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A86946 Christ and his Church: or, Christianity explained, under seven evangelical and ecclesiastical heads; viz. Christ I. Welcomed in his nativity. II. Admired in his Passion. III. Adored in his Resurrection. IV. Glorified in his Ascension. V. Communicated in the coming of the Holy Ghost. VI. Received in the state of true Christianity. VII. Reteined in the true Christian communion. With a justification of the Church of England according to the true principles of Christian religion, and of Christian communion. By Ed. Hyde, Dr. of Divinity, sometimes fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, and late rector resident at Brightwell in Berks. Hyde, Edward, 1607-1659. 1658 (1658) Wing H3862; Thomason E933_1; ESTC R202501 607,353 766

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the Law of man hath taken care of all these so much more hath the Law of God taken care of them and most of all in Gods own worship Here the Holy Spirit will have 1. Persons rightly ordered prescribing the decent behaviour both of men and women from the first verse of the eleventh Chapter to the sixteenth 2. Things rightly ordered prescribing the right administration of the holy Eucharist from the sixteenth verse to the end of the Chapter Lastly actions rightly ordered prescribing the right use of Spiritual gifts and Functions in the twelfth thirteeenth and fourteenth Chapters In respect of all these it is the Apostles injunction to the Corinthians and the Churches injunction to us Be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ as my Church must submit to Christs authority in the exercise of Religion to avoid superstition so I must submit to my Churches authority to avoid faction and confusion For what my Church requires by vertue of his command I cannot disobey without contempt of his authority Excellently Aquinas Majores sive perfecti soli Deo inhaerent cujus est immutabilis bonitas qui et si inhaereant suis praelatis non inhaerent illis nisi in quantum illi inhaerent Christo secundum illud Imitatores mei estote sicut Ego Christi 22. qu. 43. art 5. c. Those that are firmly grounded and to be called perfect Christians do in all things cleave to Christ himself and stick fast to him whose goodness is unchangeable and therefore so is also their will and resolution for though they rely upon the Church which Christ hath set over them yet they relye upon their Church as that relyeth upon Christ according to that of Saint Paul Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ Every good Christian man relies immediately upon Christ for his Religion and much more every good Christian Church can you not deny me to be a Major in this case and will you needs make my Church a Minor Am I of ripe years and must my Church be under age must I relye upon Christ and must not my Church much rather relye upon him There cannot be a greater impudence then for one man to perswade another to leave Christ and stick to him unless it be for one Church to perswade another to do the same And are not they perswaded to leave Christ who are perswaded to leave the Holy Scriptures that they may stick to uncertain Traditions For where is Christ to be certainly followed but in his undoubted word How then can any Church forsake Christs written word and pretend to follow him Saint Paul cares not to be so authentical and yet doubtless had more authority then those that are so He praiseth the Corinthians for keeping the Ordinances or Traditions as he had delivered them 1 Cor. 11. 2. but he professeth he had delivered no other then what he had received For I delivered unto you that which I also received 1 Cor. 15. 3. Nay in the same Chapter wherein he praiseth them for keeping what he had delivered he averreth that he had delivered what he had received ver 23. For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you nor is it reasonable we should imagine the Apostle of Christ would stand more upon his own then his Masters honour or would have praised the Corinthians for remembring him in all things if so be he had so grosly forgotten himself as not to have remembred his Master and who hath made a Church above an Apostle Therefore we may be sure that the Traditions Saint Paul gave the Corinthians were such as had been given him and we could scarce be sure of this were not the same Traditions still given us and consequently we cannot part with the least degree of this certainty but we must part with the best and greatest reason of our praise for what is or can be the praise of any Church but that she remembers the Apostles in all things and keeps the Traditions as they delivered them unto her so that upon the certainty of the Traditions depends the Fidelity of the Church and those Churches must needs approve themselves to be most faithfull which can make the surest proof of their Traditions that they are indeed truly Apostolical now it is evident that the written word is so acknowledged by all Churches but the unwritten word is not so and t is observable that those who stand most upon the credit of unwritten Traditions yet are of late very willing to endeavour to prove most of the Doctrines and practices depending thereupon by some Texts of the undoubted written word surely not to gratifie their adversaries who refused the other but themselves who look upon these as the much better and surer proofs Wherefore the holy Scriptures which are the only proof that the Church hath a Trust from God concerning his Worship are the only Rule by which she can either conscionably or acceptably discharge that Trust Conscionably in offering nothing to mens consciences but what God hath offered Acceptably in offering nothing unto God but what himself hath required and if every particular Church did exactly follow this Rule none could detest the Communion of another without detesting the communion of God himself For this is the Apostles own determination I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed 1 Cor. 12. 