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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18055 An ansvvere made by Oliuer Carter, Bacheler of Diuinitie: unto certaine popish questions and demaundes Carter, Oliver, 1540?-1605. 1579 (1579) STC 4697; ESTC S108169 79,017 198

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aboundaunce of his spirit vpon all Iewes Turkes Infidels and Papists that they may imbrace the glad tidinges of the Gospell and become obedient children vnto the maiestie of almightie god Where wee haue peculiar charge in our seuerall congregations wee exhorte with Iohn Baptist all men to repentaunce Wee say with the Apostle That wee are messengers from Christ to moue the people to be reconciled vnto God that we are fe●owe laborers to beseech them not to ●eceiue the grace of God in vaine shew●ng that nowe is the accepted time and the daye of saluation in the whiche the God of all mercies doth offer them ●ardon of their sinnes for Christes sake ●hough they be neuer so manie in num●er if they wil repent beleeue the gos●el We haue no warrant in Gods woorde ● which ought to be the square or rule to ●●re●t all Christians to claime or chaleng ●nie such authoritie ouer other nations Christ our sauiour doth denie that superi●ritie vnto the Apostles saying It shall ●ot be so amonge you In deede your Church of Rome doth vsurp this that shee ●s aboue all other Churches that all nati●ns doe owe their obedience vnto hir and ●hat all Kinges and Emperours doe owe ●heir subiectiō vnto hir as in Peters right ●ou haue sought and doe seeke the same su●eriority as appeareth by the sayinge of Frederike the Emperour vnto Pope Alexander the thirde most tyrannically treading vpon him and setting his foote in his neck Non tibi sed Petro This submission saith the Emperour belongeth not to thee but to Peter To whom the Pope answered Etmihi Petro It is both due vnto me to Peter The like proud behauiour shewed Pope Hildebrād vnto Henrie the fourth Emperoure who caused him his wife and his sonne to attende and wayte three dayes three nights barefoote and barelegged before his pallace at Canntium or he would vouchsafe to speake with him But to let these thinges passe of which like examples the histories be plentilull which doe argue the ambition and tyrannie of your church As you haue made oftentimes this offer That if such suche thinges coulde be prooued you would recant So say I againe vnto you if you be willing to play the Proctoures part in the behalfe of your church of Rome and proue these high dignities which shee doeth challenge by the worde of God not onely I but manie thousandes will ioyne handes with your church But you shall neuer bee able to proue by the scriptures that God either in the olde or newe Testament ●ath promised to establishe anie suche one ●hurche in earth which shoulde appeare in ●utwarde pompe and externall shewe to ●e viewe of the whole worlde continually ● endure by orderly succession of anie Apo●olike man in one place or to be of suche ●uthoritie maiestie in earth that it might ●equire the obedience of all nations sum●oning and citing them vpon paine of ex●mmunication to appeare at her generall ●essions or Councelles called by her Nay ●ther the churche of God as I haue decla●d before hath beene for the most part sub●ct to persecutions of smal countenance ● the eyes of man and so small that often●mes shee coulde not bee seene as in Elias is time it playnely appeareth as also in ●e time in which our sauiour Christ was ●uersant here on earth But of this matter ● haue spokē at large in other places You ●eme to take it as graūted to you that you ●aue authoritie to call all nations to your ●uncells yet it appeareth by the ecclesi●ticall histories that you haue no such pri●ledge or commission but that of right it apperteineth to the temporall magistrate Constantine the great being Emperour ouer all the world did call and summon generall councell● for the establishing of true religion without the consent of the Pope For so a good writer affirmeth Constantine saith he as if he had bene a common Bishope appointed by God called together councels of gods ministers and disdained not himselfe to sitt in the middest of thē to be partaker of their doings Your owne Popes in like manner doe confesse this For Pope Leo writing vnto Theodosius the Emperoure hath these woordes All our Churche sayeth he and our Priestes most humblie beseech your maiestie with sobbes and teares that you will commaund a generall concell to be holden within Italie I do not deny but that your Bishopps of Rome traueled earnestly that no councell shoulde