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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13565 The recantations as they were seuerallie pronounced by VVylliam Tedder and Anthony Tyrrell (sometime two seminarie priests of the English Colledge in Rome and nowe by the great mercie of almightie God conuerted, vnto the profession of the Gospell of Iesus Christ) at Paules Crosse, the day and yeere as is mentioned in their seuerall tytles of theyr recantations vvith an epistle dedicatorie vnto Her Maiestie and their seuerall præfaces vnto the reader, contayning the causes that mooued them to the same. Tedder, William.; Tyrrell, Anthony, 1552-1610? Recantation or abjuration of Anthonie Tyrrell. 1588 (1588) STC 23859.3; ESTC S4937 25,091 50

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to lette you vnderstand that the chéefest cause as néere as I can coniecture was the wonderfull prouidence of almighty GOD who suffered mee to fall into the profound depth of all iniquitie that the bottomles depth of my extreame miserie might call and cry for succor and helpe vnto the bottomlesse depth of Gods infinit mercie and that out of that huge heape and masse of sinne shame and confusion wherein most miserablie I had enwrapped my selfe he might pick out matter for to set foorth the honor and glory of his holy name For such is the goodnes of almightie God that he suffereth no euill so great to be committed but that hee worketh out some great goodnes of the same eyther in shewing his iust iudgment and iustice in the punishing of sinne or his excéeding mercie and clemencie in the pardoning of sinne or his omnipotent power that he alone out of such euill causes is able to produce these notable and good effects Perhaps also he would that I should be an example vnto other men of his iustice and of his mercie of his iustice that no man presume of his owne power and strength least that he fal as miserably as I haue doone of his mercie that no man dispayre bee hys offences neuer so gréeuous and manie for were hee drowned and dead in sinne GOD is able to reuiue him againe as hee hath doone me whose name bee praysed for euermore Let me yet if you please adde another cause which more properlie concerneth my selfe which was mine owne peruerse and corrupt affection For béeing by the great mercie of almightie God safely brought out of Sodome and that mine eyes were opened that I did behold sée the manie deformities of the Church of Rome yet corrupt affection brought mee to gyue eare vnto false perswasiō and false perswasion made me most miserablie with Lots wife to looke backe againe For hauing béene brought vp all the dayes of my life in Papistrie and trained in the Schooles of the Papists whereby my knowledge was greatlie peruerted with the groundes of their Religion it could not be but that I must néedes bee infected with a great contagion and according vnto the saying of the Poet Quo semel est imbuta recens Horat. seruabit odorem testa diu With what liquor a new vessell first is seasoned of the same it will haue a taste a long time after So my vessell hauing in mine infancie euen to these late yéeres béene filled with no other liquor then that I had drunke out of the Church of Rome I was the more easily corrupted when I did fall into the companie of Papists againe And not beeing so thankfull vnto almighty GOD for the benefite of his grace as I should nor so carefull to conserue my selfe from the danger of sinne out of one sin GOD suffered me to fall into another insomuch as peccatum for the most part est causa et paena alterius peccati one sin is the cause and punishment of another and beeing fallen into an extreame obstinacie with what furious madnes I came hether vnto the Crosse it is not vnknowne howe héere I behaued my selfe there were many eye witnesses from hence I was carried vnto Newgate where I gloried in that I had doone from thence vnto the Counter in Woodstréet where I remained twentie foure wéekes close prysoner in that obstinacie that no perswasion or good entreatie could conuert me in so much as if in all that time I had béene called vnto my tryall as many of my qualitie and condition haue béene I thinke verilie that I had ended my life as obstinatlie as any of them Sed nouit Dominus qui sunt eius GOD knoweth who are his chosen and whome God hath determined to saue no man can take from him Behold I was during the time of mine imprysonment visited by the hand of God with an extreame sicknes I languished of the infirmitie vnto the verie death for so manie as did beholde me in my greate maladie thought that I shoulde neuer haue escaped with life at that time I hadde all the consolations and comforts that Papists could yéeld mee and some that shal be nameles comforted me with the Popes pardons Indulgences saying that I was a happy man and that my name should be memorable among the Papists when I were dead and gone But all these consolations at that time coulde nothing at all comfort mee I remembred what was written Maledictus homo qui confidit in homine Cursed is hee that putteth his trust in man and hath not his confidence in God alone It pleased the Lorde to touch me with remorse I lifted vp my soule vnto Iesus Christ the Sauiour of mankind I cried with the Prophet Dauid Peccaui and behold Transtulit Dominus peccatum meum God hath pardoned forgiuen me my sinne and therefore I may verie well conclude with the Prophet and say A Domino factum est