft as thei list And the holy gost was not content with this one testimony but he caused the self same euangelist which had promised him self to wryte all things from the beginnig with all diligēce to testifye agayne that he had fulfilled his promes for in the begīnig of the actes he saith that he hath writtō in the story of his gospel of all things which christ both did and taught euē vntyl that day that he left this world And because there were certē which did falsely wrytte and wrest this place the holy father Chrisostome doth expownd it thus There be some that enquire how luke could wryght of all things which christ both did taught seīg Iohn sayth it were impossible to wryte all thīgs whom I answer saith he luke meneth not al thīgs but of all things necessary vnto our saluacion But the holy gost nedeth no helpe of animan to cōfirm his wordes for he which is the most coning craftesman of all and hath the knoulege of all wordes did espie before what cauillacyon the deuel wold make at that therfor he maketh answere vnto it euen by the self same euangelist For where as Ihon had sayd that Iesus had done many miracles which be not writtō he addeth immediatly and saith These be writtō that ye shuld bileue that Iesus is the son of god that ye beleuing shuld haue euerlastīg life hy his name By th●s wordes it is manifest that the sōme of all christes doctrine and so many miracles also were writton as be sufficyent to confirme our faith all maner of articles whiche we be bownd to byleue For this article that Iesus is the son of god the promised seede which shuld breake the serpentes heade and restore that lyfe which the deuel had stolen from us and had brought agayne restored thorow the apperyng of the gospel that light which was darckened hidden by the prince of darknes vnto themyserable world sitting or liuing before in darknes in the shadowe of death this article I say is the sōme of the whole scripture and the principal point or article of s. Iohns gospel And for this articles sake he sayth in his first pistel that he wrote all things vnto all men and that he which byleueth in the son hathe the witnesse ī him selfe that is to say he doth vnderstonde the somme of the whole scripture And because god wold haue the holy bokes wr●ttō testifye of this sede that was to come namely the son of god the whole scripture is a testimony of this christ and son of god there are many t●m●s dyuerse witnesses alledged in the scripture to beare witnes of christ that he is the son of god cōceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgine suffred death is rysen vp agayn c. And vnto this had he respect wh●n he sayd Serche the scriptures for thei beare witnes of me And peter speaketh in like maner s●īg All the prophet●s do witnesse with h●m that god forgeueth all the syn̄es vnto them which bileue and put their confydence in this christ And Paul saith in lyke maner that rightuosnes was testifyed of in the lawe in the prophetes Wherfore thos testimonys which proue Iesus to be the son of god do sufficiently proue also our whole christē faith and all maner of articles necessar●y to saluacyon and to euerlasting life And it were no hard thing to dyduce and drawe all the articles of the faith euen owt of this one For he that byleueth Iesus to be the son of god must nedes also grant god the father almyghty maker of heauen and erth to be the natural father of our lord Iesus christ and that for his sake he is our father and we be the sōnes of god for Iesus sake and thorow him And christ saith byleue ye in god so byleue in me also do ye not byleue that I am in the father and the father in me And Iohn saith who so euer confesseth Iesus to be the son of god khe hath both the father the son Item who so euer bileueth Iesus to be the natural son of god must nedes acknoulege that he is that Emanuel of whom Esay did Prophecy that he shuld be borne of a virgyn and shuld suffer death lyke as other scriptures had before testifyed he saythe O ye folisshe hartes harde to byleue all thīgs which the prophetes haue
workes to be good that are not conteyned in the scripture Now the other part of his reason he proueth thus Those which folowe foliss● questyons contencyons of wordes strange old wyues fables and to be short the doctrines of men not conteyned in the word of god do swarue and erre from the faith and are vngodly wiked hypocrites wherfor if thou stand fast by the holy scriptures and wade no further than thei teach the thou shalt saue both thy self and also them which heare the from this capcyos snare and suttelty of the deuel Specially if thou wilt monissh the christen brethern both of the holsom doctryn and also of the deuels erronios doctrine as it becōmeth a faythful minister of Iesus christ Preach teach these things saith he to all faithful men namely to such as may be apt to teach other likewys And agayne If thou puttest them in remēberāce of these thīgs thou shalt be a faithful minister of Iesus christ brought vp in the word of faith and of the true doctrine which thou hast folowed vntil this day But se that thou banisch contemne all vnholy and old wyuissh fables and rather exercyse thy selfe vnto vertu and godlines Take deligent hede to thy self and to thy doctrine stand fast in it for so doīg thou shalt