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A48358 Holy characters containing a miscelany of theolocicall [sic] discovrses that is theology, positiue, scholasticall, polemicall, and morall built upon the foundation of scriptures, traditions, councils, fathers, divided into two books / written by George Leybvrn ... Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1662 (1662) Wing L1938; ESTC R18553 388,184 688

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can sacro-sancta the Apostolicall sea did not receiue supremacy and preeminence from the Apostles but from our Sauiour himselfe and indeed Christ founded and built his Church vpon S. Peter Mat. 16. Thou art Peter and on this rock I vvill build my Church .... and J vvill giue vnto the the keys of the kingdome of heauen Again Christ praid especially for S. Peter and after his resurrection appointed him to feed all his sheepe and lambs Moreouer S. Peter as head and Prince of the other Apostles called the first Councill which was celebrated between the Ascention and Pentecost And in the second Council mentioned act 15. spoke first and decided the matter in debate Bishop of Rome as lawfull successour of S. Peter in suprem authority and there is not any except the Roman Church that hath published and planted the one holy apostolicall faith from the rising of the sun to the goeing down therof which denoteth its vniuersality an order to place there is not any except the Roman Church that can rockon pastours and Teachers in a continuall line of succession down from S. Peter to the present times which sheweth its vniuersality in order to time there is not any Church-Gouernour saue the Bishop of Rome to whose definitiue sentence of iudgment (x) S. Anaclete Epis 1. commanded that euery hard question should be referd to the sea Apostolick because saith he the Apostles so appointed by speciall command from Christ Wherefore Tertullian calleth the Pope king of the world and stiles Rome the Chief and Apostolicall seat whether saith he wee ought to recur in all doubtfull matters relating to faith Besids S. Austin that was a member of the African Church Epis 9. addressing himselfe to Pope Innocent in order to the Pelagians whom he impugned writeth thus ... that errour and impiety of the Pelagians the authority of the sea apostolick must anathematize Again the Council of Alexandria cals Pope Felix prophanarum haresium depositor the deposer of prophan heresies hard controuersies of faith haue been referred in all ages Furthermore it is essentiall to the true Church to begett children in Iesus-Christ through the Gospell 1. Cor. 4 that is to say to bring whole countries out of darkness of infidelity into the maruelous light of Christian faith which not any except the Roman Church hath performed Sectaries like partriges haue gathered children * Ieremiae cap. 17. perdix fouet seu congregat quae non peperit Vnde S. Aug. assimilat haereticos perdici which they haue not brought forth but the Roman Church hath begotten vnto Christ a world of children both in the primatiue times for the first 500. yeares and since For Germans Bauarians Vandals Polans Sweds Danes Noruegians Hungarians Normans English and sundry other Countryes since the yeare 600. were begotten in Iesus-Christ through the Gospell by Priests and Bishops of the Roman Church as plainly appears by the ancient and modern histories written of each people respectiuely And as touching our country of Englād that embraced the catholick faith through the preaching of S. Austin a Priest and Bishop of the Roman Church after its conuersion which happened in the reign of S. Ethelbert for near a thousand yeares continued obedient to the Bishop of Rome and constant in the profession of the catholick religion as do euidence our ancient Cronicles laws common laws ordinances Records foundations of Bishopricks Cathedrall Churches vniuersities colleges and hospitalls which remain monuments of these dayes to beare clear witnes of catholick religion wherfore it is a wonder how English Magistrats come to look with so enuious an eye vpon their catholick subiects as to persecute them for conforming their conscience to the full and constant profession of all their christian progenitours CHAR. XX. OF TRADITIONS THE CONTENTS Down from the Apostles to these times the true Church of God hath been directed and gouernd by the written and vnwritten word as by laws and customs doctrines necessary to saluation which the Apostles receiued either from the mouth of Christ or from the holy Ghost by inspiration were deliuered to the faithfull of those dayes partly in written and partly in vnritten traditions if the Churches authority and vnwritten traditions were laid a side scriptures would haue nothing of waight with them vnto euincing christian religion Answeres vnto seuerall obiections propounded against the Churches traditions TRaditions are vnwrtten doctrines deliuered by the mouth of Christ or his Apostles and committed vnto the keeping of the Church (a) 1. Cor. 11. as I haue deliuered vnto you saith S. Paul keep my precepts From this sacred Text Theophilact infers that both S. Paul and the other Apostles deliuered many things which they did not set down in writing called traditions not because they are not at all written but in regard there is no express mention thereof in the holy scriptures for t is certaine that the traditions receiued from the Apostles and deliuered as it were from hand to hand for sundry ages are now written as precepts of faith and generall manners necessary vnto saluation Though the whole scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct and to instruct in iustice 2. Tim. 3. Yet it is not the same thing to be a profitable guide in the way of iustce and saluation and to be the sole expedient necessary therunto for a head is both profitable and necessary to preserue a man aliue neuertheless it alone without the society and ministery of the body is not sufficient enough to continue him aliue likewise the Sacrament of Eucharist conduceth to the purchase of eternall blessedness yet cannot effect it without the help of baptism and faith and the Chapter set down expresly asserteth that euen the old scriptures instruct to saluation and notwithstanding the Apostle requireth of Timothy perseuerance in the doctrines which he had heard of him besides what he had learned from them wherin he had been versed from (b) By the particles from his infancy euidently appeares that the Apostle spoke of these scriptures which Timothy had learned in his youth that is he meant the old testament being the new scriptures were not written when Timothy was a youth Wherefore when the Apostle writ vnto him that all scripture is profitable c. he could not vnderstand the whole body thereof as some sectaries vnaduisedly interprete him translating whole for all And indeed when the Apostle writ that Epistle to Timothy the whole body of scripture was not composed S. Iohn had not then put forth his Gosple and his Apocallps he writ after the death of S. Paul him infancy again albeit the scriptures be a great light neuertheless they doe not giue light to all a en within the house of God whose written doctrines they are vnless they be put vpon the candlestick of the Churches definitions and vnwritten traditions for setting these aside scriptures are but a light shining in a dark place 2.
