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A57847 The Tridentine-gospel, or, papal creed made at Trent, and promulgated at Rome, by Pope Pius IV : exhibited and demonstrated to be new, heterodox, and antichristian : in a sermon / by William Ramsay ... ; hereto is added, Pope Pius his Bull in Latine and English, necessary to be seen by all that would know the present faith of Rome, especially in these our nations where they conceal it. Ramsay, William, B.D.; Catholic Church. Pope (1559-1565 : Pius IV). Professio fidei Tridentina. English & Latin. 1672 (1672) Wing R221; ESTC R14528 21,776 35

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Indignation of God and as if that were not enough to fill his blasphemous throat he adds a double one of St. Peter and Paul implying his own as the root of his bitterness In fine Our Text casts an imperative reiterated Curse upon whomsoever in Heaven or Earth Apostle or Angel that preacheth any thing as Gospel besides what was already preached even at the first preaching of which the Creed is a Catholick Sum. How monstrous then is the Papal presumption To retort this Curse upon the Spirit of God to wit upon all that in obedience to that Spirit admits not the Gospel he preacheth which is not only besides what was first preacht but evidently new ●nd repugnant A Symbol of Papal definitions elevated by Papal Decree above the prerogative of the written Law and Gospel of Christ amplified without limit numero pondere mensurâ in number weight and measure Not we therefore whom God hath commanded to bless them that curse us But God the Father of all Mercies as well as the Avenger of the Impious will decide yea hath decided in his holy Word this day declared in your ears the Cause of his holy Gospel Let us not fear the terrour of Man but submit to the power of Christ Jesus subscribing to his holy written Testament on Earth that our Names may be written in the Book of Life in Heaven Let us fight a good fight of constant Faith in the true Catholick and Apostolick Church of Christ militant on Earth which Name is no way due to the Romish Synagogue For she denies the Catholick doctrine of the Gospel and the Apostolical legacie of the Creed seeking to establish a Gospel and Creed of her own on Papal authority and Romish tradition whence her name is Papal or Roman and not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Church consisting of Members called and chosen by the calling of Christ and the Word of his Spirit but rather 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a City or Synagogue convened and driven together by political stratagems and powerful coaction But as the Scriptures are certainly the Catholick Testament of Christ and the Creed an Apostolical Legacy of Faith So whatsoever Church maintains these as at this day Our Church of England is truly Catholick and Apostolical Now rejoyce thou Spouse of Christ Prosper and flourish gloriously thou House of God thou Church of England The Heavens reap perpetual harvest of Joy and Glory in the Saints that ascend to the Tabernacles of Immortality from the Tents of thy Militia The Angels ever protect and guard thee that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against thee The Queens also of the Earth that is thy Sisters the other Reformed Churches of Christ admire praise and honour thee but to speak thy happiness in a word God loveth thee for Thou art that Philadelphia that beloved Sister of Christ to which the Spirit speaks Rev. 3.9 I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee Because thou hast kept the word of my patience I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the Earth Behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy Crown That is You Pastors and People of the Church of England hold fast the form of sound words which you have in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 1.13 Hold fast the Primitive Gospel of the Kingdom which consisteth in Faith unfeigned in Jesus Christ and in such Love one to another as Christ loved us withal That no man take thy Crown Not only Men by humane Traditions and politick inventions will rob thy temporal Crown usurping Supremacy but even thy right to the Crown of eternity will as soon leave thee as thou shalt leave thy first Faith and Charity To conclude Take a short Corollary or Recapitulation of all that hath been said First it hath on one side been manifestly evidenced from the Word of God that the Gospel of the Kingdom that is the Repentance to which Christ promised his Kingdom is to believe and love to believe in the Saviour Jesus and to keep his Commandments Secondly on the other side it hath been manifestly evidenced from the solemn profession of Faith in the present Church of Rome canonized by Pope Pius Quartus that she imposeth as necessary to salvation a far heavier burden than that Gospel of Christ to wit the Creed or Gospel of Trent Thirdly it is evident in our Text that it is not in the power of Apostle or Angel much less of a Pope to impose another Gospel than that of Christ And then in fine Fourthly it must needs be evident that whosoever is so much a Christian as to believe the Scriptures and so much a reasonable Man as to distinguish between one Gospel and another must needs acknowledge the Church of Rome to preach another Gospel than that of Christ and consequently if he loves and hopes eternal life will desert that Church which leaves the paths of the Gospel of life and seek to be Member of such a Christian