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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36539 A collection of texts of Scripture, with short notes upon them, and some other observations against the principal popish errors; Abrégé des controverses. English Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669.; Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. 1688 (1688) Wing D2160B; ESTC R14004 125,272 218

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17. 9. The same practice was observed under the Reign of King Hezekiah 2 Chron. 31. 3 4. Accordingly our Saviour and his Apostles refer to the Scripture as the only Rule and confirm their Doctrines by it but no where have recourse to Tradition for any thing Thus for the obtaining amendment of Life and the avoiding of Condemnation Luke 16. 29. They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them And this he commends for as great efficacy to that end as if one should come and arise from the Dead to speak to them So Joh. 5. 39. For the attainment of the knowledg of himself and Life everlasting Search the Scriptures says he for in the● ye think ye have eternal Life and they are they which testify of me He doth not reprove but allow encourage this thought in them Luk. 24. 27. Beginning at Moses and all the Prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself But makes not the least use of Tradition So also he refutes the Pharisees by the Scripture Mat. 22. 31. Thus the Apostle St. Paul Act. 26. 22. witn●ssing both to small and great and saying none other things that these which the Prophets and Moses did say should come to pass He teacheth at Rome that Jesus was the Christ by the Scripture Act. 28. 23. He combateth all sorts of Errors by the Scripture see his Epistles to the Romans to the Corinthians to the Galatians c. To end the Difference that was agitated at the Council of Jerusalem St. James alledges the Scripture Acts 15. 15. So that the Scripture is that which is every were referr'd to as the Rule of Faith and Manners but not one word said of Tradition to that end It having pleased God when once the Scripture was Indited to leave nothing to Tradition though sometimes he was pleased to reveal himself farther by immediate Revelation till all the Books of the Holy Canon were perfected On the other side Tradition is so far from being commended that the use of it is decried as the foundation of many Errors and Wickednesses and Superstitions and their adhering to the Traditions of the Fathers is censured Thus Mark. 7. 1 c. When the Pharisees saw some of his Disciples eat Bread with defiled that is to say with unwashen Hands they found fault For the Pharisees and all the Jews except they wash their Hands oft eat not holding the Tradition of the Elders And when they come from the Market except they wash they eat not And many other things there are which they have received to hold as the washing of Cups and Pots and brazen Vessels and Tables Which they observed as a part of religious Worship received by Tradition from their Fathers though not commanded in the Law of Moses Like the Holy Water of the Church of Rome the Incensings and Garments the Salt and Spittle and Exorcisms and Wax-candles used in Baptism the Priests shaving the Head after the manner of a Crown which they profess to have received from Christ and his Apostles conveyed to them by the Tradition of the Church through all Ages though there be not one word of any of it in the Holy Scriptures See Council of Trent Sess 22. cap. 2 c. Cathechism Roman par 2. cap. 2. § 59 c. But our Saviour condemn'd all the Traditions of the Fathers so received by them for vain Worship because not written in the Law Ver. 7 8. So I doubt not but we shall have reason 〈◊〉 do the like with those of the Church of Rome by the same Warrant The Apostle reckons it his great Fault before his Conversion Gal. 1. 14. That he was exceeding zealous 〈◊〉 the Traditions of his Fathers which were superadded to the Law which was the very foundation of Pharisaism and a ground of very great Superstition among them Therefore 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. Ye know that ye are not redeemed by corruptible things from your vain Conversation received by Tradition from your Fathers but with the precious Blood of Christ Here also we have an intimation from St. Peter of many vain Observations which the Jews took up by Tradition from their Fathers So that the Tradition of their Fathers was so far from being a sure Rule to them that it was a means of very great Corruption which the Christians are redeemed from Therefore there was that Exhortation Ezek. 20. 18 19. Walk ye not in the Statutes of your Fathers neither observe their Judgments nor defile your selves with their Idols I am the Lord your God walk in my Statutes and keep my Judgments and do them The vanity and uncertainty of Tradition for a Rule of Faith sufficiently appears by these things And how much the use of it is decried as mischievous and hurtful And if it was so in the Church and State of the Jews which was but of a very narrow compass and thereupon it might be supposed then to be a more certain means of conveyance of Truth how much more reasonably may we think it to be so in the Christian Church diffused through all Nations where by reason of the multitude and distance of Christian Teachers and Professors it must needs be much more easy for superstitious and conceited Men to obtrude their Innovations and to back them with the pretence of Tradition of which there hath been many Instances And hence such Difference hath arisen between Traditions themselves as is plain in the Controversy in the Primitive Church about Easter and many others And can we think that our Saviour should leave his Church to such an uncertain Rule now when there is so much need rather to have it more exact and setled Should that be a Rule of Faith in the Christian Church which was wholly disallowed and decried in the Jewish Or is Tradition now become so much altered that it is become so sure and harmless above what it was If Tradition be taken for a natural Means there is nothing more uncertain in a long tract of Time. And sure our Saviour would not leave his Church to such uncertainty when he might do better If it be pretended to be assisted with Infallibility that shall be examined afterwards It is plain that the Christian-Inspired Writers also saw it needful to write down the Doctrine of our Saviour to transmit it to After-ages they did not think Tradition was a sure means of conveyance then no more than it was before Therefore St. Luke wrote his Gospel to the most excellent Theophilus that he might know the certainty of those things wherein he had been instructed Luke 1. 4. implying that the other way of conveyance by Tradition is not so certain And St. Peter I will not be negligent says he to put you always in remembrance 2 Pet. 1. 12. And vers 13. I think it meet to stir you up by putting you in remembrance Mens memories are not so very good to retain Divine Things unless they are excited and quickned