be called without their consentes and to haue this prerogatiue of calling councells but yet they coulde neuer bring it to passe vntill they had gotten the Emperoures heads vnder their gyrdelles and that appeareth by the saying of Pope Pius 2. otherwise called Aeneas Syluius who ●doeth also note the inconueniencie whiche woulde insue thereof By these authorities saith hee they thinke them selues armed that say no councell may be kept without the consent of the Pope Whose iudgement if it should stand as they woulde haue it would drawe with it the decaye and ruine of the Church for what remedie were there then if the Pope him selfe were vicious destroyed soules ouerthrewe the people with euell examples taught doctrine contrarie to the faith and filled his subiects full of heresies ▪ should we suffer all to goe to the Diu●ll ▪ Verely when I reade the olde ●tories and consider the Actes of the Apo●les I finde no such order in those dayes ●hat only the Pope should summō councels And afterwardes in the time of Constan●tine the greate and of other Emperoures when councells should be called there was ●o greate account made of the Popes ●onsent Moreouer he saith that before ●he councell of Nice eche Bishope liued se●erally and little regard was then had to ●he Church of Rome But concerning ●hefe titles wherewith the woord of God dooth beautifie adorneth the true Church of God calling her The spouse of Christ the dearelie beloued of Christ the citie of God c. Let the scriptures Gospel of Christ it selfe conteined in the olde newe Testament be iudge in this matter whether these titles doo belong and appertaine to your Church or vnto ours Our Church affirmeth Christ Iesus onely to be the heade of the Church his Spouse your Churche dooth affirme the Pope to be her head our Church dooth not mainteine any doctrine Sacrament or any tradition which is not grounded vppon the doctrine of Christ and expresly set foorth in the holy Byble your Church dependeth vppon the decrees of man dooth teache such ecclesiasticall ordinances and constitutions to be of equall authoritie with the Scriptures of God setteth foorth fiue Sacramentes more then euer Christ ordeined and corrupteth the other two Sacramentes onely appointed by Christ for these fiue Sacramentes deuised by your church of Rome were brought into England by Otho the Cardinall in the raigne of King Henrie the third in the yeare of our Lord. 1236. To conclude our Church dooth feede Christes people and flocke with
foresaide states in their gouernement and ministerie And if he can proue vnto me that their Churche hath neuer lacked the same appointed officers or that anie other Churche or congregation besides oures hath alwayes kept that charge and I recant Answeare TRuth it is that Christ gaue some to be Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelistes some Pastoures and teachers but where doe you reade that our Sauiour Christe euer promised all these functions to continue successiuely to the worldes end Shew vnto me anie which was called apostle or prophet after Christ his Apostles Saint Paule the blessed Apostle maketh mentiō of false Apostles which alwaies withstood the doctrine of the Gospell maintained the ceremonies of the Lawe and the inuentions of their owne braine and set them selues opposite vnto the true Apostles and if you will claime your succession from them I will easily agree vnto you There hath bene Preachers and teachers at all times saue onely when they haue bene kept vnder by your tyrannie which haue preached Gods truth and reproued your grosse Idolatrie whom your Church hath alwaies persecuted vnto death and euen vntill this time there hath bene and are Christians in Graecia and Asia which haue euer●●●e and doe yet vtterly detest the Pope the head of your Church with all your de●●●s and traditions But shewe mee in one place I pray you of the Scripture where euer Christ promised anie such succession to continue in all ages Y● were so that the truth of Gods worde ● the functions in Gods Church should ●ceed alwaies by ordinary succession t● you had a good foundation to builde y● succession vpon Then Christ our Saui● by right should not haue controuled ● Scribes and Pharesies which sat● Moses chaire which bragged of succe●on as well as you doe saying We are the seed of Abrahā we are the discipl● of Moses vnto vs God hath made ● promisses as for Christ we knowe n● from whence he came And theref● they asked Christ By what power he d● such thinges who gaue him that au●thoritie and so they might very well ha● said in respect of their outward successio● For so Annas and Caiphas were Bys●ops aswell