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A04780 A suruey of the new religion detecting manie grosse absurdities which it implieth. Set forth by Matthevv Kellison doctor and Professour of Diuinitie. Diuided into eight bookes. Kellison, Matthew. 1603 (1603) STC 14912; ESTC S107995 369,507 806

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intended conclusion vvhich I maye doe vvith as muche breuitie as facilitie For if God bee the autour of all sinne then if vvee maye gather vvhat the tree is by the frute hee is of a malitious nature as is before proued and if hee commaund vs impossibilities and punishe vs vvith Hell fyer for not fullfilling them then is hee vnreasonable cruel and barbarous And if vvee once make this conceit of God as vvee must needes if vvee beleeue the aduersaries opiniō then must our hartes of necessitie bee cold in religion and vvorship of God For vvho can bee induced to vvorship loue and honour such a God in vvhome is nothing vvhich is amiable nothing vvorthy honour vvel may vvee feare him for his crueltie but loue him and honour him from the harte vve can not And so religion fallethe The third Chapter shevveth that in contempte of the Churches authoritie they bring all religion in contempte IT is a maxime and almost an article of faithe receued amōgest the reformers that the true Churche vvhich once vvas hathe erred grosselye in no lesser matters then faithe iustification merit freevvil vvorkes satisfaction purgatorie prayer to Sainctes vvorship of images nūber and vertue of Sacramentes Sacrifice such like Yea they confess that the Romain Church vvas once the true Church but thy adde vvith all that aftervvardes it erred grossely and fell sovvlye novv of the Church of Christ is become the Synagogue of the deuil This is the cause vvhy vvhen vvee vrge the authoritie of the ancient and present Churche for the proofe of the reall presence free vvill prayer to saintes sacrifice of the Masse they ansvvere vs that the Church vvas but a congregation of men vvhich hathe erred in these and other matters And therfore Luther careth not for a thousand Churches and Caluin Beza and others despise all the Councelles and ancient fathers as appearethe by their vvordes vvhich are related in the first booke and the third and fourth chapter So that vppon the bare authoritie of the Churche they vvill not hange their faithe as they saye least they hange their soules bicause the Churche as it maye bee deceued so it maye deceue I demaund of thē therfore vvhat assuraunce they haue of scripture and by vvhat meanes they come to the knovvledge of it A Catholique vvould say that he beleeuethe these bookes to bee the vvorde of god bicause the Catholike Church vvhich is it the piller of truthe vvhich by the sonne of God vvas promised a spirit vvhich should teach her all veritie 10.14.15 l. on t epist fund c. ● hath cuer so beleened and defined Vvherfore saint Austine sayeth that hee vvould not beleeue the ghospel vnlesse the Churches authoritie m●ued him not that the Church maketh scriptures or giueth them their truthe and veritie for that they haue of God vvho vvas the indighter of them but bicause vvee can not knovv vvhich is Scripture vvhich is not but by the voice of the Church to vvhich only in this matter the ancient fathers vvere vvont to harken as Ireneus l. 2 c 2 3. 4. l pr●esc de expos Symb. l. 2 c 1. 46. l. 4. c 11. Tertulian sainct Hierom Leo the first and d●uers others of vvhom Nicephorus maketh mention Vvherfore the first Toletane Councel in the one and tvventith canō accurseth thē vvho accept of any other Scriptures thē those vvhich the Catholique Churche receiueth Hee vvould alleage for an argumēt that Christemade Peter his successour the Pope supreme pastour of the Church and commaunded him to feed his sheep lo. 2. and seing that a principal office of the shepheard is to shevv them suche pasturs as are most holsom for them it perteineth to the ●uprem Pastoure of the Churche to tell vs infallibly vvhich are the true scriptures for vvhen hee declareth vv ch are the true Scripturs he shevves vs our pasture the place vvher vvee are to graze and vvhen hee expoundethe them hee feedethe vs. And seing that the Pope of Rome is this Pastour as is proued in the last chapter of the first booke it follovveth that vvee must receue that for scripture vvhich hee allovveth of as scripture He vvould alleage also the antiquitie of scriptures for a profe of their sinceritie l. 2. cont Ap. 