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A12490 A confutation of a certen booke, called a defence of the true, and Catholike doctrine of the sacrame[n]t, &c. sette fourth of late in the name of Thomas Archebysshoppe of Canterburye. By Rycharde Smyth, Docter of diuinite, and some tyme reader of the same in Oxforde Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 22819; ESTC S105000 121,196 338

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as bloud What can be more playnly spoken to declare that he ment that the very bloud of christ is made by the consecration of wyne ynto it and yet we receaue it not in forme of bloud but in a similitude shape of it the forme of wyne that is lyke to bloud in colour least we should abhorre to drinke it if it did appeare vnto oure eies very bloud Why redde ye not this my lord that ye had not erred in the alleaginge of this authorite of s. Ambrose yow folowed and trusted to much peter Martyrs allegation Peter Martyr falsely alledgeth thē doctour which reciteth almost al authours falsely and vntruely as I wil by goddes grace declare in my booke made against hym Saint Ambrose is against yow whom ye allege for yowe sayinge that the priest prayeth thus at masse lib. 4. cap. ● de sacramētis Make vnto vs this oblation to be acceptable which is à figure of the bodie bloud of christ For he calleth here the masse à sacrifice and sayeth that the priest maketh therin sacrifice to god for hym self and other which ye denye vtterly Againe he saieth not that it is only à figure as ye defende it to be but that it is à figure of christes bodie bloud in that respecte that they were crucified for as much as christes death is in the sacrament represented and figured Ye do nowe corrupt falsely Ambrofius in 1. cor 11. alleage S. Ambrose and make of his true sainge à false sentence For this ye make hym say In eatinge and drinkynge the bread and wyne we do signifie the fleshe and bloud that were offered for vs where in dede these are his wordes vpon this texte of S. Paul ye shal shewe furth our lordes death vntil he come For because ye are sayeth he made free by oure lordes death we remembringe that thinge in eatinge and drinkinge fleash and bloud which were offered for vs do signifie c. Loo my lord S. Ambrose sayth we do eate and drinke fleash and bloud and ye make hym say that we do eate and drinke bread and wyne Are ye not ashamed so manifestly to lye vpon the authours Also saint Ambrose sayeth wel thoughe ye il vnderstand his wordes that we do receaue the mystical cup of bloud for tuition of our bodie and soul in à signification or à figure not of christes bodie as ye would make vs beleue but of that that the newe testament was confirmed by christes bloud and that bloud is à wytnes of christes benifite which came by his bloud sheadynge vnto vs. Therfore ye do il conclude of these authorites of the doctours that christes bodie and Fol. 64. bloud are not really in the holy sacrament but that bread and wyne are only signes figures similitudes and representations of them as ye do lyke wyse Augustinus Epist 23. il vnderstand saint Austen wrytinge to Bonifacius For he ment that christ was not dailye offered in the masse by death and sufferinge of his passion againe for so he was neuer but ones offered and yet he is daily offered in the sacrament for the people atmasse and his passion represented vnto vs theryn For we do vse to say that christ suffered his passion vpon this day good fryday and that day he arose agayne when the daies of his passion and resurrection are passed manye hundred yeres before and à memorie or à representation only of those two thinges is celebrated and made vpon such daies And so is the sacrament à signe and à similitude of christes body in sufferinge death and passion and is called in à maner his body as the outwarde formes and kindes of bread and wyne are sacramentes and signes of christes bodie and bloud beynge some tyme called christes bodie and bloud as they may ryght wel in à certen maner of speakinge as Saint Austen wytnesseth there because that some tyme thinges signified are called by the names of their signes and contrarily also This we see plainlye ynoughe that saint Austen is not vpon my lordes syde but against hym vtterly when he sayeth that christ is dailye offered in sacrifice at masse for the people which my lord denyeth vtterly and yet sayeth that saint Austen is of his The bysshop fo 62. pag 2. Contra adamantum cap. 12. mynde and beliefe therin To be short when Saint Austen or any other docter affirmeth that the sacrament is a figure or à signe they neuer saye that bakers bread or material bread and wyne of the grape are only in the sacrament as signes of christes body and The signe of christes body how hit is to be vnderstand bloud only absent but they meane as I sayed à fore that the outward formes and kyndes of bread and wyne are signes of them there presently couered