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A49329 Look unto Jesus, or, An ascent to the Holy Mount to see Jesus Christ in his glory whereby the active and contemplative believer may have the eyes of his understanding more inlightned to behold in some measure the eternity and immutability of the Lord Jesus Christ ... : at the end of the book is an appendix, shewing the certainty of the calling of the Jews / written by Edward Lane. Lane, Edward, 1605-1685. 1663 (1663) Wing L332; ESTC R25446 348,301 421

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inventions worthy of no value We deny not but where Antiquity is found in a way of Righteousness it is indeed a Crown of Glory among the Churches of Christ But being found in a way of Errour wandring from the righteous rule of the written word and laying inconstancy upon Jesus Christ who is this way of Righteousness as if he were not the same still in his Doctrine which he hath delivered to his Church it is fit to be despised We must here now look to be told that the written word is not the onely rule but that there are many other unwritten verities to which we are likewise bound to give heed as well as to that which is written Sess 4. Decreto de Can. Script Yea and the Council of Trent hath thundred out their Anathema against those who refuse Traditions for the rule of faith as well as against those that refuse the written word But may it not then be demanded if it be so where can faith finde a sure foundation to fix upon that which is unwritten being very uncertain whether it be from Heaven or of men If the written word be but a part of Gods revealed will and these unwritten verities as they are called the other part never can there be assurance given to any of the whole Mystery of Salvation neither can the Church know it aright in the whole series of it was God hath revealed it For when some affirm a Tradition to be Apostolical which others of as great account disdainfully reject for a spurious super-inducement and forgery thrust upon the Churches in after-times which dissenting in this case hath frequently come to pass even in the Primitive Dayes of the Gospel what a miserable maze is the faith of a believer brought into Will not our confidences be much weakned in our spiritual conflicts and our hopes of gaining Converts to our Christian Profession from among those that are without if they should make this objection unto us be utterly choaked and our endeavours in that kinde frustrated and come to nothing To let pass the great multitude of these Traditions the number of them being never yet determined whereby they must needs become a great yoke and burthen to the Church of Christ 1 Tim. 3.15 If that which is written be sufficient to make a man wise unto salvation surely that which is unwritten is not absolutely necessary to be heeded by us It is not to be denied but that the Church hath Power to appoint some certain Canons and Rules for the observation of Publick order and decency unto which so long as they are inoffensive in their own nature they that are true Children of the Church will give a ready and a chearful obedience yea we do confess that in things indifferent a respect ought to be yielded to Antiquity and to their Traditions But if an Angel from Heaven should come and tell us that all those things which are simply necessary to Salvation are not to be found in the Holy Scriptures we must hold him accursed Yet Bellarmine saith Nos asserimus in Scripturis non contineri expresse totam Doctrinam necessariam sive de fide sive de moribus Lib. 4. de verbo non scripto Ca. 3. Sect. 1. We further do willingly grant that the Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles preached many things that were never written And what they so preached ought to be of equal Authority with us as that which is written Pari veneratione pari pietatis affictu the very words of the Council of Trent not to be disliked with as much Piety and Veneration to be received by us as the Books of Holy Scriptures if they were as certainly known But it is a strange and strong delusion which we hope shall never seise upon us to believe that they preached doctrines which are a directly contrary to what is written in the said Books as light is unto darkness Holy and Faithful Master Deering in his Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews expostulates this case sadly in these words Is it the word of Christ written that we should not worship Angels And is it his Word unwritten that we should pray unto them Is it his Word written that we should not be bound to our Fore-Fathers Traditions And is it his Word unwritten that our Fathers Traditions should be to us as his Gospel Is it his word written that to forbid marriage which is honourable in all estates is the Doctrine of Devils And is it his Word unwritten that Ministers should be forbidden to marry Is it his Word written that five words in a known Tongue are better in the Congregation then five thousand in a strange Language And is it his Word unwritten that in our Congregations we should pray in a Language which the people understand not Is it his Word written that the dead are blessed which die in the Lord and they rest from their labours And is it his Word unwritten that they are tormented in the fire of Purgatory In short Is it his Word written that his Ministers should be subject to Kings should attend upon their flock and not meddle more then needs must with the affairs of this World And is it his Word unwritten that the Pope shall exercise Authority over Temporal powers depose Kings at his pleasure and that his Inferiours of the Conclave should be secular Princes Hath God written it that Christ sacrificed himself once for all and made a perfect Redemption And hath he left it unwritten that a shaven Priest must sacrifice him every day and say a Mass Propitiatory for the quick and dead What perversness is this of men of Corrupt minds thus to dream of Traditions contrary to the written Word of God And what an intolerable indignity do they put upon Christ to make him thus palpably contradict himself as if he had forgotten to be still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Same But full well did Esaias prophecy of these men Es 29.13 saying This people draweth neare unto me with their mouth and honour me with their lips but their heart is far from me But in vain do they worship me teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of men Mat. 15.8 But leaving these to their uncertain Traditions and their most certain innovations Let us look home to our selves and hearken to the Apostles advice which he giveth Phil. 2.5 viz. Phil. 2.5 To let the same minde be in us which was in Christ Jesus for he hath set us an example that we should herein also follow his steps even to be constantly the same in those things that belong to the Kingdom of God Not that we should stand at a stay and make no further progress in Knowledge Holiness Zeal for God's glory Brotherly-love self-denial Contempt of the world c. then we have already attained Rather let yesterdayes work in that sence be forgotten by us Phil. 3.13 and let us reach forth as Saint Paul said he himself
