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A17018 The iudgement of the Apostles and of those of the first age, in all points of doctrine questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England, as they are set downe in the 39. Articles of their religion. By an old student in Diuinitie. Broughton, Richard. 1632 (1632) STC 3898; ESTC S114820 265,017 428

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and Sainct Luke they were not all thought able ● condemne those named hereticks which S. Ih● confounded Amonge the Epistles onely that of ● Paul to the Romans was sent into these parts ● was in a language wee did not vnderstand a● written after the faith of the Romans was spre● both in Britaine and all the world as Sainct P● witnesseth fides vestra annuntiatur in vniu● Rom. 1. mundo The two Epistles of Sainct Peter accordi● to antiquity were written in Rome and after B●taine had receaued the faith especially the last a● the first being longe doubted of was sent quite co● ●rary from Britayne vnto the contries of Pōtus Ga●atia 2. Petr. 1. Capadocia Asia and Bithynia in the easterne ●arts Wee finde no memory after of Scripture re●eaued here vntill longe time after in the second ●ge expressed in Pope Eleutherius his Epistle to our ●ing Lucius And yet all our Protestāt antiquaries ●ue before assured vs that Britaine had in the A●stles time and longe before any Scripture came ●ther or probably was written and possibly in ●orall Iudgment could come hither receaued the ●ith of Christ so fully purely and sincerely that it ●euer changed it in any materiall point after the ●riptures were receaued here nor diuers hundreds ● yeares after And if wee will be directed by Scriptures in this ●int those which our Protestants allowe for such ●e testimony to vnwritten Traditions in many ●ces To exemplifie onely in Sainct Paul which ●ote most in the new Testament hee chargeth S. 1. Tim. 6. ●mothy and all others in him to keepe obserue ●ngs so deliuered without writinge O Timothee 2. Tim. 2. ●ositum custodi This in his first Epistle not ha●ge written vnto him before And in his second ●stle hee giueth him commaund that the things ●ich he had heard frō Sainct Paul he should de●er vnto others fit to teach them Quae audisti a me ● multos testes haec commenda fidelibus hominibus ●idonei erunt alios docere And expressely com●undeth 2. Thessal 2. the Thessalonians and in them all in ● second epistle to them to obserue and keepe the ●aditions which they had learned either by word ● writinge State tenete traditiones quas didici● siue per sermonem siue per epistolam nostram ●hich the Fathers expound of the necessity of keepinge vnwritten traditions as Catholiks now doe Hinc est perspicuum quòd non omnia per epistola● Chrisost in 2. Thess orat 4. tradiderunt sed multa etiam fine scriptis eaquoque sunt fide digna Quamobrem Ecclesiae quoque traditionem censeamus esse fide dignam Est traditio nihil quaeras amplius And expoundinge that of S. Paul in his first epistle to the Corinthians ho● they kept his commaundements by word befor● he wrote vnto them sicuttradidi vobis praecepta m●tenetis he doth inferre the doctrine of Traditions ergo fine literis mult a tradid●rat quod alibi saepe meminit And Sainct Hierome vpon the same words Hier. in eadem Verba Tom. 9. quasi legem praecepta meatenetis scientes illum in ● spiritum loqui qui in lege locutus est prophetis Th● like hath S. Ambrose vpon the same and S. Epphanius Ambros in 1. Cor. Epiph. haeresi 69. oportet traditione vti non enim omnia diuina Scriptura possunt accipi Quapropter aliqua ● traditione Sancti Apostoli tradiderunt Quemadmdum dicit Sanctus Apostolus Sicut tradidi vobis ● alibi sic doceo sic tradidi in Ecclesijs Thus the best learned both Greeke and Lati● Fathers expounded these to inferre a necessity Traditions and their equality with Scriptu● Which our best Protestant writters with th● common allowance thus confirme Our aduer sar● Feild l. 4. c. 20. pag 238. meaninge Catholiks make traditions equall with words precepts and doctrines of Christ the Apost● and Pastors of the Church left vnto vs in writinge ●ther is there any reason why they should not so doe they could proue any such vnwritten verities for not the writinge that giueth things their authority the worth and credit of him that deliuereth th● though by word and liuely voyce onely Thus t● confesse and the reason which they giue so en●ceth them the worth and credit of the reuealer and deliuerer or proposer of holy misteries supernaturall being the motiue and cause of mans assent so firme and vnmoueable in articles of faith not to be proued by humane reason and not the writinge or not writinge being fallible and subiect to many casualties corruptions and vncertainties which we are sure are not to be found in Christ the reuealer nor his holy Church the vndoubted true proposer of his mysteries and reuelations And both these are the same and as certaine in traditions not written such as Catholiks maintaine as in the written Scriptures For wee doe not defend any one vnwritten tradition that it should be beleeued as an Article of faith or to be thought requisite necessary to saluation which be the very words of this Protestant Article of Religion but wee produce the Artic of Protest Relig. 20. highest authority in their owne publike Iudgment also in these their Articles the true primatiue Church of Christ to warrant it The which Church hath power and authority in controuersies of faith That euery tradition came from Christ and his Apostles to be receaued professed in Christian Religion As to instance in some and those which most concerne euen in our Protestants proceedings and by their owne confessions and testimonies vnwritten Traditions are necessary For first in this Engl Protest Rel. artic 6. very article they haue giuen their finall sentence in the very first words thereof that the holy Scriptures are of this nature Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary for saluation So that whatsoeuer is not read therein nor may be proued thereby is not to be required of any man that it should be beleeued as an Article of faith or to be thought requisite necessary to saluation And yet in the immediatly following words they plainely declare and professe that wee haue noe warrant in Scripture for any booke chapter or sentence of Scripture to be such holy Scripture but for euery least percell thereof wee must resor● to Tradition and the Churches Iudgment In th● name of holy Scripture wee doe vnderstand those canonicall bookes of the old and new testament of whose authority was neuer any doubt in the Church Where we● are assured from these men that the Church an● Tradition vnwritten is supreme Iudge of all questions in Religion euen of the Scriptures themselues And so necessarily they must say confesse or els leaue no Religion or Scripture at all to b● proued or proue vnto vs. For it is vnquestionabl● that no part of Scripture doth propose vnto vs an● Catalogue or Canon of Scriptures Which the thus further testifie in their publikely approue● Feild l. 4. pa. 238. c. 20.