XXVIII That those Masses are to be approved and commended where the Priest communicates alone 172 XXIX That the Sacrament is to be administred in one kind only and the use of the Cup kept from the People 175 Some Prejudices of the Church of Rome answered Sect. 1. They accuse our Doctrine of Novelty 181 2. They say we had no Call 184 3. They Object to us the Divisions that are amongst the Reformed 188 That there are some Places more Holy than others and that it is a Work of Piety to go in Pilgrimage to them 192 That the Sacraments do confer Grace by the Work done 196 Of the Holy Scripture and Traditions CHAP. I. That all saving-Truth is not contained in the Holy Scripture but partly in the Scripture and partly in unwritten Traditions which whosoever doth not receive with the like Piety and Reverence as he does the Scriptures is accursed Concil Trident. Sess 4. Decret de Can. Script COntrary to that which is written in the second Epistle to Timothy Chap. 3. vers 15. The holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus That which is able to make us wise unto Salvation contains in it all saving Truth that is all that is necessary to be known in order to Salvation For how else can it make us wise to Salvation How can the Holy Scripture make us wise unto Salvation if it doth not contain all saving Truth or all that is necessary to be known in order to Salvation Vers 16 17. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for instruction in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good Works Mow if the Man of God who is to instruct others and to declare to them the whole Counsel of God so far as is necessary for their attainment of Salvation be perfectly instructed for the discharge of his Duty from the Scripture then the Scripture must needs contain all saving Truth or all that is necessary to be known both by him and every particular Christian in order to Salvation And note that it is not our part to show what those Scriptures then were which the Apostle here intends they being confessedly the same which are still contained in the Canon of it But whatever they were it is plain from the Apostle that there is no saving Truth but what is contained in them which yet doth not derogate from the usefulness of those Books which were added to the Canon afterwards whatever they were they being useful however as Comments upon the former to clear up what was before less clearly delivered or to declare some Truths of less necessary importance though all that was necessary to Salvation was delivered before So that we must needs apprehend the Scripture as it is now to be a compleat Rule of Faith without taking in any thing of unwritten Tradition to piece it up or compleat it Before Divine Doctrine was committed to writing Men had no other Rule but natural Light or immediate Revelation or Tradition of what was before made known And when the Lives of Men were long Divine Doctrine might better be conveighed this way than it can be now And in our Saviour's the Apostles Time this might serve the turn for the present Age in which there was a continuation of extraordinary Gifts and especially to the immediate Auditors of these inspired Persons But in the shorter Age of Men this was not thought a safe or sufficient means to conveigh down Divine Doctrine to the following Ages And therefore it was thought more expedient to put down in writing what was to be made known to after-Ages for the more sure preservation of all such Truths from Corruption and to be a standing Rule to which they might have recourse upon all occasions Thus God himself wrote the Ten Commandments in Tables of Stone And Moses by God's direction wrote the Law as the Prophets afterwards did their several Prophecies or a brief Summary of them For it is said 2 Tim. 3. 16. All Scripture is given b● inspiration of God. And sometimes we find express direction for the writing of some things which were to be transmitted to future Ages As Exod. 17. 14. Write this for a Memorial in a Book And Isa 30. 8. Now go write it before them in a Table and note it in a Book that it may be for the Time to come for ever and ever And Psal 102. 18. This shall be written for the Generation to come Whereby is intimated the great need of writing then to conveigh a certain notice of things to future Ages and which implies the Incompetency and Insufficiency of Tradition for that purpose And when once it had pleased God to commit the Holy Rule to writing we find the Scripture commended for a perfect Direction Psal 19. 7. The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the Soul. And Tradition is no where commended or any order given to have recourse to it in any case but to the Holy Scripture alone Thus Isa 8. 20. To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no Light in them Thus Joshua was directed to govern himself in all his Actions by the same Holy Rule and therein should prosper and do wisely Josh 1. 7. That thou mayst observe to do according to all the Law which Moses my Servant commanded thee Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left And vers 8. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein The same also did Joshua prescribe to his Successors Chap. 23. 6. And the King when he sat upon the Throns of his Kingdom was to write him a Copy of this Law in a Book and read therein all the days of his life Deut. 17. 18 19. And this was the way to have him prosperous and to prolong his days Here is nothing at all left to Tradition nor any recourse to be had to it but to the written Law alone intimated as perfect to all the intents and purposes of a good and holy Life There were no other Ordinances to be observed but what were contained in the Law which forbad all Additions Deut. 4. 2. Ye shall not add unto the Word which I command you neither shall you diminish from it So again Chap. 12. 32. so Prov. 30. 6. Add thou not unto his Words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a 〈◊〉 For this the Children of Israel were condemned Jer. 32. 35. that they built the high Places of Baal to consecrate their Sons and their Daughters unto Molech which I commanded them not The Reformation of the Church therefore under Jehoshaphat that good King was made by the Scripture That was their Rule alone 2 Chron.