much obtruded upon the people of this Nation But those times of darkness are not within the verge of this Vindication But for our present Liturgy which hath been established since the Reformation that it should be originally taken out of the said Missal and consequently transmitted to us from Rome as they would make us believe is clearly as manifest an Untruth as that we have originally received our Religion from Rome True it is that that breviary as it is called secundum Salisburiensis Ecclesiae usum doth agree in some things with our Liturgy But it will not therefore follow that our Liturgy is a poor puisne extract taken out of it Sober and discreet men would rather infer thereupon that our Liturgy and as much of that Popish Portifory as is incorrupt are taken out of the Primitive Christian Liturgies which were devoutly used in several Churches persecuted for the faith of Christ long before any Romish Superstitions were in Being whereunto if there be with us a holy desire of Conformity to shew that we are in communion and fellowship with that poor persecuted Church of old that was valiant for the Truth resisting the enemies of Christ even unto bloud and upon whose unwearied labours and sufferings we are happily entred What offense is it Now that our Liturgy is such we might alledge the faithfulness of the Compilers of it who according to the trust reposed in them as master Fox reports it in his Martyrology had in this important business as well an eye and respect unto the most sincere and pure Christian Religion taught by the Holy Scriptures as also to the usages of the Primitive Church which the Act of Parliament made for the Confirmation of it attesteth in these words 5. 6. of Ed. 6. c. 1. The Common Prayer established by Law in England is agreeable to the word of God and the Primitive Church And as the King a Zealous and Religious Prince to satisfie some of his mutinous Subjects about it saith It is altered from that the Popes of Rome for their lacre brought it unto But it may be this will not be accounted argumentative with our techy Opponents though the faithfulness of some of those very Persons is by them oftentimes proposed unto us for our imitation We shall therefore here produce somewhat that is more convincing And first that we may see it is no new thing to follow the example of the Primitive times in the forms of Divine worship let an instance be considered by us out of Eusebius an Authour of good account as he is well known in all the Churches Eccl. Hist lib. 2. cap. 17. This Eusebius having taken notice of what Philo the Jew who lived in the dayes of Claudius Caesar above 200 years before him had observed in the religious Exercises of the Christians in his time about Alexandria where Saint Mark had then newly constituted a Church how they in their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a place set apart and dedicated to Holy uses devoted themselves with marvellous austerity to the Service of God which they celebrated with a certain Order and form peculiar unto them Omnis gene●s metrorum carminum rythmis Uno cum rythmo psallente reliqui quiete auscultantes posteriores hymnorum partes ad extremum una decantent and with what Gravity and reverence they sang their spiritual Songs and Hymns of all sorts of tunes He I say noting these observations of Philo addeth thereupon Quae etiamnum apud nos durant which devout Order of religious exercise is in use amongst us to this very day Et praecipuè circa salutaris Domini Passionis Festum diem in jejuniis c. especially those which we use upon the Solemn day of the Lords Passion yea the very Hymns themselves and the manner of their singing Eusebius saith A nobis recitari solebant we our selves have been accustomed to recite in our Church-Assemblies Much more to this purpose is written in the said History But from hence we may infer First that the Christians in the purest Primitive times had places set apart for divine worship which were reserved onely for that use Secondly That they had their Forms of Divine worship when they met together in those places Thirdly that there were some special times of the year as appears by the instance of our Saviours Passion wherein they had their Forms proper for those times Fourthly which is the cause of the inserting of this Story the manner of their worshipping God and the very subject matter of their Forms were taken up and continued by the Church in the following ages Furthermore it will be requisite that an apologie be premised and admitted which is this It is not to be expected that the whole Frame of our Liturgy should be found in those Historians and others that have written of the Church in the Primitive times The dispensations of Gods providence towards his people are much varied now from those of old and therefore we are not obliged precisely to follow their exemplar in the whole Form of any of their Liturgies but are to make our Supplications according to the present state and exigency of the Church wherein we are concern'd They prayed heretofore pro mora finis That the final consummation of all things might be deferred because as it is supposed they were afraid to come under the tyranny of Antichrist which they knew would make havock of the Church in the last dayes But we on the contrary have reason to pray That the end may be hastned that so Antichrist may be destroyed If therefore we can finde that that spirit of devotion which we use in our Liturgy in the order of Prayers Psalms Lessons Collects Letany Versicles Responds c. be the same with that of the antient Churches before Rome usurp'd Authority over the Churches and that in their Ecclesiastick Ministrations there be sparsim found some of the same express terms which we use in ours I hope we shall not be far from giving a clear testimony in this matter As for reading the holy Scriptures and singing of Psalms no man can deny that we therein do conform to the practice of all Churches ever since the beginning And for our Collects this we shall say of them When the order of Sarum which probably was the ancientest wherein there was a compliancy with Romish Superstitions when I say that was first framed by that Osmund aforesaid the Tradition that was then generally received concerning some forms of Prayer that were derived from Primitive Liturgies was the less regarded and so might be swallowed up by time because they were in that Ordinale collected together and brought thereby into Common and Publick use whence it came to passe that the Collects of it which we have gathered into our Liturgy though according to the significancy of the term it is like they were collected from the Catholick Prayers of the Primitive Church yet have no certain Constat for them that