〈…〉 prabar Euangel in Apolog c 19. 20. 24. bicause Moyses vvhoe vvas the vvriter of a great part of the old testament as Iosephus Tertulian and Eusebius affirme by many handred yeares vvas more anciēt then all the vvrit●rs of the Romains and Grecians also vv ch therfore deserue great credit reuerence 1 Tuse bicause as Cicero sayeth in his Tusculane questions to Antiquitie noe lesse is devve Hee vvould confirme this argument by another of no lesse efficacie to vvit that these bookes haue beene conserued so many thousand yeares not vvithstāding so many captiuities of the Ievves and persecutions of the Christians vvhich argueth that God vvho vvas the Authour of them had a speciall care of them and a vigilant eye vnto them as vnto his ovvn vvord and vvriting Hee might alleage also the cōformitie of those booke vvhich vvere indighted of diuers at diuers tymes and yet haue in them no contrarieties and vvere translated out of Hebrevv into Latin by 70 Interpretours ●nstin orat paroen ad gē●●● diuersely disposed vvho yet not vvithstanding soe aggreed as if all their trāslations had been copied out of one For vvhich causes euen the Gentils Paganes them selues haue borne great respect vnto these vvritinges not daring to mingle them vvith their ꝓphane vvritinges bicause as Iosephus and Eusebius affirme some that haue attēpted it l ●● Aut. c. 1. ● l. ● praepar● ● by the diuine and secret povver haue beene very sharpely and seuerly punished all vv ch is vvarrāted by historie traditiō This a Catholike vvould saye vvith great applause and no lesse probabilitie for the authoritie of scripture But vvhat vvould or vvhat could our reformers saye vvould they saye vvith the Catholike that they beleeue them to bee holy scripture bicause the Church sayeth so ●● Host● l. 3. ●●nt Brent Luther in deed sayeth that hee in this point beleeuethe the Churche and Pope and good reason hathe hee bicause of vvhō did hee receue the scriptures vvhen hee began first to preach his nevv doctrine but of the Romaine Churche vvho cuer had the custody of them euen since the tyme of the Apostles And hovve could he knovve that the ghospel of the Nazarens of sainct Barnabas Euseb l. ● c. 25. and sainct Thomas vvere not as rrue scripture as the ghospel of sainct Matthevve and other Euangelistes but that the Romain Churche allovved of these and not of those For this cause some of them do saye that in this point they must needs beleeue the Pope Romain Church bicause they cā not in deed haue any probable knovvledge of Scripture but by this meanes as shall appeare by the refutatiō of all other meanes vvhich they
can faine or imagin But I vvill bee so bold as to take this meanes from thē and then I vvill aske them hovv they knovve that the nevve and old testamēt are not meere fables and fictiōs as the Atheistes say that they are For they are of opinion that the Romaine Church maye deceue bee deceeued and therfore they vvill not beleeue her for the number of canonicall bookes nor for the meaning of scripture hovv then can they credit her vvhen shee defineth that the old and nevve testament are holy scripture her authoritie is one and the same in the affirmation of this and of other thiges if thē they beleeue her not in those thinges they cā not beleeue her in this For as if the Astrologer saye that to morrovv shall be rayne that vvith in three monethes ther shall bee rayne I cā not beleeue this to bee true for his assertion vnlesse I also beleeue that bicause his authoritie is the same and yet I maye beleeue rather that vvithin three monethes vvee shall hauerayne thē that to morrovv vvee shall haue rayne bicause that in it selfe is more likely so if vvee beleeue one thing vvhich the Romain Church affirmethe and not another vvee beleeue not any thing bicause shee sayeth so but ether for the probalitie of the thinge or for some other reason vvhich pleasethe vs. Vvherfore seing that out reformers beleeue not the Romain Church in all pointes it must neede follovve that they can not beleeue that the old and nevve testament are holy scriptures bicause shee sayeth so but for some other imaginations vv ch they haue for