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A13533 Christs victorie over the Dragon: or Satans downfall shewing the glorious conquests of our Saviour for his poore Church, against the greatest persecutors. In a plaine and pithy exposition of the twelfth chapter of S. Iohns Revelation. Delivered in sundry lectures by that late faithfull servant of God, Thomas Taylor Doctor in Divinitie, and pastor of Aldermanbury London. Perfected and finished a little before his death. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632.; Jemmat, William, 1596?-1678. 1633 (1633) STC 23823; ESTC S118152 543,797 874

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sate at Rome he being the Apostle of the Circumcision Secondly if they could prove it Ambrose tells us They have not the succession of Peter Thirdly Platina a Papist noteth above twenty scismes which have disturbed the series and succession of their Bishops 4 For our Churches reformed we have the true succession of Apostolike doctrine and the right consanguinitie of their doctrine As for personall succession a thing not to be much stood upon yet we are sure we want not though it was not alwaies so apparant for God never wanted a Church in earth There never wanted some in all ages who have made profession of the true faith as that notable booke of Catalogus testium veritatis plainely proveth And no doubt a many more were stirred up in the darkest ages of Popery whose mention and memory were prevented from us while Antichrist ruled both the rost and records Now of all these notes and their fellowes which are like these I will adde but two testimonies of Bellarmine against Bellarmine The former that The Scripture teacheth which are the notes of the Church but The Scripture no where teacheth these Therfore These are no notes The secōd that al these notes make it not evidētly true but evidently probable that the Romane Church is the true Church Mark that for all his braving and coppie he sets on the matter his conscience tels him and us that all these fifteene markes have no certainty in them to lead us to the true Mother Even as he fumbled in the great point of justification by workes flying from all his five bookes in the conclusion as a man who suffered wracke of his cause in the very haven And the like he did in the disputing of the Popes temporall authority which made the Pope study to suppresse all his bookes Yee see what confidence the greatest Pillars of Popery have in their owne cause Qu. Seeing that by the Popish notes we cannot know the true Mother by what sound and infallible markes may we know her An. Wee will propound five fitter notes then theirs This true Mother therefore is to be knowne 1 By her face 2 By her voice 3 By her qualities 4 By her marriage 5 By her carriage and behaviour 1 The best way to know any person is by the face The face of a true visible Church is discerned by 1 The sincere preaching and professing of the word of God 2 The due and pure administration of the Sacraments according to that word 3 The exercise of government and discipline appointed in the word The first of these is absolutely requisite to the being and face of a Church The two later serve for the beauty and stability of it By this face Christ will have his spouse discerned Joh 8. 30. If yee abide in my word yee are ver●ly my Disciples And chap. 10. his sheepe are knowne by hearing his voice and following him Besides all will grant that where Christ is there is the Church but where two or three consent in his name there is he Mat. 18. 20. Thus we know our Mother by her face because she continueth in the doctrine of the Apostles as that beautifull Church did Act. 242. A wart or two or a few freckles make her lose some beauty but not her face She heares the voice of her wel-beloved and a stranger she will not heare She heares not unwritten traditions nor fables and dreames of men nor Councels nor Fathers nor decrees of Popes nor the voice of Antichrist but stickes to the pure word of God as the onely decider of all cases and the onely umpire in all doubts and questions concerning faith or life 2 The second note of this Mother is her voice and speech She speakes in the language of Canaan She enjoynes nothing nor commands in her family any thing but what she hath direction for from her husband revealing his will in the Scriptures As the Moone shines onely in the light received from the Sunne So the Church ruleth in the night of this world by vertue of her husbands directions Farre is she from challenging a power above the Scriptures far from conceit of giving authority to them who hath all her authority from them She disclaymeth all the commandements and Canons of the Church so called and dares impose no yoakes where her husband hath left her children free She conceives her selfe so the spouse of Christ as that she stil remaineth the hādmaid of the Lord you shal never heare her disgrace the Scriptures by calling thē a dumbe Judge a partiall rule a nose of waxe flexible into any form es and senses a dead letter no better then Aesops fables unles she give authority to them This is the voice of the Antichristian harlot who preferres her old lecher not onely above Councels but above the Scriptures as those two Councels of Lateran and Trent did the Pope Who also burne the Scriptures as Antiochus or another Maximinus calling them the bookes of heretikes and their readers in their owne tongue as Scripturers and Heretikes 3 A third note is her vertues or qualities As First she is holy in respect 1. Of holinesse of doctrine which she teacheth The doctrine which she teacheth is Christs owne doctrine Mat. 10. he that heareth you heareth me What she receives from the Lord she delivers She mixeth not hers with false or poysoned doctrine She teacheth not Idolatry nor perjury nor filthinesse of life as the shamelesse strumpet of Rome that bragges of holy Fathers and holy Church 2 In respect of the better part of the visible Church she is holy though not in respect of the greatest part The faithfull are holy though tares and thornes come up with the good seed the envious man doth it but the Church sowes no such tares 3 Whatsoever corruption of doctrine or manners may spring up yet the doctrine remaineth holy and pure and the Church reproveth all such corruptions and urgeth all holinesse of life and conversation Not justifying or defending notorious evils as the Romish strumpet doth Who defended simple fornication to be but as aurem scalpere tolerating infinite stewes in Rome receiving a yearely pension from whores called lactis census of thirty thousand crownes for filth decreeing in one of their Councels under Pope Leo the first that he that had a Concubine or Whore instead of a wife should not be expelled from the Communion if he were contented onely with one Fie upon the filthinesse of that bawdy and filthie religion We must spare chast eares Secondly she is meeke loving patient gentle mercifull Iam. 3. 7. full of good fruits Her weapons are prayers teares patience not fire and fagot Yee shall never heare this woman challenge the two swords nor maintaine her right by fiercenesse and cruelty by inquisitions and massacres by blowing up Parliaments and Kingdomes These barbarous ferities she leaves to that religion whose chiefe City was founded in blood and to
