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A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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miserable to keepe in their bosomes the testimonies of their owne condemnation as the Jewes did who kept the bookes of MOSES and of the Prophets which beare testimonie of Christ Ioh. 5. yet they beleeued not in Christ they kept them indeede to our great profite but to their own just condemnation because they neither beleeued the promises of the worde neither were terrified with the threatnings of that same booke which they kept I pray God we may be better keepers of holy writings then the reprobate Jewes were In this controuersie to defend vnwritten traditions the bookes of ancient fathers are sifted and raked and infinite paines are taken to holde vp this maine and yet dayly decaying pillar of their kingdome It is not my purpose neither to defend nor to excuse euery thing that fathers haue written Onely I say in good conscience that great injurie is done to some of them by the Papistes namely to the most ancient father IRENEVS B. of Lions Hee striueth against VALENTINVS an Heretique and conuicteth him by tradition of the Churches which were thought in his time to be Apostolicke but the heades that he proueth by tradition are the principall articles of our faith That there is one God maker of heauen and earth and that Christ was borne of a virgin and suffered under Pontius Pslate and rose againe and was receiued into the brightnesse of glory and that hee shall come againe to saue such as are to be saued and to judge such as are to be judged c And such sort of traditions as are altogether agreable to holy Scriptures we contrauert not vpon Secondly IRENEVS had a conflict with Heretiques who regarded not scripture but saide they were ambiguous and doubtsome had no authority that tradition was more ancient then scripture and therefore necessitie compelled IRENEVS to fight against him with his owne weapons as PAVL did against the Athenians with testimonies of Poets Acts 17. Iren. lib. 3. cap. 2. cap. 3. Yet was it not IRENEVS purpose to prooue any thing repugnant to scripture The traditions which they reade of in other fathers if any be bound to keepe them it is they themselues who leane vnto them as a necessarie supplement of the want that is in scripture but they themselues will not be bound to the obseruation of them all but haue let many of them goe out of vse such as praying betweene Easter and Whitsonday not vpon their knees but standing on their feete to put them in remembrance of Christes resurrection such like three dippings in water whereof wee spake in the heade of antiquitie And after Baptisme the taste of a temper of milke and honie to signifie their spirituall infancie and many other traditions they haue suffcred to euanish and go out of vse so that we are the lesse bound to them To drawe vnto an ende of this treatise It may be demanded Was not tradition at some time in honourable regard in the house of God and how it commeth to passe that now in the last age of the world we wil bring al traditions vnto the balance of the written word counting light all these traditions that are not agreable to the Scriptures For answere vnto this question we shall distinguish the worlde into three ages and speake of the force of tradition in euery age Godwilling In the first age of the world from ADAM to the flood of NOE tradition had the greater place because the Worde ' of God was not as yet written but God spake by Oracles to ADAM and that which the Lorde spake to him hee deliuered it by faithfull tradition to his postēritie Nowe in this first age it cannot be denied but tradition had great place and to the ende the faith of the posteritie should not leane vpon the naked report of their fathers as vpon an vncertaine ground it pleasedGod to bestow vpō these fathers of the first age two great priuiledges First they were indued with the spirite of prophecie for ADAM prophecied of secret things that were done when hee was sleeping Gen. 2 ver 23 And HENOCH the seuinth from ADAM prophecied in the first age of the world of things that are to be done in the last age of the world Epist. Iud ver 14. 15. And LAMECH prophecied of his sonne NOAH Gen. 5. Beside this God bestowed vpon these fathers long life so that ADAM liued vntill he deliuered the Oracle of God spoken vnto him to HENOCH and HENOCH liued till he deliuered the same to LAMECH and LAMECH to NOE so that NOE needed not to bee in doubte whether the reporte of his fathers concerning the Oracle spoken to ADAM was true or not because it was conueied to him by the handes of faithfull witnesses of vnsuspect credite yea holie Prophets deliuered the holie Oracle of GOD to NOE and holie Prophct of GOD also as they were In the second age of the world it pleased God to register his blessed will in write in the dayes of MOSES and then tradition was nothing else but a page and handmaide to the written worde of God For true it is that God commanded fathers to tell their posteritie the wonderful works of God in slaying the first borne of Egypt and sparing the first borne of the I ewes Exod. 13. ver 8. yet this tradition of fathers to their children was agreable to the word of God written by MOSES in so far that the posteritie beleeued not the writings of MOSES because they were agreable to the report of their fathers but rather the reporte of their fathers because it was agreable to the worde of God written by MOSES and so tradition in this age was a page and handmaide to the written worde of God neither doe wee reade after the worde was written that God commanded fathers to tell anything to their children that was not expresly contained in the written word of God In the last age of the world we should be more attentiuely addicted to the written worde and lesse to tradition in regard the Apostles were moued to put the summe of their most wholesome doctrine in write because their doctrine was not rightly reported euen by those who heard the Apostles teach as said is And if the writing of the summe of their wholesome doctrine was a remedie deuised by the Apostles themselues against false traditions wrong reports of Apostolicke doctrine what injurie doe we to the Romaine Church when we examine al their traditions by the rule of the writtē word that which is not agreable to the written word wee reject it as a doctrine neither catholicke nor Apostolicke because that it is found light when it is weighed in the just balance of the written word of God Now consider howe damnable an inclination is in this our corrupt nature When God reueiled his blessed will by tradition men were not attentiue to it but preferred their lust vnto the will of God reueiled by tradition for the sonnes of
of images into cities they emptied cities of the feare of GOD and filled them with errour If a short description of some vanitie of images could exonere men from the blame of Idolatrie then might the Gentiles also be freed from the vile imputation of Idolatrie The Idolatrie of the Jewes fraughted not onely with vanitie but also with vnthankfulnesse and a contempt of the lawe of GOD proclaimed from mount Sinai doth leade vs vnto a deeper consideration of the vilenesse of Idolatrie The golden Calfe which they worshipped in the wildernesse and the staire of Remphan declare that the nature of man is so prone and bent to Idolatrie that we are bent to follow the sinnes of those people who hath beene most hatefull enemies vnto vs. The Aegyptians were grieuous oppressors of GODS people neuerthelesse the Iewes followed their Idolatrie in worshipping the Calfe On the other part the Moabites and Ammanites hired Balaam to curse them Notwithstanding of all this they tooke vp in the wilnernesse the tabernacle of Moloch and the starre of Rempham figures which they made to worship them It is an vnsupportable mischiefe and a remeadilesse maladie lurking in our corrupt nature when we are bent to follow the sinnes of people who hate vs and wishes all kinde of harme to vs both in soule and body so that learned men vpon great considerations had called Idolatrie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the madde bentnesse vpon Idoles When the Apostle PAVL is making a particulare enumeration of the sinnes which the Iewes committed in the wildernesse namely Idolatrie fornication tempting of Christ and murmuring remember that Idolatrie is set in the first place as the very fountaine of all apostacie and defection from GOD. For like as in a matrimoniall contract