3. that is doth accurse or detest any thing that is truly of the Christian Religion for that is little other then to detest and accurse Christ Jesus himself Men may bestow their hearts as they please about Ceremonies and formalities and happily be charged only with indiscretion but not so about real forms of worship not so about sound and solid prayers unless they will also be charged with irreligion For if the prayer which is used by any Christian Church doth truly honour Jesus no other Church can detest her communion in that prayer without detesting Jesus himself Therefore it is not from the Spirit of God but from our own spirits that we dislike any thing which truly belongs to Jesus whether in his Doctrine or in his worship and consequently what is exactly agreeable with the known Word of Jesus is also exactly agreeable with his will and accordingly all Churches are bound to agree in that though they may disagree about other matters Therefore let every Church faithfully discharge her Trust about the worship of God and there may be a hope of a Christian agreement among all Churches for then those that shall disagree from the rest will prove themselves either Antichristian or unchristian either Antichristian as being against Christ or unchristian as being without him either faulty for having a false or faulty for not having a true worship of Christ For a true and laudable worship cannot but challenge our communion either actually in our corporal presence if we live among such good Christians as have
was not another Saint Chrysost is very copious in his descant upon this reproof 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He saith not lest as Adam was deceived but he sheweth them to be women who were thus affected for it is the part of women to be deceived But how doth he say here to the Corinthians If ye received another Gospel ye might very well bear who saith to the Galathians If any man preach any other Gospel unto you then that ye haue received let him be accursed Gal. 1. 9. the same Father who maketh this objection returneth this answer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Those false Ministers did make their boasts as if the Apostles had taught imperfectly but they forsooth brought somewhat more perfect For so it was requisite that by their vain boasting and babling they should mix a mad hotch-potch with the sober and sound Tenents of divinity And to shew they did this mention is made of the Serpent and of Eve who had been deceived before by the vain promise and the more vain expectancy of additional perfections Thus far Saint Paul proceeds by way of reprehension declaring the great sin of the Corinthians in being so ready to forsake the substantial truth of Religion established for the fond expectancy of a reformation pretended And yet he proceeds further by way of admonition as being more desirous to keep them from the change of Religion then to rebuke them for changing it Accordingly he admonisheth them to beware of pretenders in Religion who desire occasion wherein they may glory as they would beware of false Apostles who did labour to plant a false and of deceitful workers who did labour to supplant the true Religion For such are false Apostles deceitful workers ver 13. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Saint Chrysostome They are deceitful workers for though they work hard yet their work is only to pluck up what others have well planted Transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They are all for outward shew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They have only the shew or appearance of Apostles The sheeps skin is without whilst the ravening wolf is within And no marvel For Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light Therefore it is no great thing if his Ministers also be transformed as the Ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works ver 14 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For when their Master dareth do any thing t is no wonder that the Scholars follow their Master What was it that he dared That when he was a feind of darkness banished from the presence of God he transformed himself into an Angel of light as if he still had access to him and did appear before him So these men would needs be accounted the Apostles of Christ when they did not his work had not his authority sought not his glory For all they all looked after was to be accounted his Ministers not to be so which makes the same S. Chrysostome give us this for a dogmatical conclusion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nothing is so much like the Devil as to do any thing especially in Gods service meerly for shew or ostentation I will not say that this sin comes neer some mens works in this our age but I must pray that this reproof may come neer some mens hearts that they may not be the Ministers of Satan when they should be the Ministers of Christ which will be if they use fair pretences for foul designs and cry