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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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are those Apostolical Traditions which Christians must obserue THere are sufficient store of examples extant amongest the Fathers and such of the Fathers as aboue a thowsande yeares since deserued publike credit By Tradition ORIGEN (a) in c. 6. ep ad Rom. (b) l. 10. de gen ad lit c. 23. et con Don. lib. 4. c. 24. S. AVSTEN doe teach that Infants are to be baptised S. DENIS (c) de Eccle. hier c. 7. and (d) in exhor ad castit c. 11. et de cor mil. c. 3. et de monog c. 10. TERTVLLIAN do shew that praiers oblations ought to be made at the Altar for them that are departed Hereupon S. HIEROME (e) ad Marcell ep 54. cont erro Montani (f) haeresi 75. Acrii EPIPHANIVS doe plainly affirme that the set fasts of the church especially that of LENTE are to be obserued So in like maner doth Saint AMBROSE (g) in officio Mediolan (h) in Liturgia Saint CHRYSOSTOME auouche the dignitie of those things that are solemnely prosecuted in the holy office of the MASSE Than besides (i). l. 4. c. 17. in orat de Imag. DAMASCEN the Fathers that the second Nicen Councell doth (k) act 6. tom 4. act 7. cite doe witnes by the same reason that the Images of Christ and his Saintes are to be reuerenced Finally to omit all others that great and holy (l). l. de spir sanct c. 27. doctour Saint BASIL affirmeth that the sacred Chrisme other solemne ceremonies vsed in the most holy Sacramentes are holden vpon tradition And the same Sainte addeth (m) Ibidem further If we doe once attempt to refuse the ordinances and customes that are not written as thinges of small moment and importance we shall couertly and by little little fal to disproue the very ratified sentences of the Gospell or rather wee shall bring the preaching thereof to a bare name But I (n) c. 29. clus dem li. saith he doe thinke it Apostolicall to sticke to those Traditions also that are not written 6 How much at this day doe men erre goe astray about Apostolical Ecclesiastical Traditions VEry much no doubt whilest many do despise them others neglecte them or at the least make no more account of them than of the statutes of (a) Ro. 13 1. ciuil Magistrates and faine them to be decrees of mē which may bee obserued broken at a mans pleasure as being to verie little or no profite at all calling them thinges indifferent Some there are who wil haue all manner of Traditions of like moment and so they doe shamefullie confound certaine places of Scripture as though there were no difference between (b) Math. 15 9. Pharisaicall Traditions and Apostolicall between (c) Col. 2 8.20 Mar. 7 3. Iudaicall and (d) 2. Thes 2 15 Act. 15 42. 16 4 Ecclesiastical betweene priuate particular Traditions and (e) Aug. ep ad Ian. 118. c. 1. 2. epist 86. ad Casul those which being receiued by the cōsent of the whole Church approued so many ages together by the common custome of deuout persons and as it were by hande deliuered ouer vnto vs are found in a maner al the world ouer 7 What is to be thought of such as reiect make no account of the Traditions of the Church THese doth the word of God reproue and condemne when it appointeth Traditions to be (a) 2. Thess 2 15. 1. Cor. 11 2 obserued commaundeth vs to (b) Mat. 18 17. heare the Church and to keepe the (c) Act. 15 42. 16.4 precepts of the Apostles Auncients It is the worde of God that maketh vs subiecte to Magistrates both (d) Ro. 13 1. Mat. 22 21. Ciuil (e) Mat. 23 2. Luc. 10 16. Ecclesiastical to the modest also to the (f) 1. Pet. 2 13. waiwarde for (g) Ro. 13 5. conscience-sake It will haue vs giue both great (h) Tit. 3 1. reuerence and obedience vnto their Lawes (i) He. 13 17 Obay saith it your prelates and be subiect vnto them (k) Mat. 23 2. Al things that they shall say to you obserue yee and doe yee but according to their workes do yee not Wherefore these fellowes doe not only despise men but God (l) 1. Thess 438. 1. Cor. 14 37. himselfe most gratious mighty whom they shoulde heare reuerence in the (m) Ioa. 20 21. 17 18 Luc. 10 16. Apostles their (n) Cyprian epist 69. ad Flor. Pas cap. 23. constitut mon. successours Therefore they do manifestly resist the worde of God whilest they resiste the power and ordinance of God and purchase damnation vnto themselues thereby if we beleeue (o) Ro. 13 2. S. PAVL Vndoudtedly this is the very ordinance of God himselfe which cānot be abolished by any authoritie of man that by certaine Lawes those partly written and partly vnwritten which the Tradition of the (p) Bas de Spir. Sanct. cap. 27. Aug. lib. 4. cont Dona. c. 24. et l. 2. c. 7. et l. 5. c. 23. et 26. Epiph. haeresi 55. Euseb l. 3. histor c. 30. Apostles commendeth vnto vs the Church be gouerned true Doctrine preserued Religion defended Concorde nourished Discipline kept and obserued 8 What hath the iudgement of the Fathers beene about this matter ORIGEN a famous and verie auncient author hath written in these wordes Euerie such on● is of vs to bee accounted an (a) In cap. 3. ep ad Tit. teste Pamphilo in apol pro Origen Iten l. 4. c. 43 Hereticke that professeth himselfe to beleeue Christ beleeueth otherwaies of the trueth of Christian faith than hath the definition of the Churches Tradition And the same in an other place That (b). ●l 1. periar in Proo● mio only is to be thought the truth saith he which in no pointe disagreeth frō the Tradition of the Church And it is the speach of S. HIEROME I doe (c) ad Lucinium ep 28 thinke it good to admonishe thee that the customes of the Church espeacially those that are not against faith are so to be obserued as they were deliuered from our auncestors And S. AVGVSTINE (d) ep 118. cap. 5. teacheth in this manner If the authoritie of diuine Scripture doe prescribe any thing there is no doubt but that we ought so to doe as we haue read so in like maner if the Church doe vse any thing through out the worlde for to dispute that a man ought not so to doe were a part of most insolent madnesse And againe the same In (e) ad Casul ep 86. those matters wherin the worde of God hath set downe no certainty the custome of Gods people or the decrees of our Auncestours are to be holden as a lawe And as the transgressours (f) Distinct 11. c. in his of diuine lawes so also the contemners