betwixt man and woman when the principall heade of the contract is broken and a woman hath giuen her affection and body to anotherman all the rest of the points of the contract which are subordinate to this will easily be dissolued euen so if Idolatrie once take place in our heartes so that wee giue the glory of God to creatures all other defection will easily ensue and follow Therefore in the dayes of Iosua when the people were zealous for the glory of God they could not abide any kinde of appearance of defection from the true worship of God but alas it fareth with zeale as it doth with a teare that is soone dried vp so doth the zeale to the glory of God hastely euanish from amongst the children of men Moreouer it is diligently to be marked that the Lord is very strict and precise in the matter of his worshipping not onely forbidding to worship the gods of the Canaanites but also forbidding to worship the true God after the forme of the●… bad worshipping but only according to the rule of his own blessed Commandement And for this cause the ten Tribes of Israel because they worshipped not God in Ierusalem but offered sacrifices vpon the altars of Bethel Gilgal and B●…sheba they are counted of God as prophane Aethiopians people who were strangers from the couenant of God Therefore in the matter of diuine worship let these two rules continually be set before our eyes First to worshippe God alanerly and not his creatures secondly to worshippe him according to the r●…le of his owne Commandement alanerly Finally amongst the rest of the vnhappie manners of the nation of the Jewes it is to be noted that when outward Idolatrie seemed to bee forsaken amongst them so that they were content rather to sacrifice their liues than to suffer the Images of the Romane Emperours to bee set vp in their Temple At this same time I say they were defiled with inward Idolatrie which is moste abominable of all other Idolatries For the Idole of all Idoles is this when a man maketh an Idole of himselfe preferring himselfe to God his own will to the Cōmandement of God his owne wisdome to the misdome of God manisested to the world by his owne deare Sonne Iesus Christ but so it is that the nation of the Iewes at that same time when they fo sooke the worshipping of Idoles made with mens handes they forsooke also the Shepheard of their soules euen the true MESSIAS preferred a murtherer to him VVhereof this con●…lusion may b●…e iustly inferred that Idolatrie is not rightly fortaken except all idoles both outward and inward be laid aside Many w●…rnings the people of the Iewes gote to beware of Idolat●…ie yea the LORD threatned them that incace they would prouoke the LORD to anger by thinges that were not Gods 〈◊〉 LORD also would prouoke them to ange●… by a people that was not a people But when no warning could auaile the LORD cast them off into a reprobate minde and receiued the G●…ntiles to be his peculiar people But at our very first entrie we haue this warning to be humble and obedient lest hee who spared not the naturall branches how much lesse will hee spare vs if we make defection In the last head I haue to intreat concerning the Images of the Romane Church which in the sixt Centurie were receiued into places of adoration yea and a litle after were adored and worshipped finally the adoration of Images gote allowance in generall Councills Now seeing I am not intreating of Images made for ornament or for memorie of ciuile actions but onely of adoration and the in-bringing of them into places of adoration Let vs remember that the Apostles were faithfull dispensators of those things which they receiued from CHRIST whether it was for the feeding of the bodies or of the soules of CHRISTS people when they receiued barlie loaues blessed by CHRISTS mouth and miraculously multiplied they distributed vnto the people that same bread and none other which they receiued out of Christs hands In like maner they were faithfull dispensato●…s of that spirituall food which they receiued from CHRIST to feed the soules of his people vnto eternall life Now we neuer read that CHRIST taught his Apostles by pictures images in the knowledge of his eternall trueth neither that the Apostles taught any others to know GOD and to follow the vertuous footsteps of the Saintes by presenting dum be images vnto their sight therefore this forme of teaching smelleth of noueltie and came not from CHRIST and his Apostles for the Apostles receiued commandement from CHRIST to preach his worde and to minister his S●…cramentes but not to present dumbe images to the sight of the people iustly called by the Prophet HABACCVK doctors of lies Secondly places of holy Scripture both in the Olde and New Testament doe so manisestly damne adoration of images that the moste obstinate desenders of worshipping of Images were compelled to leaue Scripture and take them to the authoritie of vnwritten traditions and Damascene expresly calleth the worshipping of images 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hee forgetteth not to remember the brasen Serpent and the Cherubims as the Papists of our dayes doe continually yet his conscience compelled him to acknowledge that these similitudes were made for signification and not for imitation or adoration els how could he flie from Scripture to
manifested to the world by his owne deare Sonne Iesus Christ but so it is that the nation of the Iewes at that same time when they forsooke the worshipping of Idoles made with mens handes they forsooke also the Shepheard of their soules euen the true MESSIAS pr●…ferred a murtherer to him VVhereof this conclusion may b●…e iustly inferted that Idolatrie is not rightly forsaken except all idoles both outward and inward be laid aside Many w●…rnings the people of the Iewes gote to beware of Idolat ie yea the LORD threatned them that incace they would prouo●…e the LORD to anger by thinges that were not Gods the LORD also would prouoke them to anger by a people that was not a people But when no warning could auaile the LORD cast them off into a reprobate minde and receiued the Gentiles to be his peculiar people But at our very first entrie we haue this warning to be humble and obedient lest hee who spared not the naturall branches how much lesse will hee spare vs if we make defection In the last head I haue to intreat concerning the Images of the Romane Church which in the sixt Centurie were receiued into places of adoration yea and a litle after were adored and worshipped finally the adoration of Images gote allowance in generall Councills Now seeing I am not intreating of Images made for ornament or for memorie of ciuile actions but onely of adoration and the in-bringing of them into places of adoration Let vs remember that the Apostles were faithfull dispensators of those things which they receiued from CHRIST whether it was for the feeding of the bodies or of the soules of CHRISTS people when they receiued barlie loaues blessed by CHRISTS mouth and miraculously multiplied they distributed vnto the people that same bread and none other which they receiued out of Christs hands In like maner they were faithfull dispensato●…s of that spirituall food which they receiued from CHRIST to feed the soules of his people vnto eternall life Now we neuer read that CHRIST taught his Apostles by pictures images in the knowledge of his eternall trueth neither that the Apostles taught any others to know GOD and to follow the vertuous footsteps of the Saintes by presenting dum be images vnto their sight therefore this forme of teaching smelle●…h of noueltie and came not from CHRIST and his Apostles for the Apostles receiued commandement from CHRIST to preach his worde and to minister his Sacramentes but not to present dumbe images to the sight of the people iustly called by the Prophet HABACCVK doctors of lies Secondly places of holy Scripture both in the Olde and New Testament doe so manifestly damne adoration of images that the moste obstinate defenders of worshipping of Images were compelled to leaue Scripture and take them to the authoritie of vnwritten traditions and Damascene expresly calleth the worshipping of images 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hee forgetteth not to remember the brasen Serpent and the Cherubims as the Papists of our dayes doe continually yet his conscience compelled him to acknowledge that these similitudes were made for signification and not for imitation or adoration els how could he flie from Scripture to the naked warrant of vnwritten tradition I knowe the lie is no lesse