Pet. 10. in order to many diuine ordinances in regard they doe not shew plainly clearly and euidently all the mysterious precepts of Christian faith that require necessary obseruance wherefore it is an extream weakness to infer from the light of the written a negation of light in the vnwritten word of God as to instruction in iustice and saluation and indeed down from the begining of the Church christian religion hath in all times * Trid sess 4. cap. 1. declarat veritatem disciplinä Ecclesiae contineri in libris scriptis sine scripto traditionibus qua ex ipsius Christi ore ab Apostolic acceptae aut ab ipsis Apostolis Spiritu sancto dictāte quasi per manus traditae ad nos vsque peruenerūt huiusmodi traditionū contemptoros anathemati subiecit Sectarij vero communiter reijciuns eruditiones apostolicas affirmantes omnia qua sine dispendio sulutis possunt ignorari apertè contineri in scripturis been directed and gouerned by both of the said lights that is by the written and vnwritten word as by laws and customs which kind of gouerment is common alike to euery common wealth instituted aright That this double light (c) According to S. Irenaens p. 3. con haer c. 3. 4. Tertull. l. de coro militum cap. 3. S. Basil l. ad Amphilochium de Spiritu sancto cap. 29. S. Austin Epis ad Janua there is full parity between traditions ad scriptures warrantable authority being common alike to the one and the other Wherefore S. Chrys hom 4. in 2. ad Thess saith Est traditio nihil quaras amplius T' is tradition seeke no further of written and vnwritten Traditions is of necessary and perpetuall vse in the Church appeareth by the second Epistie to the Thesalonians where S. Paul enioyneth the keeping of both saying stand fast keepe the Traditions which you haue been taught either by word or our Epistle All the doctrines necessary to saluation which the Apostles receiued either from the mouth of Iesus-Christ or by inspiration of the holy Ghost they deliuered to the faithfull of those dayes partly in written and partly in vnwritten traditions which down from the primatiue Church to the present times haue passed as from hand to hand in a continuall line of priestly succession Moreouer it appeareth clearly by the second Chapter of S. Iohns canonicall Epistle that the Apostles thought it not expedient to set forth in writing all matters of christian religion necessary to saluation for he expresly saith although I had many things to write vnto you yet would I not write with paper and inck for I trust to come vnto you and speak mouth to mouth that your ioy may bee full which he repeateth in the end of his third canonicall Epistle saying I haue many things to write but I will not with ynck and pen write vnto thee and doubtless as Christ when he said to his Disciples Io. 16. I haue yet many things to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them now meant of many mysteries of faith distinct from those he had already taught them so S. Iohns meaning was that he had other doctrines of christian faith or manners to deliuer by word of mouth then those he had written with ynck and pen and truly the particles That your ioy may be full doe import as much being meant of spirituall ioy such as faithfull christians commonly receiue when they are instructed in things pertaining to iustice and saluation and it is not in reason probable that S. Iohn should vnderstand temperall ioy in order to wordly aduantages the intent of his Epistle being to stir vp a Mother and her son vnto a vertuous life in Iesus-Christ neither is it as to reason credible that so many things which S. Iohn purposely omitted to write were set down in writing either by himself afterward or by the other Apostles afore there being no scripture testimony wheron to ground those coniectures inuented meerly by the aduersaries of vnwritten traditions Besids it is plainly euident that sundry vnwritten doctrines of christian religion which are not contained expresly in any part of the new or old Testament are of necessary credence For example we must belieue with diuine faith the receiued catalogue or canon of both Testaments to be the true and vncorrupted word of God For otherwise those holy writings would haue nothing of weight with vs as theron to relie our saluation notwithstanding not any part of either Testament expresseth the receiued catalogue or canon for example we must belieue that the true sense of the written letter is a necessary and essentiall requisit to faith because in the sense that giueth life and not in the letter that bringeth death the true word of God consists but the true sense of the written letter that is to say how (d) The Caluinists in a publick disputation with the Antytrinitarians in the presence of Iohn the second elected king of Hungary engag'd to proue by scripture the mystery of the B. Trinity but failing in their engagement the king of a Caluinist became an Anti-trinitarian the written letter ought to be taken whether in a proper or figuratiue signification is not known but by the interpretation and tradition of the Church Again we must belieue that in one God there is a Trinity of diuine persons which be really distinct one from an other and no more yet not any writing of the Apostles or Euangelists (e) According to S. Chrys hom 4. operum imperf as in Heauen so in scripture God lies hid vnseen Wherefore as all men behold this corporall Heauen and not God that dwels within it so though many read the holy scriptures neuertheless they perceiue not the God of truth that lies hid in the inward seuse thereof expresly assertes a reall distinction or excludeth expresly a quaternity of persons and truly though S. Iohn saith in his canonicall Epistle cap. 4. that there be three which beare testimony in Heauen the Father the word and the holy Ghost neuertheless he doth not say expresly * Simplex affirmatio ternarij in aliquo non excludit vel negat ibi esse aliquod quartum cū in quaternario includatur ternarium qui asserit esse tres vbi sun● quatuor non falsum dicit three only or that these three are really distinct one from an other for he addeth these three are one in so much that the great Sabellian heretick Praxeas taught that God was but one sole person that carried three distinct names in order to three seuerall effects naming him Father in as much as he createth all things son because be was borne of the Virgin Mary inuested with human nature and holy Ghost in regard he sanctifieth all creatures Wherfore if the Apostles had not deliuer'd to the faithfull of those days by word of mouth a reall distinction in God as to personality and a reall identity as to nature and substance and the Church