20. bee ministred euen by wicked and vnworthy persons As for example in the Sacramente of Baptisme the exteriour washing that clenseth the filthes of the body is an effectuall signe and token of the interiour (f) Tit. 3 5. Ro. 6 3.7 1. Cor. 6 11. Tertul. in l. de resur c. 8. washing as giuing an infallible testimonie that the soule is spiritually purified and clensed So also other visible externall thinges as oyle and the formes of breade and wine the vse wherof is necessary in the Sacramentes are fitly appointed vnto vs both to signifie and also to yelde vnto man the grace of God and the health of his soule so that he come not (g) Prosp senten ex Aug. in Ps 142. vnworthely therunto For by Baptisme (h) Conc. Flor. Io. 3 5 Tit. 3 5. Act. 8 17. et 1 8. Luc. 2● 49. Io. 6 51.55.58 et 20 23. we are regenerated renued by confirmation we are encreased strengthned by the holy Eucharist we are nourished refreshed by penance we are restored and healed in the spirituall life in which we are by the rest of the Sacramentes in like manner according to the nature quality of each of them holpen and abettered as we wil shew heerafter in their due places 4 Of what partes doth euery Sacrament consist OF the Worde (a) Conc. Flor. Aug. Tract 80. in Ioan. and the Element By the Worde in this place vnderstand some certaine determinate wordes wherin the very forme as they call it of the Sacrament doth consist And by the Elemente conceyue suche externall things as are the very matter of the Sacramentes as water oyle bread wine and the like Now to these partes exactly taken are the rest of those thinges annexed which do belong to the fitte ministring worthy receiuing of euery Sacrament to wit the institution of God a conuenient (b) Trid. Ses 7. can 10. 11. de Sacramentis in genere item Florentin minister a right intention in the minister faith in the receiuer and whatsoeuer els of like sorte 5 How many Sacramentes be there SEuen (a) Conc. Flor. Cōstant sess 15. Trid. sess 7. can 1. which the Church being the Spouse (b) Cant. 4 9 1. Tim. 3 15 of Christ and Pillar of truth hauing by the Apostles receiued thē from Christ himselfe hath alwaies hetherto kept faithfully dispensed And they are these (c) Mat. 28 19. Act. 8 17 Mat. 26 26. Io. 20 23. Iac. 5 14. 1. Tim. 4 14 Eph. 5 32. Baptisme Confirmation the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist Penance Extreame vnction Order and Matrimony Neither truly forceth it at all if such names be not all of them extant in the Scriptures so that the matter it selfe be euident the veritie and vertue of the Sacraments be approued by diuine testimony Albeit such (d) Aug. l. 4. con Donat. c. 24. et l. 2. c. 7. et l. 5. c. 23. et ep 118. c. 1. Chryso in 2. ad Thes hom 4. things as by the Apostles Traditiō the vniuersall Church holdeth commēdeth to bee kepte obserued though they be not to be found in Scripture yet doe they deserue of vs ful perfite credit as hath bin already declared And touching the institutiō of euery Sacrament in particuler we will speak herafter in their proper places But the force and vertue of them as the most faithfull interpretour of the Scripture Saint AVGVSTINE (e) l. 19. cont Faust c. 11. et 16. et trac 80. in Ioan. saith is of vnspeakeable value and therfore the contemnours of it are sacrilegious For impiously certes is that despised without the which no pietie can be perfited And as the same holy Father teacheth in an other (f) Super Leuit. q. 84. et l. 32. cont Faust c. 14. place the contemnour of the visible Sacrament can neuer be inuisibly sanctified 6 Why were the Sacramentes instituted FIrst that they may be very presēt remedies against sinne which is a pestilent disease of the (a) Sap. 16 14. Eccli 21 2. Ro. 6 23 soule and except it be cured in this life bringethe euerlastinge damnation And therfore these doe far (b) Florent Conc. Trid. Sess 7. can 2. et 4. de Sacr. in genere excel the Sacramentes of the olde lawe as being in vertue greater in commoditie more profitable in nūber fewer in the cōceiuing of thē more honorable in obseruation more easie in signification more excellent which besides their signification do also sanctifie giue saluation as S. AVGVSTINE hath verie well (c) l. 19. cōt Faust c. 13. l. 3. de doct Christ c. 19. ep 118. c. 1. gathered out of the Scriptures Secondly that we may haue some certaine effectuall signes of Gods grace and good will towardes vs which signes whilest they represent themselues to the outwarde senses they do not only stir vp our faith in Christ in the mercy (d) Ro. 9 23. goodnes of almighty God but are moreouerliuely instruments by which it hath seemed good vnto Almightie God effectually to worke (e) T it 3 5. Io. 6 58. et 20 23. our saluation So that it was notably said of an (f) Aug. l. 4. cont Dona. c. 24. ancient Father that a Sacrament euen by it selfe alone is of an inestimable value Thirdly that there may be some tokens (g) Aug. l. 19 con Faust c. 11. et c. 17. de vera reli Bas ho. 13. in exhort ad Bapt. and as it were externall markes of Christiā profession wherby the Children of God and of the Church may mutually knowe one another that they may fruitfully exercise keepe thēselues in vnity humility and obedience and so remaine lincked amongst themselues with the necessary bond and league of one Religion Otherwise without Sacramentes can not any sorte of Religion either stand or be sufficiently discerned 7 And what is to be thought of the ministers of the Sacramentes VVE must so esteeme them as the (a) 1. Cor. 4 1. ministers of Christ the dispensors of the mysteries of God that doe beare (b) Esa 52 11. Num. 1 50.51 3. Reg. 8 4. the vessels of our Lorde and serue the Tabernacle and that by profession haue authoritie in holy thinges and with a certaine right title doe minister the same For not to all (c) Numb 16 39. 2. Reg. 6 6. 2. par 26 16. Conc. Nic. cann 14. Trid. Sess 7. de Sacr. in genere can 10. indifferently but to Priestes and Bishops doth it belong and it was by God himselfe enioined to cōsecrate dispense and minister the holy Sacramentes And that wee may not thinke that the (d) 1. Cor. 1 13. et 3 4. Conc. Trid. Sess 7. can 12. Naziā orat 40. in Sanct. Bap. Sacramentes doe any whit depend vpon the life honesty of those that doe minister them S. AVGVSTINE (e) Cont. Cresco l. 4. c. 20. et l. 4.