repugnant to it selfe than it is vnto the trueth and all the shifting businesse of Damascene to shroud the adoration of images vnder some testimonies of Scripture are vndone by that plaine confession that it is an vnwritten tradition els hee would haue saide it was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is both a written and vnwritten tradition The fables of Damascene whe●…eby h●…e would prooue the adoration of images are in absurditie beyond the fabils of Poets euen in their metamorphosis For who can abide to read the hunting of Placidas and the speaking of the beast that was hunted with a crosse betwixt his hornes shining in brightnesse farre beyond the splendor of the Sunne with such vanities and lies must the infirmitie of a false doctrine be supported But Iohn Patriarch of I●…rusalem who writteth Damascenes life hee writ●…th that Damascens hande was cut off by the Prince of the Saracens and was miracu●…sly restored healed againe by inuocation of the image of the Virgine MARIE It is not likely that Damascene who writeth the miracle of Placidas hunting for confirmation of worshipping of im●…ges that hee could haue pretermitted so great a miracle wrought for the restitution of a member of his owne body obte●…ed by worshipping of an image if it had beene a miracle wrought indeed But now to leaue Damascene the Patriarch of Ierusalem the writer of the historie of Damascenes life who hath added vnto the multiplied number of Damascenes lies an heape laid aboue to the ende that his 3. orations pro Imaginibus may be like vnto a measure full ouerrunning And to conuert me to councils wherein as in victuall houses and in barnes all store of Arguments are laide vp that can serue for the apparent allowance of Images I superside at this time to speake much of the Council gathered by Constantius Copronymus at Constantinople An. 755. whereinto 338. bishoppes vtterly damned the adoration of Images and the setting of them vp in places where GOD was worshipped and that for three principall causes First because the making and bowing downe to Images is expresly forbiden in Scripture namely in the 2. Commandement of the Decalogue Secondly because the picturing of CHRIST who is both God and man and representing of him by a similitude is a diuiding of his two natures so farre as in vs lieth because his diuine nature cannot be pictured and his humane narure should not be separated from his diuine nature Thirdly because the writings of holy and ancient farhers damned the worshipping of Images such as Epiphanius Nazianzenus Chrysostomus Athanasius Amphilochius Theodorus bishop of Ancyra and Eusebius Pamphili whose graue sentences all damning adoration of Images are most worthie to be read In the rest of this Treatise I shall set downe Godwilling two opposite Councills the one allowing the adoration of Images the other disallowing it The second Councill of Nice vnder the Empresse Irene ann 789. gaue full allowance to the adoration of Images out of Asia and Graecia and some other parts with the ambassadours of Adrian bishop of Rome were assembled 350. bishoppes On the other part vnder the reigne of Carolus Magnus Emperour of the VVest ann 794. a great Councill was assembled at Francford de maine wherein the adoration of Images was vtterly disallowed and the arguments alleadged in the second Councill of Nice for adoration of Images are clearely refuted in presence of Charles King of France and Emperour of the VVest and Theophilactus and Stephanus ambassadours of the bishoppe of Rome In these two opposite Councills let the iudicious Reader marke the great prouidence of GOD who hath appointed that there should bee contradiction to the lying
mariage and affirmed that PAVI gaue libertie to widowes to marie because hee knewe the will of God but onely in a part August Index h●…eres Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 14 16. I purposely passe ouer that rable of obscure Heretiques whome I compared in the treatise of heresies to abortiue births such as Opbitae Caiani Sethiani and such like of whom notwithstanding EPIPHANIVS vouchsafeth to writ at lēgth no doubt to manifest the corruption of mans nature stouping sometimes so basely that not onely they hearken to the counsel of the old serpent the deuil but also they wor ship the very instrument of the Deuil viz. the serpent as these Ophitae did Againe some Heretiques magnified CAIN and called him their father And others gaue to SETH the honour due to Christ. So it commeth to passe that men destitute of the grace of God that commeth from aboue are like vnto drunkards staggering on the right hande and on the left hande and falling on their faces and beating out their owne braines Sometimes they extoll wicked men like vnto CAIN and fall at the left hande at other times they praise good men like vnto SETH with excessiue prayses with derogation of the glory of Christ and fall at the right hand And at sometimes are so benummed that they spare not to set the very deuill and his instruments in the chaire of God and fall like drunken fooles on their faces and knocke out their owne braines Let no man maruell wherefore the names of AQVILA a man of Pontus and THEODOSION of Ephesus are not reckened in the rolle of Heretiques in this age True it is that they once professed the faith of Christ made defection againe but this defection made not a diuision into the Church which is the body of Christe because they joyned themselues to the vnbeleeuing Iewes who vtterly denied the diuinitie of Christ and therefore of Christians became infidels rather then Heretiques Like as no man calleth the Emperour IVLIAN an Heretique but an apostate so AQVILA and THEODOSION were notable apostats from the faith of Christ. Howe they laboured to peruert by sinistrous translations of places of Scripture giuing cleare testimonie to Christ who was borne of a virgin EVSEBIVS declareth lib. 5. cap. 8. The translation of the Septuagints 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Behold a virgin shall conceiue Isa. 7. was translated by them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 behold a young woman shall conceiue But this bad translation of Apostat christians and Proselites of the Iewes so well liked of the Iewish nation could neuer take place in the Church of Christ because the Prophet ISAIAH in that chapter is speaking of a miraculous signe which God will giue vnto his people to confirme their faith such as is the birth of a maide which indeede is a mitaculous worke but the birth of a young woman clad with an husband is no miracle Of Scripture and Tradition IN the first Centurie PAPIAS deceiued by tradition sell into the errour of the Chiliasts In the second Centurie CLEMENS ALEXANDRINVS stumbling at the same stone fell into diuerse errours as hath bene alreadie spoken This presenteth vnto vs manifest occasion to speake of the certaintie of Scripture and the vncertaintie of tradition Scripture dited by diuine inspiration as the Apostle speaketh of it 2. Tim 3. is such a sacred and holy thing that to doubt of the perfection puritie vtilitie and operatiue vertue of it is notable blasphemie and a manifest contradiction to the spirit of God speaking by his seruant DAVID Ps. 19. from the 7. verse to the 11. verse So that these barking dogges who speake vnreuerently of the Scripture are more worthy of a whip wherewith dogs are driuen out of Churches then of an answere This is the incorruptible seede wherby we are begotten to be Gods children 1 Pet. 1. the sincere milke whereby we are nourished in Gods house 1 Pet. 2. this is the wine and milke that God hath giuen vs without money Isa. 55. ver 1 wine fine and purified Isa. 25. ver 6. This is a mirrour wherein we see the glorious image of Christ into the which we should be transformed 2 Cor. 3. ver 18. This is a lanterne to our feet a light to our pathes Psal. 119. ver 105. and a very diademe to the heade of the woman that trauaileth in birth to bring forth children to God Apoc. 12. The holy Scriptures are like vnto the authour of holy Scriptures of whome MOSES saith that God is fearefull in praises Exod 15. ver 11 When wee prayse a mortall man it is to be feared lest wee giue too much honour vnto him but when wee praise the immortall God it is to bee feared lest wee holde backe a part of his due honour And truely the worde of God in this point is like vnto God himselfe When a man entreth into a commendation of the Scriptures of God he hath nothing to feare but this one thing that he speake not so reuerently of it as becommeth him to doe It is the witnesse of Christ Iohn 5. It is the candle of God shining in a darke place 2. Pet 1. It is the sword that the spirit furnisheth vs to fight against spiritual wickednesse Ephes. 