tempus Iudex vice Christi cogitatur Because due obedience is not exhibited to Christ's Vicar and the Chaire by our lords voice founded on S. Peter As in the old law schisms so in the new law heresies spring vp The Childrē of Israël fell into schisms when they fell away from their due Obedience to the Chaire of Moyses and Christians fall into heresies as oft as they rise against the Chaire of S. Peter coyning or following vnauthorised nouelties whereby Christian souls are misled into most desperate precipices of errours in regard whereof I haue been mou'd to write a Theology conform to the ancient Cycli and weights of the holy Churches sanctuary that is to set forth a whole body of Christian doctrine built vpon Scriptures Traditions Councils and Fathers which deserue to be prefer'd before Schollars of new Notions that is Christian people ought to adhere conforme their conciences to and rely their eternity rather on those then these which is the Counsell that the great S. Austin guies in his 2. Booke against Julian the Pelagian Bishop who had brocht new opinions to the preiudice of souls exhorting all Christians to regard rather the learning of the holy Fathers which flourished in the precedent ages and the constant and vniuersall practice of the Catholicke Church then the prophane nouelties vented and spred by the Pelagians Saying Hos antiquos Patres oportet vt Christiani populi vestris prophanis nouitatibus anteponant eisque potius quam vobis eligant adherere My lord herein lies the sole intent of these conceptions which I present you with and vnder your authority aduenture into publick view vnto aduantaging such as are piously sober d Secundum S. Aug. l. 14. de Trinit c. 1. munns Theologiae est pijs opitulari veritatem contra impios defendere and to defend the truth against such as are impiously wanton This is the ayme of my Theologicall discourses and the height of my desires is but this that they may be receiu'd into your Lordships protection which is ground warrantable enough to gaine them credit in regard of the high measure of knowledge which is extraordinary in you beseeming a well studied diuine as appears by your own writings which together with your other gifts of nature and grace renders you admired by all that know your Lordship aright Besides that which alone might embolden me to address these endeauors vnto your Lordship is your eminent nobility The best blood that is in any English subiect run's in your Lordships veins as euidence your paternall and maternall descents from the most renown'd and ancient Houses of Pembrock Northumberland and Derby Again your sundry noble allyances The lord Talbot that was Heire of Shrewsbury maryed your only Daughter a Lady of great vertue and Vere vidua A widow indeed hauing for aboue these 20. yeares continued in her widow hood notwithstanding her Ladyships youth person birth and great doury which made her the ambition of many noble Suitours Moreouer your Lordships onely and most hopefull son marryed to the most accomplished in honour obligingness sweetnes and piety the lady Elizabeth Daughter to Edward Lord Marquess of Worcester which brings forth also an alliance with the most illustrious House of Norfolke Arundell and Surrey Since I am fallen vpon your eminent Nobility has not your owne Lady much added thereto if your House were without an ample series of renowned progenitors might not your posterity haue a glorious Rise from her Ladyship whose eminent vertues haue rendered her memory blessed Nobilitas sola est atque vnica virtus Besides has not that gallant Person the lord Crauen her Ladyships Brother added something of greatnes to your posterity whose braue and gallant actiōs performed a broad in foraine parts haue gain'd much honour to his Country Moreouer the rising of that family is honorable the supream prouidence haueing brought it to the height of Eminence which it now happely enioyes as the same prouidence e Aug. l. 5. de Ciuit. Dei cap. 15. profitetur Deum terrenam gloriam excellentissimi Imperij cōcessisse bonis artibus Romanorum id est vt ipsemet interpretatur virtutibus quibus ad tantam gloriam nitebantur extended the Empyre of the ancient Romans in regard of Morall vertues which were eminent in your ladies Father and Mother the Raisers of it for as much as their zeale to the law of nature that is to do Iustice giuing to euery one what is euery on 's own and to shew mercy vnto the distressed feeding the hungry and cloathing the naked rendered them admired of such as knew them and according to holy Scriptures God exalted the Midwiues of the Hebrew women and made them houses Exod. 1. For their complyance to the law of nature in preseruing of innocent Babes which the Tyrant of Fgypt had commanded them to kill and since I am fallen vpon Gods merveilous rewarding of morall good works in confirmation of this truth I might produce conuincing examples in our own Country where very many in these times through a supream prouidence are aduanc'd to honours dignities and eminent offices that is God hath built them new Houses of nobility or encreased the glory of the old for preseruing loyalty to their king which is the law of nature written in their hearts they feared God and honoured his annoynted against the commandement of the Tyrant of England and therefore are exalted and truly vpon this score the supream prouidence hath built his Grace the Duke of Albermarle a more glorious House thē any subiect in the Christian world this day enioys in as much as through a happy managing of his loyalty he carries the name not onely of Paterpatriae but likewise of Pater Caesaris hauing preseru'd both Caesar and his Countries In consequence of the premises his Maties Catholick subjects that with the effusion of their blood and loss of their Estates haue cherefully performed that duty of nature in order to loyalty may hope that a speciall prouidence in good time will make for them Houses of Ease which shall be the daily prayer of MY LORD YOVR HONORS Most humble and most obedient Seruant GEO. LEYBVRN PREFACE TO THE COVNTRY-MISSIONARY SR Although these holy Characters so named because they describe and set forth the holy Mysteries of Christian Religion containe Theology but compendiously dressed vp neuertheless vvant noe Requisits either essentiall or necessary thereto being built on the foundation of holy Scriptures Traditions Councils and Fathers vvherin lies the consistency of true Theology vvhich as the pillar of fire led the Israëlits by night in their vvay to the land of promise so in as much as it carries the lights of the best Antiquity shevvs Christians their vvay thorovv the darke Mysteries of Christian faith as by night vnto an heauenly Inheritance prefigured in the land of promise that is God hath instituted this diuine science to direct Gouernours of souls in the pursuance of their pastorall function vvhich