body as adheres to its head Jesus Christ by a sincere adhesion to his saving Gospel Such is the Evangelical Apostolical and Catholick Church of England in which God maintain and increase the Faith and Love which is in his Son Christ Jesus through his Holy Spirit Amen BULLA Sanctissimi Domini nostri DOMINI PII Divina Providentia PAPAE Quarti Super formâ Juramenti Professionis Fidei PIUS Episcopus Servus Servorum Dei ad perpetuam Rei Memoriam INjunctim nobis Apostolicae servitutis officium requirit ut ea quae Dominus omnipotens ad providam Ecclesiae suae directionem Sanctis Patribus in nomine suo congregatis divinitus inspirare dignatus est ad ejus laudem gloriam incunctantur exequi properemus Cum itaque juxta Concilii Tridentini dispositionem omnes quos deinceps Cathedralibus superioribus Ecclestis praefici vel quibus de illarum dignitatibus canonicatibus aliis quibuscunque beneficiis Ecclesiasticis curam animarum habentibus provideri continget publicam orthodoxae fidei professionem facere séque in Romanae Ecclesiae obedientiâ permansuros spondere jurare teneantur Nos volentes etiam per quoscunque quibus de Monasteriis Conventibus Donibus aliis quibuseunque locis Regularibus quorumcunque Ordinum etiam Militiarum quocunque nomine vel titulo providebitur idem serva●● ad hoc ut unius ejusdem fidei professio uniformiter ab omnibus exhibeatur unicáque certa illius forma cunctis innotescat nostrae sollicitudinis partes in hoc alicui minimè desiderari formam ipsam praesentibus annotatam publica●i ubique gentium per eos ad quos ex decretis ipsius Concilii alios praedictos spectat recipi observari ac sub●enis per
Truth to embrace Fables This Pride and Itch were the diseases of the Romish people These heap of Masters were Romish Doctors Canonists and School-men The Truth is the Gospel and the Fables are Romances that is Romish Tenets and Tridentine Articles And although this Apostasie which the Apostle here and 2 Thess 2.3 speaks of was not compleated in the first Centuries of the Christian Church to a notorious degree nor perhaps is yet fully accomplished yet the Apostle there v. 7. witnesseth that even then the mystery of iniquity was a working But in these last days Certes The work is brought to so notorious a Fabrick that he must needs renounce the Principles of Reason and quit all belief in the Scriptures that will not acknowledge the Roman Forgery of a new Gospel which with a monstrous Art was contrived into one frame and body in the Council of Trent out of the chief Romantick pieces that from the beginning Iniquity had wrought on We have a whole world of Testimony but their own solemn confession is the best evidence For Pope Pius the Fourth ad perpetuam rei memoriam to their own eternal confusion by an authentick Bull canonized a certain form of profession of the present Faith of Rome commanding the same to be professed avowed and sworn solemnly by all Ecclesiastick and Religious Professors and by all Proselytes and promoted persons of the Church of Rome as the true Catholick Faith without which no man can be saved Which is the proper and distinctive title and character of a Gospel I commend the Bull it self to your reading I will now First shew the occasion of their creating this New Creed 2. I le give a sum of that Creed 3. I le demonstrate its novelty and contrariety to the Gospel The occasion of this strange production was this The Points of Romish Doctrine dissenting from the Gospel and Testament of Christ were amplified to such a quantity by Bulls Decrees Canons and Schoolmen and imposed so heavily upon the People from Chair and Pulpit that the aggrievance of such doctrine became palpable and notorious to the world especially such learned men as had knowledge of Holy Writ Wherefore many most learned and zealous Christians notwithstanding the Popes terrour and tyranny in the Spirit of Christ Protested against it But the Pope seeing on one side that his Empire could not subsist if his Schoolmens inventions were once annull'd and on the other side knowing that no authority of God either from Scripture or Creed gave warrant or surety to his Doctrine being now invaded most zealously by many Christian Doctors Princes and Nations he herded together that great Synagogue of Schoolmen at Trent all his adjured Vassals all sworn Followers of their respective Leaders and Princes of School-doctrine Alexander H●les Thomas Aquinas John Dunscot and William Occham which are the four Evangelists of School-Gospel in the Church of Rome In this eximious Synagogue of Schoolmen the Mystery of Iniquity first presumed the title of a Gospel that is of the true Catholick Faith without which no man can be saved There Truth long deserted and forsaken began to be solemnly disavowed and forsworn And Fables of Romantick Faith which had long passed for true began to be avowed as the Gospel of Truth There to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is arrogated another Gospel of Rome to the Apostolical Symbol the Roman Creed The Apostolical one consists in 12 short Articles because the Authors thereof summarily delivered what is necessary to believe But that of Rome consists in 14 long Articles because seven Devils that is a sum of Iniquity as Gregory the Great interprets being cast out of Rome when Christianity first took place they entred again with double number and force when Popery made the last things of Rome worse than the first The sum of these 14 Articles follows The First puts generally and indefinitely all the Traditions