6. ver 17. In a word let vs be wise like men who finde precious stones they goe to the Lapidars to trie the value vertue of the stones that are found for euery man hath not skill to judge of such precious things so let vs consider diligently what the Prophets and Apostles the very pen-men of the holy Ghoste haue spoken anent the written Worde of God and wee shall finde it a pearle of infinite value Matt. 13. This volume of the booke of the Worde is one of the two principall bookes wherein wee learne to knowe God as the Prophet declareth Psal. 19. In the booke of the workes we know the power diuinitie of God Rom. 1. but in the booke of the written worde of God we know the will of God and his fauour toward vs in Christ lesus and therfore the Prophet saith that the statutes of the Lord rejoyce the heart Psal. 19 ver 8. Satan knowing what profitc commeth to men by joyning these two volumes together hath laboured to separat them to the ende that men seeing the beautie of the creature should worship it in stead of the Creator And like as a ship that is spoiled of a prudent Pilot or shipmaster it is drowned in the sea euen so the worde of God when it directeth not the knowledge that men haue by the looking vpon the creature then men mal e shipwracke of their saluation and worshippe the creature in place of God the Creator of all things Another artifice of Satan is to separat the word and the Spirit which God hath joyned together as two vnseparable meanes to set vp the Kingdome of God in our hearts as the Prophet ISAIAS saith And I will make this
no mention of the fornication of Athanasius of the hande of Arsenius of the Table Cuppe and bookes aboue mentioned but they forged newe accusations against him whereunto the Emp. gaue too hastie credite and banished Athanasius to Triere Immediately after the Councill of Tyrus many bishops were assembled at Hierusalem for the dedication of the Temple which the Emp. Constantine had builded at the place of the LORDS sepulchre Anent the Councill of Antiochia wherein the Arrians deposed Eustatius and the Councill of Arles wherein Cecilianus was absolued from the accusation of the Donatists no further discourse is needefull then is conteined in the historie of the liues of these two Bishops Gangra is a towne of Paphlagonia In this towne were assembled certaine Fathers to the number of 16. about the yeere of our LORD 324. The occasion of their meeting was the Heretique Eustatius who admiring the Monasticke life or as others affirme fauouring the Heresie of Encratitae and the Manicheans he spake against Marriage against eating of fl●…sh he damned the publicke Congregations of GODS people in Temples and said a man could not be saued except he forsooke all his poss●…ssions and renounced the wo●…lde after the forme of monkish doing These opinions were damned in the Councill of Gangra The subscriptions of the Fathers of this Councill after their Canons are worthie to be remarked These things say they haue we subscribed not vituperating them who according to Scripture chooseth vnto themselues an holy purpose of a continent life but them onely who abuseth the purpose of their minde to pride extolling themselues against the simpler sort Yea and damne and cut off all those who contrary to Scripture and Eccl●…siasticall rules bring in new Commandements But we admire humble Virginity and wee approue continencie that is vndertaken with chastity and Religion And wee embrace the renounciation of seculare businesse with humilitie And we honour the chast band of Mariage And we despise not riches joined with righteousnesse and good workes And we commend a simple and cou●…se apparrell used for couering the body without Hypocrisie Likewise wee reject loos and dissolute g●…rments And we honour the houses of GOD and assemblies that are in them as holy and profitable Not debarring men from exercises of pietie in their owne priuate houses But places builded in the name of the LORD wee honour and Cong●…egations assembled in the same places for the common utilitie we approue And good workes which are done to poore brethren euen aboue mens habilitie according to the Ecclesiasticall traditions we blesse them And we wish all things to be celebrated in the Church according to holy Scriptures and the ordinances of the Apostles In the time of the reigne of Constantine in Eliberis a towne of Spaine were assembled 19. Bishops and of preaching Elders 36. The ende of their meeting was to reforme horrible abuses both in Religion and maners which in time of the tenne Persecutions had preuailed in Spaine And nowe in time of peace such enormities and festered maners co●…lde hard●…ly bee amended Manie Ecclesiasticall Canons were made in this Synode to the number of 81. Whereof wee shall rehearse but a fewe and such as clearely pointeth out the principall ende of their meeting They ordained that Heathnicke sacrificing Priests called of olde Flamines if they were content to absteine from sacrificing to Idoles and to learne the groundes of Christian R●…ligion after three yeeres repentance they shoulde bee admitted to baptisme Likewise they ordained that Christian Virgines shoulde not bee giuen in marriage to Pagans lest in the flou●…e of their youth they should bee entangled with spirituall whoredome In like maner that Bishops should receiue no rewarde from men that did not communicate with the Church They ordained that nothing that is worshipped shoulde be pictured on the wall And that in priuate houses no Idoles should be founde And incase the maisters of houses were afraide of the violence of their s●…ruantes at least they should keepe themselues pure and cleane which if they did not they shoulde bee counted strangers from the fellowship of the Church And that if any man happen to bee slaine in the action of breaking downe images his name shall not bee enrolled in the catalogue of Martyres because it is not written in the history of the Gospell that the Apostles used any such forme of reformation whereby they sig●…isie that by wholsome doctrine images should be castē out of the hearts of mē rather then broken with popular violence with the tumultuary attempts of priuate men Any judicious man may perceiue by these Canons both the time when and the cause wherefore this Council was assembled They who count the first Councill of Carthage to bee that Councill whereinto Cyprian with aduise of many other bishops of Numidia Lybia and other partes of Africke ordained men who were baptized by Heretiques to bee rebaptized againe they commit a great ouer-sight to recken the first Councill of Carthage to bee holden vnder the reigne of Constantine whereas it is certainely knowne that Cyprian was martyred in the dayes of Valeriane the eight persecuting Emperour But the first Councill of Carthage that was kept in CONSTANTINES dayes was that Councill whereinto the Donatistes condemned Caecil●…anus Bishop of Carthage whose innocencie afterwarde was tryed by manie Iudges In it there was no matter of great importance concluded and therefore I ouer-passe it with few wordes as an assemblie of li●…tle account All these Councils aboue mentioned were assembled in the dayes of CONSTANTINE the Great Now followeth Councils gathered in the dayes of his sonnes The cause pretended for the gathering of the Councill of A●…t ochi●… in the dayes of Constantius the sonne of Constantine was the dedication of the Church of Antiochia which albeit C●…nstantine had builded yet fiue yeeres after his death and in the seuenteenth yeere after the foundation of this Temple was laide CONSTANTIUS his sonne finished and perfected the worke And vnder pretence of dedication of this Temple as saide is this assemblie of Antiochia was gathered ANNO 344. but indeede of purpose to supplant the true Faith To this Assemblie resorted manie Bishops to the number of 90. But Maximus Bishop of HIERUSALEM and ●…ulius Bish●…p of Rome neither came they to the Councill neither sent they any me●…enger in their name fearing as the trueth was that they were gathered for euill and ●…ot for good At this time Placitus the s●…ccessour of Euphronius gou●…rned Antiochia Now when they were met together many accus●…tions were heaped vp against Athanasius First that hee had accepted his place againe without aduise of other Bishops Secondlie because at the time of his r●…turning backe againe to ALEXANDRIA there fell out great commotion amongst the people and some were slaine others were contumeliouslie beaten and violently drawne before justice seates Mention also was made of the decrete of the Councill of Tyrus against