euidently proued against this their Article that the Church of Rome in euery age as they haue before declared assisting and directing the Christian Britans here and concurring and agreeing with them ineuery point and article of Religion neither did nor could be said to haue erred in matters of faith And this these Protestants expressely confesse when they generally acknowledge as all Antiquities doe that there was then no materiall or essentiall difference in matters of faith betweene the Christian Britains except some Pelagian heretiks among them and Sainct Augustine with his company being sent from the Church of Rome the Pope then being a greate S. Gregory the most learned and holy Pope that euer was by these mens Testimony Gregorius magnus omnium Pōtificum Romanorum Balaeus l. 2. de Act. Rom. Pontif. in Gregorio M●g●●o doctrina vita praestantissimus And therefore by them and all holy writers stiled Gregory the greate And wherein soeuer any difference though ceremoniall obseruing of Easter any ceremony about the ministering of Baptisme or giuing holy Orders was betweene the Roman Church and the Britains all writers both Catholiks and Protestāts proue the Roman Church professed the truth And the Britains were in the errour and so they freely and publikely in their first meeting cōfessed as Sainct Bede and our Protestants themselues Bed hist Eccles l. 2. c. 2. with others acknowledge Tum Britones confitentur quidem intellexisse se veram esse viam iustitiae quam praedicaret Augustinus and this was inuincibly proued vnto them both by vnanswearably humane arguments and diuine testimony and miracle And they afterward generally corrected and conformed themselues to the Romane Church in all things formerly questioned betweene them as all Antiquaries Brittish English Forreine domesticall Catholiks and Protestants agree neuer contending about any question moued by Protestants against the present Roman Church but both the Romane Church then and our Britains as the whole Christian world also iointly agreing in euery article against this new Protestant Religion And this is manifestly proued particularly already in all articles yet examined and so will be in all that followe Therefore it is manifestly false by all testimonies auncient later forreine domesticall Catholikes and Protestants euen in their publike decrees and Confessions that which this Article so desperately hath deliuered The Church of Rome hath erred in matters of faith and the contradictory that it hath not so erred nor shall at any time so erre is euidently true by all witnesses This will be yet more euidently manifested in the two next following examinations and others THE VIII CHAPTER The 20. Article thus examined and in whatsoeuer contrary to the Church of Romè thus condemned THEIR 20. and next article intituled of the authority of the Church is this It is no● lawfull ●or the Church to ordaine any thinge contrary to Gods word written neither may it so expound one place of ●cripture that it be repugnant to another Wherefore ●lthough the Church be a witnesse and a keeper of holy ●rit yet as it ought not to decree any thing against the ●ame so besides the same ought it not to enforce any ●hing to be beleeued for necessity of saluation In this article no thing needeth other answeare or confutation then is made before in their article of Scriptures and traditions where the pretended sole necessity of the written Scriptures heretikely insinuated is most plainely confuted both by the Apostolike doctrine and practise of this age and otherwise And the supreame power and authority which here they giue vnto the Church to be a witnesse and keeper of holy writ and the cheifest expositour thereof and as their common glosse ●● this article is the Church hath authority to Iudge and determine in controuersies of faith doth vtterly disable and condemne those Protestants to haue any colour or pretence to hold the truth in any one article they maintaine against the Roman Church either concerning Scriptures Church or an● thing else for the Church which onely was and ● visible as they haue described the true Church before hath in all and euery article condemned a● such Protestant Innouation And for these men to say as they haue done ●● their 19. Article that the Church is a congregati● of faithfull men in which the pure word of God ● preached and the Sacraments be duely ministred an● to make it an article of faith as they doe in the● publike profession of the Creede that this Church one holy and Catholike doth so continue for 〈◊〉 without interruption or corruption in ministri● Sacraments and preaching doctrine and the things are in their censure should onely be take from the written word and Scriptures It is vnpo●sible in such proceedings that the Church sho● ordaine any thing contrary to Gods word writte● or so expound on place of Scripture that it be repugnant to an other For otherwise it should neither be one holie or Catholike but diuers different vnholy particular no pillar of truth but a forge of falsehood no howse of God no spouse of Christ no saluation to be had or hoped for in any Iudgment Catholike or Protestant but in the true Church of Christ To this the Apostolike men of this age giue Ignat. epist ad Philadelp Ephes Trall Magn. Antiochen Ignat. ep ad Philadelp euident testimony Sainct Ignatius doth make the Iudgment of the Church both supreame and certaine and receauing penitents and saith Christ hath firmely builded his Church vpon a hile by spirituall building without help of mans hands against which the floods dashing and windes puffing could not ouerthrowe it nor any spirituall wickednesses shall euer be able to doe it but they shall be weakened by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ. Iesus Christus secundum propriam voluntatem suam firmauit Ecclesiam super Petram adificatione spirituali citra humanarum manuam operam in quam collisa flumina venti non potuerunt eam subuertere nec id valcant vnquam spirituales nequitiae sed infirmentur virtute Domini nostri Iesu Christi And saith plainely as there is but one flesh and blood of Christ shedd for our sinnes one Euchariste one Altare one Priestly order one God the Father one God the sonne one holy Ghost so there is but one preaching and one faith and one baptisme and one Church which with their sweate and labours the holy Apostles haue founded in the blood of Christ from the one end of the earch to the other vnapraedicatio fides vna vnum baptisma vna Ecclesia quam suis sudoribus laboribus fundarunt sancti Apostoli à finibus terrae vsque ad fines in sanguine Christi Sainct Clement C●em Rom. Const Apost l. 1. c. 1. saith the Catholike Church is the plantation of God and his chosen vineyard which cannot be digged vp or destroied Dei plantatio est Catholica Ecclesia vinea eius electa So that no other can be planted or chosen by
for defence of the Catholike Faith and Iastlie by your Maiestie our last Queene MARIE by whom this land is blessed by a royall issue and as we hope shall in time be mad● happie by restitution of the Catholike Religion ether in your owne o● your childrens dayes And the rathe● when England shall see by the Iudgement of the Apostles that the Catholike religiō aggreeth in all point with the religion taught deliuere● by the Apostles and first Apostolical● preachers and that the Protestant religiō is discoūtenaunced discarded condemned by them This shall appeare by this booke which I you● Maiesties most humble subiect a● old student in holie learning doe i● all dutifull manner present vnto you● wishing to your Gracious Maiestie and to our noble Souueraigne your deare Spouse a long and happie raigne in our great Brittainie such a temporall raigne amongst your subiectes as you may both raigne in heauen eternallie with God his Saintes and Angelles Your Maiesties most humble and deuoted subiect R. B. APPROBATIO CVm mihi constiterit ex testimonio fide digni S. Theol. Doctoris in hoc libro cui titulu● Apostolorum iudicium c. nihil inueniri Catholicae fidei aut bonis moribus contrarium sed mult● quae ostendunt religionem Catholicorum esse Apostolicam haereticorum verò Apostaticam censu● vtiliter praelo committi posse Actum Duaci die 23. Iunij 1632. GEORGIVS COLVENERIVS S. Theol. Doctor Regius ordinariusque Professor Gollegiat● Ecclesiae S. Petri Praepositus Dua● censis Academiae Cancellarius librorum Censor THE FIRST CHAPTER CONCERNINGE THE FIRST 5. PROtestants Articles not differinge from the Apostles Religion and the Roman Church BEEINGE to enter into the Examen and comparison of the parlament protestant Articled Religion of England with