may conclude this place of charity with an Oracle of God himselfe it is thus written (d) Deu. 30 20. Choose life that bothe thou maiest liue and thy seed And loue thy Lorde thy God And obey his voice and cleaue vnto him For he is thy life and the length of thy daies Then that no man may doubt but that the Euangelicall doctrine of Christ doth herein accord with the lawe let vs remember that Christ him-selfe did say If (e) Mat. 19 17. thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandementes And in an other place hauing commended vnto vs the preceptes and workes of charitie he also annexeth these wordes This (f) Luc. 10 28. do and thou shalt liue (g) Ro. 2 13. For not the hearers of the lawe are iuste with God but the dooers of the lawe shal-be iustified OF these doers were (h) Gen. 6 9. 7 1. in oratione Manassis Sap. 10 4. Mat. 23 35. 1 19. Iob. 13 18. Luc. 1 6. 2 25 Iac. 2 21. ABEL NOE ABRAHAM ZACHARIE whome the Scripture testifieth to haue ben iust before God as those that loued God their neighbour in worke and in trueth Wherfore DAVID not the least amongst them glorieng after a holy manner singeth thus I haue (i) Ps 118 32 runne the way of thy commandementes when thou hast dilated my harte I (k) Ps 118 haue loued I haue obserued I haue kept thy commandementes and thy testimonies in (l) Ps 18 12 keeping them much retribution (m) Ps 118 21. accursed are they that decline from thy commandementes OF THE PRECEPTS OF THE CHVRCH 1 Are there any other cōmandementes to be obserued by Christians besides these ten THere are doubtles for-asmuch as our (a) Iac. 4 12. Law-maker and (b) Mat. 23 8. maister Christ hath not only taught the ten commandements (c) Mat. 19 17. of the Lawe but hath also commaunded in generall al those things that doe concern the yeelding of obedience vnto Apostolicall Ecclesiasticall commaundementes To this ende are those speeches of the Gospell (d) Io. 20 21 17 18. As my Father hath sent mee I also doe send you He (e) Luc. 10 16. that heareth you heareth me and hee that despiseth you despiseth mee If (f) Mat. 18.17 hee will not heare them tell the Church and if he wil not heare the Church let him bee to thee as the Heathen the Publican in which places Christ attributeth willeth to be attributed the chiefe and last iudgement vnto the Church that (g) 3. Reg. 8 14. is to say to the Prelates Gouernours of the Church as (h) hom 61 in Mat. Bas c. 30. constit monasti Theophylac Eutim in c. 18. Mat. S. CHRYSOSTOME doth interpret and the wordes of the Gospell immediatelie following doe declare and conuince For which cause it is not in vaine writtē of the Apostle Saint PAVL He (i) Act. 15.42 et 16 4. walked through Syria Cilicia confirming the Churches commanding them to keep the precepts of the Apostles and the Auncients 11 What thē are the precepts of the Apostles Auncients which S. PAVL would haue vs to keepe SAint DENIS the Areopagite Scoller of S. PAVL (a) Eccl. Hier cap. 1. Bas de spir Sanct. c. 27. Euseb lib. 1. demonst c. 8 Epiph. haer 61. contra Apostolicos Tert. de cor mil. c. 3. ●t 4. affirmeth that they are of two sortes to witte partly written partly vnwritten To both kindes doth belong that which Saint IHON the Euangelist saith He (b) 1. Io. 46. that knoweth God heareth vs. He that is not of God heareth vs not In this we know the spirit of trueth and the spirit of errour And surely the first kinde which is committed to letters and standeth in written Lawes is apparant enough for that it consisteth of those bookes that are Canonicall But the latter consisteth in those precepts and ordinances which are comprehēded vnder this one name of Traditions and vsually so called by the (c) Cyprian de ablu ped Hiero. cont Lucif c. 4. Chrysost in 2. ad Thef hom 4. Fathers For they are not kept in writing as the former but deliuered by word of mouth as it were by hand from our Auncestors surrendered ouer vnto vs and commended vnto the Church 3 Are both these kindes of precepts necessary to be obserued THey are doubtlesse if wee will followe the doctrine of Saint PAVL giuing vs this charge Stand (a) 2. Thes 2 15. ibid. Chrysost Theophylact and hold the Traditions which you haue learned whether it be by Worde or by our Epistle Whereupon he in this respect cōmendeth the Corinthians because they did diligently keepe the preceptes of the (b) 1. Cor. 11 2. Apostles which they had already by word of mouth receiued Then he warneth the Thessalonians that they withdrawe themselues from euerie (c) 2. Thes 3 6. brother walking inordinately and not according to the Tradition receiued from the Apostles And this is that which the holy Counsaile of Nice consonant to (d) 2. Nicen. act 7. 8. Sinod c. 1. diuine Scripture hath expressed in so plaine termes It behoueth vs to obserue with one consent and inuiolably Ecclesiasticall Traditions whether they by writing or by custome bee reteined in the Church And we (e) De ab●●● pedum read in S. CYPRIAN that that is of no lesse force which the Apostles by the inspiration of the holy Ghost haue deliuered thā that which CHRIST him-selfe hath deliuered For as (f) Ibidem the holie Ghost and CHRIST haue one and the same God-heade so is the authoritie and power of them both equall in their sacred ordinances 4 How maie wee knowe which are Apostolicall and approued Traditions in the Church OF these S. AVSTEN hath (a) In Epist 118. ad Ian. cap. 1. prescribed vs a rule worthye to be noted saying Those things that we keep not written but deliuered which are certainly obserued al the worlde ouer it is vnderstoode that they are holdē as cōmēded ordained ether by the Apostles thēselues or by general Counseles whose authority in the Church is most holesome So the same holy Doctor discoursing against the (b) Lib. 4. c. 24. lib. 2. c. 7. lib. 5. cap. 28. Donatistes yea euē against al Hereticks admonisheth this very seriously looke what the vniuersal church holdeth which by coūsels hath not bin decreed yet euer hath bin vsed it is very wel beleeued that by no other meanes than by the authority of the Apostles thēselues it hath bin deliuered And LEO (c) Ser. 2. de Ieiunio Pētecostes the great agreeing hereunto saith It is not at al to bee doubted but that what-soeuer is holden in the Church as a custome of deuotion it proceedeth from Apostolical Tradition and of the Doctrine of the holy Ghost 5 What
(n) 2. Cor. 10 8. 13 10. hath God giuen this power to edification and not to destruction Moreouer to the intente that the stubbourne and rebellious persons may feele that (o) Mat. 18 17. et ibi Hieron power of chastising and excommunication which Christ hath ordained and Sainte * 1. Cor. 5 3. 1. Tim. 1 20. PAVL exercised and by the same may be corrected repressed Here vpon (p) l. de fid et op c. 5. 3. l. 3. con Parm. c. 2. Greg. ho. 26 in Euang. Chrysost l. 3. de Sacerd. S. AVGVSTINE they saith he that gouern in the Church maye exercise discipline so it bee without tumulte and in peaceable manner against the wicked outragious Wherfore in all these thinges to omit many others it is manifest that the Churches authoritie is not only profitable but also necessarie so that without the same doubtlesse the Christian common welth might be thought nothing els but a very Babylonical confusion And therefore as we doe beleeue the Scripture and relie vpon it and attribute vnto it speaciall authoritie for the testimony of the holy Ghost speaking (q) 2. Pet. 1 19. 