vnder neath them And also that the sacrament is à signe of christes mystical bodie the church and of his passion à representation and figure As for Theodoretus whom he alleageth agayne is anusweared before sufficiently Your fyfte note my lord fo 66. pa. ● which ye gather out of Theodoretus that nothinge ought to be affirmed for à certen trueth in religion which is not spoken of in holy scripture is à very damnable note and the mother of many abamynable heresies as I haue declared largely in my booke of traditions and also briefely before in this boke And to touche the same matter vnwrittē verytees à lytel agayne is the baptisme of children sette out in scripture Confessed not origen and saynt Austē the cleane contrarye Sayeth not Saint Austen that it is à tradition vnwritten Origenes lib. 6. in Romanos ca. 6 in scripture that baptisme ministred of an heretike or à schismatike is sufficient and good In the scripture is no mention made that the father of heauen is vngotten that there are three persons that christ is consuhstantialis patri that oure lady was à continual vyrgen that the souday ought to be kept holy and many such other certen truethes in christes religion are not written in scripture What then my lord Is he arrogant and presumptuous that affirmeth them for certen verites in religion Yow saye vntruely that papistes do make and vnmake articles of our faith at their pleasure for they neuer made article of the fayth nor vnmade but heretikes hath so done many tymes Vnto this lye ye adde twoo moo This lye is often repeted of hym one that we do saye that christes bodie is naturally and sensibly in the bread when we say bread is not there and that christes bodie is there vnnaturally against nature and vnsensiblye Fol. 71 The second lye is that priestes make of Christ à newe sacrifice for synne for it is no newe sacrifice but the selfe same yn the thinge offered Homi. 2. in 2 ad Timot. that as Saynt Chrysostom sayeth Christ ones offered hymselfe vpon the crosse and whyche he offered at his
spent in settinge furth of this your booke seyng this disciple of S. peter so openly speaketh both of the presence of christes body bloud in the holy sacrament and also of the sacrifice of the masse Why also do ye destroy aulters which were vsed in the apostles tyme as it appeareth here for masses to be sayed vpon What I The masse is à sacrifice propitiaetori for synne pray you my lord is it to offre christes body and bloud at masse to purchase therby euerlasting life yf it be not the masse to be à sacrifice to pacifie gods wrath for synne and to obteyne his mercy Why then do ye denye this and say that such doctrine is blasphemous and iniurious vnto christ and his sacrifice Wold ye that we shold beleue your sayng before al these al other old godly fathers doctrine Heare yet ones agayne this holy martyr S. peters scholer which saieth thus That same thing that the Iewes did The masse is à sacrifice for synne kil throughe enuye we set furth vpon the aulter for our saluation knowyng that by this remedy alone the life that euer lasteth shal be geuen to vs and death dreauen away from vs for our lord hym selfe bade vs do this in remēbraunce Lucae 22 of hym Loo my lord this blessed martyr S. peters disciple affirmeth that priestes do offre for our saluation to get heauen and to auoyed hel the selfe same thinge vpon an aulter that the ieues did put vnto death Wyth what face do ye thē denye that christes bodye is yn the sacrament but bread only à signe of it and say also that the masse is no sacrifice at al for synne This father sayeth that christ commaunded sacrifice to be made of his body and bloud for our saluation and are ye not my lord ashamed then to say that the sacrifice of the masse was deuysed by the bysshop of Rome against christes sacrifice which he made vpon the crosse Who denyeth my lord but that christes sacrifice made vpon the crosse is sufficient for the remission of the synnes of the whole world But what therof Wil ye of that gather either that it did euen when it was made first vpon the crosse take away cleane in effect and actually al Note mens synnes or els that it neadeth none application to take effecte in vs for our saluation Why thē shold there be any hel or any man be damned For was not that his sacrifice à sufficient redemption 1. Ioan. 2 for the synnes of al the whole world Agayne yf the sacrifice of christ made vpon the crosse neade no application why shold we neade to beleue in hym to hope to feare god to do penaunce for our synnes to praye to fast to gyue almes to loue god to keepe his commaundementes or to do any good May we not then saye as 1. Cor. 15 many haue done and yet do let vs eate drinke and make good chere for christ hath done al enoughe for vs He wil not lose one of vs that he hath bought so dearly This many men do saye that are your scholers my lord they may gather no lesse out of many places of this your boke