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A20756 The conflict betvveene the flesh and the spirit. Or the last part of The Christian warfare wherein is described the nature of these combatants, the malice and power of the flesh and fleshly lusts, with the meanes whereby we may subdue and ouercome them. By Iohn Dovvname Batchelar in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods Word.; Christian warfare. Part 4 Downame, John, d. 1652. 1618 (1618) STC 7139; ESTC S110219 333,184 430

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it cleare and sweet streames but the common gifts of the restraining spirit doe worke and shew themselues onely by fits like flashes of lightning which suddenly appeare as suddenly vanish leauing nothing behind them but grosse and palpable darknesse or like standing waters and winter brookes which swell and ouer flow vpon the fall of raine and descent of land waters but soone after fall and are dried vp in the time of drought So the sauing graces of the sanctifying spirit are lasting and permanent euer continuing with increase euen to the very end of our liues but all gifts meerely naturall indure but for a time and like the body 1 Ioh. 2. 27. after they are growne to their full strength ripenes they decrease till by a daily consumption they come to nothing as we see in naturall knowledge and wisedome which decayeth with age vntill at last it commeth to dotage and childish ignorance § Sect 5. Of the particular effects of the spirit the 1 whereof is spirituall illightening Iohn 14. 26. But let vs descend to some particular effects which the spirit worketh for these arguing their cause will plainely shewe the residence and abiding of this holy guest in vs. And first the spirit of God is the spirit of illumination inlightning our blinde eyes reuealing vnto vs the things of God and leading vs into all trueth according to that of our Sauiour But the Comforter which is the holy Ghost whom 1 Ioh. 2. 20. 27. the Father will send in my name hee shall teach you all things And that of the Apostle But ye haue an vnction from the holy one and yee knowe all things And againe But the annoynting which yee haue receiued of him abideth in you and ye neede not Eph. 1. 17. that any man teach you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all things And hence it is that this holy spirit is called the spirit of wisedome and reuelation in the knowledge of God Yea but the wicked also may haue some illightening Heb. 6. 4. of the spirit as the Apostle sheweth and which is more they may haue a tast of the heauenly guift be partakers of the holy Ghost that is of the gifts and graces of the sanctifying spirit and haue also a tast of the good word of God and of the powers of the world to come yea and hereby they may attaine vnto a farre greater measure of knowledge then those who are truely regenerate and how then can this be a difference whereby we may discerne the one from the other To which I answere that though there bee no difference betweene the knowledge of the regenerate and vnregenerate in the quantity in which respect the knowledge of the wicked yea of the diuell himselfe doeth oftentime exceed the knowledge of the godly and faithfull yet there are many other differences betweene them for first the knowedge of the regenerate is much better grounded euen vpon that infallible foundation of the holy Scriptures the which they carefully and conscionably heare reade study and meditate in them that they may bee more and more edified and inlightned grounded and built vpon this sacred authoritie as vpon the firme and vnmoueable corner stone whereas the knowledge of the vnregenerate is chiefly founded vpon humaine authorities the doctrines and traditions of men which as they are sometimes true so sometimes false and erroneous and neuer in themselues certaine and infallible So also their knowledge is confirmed by the experience which they haue of the things they knowe in themselues by a liuely and powerfull sense and feeling of the operation of it in their owne hearts and consciences purging and purifying them from all sinfull corruptions and renewing them to all obedience and inuiting and prouoking them to them to the performance of all Christian duties of holinesse and righteousnesse which moueth the Lord to reueale vnto them his great secrets and the mysteries of his kingdome according to that The secrete of the Lord is with them that feare him and he will shew them his couenant and againe his secretes Psal 25. 14. Pro. 3. 32. are with the righteous Whereby they not onely knowe the things themselues barely vttered but also Gods secret will and purpose in them But the knowledge of the wicked is onely in theory and speculation whereby they are enabled onely to talke and discourse of the things they conceiue and haue no sense feeling or experience of that powerfull working of it for their inward sanctification or outward reformation but still lye frozen in the dregs of their sins and neuer cōscionably practise any duties though they can learnedly and cloquently discourse of them In which respect it is saide that the seede of the word taketh no roote in them Mat. 13. 6 7. because their knowledge is not setled and grounded vpon these onely true foundations which neuer faile Secondly the knowledge of the regenerate is more cleare distinct and particular and therefore sufficient to direct and guide them not onely after some generall manner but also in all particular duties and actions but the knowledge of the vnregenerate is more generall confused and darke onely inabling them to set downe generall rules of duties or if particular yet rather to others then to themselues who are so blinded with their passions and carnall lustes that their knowledge giueth them no sufficient direction for their owne cariage in particular duties Thirdly the knowledge of the regenerate still applieth the things knowne to particular vse bringing the word of God home to their owne hearts and consciences as the threatnings of the law for their humiliation to driue them to Christ to restraine them from sin when they are ready to fal and to raise them being fallen by vnfained repentance So Iob kept his eyes vnder couenant that they should not glaunce wantonly vpon women Iob. 31. 1. 3. because hee knewe that destruction was to the wicked and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquitie And hereby Ioseph was restrained from harkening to his mistresses wicked suite How can I doe this great wickednesse and Gen. 39. 9. sinne against God And so likewise hereby they are inticed and spurred forward vnto all good duties when as they feele themselues dull and slow For so the Apostle hauing spoken of Gods feareful iudgement he applieth this knowledge 2 Cor. 5 11. to particular vse knowing therefore saith he the terrour of the Lord we perswade men as though hee should say I dare not knowing this terrible iudgement but perswade you to obedience and dehort you from sinne least neglecting my duty I also bee lyable vnto it And thus also knowing the promises of the Gospell they apply them for their owne consolation according to that of the Apostle Whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for Rom. 15. 4. our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope But the wicked by their knowledge