2. Tim. 3.16 Mat. 18 17. Io. 14 16.26 16 12. within it so also doe we owe faith reuerence and obedience to the Church for that by Christ her heade and spouse she is informed endowed confirmed with the (r) Act. 2 4. Eph. 4 4. same spirite so that it is not possible but that she be as she is called the (ſ) 1. Tim. 3 15. Piller and grounde of truth 17 What is the fruite and commoditie of the whole doctrine touching the preceptes Traditions of the Church IT is certes very greate and full of variety And surely the first is that we may knowe that we are not tied to letters only or to diuine Scriptures For to vse the words of Saint Ireneus (a) Lib. 3. c. 4 Epi. haer 61. What if the Apostles had lefte vs no Scriptures must we not haue haue followed the order of Tradition which they deliuered vnto them to whom they committed the Churches therfore hath S. BASILL (b) Lib. de spir sanct c. 27. saide very well The verities which are helde and taught in the Church some we haue out of the doctrine set forth in writing some wee haue receiued from the Tradition of the Apostles in mysterie that is in hidden and secrete manner Both which haue equall force and authoritie to the furtherance of pietie And these no man will gainesay that hath beene but euen meanly experienced what the lawes of the Church are And it cā not be doubted but that (c) Io. 20 30 21.25 Aug. ep 108 ad seleucianam Christ and his Apostles both did taught many thinges which although they are not written yet they doe very much appertaine vnto vs and all posteritie Of which S. PAVLL (d) Phil. 4 8. warning vs in generall saith For the rest brethren what thinges soeuer be true whatsoeuer honest whatsoeuer iust whatsoeuer holye whatsoeuer amiable whatsoeuer of good name if there be any vertue if any praise of discipline these thinges thinke vpon which you haue both learned and receiued and heard and seene in me these thinges doe you and the God of peace be with you The next commoditiy of them is that we may rightly vse Christian libertie which men giuen to idlenesse and riote if euer at any time now most of all doe make an occasion to the fleshe as the (e) Gal. 5 13 2. Pet. 2 19. Apostle speaketh vnder pretence thereof they serue their filthy pleasures whatsoeuer in a manner they haue a fancie vnto though it concerne euen the alteration of the decrees of Religion they thinke it lawfull for them to doe Aug. ep 118 cap. 1. 5. But frō this prophane noueltie and rashnesse the Apostolicall and Ecclesiasticall Doctrines decrees do call away defend terrifie vs bridling mans licentiousnesse teaching vs to vse Christian liberty in a cōuenient sort to wit so that (f) 1. Pet. 1 18. Ro. 6 18.22 Gal. 3 13. 4 31. Ro. 8 2. being made free by Christ frō the yoke of sinne bondage of the olde lawe we may willingly of our (g) Psa 53 8. Col. 3 23. Luc. 1 71. 2. Cor. 3 17 Ro. 6 22. 1. Cor. 9 19. 1. Pet. 1 22. 2 20. Luc. 21 19. Mat. 4 1.7 16 14. owne accorde performe Christian dutie we may serue God in holinesse and iustice we may followe the holy Ghost as our guide in the lawe of Charitie being the seruauntes of iustice the sonnes of obedience the practisers of humilitie the keepers of patience and louers of penance and of the Crosse You saith the (h) Ga●l 5 1● Apostle are called into libertie only make not this libertie an occasiō to the flesh but by charitie of spirite serue one another To the nourishing maintenāce of which charitie of spirite in the dutifulnesse of an holy seruitude both all honest thinges are profitable and the deuoute obseruation of the Tradition of the Church is vndoubtedlye most auaileable The last vse and commoditye is that we may truly discerne betwene the lawfull and bastarde children of the Church or betwene Catholikes and Heretikes For (i) Vincen. Liren the first doe simply stay them selues in the doctrine of the Church whether the same be deliuered vnto them in writing as in the Bible or approued by the Traditiō of the Fathers For they doe followe the worde of God Doe (k) Pro. 22 28. Eccli 8 11. Deut. 32 7. Hier. c 16. not goe beyond the auncient boundes which thy Fathers haue set But the other which are Heretickes doe swarue from this simplicitie of faith from the approued sentence of our reuerende mother the Church of the holy Fathers and they trust to much either vnto them selues or to those that haue reuolted from the Church insomuch as euen being warned they doe not come backe amend their error And therfore of them hath Saint PAVL so seuerely decreed when he saith A man (l) Tit. 3 10. that is an Hereticke after the first and second admonition auoide knowing that he that is such a one is subuerted And to conclude with (m) ad Pompeium S. CYPRIAN whosoeuer hath reuolted from the vnitie of the Church he must needes be founde in the company of Heretickes 18 What finally is the summe of all the premises THose thinges that from the beginninge hetherto haue bene handled touchinge the summe of Christian doctrine doe tend to this end that the true wisdome of a Christian man might be described and set before vs which is comprehended in these three (a) Aug. l. 2. tetr c. 63. vertues (b) 1. Cor. 13 13. 2. Tim. 2 22 faith hope charitie By faith the soule doth (c) Heb. 11.1 firmlie consent vnto Gods truth and relie vpon the same By hope
The seuenth Age Anno. Dom. 600. Leontius Episc Sophronius Episc S. Isidorus Hispalen Episc Concilium Hispalense 2. Concilium Toletanum 4. Georgius Alexandrinus Episc hic sorte Concilium Braccarense 2. Concilium Toletanum 8. Concilium Braccarense 3. The sixt generall Councell of Constantinople Synodus Trullana Constātinopolitana * The eight Age Anno Dom. 700. Venerabilis Beda S. Ioannes Damascenus The seuenth general Coūcell of Nyce 2. * The ninth Age Anno. Dom. 800. Alcuinus Paulus Diaconus Concilium Moguntinum Ionas Aurelianens Episc Concilium Aquisgranense 1. 2. Haymo Episc Rabanus Episc Concilium Wormatiense Phocius Episc The eight general Councell of Constantinople Ioannes Diaconus Rom. Remigius Antisiod Episc Theophilactus Episc Concilium Triburiense Concilium Nannetens hic force * The eleventh Age Anno Dom. 1000. Burchardus Wormatiensis Episc Concilium Salegūstadiens S. Petrus Damianus Episc S. Lansiancus Episc Concilium Rom. sub Leone 9. cont Petergar Concilium Vercellense sub eodem Concilium Turonense sub Victore 2. Concilium Rom. sub Nicolao 2. Guitmundus Episc Algerus Concilium Rom. sub Gregor 7. contr eundem Berengarium S. Anselmus Episc Oecumenius S. Iuo Carnotensis Episc * The twelfth Age Anno Dom. 1100. Zonaras Rupertus Tuitiensis Gulielmus Abbas S. Bernardus Hugo Victorinus Gratianus Euthymius Concilium Lateran sub Alexandro 3. Lucius 3. Pont. Nicetas Innocentius 3. Pont. * The thirteenth Age Anno 1200. Concilium Lateran magnum sub Innocent 3 S. Thom Aquinas Concilium Lugdunen sub Gregor 10. Gulielmus Durand Episc * The fourteenth age Anno Dom. 1300. Nicephorus Calixtus Concilium Viennense sub Clemenet 5. * The fifteenth Age Anno Dom. 1400. Concilium Constantiense Concilium Basilcense Concilium Florentinum Bessarion Episc Sixtus 4. Pont. * The sixteenth Age Anno Dom. 1500. Concilium Tridentinum A TABLE CONTAINING the order and Summe of the whole Catechisme CHRISTIAN Doctrine consisteth in Wisedome Iustice To Wisedome maie bee referred these Chapters that followe in order CHAP. I. OF FAITH and the CREEDE where amongest other thinges are handled these that followe Of the author of the Apostles Creede q. 5. Of the descending of Christ into Hell q. 13. Of the Markes of the Church that it is Visible q. 18. One q. 18. Holy q. 18. Catholicke q. 18. CHAP. II. OF HOPE and our Lords Praier with the ANGELICALL Salutation as also Of Hope to be ioined with Feare q. 2. Of the Praise of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. Of the Veneration of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. Of the Inuocation of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. CHAP. III. OF CHARITY and the Ten Commaundements Also Whether the Ten Commaundementes doe belong vnto Christians q 6. Whether they may be kepte q. 6. Of the Inuocation of Saintes q. 8. Of the Worshippe of Saintes q. 8. Of the Relickes of Saintes q. 8. Of the Holy-Daies of Saintes q. 8. Of the Images of Christ and the Saintes q. 9. Of the Preceptes of the Church namely Of Traditions Apostolicall Ecclesiasticall q. 1. as followeth Of the Church and her autorty q. 9 10. 16. Of the Bishoppe of ROME and the Church of ROME q. 9. Of Councelles q 11. Of the autority of holy Fathers Ibidem Of the fiue precepts of the Church q. 14. Of the holy Scripture and the interpretation thereof q. 16. CHAP. IIII. OF the SACRAMENTES in generall Of Ceremonies q. 8. Of the Sacrament of Baptisme Of Concupiscence in the Regenerate q. 3. Of the Sacrament of Confirmation Of Chrisme q. 4. Of the Blessed Sacrament Of the Reall Presence q. 4. Of Transubstantiation q 5. Of the adoration thereof q. 6. Of the sacrifice of the MASSE q. 7. Of communicating vnder both kindes q. 8. Of the Sacrament of Penance Of Contrition q. 4. Of Confession q. 5. 6. Of Satisfaction q. 7. 8. Of Purgatory and the faithfull departed q. 9. Of the Sacrament of Extreame-Vnction Of the Sacrament of Orders Whether al Christians be Priestes q. 2 8. Of honour due vnto PRIESTES whether they be good or euill q. 6. 7. Of the Sacrament of Matrimony Of diuorcement q. 3. Of Vowe breakers q. 4. Of the Marriage of Mounks Nunnes Ibidem Of the single life of PRIESTES q. 4. 