althoughe ye neuer ment any such thinge Wherfore seyyng christ did not actually nor in effecte take away by his death the synnes of men but onely as à meriter and deseruer of grace and remission of our synnes he hath prepared à remedie to heale cure them that receaue do and keepe al such thinges which he hath appoynted to be meanes to applye that his benefite vertu strēgth of his passion vnto them Why then may not the sacrifice of the masse be such à meane emoūg many other mo for that application of christes merite vnto vs wythout any derogation of the perfection sufficientcye of christes sacrifice made by his death Sayed Heb. 5. not S Paul that christ was made the cause of saluation not of al men absolutely but to them that obeyed hym Doth not he then plainly declare that this obedience of man is necessarie for the application of christes perfect sacrifice and yet that proueth no imperfectiō at al in that sacrifice Sayed not Coloss 1. also S paul that christ had pacyfied his fathers wrath recōciled vs vnto hym by his death and yet not wythstanding that that his sacrifice was ful perfect and sufficient he sayed that he did supplye those thinges whych lacked in christes passions when he suffered afflictions and persecution in his bodie for the people What mēt he my lord els but that the passions afflictions and peynes which he suffered for the settyng furth and defendyng of the gospel were meanes to applie christes perfect and sufficient sacrifice vnto the people for the remission of their synnes and their saluation Why then sayed ye that they which defende the sacrifice of the masse as an instrument and à meane to applye christes passion vnto vs for our saluation do it to supplye the imperfection of christes sacrifice and to do that for vs which christ either for lacke of charite did not for vs or els for lacke of pouer could not do Were ye not playnely disceaued my lord when ye wrote this against the sacrifice of the masse Recāte then for shame recāte this noughty doctrine teach it no more Now to the confutatiō of your first boke ❧ The Confutation of the first booke What so euer can not be grounded The bysshop fo 1. pa. 2 vpon the scripture touchyng oure fayth is mans deuyse chaungeable vncertayne What saye ye then my lord vnto The Confutation the baptisme of children For of it S. Austen thus writeth vpō the Genesis The custome of our mother the churche Lib. 1● ca. 23. ad literam in baptizing of children is not be despised nor to be iudged superfluous in any wyse nother it ought to be beleued excepte it had bene à tradition of the apostles Agayne origen sayeth In ca. 6. ad Romanos after this maner The church hath receaued à tradition of the apostles to geue baptisme also to children See ye not noue howe that ye erre For Saynt Austen sayeth that the baptisme of children ought not to be beleued to be necessarie for their saluation yf it had not bene à tradition of the apostles ye saye what so euer is not grounded vpon the scripture touching our faith is mans deuise c. Thynke ye that the baptisme of children is grounded vpon scripture when S. Austen sayeth yt is only à tradition of the apostles Are ye better learned then he and origen that ye can fynde scripture for it where they could finde none Also by what scripture is the baptisme mynistred of an heretike or à schismatike approued to be good and auayleable Sayeth not also S. Austen that De vnico bapt contra Donatistas there is no scripture to proue it Called not also S. Hierom. Eluidium an heretike
because he defended that christes dear mother was not á continual vergē Is that verite set furth in scripture No ye are shamefully disceaued yn this poynt but of this matter I haue spoken more at large in my boke of traditions vnto which ye haue yet made no answeare althoughe ye raile dailie A booke of traditions against vnwrittē verites It foloueth yn your booke And al doctrine concernyng this matter The bisshop fo 5 pa. 2. of the sacramēt that is more thē this which is not grounded vpon gods word is of no necessite c. Then let The confutation your communion be celebrated at nyght my lord when christ did institute it Then let al men breake their fast before they receaue the holy sacramēt as one Bernard of christes church Bernard Ianuario epist 119. Tertulianus libr. 2. ad vxorem in oxford did For Austen sayeth our lord commaunded not by what ordre this sacramēt should be receaued but lefte that thing vnto his apostles by whon he wold set the churches in an 1. Cor. 11. ordre and therfore S. paul sayeth whē he had spokē of the sacrament I wil dispose the rest when I shal come vnto yow Moreouer saint Austen sayeth It pleased the holy goost that our lordes bodie should first entre in to mans Epist 119. mouth afore other meates for the honoure of so great à sacrament Loo S. Austen sayth it seamed good vnto the holy goost that for the honoure of so The honoure of the sacrament great à sacrament we