Char. XVI Of Holy Order p. 233. Char. XVII Of Matrimony p. 261. Char. XVIII Of Extrem-vnction p. 279. Char. XIX Of the Church Militant p. 291. Char. XX. Of Traditions p. 333. Char. XXI Of the Church Triumphant p. 351. Char. XXII Of Foundamentall and not foundamentall Articles of faith p. 289. THE FIRST BOOK OF HOLY CHARACTERS Containing a Miscelany of Theologicall discourses THAT IS THEOLOGY Positiue Scholasticall Polemicall and Morall Built vpon the foundation of Scriptures Traditions Councils Fathers CHARACTER J. OF GOD THE CONTENTS The necessary being of one God his existence in three distinct persons his omnipotency together with his other divine attributes GOD is a spirituall nature so eminent that nothing can be apprehended by man or Angell * Aug. l. 1. de doct Chr. Deus est quo nihil cogitari potest aut bonitate meliùs aut porsectione matus in goodness better in perfection greater His existence * Si ab altero haberet existentiam non esset ens supremū improductū proinde debet necessariò essentialiter existere is his essence and therefore to him essentiall which euinceth a necessity of his being and all Creatures necessary dependence of him for t' is impossible that there should be more then * Singularitas seu vt loqùitur Tertull solitas id est incommunicabilitas ad extra est essentialis supremo enti quod debet necessariò essentialiter existere quia existentia est rei singularis incommunicabilis ideoque impossibile est vt multipliectur nam essentiae sunt omnino per se incommunicabiles one necessary being and that is properly called God (a) 1. Io. 3. There are three vvhich bear vvitness in Heauen the Father the Word and the-hold Ghost and these three are one This Scripture testimony giues full evidence of personall distinction and essentiall vnity in the blessed Trinity and as S. Austin well observes ouerthrows two heresies at once namely the Arian by saying one which signifies vnity in nature and the Sabellian heresy by faying bear in the plurall number which plainly expresseth distinction as to the divine persons who in essence is one and in persons three one and the same individuall Deity essentially requiring to be invested with a triple personality expressed in the name of Father Son and holy Ghost (b) God sais Isa 66. Shall I cause to trauell and not bring forth from this sacred Text S. Austin infers that it were not equity if God should giue fecundity of generation to his creatures and want it as to himselfe and it were not reason or equity that God within him selfe should be barren wanting production that communicates fecundity of generation to all things without himselfe God the Father is a beginning without a beginning hauing no beginning of his being God the Son hath his beginning and being from his diuine Father who begot him from all eternity the full brightnes of his glory and * Hebr. 1. splendor gloriae figura substantia eius the express resemblance of his diuine substance God (c) The Council of Florence in the decree of Pope Eugenius the 4th defines the procession of the holy Ghost from the Father and the Son In this Council the Grecians renounc'd their heresy as to the same procession though soon after they fell againe into it and so continue obstinate in their pertinacy notwithstanding that God by evident signes manifested his iust wrath against them in regard of that relapse For soon after and euen at Pentecost when the Church celebrates a speciall Feast in honour of the holy Ghost the Turks seizd on the Imperiall towne of Constantinople and therby mastred all Greece Be sides in the same Council the Latin against the Greek Fathers asserted the procession of the holy Ghost from the Father and the Son as from one sole beginning of his being the holy Ghost proceedeth from the diuine Father and the diuine son as from one origen of his procession being the reciprocall loue and vnion of both As in the visible sun three things are obseruable (d) The similitude as to the globe beames and light of the sun Gelasius the Patriarch of Constantinople vsed in a conference with Amurath the Emperour of the Turks vnto illustrating the vnexpressisible mystery of the blessed Trinity the round body or globe thereof the beames and the light and as the beames are deriued from the same body and not from the light and the light from the body and beams and the body from neither of both and as all these three make one only sun without confusion or separation so in God there are three diuine persons and the Son proceedeth only from the Father the holy Ghost from the Father and Son and the Father from neither of both and these three are one sole God without * Symbolū S. Athanasij neque confūaentes personas neque substantiam separantes confusion of persons or separation of fubstance * Exod. 13. Omnipotens nomen eius vnde Aug. ser 12 ait quod nomen Deus est potestatis non proprietatis The name of God is Almighty for soe he calleth himselfe and his works shew what his name speakes him to be namely the world created out of nothing by * Psal 37. Verbo Domini Coeli firmati sunt spiritu oris eius omnis virtus eorū the word of his power the sweet order in the disposition of the fabrick the extraction of man from the dust * Gen. 2. formauit Deus hominem de limo terrae of the ground the vniuersall deluge drowning the whol earth to the destruction of man and beast Noë only with his family preserued (e) Exod. 12. the Children of Israë are said to haue walked vpon drie land through the mids of the sea while the waters were as a wall vnto them on the right and on the lest hand the diuision of the red sea giuing safe passage to the Israëlites as by land and the revnion of its waters to the drowning of king Pharao and his whole army In these marueilous effects of Gods omnipotency as in a clear glass appear his other divine attributes in the creation of the world in time his duration before time * Isaias cap. 51. appellat Dominū habitantem aternitatem which is his eternity in the sweet order of the things created his wisdome in the production of man after his own image and likenes his goodnes in the generall deluge his iustice in the preseruation of the Israëlites his mercy in the destruction of Pharao his fortitude And all his works joynt or separate declare (f) The intent of creation was the Creatours glorification wherfore the Royall Prophet Psal 18 makes the heauens to speake the glory of God his glory which is the end of his working who is aboue all his works a God without circumscription immense without bounds infinite in himselfe inuisible *