5. Of VIRGINITY q. 5. and more at large in the question of the Euangelicall Councelles CHAP. V. OF CHRISTIAN IVSTICE The first part of the Chapter 1 Of sinnes in generall 2 Of the seauen deadly sinnes 3 Of Alien sinnes that is of sinnes of other men which by any defaulte of ours doe touche vs. 4 Of the sinnes against the Holy-Ghost 5 Of the sinnes that cry into Heauen 6 Of the purging or expiation of sinne 7 Of small or Veniall-sinnes The second part of the Chapter 1 Three kindes of good Workes where also is intreated Of the fruite of good Workes q. 2. Of Fasting q. 4. and as followeth Of Praier q. 7. and as followeth Of Almes the workes of Mercy q. 10. as followeth 2 The Cardinall vertues 3 The gifts fruits of the Holy-Ghost 4 The eight Beatitudes 5 The Euangelical Counsels of the Gospel Of Euangelical Pouerty Chastity Obedience q. 3. 4. 5. Of Mounkes Religious Orders q. 5. 6 The foure last things of a Man To cōprehend the summe of al Christiā Doctrine in one worde this sentence of Ecclesiasticus is worthy the noting which saith My Sonne coueting WISEDOME Eccli 1 33. conserue IVSTICE and God will giue it vnto thee THE TABLE OF THE APPENDIX 1 Of the fall of the first Man 2 Of the transfusing of Adams sinne into all men 3 Of the remedy of Originall sinne 4 Of the relicks of Original sin in those which are baptised 5 Of the imbecility of nature of the law to iustify mē 6 Of the dispensation and mystery of the comming of Christ 7 Who are Iustified by Christ 8 A description of the Iustification of the wicked man the manner thereof in the state of the Lawe of Grace 9 Of the necessity of preparation to Iustification in those of full age and whereof it riseth 10 The manner of preparation to Iustification 11 What is the Iustification of a wicked Man and what are the causes thereof 12 Howe it is to be vnderstoode that a wicked Man is iustified by Faith and freely 13 Against the vaine confidence of Heretickes 14 Of the increase of Iustification once receiued 15 Of obseruing the Commaundements the necessity and possibilitie thereof 16 That the rashe presumption of Predestination is to be auoided 17 Of the gifte of perseuerance 18 Of those which are fallen of their reparation 19 That by euery mortall sinne Grace is lest but not Faith 20 Of the fruites of Iustification that is to say of the Merite of good workes and of the reason of the same Meritte A Table of the other Questions following 1 Of Hallowed Creatures in the Church 2 Of Pilgrim age vnto he ly places 3 Of Indulgences or Pardons THE FIRST CHAPTER
fayth and beleefe hereof a good and patient man doth take solace and comforte in the greatest miseries that maye befall so that at the verye laste gaspe of life he will say (d) Iob. 19 25. I knowe that my Redeemer dothe liue in the laste day I shall rise from the earthe agayne be compassed aboute with my skinne and in my fleshe I shall see God Wise therfore certes and moste wise are those that doe bring into the seruitude of Iustice and (e) Col. 3 5. 1. Pet. 3.18 1. Cor. 9 27 Ro. 6 12. 1. Cor. 15 42. vertue these earthly dyeng mēbers doe prepare this body as a pure vessell for the happy immortallity that is to come 21 What is the laste Article OF lyfe * 1. Cor. 2 9. Io. 17 3. Mat. 19 25 34 46 Apoc. 2 7. 10.17.26 3.11 21. 7 14. 21 2.10.23 22 1.12 Ro. 2 6. Tit. 1 1. ● 13. 3 7. 2. Tim. 4.7 1. Io. 2 25. 3 2. 1. Pet. 1 3. Ro. 6 22. euerlastinge which we may nothing doubt to remaine vnto the electe after theire deathe And this is the fruite finall end of Fayth Hope Patience Christianlike exercise For the obtayning of whiche life to a true beleeuer no worke of pietie ought to seeme difficulte no labour paynfull no greife bitter no time long or taedious in well working or sufferinge And if this life notwith-standinge that it is repleate with all manner of calamities be accoūpted a thing moste choyse and delightfull how muche more is that life to be had in greate price and aestimation which is (a) Aug. de ciu Dei l. 22 c. 29 30. l. 3. de lib arb c. vlt. ser 64. de Ver. Do. ● 1 seq l. 3 de symb ad catech c. 12 so farre off from any feeling and feare of euill is replenished on euery syde with heauenlye and vnspeakeable ioyes pleasures and delights that neuer shall haue end Of whiche life Christe sayth thus (b). Luc. 12 32. Feare not litle flocke for it hath pleased your Father to giue you a Kingdome And at the latter day of iudgemente he will saye vnto the electe (c) Mat. 25 34. Come yee blessed of my father possesse you the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the worlde But vnto the wicked he will speake in this manner Get yee (d) Ibid. 46. away from me you cursed into fire euerlasting which was prepared for the Deuill and his Angels Which sentence doth not onelie touch (e) Fulg. in lib. de fide ad Pet. c. 38. 40. Heathens Heretickes Schismatickes publike sinners but appertaineth also to all those Christians that doe (f) Ez. 18 4. 33 8. Ro 6 23. Sap. 1 16. 1. Cor. 6 9. end their liues in mortall sinne Last of al this clause (g) Hier. ad Mared ep 137. AMEN is added in the end that it may plainly appeeare howe firmely and surely grounded we stand in the profession and testimony of this Christian Faith and Confession 22 Is it sufficient for a Christian to beleeue those thinges only that are contained in the Creede FIrst specially no doubt Heb. 5 12. 6 1. 1. pet 3 15. those thinges that are taught vs in the Creed of the Apostles are to be beleeued openly (a) Amb. l. 3 de Virg. Aug. l. 1 de symb ad Cat. c. 1. l. 2. cap. 1. professed of euery one Which also are made more plaine beeing conferred with the Creed of the FATHERS with that of ATHANASIVS Secondly a Christiā must of necessity beleeue whatsoeuer the (b). 2. Pet. 1 19. Ro. 15 4. 2. Tim. 3 15 diuine Canonical Scripture doth containe But the certaine (c) Conc. Tol. 1 c. 21. Aug. ser 129. 191 de temp Hic in sym ad Damas Aug. cō ep fund c. 5. Trid. Sess 4. legitimate books of Scripture no man may discerne by any other meanes than by the iudgement authority of the Church Thirdly hereunto doe belong those thinges that are necessarily drawen (d) Mat. 22 29. deduced partly out of the Articles of the Creede and partly out of holy Scriptures Fourthly lastly are all such documents to be holden as most holy to be firmely beleued which the holy ghost reuealeth vnto vs pronounceth by the (e) Cypr. ep 10. ad Nest Iren. l. 3. cap. 4. li. 4. c. 45. 63. Hier. con Lucif c. 4. Vinc. Lir. con Nouat Church whether they be commended vnto vs by writing or deliuered by tradition word of mouth Which point we will touch more at large hereafter These therefore are the things in which the true catholike faith doth cōsist without the (f) I●eo ser 4. de natiu Dom. which al sectaries do in vaine promise to thēselues others grace saluatiō in christ THE SECONDE CHAPTER OF HOPE Aug. in E●c cap. 8. 1. Cor. 13 13. Ro. 5 2. 8 24. Tit. 2 13. 3 7. 1. Pet. 1 3. 1. Io. 5 14. Iac. 1 3.5 Io. 14 13. 15 7.16 16 23. Mar. 11 24. Ps 26 13.14 129.6 72 28. 61 8.11 1. Tim. 4 10 1. Thes 5 8. Eph. 6 17. Heb. 10 35. 6 18. AND OVR LORDS PRAIER 1 What is Hope HOpe is a vertue infused by God whereby wee doe with assured trust confidence expect at Gods hande the good of our saluation life euerlasting To small purpose it is to beleeue in God and the word of God to professe the diuine Doctrine of holie Church vnlesse a Christian hauing once vnderstoode the goodnesse of Almighty God doe conceiue hope confidence of obtaining grace and aeternall saluation Which hope doth so fortifie vphold the iust man in the greatest (a) Eccli 34 15. Rom. 8 35. Psal 30 25. Prou. 28 1. miseries that although he be destitute of all wordly helpes yet will he confidently say (b) Iob. 13 15. Al-though he kill me yet will I hope in him And (c) ps 55 5. in God I haue hoped I wil not feare what fleshe may do vnto me (d) Ps 24 2. My God I trust in thee I will not be ashamed 2 By what meanes may a man come to haue this hope FIrst of al one great helpe heerunto is to (a) 1. Thes 5 16. Luc. 11 9. 18 1. Mat. 7 7. Eccli 18 22. pray feruently often to almighty God Also hope is to be nourished and stirred vp with dayly meditation of the goodnesse and benefites (b) Eph. 2 4. Tit. 3 3. Ro. 8 29. Io. 3 16. 1. Co. 4 9. Heb. 10 23. Tit. 1 2. Ro. 5 8.17.20 8 18. of God those especially which Christ our Lorde for his infinite charity towards vs performed promised euen to the vndeseruing Last of all there must be annexed (c) Pro. 15.15 1. Io. ● 21. Aug. l. 1.