the Religion of the present Church of Rome and ●e whole Christian world named Catholike ●or profession whereof the Catholiks of England ●y the protestants thereof haue longe tyme suff●red and still most constantly endure most bitter persecutions by the first knowne and confessed ●ue Christian Catholike Apostolike Religion ● the Apostles and that their happy age wee finde ●t in the first fiue Articles of this new Religion ●y difference or difficulty to be thus decided both ●atholicks and parlamētary protestants agreeing them all and they all beeing ordeyned by these pro●tants against other Sectaries so soone within 4. ●ares of the beginning of Q. Elizabeth her Reigne re●eing old condemned heresies amongst them as their ●tories and registers remember and therefore it will ●re suffice onely to recite the Titles of these ar●les to giue notice thereof The contents and title ● the first article are Of faith in the holy Trinity The second of the word or sonne of God which was made verymā The 3. Of the going downe of Christ into hell The 4. Of the Resurrection of Christ The 5. Of the Holy Ghost The whole Article the Title being subiect to doubt is The holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the sonne is of one substance Maiesty and glory with the Father and the Sonne very and eternall God Hitherto wee finde nothing against the doctrine of the Catholike Church Which no● vnlikely these men did rather to winnesome credi● at their entrance to be thought louers of truth then that they hated the enemies of these articles not yet suppressed among them THE SECOND CHAPTER Examining their 6. Article about Scriptures and traditions and condemning it by the Apostles and Apostolike men and doctrine of their age THEIR next sixt Article intituled of the sufficiency of the holy Scriptures for Saluation ● thus holy Scripture containeth all things necessary ● saluation Soe that what soeuer is not read therein n● may be proued thereby is not to be required of any ma● that it should be beleeued as an article of faith or ● thought requisite or necessary to saluation By the na● of holy Scripture wee doe vnderstand those canonic● bookes of the old and new testament of whose auth●rity was neuer any doubt in the Church And from t● number of those bookes which there they allow● to be canonicall They doe in expresse words a● tearmes reiect The booke of Tobias the booke of Iudit● the rest of the booke of Esther the booke of wisdom● Iesus the sonne of Sirach Baruch the Prophet the songe of the three children the story of Susanna of Bel and the Dragon the prayer of Manasses the first and second Bookes of the Machabees Concerning the new testament thus they adde all the bookes of the new testament as they are commonly receiued wee doe receiue and accompte them for canonicall This their Article is in their proceedings as the grounde worke and foundation whereupon their Religion is wholy framed and builded and yet so weake Feeble totteringe ruinous arid deceitefull that not any one true certaine and infallible point of doctrine as euery Article in true religion is can be framed vpō it or from it so deduced by the expresse graunt of this article it selfe and of all English Protestants professed and sworne maintainers of it For whereas they sentence and define In the Art 6. supr name of holy Scripture wee doe vnderstand those canonicall bookes of the old and new testament of whose Field Booke of the Church lib. 4. cap. 5. wotton def of perk pa. 442. Couell ag Burg. pag. 60. def of Hooker pag. 31. 32. 33. pro●●st glosse on the 6. art Tho. Rogers ibid. authority was neuer any doubt in the Church They plainely make the Iudgment of the Church to be the highest tribunall in spirituall questions euen of the scriptures themselues And thus their best and cheife writers published by authority doe glosse and expound this article And of necessity so they must say except at their first entrance they will plainely confesse their religion and congregation their Church of England as they terme it to be erroneous or hereticall and to haue noe power or warrant at all to doubt deny or determine and propose what bookes be or be not Scriptures canonicall either of the old or new testament Or what one chapter or sentence in them is part or not part of such canonicall and vndoubted holy Scriptures for this power and prerogatiue being onely committed to the true Church by their Article and professors before if these men doubt or Iudge otherwise in this case then the true confessed Church hath hitherto done They can be noe part or members of that true Church And whatsoeuer is read or may be deduced from vntrue or doubted Scriptures cannot be possibly any certaine and vndoubted article of faith and religion For noe conclusion can be more certaine and vndoubted then the Maximes and authorities from which it is concluded but as the light of nature common law and vndeniable Maxime of true reasoning teacheth all men and all men truely acknowledge for a verity most certaine it euer followeth the weaker part euer erroneous doubtfull vncertaine or false if both or
writers much cōntention there hath beene about trad●tions some vrginge the necessity of them and others r●iectinge them For the clearinge whereof wee must o●serue that wee reiect not all for first wee receaue t● number and names of the Authors of bookes diuine a● Couell cont Burg pag. 60. whitaker ib. Wotton def of Perk. pag. 442. Couell def of hook pag. 31. 34 32. 33. feild l. 4. c. 5. pag. 203. Ormer pict Pap. pag 93. Sutcliffeag the 3. conu pag. 79. canonicall as deliuered by tradition This tradition w● admit The number Authors and Integrity of the part● of these bookes wee receaue as deliuered by tradition T● Church of Christ according to her authority receaued ● him hath warrant to approue the Scriptures to ackno●ledge to receaue to publish and commaunde vnto ● children The Church of Rome teacheth noe badde op●nion to affirme that the Scriptures are holy and diui● in themselues but so esteemed by vs for the authority the Church That the Scriptures ar true wee haue it fro● the Church Wee say that wee are taught to receaue ● word of God from the authoritie of the Church wee see her Iudgment wee heare her voyce and in humility subscribe vnto all this The Church hath fower singular offices towards the Scripture First to be of them as it were afaithfull register Secondly to discerne and Iudge betweene false and adulterate and that which is true and perfect The third to publish and diuulge to proclaime as a Crier the true Edict of our Lord himselfe The last is to be an Interpreter and in that followinge the safest rule to be a most faithfull Expositor of his owne meaninge Wee thinke that particular men and Churches may erre damnably But that the whole Church at one time cannot so erre for that the Church should cease vtterly for a time and so not be Catholike beinge not at all times Christ should sometimes be without a Church The Church is called a pillar because it is like vnto a pillar For as a pillar doth support and vnderproppe a buildinge and maketh it more stable firme and stronge So the Church doth sustaine and supporte the truth for the truth is no where preserued but in the Church Christs true Church is a diligent and wary keeper of doctrines committed to her and changeth nothinge at any time diminisheth nothinge addeth nothinge superfluous looseth not her owne nor vsurpeth things belonginge to others And this is publikely warranted in Protest Reli. of Engl. Art 19. these their Articles and Rule of their Religion where thus they define the Church The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithfull men in the which the pure word of God is preached And the Sacraments be duely ministred accordinge to Christs ordinance Art 8. Catech. com Booke Iniunct Canons feild l. 4. c. 20. pag. 238. 