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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13547 The parable of the sovver and of the seed Declaring in foure seuerall grounds, among other things: 1. How farre an hypocrite may goe in the way towards heauen, and wherein the sound Christian goeth beyond him. And 2. In the last and best ground, largely discourseth of a good heart, describing it by very many signes of it, digested into a familiar method: which of it selfe is an entire treatise. And also, 3. From the constant fruit of the good ground, iustifieth the doctrine of the perseuerance of saints: oppugneth the fifth article of the late Arminians; and shortly and plainly answereth their most colourable arguments and euasions. By Thomas Taylor, late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge, and preacher of the Word of God, at Reding in Bark-shire. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. 1621 (1621) STC 23840; ESTC S118185 284,009 494

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sowing as wee shall see through the Parable His seede the seed is the Word of God contained in the writings of the Prophets Apostles vers 11. which by Christ and his Ministers is cast into the furrowes of the heart as seed into the furrowes of the earth by the Husbandman It is true that he cast some seed among the Heathens For the law of nature written in their hearts the summe of which is that what wee would not another should do to vs we should not do to thē euen this was the seed of this Sower for he enlightneth euen with naturall light whosoeuer commeth into the world Ioh. 1.9 But here is meant that seed which he casts into the field of the Church which is partly the Law Morall written with the finger of God and deliuered to the Church by Moses who was faithfull in all his house as a seruant but especially the Doctrine of the Gospell sowed in the hearts of Beleeuers both by himselfe and his seruants His seed This Seedsman sowed no fables no traditions no vnwritten verities no Canons of Councels or Decretals of Popes which are but chaffe nay he often condemned the decrees of the Elders and traditions of Pharises and all seede fetched out of mens Granaries Ioh. 7.16 My doctrine is not mine but his that sent me and chap. 8.26 The things that I haue heard of him those speake I to the world Doct. Gods word preached is the sowing of Gods seed into the earth of mens hearts For sixe reasons or resemblances 1. As seed is a small and contemptible thing altogether vnlikely to bring such a returne and encrease so the Word preached seemes a weake and contemptible thing 1. Cor. 1.23 We preach Christ crucified a scandall to the Iewes and foolishnesse to the Gentiles Yet by the foolishnesse of preaching God hath ordained to saue his and not without it as without seed without haruest 2. As the seede in the barne or garner fructifies not vnlesse it be cast into the earth so the Word vnlesse cast into the eares and hearts of men is fruitlesse regenerateth not produceth no fruits of faith Keepe the Word in thy Bible or thy Bible in thy chest and not in thy heart couering and hiding it thou abidest fruitlesse and barren Rom. 10.14 How can they beleeue vnlesse they heare or how can they heare without a Preacher 3. As the sower prickes not in his seede nor sets it but casts it all abroad and knowes not which of his seede will come vp to encrease and which will rot and dye vnder the clods or comming vp into the blade and eare will wither away so the Minister Gods Seedsman speakes not to one or two but casts the seede abroad to all in generall neither knowes he which and where the Word shall thriue to encrease and where not but where it doth encrease it riseth with great beautie and glory as the graine of Mustard-seed becomes a tree in which the birds of heauen may build their nests 4. As seed hath a naturall heat life and vertue in it by which it increaseth and begetteth more seeds like vnto it selfe so the Word cast into the good ground of a beleeuing heart hath a supernaturall heat in it being as fire Iere. 5.14 and a liuely power to frame men like it selfe to make them of fleshly spirituall of blinde quicksighted of dead in sinne aliue in grace And as one graine quickned brings sundry tillowes and many graines in each so one Christian conuerted and receiuing this power in himselfe gaineth many vnto God desiring that euery one were as he is except his bands and sins Philip being called findes Nathaniel and brings him to Christ. And the woman at the well calls all the Citie Ioh. 4. 