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tradition_n book_n holy_a scripture_n 2,474 5 6.0561 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72347 Certayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sondaye and holy daye in theyr churches : and by her Graces aduyse perused & ouer sene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people : newly imprinted in partes accordynge as is mencioned in the booke of commune prayers.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. 1559 (1559) STC 13648.5; ESTC S5209 110,375 188

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¶ Certayne Sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie to be declared and read by all Persones Vycars and Curates euery Sonday and holy daye in theyr Churches And by her Graces aduyse perused ouersene for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people Newly Imprynted in partes accordyng as is mencioned in the booke of Commune prayers Anno. M.D.L .ix. Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis OMNIA DESVPER R.I. ¶ A ta●●e of the Sermons conteyned in this present volume i A Fruitefull exhortacion to the readyng of holy scripture ii Of the misery of al mankynd iii Of the saluacion of all mankynde iiii Of the true and lyuely fayth v Of good workes vi Of Christian loue and charitie vii Agaynst swearyng and periury viii Of the declynyng from god ix An exhortacion agaynst the feare of death x An exhortacion to obedience xi Agaynst whordome and adulterye xii Agaynst strife and contention Finis tabulae COnsydering howe necessary it is that the worde of GOD which is the onely foode of the soule and that moste excellent lyght that we muste walke by in this our moste daungerous pilgrimage should at all conuenient tymes be preached vnto the people that therby they may bothe learne theyr duetie towardes God theyr Prynce and theyr neighbours accordyng to the mynde of the holy ghoste expressed in the scriptures And also to auoyde the manifolde enormities whiche hearetofore by false doctrine haue crepte into the Churche of God and howe that all they whiche are appoynted ministers haue not the gyft of prechyng sufficiently to instruct the people which is commytted vnto them whereof great inconueniences myght ryse and ignoraunce styll be mayntayned yf some honeste remedye be not speedely founde and prouyded The Quenes moste excellent Maiestie tenderynge the foule health of her louyng subiectes and the quietynge of theyr consciences in the chiefe and pryncypall poyntes of Christian Religion and wyllyng also by the true settyng foorth and pure declaryng of Gods word which is the principall guyde and leader vnto all godlynesse and vertue to expell and dryue aware aswell all corrupt vicious and vngodly lyuyn● as also erronious and poysoned doctrines t●●●dyng to superfficion and Idolatry hath by th●●uyse of her moste honourable comis●●● 〈…〉 her discharge in this behalfe caused a 〈…〉 ●●melies which heretofore was sette 〈…〉 moste louynge Brother a Prince of moste worthy memorye Edward the syxt to be prynted a newe wherein are conteyned certaine wholsome and godly exhortacions to moue the people to honour and worshyppe almyghty God and diligently to serue hym euery one accordynge to theyr degree state and vocation All whiche Homelies her Maiestie commaundeth and strayghtly chargeth all persons vycars curates and all other hauyng spirituall cure euery Sonday and holy day in the yere at the ministryng of the holy communion or if there be no Communion ministred that day yet after the Gospell and Crede in suche order and place as is appoynted in the booke of Common prayers to reade and declare to theyr paryshyoners playnely and distinctly one of the sayde Homelies in such order as they stande in the booke except there be a Sermon according as it is inioyned in the boke of her hyghnesse Iniunctions and then for that cause onely and for none other the readyng of the sayde Homelye to be differred vnto the next Sonday or holy day folowyng And whē the foresayde booke of Homelies is read ouer her Maiesties pleasure is that the same be repeated and read agayne in such lyke sort as was before prescrybed Furthermore her hyghnesse cōmaundeth that notwithstandynge this order the sayde Ecclesiasticall persons shall reade her Maiesties Iniunctions at such tymes and in suche order as is in the booke thereof appoynted And that the Lordes prayer the Articles of the fayth and the ten commaundementes be openly readde vnto the people as in the sayde Iniunctions is specified that all her people of what degree or condicion so euer they be maye learne howe to Inuocate and call vpon the name of Godde knowe what duetie they owe both to God man So that they maye pray belieue and worke accordyng to knowledge whyle they shall lyue heare and after this lyfe be with him that with his bloud hath bought vs all To whom with the Father and the holy ghost be al honor and glory for euer AMEN 〈…〉 the ●eadyng and knowledge of holy Scripture The prais of holye scripture VNto a Christian man there can be nothyng eyther more necessary or profitable then the knowledge of holy scripture forasmuch as in it is conteyned Gods true word setting foorth his glory also mans duetie And there is no trueth nor doctrine necessary for our iustification The perfiction of holy scripture and euerlastyng saluation but that is or may be drawen out of that fountaine and wel of trueth Therfore as manye as be desyrous to enter into the ryght and perfect way vnto God The knowledge of holy scripture is necessary must apply theyr myndes to knowe holy scripture without the whiche they can neyther sufficiently knowe God and his wyll To whom the knowledge of holy scripture is swete and pleasaunt Who be enemies to holy scripture neyther theyr office duetie And as drynke is pleasaunt to them that be drye and meate to them that be hungry so is the readyng hearyng searchyng and studying of holy scripture to them that be desirous to knowe God or them selues to do his wyll And theyr stomackes onely do loth and abhorre the heauenly knowledge and foode of Gods worde that be so drowned in worldly vanities that they neyther fauour God nor any godlynesse For that is the cause why they desyre such vanities In apt similitude declarin● of whom the scripture is o●horrid rather then the true knowledge of God As they that are sicke of an ague whatsoeuer thei eate or drynke though it be neuer so pleasaunte yet it is as bytter to them as wormewood not for the bytternesse of the meate but for the corrupte 〈◊〉 ●ytter humour that is in theyr owne tongue ●●●nduth than so is the swetenesse of Gods worde bitter not of it selfe but onely vnto thē that haue theyr myndes corrupted with longe custome of sinne and loue of this worlde Therfore An ●●●●tucion vnto the diligent red●●dyng and sc●rch●ng ●f the holy 〈…〉 forsaking the corrupt iudgement of fleshely men which care not but for theyr carhasse let vs reuerently heare and reade holye scriptures whiche is the foode of the soule Let vs diligently search for the well of lyfe in the bokes of the newe and olde Testament and not runne to the stynkyng puddels of mennes tradicions deuysed by mans imaginacion for our iustification and saluacion The holy scripture is a suffi●●ent doctr●ne for ou● saluation What thynges we may learne 〈◊〉 the holy script●●● For in holy scripture is fully conteined what we ought to do and what to eschewe what to beleue what to loue what to loke for at