if they belecued this bicause shee sayeth so they vvould beleeue other thinges also vvhich shee auouchethe bicause her authoritie being the same deserueth the same credit in the one and in the other But let vs suppose that they beleeue that the old and nevv testament are holy scripture bicause the Romaī Church sayeth so yet bicause they affirme that the Romaine Church maye lye and hathe also lyed loudly in many importaunt matters it follovveth that they haue herby no assuraunce of Scripture bicause as the Church in their opinion hathe erred in other thinges so may she in this if she may peraduenture she hathe erred and so they haue no assuraunce of scripture They vvill saye peraduentur that they are assured by tradition frō tyme out of mynde vnto this present that those bookes are holye Scripture bicause our forfathers euer esteemed them soe But nether can this bee a sufficient vvarrauut bicause they are vvont to saye that all thinges necessarie to bee beleeued are conteined in scripture and that therfore they vvill beleeue no traditions And if they beleeue that these bookes are holy scripture bicause by tradition so it is deliuered vnto them vvhy do they not beleeue the real presence and the Sacrifice of the Masse Vvhy cōtemne they the Fast of lent Images holy vvater the signe of the crosse such like vvhich vvee haue by the same tradition by vvhich vve haue the scriptures Yea seing that Tradition is nothing else but an opiniō or custome of the Churche not vvritten in holy vvritte but yet deliuered by the handes of the Churche from tyme to tyme and from Christians to Christiās euen vnto the last age and Christians if the Churche can erre she may allovv of euil traditions and so traditions also may bee erroneous cōsequently can be noe sufficient vvarrant vnto the Reformers for the authoritie of holy scripture They vvill say peraduenture that they beleeue most voices and therfore seing that all the vvorld allovveth these bookes for holy scripture they vvill ioine vvith them in this opinion bicause the voice of the people is the voice of God but nether can this voice assure thē for ether they vnderstand by this commō voice the voice of the vvholle vvorld or the voice of the Christian vvorld if they meane the voice of the vvholle vvorld thē haue they moe voices against them then for them bicause the greatest parte of the vvorld vvas euer Pagane if they meane the Christiā vvorld then in deed the most voices are for Scripture bicause the Catholike Church vvhich allovveth of scripture vvas is and shal be the greatest part of Christianitie but bicause they saye that this Church may erre they can haue no assuraunce of scripture by this voice They vvill saye peraduēture that they belceue that sc●ipture is the vvord of God bicause their ovvn Churche vvhich is the true Churche affirmeth it to be so But nether vvill this shifte serue their turne Bicause first of all they cā not proue their Churche to bee the true Churche not their Pastours to be the true Pastours Bicause their Church hathe not the markes of the true Churche hauing nether succession from the Churche planted by the Apostles vvhich should make it Apostolique nether hauing euer possessed the greatest parte of the knovvn vvorld vv ch should make it Catholike and being so farre frō being one that it is diuided into cōtrarie sectes so farre also from being holy that it leadeth to all vice and Atheisme yea hauing all the Markes of heresie as my second booke demonstrateth As for their pastours they can not proue their mission as also is proued But if I should graunt them that their Church is the true Church yet by their Churches vvarraunt they can haue no assuraunce of Scripture bicause they are of opiniō that the true Church maye erre and consequētly their Church also maye erre and if it maye erre in other thinges it may erre in this and if it may erre in this peraduēture it hath erred in this and so they haue no assuraunce of Scripture Vvherfore laying a side the Churches authoritie as insufficient in their opinion I demaund vvhat assuraunce they haue of scripture They can not alleage Scripture to proue scripture bicause no part of scripture affirmeth that the bookes called Scripture are the vvord of God dictated and indighted by his spirit And if Scripture did affirme it selfe to