239. in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same Secondly those men in their Rules of Religion and their priuate writers affirme that the Apostles Creede which by all Antiquity was by them deliuered to the Church and by these Protestants as Rule of faith before the Scriptures of the new Testament were written is an vnwritten Tradition yet by their words a summary comprehension of th● cheife heades of Christian Religion a Rule of th● Churches faith And yet it is constantly maintaine● by many Protestants that diuers articles thereo● as our Ladies perpetuall virginity natus ex Mar● Virgine Christs descending into hell descendit a● inferos The communion of Saincts and forgiuenesse of sinnes Sanctorum communionem R●missione● peccatorum and others by diuers others Protestant● are not contained in any Scripture written befor● or after And this Creede deliuered by word an● tradition onely by the Apostles before the new t●stament written this Scripture could not possibl● be a rule or direction vnto it but rather otherwis● for euery rule hath priority to the thinge ruled an● the things ruled posterity to their rule Matters a● done without rule when there is no rule vntill aft● they be acted These Parlament Protestants proceede furth● Feild supr pag. 239. in this question and plainely say with greate a●lowance The third kind of Tradition is that somme ● Christian doctrine and explication of the seuerall par● thereof which the first Christians receauinge of the sa● Apostles that deliuered to them the Scriptures co●mended to posteritie This may rightly be named a trad●tion for that wee neede a plaine and distinct explicati● of things which are somewhat obscurely contained the Scripture The fourth kinde of tradition is the cont●nued practise of such as neither are contained in t● Scripture expressely nor the example of such practi● expressely there deliuered of this sorte is the Baptisme of Infants which is therefore named a tradition because it is not expressely deliuered in the Scripture that the Apostles did baptize infants nor any expresse precept there founde that they should doe it Which their rule of Religion in these Articles thus further iustifieth The Baptisme of yonge children is in any wise to be retained Art of Engl. Prote Relig. Art 17. Communiō Booke Tit. Baptisme The. Rog. in Art 27. Q. Elizab. and k. K. Iames Iniunct and Canons in the Church as most agreable with the institution of Christ Where they plainely in their publike rule of Religion make it a tradition and no Scripture article And by the cōmon practicall of their religion their communion booke so they practise baptizinge all infants and sayinge all Christian Churches allowe of the baptisme of infants And these Protestants are onely baptized when they are infants and not after and yet confesse it is most necessary to saluation And whereas they reiect all other Sacraments besides Art of Relig. art 25. this and the Eucharist or the Cōmunion as they terme it confessing that these Sacraments be necessary to saluation And yet denyinge the Eucharist to be as Catholiks professe the true body and blood of Christ and sacrifice for the lyuinge and deade they contradict themselues for that they confesse that in this sinse it was generally vsed in Kinge Iames and Casanb resp ad Card. per. pa. 51. 52. 20. Middle● Papistom 20. p. 92. 113. 49. 137. 138. 47. 45. Feild l. 3. cap 29. p. 138. Couell Exa pag. 114. primitiue Church that the Apostles so deliuered it by tradition all Churches so obserued it and it was heresie to deny it Their words be The sacrifice of the altar and vnbloody sacrifice were vsed in the primitiue Church The primatiue Church did offer sacrifice at the altar for the deade sacrifice for the deade was a tradition of the Apostles and the auncient Fathers Aerius condemned the custome of the Church in naming the deade at the altar and offeringe the sacrifice of Eucharist from them and for this his rash and inconsiderate boldenesse and presumption in condemninge the vniuersall Church of Christ he was iustly condemned Their whole congregation Kinge Iames
his councell King Iames Prot. Lords Bish. Doct. in Confer at Hāpt Court p. 13. 18. 35. 36 10. 11 Couell ag the plea. of the Innoc. p. 104. Barlow Serm. before the K. Sept. 21 an 1607. part 3. cap. 2. Protestant Bishops and best learned Doctors assembled in publike conferēce haue left thus concluded The particular and personall absolution from sinne after confesson is apostolicall and a very Godly ordinance That baptisme is to be ministred by priuate persons in time of necessity is an holy Tradition Bishops and Archbishops be diuine ordinations confirmation i● an apostolicall traditiō And in their publike Rituall their communion booke they testifie that confirmation was a Tradition of the Apostles hath an externall signe also vsed by them and giueth grace which by the 25. Article of their religion maketh ● Communion booke of Engl. Protest Titul Confirmation §. Almighty Prot. of Religion art 25. a Sacrament So that to insist onely vpon these graunted Traditions not contained in Scripture by these Protestants and yet so necessary to saluation as they by their greatest allowance and authority deliuer wee may not say as this Article doth Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary for saluation These men also deliuer vnto vs with greate approbation Articul 6. supr makinge the Author of that worke and for the same a Bishop certaine sure rules to knowe such true Thraditions by in these words Rules by which wee may Iudge which are true and Indubitate Feild Books of the Church l. 4. pag. 242. August l. 4. contr Donat. c. 23. Traditions The first rule is deliuered by Sainct Augustine Quod vniuersa tenet Ecclesia nec Concili●● Institutum sed semper retentum est non nisi authoritate apostolica traditum rectissimè creditur Whatsoeuer the whole Church holdeth not ordained by Councels but beinge euer holden it is most rightly belieued to haue beene deliuered by Apostolike authority The second Feild supr l. 4 c. 21. p. 242. c. 5. pag. 202. Kinge Iames and Confer at Hampton Couel def o● Hooker Ormer pict pap p. 184 Down l. 2. Antichr pag. 105. Sutcliffe Subuers pag. 57. rule is whatsoeuer all or the most famous and renowned in all ages haue constantly deliuered as receaued from them that went before them no man contradictinge or doubting of it may be thought to be an Apostolicall Tradition The third rule is the constat Testimony of the Pastors of an Apostolike Church successiuely deliuered Amongst Apostolike Churches the Church of Rome is more specially to be obeyed reuerenced and respected The Church of Rome is our mother Church it was a rule to all both in doctrine and ceremonies when it was in her florishinge and best estate The Church of Rome was the cheife and onely Church It was a note of a good Christiā to cleane vnto the Romane Apostolicall Church Euery Church ought to haue respect to the Church of Rome for her eminent principality And our English Protestant antiquaries and Diuines haue generally giuen their allowance that the Church of Rome both in this and the next age when Britayne did receaue the most pure Religion of Christ from thence was most holy and vnspotted free from all error Therefore whatsoeuer wee doe or may bringe in generall or particular for vnwritten traditions either from this so renowned Apostolike Church in this time from the whole Church or the most famous and renowned in this age beinge our Protestants owne allowed rules and to be denied by none must needs be euidence and testimony vndeniable in this and all others their questioned Articles Frst I exemplifie in the Apostles Creede stiled by our Protestants before a sundry comprehension of the cheife heads of Christian Religion Protest supr Ruffin in exposit Symboli alij a rule of the Churches faith This was deliuered by the Apostles by tradition not by Scripture but before the Scriptures of the new Testament wer● written as both they and the auncient Fathers by ● common consent of the whole Church of Christ are witnesses And the same consent of Christ Church with these our Protestants in these their Articles so conclude of Sainct Athanasius and the Art 8. of prot Religion Nicen Creede in these words The three Creeds Nicen Creede Athanasius Creede and that which is commonly called the Apostles Creede ought throughly to b● receaued beleeued And so generally they obserue although the reason which they immediatly yeel● thereof for they may be proued by most certaine warrants of holy Scripture is childish and impertinent● for being confessed that the Apostles Creede wa● deliuered onely by tradition of the Apostles and by that authoritie receaued before the Scriptures either receaued or written this Creede could not possibly be receaued by the written warrant of Scriptures but vnwritten tradition and warrant of th● Apostles And although the Nicen and S. Athanasius Creeds were written longe after this time y● they were both written receaued in the Churc● before the Scriptures were generally allowed an● receaued as both the auncent Fathers and Protestants haue acknowledged before and it is testifie by the publike warranted Protestant glosse vpo● Prot. Glosse by authority of Church of Engl. in Art 8. these their Articles that very many both old an● late writers euen whole sects and profession● namely to vse their owne words Ebionites Tr●theits Antitrinitarians Apollinarians Arians M●nichies Nestorians Origenians Familists and An●baptists with others are Aduersaries vnto and deniers that these Creeds may be proued by hol● Scripture Much more doe they and many other both Catholiks and Protestants themselues deny that all and singular their articles necessary to saluation may so be proued And to come to the holy and happy Apostolike writers and Saincts which liued and wrote in this first age and first hundred of yeares to wit S. Linus Sainct Clement Sainct Denys the Areopagite S. Martial Sainct Ignatius Sainct Policarpus or any other of whom any worke is extant I shall make it S. Ignat. epist ad Smyrn Theod. dialo Euseb l. 3. c. 31. Hiera● lib. de vir Illust S. Bern. Serm. 7. in ps 9. Marc. Michal Carnoten lib. de vir illustr Dion Carth. ad l. Areop de diuin nom Sint Sin lib. 2. Ignat. ep ad S. Ioh. 1. 