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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18437 An answere to a seditious pamphlet lately cast abroade by a Iesuite with a discouerie of that blasphemous sect. By William Charke. Charke, William, d. 1617.; Francke, Christian, b. 1549. Colloquium Jesuiticum. English. 1580 (1580) STC 5005; ESTC S119230 29,644 72

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marke of the beast deliuered by Antichrist For y t was not the way to make a friend of vnrighteous Mammon but so to forsake y e blessings of this life that thereby he forsooke also y e blessings of the life to come except the serpent obteine mercie cast his skin Neuerthelesse this vngodly losse is alledged as a great gaine to his euill cause 2 The second third article are one in effect for the secōd in substāce doth only out of order make mentiō of the place where he is to exercise his charge before the charge be expressed To folow him his order in this article he mentioneth his returne into England as for great good but passeth by his departure thence with silence as carying a plaine note of much euil He taketh his voyage from Prage to Rome and thence into England being commanded by a warrant from heauen and an oracle of Christ Great wordes emporting a great ambassage But least any should take it that hee receiued his warrant in a dreame or hearde a voyce in deede out of heauen he expoundeth him self yet with wordes doubtfull as oracles among the Gentiles were wont to speake For whether hee vnderstande the generall Prouost of the Iesuites onely or whether hee vnderstande the Pope him selfe it is somewhat doubtfull If he meant not the generall Prouost of the Iesuites which I rather thinke then hee auoyded the name of Pope as iustly odious euery where for his abominable superstitions pride and tyrannie ouer mens liues and consciences but in England most of all for that he hath againe and againe throwen out his thunderbolts of curse both against the Prince and agaynst the people Wherin by the way let vs looke to the effect of those curses Did not y e Lord turne them into blessings Did it not appeare euen to the Papists howe vnderserued the curses were and howe litle the blasphemously supposed omnipotencie of the Pope can doe Was not Salomons Prouerbe iustified in those Bulles As a byrde wandreth and a swallowe flyeth away so doeth a curse that is vnderserued But to returne to y e doubtful speach whether he meant the Pope or the Iesuites master what blasphemie is it to attribute y e authoritie of a warrant from heauen and the voyce of Christ to a man whose breath is in his nostrelles and whose sinnes reach vp to heauen calling for vengeance Doe we now perswade and preach men or rather as the Apostle saith Ought not euen the Apostles themselues to preach Christ Iesus y e Lorde and them selues seruantes Saint Paul woulde not preach otherwise then the Gospel no not at the voyce of an Angell from heauen and these come to preach Antichristianitie at the voyce of the man of sinne Therefore how are all men especially they whom the Lorde hath exalted to his place of iustice howe are they to take diligent heede of these men and of the matter they bring much more dangerous thē the former buls If the Popes worde be to them a warrant from heauen and an oracle of Christ then at his word they must inuade kingdomes throwe downe estates change gouernementes roote out the Gospell and plant ignorance with all other their beggerly and wicked superstitions that accōpanie the Popish doctrine It foloweth that the Pope is alwayes resiant at Rome but y e Iesuite must remember that hee may remooue his chaire to Sibyllas denne or any other place by the doctrine of the Iesuites As for his readie mynde to haue gone ioyously into anie the power of God 8 That the righteous mā liueth by saith he hath it not in Christ but by his owne workes Cens Col. 118. A contrary place in Paul Rom. 11. 6. If righteousnesse bee of workes it is no more grace 9 Men doe surely hope that euerlasting life shalbe giuen them but they do not beleeue it now hope often faileth otherwise it were no hope Cens Col. 108. A contrary place Heb. 6. 19. Hope is y e sure anchor of y e soule Rō 5. 5. Hope maketh not ashamed 10 The Scripture in deede neuer teacheth the inuocation of Saints yet we must beleeue receiue hold it Fol. 230. Contrary to this is the place Esai 63. 