of the Churches customes are to be restrained Finally TERTVLLIAN a most learned and auncient writer of the Church in one whole booke together disputeth (g) Lib. de praescript against those that doe admitte nothing that is not expresly set downe in the Scripture he contendeth very earnestly that there be certaine vnwritten Traditions obseruations of the Church which none can take exceptions against but heretikes only But If any mā seem to be cōtentious that we may vse (h) 1. Cor. 11 16. S. PAVLS words We haue no such custome nor the Church of God 9 I pray you then what is the Church Rom. 12 4. 1. Cor. 12 12. 1. Pet. 5 4. Io. 21 15. Mat. 16 18. THE Church is the whole multitude of all those that professe the faith and doctrine of Christ which Christ the Prince of Pastors committed both vnto S. PETER the Apostle and also to his (a) Chryso l. de Sacerdoti Conc. Flor. Bern. l. 2. de consid c. 8. successours to be fedde and gouerned And therfore all Heretickes and Schismatickes doe not deserue the name of a Church but do (b) Hier. cont Lucif c. 9. Cypr. epist 69. falsely arrogate the same vnto themselues who although they seeme to professe the faith doctrine of Christ yet they refuse to be the sheepe of the high Pastour and Bishop which Christ hath made chiefe gouernor o●er the sheepfold of the Church in his owne steed hath by perpetuall (c) Iren. l. 3. c. 3. Tert. l. 3. con Mar. c. 9. Optat. l. 2. Aug. ep 165. et 42. et in Ps cont partem Donat et lib. 2. contr lit Petil. c. 51 succession in the Romane Church continually preserued This Chaire of S. PETER this primacy of the Church whosoeuer doth deny oppugn first they do not vnderstād the large promises of Christ * Mat. 16 18. Io. 21 15. Luc. 22 31 Mat. 10 2. Ioan. 1 42. Mat. 17 24. Act. 1.15 made vnto S. PETER the mysticall keies of the kingdome of heauen deliuered to him only and many other thinges written of Saint PETER the (d) Cypr. de simpl Hil. et Hier. in c. 16. Mat. Hier. in Ion. l. 1. c. 14. Ciril l. 2. in Io. c. 12 Aug. Tr. 56. et 124. in Io. Orig. ho. 2. in diuers et tract 6. in Mat. Bas de paenit Chry. ho. 87 in Io. et 55. in Mat. et 9. de paenit et ser de caten et gladio S. Pet. et ho. in SS Petrum et Eliam Leo. ser 3. de anniuers et ep 89. ad Epis Vien Prince the mouthe and head of the Apostles Then they doe manifestly breake the peace and certaine order of the Church which with-out an highe Bishop his supereminent auctoritie can neither be well gouerned nor kept long in vnitie nor holde that sounde strength that is necessarie to beare out the violence of hell gates Lastly they doe impudently discredite the Fathers their Coūcels and writings consenting all togither about this manifest (e) Aug. cont ep Fund c. 4. et de vtilitate cred c. 17. et lib. 11. cont Faustum cap. 2. note of the Church yea and the consonant voyce of all Christianitie This Church and Her dignitie acknowledged Saint HIEROME whose (f) ad Dam ep 58. et ep 57. ad cund words are these he that is ioined to PETERS chaire is mine Optatus of (g) l. 2. cont Donat. Africke hath acknowledged her who witnesseth that among the true notes of the Church the Chaire of Saint PETER is the principall (h) ep 162. 90. 92. 93. 165. S. AVGVSTINE hath acknowledged Her who writeth expresly that in the Church of Rome the Soueraigntie of the See Apostolike hath al-waies florished Saint (i) ep 55. 69. Hier. cont Lucif c. 4. Leo. ep 84. ad Anast cap. 11. Cyprian hath acknowledged her who imputeth the cause of all Haeresies and Schismes that doe growe to this alone that men doe not obey one highe Priest Iudge in Christ his roome Saint Ambrose (k) l. 3. de sacram c. 1. de obitu Satyr hath acknowledged Her in so much that he hath saide that in all thinges he did couet to followe the Romane Church And more aunciēt than al these and neere vnto the Apostles time that very Apostolicall man Ireneus (l) Lib. 3. c. 3. Tert. de praescrip cap. 36. Cypr. ep 45. 46. Theod. l 2. hist cap. 4. Ber. ep 190. ad Innoc. lib. 2. de cōsid cap. 8. Con. Chalc. action 3. Anaclet ep 1. 3. Marcell ep 1. Synedus Alexand ad Foelicem giueth such a testimoniall of cōmendation to the Church of Rome To this Church saith he because of the chiefer principallitie it is necessary that all the Church haue recourse that is to say all the faithful that are dispersed in all places in which Church by those that are in all places of the world hath alwaies ben conserued the Apostolical Tradition 10 What dignitie and auctoritie hath the Church ALmightie God doth aduance his Church 1. Cor. 12.28 Ephes 5 25. Io. 14 15.26 16 12. 17 11.17 Mat. 28 20. 16 18. Psal 120 4. of all thinges vpon earth the moste deerest vnto him with many most excellent dowries promises and benefits Her he doth alwaies adorne preserue defend and maintaine Her also he hath appointed to be his (a) 1. Tim. 3 15. Ps 22 2. Io. 10 16. house wherin all the Sones of God may be cherished taught and exercised His pleasure was to make Her the (b) 1. Tim. 3 15. Aug. lib. 1. cont Cre● cap. 33. ● 2. cap. 32. piller grounde of trueth that we may not doubt any whit of Her doctrine which as a maistres keeper interpreter of the trueth obtaineth credite and authority inuiolable Moreouer he hath determined that she should be builded vpon a sure (c) Mat. 1● 18. 7 25. Ephes 2 20. Psal 86 2. 47 9. Aug. in Psal 47. Alcim lib. 4. cap. 14. Rocke that we might assuredly knowe how she is vnmoueable stedfast and how she preuaileth as vnuanquishable against the very gates (d) Mat. 16 18. of hell to wit the most sharpe and grieuous assaultes of all aduersaries Finally he will haue Her to be a certaine Cittie (e) Apo. 21 2 Mat. 5 15. Esa 2 2. Mich. 4 1. Mal. 1 11. Act. 1 8. P. 21 26.28 most holy set vpon a hill apparant to all men and easie to goe vnto least any man forsaking Her * 1. Io. 2 19. might betake himselfe to the pestiferous dennes dungeons of Haeretickes and being seduced with those false speaches (f) Mat. 24 23. ibid. Orig. tract 29. 30. Beholde here is Christ beholde there might depart and be with-drawne from her This is the (g) Cant. 4 7 6 8. Louer Sister and only spouse of Christ which holy Scripture proposeth and commendeth