2. ad B. Mar. Virg. B. Mar. epist ad Ignat. S. Ignat. epist ad Smyrnen Euseb hist l. 3. ca. 33. ● Chrisost orat de trāsl S. Ignatij Foelix Rom. ep ad Zenon Imperat synod S. Constant Theodoret. Immutabil dialog 1. euident that in euery Article in this Protestant Religion contained in their booke of the Articles thereof they dissented from these Protestants and they and the Apostolike Church then vniuersally agreed in and professed the same doctrine which the present Roman Church doth at this day in all points This will plainely appeare in euery Article hereafter and therefore in this place I will onely cite Sainct Ignatius as a sufficient pawne or pledge
ad Mar. Cassob chastity in castitate exegi● hanc vitam Whic● he affirmeth of other Apostolike Preists and B●shops of that age Sainct Timothy Sainct Titus ● Epist ad Philadelph Euodius his predecessor at Antioche of himsel● in diuers places So that then neither the Preists ● the Latine or Greeke Church Antioche beinge th● cheifest and where the name of Christians fi●● began were maried but continually liued a● ●heir life time in chastity in castitate exegerunt hanc vitam And therefore they were honored in those dayes ●nd the holy Maydens which had professed virgi●ity were compared to the Preists in this point ●f perfection and for it honored as they were ●as quae in virginitate degunt in pretio habete velut Epistol ad Tarsens Christi Sacerdotes It is manifest their were Col●edges or Nunneries of such vowed and professed ●irgins and Nonnes then Saluto Collegium virgi●um Epistol ad Philippen Epistol ad Smyrn Epistol ad Polycarp And they liued in perpetuall virginity Saluto ●as quae in perpetua degunt virginitate They were ●rofessed by the Bishop whether men or women ●i quis potest in castitate permanere ad honorem carms ●ominicae sine iactantia permaneat si idipsum statuatur ●ne Episcopo corruptum est And of this profession ●onsecration of virgins he further putteth them ●nd all in memory in this manner virgines agnos●ant Epistol ad Antiochen cui seipsas consecrarunt And he proueth That it is in the power and free ●ill of man to doe these and all holy duties in a Christian life by the grace of Christ and noe man ●ecessitated to sinne heauen and hell good and bad ●n the free will and election of man Decet non modo Epistol ad Magnes vocari Christianos sed esse nec enim dici sed esse bea●os facit Obseruationi proponitur vita mors inobedien●iae singuli qui hoc aut illud delegerunt ●n eius quod ●nuenerint locum abituri sunt fugianius mortem eli●amus vitam In hominibus enim geminas not as inue●iri dico hanc esse veri numismatis illam vero advlterimi Pius homo numisma est à Deo excusum im●ius ementitum adulterimum illegitimum non à ●eo sed à diabolo ●ffectum Non quòd velim dicere ●uas esse hominis naturas sed vnum esse hominem qui iam Dei iam diabolisit Si quis pietati studet Dei ho● est si impiè agat diaboli est non id factus per natura● sed animi arbitrium He proueth that concupiscen● Epist ad Ephesios without consent condemneth not nor is sinne a● protestants hold Cum nulla in vobis sit conscupisce●tia quae vos inquinet supplicium adferat secundu● Deum viuite Non vos laedet aliqua diabolica cogitati● si vt Paulus perfectam habueritis in Christū fide● charitatem He hath before in one place spoke● of foure Sacraments Baptisme the Sacrament o● Christs blessed body and blood Orders and Confirmation by al expositors Baptizant Sacrifican● Epistol ad Heron. Eligunt manu● imponunt He hath asscribed iustification vnto pennance and so allowed it in that degre● and although he hath so dignified the virginall life and saith it is better praestantius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Epist ad Philadelph then wedlocke he giueth so much honor vnt● Marriage that it was not to be performed withou● the Bishops assent and allowance Decet verò v● Epist ad Polycarpum ducentes vxores nubentes cum Episcopi arbitrio coniugantur vt nuptiae iuxta Domini praeceptu● sint non autem ad concupiscentiam Our protestants generally and absolutely deny these holy Christian doctrines and practises to be contained in Scriptures or to be proued by them Therefore they must needs yeeld that that primatiue and Apostolike Church by so greate and liuing then witnesse held and professed them by tradition and certaine it is that many bookes of Scripture were neither generally receaued nor written when the things were so generally vsed and professed not onely in the commaundinge Greeke Church of Antioch where Sainct Peter S. Paul S. Euodius and Sainct Ignatius professed and practized them Pauli Petri fuistis discipuli ne perda●●s Epist ad Antiochen depositum Mementore Euodij beatissimi Pastoris ves●●i qui primus vobis ordinatus est ab Apostolis Antistes Where the disciples were first called Christiās when Sainct Peter and Sainct Paul came thither and there founded the Church Antiochiae primum Epist ad Magnesian discipuli appellati sunt Christiam cum Petrus Paulus fundarent Ecclesiam But in all the renowned Churches before remembred and in all the whole Christian world at that time by the preachinge and tradition of the holy Apostles as the same Apostolike man thus witnesseth Scribo ad vos moncoque Epist ad Philadelph vt vna praedicatione vna Eucharistia vtamini Vna enim est caro Domini nostri Iesu Christi vnus illius sanguis qui pro nobis effusus est vnus item panis omnibus confractus vnus calix qui omnibus tributus est vnum altare omni Ecclesiae vnus Episcopus cum presbyterorum collegio diaconis Quandoquidem est vnus est ingenitus Deus Pater vnus vnigenitus Filius Deus verbum homo vnus Paracletus Spiritus veritatis vna praedicatio fides vna vnum baptisma vna Ecclesia quam suis sudoribus laboribus fundarunt Sancti Apostoli à fimbus terrae vsque ad fines in sanguine Christi Vos itaque oportet vt populum peculiarem gentem sanctam omnia perficere concordibus animis in Christo And directly Epistol ad Heron. concludeth that whosoeuer shall teach otherwise then the Traditions of the Church be he is to be accompted a wolfe amonge sheepe though he be otherwise a man of credit fasteth liueth chastely doth miracles and prophecieth Quicumque dix●rit quippiam praeter ea quae constituta sunt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tamet si fide dignus sit quamuis signa edat quamuis prophetet pro lupo illum habeas qui subouina pelle exitium pestemque aedfert ouibus Wee may add● vnto these greatest solemnities and festiuall daye● of the Cristians receaued in the Church in th● time by tradition and not Scripture and by th● same authority of tradition without Scripture th● feasts highest festiuities of the Iewes euen thos● which were solemnely set downe and commaūde● in Scripture to be religiously obserued quite eu●cuated and vtterly reiected The Sabbath which is now our saterday wa● with greate ceremony and solemnity deliuered i● Scripture to be kept euery weeke and that whic● wee call sonday was commaunded to be a working day Yet all Christians in this time by tradition di● celebrate that old working day next after the ol● Sabbath for our Lords day consecrated