as Aaron But that warni● and admonicion which Saint Paule ga● vnto the congregation of Ephesus touc●ing succession might satisfie you I know this saith he that after my departinge● there shal greuous Woolues enter in amoung you not sparing the flocke moreouer of your owne selues shall m● arise speaking peruerse thinges And againe he saith That true faith cometh not by succession but by hearing not the Bishoppe of Rome but the worde God. Yf Christ had appoynted anie such succession would he haue forewarned vs that desolation of abhomination should sit ●●●he holy place and that Antichrist should ●●●rude him selfe into the roome of Christ If you looke well about you you haue no cause to glory in succession for that by your writers sufficient is spoken to discredit your succession for one saith That many Popes haue fallen into heresies that Hildebrand in whose time defection frō the faith tooke place was charged by a generall councell to be an adulterer a Churchrobber a periured person a ma●queller a sorcerer and an apostata Another calleth the Popes monsters and 〈◊〉 shapen creatures If your heade and chiefe of your Church be such what shall we iudge of the rest I wil take for proofe of your succession euen the confessiō of Pope ●drian the fourth Succedimus non Pe●●●o in pascendo sed Romulo in parrici●●●o We succeede saith he not Peter in ●●●eding but Romulus in killing To be ●●●t what auaileth the succession of your Church vnlesse you coulde prooue that she hath alwayes mainteined the doctrine of Christ For Saint Augustine saith Tha● many doo giue the outward marke of a Byshop to wolues and be wolues them selues That the truth of Gods woord ma● be the touchstone of lawfull succession giu● eare to the godly councell of a learned father It becommeth vs saith he to obe● those Priestes in the Church which hau● their succession from the Apostles an● together with the succession of their Bishoprikes according to the good wil o● God the father haue receiued the vndoubted gift of the truth An other being pressed with the like succession saith If any of my predecessors haue not obserued and kept the same that our Lor● hath taught vs both by his example an● also by his commaundement his simplicitie may be pardoned but we if we do● the like can hope for no pardon bein● now admonished and instructed of ou● Lord. And comparing all other Churche● with the primatiue ●hurch the same fath● saith If the pipes of the conduit whic● before ran with abundance happen ● faile do we not vse to search to the hea● The Pristes of God keeping Gods commaundementes must doo the same that if the truth haue fainted or failed in any point we returne to the original of our Lord and to the tradition of the Gospel and of the Apostles that thence wee may take the discretion of our dooings from whence the order it selfe and originall first began Thus muche concerning the succession of your Church hauing no warrant by Gods woorde Papist 6. AND for the necessarie vse and execution of the foresaide offices they must further bee asked what sacraments the Protestāts ministred for the space of a M. yeares together in which they confesse their congregation to haue beene neare or wholly hidde what correction or discipline they kept for offendors to whom they did preache their heresies Where did 〈◊〉 principall pastor sitte in iudgement ●●●re did they gather as in a councell ●●●ye the trueth in doubtfull matters H●●e might Christian men iustelie of●●●d with some of their Bretheren haue sought out your officers or congregation to make complaint of him or how if it lacked any man to haue beene baptized of them or to haue receiued the communion of them or haue ioyned them selues in faith and religion vnto them How might I say that co●temptible and vnknowne companie ha● beene found out in this case If therefo● you can shewe me that euer anie man soug● iustice or knowledge of truth sacrament● faith or anie helpe of saluation at the Pro●stants secret and close Church or anie oth● where else but of Gods knowne Cathol● Church And I recant Aunsweare 6. TOuching Sacramentes we fin● two appoynted expresly by the wor● of God namely Baptisme and the Lor● Supper The one doeth signifie our ne● birth and regeneration that as by wat● the filthe of the body is washed cleane through faith in the bloud of Christ o● soules are clensed from all sinne and w● are incorporat and ingraffed into the b● of Christ and made members of his bo● of which he is the onely head the other do● put vs in remembraunce that Christ I●sus is our spiritual foode and sustenaun● that he is the celestial Manna which came downe from Heauen and