be holy Scripture yet vvere not that a sufficient vvarraunt for as I may doubt vvhether the bookes called Scripture be the vvord of God so may I doubte of that testimonie vvhich scripture giueth of her selfe vnlesse by some other meanes I bee assured that these vvritinges are the vvord of God They vvill say peraduen● that the very maiestie of the phrase of Scripture and the diuine matters and mysteries vvhich it conteinethe do argue that it is the vvord of God But this ansvvere is also insufficiēt bicause to a vvordly man or Prophane Philosopher the stile of Scripture seemeth base and barbarous and the mysteries seeme to bee nothing else but dreames and imaginations the histories seeme tales and the matters seeme ether follies or impossibilities and so they vvould seeme vnto vs also vvere it not that vvee haue a reuerent conceite of them bicause vvee beleeue them to bee the vvord of God Vvherfore Iulian the Apostata Celsus Porphirius Apion
and others contemned scriptures bothe for the Phrase and matter and esteemed no more of them then vve do of Aesops fables They may ansvvere mee peraduenture and novv I knovv not vvhat else they can ansvvere that the spirit assurethe them that these bookes no other are the holy Scripture But against this spirit I haue disputed at large in the ●rst booke and third Chapter and so I might referre the reformer and the reader vnto my argumentes vvher vvith in the afore sayd place I haue refuted this phantasticall spirit yet to ease them bothe of that labour I vvill in a vvorde reiecte this ansvvere by reiecting this spirit I vvill aske of him that thinkes him selfe moste deeplye inspired vvhy bee beleeueth this his ovvn priuate spirit rather then the common spirit of the Churche especially seing that it is more like that God vvil more amplye communicate his spirit to his Churche then to a priuate man and if the Churche may be deceued as they say shee may not vvith standing that Christ promised her a spirit vvhich should teach her all veritie Io. 14.15 vvhy maye not euery priuate mā doubte at least least his ovvne priuate Spirit bee a lying and deceiuing spirit hee ansvvereth that his spirit assures him that it is a true spirit But hovve dothe it assure him by vvhat reasons miracles or reuelations by no such meanes saieth hee it dothe assure me but yet I ame sure Vvhy art thou sure if nether for reasons nor miracles nor reuelations then art thou sure only bicause thou thinkest thy selfe sure And so did Suenlkfeldius thinke him selfe sure of a right spirit vvhen he denyed all scriptures and vvould bee ruled only by the invvard spirit and yet hee for all his suernes vvas deceued and consequently so mayst thou bee thoughe thou thinke thy selfe assured And do not all heretiques thinke then selues to bee inspired vvith the right spirit As they therfore are deceued So mayst thou bee vnlesse thou haue some certaine rule and Iudge suche as the Churche is to acertaine thee of thy spirit If novve some infidel or atheist vvould deny the old and nevve testament to bee holy scripture hovve vvouldst thou conuince them vvhat a Catholike could saye for the proofe of scripture I haue allready declared I demaund therfore vvhat thou vvho takest vppon the to bee a reformed Christian couldst alleage for the authoritie of Scripture Vvouldst thou alleage the Churches definition or tradition or common cōsent hee vvould saye Tushe tell mee not of Churche Tradition Fathers Councels all these by your ovvn confession maye erre and haue erred in other as great matters as this and therfore this can bee no sufficient vvarraunt Vvouldst thou saye that scripture giueth testimony of her selfe that shee is Scripture hee vvoulde aske thee vvheare and thou shouldst not bee able to quote the place if thou couldst yet hee vvould say that Scripture is not to bee beleeued in her ovvne cause and that as hee doubteth of scripture so hee doubteth vvhether it bee Scripture vv ch affirmethe these bookes to be Scriptur Vvouldst thou say that the phrase of scripture argueth it to bee god his ovvn vvord Hee vvould tell thee that hee vvill shevve thee as good phrases in Tullie Liuie other ꝓphane vvriters And if thou shouldst saye that thy spirit assures thee that these bookes are of Gods ovvn indighting hee vvould laughe at thee and tell thee that