hotch potch of his religion Gal. 6 12. false teachers to avoid persecution will make and coyne a new Gospell joyne Moses and Christ justification of faith and workes And many admirers of the moone can finely joyne Papists and Protestants religion together and binde them together with a rope of sand can justifie and qualifie their toyes and inventions and for advantage like hucksters for the Apostle calls them sellers for gaine blend our wine with puddle waters of mens devices There are too many of these patchers that will patch old ragges with new garments and in the meane time bring in disgrace those that are so strict that cannot blend as they doe For what cares he to tread religious persons under foot if times do so that can suffer religion to be troden downe with silence nay with approbation but how impossible is it to have the Sun and moone shine together 5 He that maketh his gaine his godlinesse that bestowes more thoughts care time for the world then heaven That can stand in all windes for profit and by right or wrong get the world That cares not for nor desires but feares the appearing of the Sonne of God the Sunne of righteousnesse to judgement Let this man resolve that the Moone is upon his head or in his heart and not under his feet To conclude thou that wouldest know that the Moone is under thy foote and that thou art a sonne of this woman thou must 1 Magnifie Christ above a 1000. worlds 2 Set up Gods service above the world 3 Subordinate the Moone to thy religion 4 Hate and detest mixture in religion 5 Esteeme godlinesse the greatest gaine hate that gaine that is severed from godlinesse and long for the appearing of Jesus Christ thy happie and perfect gaine And upon her head a Crowne of twelve starres The third propertie followes in the description of this woman who is set forth by a Crowne upon her head Where consider three things 1 Why this woman is crowned 2 The matter of the Crowne a Crowne of twelves starres 3 The place of it on her head 1 The Churches Crowne betokeneth foure things 1 The honor of her person that she is a Queene for no women are crowned but Queenes or Kings wives The true Church is no lesse being espoused to Jesus Christ the King of his Church Psal. 45. 9. upon thy right● and thy Queen doth stand Salomons wife being a type of the Church set upon the right hand of Jesus Christ the true Salomon 2 Her eminency and glory for a Crowne was ever an ensigne of royall dignitie and crowned persons were ever in ranke above other ordinary persons So is the Church of God of the blood royall and advanced to partake of the divine nature raised to the height of spirituall and eternall glory which common persons are not and therefore the Lord hath fitted her with an incomparable ornament for no ornament is comparable to a Crowne 3 Her rich and abundant estate for a crowne is the richest thing that the world can give So this Queene partaketh of all her husbands wealth and shareth in the riches of that glorious inheritance Eph. 1. 18. And as the crowne compasseth her head so the Lord compasseth her with the riches of grace and of glory in all fulnesse and perfection For seeing Christ is hers so are all things with him 1 Cor. 3. 21. 4 Her victory and conquest For crownes are set upon the heads of conquerors Rev. 6. 9. And to him that overcommeth is granted to sit on the throne Rev. 3. 21. So the Church hath overcome and conquered sinne Satan death hell flesh and all enemies hath in the power right of her husband troden them all under feete For as the wife partaketh of all her husbands victories so she of Christs 2 The matter of this Crowne of twelve starres Other Princes weare crownes of gold beset with pearles and precious stones but this Queene hath a Crowne of twelve starres What cares she for gold and stones that hath the Moone under her feet Quest. What is meant by this crowne of twelve Starres Ans. The shining doctrine of the twelve Apostles here compared to bright and beautifull starres by whose meanes this woman gat this victorious Crowne For this was the Crowne and ornament of the Primitive Church that she was reared and advanced by the diligent and personall preaching and sufferings of the blessed Apostles Ob. But if this was the Churches Crowne then the Church of after ages and at this time hath lost her crowne and ornament Answ. No. For 1 that doctrine is delivered to us in writing to which while we hold our selves fast we are not despoyled of our ornament 2 The substantiall ministeriall duties which the Scriptures ascribe to the Apostles are not to be restrained to their persons but are to be extended to all those that are their true successors which preach the same Christ and him crucified and administer the same Sacraments And Christ is now with the Apostles in their successors to the end of the world as he promised Mat. 28. 20. And this seemes implyed in the number of twelve which is a number of universalitie and perfection including all that purely preach Christ as the Apostles did 3 The Pastors of the Church as they succeed the twelve Apostles in this function of crowning the Church so also have they the name of starres in many places So the Church hath still a crowne of twelve starres 3 The place of this Crowne on her head Some understand by head the beginning of the Church of the New Testament and so it is true she had then the Crowne of Virginitie and purity above all after-times when yet Apostolicall doctrine was not so corrupted by humane devices additions and traditions as shortly after it was But that is not all for the true Church was never without this Crowne But this Woman after the manner of other Queenes is said to weare her crowne on her head To note 1 That her glory and crowne is in and from her head For as the man is the glory of the woman so is Christ the object of the Apostolike doctrine the glory of his spouse the Church 2 That her Crowne is not of or from this world for the moone is under her feet The Crowne is not thē set upon her head whē she is rich glorious to the world but when the shining light of heavenly veritie is set aloft as the starres are above to direct her in all doctrines and actions When by the light of the Scriptures all the firmament of the Church is guided and ruled in all actions aswell inferiour as superiour then is shee a crowned Queene 3 To note a note of visibilitie The head is most conspicuous and the most apparent part of a man and a Crowne set upon the head may be seene a far off as the starres
of nature in delivering them up to vile affections and unnaturall sinnes to receive such recompence of their errour as was meet Rom. 1. 24. 27. how much more must hee thinke it a meet recompence of such a sinne against the light of grace to give them up t● effectuall delusion to be carryed by Satan hoodwinkt and headlong unto destruction But let us see some instances 1. How he spared not his owne people the Jews his owne first borne among whom when the Sonne of God came as to his owne they received him not when false Prophets and false Christs rose up among them those they followed both before his comming and after as both divine and humane stories make mention Iohn 10. 8. All that came before me were theeves and robbers Acts 5. 36 37. Iudas and Theudas drew away many to destruction And after false Christs and Prophets were to rise with such efficacy of delusion as to deceive if it were possible the very Elect Matth. 24. Iosephus speakes of sundry especially one Aegyptian which carryed away thirty thousand Jewes by one vaine delusion to destruction And not long after this same sinne made their nation spew them out that they are now an hissing an execration to all the nations of the earth They renounced Christ to rule over them and ever since the dragon hath had them in possession 2. Consider how the wrath of God came upon the former ages of the world according to the warning of the Gospell and how the earth and sea who would not receive Christ received Antichrist in his roome and the inhabitants of them not loving the truth were therefore led away with horrible lies See Gods retaliation First God sent them Apostles Euangelists and true Pastors who sought only the glory of God and the salvation of men but they despised and distasted them But how did the Lord plague the earth in the same kinde giving up the inhabitants to receive hypocrites Impostors Fryers and fat Monkes who onely sought themselves and to make a spoile of men eating up their estates as Locusts for number and unprofitablenesse these were willingly borne as the Church of Corinth despising the Apostle Paul gave eare to false Apostles who robbed and spoyled them Secondly Christ the Lord came with an easie and sweete yoake his doctrine and his Apostles was a freedome from the bondage and burden of Ceremonies and traditions of the Fathers 1 Pet 1. 