up Reformation that they may throwdown Religion This I wil say That abolishing of Liturgy is no part of a true Reformation and I think that all true Protestants will say the same with me sure I am the first would For in the confession of Faith offered by the A●bingenses to Francis the first King of France An. Dom. 1561. we meet with these words Nec ullas preces effundimus coram Deo praeter has quae in scriptura sancta continentur aut cum ejusdem sensu plane conveniunt Molinaeus de Monarchia Francorum apud Goldastum Nor do we pour out any prayers before God besides those which are contained in the holy Scripture or plainly agree with the sense of it Which words plainly evince that they had a set form of prayer either taken out of the Text or made exactly to it For had they left it in the power of their Ministers to pray as they pleased they could not have assured their King that their prayers did plainly agree either in words or in sense with the word of God Nor did the Protestants of France only stick fast to Liturgy but the Protestants of Germany did the like For when the Marquess of Brandenburge being himself a Calvinist whilst his Subjects continued Lutherans would have removed the Lutheran and set up the Calvinical forms of worship his Subjects would not endure so much as the meer change so far were they from the utter abolition of Liturgy And all the chief contentions betwixt Protestants and Papists have been whether this or that form but never any Protestant contended for no form That 's against the very nature of reason that men should contend for a meer non-entity Non entis nullae sunt passiones that which is not cannot have any affections of its own much less should it have any affections ef ours And if it be against the nature of reason it cannot be according to the dictates of Religion for Religion teacheth nothing at all against Reason though it teach very many things above it Nay yet more That 's against the very nature and being of Protestantism which by the same reason that it sticks only to the written Word of God as the ground of its doctrine cannot allow unwritten Traditions much less unwritten unknown unlimited imaginations of men for the ground of its Devotion For it is unreasonable to protest that God only shall be our guide in our Tenents and man only our guide in our prayers If we will have the Doctrine of our Religion from God we must also have the exercise the practice of it from him since t is vain to have a Religion Doctrinally true but practically false for not if ye know these things happy are ye saith our blessed Saviour but if ye do them John 13. 17. And if the written Word alone be embraced as the Rule of our Doctrine how can it be rejected as the pattern of our practice And this being granted we must needs have set forms of prayer for all the written Word consists of set forms in so much that if there were no set forms there could be no written Word To protest against a false and superstitious form of Gods worship may become a good Protestant and a good Christian but to protest against a true Religious form of Gods worship if it may become a good Protestant cannot become a good Christian and t is ill joyning with such Protestants as do not joyn with good
but he that acknowledgeth Christ for the teacher and governour of the Church is rightly instructed and established in the doctrine of Christianity Contrariwise he that acknowledgeth not this as he hath not Christ so he hath not God and as he professeth not the Christian Religion so he is to be looked upon as one that professeth a false religion And to this is agreeable the Imperial constitution in the first title of the Code Fides Catholica hoc est ut Patris Filii Spiritus sancti unam Deitatem sub pari Majestate sub pia Trinitate credamus Qui ita credunt Christiani Catholici appellantur The constitution determineth those only to be called Christian Catholicks who have and profess a right faith of the blessed Trinity for indeed none other are Christians and therefore no other can be Catholicks For he is not a Christian that hath not this faith of Christ that he is the eternal Son of God made man for our Redemption and he cannot have this saith who believes not the Trinity For he cannot believe Christ to be the Son of God who believes not God the Father and he cannot believe this Son of God made man who believes not God the Holy-Ghost for he was conceived of the Holy-Ghost that he might be born of a Virgin So that a right belief of Christ cannot be without a right belief of the blessed Trinity and therefore a right belief of the Trinity is very fitly called by Saint Athanasius The Catholik Faith and to be a Christian is to be a Catholick For Christ alone is the founder both of our religion and of our communion If he be truly taught amongst us then is God truly amongst us and we need neither misdoubt our Religion nor our communion for he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son 2 John 9. but if he be not taught amongst us let us not deceive our selves for we cannot be without Christ but we must also be without God for whosoever denieth the son the same hath not the father 1 John 2. 23. So that as far as the Christian Church is extended so far the Catholick Church is extended and if you will yet farther ask what particular Church is now to be reputed most Christian or Catholick I must answer that Church wherein Christ is best taught and practised for we may not separate the practice from the doctrine of Christianity since the doctrine cannot be proved but from the practice according to that of Saint John Hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments 1 John 2. 