5. As seed cast into the ground liues not vnlesse it dye first 1. Cor. 15.36 so the Word preached brings no fruite or life vnlesse it kill first and worke mortification yea and by continuall sense of frailty and acquaintāce with the crosse it keeps vnder such naturall pride and corruption as resist the worke of it Ioh. 4. Christ brings the woman at the well to know him by bringing her to the knowledge of her selfe And the Conuerts Act. 2.37 then bewrayed heauenly life when being pricked at heart they cried out Men and brethren what may wee doe to bee saued 6. As seed cast neuer so skilfully into the earth is not fruitful vnlesse God giue it a body 1. Cor. 15.38 so neither is y e Word vnlesse God adde his blessing 1. Cor. 3.6 I haue planted and Apollos watered but God giues the increase verse 7. Neither is he that planteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth increase What would plowing sowing harrowing or any husbandry on the earth auaile if God should not by the raines windes and warmth from heauen prosper and cherish the seed Thus haue wee compared the Word of God to seed and preaching to sowing But still remember that this seed of the Word is farre more excellent then all other seed in foure respects 1. That is from earth this from heauen My doctrine saith Christ is from aboue 2. That serues to preserue naturall life receiued of God this both to begin and maintaine spirituall life 3. That is mortall and corruptible seede this immortall 1. Pet. 1.23 an eternall Gospell Heauen and earth shall perish but the Word of God abides for euer 4. The fruit is like the seede All corruptible seede brings fruit corruptible like it selfe but this brings Immortality and life it is a seed sowne for continuance and eternitie so is not other Vse 1. This concernes Ministers in whose function there is both honos and onus Dignitie and Dutie For the first The Ministerie though despised in the world is a most glorious office and an honourable function which Christ came from the glory of heauen to vndertake The Sonne of God himselfe vndertooke to be a sower of the Word and shall great Clerkes and Diuines thinke it too base a thing to be diligent Preachers Or shall that which honoured Christ be a barre to preferment namely to be diligent sowers Or shall any man thinke his sonne too good and of too high birth for that office which the Sonne of God himselfe despised not For the second the burthen or charge We reade not that Christ said Masses or anoyled or sprinkled holy water but was all in sowing Popish Priests are quite contrary all in these and seldome or neuer doe preach As if our saluation consisted in ceremonies or an haruest could be brought in by gestures without sowing But our charge stands in foure things 1. Learne wee of our Lord Iesus Christ to goe foorth to sow Christ went foorth to labour and hee that goes into the Lords field to loyter or stand idle gets no thanke from his Lord. What need is there of a loyterer in seed-time or in haruest And Ministers must consider 1. That
corrections of sinnes But proper and peculiar troubles befalling only the members of the Church either in truth or in appearance and that not for any other cause then the Word as here our Sauiour expresseth or for righteousnesse sake or for the Name of Christ and well-doing So as when either for profession of the Word of God suppose no more or for confession and defence of it and such courses agree to it or for the practice of it in conuersation and keeping conscionably to the rules of it a man is reproached wronged indures losse pouerty restraint c. this is properly persecution Now this persecution is as inseparable from the Word and Professors of it as beames from the Sunne or heat from the fire Math. 16.24 If any will be my Disciple let him denie himselfe and take vp his Crosse and follow mee 2. Tim. 3.12 All that will liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer persecution where the word all admits no exception no exemption And why 1. Christ hath fore-told it Math. 10.22 Ye shall be hated of all men for my Names sake and Ioh. 16.33 In the world ye shall haue affliction So also did his Apostles 1. Thess. 3.4 For verily when we were with you we told you before that we should suffer affliction euen as it came to passe and ye know it 2. Christ and his crosse are inseparable in respect of Gods glory For now he is glorified first in his power and care supporting strengthening comforting his children and in greatest trials giuing the greatest victories Secondly in his wisedome which bringeth good out of euill and light out of darknes Out of the eater he brings meat As a skilfull Phisician tempers poyson to a remedie Out of the euill wils of men he brings forth his owne righteous will and much good to his afflicted seruants awakens security hammers pride exerciseth patience c. Thirdly God is glorified in the graces of his seruants