yeere of Tiberius The Senat of Rome refuseth to acknowledge the diuinitie of Christ. Pilat killeth himselfe Caius would be counted a god The Iewes abhorred the vpsetting of the image of Caius in their Temple The petition of Agrippa The bloodie letter of Caius written to Petronius his Deputie The hypocrisie of Agrippa Contention betweene the Iewes and Grecians who dwelt at Alexandria New Iupiter in worse case then old Iupiter The famine foretold by Agabus The Council of Jerusalem ANNO 48. Romaine deputies The ten persecuting Emperours wrestled against God The first persecution ANNO Chr. 65 The martyrdome of Peter Paul Romain Deputies Contention betweene Agrippa and the Iewes The martyrdom of Iames surnamed Iustus The ground of the warre betweene the Iewes and the Romanes Foreranning t●…kens of the destruction of Ierusalem The destruction of Ierusalem ANNO Chr. 71. The flood of Noe the ouerthrow of Sodome and destruction of Ierusalem types of the great iudgement to come The second persecution AN. Chr. 96. The banishment of the Apostle John Domitian afraide by rumors of the Kingdome of Christ. Apostles Euangelists The true successours of the Apostles Bishops of Rome Linus Ignatius Papias Heretiques Simon Magus Menander Ebion Cerinthus Nicolaitans●… A Treatise of antiquitie Antiquitie of veritie Antiquitie of errour Antiquitie of custome Where veritie is to be ●…ound The power of the veritie The reue rence that should be c●…ried to the veritie The more the veritie is despised in the world the more ardently it should be loued Antiquitie is no honoar to errour Errour in religion an execrable thing Errour repugneth to itselfe Both ancient and late errours magnifie creatures With the diminution of the glory of the Creator The trueth is not to be judged by outward appearance Antiquitie of custome differeth from antiquitie of commandement How ancient truth may be discerned from ancient lies Foure counterfaite masks of antiquitie in Poperie Wicked men reade holy Scripture of intention to gainesay the trueth of God † Or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Confident speaking without a sure ground is not to be regarded What the word heresie doth signifie The groun●… of heresie Similitude●… Pride accompanying ignorance The propagation of her●…sie Heresie strengthened by the arme of manalanerly The curse of God vpon Heretiques heresies and places of their meetings How Heretiques should be dealt with by the Pastours HAV the magistrate should deale with Heretiques Similitude How the people should deale with Heretiques The word foundation taken properly 〈◊〉 o●…ly to Christ. Take heede to the demonstrations of God and beware of Satans demonstrations The similttude of a stone frequently vsedin Scripture The secon●… comfort An wholsom admonition In what sense the doctrine of the Prophets c. is called the foundation ●…imilitude Faith is called afoundation The offices of Christ declare that he is a true foundation Christ is a liuing f●…undation Similitude The contempt of men cannot impaire the glory of Christ. Similitude We drawe nere to Christ by faith Of Emporours The thirde persecution ANNO Chr. 108 The martyrdome of Simon the son of Cleopas The letter of Plinie 2. written to Traian Gregorie●… prayed for the soule of Traian Barcochebas a false prophet seduced the nation of the lewes Adrianus his intention to builde a Church for the honour of Christ. The fourth persecution ANN. Ch. 168. The martyrdome of Polycarpus and Iustinus Slanderous speeches against Christians The Romain armie supported by the prayers of the Christians Contrarie l●…wes Bishops of Rome Martyre M●…tyre Ma●…tyre Martyre The rashnes of Victor Of other Doctours and Preach●… Agrippas Castor Hegesippus Melito Iustinus Martyr Polycarpus Ireneus Clemens Alexandrinus Of Heretiques Gnostici Valentinu●… Marcus Cerdon Marcion Tatianus Encratitae Montanus Cataphryges Aquila and Theodosion rath●…r Apostatstben Heretiques Sacred scripture cannot be sufficiently commended Similitude It is perillous to separat the booke of the worde from the booke of the workes Similitude The spirit the word are not to be separated The Word of God is to bee found in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles The Prophets and Apostl●…s added nothing to Moses Similitude Three inturies done to the Written Word by reueiencing of traditions False accusations of holy Scripture Vnsufficiencie Difficultie Perill Things necessarte are to be kept al-beit they be abused Similitude Why Heretiques doe hate the Scripture Similitude The care of Christians of olde to keepe the scripture from burning A remarkable speech of an old honorable Lady Scriptures belong to the sheepe of Christ as their proper treasure Reformation of religion made according to the Written word The cause wherfore the Apostles put in write the summe of their doctrin Be not deceiued with the generalitie of the word tradition Similitude The true meaning of the words of Paul 2. Thess. 2. 15. Constancie differeth frō wilfulnesse The testimome of Ireneus abused Papists will not binde themselues in all points to old traditions The value of tradition in the f●… age In the Second age In the last age The word therefore to be considered 2. Thess. 2. ver 15. Christ doth great honour to the Scriptures Defection in the visible Chu●…ch no new thing Differences betweene the ancient fathers and Papists of our time con cerningmeats and mariage The Council of Ancyra Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria a maried man The Council of Gangra The probibition of meats and mariage is an apostasie from the faub. Our seruice to God should be a reasonable seruice The Popish church speak lies in hypocrisie rather then old Heretiques What is meant by a cons●…ence seared with an hote yron Forbidding and bidd●…ng wordes of authoritie We ought to hearken vnto the voyce that commeth downe from heauen Similitude Great arrogancie in prohibition of meates Arrogancie mixed with foolishnesse Similitude Similitude The last age of the worlde more senslesse then the first Similitude Both blasphemie and hypocrisie in the matter of mariage and meats is condemned by the Apostle The Papistes more subtle ●…en the Manicheis were The grace of thanksgiuing witnesseth that we enjoy both the gift and the giuer We oug●…t 〈◊〉 be ruled by Gods word i●… all things both corporat spirisuali The conscience is subject to the yocke of God The cause wherefore the succession of Romam Bishops was magnified of old The succession of Dauid The succession of Aaron The succession of the Prophets The succession of the Apostles The alledged succession of the Romaine Church spotted with heresie schisme and idolatry The heresie of the Collyridians renued increased by the chaire of Rome Eugenius 4. B. of Rome a notable schismatick The chaire of Rome defiled with idolatrie Lkeerrours haue like grounds The Romain church like to the successours of Aaron What inconuenients follow if the promise made to the Apos●…les successors be absolute The Apostles had calling g●…es prerogatiues extraordinarie The fist persecution ANN. Ch. 205. Leonides the father of Origen Alexander fellow laboure●… with Na●…cislus Rhais a mar tyre hrunt before she