Suenkfeldius by his spirit denyed all scripture and that hee hathe no more assuraunce of thy spirit then of his Yea hee vvill come vppon thee vvithe the cōmon spirit of the Romain Churche and tell thee that if that spirit maye deceue as thou sayest it maye muche more may thy priuate spirit deceue thee and all that vvill bee so mad as to beleeue thee And so if thou contemne the authoritie of the Romain Churche thou shallt bee able to assure him no more of Scripture then of a Robin Hoods tale If the Churches authoritie then bee reiected as insufficient vvee haue no probable assuraunce of scripture and so vvee may iustly doubte least it bee but some Apocriphal vvriting vv ch hathe hetherto been called the vvord of God to keepe fooles in avve And if vvee may doubte of the bookes of Scripture vvee maye as iustly doubte of the contētes and so the mysteries of the Trinitie and incarnation Christes life doctrine Passion death and resurrection may bee called in question and soe Christian religion falleth and seing that after an Apostasie from Christianitie vvee haue noe reason to imbrace Turcisnie or the Iudaicall ceremonies much lesse the superstitions of Paganes and Idolatours adevve all religion and vvelcome Atheisme And thus thou seest gentle reader hovve contempt of Scriptur must needs follovv the contempte of the Churches authoritie vvhich being layed a side vvee haue not so much as probable assuraunce of Scripture or Christian religion Vvherfore let vs holde faste vvith the Catholike Apostolike and Romaine Churche and let vs neuer linke our selues in religion vvith the reformers vvho like Chammes contemne their mother the Churche least vvee bee inforced to shake handes vvith Atheistes vvhose frendship vvee can not refuse if vvee breake amitie and league vvith the Romaine Churche as is most euidently demonstrated The fourth Chapter shevveth that in admitting some bookes of Scripture and reiecting others they open the gapp to contempt of all Scripture and religion Vve say commonly that a lyer had need to haue a good memorie for othervvise he being allvvayes ready to speake not as the truthe requireth but as he may best for the present serue his ovvn turne vvill bee in daunger to contradict him selfe and to varye in his ovvn tale for vvant of vvhich memorie the reformers do often eate their vvordes and goe from that vvhich before they stood vnto And amongest many other examples this may serue for one that they vvill needes receue scripture at the Romain Churches hand and for this point accompte her authoritie sufficient but their memorie is so shorte that forgetting them selues they vvill not accepte of the number of the bookes of scripture vvhich shee hathe deliuered vnto them althoughe they haue not any other vvarraūt of Scripture then they haue of the number of the bookes of Scripture vvhich is the Romain Churches authoritie I must therfore desire them better to remēber them selues For if the Romaine Churche bee of sufficient credit to vvarraunt vs of Scripture vvhy is not her authoritie a sufficiēt vvarraunt also for the nūber of the bookes of Scripture Or if shee maye erre in the nūber of the bookes of scripture she may erre also in scripture and so if they vvould remember them selues better and tubbe their brovves harder they vvould see plainly that ether they should take all or none of her bicause her authoritie is as sufficiēt being one and the same to vvarraunt vs for the number of the bookes of Scripture as for scripture If they beleeue then that ther is scripture bicause shee
doe set the gate open vnto all heretikes and heresies THE deuil hathe alvvaies played the ape euen from the beginning for after that he perceiued that he could not be God in deed to vvhich dignitie by climing thoughts he had ambitiously aspired he endeuoured by al meanes possible so to bringe his intentes to passe that he might at least go for a God and be taken for a God and therfore like an ape he hathe euer imitated God so neerly that he vvould be honoured and serued in the same fashion and manner as he savve the true God vvas vvorshipped Tert l. pras c. 40. God is serued vvith sacrifice as vvith a seruice devv vnto diuine Maiestie the deuil vvas euer honoured amōgest the paganes vvith his Hecatombs and Sacrifices euen by the Emperours of the