istud et est mirabile in oculis nostris Thys is the Lords dooing and it is meruailous in our eyes Thus haue you hearde a breefe confession of my fault the causes of my fall and the wonderfull mercy of almightie God in raysing me vp againe May it please you with the like patience to fauoure mee in hearing of the rest and I shall dispatch it with al the breuitie that I can And first of all as touching mine errours that I haue to renownce I must confesse that I did neuer holde any in perticuler but those generall groundes of false doctrine which all Papists for the most parte doo holde which for that they are many and almoste innumerable I knowe not better where I may begin then by setting the Axe vnto the roote of the Trée that euery Tree that bringeth not foorth good fruite together with the body and braunches may bee hewen downe The Trée of all iniquitie is the Pope the roote from whence springeth all false doctrine heresie and sedition is his vsurped Primacie For whilst hee may gouerne like a God vppon earth hee forgetteth ●hat there is any God in heauen Hys pryde in thys ●oint is too intollerable for he clymeth with Lucifer aboue the Heauens insomuch as the saying of the Prophet Esay may very well bee applyed vnto hym which although it be meant of Nabuchodonozor yet is it not vnproperly applyed vnto this his Cosen Germaine the wordes are these Ascendam super altitudinem nubium et similis ero altissimo I will ascende aboue the height of the Clowdes and I will bee like vnto the most highest Who ascendeth aboue the Clowdes if not the Pope who extendeth his authoritie aboue the Heauens Dooth not hee alone canonize Saints Doth not he alone make Martyrs bee they neuer so rancke and wicked Traytors He maketh himselfe coequall with GOD in forgiuing and pardoning of sinne hee alone hath power and authority to censure the holy Scriptures for they are not Canonicall without his making they may haue no other interpretation but of
his allowing His Decrées Definitions Traditions and Ceremonies are of equall credit with the holy Scripture for wee are bounde to beléeue them vpon paine of damnation as well as the other Hee alone hath the kéeping of the Churches Treasure which as they say consisteth of the merits of Christ and of his Saints wherein hée committeth an horrible blasphemie to make the Saints coparteners with Christ in the act of our Redemption What shall néede many wordes he is the contayner of all trueth he cannot erre so that the resolution of the Papists fayth doth depende vppon the Pope alone If any Papist doo obiect and say that I say vntruelie for that they grounde their Fayth vppon the definition of the Church I woulde but aske them what Church they meane surely they meane not the vniuersall Church of Christ but the perticuler Church of Rome if that may be called a Church that is infected with so great a contagion and who I pray you is the Gouernour and Ruler of the Churche but the Pope alone As for the Generall Counsels whereof they bragge so much it is a most vaine and friuolous thing For no Counsell can be called without the Popes sommoning and no Counsell can bee of authority without his confirming so that the full resolution of any doubt in doctrine dependeth vppon the Pope alone be he neuer so vnlearned neuer so wicked a man O vnhappy Church that resteth vpon such a one From hence procéeded all my errours in doctrine whatsoeuer for whilst I grounded my fayth vppon the authoritie of the Pope I had small regarde or none at all vnto the holy Scripture I cared not although I wanted prooues for my doctrine out of the worde of GOD it was sufficient that I coulde say thus it is set downe by the Pope thus wee must beléeue and therefore the Popes Diuinitie may well be called positiue for it is set downe after his owne fashyon From hence procéeded my error of the Masse that it was a sacrifice propitiatorie for the quick and the dead From hence my error of transubstantiation that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was to he administred vnto the Laie people vnder one kind That the publique seruice of the Church was to be celebrat in an vnknowne tongue That there were fiue Sacraments more then euer Christe did institute From hence procéeced my doctrine of Purgatorie Pardons Prayer for the dead and satis-factitions From hence inuocation of Saints worshipping of Images and Pylgrimages did procéede with many other absurdities too long héere to repeate Let it suffise I beseeche you that in one worde I renownce the Pope and all his doctrine who for that hee hath mounted so high with the King of Babylon it cannot be but that the like pryde wil haue the like like fall and therefore I wyll recyte but hys fall and there I will leaue him It followeth in the Prophet Veruntamen ad infernum detraheris in profundum laci Notwithstanding thou shalt be drawne downe to hell vnto the bottome of the Lake from the which good Lorde deliuer mee and all good men And thus much of my errors that I doo renounce Hauing by Gods prouidence emptied my vessell of this vnsauorie liquor may it please you in a word to vnderstand what liquor I haue receiued in for as the Philosopher sayth Non est vacūm in rerum natura The liquor therefore that I haue receiued surely is no other then that which I haue drawne out of the pure Fountayne of Gods most holie word And I beléeue that all things necessary for mans saluation are sufficiently contained in Gods most holie word and that