saue both thiself and them that hear the. Afterward he geueth him a commandment and saith this precept do I charge the with O son timothy acordinge to the prophecies that be past befor thy daies that thou fight a good battel in thē with a sure perfight faith a good or right vp conseyence which certē not regarding haue suffred gret harme losse in their fayth c. And euen in these wordes he teacheth us to fight agaynst the deuel euen with the old prophecy or prophetical scripture and to confirme our faith by it and also to forme and rule our conscyence by it And he sheweth a cause for els we shal lose our faith as other haue done we shal procure our selues a wauering and a dowtful consciēce Finally he is not content and satisfied to haue geuen hym this monicyon but he also entreateth besechith him by all meanes saing I besech the for gods sake and for our lorde Iesus christes sake which shal iudge both quick and dead at his coming and for his kingdoms sake preach the word be instant be ernest and importune in season and out of seasō reproue chide exhort with gentilnes or sobrenes with doctryne For the time shal come whā mē shal not suffer the holsom doctrine but thei shal procure thē selues masters acordīg to their own affeccions and appetices c. This tyme which he speaketh of heare if it be not now let us neuer loke for it For now our faith is confirmed with a vnwrittō word with mās tradicyons with custome ceremonis fathers and cowncels with out any word of god and the manifest scripture is moked out with euery crafty hipocrites Imaginacion and glose yea it is takē out of our handes and burnt Now if these men be not louers of them selues and estemers of their own wisdom if thei be not couetos if thei be not arrogant and vaine glorios if thei be not braggers and blasphemers which ymagin a new vnwrittō word if thei be not dissobedient vnthankful vnto their parentes which wil not ones moue their fote out of their deanes to helpe an old man or to comfort their parentes lying at the point of death if thei be not vnkind vnnatural which for their fayned chastite dare not knowe their own childerne if thei be not truse breakers that vnmercifully warre against vertu and godlines if thei be not deuels quarelers and the very members of the deuel which do nothīg but ymagine cauillacyōs to mocke a way the truth if thei be not voluptuos ryetors merciles neglectors of their office despisers of all lerning and of all true good workes if thei be not traiteros betrayers of kings kingdōs of the whole world if thei be not louers of wordly pleasures and lustes rather than louers of god which condēne matrimony lest thei shuld be compelled to mary wiues but might still liue in whordome with other mennes wiues if thei denie not the vertu pyth and effect of godlines that vnder a color and pretence of true holynes which esteme mans tradiciōs higher than the .x. commandmentes of god and teach that their own tradicyons and ceremonys be sufficiēt to make a perfight christē man that thei may minissh drowne the iustyficaciō of faith ther were neuer none such nor neuer shalbe Paul whan he shuld take his last vale of the church or congregaciō and byd them farewel for euer he called a cowncel whose auctoryte and testimony he wold haue to be estemed and regarded of all men and in that councel he preached thus vnto the bishops I take you all to witnes and testifye vnto you all this day that y am innocēt pure clere frō the blode of you all for I haue kept secret frō you none of those things which concerne your profyght and saluacyon but I haue opened vnto you all the councel of god for the space of .iij. yeares day night without ceasing and I monisshed exhorted euery one of you euen with weping teares For I know right wel that after my departing there shal come among yow rauening wolues which shal haue no pyty or compassyon vp on the flock and certen among you shal teach false and wicked doctryne to allure discyples after them Wherfore take diligent hede both vnto your self and to all your floke and watch remembryng that I haue monysshed you of these things for the space of .iij. yere together with gret lamentacyō And now brethern I commit you vnto the word of his grace which is able to edifye you and to gyue you an inherytance with all them that be sanctifyed c. Here doth paul monissh the councel of the false and lying prophetes and he exhorteth the whole church that thei remember diligētly his monicyon wher of he had put them in rememberāce continually for the space of .iij. yeares that thei shuld take hede of those wolues which had deuoured both bodis and soules of men with wicked doctrine opinions tradicions which thei wold thrust in to the church vnder this color and cloke that the apostles could not teach all things necessary vnto our faith and saluacyon and that all the articles of the christen faith are not conteyned in the word of the grace of god I haue taken yow to record this day sayth he For this cause that if ye cast a way damne your selues thorow bileuing theyr persuasions I am pure clere from your bloude christ shal not reken vnto me your damnacyon For I know that this thing wil come to passe and I tremble and shake euery ioynt of me for the miserable perturbacyons and aduersites of the church whā