vvorld God hathe his preests the deuil his flamins God hath his sacraments the deuil his expiations and ceremonies God hathe his baptisme his Euchariste his Nonnes and the deuil hath his vvashings his oblation of bread and his vestal virgins and as God promiseth a heauen to his seruanntes and vvorshippers so dothe the deuil promise his Elisian feelds and threatneth his stigiane lake Tert. ibid. And euen as the deuil by idolatours hathe imitated Gods sacrifice Sacramentes and manner of vvorship so by heretikes he hathe alvvaies affected to be as like as may be to Christe and his Apostles in citation and allegation of scripture Vvherfore Vincentius Lyrinensis noteth it to haue been the practise of heretikes the members of the deuil l. cont proph ● ●7 to alleage scriptures against the true Christians and mēbers of Christe as once the deuil their head against Christ Iesus our head vvrested a place of scripture to proue that he must needs caste him selfe headlong from the pinnacle of the temple to proue him selfe the sonne of God Mat. 4. Marcion as Vvitnesseth Tertullian to prone that the vvorlde vvich he imagined to be of an cuil nature vvas created of an euil God l prase c 51. vsed that place of Saint Matthevv Mat. 7. Non potest arbor bona malos fructus facere a good tree can not bring forthe euil frutes l. de carne Christie 20. Valentinus as the same autour relateth to persvvade the vvorld that Christs body vvas framed of the substance of the heauens and consequētly vvas noe true flesh nor truly conceued borne of the Virgin Marie but ra ther passed through her vvōbe as through a Pipe taking noe substaunce of her alleaged saint Paules vvords vvho comparing the first Adame from vvhome vve fetch our carnal pedegree vvithe the second Adame Christ Iesus from vvhom vve are descended spiritually vseth these vvords The first man of earth earthly 1. Cor. ●● the second man from heauen heauenly Not knovving or not vvilling to knovv that Christe is called heauenly ether in respect of his diuinitie and diuine person or bicause he vvas not earthly that is subiect to sinne vvhich proceedeth from earthly and terrene desires or bicause his body by right vvas from the first moment of his conception celestial that is glorious as are the bodies of the blessed vvich therfore saint Paule calleth also spiritual and aftervvarde vvas the first body that rose to that glorie to vvich it euer had good right Ibidam bicause a gloriouse soule such as Christs vvas from the first infusion of it into the body Io. 4. required as devve a glorious body but Christe vvould haue his body to vvant this devve vvhilest he liued vvith vs that he might suffer for vs vvich hee could not haue doone in a glorified body The Arrians to proue God the sonne inferiour to his father and not consubstantial nor coaequal vnto him brought his ovvn vvords against him the father is greater then I omitting many pregnaunt places vvich auouch the sonne to bee consubstantial and aequal vnto him to vvich places this also is not contrarie August l. 1. Trin. 6.7 bicause it proueth only that Christ as man is inferiour to his father The Nestorians by those places by vvich vve proue tvvo naturs in Christ the one humaine the other diuine proued tvvo persons in Christ The Eutichianes by the same places of scripture by vvich Catholikes do proue that in Christ vvas but one person endeuoured to proue that in Christ vvas but one nature And it hath been the propertie of all heretikes to make no bones of scriptures but prodigally to spende them and to lauis he them out to proue therby their heresies vvere they neuer so phantastical Supra Hic fortasse sayeth Vincentius Lyrinensis aliquis interroget an haeretici diuinae scripturae testimonijs vtantur Vtuntur planè vehementer quidem nam videas eos volare per singula quaeque diuinae legis volumina Here perchaunce some vvill demaund vvhether that heretikes do vse the testimonies of holy scripture they vse them assuredly and that vehemeutly for you shall see them flye through euery volume of the heauenly lavve Read sayeth he the vvorkes of Paulus Samosatenus of Priscilianus Iouinianus or Eunomius and thou shalt fynd an infinite heap of examples allmost noe page omitted vvich is not dyed and coloured vvith sentences of the olde and nevv Testament Remember sayeth