to Christ● resurrection as the cheifest of all dayes Post Sabbatum Epistol ad Magnesianos epist ad Trallian omnis Christi amator Dominicum celebret diem resurrectioni consecratam Dominicae Reginam principem omnium dierum in qua vita nostra exorta est per Christum mors deuicta as all Christians now also doe The feast of Easter was also chaūged with other solemnities and they were accompted as cursed persecutors of Christ and his Apostles which obserued otherwise or kept any festiuity o● the Iewes although before commaunded in Scriptures Si quis cum Iudaeis celebrat Pascha aut Symbol● Epist ad Philadelphenses festiuitatis corum recipit particeps est eorum qui Dominum occiderunt Apostolos eius He proueth plainely that both the principall feasts and fasts also o● the Church as Lent and others were then in vse by this authority of Tradition Festiuitates ne dehonestetis Epistol ad Philippen quadragesimale iciunium ne spernatis contine● enim imitationem conuersationis Dominicae Post Passionis Do●●●i●ae hebdomadam ieiunare quartis sextis 〈…〉 negligatis Si qui● Dominicam diem ieiunarit ●ic Christi interfector est He often there remembreth the perpetuall virginity of the Blessed Virgin M●ry Mariae Virginitas admitandu● ille partus Virginem esse quae parit The forme and manner of offering the holy Sacrifice of Christs body and blood of consecrating Bishops Preists and other Clergy men of ministringe so many Sacraments as he hath remembred the publike Church seruice to which he bindeth all the order of receauing peni●ents the custome and limitation of their vsed f●sts and whatsoeuer almost appertaining to the holy vse and exercise of Christian Religion in that Apostolike age was knowne and practized by this blessed disciple and all Apostolike men which was deliuered and vsed onely by tradition and so descended to later ages and posterities no Scripture prescribing Christians any such requisite instruction in so necessary and essentiall parts of Religion or the true practise and profession thereof to which all true Christians vnder paine and daunger of euerlasting damnation were bound And as Sainct Ignatius so also testifie the other holy and Apostolike writers of this age as I shall most clearely proue and cite them in euery particular article questioned by these Teachers For this present it will be more then needfull to remember what they write hereof in generall termes Sainct Denis the Areopagite conuerted by Sainct Paul the Apostle writinge of Christian necessary doctrines saith plainely that the Apostles deliuered some of them by tradition onely without writinge as they did some by writinge partim scriptis partim non scriptis suis institutionibus ex Sacrosanctis legib● Dionysius Areopag l. Eccles Hierarc c. 1. nobis tradiderunt And proueth that in this Apostolike time the Christiā mysteries were neither communicated by writing nor word for their greate reuerence but to holy and perfect Christians Vide ●● Sancta Sanctorum enunties sed reuereberis ea patius quae occulti Dei sunt cogniti●ne mentis ●nimi ● honore habebis ac preteo ita tamen vt ea minus perfectis non tradas cum ijs folis qui Sancti erunt cu● Sancta illustratione pro sacrarum rerum dignitate communices And setteth downe expressely That th● Apostolike Church then did not permit Cate●h●mens Energumens or penitents to be present at the the holy misteries Catechumen●s Energ●menos Cap. 5. quique in poenitentia sunt Sanctae Hiererchiae mos pa●itur quidem audire sacram psalmorum modulationem diuinamque sacrarum Scripturarum recitationem a● sacra autem operae quae deinceps sequuntur at que mysteria spectanda non eos comiocat sed perfectos ocul●● eorum qui digni sunt And testifieth what greate Cap. care the Christians then had to conceale their ceremonies Sainct Timothy also as this holy writer proueth Dionys supr c. 1. S. Dionys l. de diuin nomin cap. 3. Clem. Rom. ep 1. 2. 3 4. 5. l Recog l. cōstitut Apost Chris hom 49. in Matth. Euseb histor Eccl. Cedren Nicephor Callist hist l. 2. Epiphan in panar Ruffin praef in Clem. Bed in cap. S. Luc. Freculp Lerouien Chron. lib. 2. Synod Sext. in Trullo Ruffin praef translat oper S. Clement S. Proclus Patriarch Constant l. de tradit diuinae Liturg Nichol. Episcopus Methonen l. de vero Christi corp in Eucharist Marcus Ephes l. de corpore sang Christi Bessar l. de Sacr. Eucharist Manuscript Gallic antiq an D. in S. Clem. Manuscript Brit. antiquis Protest Collectiō of priuate prayers An. 1627. p. 147. 125. 107. 87. 35. Mat. Park antiquit Brit. pag. 47. was of this opinion and practise S. Hieroth eus also Tutor to Sainct Denis did write a booke of Christians holy traditions Hierotheus clarissim●s praeeeptor noster elementa Theologica magnac●m la●de collegerit And this before S. Denis write The Apostolike Traditions collected together and committed to writinge by Sainct Clement Successor to Sainct Peter at Rome as both he himselfe with other auncient and approued Authors Greeke and Latine and generall councels witnesse are so many that a short volume containeth them ●ot yet in all things condemne Protestant Reli●iō not approuing it in any one Article wherein it ●ifferreth from Catholiks and the doctrine of the ●resent Roman Church as will be made euident ● the particular articles hereafter manifestly ●nowne and confessed by Ruffinus his translation ●nd testimony to haue bene then and from the beginninge contained in his workes and aggreable ●oth with the Apostolike doctrine of this age and ●ther confessed vnspotted times after as in the ●ourth hundred yeare of Christ wherein Ruffinus ●ued the Church of Rome at this time wherein ●ee now liue I will onely in this place exemplifie ● the publike liturgy Masse or Church sacrifice pu●lished by him vnto the Church of Christ Greeks ●atines French and our old brittesh antiquities our Protestants thēselues confesse That as Peter ●t Antioch S. Marke at Alexandria Sainct Iohn ●nd S. Andrew in Asia So Sainct Clement wrote ●nd published a forme of Masse and generally all Churches embraced it Omne sque vniuersae Ec●esiae vbicumque sint per eam quam Sanctus Cle●ens conscripsit liturgiam tradiderunt In this so old ● vniuersall so approued wee finde protection of ●e Angels Angelorum tutelas honor to all Saincts ●atriarks Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confes●ors c. Sanctis Patriarchis Prophetis Iustis Apo●olis Martyribus Confessoribus Sanctorum martyrum ●emoriam colamus Prayer for the faithfull deceased ●roijs qui in fide quieuerunt oremus The Ecclesia●icall orders which I haue before remembred from ●ainct Ignatius That the holy sacrifice was offered ●r all Seruants of God Offerimus tibi pro omnibus ●ui à saeculo placuerunt tibi Wee finde virgins and liuers in professed chastity Pro virginibus castit● seruātibus The sacrifice of
be true nor the liberty therein allowed lawfull but wantonly licentious and damnable THE XXV CHAPTER Tbe 33. 34. Articles examined an in whatsoeuer repugnant to the doctrine of the Church of Rome thus condemned THeir 33. next article intituled of excommunicate persons how they are to be auoided containeth nothing contrarie to the doctrine or practise of the Church of Rome as is manifest in these the verie words thereof That person which by open denuntiation of the Church is rightly cut of from the vnity of the Church and excommunicate ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithfull as an heathen and publican vntill he be openly reconciled by pennance and receaued into the Church by a Iudge that hath authority thereto Therefore I passe it ouer and come to the next 34. article intituled Of the traditions of the Church and followeth in these words It is not necessary that traditions and ceremonies be in all places one or vterly like for at all times they haue beene diuers chaunged according to the diuersity of contries times and mens manners So that nothing be ordained against Gods word Whosoeuer through his priuate Iudgment willingly and purposely doth openly breake the traditions and ceremonies of the Church which be not repugnant to the word of God and be ordained and approued by common authority ought to be rebuked openly that others may feare to doe the like as he that offendeth against the common order of the Church and hurteth the authority of the magistrate and woundeth the consciences of the weake brethren Hitherto this article seemeth to haue litle or no opposition to the Church of Rome but it may be passed ouer with silence The rest of it immediatelie thus followeth Euery particular and nationall Church hath authority to ordaine chaunge and abolish ceremonies orrites of the Church ordained onely by mans authority So that all things be done to edifying This clause is euidentlie false and prophane in itselfe for making euery particular Church many thousands such being in the world to be supreame iudge sentencer not onely to ordaine chaūge abolish ceremonies and rites of the vniuersall Catholike Church but to haue ouerruling authority to decree and commaund what is fit or fittest for edification taketh away all possible hope of edification and bringeth most certaine destruction confusion and desolation by making so many thousands of Supreame Iudges in these doubts as there be particular Churches which is a thinge most foolish and irreligious to affirme and vnpossible to be acted Further it is directly opposite repugnant to their owne 19. and 20. articles before of the Church and authoritie thereof In the 19. article they teach that all particular Churches euen the cheifest haue erred not onely in their liuing manner of ceremonies but also in matters of faith Therefore by these Protestants wee may neither admit so many or any one such erring false Iudge in such things Neither by their doctrine may wee stand to the censure of any particular nationall Church but onely of the one Catholike militant Church of Christ which as it is euer by that article of our Creede I beleeue the holy Catholike Artic. 