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tradition_n book_n holy_a scripture_n 2,474 5 6.0561 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03519 Certayne sermons, or homelies appoynted by the kynges Maiestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches, where they haue cure. Anno 1547.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. Book 1. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Church of England. 1547 (1547) STC 13640; ESTC S110029 106,479 184

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CERTAYNE Sermons or Homelies appoynted by the kynges Maiestie to be declared and redde by all persones Uicars or Curates euery Sondaye in their churches where they haue Cure Anno. 1547. ❧ A TABLE of the Sermones or Homelies conteined in this presente Uolume j. A Fruitefull exhortacion to the readyng of holye scripture ij Of the misery of all mākynde iij. Of the saluacion of all mankynde iiij Of the true and liuely faithe v. Of good woorkes vj. Of Christian loue and Charitie vij Against swearyng and periurie viij Of the declinyng from God ix An exhortacion against the feare of deathe x. An exhortacion to obedience xj Against whoredom and adultery xij Against strife and contencion FINIS THE PREFACE THE Kynges moste excellent Maiestie by the prudente aduyse of hys moste deere beloued Uncle Edwarde duke of Somersett Gouernor of hys Maiesties persone and Protector of all hys hyghnes Realmes Dominions and Subiectes with the reste of hys moste honorable Counsayll moste graciously considerynge the manifolde enormities whiche heretofore haue crept into hys graces Realme throughe the false vsurped power of the Bishoppe of Rome and the vngodly doctryne of hys adherentes not onelye vnto the greate decaye of Christian religion but also if Gods mercy were not vnto the vtter destruction of innumerable soules whiche through hypocrysy and pernicious doctrine were seduced and brought from honoryng of the alone true liuynge and eternall God vnto the worshippyng of creatures yea of stockes and stones from doyng the commaundemētes of God vnto volūtary workes and phantasyes inuēted of men from true religiō vnto Popishe Supersticion considerynge also the earnest and feruent desire of his derely beloued Subiectes to bee deliuered from all errors and supersticions and to be truely and faythefully instructed in the verye worde of God that liuely foode of mannes soule wherby they may learne vnfainedly and accordyng to the mynd of the holy Ghoste expressed in the scriptures to honor God and to serue their Kyng with all humilitie and subieccion and Godly and honestly to behaue theim selfes toward all men Agayn callynge to remembraunce that the next and moste ready waie to expell and auoide aswell all corrupte vicious and vngodly liuynge as also erronious doctrine tendyng to Supersticion and Idolatrie clerely to put away all contenciō whiche hath heretofore rysen through diuersitie of preachyng is the true settyng furthe and pure declarynge of Gods woorde whiche is the principall guyde and leader vnto all Godlinesse and vertue Finally that all Curates of what learnyng soeuer they be may haue some Godly and fruitfull lessons in a readines to reade and declare vnto their parishioners for their edifiyng instruction and cōfort hath caused a booke of Homelies to bee made and set furthe wherein is conteined certain wholsome and Godly exhortacions to moue the people to honor and worshippe almighty God and diligently to serue hym euery one accordynge to their degre state and vocacion the whiche Homelies his Maiestie commaundeth and streightely chargeth all Persones Uicares Curates and all other hauyng spirituall cure euery Sondaye in the yere at hygh Masse when the people be moste gathered together to reade and declare to their parishioners playnly and distinctely in suche ordre as they stande in the boke excepte any Sermon bee preached and then for that cause onely and for none other the reading of the sayde Homelie to be differed vnto the nexte Sondaye folowyng And when the foresayde boke of Homelies is redde ouer the Kynges Maiesties pleasure is that thesame be repeted redde agayn in suche lyke sorte as was before prescribed vnto suche tyme as his graces pleasure shall further be knowen in thys behalfe Also hys maiestie commaundeth that the sayde Ecclesiasticall persones vpon the firste holy daye fallyng in the Weke tyme of euery quarter of the yere shall reade his Iniunccions opēly and distinctely to the people in maner and fourme in thesame expressed And vpon euery other holy and Feuall daye through the yere likewise fallyng in the weke tyme they shal recite the Pater noster the Articles of our fayth and the tēne commaundementes in Englishe openly before all the people as in the sayd Iniunccions is specified that all degrees and al ages may learne to know God and to serue him accordynge to hys holy woorde AMEN ¶ A fruitfull exhortation to the readyng and knowledge of holy scripture VNto a Christian man there can be nothynge either more necessarie or profitable then the knowledge of holy scripture forasmuche as in it is conteyned Gods true word settyngefurth his glorie and also mannes duetie And there is no truth nor doctrine necessary for our iustificacion and euerlastyng saluacion but that is or may be drawen out of that fountain and welle of truth Therfore as many as be desirous to entre into the right and perfect way vnto God must applie their myndes to knowe holy scripture without the which they can neyther sufficiently knowe God and his will neither their office and duetie And as drynke is pleasaunt to them that be drie and meat to them that be hūgery so is the readyng hearyng searchyng ▪ and studiyng of holy scripture to theim that be desirous to knowe God or them selfes and to do his will And their stomackes onely do lothe and abhorre the heauenly knowledge and foode of Gods word that be so drouned in worldly vanities that they neither sauor God nor any Godlines For that is the cause why they desire suche vanities rather then the true knowledge of God As they that are sicke of an ague whatsoeuer they eate or drinke though it bee neuer so pleasaunt yet it is as bitter to theim as wormewoode not for the bitternesse of the meat but for the corrupt and bitter humor that is in their awne toungue and mouth euen so is the swetenesse of Gods woorde bitter not of it self but onely vnto them that haue their myndes corrupted with long custome of synne and loue of this world Therfore forsakyng the corrupt iudgement of carnall men whiche care not but for their carcasse let vs reuerētly heare reade holy scriptures whiche is the foode of the soule Let vs diligently searche for the welle of life in the bokes of the new and old Testament and not ronne to the stinkyng podelles of mennes tradicions deuised by mānes imaginacion for our iustificacion and saluacion For in holy scripture is fully cōteined what we ought to do and what to eschewe what to beleue what to loue and what to loke for at Gods handes at length In those bokes we shall finde the father from whome the sonne by whome the holy Ghoste in whome all thynges haue their beyng and cōseruacion and these thre persones to be but one God and one substaūce In these bokes we may learne to know our selfes how vile and miserable we be also to know God how good he is of hymself and how he cōmunicateth his goodnes vnto vs and to