Customs and Constitutions of the Church of Rome for the foundation and ground of Faith The Second gives the second place to the Scriptures after the pre-eminent authority of Romish Constitutions restraining the Spirit of God speaking in the Hagiographers to the narrow sense and interpretation of Schoolmen The Third loads the Law of Christ with seven Sacraments whereof one to wit Pennance includes within it self a larger Law Creed and Gospel than Christ and all his Apostles ever preached The Fourth is very zealous and puts all the Rites Customs and Ceremonies used by the Church of Rome in her solemn administration of Sacraments among the necessary tenets of Christian Faith The Fifth involves an infinity of Creeds to wit all and several the disputes and points which the Council of Trent was pleased to declare and define concerning the spatious matter of Justification and Original Sin The Sixth makes a full profession of the Sacrifice of the Mass and Transubstantiation The Seventh professeth the Sacrament of the Lords Supper to be perfected under the sign of Bread alone The Eighth holds Purgatory as a Territory subject to the Pope The Ninth holds the Adoration and Worship of Saints and their Reliques The Tenth holds Image-Worship The Eleventh holds Pardons Graces of the Pope and Indulgences as most necessary instruments of Salvation The Twelfth professeth the present Church of Rome to be the Only Holy Catholick and Apostolick Church Mother and Mistress of all other Churches and voweth unlimited Obedience to the Pope as Head thereof The Thirteenth universally and undoubtedly receives and professeth all the Decrees and Declarations of Roman Canons and Councils but above all to wit even the four Primitive Councils whatsoever is delivered defined or declared in the holy and sacred Synod of Trent and rejecteth all things contrary to wit even the Scripture it self The Fourteenth recollecteth all the foresaid Articles and solemnly promiseth voweth and sweareth to maintain and teach them not as Articles of Peace of Obedience of Conformity or Legal Doctrine but as the true Catholick Faith without which no man can be saved Which is the character and essential property of the Gospel of Jesus Christ even in that strict sense we before explicated usurpt by this Scholastick Synagogue of Trent to mysterize and gild Iniquity This is the sum of that Gospel which the present Church of Rome maintains and so from the beginning of my Discourse hitherto I have laid open both Gospels first that of Jesus Christ which consists in believing in Jesus Christ and in keeping his Commandments then That of Christs pretended Vicair the Pope which consists totally in believing the Popes Definitions and in obeying his Precepts He that acknowledgeth not the contradiction and repugnancy of these two Gospels must needs forfeit the esteem of a reasonable man as well as of a right principled Christian Behold their difference from bottom to top The foundation of the one is Jesus Christ which was laid from the beginning and another foundation can no man lay 1 Cor. 3.11 The foundation of the other is Papal
Supremacy which was not from the beginning but laid by man is to be raised by man The holy Spirit buildeth the faithful on the first foundation by hope in the grace and merits of Jesus Christ The Pope builds his credulous children on his own foundation by hope in the grace and merits of his Pardons and Indulgences The charity of Jesus Christ which is to love one another as he loved us is the furniture and perfection of the first building but slavery and bondage to Papal jurisdiction is the top and consummation of the Roman Edifice Recitâsse confutâsse est The bare rehearsal of such a Creed is a full conviction of its heterodox absurdity Yet that its novelty may more appear we will set before it three illustrious Opposites of Evangelical Light to wit Primitive Creeds Primitive Councils and Primary Texts of Scripture As for Primitive Creeds The whole Christian World ever held yea the present Church of Rome in word though not in effect holdeth that the Apostles Creed was by them in the H. Ghost designed as a sum of all Christian belief necessary to salvation wherefore the primitive Church never presumed to add but only to declare it in more open exp●essions of the same thing as appetrs in the Creeds of Athanasius of Nice o● Constantinople But this Creed of Trent is a palpable piece of Creation for it's totally new both in matter and in form And to deny its novel● were as gross an absurdity in point of understanding as to deny the rising of the Sun were an absurdity in sense yea greater as its difference from the Primitive Creed is as manifest as the identity of the rising and setting Sun is certain For its Articles are of an impertinent and opposit● import to the Primitive more in number greater in bulk stranger to sense harder to Reason burdensom to Conscience contemptible to Religion The Primitive Creeds may justly glory in the foundation of Christ to wit his written Word in which they a●e found contained The Creed of Trent hath nothing to glory in greater than the Romish Schools Papal Decrees Canons Customs Constitutions and Senses of Men. The Primitive Creeds have the Testimony of the whole World Christian and Antichristian The Creed of Trent besides repugnance with Christian Principles is reprobated by the most learned and sober part of Christendom to wit Protestant Churches and Nations The Primitive Creeds sound nothing but Gods honour and worship through