sancti spiritus accipere gratiam Jtem S. Cyrillus Hierosol Cateche 3. vnguentum inquit confirmationis postquam est consecratum non est ampliùs vnguentum nudum commune sed Chrysma Christi quo corpus quidem vngitur anima autem sancto viuifico spiritu sanctificatur ancient Fathers nearest to the Apostles times do vnanimonsly interpret the meaning of the Scripture Act. 8. that saith then laid they their hands on them and they receiued the (c) By imposition of hands mentioned Act. 8. The ancient Fathers vnderstood the administing of sacramentall confirmation namely S. Cyprian Epis 73. S. Hierom. Dial. con Lucif ad S. Austin l. 15. de Trinit c. 26. affirmes that the Apostles Peter and Iohn pray'd that those might receiue the holy Ghost on whom they had laid their hands By the holy Ghost is meant the third person in the B. Trinity and he is said to be giuen when sanctifying grace is infused into or augmented in our souls and doubtless the imposition of hands afore mentioned Act. 8. through the vertue and efficacy of it's application was indeed an effectuall instrumentall cause of grace for t' is said in the same chapter set down that when Simon saw that through the imposition of the Apostles hands the holy Ghost was giuen he offered to buy it conceiuing he might obtaine that diuine gift with money Holy Ghost And albeit that signing and anointing with Chrism in the forehead be not mentioned therein yet it is clear that then S. Peter and S. Iohn did not administer confirmation without either of them they hauing been by continuall vsage receiued and practiced in the catholick Church down from the Apostles to the present times as the essentiall partes therof in so much that euen anciently confirmation is named the Sacramēt * Aug. l 2. con lite petit c. 104. vocat Sacramentum chrysmatis dicit esse Sacramentū sicut Baptimus c. Aug. alij Patres vocant illud signaculum in fronte of Chrism Sacrament or sign in the forehead Christ did think it fitting that the forehead should be signed because of the outward eminence therof aboue the other parts of mans body signifying thereby that a Christian ought not to be ashamed of the cross Besid's in the same chap. Act. 8. though S. Luke relateth only that the Eunuch before S. Philip baptised him said I belieue the son of God to be IESVS making no mention of the other diuine persons to wit Father and Holy Ghost nor of other necessary requisits to diuine faith notwithstanding according to S. Austin lib. de fide oper cap. 9. it is certain that S. Philip instructed the Eunuch in all points necessarily belonging to christian faith howeuer it is a weak argument that hath the support of negatiues onely and a manifest weakness to question what the Church of God armed against all Heresyes through the constant infallible assistance of the holy Ghost doth practise vniuersally Moreouer Christ at his last supper when he instituted (d) Christ iustituted the Sacrament of confirmation at his last supper according to tradition set down in the 2. Epis c. 1. of Pope Fabianus who expresly assertes that Christ at his last supper appointed and determined Chrism for the proper matter of this Sacrament and taught his Apostles how to make it the Sacrament of confirmation taught his Apostles the mingling of oile and Balsom to the making of Chrism which is the necessary matter therof and instructed them as to the forme also which is this or some other equalling it for example * Catech. Trid. par 2. cap. 3. ait Christum tradidisse qua forma administretur hoc Sacramentum legitimā formam esse hanc vel aliam aequiualentem Consigno to signo Crucis c. I signe thee with the sign of the cross and confirm thee with Chrism of saluation in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy Ghost Amen Which words or others equalling them are (e) The generall practice of the Church and the Decree of Pope Eugenius in the Council of Floreuce giue euidence of the from of sacramentall confirmation The particle Saluation is put vnto signifying the cheif product of this Sacrament which is sanctifying and strengthning grace again the particles vvith the sign of the cross are inserted in the form because the military marke that the party confirm'd receiues is the sign of the cross and indeed all christian signing is perform'd with the sign of the cross as plainly appear's by the generall practice of the primitiue Church the forme of this Sacrament The (f) According to S. Hierom Dial. con Lucif c. 4. Bishops giue the holy Ghost by laying on their hands on the baptis'd that is by the Sacrament of cofirmation the holy Ghost is giuen and Epis 150. ad Iubaian he calleth sacramentall confirmation grace of strengh vnto professing the faith of Christ before king's and Tyrants also obserues that euen the Apostles wanted courage and strengh before they were confirm'd through the comming of the holy Ghost at Pentecost but afterwards saith S. Hierome they spoke boldy to the Prince of the Iewes saying They vvere bound to obey rather God then men and rejoyc'd in the mids of their bitter sufferings speciall effect of confirmation is additionall sanctification and armour of grace or grace of strength as a pleadg of the spirit in the heart 2. Cor. 1. Whereby the person baptised is established in Christ and enabled to wrestle against spirituall wickedness and stand boldly against the sensible assaults of Tyrants that persecute the catholick religion The Apostles after they were confirmed with great confidence preach'd the word of God and with great power gaue testimony of the resurrection of Iesus Act. 4. S. Peter vnconfirmed was frighted at the voice of a poore Maide S. Peter confirmed made light of the imperiall sword of Nero. In as much as this Sacrament is vniterable deputing a christian to a speciall office in the seruice of Christ that is admitting him into Christs militia and withall arming him with the grace of courage and strengh to stand against Tyrants in defence of Christ and his faith of necessity imprinteth an (g) T is an Article of christian faith defined Trident. sess 7. de Sacram. in genere Floren in decreto Eugenij that the Sacrament of confirmation imprints an indelible Character which bear 's the name of a military sign or marke vndelible cbaracter which is a spirituall mark or quality that receiu's its existency in the soul of him that is confirmed through a reall impression thereof made in vertue of the Sacrament In like manner the Character of baptism is a reall physicall quality or entity imprinted in him that is baptised aright and can neuer be blotted out either by Apostacy or Heresy For as much as of necessity cofirmation presupposeth the Character of baptism it is of no effect if conferred on a person vnbaptised