18. and the new commandement was only to beleeve in the Sonne of God and love one another This sweet yoake was cast off but with what an exchange now the devill yoakes them with traditions superstitious ceremonies and plagues the earth with tyrannicall and Antichristian Lawes Canons Decretals devised by men his little finger is heavier then Christs loynes yet Popish Countries receive them and like them well Thirdly Christ instituted and ordained a most holy Sacrament the Communion of his blessed body and blood but the inhabitants of the earth and sea despised that simple and most chaste and Primitive institution But was not the world ever since justly plagued with that gawdy and impudent harlot of the Popish Masse the very spirit and quintessence of Antichrist Fourthly how could the world bee more severely plagued then by receiving that greasie Priesthood that hatefull sacrifice of Antichrist but could it be plagued more iustly for abolishing the Priesthood and sacrifice of Christ Fiftly Christ in the Gospell calleth men to the participation of grace life pardon heaven and salvation freely offered in the Gospel men would not heare this voyce How iustly therefore hath the world bin blinded and gulled these many hundred yeares in buying at great rates lies sleights impostures iuglings meere tricks of wit and cunning pardons dispensations merits masses and heaven it selfe Sixtly Christ ordeined in his Church holy Pastors giving them liberty to live in holy wedlocke according to Gods Ordinance This order of Christ pleased not the earth and sea but how sensibly revenged for no sooner did they refuse and reject holy Pastors but they admitted most filthy bawds and unchaste Pope-holy Priests and Nunnes into Ecclesiasticall Orders I might say into the Popes chaire A man had need of a vizard to speake of their holinesse and stop all his senses to heare it Seventhly when the world scorned and persecuted the Saints living how did the Lord give them up to worship and invocate in most idolatrous manner the Saints dead and departed And when they despised and trod under foot the living images of God the godly and holy Professors of Christ great was the Lords revenge in giving them up to worship dead images of wood stone metalls c. 3 God who is ever the same and like himselfe hath heretofore warned us in this land that we have not received Christ nor embraced his truth in that love and affection that became us 1 By the prevailing of Priests and Jesuites heretofore in the land who swarmed as the frogs of Aegypt and have seduced many thousands but never any that loved the truth 2 By the propensity and readinesse of many to receive any religion or doctrine according as the times should require And this hath ever beene the sinne of English people to swim with the streame of times And this print of Gods finger is at this day set upon many plainly convincing that they never received the truth in the love of it 3 By the generall fighting against the light and hatred of the very sent of sincerity in both preachers and people which the Apostle makes a sure note of perdition Phil. 1. 28. Let Iohn Baptist come he is excepted against and hath a divell Let Paul come too much learning hath made him mad Let Christ come he is a friend of Publicans a demoniacke c. But let Antichrist come Popery come a flatterer and deluder come the multitude applaud them receive them Delusion shal be effectual to the damnation of such as he must carrie into his owne perdition 4 The same arrowes of Gods wrath against this sinne are shot in amongst our selves many of whom plainly bewray their naturall hatred of the light and love of lies Let a man come in the name of Christ convince intreat perswade beseech men to be reconciled let him with the losse of his owne peace seeke theirs the more faithfully and sincerely he deales the more despightfully he is rejected the more paines and love such a man sheweth the lesse is he loved or recompensed by many presently they plot to sterve him out or if he stay he must live on aire or grasse for them Let a flatterer come in his owne name and call the churle liberall and sing an Omnia benè and for their owne applause profit or credit run along in all their courses no marvell if these men be put in their bosomes and how can it be but he that hates true dealing should love false Is this love of the light when God
watched and brought upon the world since the fall was the raysing of Antichrist He had beene mischievous before and wrathfull in open tyranny but now he putteth forth a greater wrath in secret delusion Which truth will appeare if we consider 1 Antichristianisme in it selfe 2 In comparison with open tyranny 3 In the more feareful fruits and grievous effects of it 1. Antichristianisme in it selfe is the most fearefull plague that ever the wrath of God or Satan strucke the world withall if we consider 1. The cause 2 The effect 3. The generality In the cause it proceedeth from the greatest wrath that ever God put forth upon earth for 1. It is a wrath from the divine iustice due to the most fearefull sinne in the world which was the worlds reiecting the truth of the Gospell wherein the wrath of God is come both upon the Jew and Gentile to the uttermost 2. It is a wrath of the dragon whetted by the wrath of God in which God sendeth the strongest and most prevailing delusions that ever were in which that wicked spirit who seemed to bee cast out of the world by the preaching of the Gospell is returned againe and hath brought seven worse spirits than himselfe 3. It is a wrath not onely punishing sinnes of such a deepe staine but with most fearfull sinnes such as immediately forerunne damnation even that universall damnation of all those who chased away the truth of God to embrace the delusions of Antichrist 2 Thess. 2. 10. God shall send strong delusions that all they may be damned who loved not the truth 4. It is a wrath so great as the Spirit of God finds no parallell to compare it with but the great day of Gods wrath and therefore in the opening of the sixt Seale Revel 6. 12. which describeth the comming of Antichrist into the world hee resembleth the time of his appearing to the greatest day of wrath that ever was before it and describeth it by all those fearefull events which shall accompany Christ himselfe when he commeth to his last and universall iudgement The signes of the wrath of that great day of wrath are seven by this wrathfull day of Antichrist notably resembled 1. Great and fearfull earthquakes shall goe before the comming of Christ Matth. 24. 7. Even so at the comming of Antichrist the foundations of the earth shal be shaken a new face of things shal appear the pillers and foundations of old Apostolicall doctrine and discipline shall bee shaken downe and a new Ecclesiasticall Monarchy shall eate up the ancient civill and Imperiall government which was the studd and pillar upholding the earth and societies of men 2. The Sunne shall bee darkned as sackcloth Mat. 24. 29. and Christ the sunne of righteousnesse who shined so cleare in the firmament of the Church the onely Saviour Mediatour and satisfaction shall bee wholy darkned and horribly ecclipsed in the day of Antichrist the holy doctrine concerning his person natures offices and benefits shall be cleane obscured as the Sunne at midnight a blacke vaile of traditions and a thicke curtaine of humane constitutions blacked and darkned all his most sacred Ordinances the Sacraments by theatricall pompes and devises shal be adulterate the worship of Christ by adoration of Idols and veneration of creatures wholy depraved Now is the Sunne of the Church turned into darknesse 3. The Moone shall be turned into blood So the Church which as the Moone receives all her light from the Sunne of righteousnesse shal seem all blood partly by the cruell and bloody warres and partly by the bloody persecutions of Antichrist who shall boast of both swords and fill both his hands with weapons of wrath and cruelty 4. The Starres shall fall from heaven Marke 13. 