my couenant With you saith the Lord my Spirit which is vpon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede saith the Lord from henceforth and for euer Isa. 59. ver 21 But the Anabaptists in our dayes brag of the reuelations of the spirit which reuelations notwithstanding agree not with the written word of God and therfore it is certaine that their reuelations are but fantasies and toyes of brain-sicke men This written word of God is to be read in the bookes of MOSES and the Prophets of whome Christ said Search the Scriptures for they beare testimonie of me Ioh. 5. And in the bookes written by the Apostles and Euangelists whome Christ commanded to tarie at Jerusalem vntill they were endued with power from aboue Actes 1. ver 8. This power wherewith they were endued from aboue was double First a power to knowe the sense and meaning of the Scriptures of God Secondly power to vtter boldly and couragiously in all languages and to all nations the trueth which they knewe This 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 distinguisheth the writings of the Prophets and Apostles from all other writings as THEODORETVS prudently hath noted de principio Serm. 2. The will of God saith hee is not to be sought in the bookes of PLATO who like as he knewe litle in matters concerning God so likewise hee was timorous and durst not vtter vnto the worlde boldly that litle sponke of knowledge which he had Hee knew there was onely one God but in his letters written to DIONYSIVS if they were serious 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was the beginning of the letter th●…t is o●…e God but if the letter was not serious nor dited frō the ●…ound of his heart then the beginning of the letter was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is pluralitie of gods Who can giue vndoubted credite in maters pertaining to God to such men as know but a litle and the litle thing that they know they dare not presume to tell it to others But the Apostles were indued with strength from aboue they were taught by the Spirit of Christ in al trueth Iohn 16. they were not dashed with feare of the countenances of men Acts 4. but couragiously preached the truth of God to the great admiration of their hatefull aduersaries The word of God written by MOSES was so perfitly written that it was not lawfull to adde any thing vnto it nor to paire any thing from it Deut. 4. 12. Neither did the Prophets or Apostles adde any thing vnto the writings of MOSES but they were faithfull interpreters of MOSES bookes and vttered that same thing more clearely which was somewhat darkly shadowed into the ceremonies of the Law For like as a marchant man who hath fine cloth rolled vp in his shop if he shall lay it out in breadth and length vpon a table it remaineth the selfe same cloth it was before but it is better seene and knowne then it was before euen so the Apostles haue vttered the mysteries of the Kingdome of God more clearely then MOSES did but they haue said no more anent the saluation of man then MOSES saide before them This pure and perfite word of God should not be mixed with humane traditions for by this mixture three injuries are done to the written worde of God First by this meane the reuerence due vnto the written worde of God is impared and diminished Secondly traditions by time are equalled vnto the written worde of God and thirdly traditions are preferred vnto the written word of God And this beeing the last period whereunto the reuerence of humaine traditions tendeth to make the writ●…n commandementes of God of none effect by their traditions as Christ clearely testifieth Mat. 15 ver 6. humane traditions are the lesse to bee regarded of all true hearted Christians to the end the written word of God may haue the owne due honour and reuerence Many false imputations against sacred Scriptures are forged by Papistes to transport the hearts of people from the perfite reuerence of scripture calling it imperfite vnsufficient and that it is obscure and that it is perillous to Laicke people to reade it lest they fall into errour The first accusation of Scripture is the vnsufficiencie of it The Bishop of Enereux that blasphemous man was bold to write a booke of the vnsufficiencie of Scripture and the greatest argument hee vseth if it were granted yet prooueth it not his purpose for he thinketh that wee haue not sufficiently by Scripture conuicted the Anabaptists who deny that children should be baptized till they be of perfite yeeres to giue a confession of their owne faith Wee suppone that all this were true yet it prooueth not vnsufficiencie in scripture but rather insufficiencie in vs to whome the mysteries of the booke of God are not sufficiently knowne There is a place of Scripture Exod 3. I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. In this place I say is an argument secretly latent and prooning the resurrection as Christ clearely declareth disputing against the Sadduces Mat. 22 ver 31. 32. yet no man before the manifestation of Christ himselfe euer perceiued that this argument was lurking in these words shall it be saide this argument was not in scripture because it was not perceiued by weake men to bee in scripture Truely it were good for this Bishop to follow the example of the Iudges that are in this Isle of Britaine when an act of Parliament is made and ratified the Iudges of our countrie decerne all causes according to the Acts but giue not out rash sentence against the Actes but when the Couenant of God is made and ratified by the bloode of Christe it were better to judge according to it then to giue out rash sentence against it Let vs consider what is written of the three bookes that shall be opened at the day of Iudgement and whereby the worlde shall be judged One of the three bookes is expresly nominat to wit the booke of life Apocal chap. 20. ver 10 the other two no man can denie to bee the Booke of the Lawe and the booke of the conscience because the Booke of the Lawe declareth all that wee should haue done and the booke of the conscience beeing opened manifesteth all that wee haue done whereupon the righteous Iudge of the worlde groundeth a just sentence of condemnation against vngodly men in this maner The booke of the Lawe manifesteth what yee should haue done the booke of your owne conscience manifesteth that yee haue done the contrarie and moreouer also your names are not found written in the Booke of life Therefore departe from mee into the fire prepared for the Deuill and his angels Nowe I demaund of Papistes concerning these three bookes that shall bee opened is any of them imperfite Is there any elect person whose name is not written in the booke of
owne infirmitie but onely for our sake who are sheepe of the sheepfold of Christe to guide vs by it to correct our wandering wayes and to holde vs in decent order Therefore of all things in the worlde let vs count Scripture a thing most pertinent to vs according to the saying of MOSES the secret thinges belong vnto the Lorde our God but the things reueiled belong to vs and our children for euer that wee may doe all the wordes of this Lawe Deut. 29. ver 29. to wit the Lawe written as is clearely declared Deut. 27. ver 2 and 3. When thou shalt passe ouer Iorden into the lande which the Lord thy God giueth thee thou shtli set up great stones and plaster them with plaster and Shelt witte upon them all the wordes of this Lawe c. Now if the writtē word be that very portion that belonged properly to our fathers to vs to our children we should sticke as fast to it as euer NABOTH did to his vineyarde remēbring euer these words of MOSES Things that are reuei led to wit in writ pertaine to vs to our children for euer According to the patterne of this written word were al reformations of religion made not according to the vncertaine report of traditions IOSIAS made reformation according to the booke of the couenant that was founde in the house of the Lord 2. Reg. cap. 23. ver 2. And therefore this worde of God ought diligently to be kept as the very patterne of all true reformation in religion if any abuse fall out at any time In our natiue countrie men are not so careful by diligent custodie to keep other measures as the measure whereby all other measures in the lande are measured one towne hath the weightes another hath the jug the third hath the furlot another hath the el-wand these are diligently kept because that bythem all faulty measures are corrected and reformed so aboue all things in this worlde the holy Scriptures should be most diligently kept Now before I speake of humane traditions the very end wherefore the Apostles committed to write the summe of their wholesome doctrine is a sore prejudice to tradition For some persons who hearde the Apostles preach went from Ierusalem to Antiochia and troubled the hearts of the Gentiles saying that they behooued to be circumcised and keepe the Law of MOSES to whome the Apostles gaue no such commandement Actes 15. Therefore the Apostles tooke occasion to put in write the summe of their doctrine Nowe if tradition was not a faithfull keeper of the Apostolicke doctrine in the very dayes of the Apostles and in the mouthes of them who heard the Apostles preach with their owne eares howe shall wee leane vnto the vncertaintie of traditions after the issue of sixteene hundreth yeeres The generalitie of the worde tradition is an occasion of errour to many for so soone as this word soundeth in their eares incontinent they thinke that all things necessarie vnto eternall life is not contained in Scripture but the want of Scripture must be supplied by traditions yet the Apostle calleth the very articles of our faith traditions namely that Christ died