3. Wherefore that is to be accounted the truest Christian Church wherein the doctrine of Christ is most truly published accepted maintained and since the doctrine of Christ is not to be known but from the word of Christ no Christian Church can justly deny to submit its doctrine to the test and tryal of the word for so saith Saint Paul to the Ephesians ye are fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets that is the Old and the New Testament Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone Eph. 2. 19. 20. They could not have been taken for the houshold or Church of God if they had not been built upon the foundation of the Apostle● and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone of such buildings and of no other For that which proves the Christian Church in general to be now the only true Catholick Church or body of Christ may not be denied to prove this or that Christian Church to be so in special which cannot be Tradition for that hath still varied in all Churches and at all times so that never yet any Church would be bound by its own Traditions for any long time and much less by the Traditions of another Church It remains then that only the word of Christ is able to make good that proof which word hath been generally acknowledged and received by all Churches That proves the Christian Church in general to be the only Catholick Church and may not be denyed to prove this or that Church to be so in special By that alone we prove the Christian Church to be the only Catholick against the misguided Jew by that alone we prove this or that particular Church to be more truly Catholick against the mistaken Christian And this proof Saint Paul teacheth us in all his Epistles proving out of the Old Testament that Christ alone was that Prophet who was to come into the world to bring both righteousness and salvation and consequently that no Religion but only the Christian was now any longer to be embraced or expected unless we would have a Religion that should continue without righteousness and end without salvation And if we will compare the second of the Galatians with the eleventh of the Acts we shall have more then a probable conjecture that it was by Saint Pauls advice that the Disciples were in Antioch first called Christians and the name of Nazarites by which they had been formerly known was quite laid aside because in that very City some of the Nazarites had endeavoured to mingle Judaism and Christianity into one Religion But this we are sure of that in the Epistle to the Hebrews the same Saint Paul for this argument being there so throughly canvased is proof enough alone to conclude him the author of that Epistle maketh it his whole business to shew that only in Christ and in his Gospel is fully revealed the will of God and the way of salvation But more particularly Heb. 9. 10. He sheweth that though the Church of the Jews was once the Catholick viz. till the time of reformation yet the Church of the Christians alone is so now which was indeed to continue and keep the spiritual but to reform and lay aside the carnal Ordinances Therefore this Christian Church still maintaineth communion with the Jewish Church in all Moral duties for no reformation of Gods making can put down a Moral duty or obligation either towards God or towards our neighbour as saith Saint Paul But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul Heb. 10. 39. Here is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in our turning Christians 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sumus substractionis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed fidei q. d. we are not of those who forsake or deny any one Moral Law enjoyned to the Jews for that were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to draw backward to perdition but we are of those who profess a true and a lively faith in Christ the Messias promised to the fathers but exhibited to us for that 's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what we have been taught by the Apostles and it is to go forward to salvation For it is indeed to outstrip
consequently if the Scriptures have in any wise lost their authority they have lost it by the Church and it were a wonder if the Church should cause the Scriptures to lose their authority and yet keep her own We will then take it for granted that the Catholick Church cannot be fully and infallibly proved to be Christian but only by the Holy Scriptures and that she her self seeks for no other and cannot find a better proof And from hence it must neede follow that every particular Church as far as it is truly Christian is willing to submit it self to be tryed by the written Word of God and that if nothing but true Cbristianity had gotten into the Church men would never have withdrawn their necks and much less their hearts from that known and certain tryal for that all the world is not able to prove any thing that is unwritten whether it be Tradition or Revelation to be the undoubted Word of God but only as far as it is agreeable with what is written according to that admirable Rule delivered by Saint Athanasius who having been vexed by the Arrian hereticks above forty years together hath taught us how best to confute that and all other heresie saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Athanasius in Epist de decretis