25. So in the appearing of Antichrist the Bishops and Pastors shall become Apostates from the truth and of shining starres in holy doctrine holy life and beautifull graces in their severall Orbes shining in humility charity sobriety diligence and heavenly-mindednesle shall fall to pride ambition contention wordlinesse warre seats of Judicature and whatsoever is earthly and sensuall and pompous 5. At the comming of Christ the heaven shall depart as a scrole so in the day of Antichrists comming the Church the heaven upon earth shall bee shut up and hide it selfe and shall not bee visible and conspicuous to the world And although many good and godly men still in all ages contested against Antichrist yet were they condemned for heretikes and were counted no part of heaven nor faithfull members of it 6. The Mountaines and Ilands were removed out of their places By Mountaines are meant Kings and Emperours who by the fraud and power of Antichrist were removed from their high places and authority which was swallowed and ingrossed by Antichrist and by Ilands the people and nations who were all forced upon paine of damnation in stead of obedience to Christ to submit themselves to the tyrannie of Antichrist Nothing so firme as Mountaines nothing so farre off as Ilands but Antichrist reached them 7. As in the day of Christs wrath the wicked shall in utter despaire of their estates call for the hils and Mountaines to cover them and hide them from it so shall the great day of Antichrist drive great ones to utter despaire not knowing what shall become of them and of their estates and this shall bee the hire and recompence of all the ayders and supporters of Antichrist in the day of their particular iudgement if their consciences bee awakened at farthest in that last and great day of wrath in the generall iudgement Thus wee see the Scripture setting out the day of Antichrist to bee as wrathfull as the great day of Christ which of all dreadfull things is to all wicked men most terrible Secondly now consider the great wrath of Antichristianisme in the effect and we shall see it the most horrible mist and black darknesse that ever the world was stricken withall Other heresies and hereticks which made way to this are called the black horse Revel 6. 5. as being contrary to the white horse Verse 2. which was the integrity of Apostolike doctrine but those did obscure and darken the light as in the evening But when Antichrist comes this heresie chaseth away all light as at midnight Not that the Church ceaseth to bee no more than the Sunne ceaseth to be at midnight but it appeareth no more in that Horizon or Hemisphere thā if it were not all Heaven passeth as a scrole which is no lesse but lesse seene Hence is the Kingdome of Antichrist called spiritually by the name of Aegypt Rev. 11. 8. for it resembleth that Kingdome especially in three things 1. In Idolatry 2. In cruelty and oppression of the Israel of God 3. Most of all in blindnesse and darknesse with which that Kingdome was covered for three dayes Exod. 10. 21. And betweene the darknesse of that Aegypt and this there is apt resemblance 1. Of all the plagues of
opposing Christ when by the clouding vailing of the truth of the Gospel she saw her selfe spoyled of the shining clothing of the Sun when shee saw the Moone that was under her feet set above her head when now her Pastors and Bishops whom persecution could not conquer were addicted to pompe wealth contention primacy and greatnesse when now she saw her selfe robbed of her crowne of twelve starres that was upon her head and those starres were fallen from their Orbe and Firmament when her Pastors forsaking Apostolike doctrine and striving for superstitions and to stuffe the Church with humane devises and traditions in stead of Christs most sacred institutiōs when she saw that not now the bodies of men were slain and wounded as in former persecutions but their soules and consciences were everlastingly wounded with heresies errours and Apostasie for the truth now shee flies into the wildernes now she dares not shew her face in those particular cōgregations in which formerly her beauty glory was conspicuous her case now is as of a chaste spouse who seeing a painted harlot and a bewitching whore taken into her place and those offices of love and duties of marriage bestowed on her which is the wives right shee is willing to give place and take her selfe to a solitary and sorrowfull life to be so unkindly cast off so doth the true Church and Spouse of Christ hide her selfe from those adulterate doctrines superstitions and Idolatries which thrust out Christs owne pure Ordinances Here are two things 1. What is this flight 2. What are the meanes For the flight 1. This flight of the Church is not a ceasing to bee but to be seene for Christ will have alwayes a true part of his Catholike Church upon earth that shall hold and professe constantly the true faith without change So as the Church ceaseth not to bee when shee ceaseth to bee seene but hath a true being when she is least visible 2. This ceasing to bee seene is not in respect of particular Christians but of particular Congregations the which although they may cease because by persecution or heresie the externall government may faile for a time the Pastors may be interrupted the sheepe may bee scattered the discipline hindered and the externall exercise of religion suspended and sincerity of religion exceedingly corrupted yet there shall not cease to bee many godly members dispersed here and there who shall hold the truth for substance and so now though there were no or few assemblies in which God was purely worshipped while superstition tyranny and Idolatry usurped all places yet many beleeving Christians were reserved to Christ in secret although either not knowne or of no reckoning in the world but contemned and oppressed 3. This ceasing to be seen in particular Christians is not inrespect of their persons as men which are as visible as ever but in respect of the visible exercise of Gods Ordinances of the Word Sacraments Prayer and outward forme and government which persecution had now restrained 4. This invisibility in respect of visible exercises is not in regard of the Christians themselves but of the blinde world for the persecuted Christians may have a secret knowledge among themselves and a secret profession and exercise of religion and yet the blinde world take no notice of thē yet the Church not destroyed nor ceaseth to bee no more than the Sunne ceaseth to shine though a blinde man cannot see it in the day nor a seeing man in the night and no more than a man ceaseth to bee a man because he is hid Now from the cause of this invisibility and flight learne that errour and heresie is more hatefull to the Church than persecution and tyranny Corruption of doctrine and changing the truth into a lie more straightneth and scattereth the Church than sword and torments of tyrants that drives the the Church to her winges not this that manifests the true Church and members but this hideth and obscureth her Let the example of the Church make us wise 1. To feare the dragon more when hee fawneth than when he rageth more in his Foxes skinne than in his Lyons skinne He is more dangerous when he would teach Christians to deny the truth than when he would force them His wiles are more mischievous than his violence his Doctors more dangerous than his Captaines 2. More to feare losse of truth than losse of wealth losse of the Gospell than losse of goods or life This is true godlinesse which teacheth Mary to fasten upon the good part whatsoever become of the worse 3. Hold him that would spoyle us of the truth a greater robber than him that would steale our goods an heretike worse than a tyrant 4. Be more carefull to hold the truth and keepe our part in the Gospell than our portion of goods and wealth The Church to hold the truth chuseth a poore desolate solitary and sorrowfull estate and a wise Merchant will sell all to buy the pearle But where is this care or where bee the Children of this mother who for the truth sake would follow her into the wildernesse who either care for the presence of truth or feare the losse and removall of it Where be the buyers of the truth in this age when so many value it not worth a shoo-string How few feare the prevailing of Popery for the truth sake though perhaps for their peace sake or wealth sake they had rather have things stand at a stay Now in the meanes of the womans deliverance are five things in this verse 1. The meanes themselves two great wings of an Eagle 2. Whence shee did flie with them from the face of the serpent 3. Whither into the wildernesse called her place 4. To what end to bee no●rished and preserved there 5. How long for a time times and halfe a time In the first are 1. What these wings are 2. The number 3. Whence she had them they were given her 4. The similitude wings of a great Eagle By Wings are meant the speciall meanes of the Churches escape from danger so called because they resemble the wings of the birds in a twofold use First as a bird by his wings flyeth swiftly from the danger and so saveth his life even so the Lord by these meanes foreseene and appointed by himselfe worketh a swift escape and speedy safety in the present perils of his Church Secondly as the bird hideth her young under her wing Mat. 23. 37. so by and under these meanes the Lord hideth his Church as under the wings of his Providence where she lyeth most safe and secure till the danger be over Psalme 91. 8. Hee shall cover thee under his wings For the number they are two enough to fly withall no bird hath or needeth more for her flight The Church is supplyed with as many meanes of her good as the Lords wisdome seeth her need to require at all times This number of two hath
