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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52371 No popery, or, A catechism against popery wherein the heretical doctrins, idolatrous worship, and superstitious practices of the Roman Church are briefly yet plainly refuted, and the Protestant principles proved by testimonies of Holy Scripture, and evidence of reason / by a minister of the Gospell. Minister of the Gospell. 1682 (1682) Wing N1187; ESTC R19866 57,846 152

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combated Satan Matth. 4. He proved the Resurrection from the dead to the Saducees Matth. 22.23.29 31 32. And showed to his Disciples the necessity of his Death and of his Resurrection Luke 24.46 By them John Baptist proved his Mission Matth. 3.3 And by them the Apostles overcame the Jews and shewed powerfully that Jesus was the Christ Acts 9.22 and Acts 18.28 Q. Hath God commanded us to consult the Scriptures as our Judge A. The Prophet Esay 8.20 sends to the Law and to the Testimony and if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no Light in them And Jesus Christ commands the Jews to search the Scriptures because they testified of him John 5.39 and Luke 16.29 They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them And St. Peter after having mentioned the voice from Heaven This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased adds We have also a more sure Word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well that ye take heed 2 Pet. 1.17 18.19 Q. But when there is a difference about the interpretation and sense of the Scripture is it not necessary to have a Judge who can judge Infallibly and with Authority of the meaning of the Scripture and declare it to us for our agreement A. God hath not given this power to any in the world but Scripture must Interpret Scripture one passage must be Interpreted by another as they did in the time of Esra who made them understand the Law by Reading of the Scripture Nehem. 8.8 Q. How can you decide matters of Faith by the Scripture since it is obscure A. If our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost of whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds even Unbelievers 2 Cor. 4.3.4 But it is not obscure to them who have received the Spirit of God that they might know the things that are freely given to us of God 1 Cor. 2.12 And to accuse the Scripture of obscurity is to accuse it falsely for David Psal 119.105 says Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my paths Q. Yet St. Peter says in the 2 Epistle 3.16 That in the Epistles of St. Paul there are some things hard to be understood A. I grant there are many obscure places in the Scripture to exercise the Faith of Believers and keep the most Learned humble but God hath so ordered that all things necessary to Salvation are clear and easie to be understood Q. But since St. Paul would have Believers to judge of his Doctrine 1 Cor. 10.15 I speak as to wise men judg ye what I say Why should not the Church assembled in Council hvve that Authority A. There are two kinds of judgment one is a judgment of Authority the other of discretion by which particular Believers ought to try the Spirits whether they be of God and discern the true Doctrine of Christ from lies and of this judgment Paul speaks when he says judge ye what I say but for the judgment of Authority God hath not given it to any Mortal man not to the Councils themselves which have no power to make any Canons or Decisions to oblige the Consciences of any but so far as they are conform to the word of God Jesus Christ only hath Soveraign Authority in the Church as the well beloved Son that the Father hath commanded us from Heaven to hear Matth. 3.17 and John 5.22 Jesus Christ says that the Father hath given all judgment to the Son SECT IV. Of the Perfection of the Scripture Q. IS the Scripture the perfect Rule of our Faith A. Yes Because all the Articles of Faith and Doctrines necessary to Salvation are contained therein and therefore St. Paul 2. Tim. 3.15 says That the Holy Scriptures are able to make wise unto Salvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus Q. St. Paul speaks there only of the Books of the Old Testament for the New was not then writ so it follows by your reason that the New Testament is superfluous since the Old is sufficient for to instruct us to Salvation A. Upon the contrary St. Paul speaking of the Books of the Old Testament only fortifies strongly our reason for the sufficiency and perfection of the Scripture for if the Books of Moses and the Prophets were sufficient to make the Church wise unto Salvation Why may not the Scripture be sufficient now since to Moses and the Prophets God hath added the Evangelists and the Apostles Besides it follows not that because the Books of the Old Testament were sufficient for the Church then that the New is Superfluous since God hath pleased to give it us to manifest the Doctrine of Salvation more clearly and fully as 2 Tim. 1.10 Paul says That Jesus hath brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel Q. Is all Tradition to be Condemned A. No for this word Tradition signifies nothing but a Doctrine given from hand to hand the Scripture it self is a Tradition and the Doctrine of Salvation before it was written was a Tradition and hath been called Scripture since it was put into Writing and St. Paul calls the Doctrine of the Gospel Tradition which is written 1 Cor. 15.3 I have given unto you that which I have received viz. That Christ dyed for our Sins according to the Scriptures Q. What Traditions then are to be condemned A. All Traditions of men wherewith they pretend to bind the Consciences of men and give them for Articles of Faith which S. Paul Colos 2.8 would that we should take heed of Beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit after the Traditions of men after the Rudiments of the World and not after Christ Such were the Traditions that the Pharisees added to the Law which Christ condemns Matth. 15.3 Why do ye transgress the Commandement of God by your Tradition applying to them what God says of Hypocrites Esay 29.13 In vain they do Worship me teaching for Doctrines the Commandements of men Such are the Traditions which the Roman Church hath added to the Gospel as Worshipping Images and Praying to Saints which tho' they have no foundation in the Scripture but are formally condemned therein yet the Council of Trent hath commanded them to be received with the same Devotion and Piety that the Scripture is Q. Nevertheless St. Paul 2 Thess 2.15 Commands the Thessalonians to hold the Traditions that they had been Taught by Word or Epistles and 2 Tim. 2.2 He recommends to Timothy to commit to faithful men the things which he had heard in presence of many Witnesses A. I Answer that those Traditions and Instructions of St. Paul are not Traditions of men but the Word of God as he himself says 1 Thess 2.13 And the Instructions he gave Believers by Word and Living Voice are the same he hath writ in his Epistles and that we may be assured that his Doctrine is not Traditions of men he protests to the Jews Acts 26.22