no man is bound to beléeue as an Article of hys Fayth any other doctrine then is expressed in holy Scripture or by necessary consequence may be deduced out of the same And because I would not séeme to be carried from hence foorth wyth anye perticuler spyrite I doo firmely assent vnto all those Articles of Religion which haue béene set downe by the common consent of the learned Clergie of thys Realme vnto the which for that I doo find them in all poynts agréeable vnto Gods most holy worde I haue most willingly subscribed and shall defend them God wylling against all the aduersaries whomsoeuer And thus much as touching my present beléefe of doctrine Nowe lastly it remaineth that I doo aske perticuler and publique forgiuenes according to the persons against whom and according to the quallitie of the offence wherein I haue offended And heere I must confesse to the greater honor of almighty God that I haue had manie and vehement temptations to hinder me from this action of repentaunce but the temptations béeing but worldly and fleshly with the sword of Gods spirit I haue cut them a sunder vnto nothing and against the shame of the worlde I haue learned to say Melius est confundi in hoc saeculo quam in futuro Better it is to be confounded in this world then in the worlde to come And against pryde and haughtines of minde the which temptations dyd much molest me I haue learned to say with Augustine Melior est in malis factis humilis confessio quam in bonis superba gloriatio Better it is when a man hath doone euil humblie to confesse his fault then proudly to vaunt of any good deed And rather I had with the penitent Publican confesse my selfe an open sinner then with the proude Pharisey to proue my selfe a lyer I doo therefore in all humilitie prostrate my selfe first before the mercy seate of the omnipotent Maiestie crauing pardon and forgiuenes from the bottom of my hart for my many sinnes and offences Secondly of the Quéenes most excellent Maiestie my gratious Lady and dread Soueraigne whose great mercie and clemencie towards mee I haue ouermuch abused First by liuing fifteene yeeres beyonde the Seas among her Maiesties professed enemies and foure yeres hauing béene of the Romaine Seminary from whence I was sent by the Pope and the Iesuites into this her Maiesties Realme Eyght yeeres I haue conuersed and raunged vppe and down within her Maiesties Dominions as a Seminary priest except some small time that I had beene in pryson to sowe the seede of sedition of false doctrine and to gaine as many of her Maiesties Subiects vnto the Pope as I coulde Yet must I protest that I coulde neuer in my life be induced to consent vnto any treacherous practise against her Maiesties person and that alwaies it gréeued mee when I did heare her Maiestie mistermed or vnreuerently spoken of at anie time I must confesse that I was priuie vnto a great part of the Treason of Ballard and Babyngton and I discouered my knowledge thereof vnto an honorable Counseller of this Realme but after that I was fallen vnto the Pope againe for the sauing of his credite and his Seminarie Priestes I denyed all againe and therfore I doo craue of her Maiesty pardon and forgiuenes againe and againe Thirdlie I aske forgiuenes of the right reuerend Father in God my Lord Archbishoppe of Canterburie his grace for that I haue abused his fatherly goodnes with deepe dyssimulation Fourthlie I most humblie craue pardon and forgiuenes of the right honorable my especiall good Lord the Lorde high Treasurer of England whose godlie expectation of me by my sinister and leude dealinges I haue ouermuch abused and yet his honor alwaies recompensed myne euill with good againe Fiftly I craue pardon and forgiuenes of this honourable worshipfull and worthy assemblie Finallie of all the world and especially of all my déere and louing Countreymen and those whom I haue anie manner of waies deceiued with anie corrupt or peruerse doctrine praying GOD to conuert them as he hath conuerted me that I with them and they with me may liue together in the Kingdome of Heauen Most humbly beséeching you right honorable worshipfull and the rest to open the bowels of your compassyon to me and that you wold not so much respect what mannner of man I haue béene as to consider what nowe by the grace of GOD I am and by the same grace shall so continue If it may please you to vouchsafe me this my first petition that euer I requested at your hands in this publique manner I shal be so carefull by Gods grace to conserue so great a benefite as I hope neuer to trouble you in the like againe It pleased GOD the last Sunday to reioyce your harts at the conuersion of a sinner which ioy that then was made did represent the ioy in Heauen I hope that he shall reioyce your harts againe to day and I pray God you may so reioyce your harts euery day vntill wee come vnto that compleat and perfect ioy where we may ioy for euer and say Haec est dies quam fecit Dominus exultemus et laetemur in ea This is the daie which the Lord hath made let vs reioyce be merrie therein God that hath enclyned my harte vnto repentaunce I hope wil also encline your harts to yéelde forgiuenes To his Maiestie béeing thrée persons in Trinitie and one in vnitie be all honour prayse glorie and dominion bothe nowe and euermore Amen God saue the Queene Haec omnia superscripta vere et non ficte ex animo et corde fuisse dicta testis est mihi Deus manuque propria sunt exarata Anthonius Tyrrell