the world and therefore out of his implacable fury he turnes him to another device utterly to extirpate and root all the letters and characters of her honourable name and carry her quite away off the earth as with a mighty flood and current Where are three things 1. What are these floods of filthy waters which this huge Monster casteth after the woman 2. The spring whence they rise and slow out of his mouth 3. The issue and scope of them that she might be carryed away of the flood For the first By floods of water are meant in Scripture extreme perils and deepe dangers and trials whether inflicted by God or men or Satan Sometimes they are inflicted by God Psalm 42. 7. All thy floods and waves are gone over me Sometimes by men stirring up raging tumults against the Church when mighty enemies Princes and people rise in their power fury and unresistablenesse like a flood Esa. 59. 19. The enemy shall come like a flood Sometimes by the dragon himselfe as here the serpent casts out a flood after the woman Quest. Why are these great tryals compared to floods of waters Ans. 1. For the danger threatning destruction to the Church as the floods of water doe drowning 2. For abundance As many waters gather together into one to make a swift streame or flood so many enemies of all peoples and Countries even all the wicked of the world gather their forces and combine their wrath together against Christ and his Church to make a great and violēt flood and head to destroy her Rev. 17. 1. Antichrist is the great whore that sits on many waters and these waters are the multitudes nations and tongues all gathered under one head against Christ Verse 15. 3. For their depth these floods seeme as impassable as the deepe sea so as the godly are ready to sinke and can finde no footing Psal. 69. 2. I am come into the deepe waters The Israel of God is often even in the bottome of the sea Ionas was in the deepe waves and weedes And the Church hath often waters of affliction wrung out of a full cup that is a large portion of troubles Psal. 73. 10. 4. For the instance incessant restlesnesse of them for as the waves succeed one another and thrust on one another so doe grievous afflictions one deepe cals another Psalme 42. 7. and the end of one tryall is but the beginning of another 5. For the pride fiercenesse swelling and rushing of many waters for the fiercenesse and pride of enemies is compared to the swelling of waters Psalm 124. 5. then had the swelling waters gone over our soule For the second The spring or fountaine whence these floods flow is the dragons mouth The waters must needs bee filthy which issue from so foule a fountaine And shewes us more distinctly what the waters bee For there is a two fold flood of persecutions cast by the dragon after the woman The former was that bulke of persecutions with which the dragon had infinite wayes vexed the Church in her infancy cradle and even in her riper age such as warre exile fire sword and divers torments But all these darts and keene weapons hee threw out of his hands by which hee forced her into the wildernesse But now the woman is escaped his hands and is out of his reach Which some not well observing expound this flood of actuall persecution by sword and torments which stands not well with her hidden estate But the phrase more properly aimeth at a flood cast out of the serpents mouth and not out of his hands which the woman in the wildernesse hardly escapes Whereby I meane in generall whatsoever poysonfull thing is by Antichrist and his Champions who are the dragons mouth vented and spread abroad for the utter wasting of the true Church and Christian profession if it were possible More specially I take it the Spirit of God here aymeth at three things I. The flood of heresies and poysonfull errors the bitter waters of false doctrines against the foundation and all those troubled waters of Antichristian superstitions and traditions to drowne and oppresse the woman for ever For as the pure doctrine of the Gospell comming out of the mouth of Jesus Christ is that aqua Coel●stis or aqua vitae by which the woman is quickned and revived to eternall life So that heretical and poysoned doctrine comming out of the mouth of Antichrist is a bitter and cursed flood of water to drowne the woman if it were possible For as wee doe not exclude those most deadly heresies the vomit of the dragon after Constantine the Arrian heresie the Pelagian Nestorian Eutychian which vexed the Church almost three hundred yeares so doe we especially meane here those Monsters of opinions blasphemies and damnable doctrines against the whole Gospell vented and cast out of the mouth of Antichrist in all the ages of Antichrist till this day so directly bent to carry away the woman as none must buy and sell no nor breathe and live that will not receive and worship the Image and marke of the beast Rev. 13. 15 17. For example Against the Scriptures Antichrist casteth out of his mouth that they are a dead letter a Nose of waxe a breeder of herefies of no more authority than Esops fables without the Churches authority this was godly spoken by Hermanus saith Hosius A Popish Doctor reasoning with M. Tindal boldly said Wee might better want Gods law than the Popes It was objected by Doctor Benet Chancellor of the Bishop of London that the heretikes did read certaine Chapters of the Evangelists in English which containe in them divers erroneous and damnable opinions and conclusions of heresie The like blasphemies he vomits out against Christ as 1 That he is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of himselfe Rhemist on Ioh. 10. 3. Who though he be the Son of the Father yet is he God of himselfe Ioh. 5. 26. as the Father hath life in himselfe so also hath the Sonne The word therfore is another person from the Father but not another thing 2 That Christ did penance by fasting solitarinesse and conversing with beasts Rhemist on Mark 1. sect 6. An horrible blasphemie making Christ a sinner for no sinner need no repentance 3 That Christs death is neither the efficient cause nor formall cause of our justification Bellarm. in sundry places but wee are formally made just by a justice inherent in our selves Conc. Trid sess 6. can 10. Rhem on Rom. 2. sect 4. A blasphemous heresie contrary to Phil. 3. 9. not having mine owne righteousnesse 4 That by grace we may truly make satisfaction in some sort ex proprijs of our owne et ad aequalitatem to a full equality et per hoc justè et ex oondigno satisfacere Bellarm. de paenit l. 4. c. 7. A most horrible blasphemie that a man by his own proper workes can satisfie God fully according
For 1 What was the Church in the cradle and beginnings of it Was it not a true Church and yet had no Antiquity 2 Antiquity is either in time or in truth To plead antiquitie of time and lose antiquity of truth as they have done is but antiquity of error rejected by the Scriptures and Fathers And errour was borne into the world the same day with truth and is in time almost as ancient 3 If antiquitie in time must carry it then not Rome can be the true Church but Antioch where we are sure the Apostles taught and whence was the first name of Christians Nay Jerusalem must be the Mother-Church because from thence was the Gospell preached to all the Gentiles Acts 1. 8. 