Jesus Christ This of Trent sounds nothing but Lucre through a form of godliness denying the power thereof with popular Superstition vendible Devotion and tyrannical exaction of Faith and Obedience The Primitive Councils are four of Nice of Constantinople of Ephesus and of Chalcedon In these the whole Christian World on which as yet the dew of the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles stood fresh and fair unanimously made a Catholick united and most solemn attestation of the Faith of Christ Which the Council of Nice first did Ann. 325. not by defining new Articles or creating new matter or producing new form of Faith but by declaring and defending the Old contained in the Apostles Creed Which as a just measure of Faith instituted by the Holy Ghost that great Council presumed not to transgress The same was observed by the Council of Constantinople Ann. 381. which repeated confirmed and ratified the Symbol of Nice defending the Article of the Holy Ghost by a clear expression of his p●oceeding from the Son The Council of Ephesus Ann. 431. presumed no addition of Articles but confirming the Apostolical number defended that of Christs divine and unique personality against Nestorius The Council of Chalcedon 451. confi●med the method of the former Councils defending and declaring the two distinct Natures of Christ against Eutiches Thus these four Catholick Councils had no other product of Faith than is formally contained in the four Catholick Gospels In fine The work of the Holy Spirit in the Primitive Councils was nothing more or less than to establish that Faith which he inspired the four Evangelists to write in the Gospel and the Apostles to preach in their Creed But in these last days non Sanctus Spiritus sed sanctissimus Pater not the Holy Spirit but the most Holy Father for so he loveth to be entituled who superlatively exalts himself above whatsoever is God in Heaven or is called God on Earth hath wrought a new work est mirabile in oculis nostris a New Gospel of Apostolical and Ecclesiastical that is Roman Traditions Customs and Constitutions grounded on the Cathedral word of a Pope not as the old Creed a sum of the work of the Scriptures written by the instinct and confirmed by the wonderful works of the Holy Spirit but a sum of the work on Earth to wit of the Canon law of Rome written by the instinct and confirmed by the most mighty Bulls of the most Holy Fathers the Bishops of Rome Which sum his said Most Holy Paternity defines to be the true Catholick Faith without which no man can be saved which Definition whosoever infringeth he shall not only incur his Holiness displeasure but the indignation also imperet ei Deus God rebuke him of Almighty God And the rebuke will quickly follow if you please to consider four Primary Texts of Scripture Joh. 20.31 These things of which the Apostolical Symbol is a Sum are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you may have life by his name Why then were not these other things of which this Papal Symbol is a Sum written if as his Holiness defines there is no life no salvation without them Acts 15.28 It is approved of the Holy Ghost and us say the Apostles at Jerusalem not to impose on you a greater burthen than these necessary things Hath the Holy Ghost in length of years disapproved in Trent what he approved in Jerusalem to double the burden of belief and obedience It 's far more just and reasonable to judge that he who glorieth in the Vicairship of Christ and Succession to Peter is heir and possessor of that spirit of Roboam 1 King 12.20 Speaking hard things to the people of Christ making his least finger grosser than the back and shoulders of Jesus making his sweet yoke uneasie and scourging with Scorpions the flock of Christ for which the good Pastor was scourged with whips The Apostle Jude in his Catholick Epistle v. 3. thinks it necessary to exhort us to contend for the Faith once delivered to the Saints But Pope Pius commands us to fight for the Faith now of late inspired into the holy Fathers of the Council of Trent initio Bullae But let us obey the holy Apostle who like a Messenger of God exhorts us with a salutation of Mercy Peace and Charity But let us avoid the Papal Spirit as of a contrary Satanical mission for more Impious indeed than Pius by name he usurps a threat of the
the Obedience of the Church of Rome We also having a Will that the same be observed and practised by all such as shall be provided for out of Monasteries Convents Houses and whatsoever other places of Regulars of whatsoever Orders even of Military Professions under whatsoever Name or Title and desiring also that so much sollicitude as concerns our self may not to any one seem to be wanting in this matter to the end that a Profession of one and the same Faith may be uniformly made by all and one only and certain form thereof may be exhibited to all We by Apostolical Authority and by the tenour of these Presents districtly commanding command that the form which is expressed in these presents be published and throughout all Nations by these to whom it belongs according to the decrees of the said Council and by others abovesaid be received and observed and under such pains as the said Council hath decreed against the Refractory the said Profession shall be solemnly made in this following and no other form and under this following tenour IN. with firm saith believe and profess all and several the things which are contained in the Symbol of Faith † This Symbol of