16. Thou art our Father and Abraham knewe vs not and Israel was ignorant of vs. 11 Christ neuer said to the lay men Do this in the remēbrance of mee Fol. 302. S. Paul doth plainely confute this 1. Cor. 11. 12 Traditiōs are of equal authoritie with the worde of God we must beleeue them thogh they be manifestly against the scripture Fo. 230. Cōtrary to this saith Christ In vaine do mē worship me teaching doctrines that are but the traditions of men Mat. 15. 9. 13 We must worship the image of Christ with like honour that wee doe the holy bookes of the Gospel Fol. 66. Against this saith S. Paul 2. Cor. 6. 15. What agreement is there betweene the Church of God and Idoles These and many other blasphemies doe the Iesuites maintaine There is not a spider nor a spiders web in any corner of the Popes brest but these Doctors will hold it no lesse holy then that which commeth out of Christes brest But doe not euen the Papists that know these things easely see how the Iesuites in these doctrines bewray the spirit of Antichrist that went out into all the world to deceiue and destroy Surely none can see except the holye Ghost open their heart none can depart out of Sodom except the Lorde doe drawe them Although I haue bene long in this matter yet for a further discouery and for plaine warrant that the sect of Iesuites is most wretched at the ende of my answere I haue added a trāslation of a booke wherein y e sect is notably discouered by a testimonie out of their own heart Nowe to returne to Campions wordes He hath bene a Iesuite these viii yeeres A long time to see so many enormities in al y e space not to returne from them to the Go-spel with a short pardon which cannot be rooted out but by much preaching Their confutation of errors is in deede a confutation of the trueth and a confirmation of lies as appeareth nowe more then the lyght of the Sunne at noone For as the Apostle speaketh of them They shall preuayle no longer their madnesse is made euident to all men as the inchantment of Iannes and Iambres As these withstoode Moses so the Iesuites resist Iesus Christ the lyght of the Gospel men full of ambition in their corrupt mindes and enemies to the Crosse of Christ That he thinketh his poore countreymen abused with proude ignorance I maruell what hee meaneth to blame ignorance in any For we that professe the Gospell lament and crye out against ignorance our aduersaries they alwayes haue made much of it as the mother of deuotion yea euen the most famous order of the Franciscan Fryers that extol Francis
verely hold Images Pardons Praying to Saints seruice in an vnknowen tongue as wicked things But let thē all true professors also know that y e Papists hold Steuen Gardiners rule Yelde but in haly water said he to Cardinall Poole that blusshed at some enormities in popery and yeeld in all Thereupon Papistes yeeld in nothing howsoeuer our home Papists thinke or dissemble the matter This is proued by the open dealing of the Iesuites for there is nothing be it neuer so impious neuer so absurde yea though in their owne conscience neuer so contrary to trueth commō sense but they defend it in a booke written w t publike consent called y e Censure of Colen Hitherto it hath bin truely declared y t y e Iesuites are wicked Monkish Friers y t they labour for learning to abolish learning that they ouerlay the nations where they come that they defend all absurdities of the popish Church But for proofe of their absurd and blasphemous doctrines out of a treatise cōcerning this matter I haue enterlaced their owne words as they are to be foūd in y e same book in other of their writings adioining to euery article of their doctrine y e cleane cōtrary doctrine out of y e word of God as foloweth 1 It is not sinne whatsoeuer is against the Lawe of God Censure of Colen leafe 44. Contrary to y e word of God 1. Ioh. 3.4 The transgression of the Law is sinne 2. Cōcupiscence remaining in the regenerate although it be against the lawe of God yet it is not sinne properly in it self or of it owne nature Cens Col. 38. c. in the hādling of Canisius Catechisme leaf 184. A contrary doctrine is taught by Christ Mat. 5. 28. I say vnto you y t whosoeuer shal see a womā to lust after her he hath already committed adulterie with her in his heart 3 The first motions of lust are without hurt of sinne Cens Col. Fol. 54. 89. contrary to the tenth commandement Thou shalt not couet Exod. 20. 17. 4 The holy Scripture is a doctrine vnperfect maymed lame not conteining all things necessarie to faith saluation Cens Col. fol. 220. cōtrarie to that place of Paul 2. Tim. 3. 