19. Church holy and vnspotted from errour so by these men in the same article it is thus assigned to be our onely true Iudge in these affaires The visible Churcb of Christ is a congregation of faithfull men in the which the pure word of God is preached and the Sacramēts be dayly ministred according to Christs ordināce in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same And in their next article of the same one onely Church thus they decree in these words of the authority of the Church The Church hath power to decrecrites or ceremonies and authority in Controuersies of faith And their best writers haue published with their common and best allowance this sentence in this Question The primatiue Councels haue condemned Couell Mod. exam p. 65. them as heretikes onely for being stiffely obstinate in this kinde of denying the ceremonies of the Church They exemplifie thus in Aerius Aerius Feild l. 3. cap. 29 pag. 138. Couel exam pag. condemned the custome of the Church For this his rash and inconfiderate boldnesse in cōdemnig the vniuersall Church of Christ was iustly condemned The custome ceremonie and tradition which this heretike denied and was therefore by these men iustlie condemned was as they confesse naming the deade at the altare and offering the sacrifice of Eucharist for them This is but a ceremony by them because they contend it is not contained is scripture nor may be proued thereby as they likewise haue pretended for all other things which their Articles before haue reiected both in Sacraments and other doctrines and customes which I haue proued against them and doe leaue them as alterable ceremonies vpon that feeble and vaine pretence Vnder this pretence they haue taken away all our Missals or orders of holie Masse vsed in all Churches with their religious ceremonie from the Apostles time as I haue proued before So they haue done by all rituals and ceremonials about the ministring the Communion Booke and Booke of Consecrat of King Edu 6. Franc. Mason and the Prot. of their consecrat in Mat. Parker Prot. art 36 infra Stat. in parlamento an 2. Eduardi 6. holy Sacraments and brought in their places the childish and womanlie deuises of a named communion booke by yong King Eduard 6. and Queene Elizabeth and an other named and stiled by them The forme and manner of making and consecrating Bishops Preists and Deacons quite omitting all other orders euer vsed in all Churches from Christs time and these fashions neuer vsed before by their owne cōfession by anie Christian Britans Saxōs French or others in this Kingdome or all the world but to vse their owne words in these articles lately set fourth in the time of Eduard the sixt and confirmed at the same time by authority of Parlament the second yeare of the aforenamed King Edward He then being about eleuen yeares old a farre to yonge censurer Iudge and condemner of all Churches with their holie vniuersallie receaued ceremonies to bring in so straunge and childish an Innouation We are assured by the Apostolike men of this first age and others that euen from the Apostles there were manie particular ceremonies deliuered to be immutably vsed in all Churches Thus S. Clement and S. Dionisius the Areopagite Clem. Rom. Apost const lib. 8. cap. 29. Dion Areop Ecclesiastic Hierarc c. 2. with diuers others deliuer of hallowing oyle and water to heale diseases driue away deuils and and like effects settinge downe the verie manner how to sanctifie them Domine Deus Sabaoth Deus virtutum qui dedisti aquam ad bibendum oleum ad exhilarandum faciem in exultationem laetitiae ipse etiam nunc sanctifica per Christum hanc aquā oleum ex nomine eius qui obtulit tribue
Councell of Laodicia S. Cyrill of Hierusalem Sainct Gregory Nazianzen and Amphilochius There is not any one of them which ioyneth with this Article but they all differ from it in the very places which they cite Melito Sardensis Melito Sard apud Euseb hist Eccl. l. 4 cap. 25. Origen in p 1. Euseb his Eccl. li. 6. cap 24. receaueth the booke of wisdome which this Article reiecteth and omitteth Iudith Origen onely citeth the books of the old testament according to the first Canon of the Hebrews sicut Hebraei tradunt And yet in the end addeth the books of Machabees praeter istos sunt libri Machabaeorum qui Inscribuntur Sarbet Sarbaneel And doth not agree with them in the books of the new testamēt The Councell Conc. Laodic can 60. of Laodicia differreth from this article in omittinge Esther in the old and Apocalips in the new Greg. Naziāz de vir Gorm sacrae scrip l. 6. Amphil l. ad Selēcum Cyrill Hierosolim Catech. 4. Tho. Rogers vpon this 6. Art Confess Gallic c 3. 4. Confess Belg. c. 4. 5. Testament otherwise then this article doth S. Gregory Nazianzen so likewise numbreth as Amphilochius also Sainct Cyrill omitteth the Apocalips So this Article hath no authority from any old writer Iew or Christian Greeke or Latin in this so greate and with them most important Question whereupon they grounde all Religion And as litle concordance amonge themselues for amonge 13. or 14. Confessions of Protestant Religion they onely cite and haue noe more then two of France and Belgia Rebels and Traytors to their temporall Kings in ciuill matters as they are in spirituall to God and his holy Church and these for want of other authority founde this their error as the rest vpon the hereticall conceipt of internall reuelation and their spirit so tellinge them extestimonio intrinseca Spiritus Sancti reuelatione By the one and the other quod Spiritus sanctus nostris conscientijs testetur illos à Deo emanasse And by this Spirit they are at such harmony and agreement amonge themselues as in other places so in Englād as I haue related none of them agreeinge together herein But by the suggestion of this false spirit and their exploded doubt of Scriptures doe leaue all Scriptures and questions of Religion to be deduced from them doubtfull which Bilson a Protestant ●ilsō Suruey ●ag 664. Bishop of winchester one of the best learned they euer had thus proueth The Scriptures themselues were not fully receaued in all places no not in Eusebius time He saith the Epistle of Iames of Iude the second of Peter he second and third of Iohn are contradicted The epistle to the Hebrews was cōtradicted The Church of Syria did not receaue the second epistle of Peter nor the second and third of Ihon nor the Epistle of Iude nor the Apocalipse the like might be said for the Churches of Arabie Will you hence conclude that these parts of Scripture were not Apostolike or that wee neede not receaue them because they were formerly doubted of The same reason is of all the books of the old testament which this Article reiecteth vpon the same surmise ●or Eusebius ouerliuinge Constantine and writinge Euseb de vit Const lib. 3. hist c. 22. l. 3. cap. 3. Concil Cart. 3. can 47. ●is life and deathe deliueringe this doubt of so many bookes of new Testament liued neere the ●ime of the Councell Chartage of 428. Bishops in which both these bookes of the new Testament contradicted in his dayes but receaued by our Pro●estants and all those bookes of the old Testament which in this Article they disable are by all those Bishops in one and the same tenor of words with ●he rest decreed to be Canonicae scripturae canonicall Scriptures This Canon and Catologe of Canoni●all Concil Cart. 3. supr bookes is confirmed by the Pope of Rome ●hen beinge and other Bishops absent as appeareth ●y the same Councell Pope Innocentius deliuereth Innoe 1. epist ad Exuperiū Tholosanum Episc August lib. 2. doctr Christ c. 8. in speculo ●he same Canon of holy Scriptures Canonem sacra●um Scripturarum S. Augustine hath the same as ●eceaued by all Churches Scripturae Canonicae quae ●b omnibus accipiuntur Ecclesijs Catholicis And saith ●hat all which feare God receaue them in his omni●us libris timentes Deum pietate mansueti quaerunt ●oluntatem Dei Pope