which are kept on worke and waking who if they were euill still would as still bodies fill with bad humors grow as full of lusts as vnsteared grounds of weedes or standing waters of mud They must be stirred out of the dead Sea of prosperity in which commonly no grace liueth to keepe life and motion in their faith feare prayer loue c. A man that is fainting the best way to fetch him is by pulling and wringing his parts So doth the Lord with his children lest their graces should faint Fourthly hee is glorified in his truth for persecution drawes out confession and publishing of his truth as Pauls bonds were famous in all the iudgement Hall and the persecution raised at Ierusalem against the Disciples dispersed them and the truth by them Act. 8.1 2. 3. This comes to passe by the inueterate hatred of Satan and that irreconciliable malice of the world against the Word Saul was quiet enough before his conuersion and so long as he carries the Letters against the Saints but in stead of those Letters let him once carrie the Name of Christ now the diuell buffets him and raiseth vp tumults in euery place against him and he is sure y t now nothing but affliction and bonds abide him euery where So the wicked of the world euer hated God himselfe and whatsoeuer belongs vnto him and most hateth that which hath the most expresse image of God Christ himselfe because he is the expresse forme of his Fathers image can neuer be held out but he is presently a But or marke of contradiction The Word of Christ resembling the nature of God they hate because it is the sentence of condemnation against their sin The Spirit of God in his motions graces because he conuinceth them and reprooueth them of sin The profession and Professors of the Word because it is a light held out reproouing their darkness and manifesting their deeds to be euill Godly admonitions counsell they hate because they are in loue with their euill Instruction is euill to him that forsakes the way And they that doe euill hate the light and will not come vnto it lest their deedes should be manifest to be euil Ioh. 3.19 Let him be publikely taught or priuately admonished so long as he is resolued to hold his sin he makes no other or better vse of it then to raise vp thence his distempered passions against the truth both in the bringers and Professors Yea sometime while such men thinke they stand for Gods Religion and truth they are most desperate enemies persecutors of it through ignorant zeale and blind superstition would set vp that which pulls down truth as Paul beyond measure wasted the Church out of blind zeale for the traditions of the Elders so doe the most deuout Papists at this day 4. The similitude vsed by our Sauior here and by the holy Ghost elsewhere shews the same comparing affliction and persecution to the scorching of the sun Cant. 1.5 The Sun hath looked vpon me Psal. 121.6 The Sun shall not smite thee by day For 1. The Sun doth not more ordinarily or daily arise then persecution ordinarily awaits the word 2. As the Sun-beames diffuse and disperse themselues into euery place so the beams of this Sun of persecution are darted in euery place where the Sun of righteousnes shineth in his Word 3. As no man can hide himselfe from the heat of the Sun Psal. 19.6 So no godly man can hide himselfe from this heat but one time or other it findes him out 4. The Sun hath not more beames to scorch and dry vp the moisture of the earth then Satan and this wicked world haue to dry vp the moisture of grace where it is not sound sometimes by inward and spirituall temptation somtimes by open tyranny and hostility by forraine enemies sometimes by secret delusions and perswasions of heretiks and deceiuers sometimes by false brethren and domesticke enemies who the more inward they be the more are they dangerous All these raise vp persecutions against the Saints of the most High And lest weapons should be wanting in this warre against the Godly the world is the Diuels armorie which by faire and foule by promises and threats loue and hatred and a thousand wayes else assaults the graces of the Godly so as if it were possible the very Elect should be seduced Vse 1. This confutes plainely the error of Bellarmine and other Papists whose proposition in the markes of the Church is Quicunque florent prosperis successibus ij sunt vera Ecclesia Those that flourish and prosper in the World they are the true Church In the eighth of Daniel ver 13. there is a Prophecie of Antiochus Epiphanes that little horne who cast downe some of the Host of heauen and the Starres of heauen and troad them vnder his feet and extolled himselfe against the Prince of the Host and tooke away the daily sacrifice and cast downe the place of his Sanctuary