4 They challenge antiquitie as falsely as the former note for their whole doctrine departing from ours is a novelty never heard of in the Church for the space of sixe hundred yeares after Christ. Never was nor will be answered that famous challenge of the Iewell of Bishops who cals but for one testimony out of pure and unsuspected antiquity for the space of the first sixe hundred yeares after Christ for any one of the seaven and twenty points propounded and never any such was brought till this day Neither have they been at leasure now above twenty yeares to answer that famous probleme of that blesse Saint Mr. Perkins in which he avoucheth it impossible for any Papist in the world to prove out of the true writings of Fathers and Councells and out of the true sense of those writings that the now Romane faith wherein it differeth from the reformed Church is the Catholike faith and substantially cleareth it in sixty two points of difference between us What a number of points might I alledge wherein they are gone both from the Scriptures and their owne writers and as many for which they have no Scripture but the Churches authority Auricular confession the Canon Law saith it is by a tradition of the Church and by no authority of old or new Testament For the not marriage of Ministers Bellarmine and Cassander confesse it to be an humane institution Cassander and the Councel of Trent call it onely an Ecclesiasticall decree For the Communion in one kind their owne Cajetane confesseth that the contrary custome endured long in the Church and they had cuppes for the nonce to serve the people with wine For their Transubstantiation Tonstall saith No man was bound to beleeve it till the Lateran Councell which is not much above foure hundred yeares agoe And Bellarmine himselfe saith there is no Scripture to enforce it but the Churches determination Why do they brag of antiquity and confesse so many novelties His third note is perpetuitie and duration Indeed the same note with the former increasing the number numbering not the number numbered For 1 Tares must continue with the wheat till harvest must they therefore be wheat for their perpetuity And Antichrist hath continued a long time since the Apostles dayes and shall till Christ at his appearing abolish him doth this make his Synagogue a true Church 2 Time was when there was a true Church and yet this could be no note of it and time shal be when by their confession their Church shall faile and not endure to the end Ribera on Rev. 14. Rome is called Babilon because at the end of the world she shal be the shambles of all Idolatry and the kennell of Antichrist So as this by their doctrine is no proper but a separable note from the Church 3 The true Church and Mother Church hath and ever shall continue in the world though not in outward pomp and glory yet in that inward and spirituall beauty and glory which she shall not lose though she be in the wildernesse and sit sometimes defolate as a widow When this true Church loseth her visibility she loseth not her being no more then the Sunne ceaseth to be risen when it is hid under a cloud The fourth note to know this woman saith Bellarmine is multitude and amplitude As deceitfull as any of the former besides that it is the same with his first For what difference betweene Catholike and universall For 1 That was a true Church of two in Paradise When also it was in one family before the flood In the flood consisted but of eight persons In the Old Testament in one little kingdome In the New was but a little flock Luk. 12. 32. August saith The Church was in one Abel in one Henoch The Papists themselves say that in the time of Christs passion the true Church and faith was preserved onely in the Virgin Mary which is false but yet a strong argument against them that hold multitude a sure signe of a true Church 2 Multitude is a streame that the Church must row hard against unlesse we be sure it be the truely beleeving multitude Sathans number infinitely exceeds Christs must it therefore be the true Church That one sect of Mahomet is farre more numerous then all the Romane religion by their note that must be the true Church and not they Time was when the whole world was made an Arrian and scare five Orthodoxe Bishops to resist it and they also persecuted shall the generall spreading and infection of it prove it no poyson Antichrist at his comming drawes multitudes after him by strength of delusion 2 Thes. 2. 9. And this is their Romane Antichristian religion drawing multitudes because it is a naturall religion but turnes them not from darknesse to light not from sinne to God We conclude or rather exclude this note with Athanasius against those Arrians They have the multitude we the faith Let their multitudes goe in the broad way we must walke in a narrow way which a few onely finde His fift note is succession of Bishops A false and deceitfull note For. 1 A false Church may have succession of person onely as Caiphas succeeded Aaron and yet abandoning truth and rejecting the head must needs be a false Church 2 The first Evangelicall Churches were true Churches but wanted their succession unlesse they will say that Christ and his Apostles succeeded the Scribes and Pharisees If a Church may be a true Church without and before succession how can succession be a note of a true Church 3 Right succession is twofold First externall secondly internall or personall or doctrinall Where both succession of Chayre and doctrine concurre there is a true succession But in the Church of Rome is neither I Not of doctrine because they hold not Apostolike doctrine The doctrine of the now Church of Rom● being cleane contrary to that it was when Paul wrote to the Romans as might appeare in a number fundamentall points II Not of Seate First because they never proved nor can prove that they have the seat of Peter or that ever Peter
art thou about so long as the dragon is alive To comfort the bright shining starres and faithfull Ministers in their troubles and oppositions 1. In regard of their adversaries who are they that fight against the light but mēbers of the kingdome of darknes let a godly man shine as a bright star in his orbe who be they that oppose seek to cast him downe but Papists and favorites of them swearers Atheists unclean and of filthy life and tongue what marvell if such spit poyson what other to bee expected A Pot boyles over with such liquor as is within 2. In regard of their safety which is in Gods faithfull promise of foure things 1. His presence with them I am with you to hide you from strife of tongues Psal 31. 20. 2. His assistance in their calling so farre as is necessary hee will take their part and rebuke the dragon as in Ioshua Zach. 3. 2. 3. His protection he will take them into his right hand Rev. 1. 20. 4. Remuneration that they shall shine more and more till they shine as starres in the kingdome of Glory Dan. 12. 3. The impotency of the dragon hee cannot throw downe all the starres but onely a third part so as two third parts remain still in their orbes shining Whē the first Angel blew the Trumpet that is when the Gospel was preached by the Apostles haile and fire and blood fell as stormes that is persecutions and perils contradiction exile and slaughter by the stubbornnesse of the Iewes against them and by this fire of persecutiō the third part of the trees were burnt that is the Apostles excellēt teachers of the Church compared to fruitfull and florishing trees for their greennes shadow fruits a great part of them were afflicted slaine put to deadly torments but not all the dragon could scorch but a third part Verse 8. When the second Angel blew his trumpet a great mountaine that is the Romane tyrants so called for their hight power and swelling pride burning with fire that is of fury and fiercenesse against Christian religion was cast into the sea that is many people of the world subiect to the Romane power and Empire and the third part of the sea was turned into blood that is many thousand Christians were oppressed and consumed with the fire of the burning mountaine but onely a third part And the third part of creatures dyed that is faithfull Christians slaughtered and murthered the third part of ships that is the Churches whose Pastors are her Pilots and these planted by the hand of the Apostles themselves oppressed and subdued Now this fierce dragon would have turned all the sea to blood killed all living creatures the life of whose faith was manifest in found profession would have destroyed and sunke all ships and Pilots all visible Churches and Pastors but could onely a third part Verse 10. When the third Angel blew his Trumpet there fell a great starre that is the Romane Bishop for by starres are meant teachers called absinthiam or wormwood fell from heaven that is falling from purity of doctrine and declining to taste the bitter morsels of pride ambition preheminence and of humane doctrines and devises it fell into the third part of RIVERS made them bitter many dyed of thē that is the same corruption tainted and imbittered the third part of Pastors Bishops by whō as by rivers the sweet waters of heavenly doctrine should and have flowed have bin derived unto others but now by that exāple were tainted with grosse superstitiō errors herisies earthlines carnal pompe and pleasure But not all onely a third part for many upheld in themselves and in others the sincerity of holy doctrine and example Verse 12. When the fourth Angell blew his Trūpet the third part of the Sunne the Moone and the Stars were smitten with darknesse and the day was smitten the night also viz. a grievous night of darknes either of Idolatry superstitiō as some or of persecutiōs as others darkned and obscured the cheife ornamēts of the purer Church of Christ the Sunne the Scriptures the Moone the doctrine borrowed thence the Starres the Ministers the day that is the joy and comfort of the Church in enjoying her happy Sun and the night it reached even to those without the Church being as in the night but the dragon could not darken all the Sunne all the Moone and all the Starres but a third part onely The fift Angel blew his trumpet Rev. 19. 