18. ho. 39. in Euang. Clim grad 6. Eus Emis ho. 1. ad monac Seuer Sulp de uās S. Mart. dying man must haue very sore conflictes both with most bitter paines also with most horrible feendes Wherefore although bodily health bee not alwaies hereby restored vnto the sicke person who often chaunceth to die after this vnction receiued yet a peculiar grace is giuen in this Sacrament to beare the force troublesomnesse of the disease more cōstantly to take death it selfe more easily And this is it that by his Apostles God hath promised (d) Iac. 5 15. The praier of faith shall saue the sicke And our Lorde shall lift him vp And if he be in sinnes they shal be remitted him To the signifieng certes of which effects euen the nature and natiue force of oile doth fitlie agree as (e) In cap. 6. Mar. THEOPHILACTE sheweth Wherfore it behoueth vs exactly to obserue that which (f) Ser. 215. de temp vide etiam de rect Cath. c●nuers de visit insir lib. 2. c. 4. itē in speculo S. AVGVSTINE doth most holesomelie admonishe So often as anie infirmitye chaunceth let him that is sicke receiue the Body and Bloode of Christ and after that let him annoint his body that that which is written may be accomplished in him Is (g) Iac. 5 14. any man sicke Let him bring in the Priests and let them praie ouer him annoiling him with oile in the name of our Lord. And the praier of faith shall saue the sicke And our Lorde shall lifte him vp And if he be in sinnes they shall be remitted him OF THE SACRAMENT OF ORDERS 1 What is the Sacrament of holy Orders Aug. lib. 2. cont ep Parmen c. 13. et de bono cōiug c. 24 li. 1. cōt Dō cap. 1. Leo. ep 81. ad Diosc Greg. in cap 10. 16 lib. 1. reg Nyss orat de sanct Bapt. Conc. Flor. Trid. ses 23. Amb. in 12. cap. 1. ad Cor. Theoph. in cap. 19. Luc. Pet Clun lib. 6. ep 1. IT is that whereby a singular grace and spirituall power is giuen to some that they may by open profession beare office in the Church This is the Sacrament by which as by a dore do necessarily enter the lawful dispensers of the (a) 1. Cor. 4 1. Mal. 2 7. 1. Tim. 3 1. 5 17. Ephes 4 11. 1. Cor. 14 2.19 12 28 mysteries and of the worde of God the Ministers of Christ his Church as Bishops Priestes Deacons Finallie all those whosoeuer they be that do exercise functions in the Church orderly and with authority For no man as the (b) Heb. 5 4. Act. 1 24. Cypr. ep 52. Tert de praescript ca. 41. Conc. l. at c. 3. Innoc. 3. ad Metens cap. cum ex iniuncto Tit. de haer Scripture testifieth Taketh or ought to take the honor to himselfe to witte of exercising the functions of the Church But he that is called of God as AARON that is vnlesse he be consecrated by the Sacrament of visible ordinatiō bee by a (c) Mat. 10 1 Luc. 9 1. Mar. 16 15. Io 20 21. 17 18. Act. 13 2. Tit. 1 5. Bishop lawefully ordered sent to the worke of some certaine Ministery which in his degree he may exercise in the Church according to the Lawes of Diuine and Apostolicall Tradition 2 Are not all Christians Priests a-like THey may surely be (a) Apo. 1 6. 5 10. 1. Pet. 2 9. so called in this sense that as Priests were wonte to exercise certaine externall Sacrifices sacred functions so as many are regenerated in Christ may and ought daily to offer and diligently to exercise certaine spirituall (b) 1. Pet. 2 5 Rom. 12 1. Psal 49 23. 50 19. Phil. 4 18. Heb. 13 15.16 vide ●as ser 2. de Fap cap 8. Aug. 20. ciu c. 10. Leo. ser 3. in anniuers Amb. lib. 4. Sacr. cap. 1. sacrifices to witte Praier Praises Thankes-giuings mortifying of the Fleshe and others of like sorte So that for this cause they are saide in holy Scripture to be spiritual Priests before God and to offer vp spirituall Sacrifices But if we take this name of Priesthoode properly all indifferentlie are not Priests but those only vnto whom the authority of the Church hath committed to be proper ministers (c) Ignat. ad Her Chry. ●i 3. 6. de sacerd ho. 60. ad pop Hier ad Heliod ep 1. ca. 7. aduers Lucif c. 8 ep 85. ad Euag Victor l 2 de persec Cypr. ep 54. of Sacramentes and hath granted power and right to consecrate offer and distribute the holy Euchariste and both to remitte and to retaine the sinnes of men And of these priests prelates of the new Lawe thus writeth S. PAVL The Priestes that rule (d) 1. Tim. 5 17. well let them be esteemed woorthy of double honour especially they that labour in the worde and Doctrine And this doubtlesse cannot appartaine to women whome (e) 1. Tim. 2 11. 1. Cor. 14 34 Tert. de praescrip cap. 41. Epiph. haer 42 40. the same Apostle forbiddeth to teach in the Church biddeth to be silent neither can it concern the (f) Leo. ep c 2. ad Maxi. Laity at all whose part it is after the manner of sheepe to be fedde (g) Io. 10 11 21 15. 1. Pet. 5 2. 2 13. Heb. 13 17. Rom. 13 1. Mat. 23 2. Luc. 10 16. 1. Io. 4 6. not to feede to be gouerned not to gouerne not to preferre but to submitte and humble themselues vnto their Prelates to heare obserue and doe whatsoeuer they sitting in the chaire shall say whether they be good or euill according as wee reade it commaunded by the worde of God Wherfore as in the Church Triumphant there are Angels different (h Eph. 1 2● Col. 1 16. Dan. 7 10. Dion de caelest hier ca. 10. in order and power who with decent disposition doe faithfullie execute and fulfill the offices imposed vpon them So also the Church (i) 1. Tim. 3 15. Cant. 6 9. Anacl ep 1. 2. 3. Isid lib. 2. de offic ca. 5. sequ Militant which is the house of God as it were a certaine campe set in battle a-ray hath her peculiar Ministers distinct from other Christians and disposed in Godly order amongest themselues for the prosecuting of the publike common sunctions of the Church vpō earth to witte that for the benefite of the Christian people they maie euen by publike profession and with due Comelinesse and Maiesty bestowe their labours in those (k) Heb. 5 1. 8 3. 13 17. 2. Cor. 5 20. thinges which belong vnto God and the health of soules 3 In what place doth the Scripture giue testimony vnto this Sacrament Tit. 1 5. THere truly where it teacheth of the Apostles that in choosing appointing ordering of the Ministers of the