for our sinnes that he was buried and that he rose the third day againe 1. Cor. 15 ver 3. The Papistes take good heede to the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and say here mention is made of tradition but they obserue not so diligently the subsequent wordes albeit they be twise repeated by the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is according to Scriptures If they will needs obtrude vnto vs traditions at the least let them be agreable vnto Scriptures and then the controuersie will cease For I may boldly speake of Popish traditions that which CLEMENS speaketh of the Philosophie of the Grecians comparing it vnto a nut 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is all the nut is not meet to be caten the kirnell is for eating but the hard shels whereinto the kirnell is enclosed are not nourishing food euen so saith CLEMENS not all the Grecian Philosophie is to bee embraced and credited The like I say of Romaine traditions that we must not glut ouer their traditions shels and kirnell altogether but those that are agreable to Scriptures we receiue but traditions repugnant to Scripture such as worshipping of images which DAMASCENE granteth to be an vnwritten tradition we vtterly detest and abhorre The place of PAVLS Epistles that seemeth to fauour vnwritten tradition is this Therefore brethren stand sast keep the instruction which yee haue beene taught either by worde or by our epistle 2. Thess 2 ver 15. Heere I affirme that like as they who rehearsed Christs wordes and wrested the true sense and meaning of them they are called false witnesses against Christ Math. 26. ver 61. Christ spake these words indeede Destroy this Temple and within three dayes I w●…ll build it vp againe but not in that sense that the false witnesses reported Euen so they who cite a testimonie out of the Epistles of PAVL in another sense then PAVL writeth it they are false witnesses against PAVL for PAVLS tongue in preaching was guided by the holy Ghost and PAVLS hand and pen in writting was guided by the holyGhost that same selfe trueth he preached that same selfe trueth he committed to write to the ende that the faith of the Thessalonians might be the better confirmed and strengthened If they will obstinatly contend that the particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is disjunctiue I will constantly affirme with the most learned ANTONIVS SADEEL that in this place it is copulatiue in this sense Keepe that instruction which yee haue receiued both by word and epistle And in the same sense 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken 1. Cor. 13. ver 8. Whether prophecying shall be abolished or tongues shall cease that is both prophecying shall be abolished and tongues shall cease Stand fast and keepe the instruction 2. Thess. 2. ver 15 It is not the purpose of the Apostle in these wordes to exhort any man to wilfulnes and obstinacie but vnto constant adherence vnto the veritie of God For the Apostle PETER describing the qualities of false teachers calleth them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is men presumptuous standingon their own conceits 2. Pet. 2. ver 10. Wherfore a difference is to be noted betwene obstinat men constāt men It is obstinacie when a man walketh in his own wayes will not be corrected by the wisdome of God but it is constancie when a man walketh in the wayes of God and will not depart out of them for the fauour or feare of men CAIN was obstinat Gen 4. PETER and IOHN were constant Also to keepe fast the doctrine whereby they were taught both by word and Epistle is not onely to keepe it in memorie and to keepe the volume wherein scriptures are written but to keepe it indeede by the obedience of faith For men are thrise
God saw the daughters of men that they were faire and tooke wiues vnto themselues whome they liked Gen 6. ver 2. And on the other parte when God will needes reueile his blessed will by the written word then will wee flie to vn writtē traditions euen to such as be repugnāt to the writtē word And so men become like to a shadow whē the sun shineth in the East the shadow goeth toward the West when the sunne goeth down in the West the shadow inclineth to the East so do men obstinatly repine against the wil ofGod Beside this wee are to consider what great detriment hath ensued vpon those who leauing the certaintie of the written worde leaned vpon the vncertaintie of Apostolicke traditions Beside PAPIAS B. of Hicrapolis who fell into the errour of the Chiliasts CLEMENS ALEXANDRINVS trauailed through many nations but tooke better heed to tradition then to the written word of God whereby it came to passe that he filled his bookes called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with most vngodly and foolish opinions as hath bene declared in the historie of his life When we haue said all that we can say that place of the second epistle to the The ssalonians cap. 2. ver 15. ringeth so lowd in their eares that they can heare nothing that soundeth to the contraric wherefore we are to consider the illatiue words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is therefore which coupleth this verse with the preceeding text wherinto the Apostle admonished the Thessalonians of the comming of the Antichrist whose comming is after the working of Satan in all power and signes and lying wonders ver 9. And his comming shall be so strengthened by the hand of the deuil that he cannot be borne downe but by the breath of the mouth of God and brightnesse of his comming Now to the ende that the poore handful of the sheepe of Christ may be saued from the deceite of the Antichrist hee exhorteth them to adhere fast vnto the Apostolicke doctrine which they had receiued both by word and write Scripture is abused when it is wrested to another sense different frō the meaning of the writer but it is more abused when it is drawen to the cleane contrarie sense This place is set downe to teach vs to beware of the deceit of the Antichrist by fast adhering to the Apostolick doctrine but the Papists abuse it to make vs beleeue that their traditions repugnant to the word of God should haue alike authoritie with the writren word of God which is the ready way to fall into the snare of the Antichrist and not to be fred from his deceits To conclude like as DAVID did great honour to ABISHAI when as in great matters of weight importance hee tooke him to be his follower to viewe the host of SAVL 1. Sam. 26. ver 7. euen so God doth great honour to his holy scriptures when he vseth them as an instrument to doe his great works by them Christ reigneth as a King and he hath made his word to be the scepter of his kingdome Psal. 110. Christ is the shepheard of our soules the word is his shepheards staffe Ps. 23. Christ is the builder of his fathers house the word is the measuring line of the building Christ is our Sauiour and the word of God is the power of God to saluation toeuery one that beleeueth Rom. 1. ver 16. Seeing Christ hath done so great honour to the scriptures what are we that we should regard any thing spoken in the contrary God graunt wee may conforme our selues to the will of Christ Amen Of the doctrine of Deuils THe Heretiques called Gnostici disallowed mariage allowed fornication and the Heretiques called Encratite damned the eating of flesh and drinking of wine as a sinne and abhorred the Epistles of PAVL as hath beene declared in the historie and the Romanists themselues acknowledge that Gnostici and Encratitae were Heretiques and taught a doctrine of deuils as likewise the Manicheis of whome we shall speake in the next Centurie Godwilling but the doctrine of the Romaine church concerning prohibition of mariage and meates is different from the doctrine of Gnostici Encratitae and Manichaei True it is there is some difference concerning persons times some other circumstances For the Heretiques called Gnostici damned mariage in all persons the Romaine church damneth it only in the person of Priests men hauing church orders Likewise Eucratitae damned at all times the eating of flesh drinking of wine but the church of Rime only prohibits the eating of flesh at certaine seasons and vpon certaine dayes such as in Lent and vpon Fryday c and that without prohition of drinking of wine moderatly Thirdly the Manicheis counted the good creatures of God fl●…sh and wine to be in themselues polluted and vncleane but the Romaine church thinketh not so but for memorie of the Lordes suffering for mortification of the flesh for preparation to receiue the sacraments