new law namely outward Rite or sign promise of sanctifying grace and the institution of Christ The outward Rite or ligh as to the Sacrament of Penance is the sensible absolution of a Priest The promise of grace appears by the words of Christ Ioan. 20. Whose sinnes you shall forgiue they are forgiuen them and the institution of Christ is expres'd in the precedent words of the same Chapter As my Father sent me so send I you Wherfore the ancient Fathers treating of sacramentall Penance in order to such as are baptized teach that Christ giues power vnto a Priest to remit thereby euen occult sinnes in consequence of which they appropriate to Penance the name of a Sacrament as much as to baptism Tertull. l. de praescript adversus Haeret Ambros l. de poenit c. 7. and S. Austin l. 5. hom c. 5. compareth this Sacrament ministred by a Priest to the raising yp of Lazarus by Christ and to the vntying of his cords by the Apostles Sacrament of the new law taken in the proper sense vnto remission of sius committed after baptism and therefore named * Hieron ad Demetr vocat Sacramentum poenitentia secundam tabulam post naufragium the second spirituall boord or plank of a souls spirituall wrack Grace giuen by baptism restoreth sanctity that Originall sin tooke away grace receiued through Penance recouereth that sanctity being lost again through actuall sin A christians life on earth is a warfare against flesh and blood against principalities against powers against worldly Gouernours the Princes of the darknesse of this world and against all spirituall wickednesses which are the assaults of the deuill And for as much as humane nature is infirm and the power of this aduersary great it is impossible for any whomsoeuer to escape vnwounded without armour of extraordinary protection In regard whereof Christ hath prouided a soueraigne remedy as an effectuall cure for all the personall wound a christian might receiue in this warfare exercised after baptism and this is the Sacrament of Penance instituted by Christ himselfe (b) Christ Mat. 18. saying to his Apostles Whatsoeuer ye shall binde on earth shall be bound in Heauen and vvhatsoeuer ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen only promised them and their successors in Priestly function authoritie and power to forgiue sinnes and inuested them in it Ioan. 20. saying vnto them Receiue the holy Ghos● vvhose sinnes you shall forgiue are forgiuen them Neither hath Christ left less power vnto Priest's to loose then to binde as S. Ambrose asserted against Nouatianus who taught that Priests had power to bind but not to loose 10.20 when he said to his Apostles Receiue the holy Ghost whosoeuers sius ye shall remit they are remitted and whosoeuers sins ye shall retain they are retained Although Christ alone had the * Apoc. 3. qui habet clauem Dauid c. key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth Apocal. 30. as to supream excellency and power of remitting and retaining sins being enabled in vertue of his diuinity to open to and shut against sinners the kingdome of Heauen without help of a Sacrament neuertheless the same power as to participation and outward Ministery therof he communicated to his said Apostles and their successors in priestly function committing to them the Word of reconciliation 1. Cor. 5. That is to say the * Aug. accedit verbū ad elementum fit Sacramentum Elemētum seu materia proxima Sacramenti poenitentiae est confessio contritio word of sacramentall power implyed in the form of sacramentall absolution vꝪt videlicet I absolue thee which ioyned to the elements contrition confession and actuall satisfaction makes the Sacrament of Penance these acts being the materiall parts therof And although Christ did not appoint this form in express tearmes neuertheless for as much as he instituted this Sacrament (c) Great is the dignity of a Priest saith S. Chrysostome hom 85. in Joan. For vvhose sinnes they shall remit are remitted to them and hom 5. de verbis Isa Vidi Dominum Speaking of the Sacrament of Penance writeth thus Heaven takes from the earth chief povver for the Iudge sitteth in earth our lord follovv's the seruant and vvhatsoeuer he shall judge here belovv God approu's aboue By the judge that sitteth in earth is meant a Priest whose judgment or sentence goes before and the sentence of God comes after In consequence of which seeing that a sentence meer declaratory cannot goe before but of necessity must follow it is euident that a Priest sacramentally absoluing a penitent is a judge taken in the proper sense wherefore S. Cyprian Epis 73. ad Iubaian S. Ambrose lapsis de poenit c. 1. 2. S. Austin l. 2. con Epis parmeni c. 11. and S. Chrysostome l. 3. de Sacerdot expound the particles vvhose sinnes ye shall forgiue of power and authority giuen vnto the Apostles as judges in order to remitting of sinnes after the similitude of an outward iudicatory Court or Tribunall wherin the penitent acts the accused and the witnesses too and the Priest supplies the part of the (d) The Council of Trent declares that no man can be restored by the Sacrament of Penance to that sanctity and integrity which he receiu'd by baptism without bitter tears and painfull labours judge in the room of Christ it is euidence enough to proue it As in an outward Court of iustice the judg giueth sentence and therby absolueth or condemneth the accused So Christ did thinke fit that a Priest as lawfull judg should pronounce sentence of absolution vnto remission of sins committed after baptisme for Christ in saying Whosoeuers sins ye shall remit are remitted substituted the Apostles * 1. Cor. 5. vbi dixisset Apostol is dedit nobis ministerium reconciliationis subiungit pro Christo ergo legatione fūgivnur id est Sacardotes succedunt in munus seu ministerium reconciliationis eo modo quo Christus reconciliauit homines Deo ramittēdo paccata corum vt constat av citato Textu Et Chryso hom 11. in●llam 2. Epis Pauli sic scribit quod igitur pro Christo legatioue fungimur idem est ac si dixisset Christi vice nos enim ipsius muneri successimus his speciall Legats to reconcile sinners to God neither is it of necessity required to the forme of a Sacrament that it be expresly set down in holy scripture the vniuersall tradition of the Church being testimony enough to proue it and euen Caluinists and sundry other sectaries doe vse in baptism the words I baptise thee for which they cannot alleadge any scripture-euidence Besides Caluin in his fourth book of institutions chapter 3. 5. 6. treating of imposition of hands exercised in the ordination of Church-minister's deriueth that ceremony from Church tradition and practice only and confesseth withall that it ought to be counted in lieu of a precept By the premises plainly