Nic. Synodi ad finem There are much more exact and perfect proofs of the divine truth to be taken from the Scripture alone then all the whole world beside is able to afford us wherefore it must needs follow again that the best way for a particular Church to keep communion with the Catholick Church is to keep close to the Scriptures wherein alone are revealed those Truths the bare profession whereof makes a Church and the entire profession whereof makes it truly Catholick That Curch which hath the written Word of God for the foundation of her faith and practice is sure to have communion with all good Christians in what she truly believeth and practiseth according to that word And in case she deviate through humane error or infirmity in some particular deductions yet that deviation or mistake shall not overthrow her faith because it is sure and certain in the foundation and consequently shall not break off her communion with Christ the head nor with the Catholick Church his body because that same holy Spirit on whose dictates she relies is the sole author and maintainer of that communion whereas if a Church should believe all the Articles of the Christian faith upon any other ground then that of Divine revelation which we cannot now be assured of but only from the written Word of God as she could not have a true Divine saith not being grounded upon a Divine foundation so she could not in that faith have communion with those Christian Churches who allowed no other ground of their belief And such were all the Christian Churches of the Primitive times for though Saint Athanasius in the place fore-alledged doth on the Arrians behalf bring in an objection against the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as not being used in the Text and therefore not to be used concerning Christ for that we may not speak otherwise of him then he in his word hath spoken of himself yet he alloweth this very objection to be according to his own heart and sure he was a very good Chatholike and enforceth it with the reason afore cited That the most exact proofs of Divine truths were to be taken from the Scriptures and withal avoweth that those about Eusebius who was a chief upholder of the Arrians were such egregious turn-cotes and cavillers that the Bishops assembled in the Council of Nice were in a manner compelled more clearly to expound those words of the text which did immediately strike at the root of their heresie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whereby it appears that the Nicene Fathers did assume to themselves only the power of Exposition in matters of faith not of Addition or of Invention They did expound that more clearly which they found in the Scriptures and in the Apostles Creed they did not ad or invent that which they found not As they were expounders they might and did hold communion with the Catholike Church whereof they were then the Representative which did wholly rely up-the word of God for all the Doctrines of faith whereas if they had taken upon them to be Inventers they must have forsaken the main ground of Christian communion the undoubted word of Christ and have been the authors of a faction and of a division And for this cause we see that in that famous Council of Chalcedon wherein were assembled six hundred Christian Bishops The Holy Gospel was placed in the midst of them as that on which they relyed and to which they appealed in all their determinations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are the words found in the first action of that Council The most holy and most pure Gospel being set before them And Baronius tells us that the same had been done before in the Council of Nice and gives the reason why it was done out of Saint Cyril who saith thus concerning the Council of Ephesus Christum assessorem capitis loco adjunxit venerandum enim Evangelium in throno collocavit tantum non in aures sacerdotum clamans Justum judicium judicate Liber igitur ille in sede regia collocatus divinam prae se ferebat personam secundum illud Psalmi Deus stetit in synagoga Deorum in medio autem Deos dijudicat They looked upon Christ as head or president of their assembly for they placed his holy Gospel on a throne amongst them that it might represent the person of God the Judge of all men and they placed it in the midst that all might cast their eyes upon it and be afraid in the presence of their Judge to pass an unrighteous judgement Thus saith the Psalmist God stood in the midst of the congregation of Gods and he that was in the midst judged the other Gods Baron An. 325. num 66. And the same saith Binius in his notes upon the Council of Ephesus In medio Patrum consessu sedem enm Evangelio collocarunt cujus intuitu omnes admonerentur Christum omnium inspectorem ac judicem adesse Synodique praesidem agere In the midst of the fathers of the Ephesine Council was the Holy Gospel placed on a throne that all the Fathers seeing it might be admonished of Christs own presence to overlook them as their Judge and to overawe them as president of their Council and he saith no more then is truth for that form of adjuration mentioned by Fidus the Bishop of Joppe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whom we beseech and adjure by the Holy Gospel here set before us Council Eph. par 2. act 1. doth plainly witness as much although at the first session of the Bishops there is no mention of the Holy Gospels being placed among them as was afterwards at the first session of the Council of Chalcedon But