16 17. Al y e Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to teache to confute to correct to instruct in iustice that the man of God may bee perfect and throughly instructed to euery good worke 5 The want of the holy Scriptures must be supplied by peecing it out with traditions Cens Col. 220. Contrary to a Lawe in Moses Deut. 4. 2. Thou shalt not adde to the wordes which I speake to thee neither shalt thou take from them 6 The holy Scripture is a nose of waxe Cens Col. 117. Contrary to the wordes of Dauid The law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule Psal 19. 7. 7 The reading of the holy Scripture is not onely not profitable but many wayes very hurtfull to the Church Cens Col. 21. Christ deliuereth a cōtrary note Mat. 22. 29. Ye erre not knowing the Scriptures nor parte of Christendome or heathenesse vpon lyke assignation I doubt not as I sayde before but that hee was more readie and ioyous to bee sent into his owne countrey But what authoritie hath the Pope to send out swarmes of Iesuites into all the worlde Are they not content falsely to make him Peters successor and head of the Church but that they will also allowe him to apoynt these newe Apostles to goe out into al y e worlde namely these Iesuites enemies to the doctrine of the true Apostles yea and that in nūber not so fewe I thinke as xii hundred for xii because he would haue more to pull downe then Christ sent abroad to build vp withall 3 His assigned charge is laide downe in the third article which is of free cost to preach the Gospell and minister the sacraments Cunning wordes to cloke an euill matter For he speaketh in words fit for the Gospel to auoyd the vsuall and proper speaches of his Popish priesthod and order that are full of derogation agaynst the trueth For they preach not the Gospell but against the Gospell in the traditions and ordinances of the Pope Their ministerie of the Sacramentes is the saying or singing Masse and corrupt baptisme with other actions which they call Sacraments but are none by any warrant out of the word of God For in their definitions of these other fiue falsly named Sacraments they surcharge their margents with great shewe of proofes but almost all are authorities of men there are very fewe places of scripture quoted and those manifestly peruerted The wordes that folowe in his charge To instruct the simple reforme sinners confute errors and in briefe to crye an alarme spirituall against foule vice and proude ignorance howe great shewe doe they make in the monster Tullie noteth those byers and sellers that gayne but litle except they lie much Euen so these marchants that bye and sell with the woman that sitteth vpon many waters in whose forehead this name is branded A mysterie Great Babylon the mother of whoredomes and abominations of the earth they gayne nothing but by their shamelesse lyes For that which they set out to sale for instruction is destruction touching the fayth their reformation is a deformation and in their kingdome it may seeme waste labour seeing they haue a shorter way to woorke in blotting that out spel He hath taken vpon him a speciall kinde of warfare vnder the banner of obedience If it be of obedience to God vnder Christes banner it is common to all Christians if it be of obedience to some new false Apostleship of the Popes creation it is as much disobedience to God as it is obedience to those monkish ordinances What plaine dealing then can this be Vnder the title of the glorious banner of obedience the Iesuite recommendeth to the Lordes of the Counsell his disobedience to God his disobedience to the trueth and obedience onely to his Fathers chiefely y e Pope the most blasphemous enemie of God most open enemie to her Maiestie both in his consistorie in the field Obedience acceptable to God is according to his word not according to y e traditions ordināces of mā As for y e Pope he holdeth vp a bāner of rebelliō alwaies against y e kingdō of Iesus Christ many times also against y e kingdome of Princes Vnder this banner he hath lately placed these Iesuites w t some armour finding all other vnlettered and idle Monkes Friers not so fit for y e campe as for the cloister If this votarie hath resigned great interest or manye possibilities of welth honor felicity as he pretēdeth thē the iudgemēt of God was y e heauier against him y t he should sell all he had not to bye the precious pearle recōmēded by Christ but to purchase the