hiding from our sight his fatherly countenance and the bright beames of his fauourable countenance in the apprehension whereof the life of our life consisteth and depriueth vs of the peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost by which wee are in the spirituall man made strong and couragious in the day of tentation after that wee haue receiued wounds of the flesh in the spirituall fight it hindreth their cure and causeth them to fester and ranckle and to growe euery day more dangerous and incurable then other And after wee haue beene allured to drinke the sweet poisons of the fleshes bewitching cup this impanitencie doth cause vs to retayne them in the stomacke vntill working they doe make vs sicke vnto death where as they would not be hurtfull and pernicious if as soone as they were swallowed they vvere cast vp againe by vnfained repentance The fourth sin that weakeneth the spirit is carnall security and hardnes of heart whereby wee blesse our selues when our estate is dangerous and haue no sense and feeling neither of Gods mercie and loue nor of his anger and displeasure by the one whereof the spirit is strengthened vnto Gods seruice and by the other preserued from sinning against him So also the strength of the spirit is by this carnall securitie much impayred because it maketh vs to put the euill day far from vs and vtterly to neglect our spirituall enemies as though we had a secure peace and all cause of danger were farre remoued it causeth vs to neglect our Christian watch and so to lye open to the malicious and secret assaults of our spirituall enemies and to neglect the meanes of our safety and defence our spirituall foode and prouision our weapons and munition our fortifications and all other prepararations which should be any meanes of defence in the day of battell whereby the spiritual part is betrayed suddenly surprized before it expecteth any danger The last speciall sin wherby the spirit is weakened and all the good motions thereof quenched is the loue of the world which like birdlime so besmeareth the spirituall part and the wings of the soule that it cannot flee aloft but is intangled and catched fixed and fastened to the earth and worldly vanities More especially the loue of honours and the glory of the world doth make the spirituall man slacke and sluggish in the pursuite of eternall glory and heauenly happinesse The loue of riches hindreth him from seeking with all earnestnesse spirituall graces and those incomparable treasures which are laide vp for vs in Gods Kingdome it choaketh the seede of the Word so as it cannot take roote and beare fruit frustrateth all the good motions of the spirit so as they cannot take effect it exposeth vs to many tentations and snares and causeth vs to fall into many foolish hurtfull lusts which drowne men in destruction and perdition And so also the loue of earthly pleasures doth much enfeeble 1 Tim. 6. 9. 10 the spirituall part in the pursuit of those eternall pleasures and fulnesse of ioy which are at Gods right hand for euermore and as they weaken the body and effeminate the minde so as they are made vnfit euen for any warlike imployments in the world so much more doe they disable the soule and spirit for this warfare against the enemies of our saluation For when the flesh is pampered with these carnall delights the soule is starued and pined when it is distended and growne fat grosse with gluttony and belly-cheare the spirit is made leane and infeebled when it reuelleth in fleshly ioy the regenerate part droopeth and mourneth beeing spoyled and robbed of the ioyes of the holy Ghost When it is filled and euen glutted with excesse the spirit is straitened of roome and hath no place where it may reside and therefore the Apostle requireth first emptinesse of wine and then that wee should be filled Eph. 5. 18. with the spirit to note vnto vs that fulnesse of both will not stand together § Sect. 2. We must not prouide for the spirit poyson instead of holesome foode nor carnall weapons instead of spirituall A second meanes of weakening and disabling the spirit which is to be auoided respecteth our prouision which we are to make for the armie of Gods graces as first that we doe not prouide for their nourishment poyson in steade of holesome foode as for example in stead of the pure word of God the spirituall Manna the sincere milke of the Gospell and Sacraments instituted by our Sauiour Christ humane traditions and inuentions will-worship and our owne superstitious deuotions which haue no ground or warrant out of the scriptures nor scarce any resemblance of that holy and holesome foode which is by God appointed for our nourishment Of which meate the more liberally we feede the more leane and lanke we waxe in our spirituall strength and stature the more feeble and faint we growe in all sauing graces because howsoeuer it be sweet to our naturall and carnall appetite yet it is of a quite contrarie qualitie to the spirit and the graces and gifts thereof and it is no better then the Diuels most artificiall poysons which cause them that taste and feede of them to waste and weare away in a continuall consumption of all pietie and true godlinesse Secondly we must beware that we doe not prouide for this spiritual Warfare carnall weapons and munition For as the Apostle saith the weapons of our warfare 2 Cor. 10. 4. are not carnall but sutable vnto the Spirit it selfe and mighty through God to the pulling downe of strong holds As for example we must not fight against the flesh with fleshly anger and carnall reuenge for here especially the saying Iam. 1. 20. of the Apostle is verified The wrath of man worketh not the righteousnesse of God we must not fight against and indeauour to subdue it with spirituall watchings as resting in the deed done and not destinating it to a superiour end namely in the imploying of our time in prayer with it Watch and pray and the watching ouer our hearts that wee doe not sinne rather then ouer our eyes that we doe not sleep Wee must not seeke to subdue it by popish fasting which is nothing else but like all other their deuotions a bodily exercise consisting in their superstitious abstinence from certaine meates contrary to the Word of God which calleth it a doctrine of Diuels and teacheth vs that all the creatures 1 Tim. 4. 1. 3. 1 of God are cleane if they be sanctified by the Word and Prayer and allowing the vse of all the daintiest fish and delicatest wines and fruits which pamper the flesh more then the moderate vse of ordinarie dyet But as occasion serueth we must vse totall abstinence when we would tame the flesh and humble our selues before God yet not like them resting in the deede done much lesse esteeming it satisfactorie and meritorious but onely vsing it as