and for testimonie of obedience to the vicar of Christ successor of PETER it is necessary to abstaine in maner abouewritten This difference is cast in to exeeme the Romaine church from the imputation of the doctrine of deuils yet is not the difference very great for the Romaine church forbiddeth mariage meats to some men at all times and to all men at sometimes but consider againe that differences of magis and minus that is of more and lesse doe declare a communion rather then a contrarietie as IRENEVS speaketh Plu. minus non de his dicitur quae inverse communionem non habent sunt contrariae naturae pugnant aduersus se sed de his quae sunt ejusdem substantiae communicant secum solum autem altitudine magnitudine differunt lib. 4. cap. 22. As a litle water and a litle fire differeth from a great water and a great fire not in substance but in quantitie euen so the Papistes differ from the Manicheis not in substance but in the discrepance of Plus and Minus The wordes of the Apostle are the ground whereupon all this treatise is founded Nowe the Spirite speaketh euid●…ntly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giuing beede vnto spirits of errour and doctrines of deuils speaking lies in hypocrisie hauing their conscience seared with an hote yrone forbidding to marrie and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be receiu●…d with thankesgiuing of them which beleeue and k●…ow the trueth for euery creature of God is good and nothing to bee refus●…d if it be receiued with thank●…sgiuing 1. Tim. 1. 2. 3 4. In these words the Popish church will grant that the Mam. hets and other forenamed Heretiques are damned but they denie that these predictions of the holy Apostle doe damne the doctrine of the Romaine church anent forbidding of mariage to some persons and meates at some times as a doctrine of deuils crying out that it is not to be
the naked warrant of vnwritten tradition I knowe the lie is no lesse repugnant to it selfe than it is vnto the trueth and all the shifting businesse of Damascene to shroud the adoration of images vnder some testimonies of Scripture are vndone by that plaine confession that it is an vnwritten tradition els hee would haue saide it was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is both a written and vnwritten tradition The fables of Damascene whereby hee would prooue the adoration of images are in absurditie beyond the fabils of Poets euen in their metamorphosis For who can abide to read the hunting of Placidas and the speaking of the beast that was hunted with a crosse betwixt his hornes shining in brightnesse farre beyond the splendor of the Sunne with such vanities and lies must the infirmitie of a false doctrine be supported But Iohn Patriarch of Ierusalem who writteth Damascenes life hee writeth that Damascens hande was cut off by the Prince of the Saracens and was miraculon●…y restored healed againe by inuocation of the image of the Virgine MARIE It is not likely that Damascene who writeth the miracle of Placidas hunting for confirmation of worshipping of images that hee could haue pretermitted so great a miracle wrought for the restitution of a member of his owne body obteined by worshipping of an image if it had beene a miracle wrought indeed But now to leaue Damascene the Patriarch of Ierusalem the writer of the historie of Damascenes life who hath added vnto the multiplied number of Damascenes lies an heape laid aboue to the ende that his 3. orations pro Imagin●…bus may be like vnto a measure full ouerrunning And to conuert me to Councils wherein as in victuall houses and in barnes all store of Arguments are laide vp that can serue for the apparent allowance of Images I superside at this time to speake much of the Council gathered by Constantius Copronymus at Constantinople An. 755. whereinto 338. bishoppes vtterly damned the adoration of Images and the setting of them vp in places where GOD was worshipped and that for three principall causes First because the making and bowing downe to Images is expresly forbiden in Scripture namely in the 2. Commandement of the Decalogue Secondly because the picturing of CHRIST who is both God and man and representing of him by a similitude is a diuiding of his two natures so farre as in vs lseth because his diuine nature cannot be pictured and his humane nature should not be separated from his diuine nature Thirdly because the writings of holy and ancient farhers damned the worshipping of Images such as Epiphanius Nazianzenus chrysostomus Athanasius Amphilochius Theodorus bishop of Ancyra and Eusebius Pamphili whose graue sentences all damning adoration of Images are most worthie to be read In the rest of this Treatise I shall set downe Godwilling two opposite Councills the one allowing the adoration of Images the other disallowing it The second Councill of Nice vnder the Empresse Irene ann 789. gaue full allowance to the adoration of Images out of Asia and Gracia and some other parts with the ambassadours of Adrian bishop of Rome were assembled 350. bishoppes On the other part vnder the reigne of Carolus Magnus Emperour of the VVest ann 794. a great Councill was assembled at Francford de maine wherein the adoration of Images was vtterly disallowed and the arguments alleadged in the second Councill of Nice for adoration of Images are clearely refuted in presence of Charles King of France and Emperour of the VVest and Theophilactus and Stephanus ambassadours of the bishoppe of Rome In these two opposite Councills let the iudicious Reader marke the great prouidence of GOD who hath appointed that there should bee contradiction to the lying doctrine so that they who loue the trueth of GOD haue no neede to follow a false doctrine in regarde there is no man that dare gainesay it For I dare say to the commendation of the Councill of Francsord that the Ibides of Aegypt were neuer more readie to deuou●…e the flying Serpents of Arabia so that they would not suffer them to light in the coastes of Aegypt than the Councill of Francford was readie to vndoc all the foolish arguments of the second Councill of Nice proouing the adoration of Images Before I set these Councills in opposite tearmes of contradiction the one to the other the preludie of the Councill is worthie to bee marked Adrian bishop of Rome sent a letter to the second Councill of Nice fraughted with lies and affirming that the Emperour Constantine was a leper that hee endeuoured to cure his disease by shedding of innocent babes blood that PETER and PAVL appeared to him in a vision by night and bade him goe and bee baptized by SILVESTER and his disease should bee healed and that in remembrance of this benefite CONSTANTINE builded Churches in Rome and adorned them with the Images of PETER and PAVL The groundes of this letter conteineth a masse of impudent lies CONSTANTINE was not a leper but a man gifted in soule beautifull in body and furnished with great giftes both of soule and body and meete for great workes as EVSEBIVS witne●…eth who liued in CONSTANTINES time and was familiarly acquainted with him Neither was hee baptized by SILVESTER in Rome but by EVSEBIVS in Nicomedia For SILVESTER and MARCVS his successour were both deade before that CONSTANTINE was baptized The rest of his letter is like vnto the sandie ground and fabulous narration whereupon it is grounded The arguments of the second Councill of Nice prouing adoration of Images may be distributed into foure rancks Some are taken out of Scripture others out of Fathers the third rancke from common reason the fourth from miracles If I propound their arguments into an intelligible order and likewise the answeres to them I doe a benefite to the Reader The Cherubims and the brasen Serpent were made by Gods commandement and the Cherubimes were seated in the place of adoration ergo Images may bee brought into the places of adoration There is a threefolde difference betwixt Images set vp in Churches to bee worshipped and the Cherubimes in the Temple First the Cherubimes are made by the expresse commandement of GOD but the images set vp in Temples are made expresse contrare to the Commandement of GOD Secondly the Cherubimes and brasen Serpent were represntations of diuine mysteries Thirdly neither the Cherubimes nor brasen Serpent were made for adoration as images are that are set vp in Temples If any man bee not fully resolued with these answeres let him vnderstand that the Law-giuer hath absolute authoritie to make exceptions from his owne Lawe but it is not lawfull to others without warrant of GODS commandement to