What think you of Stripes and Pilgrimages and such voluntary works by which the Roman Church think they make satisfaction to the Justice of God A. Not only that they cannot satisfie Gods Justice but that they deserve punishment because they are Superstitious Traditions of men and of which it shall be said Who hath required these things at your hands Q. What say you to the Counsel that Daniel gave Nebucadnezar to redeem his sins by Alms Dan. 4.27 A. That he doth not mean that the Alms of Nebucadnezar could be the price of his Redemption but that he would change his life in the presence of God and make up the time spent in unjustice and extortions by a serious amendment of life and giving liberally Alms to the poor and that in so doing God would be propitious to him who according to his mercy to repenting sinners hath promised Ezech. 18.21 22. That if the wicked turn from his sins they shall not be mentioned unto him and the word Translated by some Redeem signifies to break to tear and undoe what hath been done Q. If by our Works we cannot make satisfaction for our selves than we can far less do it for others A. That is certain therefore the Apostle Galat. 6.5 tells us That every man shall bear his own burthen and 2 Cor. 5.10 That we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his Body according that he hath done whether it be good or bad Q. Yet Colos 1.24 St. Paul tells us That he fills up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in his Flesh for his Body sake which is the Church A. St. Paul saying for his Body which is the Church answers this objection for this shews us that besides Jesus Christs Natural Body whose sufferings were accomplished on the Cross when he said it is finished John 19.30 he hath a Mystical Body viz. the Church whose Afflictions and Sufferings are called Sufferings of Christ because of the near Union with Christ who looks upon that which is done to any of his as done to himself Matth. 25.40 and who cried from Heaven to Saul who Persecuted the Churches Act. 9.41 Saul Saul why persecutest thou me and St. Paul saying that he suffered for his Body which is the Church doth not mean for her Redemption but for her Example and Edification SECT XVII If the Sufferings of Christ were accomplished on the Cross Quest YOur saying that the Sufferings of Jesus Christ were accomplished on the Cross seems to contradict that which they say you Teach of Christ's descending into Hell that the Soul of Jesus Christ did locally descend into Hell after his death and was tormented with the Devils till his Resurrection A. This Accusation is an impudent Calumny invented by the Monks to make us odious to the people for on the contrary we have always Taught that the Sufferings of Jesus Christ were finished in his death and we overthrow the Doctrine of Purgatory and of Limbo's and Christ's Local Descension into Hell by his own words to the Converted Thief upon the Cross Luke 23.43 This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise which words shew that his Soul was with our Saviours in Paradise that same day Q. What hath given occasion to this Calumny A. An Evangelical Doctrine plainly taught in the Word of God that Jesus Christ suffer'd not only in his Body but likewise in his Soul having been extreamly afflicted and grieved therein which made him sweat drops of blood Luke 22.44 and to say Matth. 26.38 My Soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death and upon the Cross Why hast thou forsaken me Matth. 27.46 Which also was very necessary for our Redemption for he being the Redeemer of our Souls as well as of our Bodies it was necessary he should suffer for us in his Soul as well as in his Body Q. Yet it will seem no Calumny to say That you Teach that Jesus hath been damned for these words are found in one of your Catechisms viz. in the French Section 10. How could Jesus be in such damnation A. The Author of that Catechism by that word damnation meaneth nothing but condemnation according to the primitive signification of the word and the word such which is added to that of damnation fully justifies that for being a relative word it must needs design the damnation spoken of before which is such as all Christians grant Jesus Christ hath suffered viz. That he drunk the Cup of the Wrath of God for Sin and suffered the Punishment that Sinners had merited and afterward the same Author explains himself so clearly that without much Malice he cannot be accused of teaching that Jesus Christ suffered the Punishment of the damned in Hell with the Devils for he put this difference betwixt Jesus Christs Suffering and the Wickeds Sufferings that the wicked continued therein but that the Anguish which Christ suffered was but a Sting for to prick him and that the wicked despair and are angry against God and blaspheme him whereas Jesus Christ never ceased to hope always in God in the midst of his distress SECT XVIII Of Pilgrimages Quest IS it lawful to go in Devotion to the Images and Relicks of Saints to be cured of any Distemper or for good success in our undertaking A. No For this is to leave the Creator and go to the Creature whereas we ought to have recourse to God only for Grace to help us in time of need Heb. 4.16 And the mercy of God being extended to all Nations he is not more accessible in one place than in another as Christ says to the Samaritan upon the contest between them and the Jews about the place of Worship which the one would have to be in Jerusalem the others in Mount Garizim John 4.21 23. Woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father but the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth SECT XIX Of Monkish Vows and first of that of a Single Life Quest MAy one lawfully Vow a single life to God A. No For a single life is only fit for those that have the gift of Continence for those that have it not God commands to Marry 1 Cor. 7.9 If they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn Q. But may not perpetual Continency be Vowed to God A. No For it is the gift of God and not in our power St. Paul speaking of this gift 1. Cor. 7.7 says I would that all men were even as I my self but every man hath his proper gift of God one after this manner another after that Q. Who are then they that make themseves Eunuches for the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 19.12 A. Those that finding that God hath granted them this gift have taken up a firm resolution in themselves to abstain from Marriage that they may serve God