1. the Antichristian Locusts rising out of the smoake of Popish rites and traditions are commanded to hurt no tree or grasse that is no Pastors or priuate Christians which are sealed in their foreheads Cap. 9. 15. When the sixt Angel blew his Trumpet the foure Angels not by nature but by office some instruments approved of and appointed by God for the execution of his judgements they must slay onely the third part of men of Christians and can goe no further Those sixe Trumpets thus explaned have notably proved the point in hand namely the dragons impotency God for his glory will not suffer the dragon to breake in sunder his order whereby he hath appointed to teach and call men by such as are called and sent Rom. 10. 15. the Ministry is Gods ordinance not mans and God will uphold it 2. The whole government and blessing of the Ministry belongeth to Jesus Christ who hath undertaken to furnish his Church with Pastors in all ages for the edification of his owne body till wee all meete in one perfect man Ephes. 4. And looke what was the Office of the High Priest a singular type of Christ in the old Testament the same is the Office of Christ in his Church The High Priests was to looke to the lights in the Sanctuary and to supply them with holy oyle that they might never goe out and now though the dragon be never so desirous to put out all the lights yet he is too weake for Jesus Christ in his care and calling 3. The necessity of the Church suffers onely a third part but not all the starres to be throwne downe for the harvest of the elect must be gathered in all ages and therefore labourers must bee successively thrust forth So long as the Lord keepeth house hee must have stewards to dispose his mysteries and allowance to his family so long as hee hath a flocke hee will have shepheards to tend it and will not suffer them all to bee smitten at once for then all the sheepe should be scattered so long as hee hath a Vineyard he must have dressers so long as he hath a field he must have husbandmen so long as the shippe of the Church is on the troublesome sea of this world he will not suffer her without Pilots to bring her safely to shoare 4. Christ cannot be so forgetfull of his neare relation with his faithfull pastors as to suffer the dragō to throw
unto Christ and what is their wages but that of Elimas who whē he could not hinder the Deputy from hearing Paul nor Paul from preaching sought to pervert him from that hee heard for which Paul cals him the childe of the devill the enemy of righteousnesse that ceased not to pervert the straite wayes of God It is a fearefull sinne of a Pharisee not to enter into the Kingdome of GOD himselfe but to hinder such as would enter is most damnable Fourthly many others sinne against this truth who cast their taunts upon no sort of men so much as those who runne after Christ and flocke to Sermons these are yet no subjects of Christ but as the unbeleeving Jews Act. 13. 45. who were inraged to see the Gentiles so ready to receive the preaching of Paul 2. Let this provoke us to testifie our joy wheresoever we see the kingdome of our God prevailing An heart zealous for Gods glory thirsting after mans salvation esteems it the greatest earthly happines to see the subiects of Christ multiplyed by the daily addition of soules to the Church Act. 2. 41. and to see Satan fal like lightning from heaven sinne mastered sinners cōverted enemies stopped or revenged for First this is a due debt and we ought to be thankfull 2 Thess. 1. 2. Secondly Christ hath commanded us to pray that his Kingdome may come therefore also wee must thankfully acknowledge it when it doth come Thirdly they shall prosper that love Jerusalem and preferre it to their chiefe joy But especially our ioy must abound when our Lords Kingdome is set up neare us as First in our Countrey and Kingdome We should pray to see and reioyce in seeing our Prince and Rulers casting downe their Crownes and Scepters at the feet of the Lambe keeping themselves bounded within that commission which they all receive from Him whose the Kingdome is opposing by all their power tyrannicall enemies who delight to spill the blood of Saints as water advancing the Word Sacraments Ministery and meanes of salvation sincere and undefiled cherishing godly Pastors and Ministers upholding holy discipline to reforme or cut off evill members encouraging the religious and sincere-hearted Professors of piety shunning evill men chasing Idolaters and profane persons out of presence and resisting the underminers and resisters of Christs Kingdome whether by secret fraud or open force All Scepters that uphold not Christs Scepter must be broken to pieces the which if it be held up at Court will bee the easier held up in the Countrey Secondly in our Cities and Townes If an eminent and conspicuous Towne as this is yeeld to Christ it is as a Beacon to the whole countrey round about as a mother City once opening to a Prince is a President to the whole Land What a ioy were it if Gods Ordinances had prevailed in this Towne that the Governours had led the way to Gods House as they were wont formerly that Gods Sabbaths were sanctifyed which none looks after that the love of God and his servants appeared among you that we might not say truly that scarce the meanest Village about you but would give both more countenance and more maintenance to a Lecture than this corporation doth What a comfort were it that you were patternes of concord and agreement to all the Countrey and not the spectacles of unquencheable discord and faction to all the kingdome What a ioyfull thing were it if we might see good men incouraged vicious persons corrected incorrigible outcasts cast out all men brought at least outwardly to the obedience of Ghrist Thirdly in our owne houses What an unspeakeable ioy is it when Gods Kingdome is come into our family when our house is a Bethel the wife is a ioynt-heire of the grace of life with the husband the children are the Children of God by adoption and sing Hosanna to Christ cur servants Gods servants and our kindred of the blood of Christ with us Wee need not bid men reioyce when their children thrive and prosper in the world the most of which ioy is carnall But where bee the hearts fearing God who more reioyce when they prove godly and religious when they see their children walking in the truth c How is the Kingdome of God in the family when the husband checketh his wife because shee is the Spouse of Christ the father frowneth on his sonne because hee is bookish and diligent in reading and good exercises the Master will not indure the servant that will bee a Saint in his service O hypocrite how canst thou reioyce in the Kingdome of God in the Kingdome and hunt it out of thy family know thou not onely wantest grace but hatest it Fourthly in our owne hearts especially to see the kingdome of God set up there will bee matter of assured and lasting ioy Matth. 13. 44. Hee that findes the Pearle goeth away reioycing and selleth all to purchase it The Eunuch converted goeth away reioycing No man can have Christ but hee hath also Christian ioy unspeakeable and glorious For that kingdome within us standeth in peace and ioy Rom. 14. 