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A14357 M. le Hucher minister of Amyens in France compelled to fly from the pure word of holy write; strucke dumme; and made to runne away Vppon the subiect of the B. Sacrament of the altar. By F. Francis Veron of the Society of Iesus, encountring him with the Bible of Geneua only. In the presence of the Duke de Longueuille. VVith a briefe and easie meanes, by which each Catholike may, in like manner, put to flight any minister or sectarie. Sent from Sieur de la Tour one of the sayd Dukes gentlemen, to Sieur de Rotois, gentleman of the Kings game.; Adrian Hucher ministre d'Amyens, mis à l'inquisition des passages de la Bible de Genève. English Véron, François, 1575-1649.; Catcher, Edward, 1584?-1624? 1616 (1616) STC 24675.5; ESTC S107356 29,473 96

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but your eyes and skill to reade to see whether that be in the pure word or no. And that your Ministers preach that the Scripture is easie and that euery one there may learne his owne saluation you vnderstand I ame sure signification of English why then finde you not in the pure word that which the Ministers make you beleeue Assure your selues if you find it not it is because it is not there Confront therfore the place cited in the margent of the article with the article and you shall see how egregiously you are mocked And that you may see this more manifestly doe this following Write in one line one article or if it haue many partes one only clause of the same And if you finde any text of Scripture cited for that article or peece therof write in a second line the words of the text cited vnder the other line If you find no text cited as in many places there is not put vnder the first line a cypher for that if there were any text to authorize that article it would be cited This being donne compare the first line with the second If you find in the second line a cypher you are cleerly cosened If you find a text of Scripture see if that being precisely taken without medly of some thing els that is to say you must vnderstande this signifieth or the like containe that article proposed if it do not know that you are deceaued I my self haue paralelled these articles with the textes alledged in the margent take you but the like paines and I will assure you that in steed of the pure word you shall oft tymes finde a cypher other tymes in the text cited you shall not find one worde of the article and in breefe you shall not find there one article or entiere clause of those in Controuersy between vs. Behold how you are deluded ARTICLES OF THE CONFESSION OF FAITH OF the pretended reformed Churchs confronted with the pure word of holy writt Where it is euidently shewed that the textes of Scripture euen in the Geneua Bible cited in the margent of these articles conteine nothing of that which those articles teach against the Catholick faith which is A breefe easy meanes by which euery Caluinist may manifestlie perceaue how he is abused and wherby each Catholicke may shew the same vnto him To saue you the paines deceaued Countrymen which I wished you to take I haue heere confronted the articles of your faith controuerted with the places cited in the margēt after the fashion before sett downe and haue cited these textes according to the Geneua translation Compare them with me beginning at the 24. article In this article these clauses following are sett downe without any text cited in the margent for proof of any of them wherfore in steede of Scripture I wil giue you vnder euery clause for proofe a Cypher Article 24. 1. VVe hold that Purgatory is an Illusion Proofe o. 2. By the abuse and deceipt of Sathan Monasticall vovves vvere introduced Proofe o. 3. Out of the same vvare-hovvse proceeded Pilgrimages Proofe o. 4. Out of the same vvare-hovvse vvas brought in Auricular Confession Proofe o. 5. Out of the same vvare-hovvse sprang Indulgenees Proofe o. 6. Out of the same vvare-hovvse proceeded all other things by vvhich vve thinke to merite grace and saluation Proofe o. 7. VVe reiect all others meanes vvhich men presume to haue to reconcile themselues to God as derogatory from the death and passion of Iesus Christ. Proofe o. 8. It is lavvfull for vs to pray but only according to that forme vvhich God sett dovvne in his vvord Proofe o. In the 31. article you say The estate of the Church in our times vvas interrupted and hath failed that God hath raised some after an extraordinary manner to renevv the same being ruinated and desolate Proofe o. Behold how the Ministers and theyr Confession of faith do abuse you and how often in one only article They promise you not to instruct you but by the holy Scripture and proposing vnto you all these clauses to be beleeued they prooue none of them by any text of Scripture nor bring as much as one place of Scripture for confirmation of them Examine the articles you will finde more then a hundred clauses as well affirmatiues as negatiues for proofe wherof there is no text coated because in deed they haue it not iudge then if you be abused or no. And who I pray you can in equity accuse another vnles he produce some lawe commaunding or prohibiting some thing violated by the party accused Euery accusation commended to be truly an accusation not a calumny must be founded vpon the breach of some lawe and accompanied with it proofes These Reformers doe not only accuse but making themselues iudges doe condemne of Superstitions forgery and high treason against the deuine Maiesty the holy Fathers and vs all besides in those 8. poyntes sett downe and in diuers others which I omitt pronouncing theyr bloody sentence by which they declare both them and vs to be superstitious deceauers instruments of sathan in the promulgations of those diuelish illusions rehearsed This sentence pronounced for execution of the same they haue ouerthrowen our Monasteries prophaned our holy places and set fire on our Churches Of what crime doe they accuse vs do they condemne vs what deuine law doe they prooue to haue ben violated by vs They neyther prooue nor so much as cite any law any letter of holy write against which the holy Fathers we haue offended And yet they accuse vs they condemne vs. Shameles wretches but yet withall impudent liars They promise not to behaue themselues but only as instruments of the holy Scripture and not to propose ought but that And yet they pronounce the eight forsayd sentences without citing one sole passage of the Scripture See o you sectaries how palpably they abuse you But to see this more cleerly and withall to take away from the Ministers all meanes to circumuent you to your vtter ruine Consider with like attention that which ensueth In the 5. article they wold make you beleeue that the pure word which is conteined in the bookes of holy Scripture is the rule of all truth and that nothing must be beleeued but that which is in the pure word This article is of great consequence for reposing and grounding your selues vppon this and not vppon any other thing you reiect all the traditions of the Romane Church you giue your sentences of condemnation against vs you will not allow of neyther Antiquity nor Custome nor Multitude nor Humane wisedome nor Sentences nor Inhibitions nor Edicts nor Lawes nor Councells nor Visions nor Miracles And albeit all these make against your doctrine you make no bones thereof you scorne them all saying that you will nothing but the pure Scripture all the rest proceeds from men subiect vnto errours and that all other things must be examined ruled and reformed according to