the simpler sort All which thinges we will close vp with one worde of Ecclesiastes as with a notable seale of the whole life of man making this conclusion Eccles 12 d Feare God and keepe his Commaundementes For this is all a man Psalm 67. Confirme this O GOD which thou hast wrought in vs. AN APPENDIX OR ADDITION OF THE FALL OF MAN AND IVSTIFIcation according to the sentence and doctrine of the Councell of Trent 1 Of the state fall of the first Man VVHen the first man Gen. 2 c 3 ● Aug. lib. 14. de ciuit Dei cap. 17. lib. 6 de Gen. ad lit cap. 26 27 in cōcione ad Catech cont Iudae c. cap. 2. Fulg. de incarn grat Christ cap. 12. 13. Bern. ser 1. de Annun Prosp cont Collat. c. 21. ADAM hadde transegressed the Commandement of God in Paradise be presentlie lo●t the holinesse and iustice in which he was created and further by the offence of that transgression incurred the anger and indignation of God and so consequently Gen. 2 c 3 d. Rom. 5 c. Conc. Mileuit can 1. Aug lib. 1. de ciuitat Dei cap. 12. lib. 1. de po● mer. cap. 2. 4. 6. Tertul de anima cap. 52. Fulgent de incarnat cap. 12. Chrys hom 17. in Gen. Ber. ad milit templi cap. 11. death which Almighty God had threatned vnto him before And with this same death he fell into the bondage and thraldome of the Aug. lib. 13. de Trin. cap. 12. lib. 3. Hypog cap. 2. Bern. ep 190. Diuell who from thence-forth had the Empire of Heb. 2 d death and finallie whole ADAM Concil Arausicanū can 1. lib. de Eccles dogmat cap. 38. Aug. lib. 13. de Trin. cap. 12. lib. 14. de ciu Dei c. 15 by that same offence of preuarication was both in bodie and soule changed into worse 2 Of the sin of Adam transfused into al men NEither did ADAMS preuarication hurte himselfe alone but also his whole linage Ro. 5 c d 1. Cor. 15 c Eccli 25 d Conc. 2. A. raus can 2. Aug. in Enchir cap. 26. l. 2. Hypog cap 1. sequent l. 13. de ciuit Dei cap 3 14. lib 14. cap. 1. Prosp lib. 1. de vocat gent. c. 7. ad capitula Gallor c. 8. and posterity as who did loose both to himselfe Prosp cont Collat cap. 19 ad tria prima dub Genuen 9. Fulg. de incar gra Christi c. 13. and to vs the holinesse and iustice receiued from God and beeing polluted by the sinne of disobedience did transfuse into all mankinde not death only and the paines of the Gennad de Eccles dogmat c. 39. Aug. in Ench. c. 26. lib. 15. de ciuitate Dei cap. 1. de Predest gra c. 3. lib. 6. cont Iulian. cap. 12. 20. 24. 26. Fulgent de incar gratia Christi c. 14. 15. de fide ad Pet. cap. 25. Prosp lib 2. de vita contemplatiua c. 20. cont Collat. cap. 20. lib. de ingrat cap. 40. 27. Petrus Diaconus de incarnat gratia Christi cap. 6. bodie but also sinne which is the death of the soule Which the Apostle confirming hath said By one man Rom. 5 b sinne entred into the world and by sinne death And so vnto al men death did passe in which all sinned For which cause the sinne of ADAM which originally is one being by propagation Aug. l. 2. cont Pelag. Coelest c 15 16. lib. 1. de pec mer. cap. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. l. 2 Hypog c. 4. ep 86. 〈◊〉 lib. 6. cont Iul. cap. 2. serm 14. ●e verb. Ap●●● cap. 14. ● sequent not by imitation transfused to all is in euery particular man his own Item lib. 3. de peccat mer. cap. 8. lib. 6. cont Iulian. cap. 10. must needs be purged by some remedie for the getting of life euerlasting For by it all men are made vncleane and as the Apostle Ephes 2 a Fulgent de ●ide ad Pet. cap. 26. saith by nature the Sonnes of wrathe and the slaues of sinne of the diuell of death excepting ●eere the immaculate Virgin Aug de nat gratia cap 36. vide extrauag comm lib. 3. de reliq veneratione Banct Conc. Trid. sess 3. in fine decret de peccato Origin MARY the mother of God whom in this place where we speake of Originall sinne we doe not comprehend 3 Of the remedy of Originall sinne THis Originall sinne which is in euerie man his owne as we haue saide is not taken away by the Aug. ep 28. Ench●c 48. Fulgent de incarn et gratia Christi cap. 16. forces of humane nature nor by any other remedie than by the merit of one Mediatour 1. Tim. 2 b our Lord Iesus Christ who hath reconciled vs Ro. 5 b Petrus Diaconus de incarn gratia Christi cap. 16. Bern. epist 190. vnto God in his bloude being made vnto vs 1. Cor. 1 d Bern ser ● de Purif Iustice Sanctification and Redemption And his merit Tit. ● b is applied as wel to those of discretion as to Infants by the Sacrament of Baptisme orderly ministred in such forme as the Church doth vse because there is no other name Act. 4 b vnder heauē giuen vnto mē in which we must be saued And hēce is that speech Io 1 d Behold the Lambe of God beholde him that taketh away the sinne of the world And this also Gal. 3 d Aug. lib. 6. cont Iul. c. 4 As many of you as are Baptised in Christ haue put on Christ They therefore doe pernitiously erre who denie that Infants Concil Mileuit c. 2. Aphr. can 77. newely borne ought to be Baptised although they bee borne of Baptised Parents For these also are Baptised into remission of sinnes as hauing receiued Originall sinne from ADAM which must of necessitie bee purged by the Aug. lib. 1. de peccat mer. cap. 16. lib. 4. cont 2. ep Pelag. c. 4 Lauer of regeneration for the getting of life euerlasting because no otherwise is this to be vnderstood Ro. 5 b Aug. lib. 4. cont 2. ep Pelag. cap. 4. lib. 2. cont Pelagium Coelest cap. 40. By one man sinne entered into the world and by sinne death and so vnto all men death did passe in which all sinned But as the Catholicke Church all the worlde ouer hath allwaies vnderstood it For because of this rule of faith according to the Tradition of the Apostles euen Infants who coulde not as yet cōmit any sinne in their owne persons are therefore truely baptised into remission of sinnes that in them by regeneration that may bee clensed which they haue cōtracted by generatiō For Io. 3 ● vnlesse a mā be borne again of water and the spirite he cannot enter into the kingdome of God 4 Of the relikes of originall sinne in the Baptised MOreouer we ought to acknowledge that the guilt of originall sinne is remitted by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ which is giuen in baptisme