shold receaue our lordes body fastyng And ye saye my lord that we receaue but bread wyne and that the sacrament ought not to be honoured and that al doctrine concerninge this matter which is not grounded vpō gods word is of no necessite that the peoples consciences ought not to be troubled ther with What meane yow Do ye despise al godly ordre and the fathers doctrine and yet saye that your boke is approued of the old doctours Thinke ye that mē are so mad to beleue yow befor S. Austen Origen sayeth that euery Homi. 5. in Numeros man must of necessite obserue the ordre and maner of the receauing and the ministring of this sacramēt which the church obserueth Also S. Cypriā De ablutione pedum writeth after this sort That thing is as firme or as ratified that the apostles haue taught by the inspiration of the holy goost as that which christ hymself taught and commaunded to be done for his remembraunce Also saīt Luc. 22. Austen sayeth that this sacrifice is not wel done except the signe of the crosse Tract 189. in Ioannē Lib. 3. contra pelagi● Epist 1. ad omnes ecclesias Lib. 1. epi. 3 be made vpon the hoost S. Hierom affirmeth that christ taught his apostles to say dailie the pater noster in the sacrifice of his bodie S. Alexander which was withyn lxx yeres after christes passion S. Cyprian many other holy men and great clearkes say that christ mengled water with the wyne in the chalice when he made sacrifice at his mandy and bade priestes to dothe same and therfore they must do it of necessite Is this thinge expressed my lord in scripture It is not Wyth what face then do ye say that there is nothing of any necessite but that only which is grounded vpon scripture Is this your doctrine to be approued as ye say that it is by the consent of the ancient docters of the church S. Clemēt pauls disciple S. Anacletus S. Martial peter scholers and many other old doctours do testifie that the sacrament ought to be celebrated only in halowed places and vpon aulters and ye my lord regard nothyng of this and yet ye wold make men beleue that your doctrine is alowed set fourth by the ancient writers of the churche Thynke ye after such sorte to blynd men Do ye not gyue an occasion vnto men by this your doctrine to celebrate the communion as ye cal yt in the buttery kechen backhouse or els where they lyst Saīt Basil Lib. de spis cap. 27. sayeth that the wordes of inuocation which are sayed when the bread of thankes geuing the cup of blessyng The sacrament was sheued to the people in baesils tyme lege Theophilū lib. 1. pasch is shewed came by tradition and that the priestes sayed that tyme at masse certē wordes that haue great strength vnto the mysteries besides the wordes of the gospel and the apostle and are not ye then my lord ashamed to say that nothing is of any necessite yn this matter that is not grounded vpon the scripture Wold ye haue men rather to beleue yow then this saint S. Epist praefixa Libr. paschalibus Hierom commended Theophilus bisshop of Alexandria for teaching men to worship the holy chalices and other thinges pertaynyng vnto the ministration of the blessed sacrament of the aulter and that with the same maieste honoure that his body and bloud are to be worshipped because that they are there present Shold we then folowe my lord your doctrine which saye that nothyng is of any necessite but that only which is grounded vpon gods word and it is idolatry to whorship the holy sacrament of the aulter In how many places of his bookes Tract ●3 in Ioan. lib. 8. capi 27. de ciuitate dei Lib. 22. cap. 10. Deuerbis apost sermone 17. saieth S. Austen that the holy martyrs and other saintes names are rehearsed at masse for to pray for us Why then denie ye this S. Austen Cyprian Chrysostom Cyril and many other of the best wryters and most godly docters of christes church do make mention Chrysost lib. 3. de sacerdotio ca. 4. lib. 6. cap. 4. of many thinges vsed then at masse which are not written yn scripture do saye that the sacrifice of the aulter is made by prayer and inuocation of August epistol 57. Ser igi lib. 3. cap. 4. de trinitate the holy goost and gods name Wherfore your doctrine is false my lord vtterly improued of the ancient doctours of the church thoughe ye say that they do approue it I passe ouer many thinges that are of necessite to be obserued at masse be not expressed yn the scripture least I shold be to long and tedious ye saye moreouer thus First here is to be noted that christ The bysshop fo 4 pa. 2. called the material bread his bodye the wyne which was the fruite of the vyne his bloud Why did ye not proue The confutation this my lord Wold ye that men shold take yow for à prophete or for one that could not erre yn his sainges How called christ the material bread and wyne of the grape his body and bloud when he added immediatly these wordes which shal be geuen for yow shed for yow For gaue he material Marke bread for our redemption vpon