Hilarius that there is no her tike vvhich doth not fayne that his blasphemies vvhich he preacheth are according vnto Scriptures Orat. ● con● Const. And faint Austine is of opinion that heresies proceede from no other fountaine then scriptures vvrōgly expounded and crookedly vvrested Non aliunde natae sunt haereses Tract 1● in 10. nisi dum scripturae bonae non intelliguntur benè From no other place heresies doe proceed but vvhilest good scripturs are euilly vnderstood But yet herin these heretikes are liberal of that vvhich is none of their ovvn and like Aesops crovve they proudly decke them selues vvith other byrds fethers For vvhat right or title haue they to scriptures of vvhich they are so prodigal or hovv came they to get the possession of scripturs truly as theeues take possession of other mens goods For Catholikes haue had the scripturs in their keeping tyme out of mynde as all histories all vvritings of the fathers all councells and ancient tradition vvill vvitnesse for vs and so at least by prescription Catholikes are the true and lavvful possessours of scripturs Yea histories and the ancient bookes of the fathers vvho from the first age alleaged scriptures are arguments that vve are the lavvfull heires to the Apostles concerning the inheritaunce of scripture Second booke chap. 1. bicause as herafter shal be proued vve only are the successours to the ancient fathers and Apostles them selues And seing that such arguments vvould cast them in lavve if the cōtrouersie vvere but about apeece of ground I see noe reason but that if the reformers of this tyme and the Catholike should put this case to any indifferent iudge to vvit vvhether they or Catholikes are the lavvfull possessours
a mortall life subiecte to sickness and diseases vv ch partely come by disorder in dyet partely by extrinsecall operation of the Starres ayre and vvether to vvhich our bodyes are subiecte partely do proceed from the complexion and cōstitution of mans body vvhich is composed of contraries it vvas necessary for preseruation of corporall life that God should prouide vs of Phisitians and corporall Phisick vvhich restoreth vs to healthe after sicknes In like manner our spiritual life vvhich is grace in this life being not so stable but that it may be loste many tymes by mortall sinne and our healthe being not as yet so confirmed but that vvee may falle into as many diseases as by our free vvill vve may cōmit sinnes it vvas not only expedient but also necessary that Christe our spirituall Phisitian should prouide vs of Phisicke and of a generall salue and medicin against all the sores and maladies of our soule And this is the Sacrament of Penaunce vvhich is a remedie against sinne committed after baptisme and vvhich by the Preeste our spirituall Phisitian is to bee applyed vnto vs. For to him as being successour vnto the Apostles Christe gaue this povver and authoritie vvhen hee sayed vnto his Apostles Vvhose sinnes you forgiue are for giuen Io. 20. Vvherfore sainct Chrisostome sayeth that the Preests of the nevv lavve haue povver not only to giue sentence vvhether vve be infected vvith the leprie of sinne or noe vvhich authoritie only the old Pre●sts of the old lavve had cōcerning the corporall lepresie but allso to cure l. ● de sa●●rd clense and purge this leprie Fiftly vvhen mā is recured often tymes ther remaine the reliques of his disease vvhich keep him lovv a great vvhile and therfore he yet needeth Phisick nor so much healing as confirming and perfiting healthe vvhich consisteth in some confortatiues or restauratiues The like happeneth vnto man after that by the Sacrament of penaunce he is recured for after that he still hathe a kinde of vveakenesse and infirmitie euill habits and inclinations yea litle diseases also such as veniall sinnes are And therfore agaīst these Reliques of his disease Christ hathe prouided him the Sacrament of Extreme vnction vvhich is giuen at the hovver of deathe to purge vs cleane from all reliques of our diseases to recure the corporall infirmitie if it bee expedient for our saluation and to prepare vs to a better health of the next life vvhih is immortalitie And these fiue things are requisit in a corporall and spirituall life for euery mā in particuler but besides them tvvoe things also are necessary for the