17. Quest. How shall I know that Christ raignes in me and that his Kingdome is within me Ans. 1. If our enemies be daily weakned Sathan foyled the flesh mortified if we stand with our Lord in his warres he raigneth over us 2. If lawes of evill bee reversed and the Lawes of Christ obeyed now led out of Aegypt we live by the lawes of Canaan 3. If in stead of raigning sinne grace raigne in us as Rom. 5. 21. Christ raigneth by grace This is when wee leave our sinnes and live unto God and seeke in all things to please our last Master best as servants doe 3. If wee must reioyce when wee see the Kingdome returned to the Lord then must wee mourne to see the Lords kingdome winne so little ground in the Kingdomes of the world I. What a lamentable thing is it to see the greatest Potentates of Europe to warre against this kingdome of the Lord yeeld their Thrones Crownes wealth and power to the Beast that is to Antichrist the chiefe adversary of this Kingdome In stead of the lawes of Christ which are the Scriptures of God unto which all the subiects of Christ ought to submit themselves they by all their power thrust upon the world the lawes of Antichrist who because hee cannot stand by the word of God must stand and bee upheld by the secular power and in stead of gathering and cherishing the subiects of Christ the godly Professors of his Word and Gospell they persecute them with fire and sword with proscription and banishment as men onely unworthy to live in their dominion How should our hearts mourne when such as should bee nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church are as fierce dragons tyrannizing and wasting the little flocke of Christ and those that should bee assistants to the Ruler of the whole earth make most resistance against him chasing the
Scriptures out of their Countries to receive in humane traditions thrusting down the pure worship of God to set up horrible Idolatry blasphemy and sacrilegious worship of stockes stones and the breaden god persecuting to death the faithfull and godly Preachers taking into their bosomes shavelings Baals Priests fabulous Fryars Jesuiticall King-killers and Antichristian god-makers What a griefe is it to cast our eyes abroad into the world and consider what a small part of it is come in as subiects to this King In the Easterne part of the world we may see Gog and Magog Turkes Jewes and Sarazens to hold out this Kingdome of Christ and set up Mahomet against him the god of that part of the world In the Westerne part we may see Antichrist Apollyon his Holinesse the Arch-enemy of the Churches of the Gentiles holding out by power and policy by force and fraud this Kingdome of our God in the most of this Westerne world and none may buy or sell no nor breath or live but such as receive the marke of the beast in their hands and foreheads So as wee must beleeve Jesus Christ to bee the great King For if we should trust our senses he seemeth in comparison of the world to be as Ishbosheth a King without a Kingdome II. To come nearer to our owne Countrey If we turne our eyes home wee may finde matter of mourning that this Kingdome of the Lord hath gotten no more ground in this Kingdome or rather hath lost much ground of late yeares sure it is God never gave more excellent gifts nor more furnished lights to his Church in any age since the Apostles then in this last age since the discovery of that Antichristian darknesse nor in this age unto any nation more than unto this nation and where he giveth much doth he not require much But oh the misery that is come upon his Church that 1. Whereas wee should have beene generally setled on our Rocke and foundations without wavering we are now calling our grounds in question and must dispute against deniers of our principles 2. Whereas Antichrist and Popery was a dead stinking carkeise detestable to every man of any nose or iudgement now the dead bones seeme to reunite themselves and flesh and skinne to come on them and begin to revive and take heart and contest yea iustle againe with the truth which once gave it the deadly wound as if it had brought seven spirits worse than before to take possession againe 3. Whereas painefull Preachers have beene worthily honoured and Gods graces admired in them in former times when the Word of God had free passage and was glorified what a griefe is it to see them now disdained and in stead of them to behold those Locusts the Priests and Jesuites fighting under their King Abbaddon and consuming the greene grasse and prevailing against so many high and low in these dayes of light to see these set by 4. Whereas the doctrine of the Sabbath was described plainely out of the Word of God and practised unlesse in very rude places in holy and commendable manner now the holy observation of it is rather accounted a kinde of heresie and all the dayes of the weeke afford not so much profanesse as that day wherein all the subiects of the Lords Kingdome ought onely to attend upon himselfe 5. How did the Lord Jesus mourne when hee saw the Jews without able Teachers as sheep without shepheards Mat. 9. 36. And what a mournfull sight were it to see a goodly field ready for the harvest but never a man in the Countrey to gather it in but there it must rot So what a lamentable thing is it to see so many Churches and Parishes without able Ministers and some countries utterly barren of meanes to gather them into the Kingdome whose Ministers in stead of feeding them either sterve them or poyson thē in stead of directing and comforting the poore Church smite her wound her shame her by taking away her vaile from her What a case was the poore Church in when the Pharises made a Canon that if any did sincerely professe Jesus Christ hee should bee excommunicated Iohn 9. 22. and afterward whē Diotrephes cast men out of the Church for receiving the brethren 3. Iohn 10. 6. How did David mourne and his eyes gush out rivers of teares because men kept not the Word The same cause have wee to see men generally cast off the regiment of Jesus Christ and led by the devill and their owne lusts The desperate prophanesse against the meanes is most damnable The Trumpet of the Gospell cals them to subiection but they say This man shall not rule over us 7. Wee have cause of mourning to see the Gospell going away and the Kingdome a taking away from us that is The Word of the Kingdome and the meanes of grace Who doth not see the Word of the Kingdome gone in the power of it For where may a man see the power of it but in a very small remnant so farre from the power of converting that it cannot prevaile against open sins nor trifling vanities And who seeth not the kingdome going away in the presence of it as wel as in the power Will Christ stay where hee is so unwelcome May wee not heare the same voyce as the Jewes did Mat. 21. 43. because they refused the Corner stone therefore the Kingdome should be taken from them and given to a Nation that would bring forth the fruits of it Or is it not a refusing of the Corner stone to trample upon the Preachers and Professors of holy religion and preferre before them Priests and Papists and to fall in love againe with Antichristian Idolatry and Masses and Breaden gods which reverse our Corner stone and cannot stand with the presence of the Arke So long as we have the Bridegroome with us wee may reioyce however other things goe with us but if he goe then our sorrowes come in as an unresistable flood III. To come to our owne places It will set griefe to every good heart to see how little ground the kingdome of the Lord hath gotten a long time If we shall see that after thirty or forty yeares constant preaching Magistrates professing religion are carelesse of religion as Gallio let religion runne as it will so that their aimes may succeed and projects prosper and not seldome turne the edge of authority against religion and religious persons If wee see that Magistracie will not bee wonne to joyne with the Ministery to set an edge and add a point to holy doctrine to make our weapons the more mighty and piercing against sinne and sinners Well knowes Satan the Kingdomes of the world would bee the Lords if these his two Ordinances should shake hands if David and Nathan or God stand together Iosias and Huldas and therefore labour to divulse them and prevailes so farre as wee seldome enjoy their happy conjunction What a griefe is it that when wee call for the