Faith is not only the short Constantinopolitan Creed which here immediately follows but also the long 14 Articles added by the Council of Trent and here by the Pope commanded to be professed as a sum of Orthodox Faith which the holy Church of Rome doth use to wit I Believe in One God * 4 the Father Almighty maker of heaven and of earth of all things visible and invisible and in one Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God and born of the Father before all time God of God Light of Light True God of a True God begot and not made consubstantial with the Father by whom all things were made Who for us men and for our salvation descended from heaven and took flesh by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and was made Man crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate suffered and was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures and ascended into heaven sitteth at the right hand of the Father and is to come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead of whose Kingdom shall be no end and in the holy Ghost the Lord and giver of Life who proceedeth from the Father and the Son and is adored and glorified together with the Father and the Son who spake by the Prophets and one holy Catholick and Apostolick Church I confess one Baptism to the remission of sins and expect the resurrection of the dead and life of the world to come Amen 1. I most firmly receive and embrace the Apostolical and Ecclesiastical * 5 Traditions and all other Customs and Constitutions of the same Church † † Here is begun the principal part of the Roman Creed and the real sense and import of this first Article is I believe in the Pope 2. Also I admit the holy Scripture * 6 in that sense which the holy Mother Church hath held and holdeth to whom it belongs to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy Scriptures nor will I ever receive or interpret them but according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers 3. I profess also that there are seven true and proper Sacraments of the new Law instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord for the salvation of Mankind although all are not necessary to each one to wit Order Baptism Comfirmation Eucharist Pennance Extreme Vnction Matrimony and these all give grace and of these Baptism Confirmation and Order cannot be reiterated without Sacriledge 4. I also receive and admit all received and approved Rites of the Catholick Church in the solemn administrations of all the abovesaid Sacraments 5. I also embrace and receive all and several the things * 7 which have been defined and declared in the sacred and holy Synod of Trent concerning Original sin and Justification 6. I also profess that in the Mass there is offered to God a true proper and propitiatory sacrifice for the Living and the Dead and that in the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist is contained truly really and substantially the Body and Blood together with the Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and there is made a perfect change of the whole substance of the Bread into his Body and of the whole substance of the Wine into his Blood which change the Catholick Church calleth Transubstantiation 7. I confess also that whole and entire Christ and the true Sacrament is received under one only species of Bread 8. I constantly hold that there is a Purgatory and that souls there detained are holpen * 8 by the suffrages of the faithful 9. Likewise that the Saints reigning with Christ are to be worshiped and invocated and that they offer prayers * 9 for us to God and that their reliques are to be worshiped 10. I most firmly assert that the Images of Christ the Virgin Mary and of the other Saints are to be had and kept and duty of honour and worship to be given them 11. I also affirm that the power of Indulgences was left in the Church by Christ and that the use of them is most conducive to the salvation * 10 of the Christian people 12. The holy Catholick and Apostolick Church of Rome * 11 I acknowledge to be the Mother and Mistress of all Churches and I vow swear and promise true Obedience to the Bishop of Rome as successor of B. Peter Prince of the Apostles and Vicair of Jesus Christ 13. Also all and whatsoever other things delivered by way of Tradition defined and declared by the holy Canons and the General Councils and chiefly by the sacred and holy Synod of Trent * 12 I undoubtedly receive and profess and together all contrary things and whatsoever heresies by the Church damned rejected and accursed I also damn reject and accurse 14. This true Catholick Faith without which no man can be saved * 13 which at this present I freely profess and truly hold I the same N. do promise vow and swear most constantly God assisting to retain and confess entire and enviolate to the very last gasp of life and to procure as much as shall lie in me that the same be held taught and preached by all my inferiours and by those who are committed to my care and charge So God help me and these holy Gospels of God Farther It is is our will † † This new and voluntary Gospel and Creed having no other foundation than the will and work of Man will dissolve of it self as all other works of men however glorious for a time that these present Letters be read in our Apostolical Chancery according to the custom and that they may be more open to all they shall be writ in the Quintern of our said Chancery and also imprinted Therefore it shall be lawful to no man