likwise defined that vnwritten Tradition the faithfull of these dayes might haue been * S. Basil dicit Sabellianismum esse quēdam Iudaismum Sabellius voro qui omnibus hareticis impietate antecelluit eirca annum 260. haresim Trinitatis propagauit quod Pr●xeas omniū primus humo Romanae inuexit proximè accessit ad errorem Iudaeorum Sabellians or Iewes as for any clear speaking scripture to hinder them Again we belieue that the holy Ghost is not the son of God nor that his procession is generation taken in the proper sense notwithstanding without tradition and interpretation of the holy Church it cannot be proued sufficiently that is to say by express scripture-testimony nor matters it that the Euangelists doe name the second person of the blessed Trinity the only begotten son for hence it follows not by necessary consequence that the holy Ghost is no son for Salomon is styled the only begotten son Prouerb 4. Howeuer it plainly appeareth by the first booke of Paralipomenon or cronicles that he had many brothers yet he was named the only begotten son in regard he was beloued as if he had been the only begotten We must belieue that such (f) The Council of Nice hath defined that such as are baptized by hereticks must not be rebaptized And in regard the Donatists impugned this assertion which is grounded vpon tradition and the Churches definition they were counted hereticks and S. Aust I. de vtilitate credendi cap. 22. expresly affirms that the said assertion is not contained in any express scripture and indeed practice and tradition of the Church only was obiected against S. Cypri that asserted rebaptizing of such as were baptized by hereticks as appeares by his own Epistle ad Iubaian 74. ad Pompeium he conceiuing that he had scripture authority on his side left the Churches tradition and practice yet S. Austin in sundry places of his writings excuseth him from heresie because he was not obstinate in defending of his opinion neither did he break vnion with the Church Besid that controuersy rose before any generall Council defined validity of baptism conferred by Hereticks as are baptized by hereticks ought not to be baptized again wee must belieue that we are bound to keepe holy our lords day which is sunday and we must belieue that there is a necessary obligation to receiue the Apostles Creed yet for as much as none of all these doctrines be contained expresly in or can be deduced out of the holy scriptures by immodiate necessary and euident consequences they would haue nothing of weight with vs in the conuincing of our vnderstanding if the tradition and definition of the Church were laid a side Moreouer the Lutherans and Caluinists in regard they reject Church tradition adhering to the meer letter of scripture and their own interpretations thereof cannot as yet after frequent disputes euince against the Anabaptists that the Sacramēt of Baptism ought to be administred vnto infants where they alledge the words of Christ set down Math. 19. suffer little children and forbid them not to come to me for of such is the kingdom of Heauen as also the practice of the Apostles that baptized whole housholds Act. 19. it is plainly euident that from neither of these testimonies they can as much as deduce by any necessary consequence what they assert as a doctrine of their faith namely that baptism ought to be applied to young children that want the vse of reason especially supposing (g) Caluin l. 4. insti c. 16. and the whole sect of Lutherans though they denyed baptism to be a requisit necessary to the saluation of children neuertheless in their conferences with Anabaptists ingeniously confessed that baptism might lawfully and indeed ought to be ministred vnto children what Lutherans and Caluinists hold as an other article of their reformed religion viz. that baptism is not absolutly necessary to saluation for as to the first testimony though by litle children Christ meant not such only as can goe and speake but also infants sucking their Mothers breasts neuertheless the words of Christ declare them only capable of blessedness without mentioning baptism at all Since then Lutherans and Caluinists doe teach that baptism is not an expedient absolutly necessary to blessedness they can infer nothing of moment and efficacy from these words of Christ to conuince the Anabaptists because the blessedness that is to say the kingdom of Heauen whereof Infants are declared capable may be obtained without baptisin according to Lutherans Caluinists and Anabaptists yet for as much as catholick faith teacheth absolute necessity of baptism out of S. Iohn Cap. 3. that except a man be borne againe of water he cannot enter into the kingdom of Heauen Catholicks can by a clear inference from the said words of Christ proue that Baptism ought euen of necessity to be administred to children because Christs words declare thē capable of the kingdom of Heauen and consequently of baptism that being an expedient absolutly necessary vnto the obtaining of it whosoeuer is capable of any end is likwise capable of the expedient or medium which is of absolute necessity in order to the purchasing of it As touching the latter scripture testimony though it containes a most pregnant coniecture or presumption that the Apostles when they baptized whole families baptised children with all neuertheless it is not sufficient enough to the grounding of an euident and necessary consequence vnto prouing that de facto they did so because experience sheweth that many whole housholds haue no children at all Wherefore it is cleare that neither of the scripture testimonyes do proue effectually the baptism of Infants laying aside the tradition and definition of the Church And truly Lutherans and Caluinists haue only meer coniectures and remote inferences drawn from the interpretation of their own priuat spirits which is the Mother of heresies to euince the foundamentall and essentiall doctrines of their reformed religion namly that faith alone iustifieth that there are but two Sacraments that no addresses of intercession ought to be made vnto Saints or prayers offered for the benefit of soules departed c. and it is a foundamentall article of Caluinism that the Sacrament of the Eucharist signifieth only the body of Christ being a meer figure thereof contrary wise it is a foundamentall article of Lutherans that the body of Christ is really contained in the Sacrament together with the substance of bread and though both Caluinists and Lutherans teach that the scriptures speake and propounde clearly doctrines of faith howeuer they haue not as yet reconciled that controuersy which notwithstanding the many conferences and disputes held about it continueth in debate Caluinists impute to the Lutherans an heresie or errour in faith for admitting and the Lutherans ascribe heresie vnto the Caluinists for denying the reall presence of Christs body and bloud in the Eucharist whereby appeareth plainly the necessity of Church tradition and interpretation for the deciding all hard