cōmunitie The first is coniunction of man and vvoman vvithout vvhich mankind can nether be propagated nor preserued and to make this coniunction lavvfull matrimony vvas euer necessarie And to this in the nevv lavve vvhich is a lavv of grace the Sacrament of matrimonie ansvvereth very fittely vvhich before Christe vvas a ciuill contracte but noe Sacrament as novv it is Ephes 5. For novv as sainct Paule sayeth it is a great sacrament in that it signifieth the coniunction of Christe vvith his Church by Incarnation and grace and giueth grace vnto the maryed by vvhich they maye loue one another as Christe did his Church and beare the burdens of vvedlocke more easily The second thing is constitution of Princes gouernours or magistrates to rule this humaine societie vvhich matrimonye hath propagated For if the confused multitude vvere lefte to it selfe and had not some head to gouerne it it vvould bee like a shipp vvithout a Pilot or a body vvithout a head vvhich by mutuall dissenssion and disorder vvould soone ruinate it selfe To this is ansvverable the sacrament of order by vvhich Bishops and Preests are ordained to minister sacraments to offer sacrifice to teach preach and instructe and by lavves and censures to gouerne this multitude and to directe it in those thinges vvhich concerne good life spirituall peace and religion here and life cuerlasting herafter These seuen Sacraments are those seuen pillers vvhich as the vviseman sayeth Prou. 9. vvisdome it selfe Christe Iesus hathe made to supporte the huge pallace of his Church And the seuen tymes sprinkling of the bloud of the calfe Leuit. 4. prefigured these seuen sacraments in vvhich the blood of Christe is as it vvere seuen tymes sprinkled bicause it giueth them their force vertue and efficacie ● Reg. 5. Yea Naamans seuen vvashings vvere a figure of the same sacramentes in vvhich the soule of man is seuen tymes vvashed and so freed from the lepresie of sinne But these are but congruences sayeth our aduersarie let vs see the plaine vvord of God for seuen Sacramentes else vvere are not to admitte them I graunte that these are not plaine demonstrations bicause as Diuines saye matters of facte can not be demonstrated but yet are they better argumentes then they can bring for their lesser number of sacramentes I could alleage also fathers for euery one of the Sacramentes before named but they vvill say that fathers are men And are not our aduersaries also men yes saye they but vvee praeferre the vvord of God before mens traditions But then I aske of them vvhat expresse vvorde of God they haue against these men The fathers auouche seuen Sacraments vvhere read they in scripture that there are but tvvoe or three Vvee haue noe suche nūber expressely named say they but vve gather by good cōsequēce out of scripture that there are but tvvoe or three Doe you soe And did not the fathers out of scripture also deduce seuē Sacramēts For althoughe they neuer say thar there are iuste seuen yet sometymes they name one sometimes tvvoe sometymes moe and many of them amongest them haue giuen testimonie for euery one of the seuen sacraments in particuler Scholastici in 4. dist 2. none deny seuen Yea for these 500 yeares all the diuines haue defended seuen sacraments vvho also neuer mentioned this number as any nevv article of beleefe but accepting it from their forfathers sought by argument to defend it by scriptures also to confirme it Con. Flor. in decreto Trid. sess 7. can 1. Yea the Councels of Florence and Trent haue auouched the same number and thought them selues backed herin by authoritie of scripture But they vvere all deceued sayeth our aduersarie Vvere thy soe And hovve can you vvarraunte vs that you in denying seuen sacramēts are not deceiued If you say that you deduce your tvvoe or three Sacraments out of Scripture they vvill saye that they also out of Scripture deduce their seuen And so the question is not vvhether that Scriptures or fathers are to bee beleeued but vvhether the Churche Councells and fathers Vvhoe proue seuen Sacraments out of scripture are to bee credited in the exposition of Scripture or rather your nevv biblists vvhoe began to studie but yester daye and neuer studied soe many dayes as they haue doone dayes and nightes vvho also nether for grauitie nor sanctitie nether for