all truth and that all things must be examined ruled and reformed by the same For it is not the rule of this verity and that of greatest consequence to witt that the bookes of the old and new Testament are canonicall and writen by deuine reuelation Again to reiect any booke from the number of the Canonicall as for example you doe reiect that of Tobias and admitt the Ghospell of S. Mathew you guide not your selues by this rule of the pure word but as you giue it out of the inward persuasion of the holy Ghost See how your articles destroy each other Tell me farther Do you hold that one may and ought to baptize little infants That we must not rebaptize hereticques which haue been baptized in the name of the B. Trinity that we must keepe holy sunday and not saturday you beleeue that the Mother of God remayned alwayes a virgin Notwithstanding you finde not one text of Scripture to iustify any of these points why do you then contradict your selues and your article which teacheth that the written word is the rule of all truth Doth not S. Paul in the. 2. to the Thessalon 2. vers 15. exhort saying Stand and hold fast the instructions our translation reads traditions which you haue learned eyther by our word or by our epistle Note that he makes mention of the word besides that which is written in Scripture and in the 2. to Timothe 2. Vers 2. The things which thou hast heard of me by many witnesses these commend to faythfull men which shall be fitt to teach others also Doe not you perceaue a diuine word taught not by writing but by word of mouth In the. 1. to the Cor. 11. Vers 34. Other things I will set in order when I come Such ordinances by word of mouth are they not as well deuine as those which are sett downe in writing I omit many other authorities to this purpose by the way only citing these for that it is not my intent to iustify and prooue vnto you in this treatise that which we beleeue My only scope is to shew vnto you that you are abused and that the pure word teacheth no such thing as your articles report This haue I performed in this article which I haue examined with the textes cited for the same for the Article saith that the written word is the rule of all truth and in the passages alledged we neyther read written word nor the rule of all truth Wherfore they haue not that which the article saith otherwise knowing to reade we should see it there For conclusion heereof the Caluinists in this article of greatest importance are therefore abused and by consequence in all the rest I before marked which are out of this deduced against vs which are in great number Reuew them and in so many points acknowledg your selues deceaued I haue at large examined this article aswell for that as hath been shewed it is of greatest importance as also for that the falshood therof being discouered the Ministers are bereaued of the most efficatious and ordinary meanes they had to defend themselues in these conflicts for they alwayes fly for refuge to this Proposition That nothing must be beleeued bus that which is in the Scripture Their custome is to question vs where finde you Purgatory in the Scripture or the reall presence of the body of Iesus Christ in the sacrament of the Altar c. For say they if it be not there it is superstition to beleeue it And by this meanes in lieu of reforming our pretended abuses by the pure word they cunningly engage vs to prooue our faith A wyly deuise Catholicks looke vnto their fingers and be sure that when they make you such questions you take not vppon you to be disputants but allthough you haue many authorities yett bring no place of Scripture to iustify your cause Marke well the wilines of the Aduersaries They are bound by their .31 article to reforme vs and by their 5 to do it by the pure word by this disguise and faire apparence drawing many to their part But their practise is after another fashion For knowing well that they are neuer able to performe that which they haue bound themselues vnto to disingage themselues from this obligation by a fine deuise they endeuour to make vs the plaintifs questioning vs after the fashion aforesaid And if in awnswere of their questions you bring some expresse textes for your self behold by this the Minister hath gott his neck out of the coller and hauing before hand quitt himself of all Anquity Fathers Miracles c. he will turne of the Scripture at his owne pleasure and in fine delude you though you haue ten cleere textes for your purpose Of this we haue dayly experience Handle him in an other fashion You must neuer lett him change his coate He is obliged by the Confession of his faith to shew you by the pure word your errours hold him to it there to his testimonies of the pure word which must sett downe your pretended errours Doe but this and I warrant you the Minister will quickly be brought vpon his knees and haue a care you release him not but keepe him downe But how vrge him still with this that he shew you some expresse text of Scripture which sayth That there is no Purgatory or That the body of Iesus Christ is not in the Eucharist It is his charge to do it who hath pawned his word to shew vs by the pure word our errours But if he hope to scape the torture by this sleight saying that he sufficiently sheweth our errour in that as he sayth we cannot shew by the Scripture Purgatory or the reall presence Haue a care that though you haue many cleere textes on your side bring none make not your selues Plaintifs for so he will be deliuered from the rack but presse him eagrely that he shw you that he promised or at least that nothing must be beleeued but that which is in the Scripture for by this maxime alone doth he argue you of errour And then that after he hath donne this you will produce your places Not being able to shew this proposition in the whole Scripture as by the precedent examen I haue shewd he cannot he is driuen to a non plus nor hath he any meanes to scape away Thus shall you shew breefly euidently that their 31. and 5. articles ar false which promised to reforme our pretended abuses by the pure word and cannot do it And that the Mimisters are egregious impostours which vnder such a faire pretext haue seduced so many thowsands of soules And you of the pretended religion put but your Ministers to this triall and you will see them presently fall speechles and your selues apparently abused Before we passe any farther I cannot omitt to examine breeflie one clause of the 24. article which I before let passe for that for it there is cited in the margent a texte which is not