controuersies in debate for as much as they relate to faith Furthermore God who is not an accepter of persons Rom. 15. who is not God of men only but of women also and who desireth to saue all of each sex doubtless instituted a remedy against originall sin in fauour of men and women for as much as the expiation thereof is absolutely necessary vnto saluation wherfore in regard circumcision was the remedy proper to men and could not be applied to women some other expedient was ordained for their cure and although no express mention thereof be made in any part of the old Testament neuertheless that God instituted a remedy for the deliuerance of women * Quod qualeue fuerit illud remedium à Deo institutum ad subueniēdum faeminis quae nascebantur in peccato originali nullibi explicatur in sacris litteris nec porest deduci ex illis from the guilt of originall sin the Iews belieued as an article of faith necessary to saluation and indeed so it was as appeareth from the necessity of it and from the prouidence God hath ouer both men and women and truly to auerre that God was defectiue then in necessary requisits to the saluation of women is a manifest blasphemy wherby it is clear that euen the Iews in the old law held vnwritten besides written tradition as necessary vnto saluation neither is the said unwritten tradition preiudiced by the reply of some sectaries saying that the oblation of women in the Temple according to the law of Moyses did free them of originall sin For that legall offring was common alike to women and men and Christ was both circumcised and offered in the Temple nor by recurring for this deliuerance vnto the circumcision of Parents there being not any passage in the whole Testament of the old law that carrieth the least sound that way or that hath relation to the deliuerance of women from originall sin in vertu of their parents circumcision besides S. Austin and other ancient Fathers expresly teach that baptism is to Christians as circumcision was to the Iewes but no Christian sectary will say that women are sanctified and consecrated to God through their parents baptism for if it were enough for the purging out of originall sin to baptise the male there would be no need at all to baptise the female sex hereby it is clear again that the Iews of the old law allowed and professed vnwritten besides written traditions as necessary to saluation From the premises appeareth that the word of God taken precisely comprehendeth both vnwritten and written traditions in consequence of which vnwritten traditions are not additions to the word of God they being a part therof Wherfore neither Moyses Deut. 4. saying to the people of Israel Ye shall adde nothing to the word which I speake to you neither shall ye take ought from it Nor S. Paul Gal. 1. saying to the Galatians though that we or an Angel from Heauen preach vnto you (h) According to S. Austin tom 7. con liter petiliani l. 3. cap. 6. and tom 9. trac 98. in Io. the particle praeterquam besids in the cited Text imports the particle contra against or contrary so that the meaning is that nothing must be preached against or contrary to the holy scripture And truly this explication appears euidently by the Apostles arguing against those that asserted Iudaism to be consistent with christianism which assertion because it was contrary to the law of Christ the Apostle added the curse set down in the same sentence of the Text. Moreouer the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Latin Interpreter translateth praeterquam is vsed by the Apostle for contra not only in the Epistle alledged ad Gal. but also Rom. 4. besids what we haue preached vnto you let him be accursed condemne vnwritten traditions as sectaries do calumniate the Catholick Church besides sectaries very vnhandsomly and weakly do infer from these two scripture testimonies that no doctrines of faith ought to be receiued saue such as be contained expresly in or by euident consequence deduced from the written word of God for neither of both doe mention the written word of God The word says Moyses which I speake vnto you and that we haue preached vnto you says the Apostle but if it were granted vnto them what they cannot proue viz that Moyses then spoke what he had written afore notwithstanding they could not ouerthrow therby vnwritten traditions vnless they could proue which they can neuer doe that they be additions destructiue of or contrary to the written word of God for such additions only he meant and excluded by the cited scriptures and indeed if S. Paul had meant otherwise he should haue cursed S. Iohn the Euangelist that many yeares after his martyrdome writ reuelations which S. Paul had not preached to the Galatians likwise the Anathema had touched S. Paul himselfe that deliuered sundry passages in the acts of the Apostles which happened after his preaching to the Galatians Howeuer catholicks doe not deny but that traditions which are the vnwritten word be contained implicitly in the written word of God that is to say as in a generall principle from whence they are deducible and the whole word of God is contained in scriptutes yea in this sole Article of the Apostles Creed I belieue in the holy Catholick Church in as much as all the matters pertaining to faith and generall manners and not clearly expressed in holy scriptures are contained expresly in the doctrine of the Church which the scriptures commend vnto vs as infallible and indeed the whole word of God is expounded vnto vs in Christs command Math. 18. If he refuse to heare the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen man and publican in regard wherof ancient Fathers do auerre all doctrines of faith to be contained in scriptures that is as in a generall principle from whence they can be deduced CHAR. XXJ. OF THE CHVRCH TRIVMPHANT THE CONTENTS Souls that remoue out of their earthly habitations cleansd from all vncleanes are instantly translated into Heauen the clear sight of God wherein consisteth heauenly beatitude is not deferd till the generall Resurrection though the office of mediation aduocation and intercession is proper to Christ alone as to the noblest manner therof neuertheless according to the Catholick Church all the Saints mediate and intercede in the sight of God for the faithfull on earth in subordination to Christ the Church of god does not nor neuer did teach that the faithfull on earth ought to mediate and intercede for the blessed in Heauen S. Paul did not mediate or intercede for Onesiphorus that he might obtaine mercy after his soule was beatifyed the ancient Liturgies of the Church approue not of prayers vnto helping of the blessed THe Church triumphant is a holy Congregation of blessed Saints reigning with Iesus-Christ innocēt souls not liable to any guilt of sin as soon (a) 2. Cor. 5. we know