Gelasius with a Councell of Gelas Tom. Concil ●o Bishops declareth that to be the Canon which ●he holy Catholike Roman Church receaueth ●nd reuerenceth quem Sancta Catholica Romana Alcim Auit l. ad Soror de consol Cassiodor lib. 1. diu Iust c. 13. ●uscipit veneratur Ecclesia So hath Alcimus A●itus Cassiodorus and others And this may suffice for this place of this Question And it further proueth how feeble and weake the rest of this Protestant Article of the sufficiency allowance of onely Scripture and disableinge Traditions is for if so many Canonicall bookes of Scripture in both testaments were doubted of vntill so greate a time aboue 300. yeares in the lawe of Christ were passed and Religion generally and in all questions necessary to saluation planted and receaued how were or possibly could all these necessary things be reade in Scripture or proued thereby which is the rule of this Article when so many bookes were not then receaued for certaine and vndoubted holy Scriptures Things and euidences doubtfull and vncertaine can make nothinge certaine in morall certainty much lesse with certainty of true and infallible faith which aboue all others is and must needs be most certaine Secōdly as Sainct Ireneus disputeth Ireneus l. 3. cap. 4. and proueth vpon his certaine knowledge and experience That many nations which had not receaued the Scriptures or any part of thē did truely beleeue in Christ by vnwritten traditions whic● the Apostles doliuered to the Churches Quid si n● que Apostoli scripturas reliquissent nobis nonne oportebat ordinem sequi traditionis quam tradiderunt i●● quibus committebant Ecclesias cui ordinationi assentiunt multae gentes barbarorum eorum qui in Christ●● credunt sine charta atramento veterem traditione● diligenter custodientes This he writeth both of thi● first age and the second in which he died by martyrdome And it is most euident both by hol● Scriptures and other antiquities that many nations not onely of the barbarous which were withou● learninge but of the learned did thus beleeue before any Scriptures of the new Testament in Rom. 1. 1. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 1. Gal. 1. Ephes 1. Phil. 1. Colloss 1. Thess 1. 2. 1. Tim. 1. 2. Tim. 1. Tit. 1. Epist ad Philem. Hebr. 1. Iacob 1. 1. Petr. 1. 2. Pet. 2. Ioh. 1. Io. 2. 3. Iud. 1. which and by which Protestants necessitate vs to reade and proue our Religion were written This is manifestly proued by all the epistles
anathematizing all gaynesayers vnto it Omnes qu● ausi fuerint dissoluere definitionem Sancti mag●● Concilij quod apud Nicaeam tongregatum est anathematizamus Et dixerint omnes placet Things concluded and confirmed for the whole Church by so many and greate authorities and their deniall so seuerely punished must needs be of highest and vnfallible truth The Apostles themselues in their Councels before haue giuen vndoubted testimony to this if they Ignat. epist ●d Polycarp epist ad Her had not by their Councels prefigured and giuen testimoy to the infallible verity of the decrees of generall Councels Their so many assembles and Councels might haue beene spared for whatsoeuer any one of them did or should haue decreed was without question true in matters of faith otherwise wee might call all their sacred writings the whole new testament into question The Apostolike men of the first age haue giuen like euidence before And among them S. Ignatius who would haue such councels often kept Crebrius celebrentur Conuentus Synodique doth make their decrees and constitutions of so greate and vnquestionable power and authority that he which doth otherwise although he is in other things worthy of credit although he fasteth although he liueth in virginity doth miracles and prophesieth is to be accompted for a wolfe which vnder a sheeps skin bringeth destruction and bane to the sheepe Quicunque dixerit quippi●● praeterea quae constituta sunt tamet si fide dignus 〈◊〉 quamuis ieiunet quamuis in virginitate degat q●amnis signa edat quamuis prophetet pro lupo illum ●●●eas qui sub oninae pelle exitium pestemque adfert ●●ib●● So vnpossible he maketh it that such decrees should be vntrue And the first Nicen Councell Concil Nic. in Symbolo apud Ruffin l. 1. hist Eccl. c. ● Socrat. l. 1. hist c. 6. declaring that a generall Councell is the Catholike Church and reason so warrantinge by errour of such a Councell the whole Church might erre in articles of faith And that article of our Creede I beleeue the holy Catholike Church euer most true might be false at sometimes which is a thing most prophane and Antichristian to be affirmed For if a generall Councell representing the whole Church ruling gouerning and teaching it in the cheifest Bishops and Pastours there present might erre the whole Church both the Gouernours and gouerned therein must needs be in the same desolate estate And our Protestant Bishops and Doctours Engl. Protest in Bilson Suru p. 82. Morton part 2. Apolog. p. 340. l. 4. c. 18. feild p. 228. with their publike allowance and approbation doe thus giue warrant vnto vs. The authority of generall Councels is most holsome in the Church A generall Councell is highest Iudge Bishops assembled in a generall Councell haue authority to subiect euery man that shall disobey such determinations as they consent vpon to excommunication and censures of like nature Wee must receaue and respect the authority L. 4. c. 5 pag. 202. of all Catholike Doctours whose doctrine and writings the Church alloweth wee must more regard the authority of Catholike Bishops more then these the authority of the Apostolike Churches amongst them more especially the Church of Rome of a generall Councell more then all these False it is that wee admitte no Iudge but Scriptures Sutcliff ag D. Kell pag. 40. 42. for wee appeale still to alawfull generall Councell This being thus generally written with authority and in the name of all Protestants especially in England they must needs graunt that generall Councels be of infallible Iudgmēt in articles of religion otherwise there is no meanes left to finde the truth but wee might and must wander from one false deceitfull rule to an other without end And seeing euery Court and Consistory frō which appeales are or may be made is inferiour more vncertaine and of lesse authority then that Seate of Iudgment to whom it is appealed it is most certaine by these Protestants themselues that they which neuer had haue or as before can haue hereafter any generall Councell to which they must appeale as they doe cannot haue any possible title to true religion for themselues or the least colour or pretence of Iustice or Religion for such monstrous and horrible penalties and cruelties as are inflicted to enforce the Catholiks so many generall Councels consisting of diuers hundreds of learned and holy Bishops or to perswade them to embrace their Protestant professions which neuer had any lawfull Bishop according to this fift Councell Illud generaliter clarum est quod si quis praeter Concil Nic. can 6. Ruffin l. 1. hist Eccl. in Concil Nicen. sententiam Metropolitani fuerit factus Episcopus eum magna Synodus definiuit non esse Episcopum That is generally manifest that if any man is made a Bishop against the will or likeing of the Metropolitane this greate Councell doth define that he is no Bishop And so can make no Bishop or Preist So by this most holy Councell so often and authoritatiuely receaued by our English Protestants as is before declared they neither haue nor possibly hereafter by their proceedings can haue any one Archbishop Bishop Preist or Cl●●●gy man among them for if their pretended ●●●ner of constitution were true which wee haue in●●ncibly proued otherwise yet they themselues and all other writers confesse they had not the assent but vttermost dissent and disagreement of any domesticall or forreine Metropolitane for their new Religion or consecratiō But this sacred Councell euen in those Canons which our Protestants Nicen. Con● can 14. receaue doth vtterly condemne the pretended consecration and ministry of England erected against the Catholike sacrificing Preisthood assuring vs that true Preists did offer sacrifice and this Sacrifice was the body of Christ Presbyteri offerendi sacrificij habēt potestatem Offerunt corpus Christi It maintained the Popes Supremacy as before It receaued more Scriptures then Protestants doe librum Iudith Synodus Hieron praef in librum Iudith Concil Nic. can 11. 13. 14. Can. 3. Nicaena in numero Sanctarum scripturarum legitur computasse It approueth Indulgences in 4. Canons and giueth authority to Bishops in such cases It forbiddeth Clergy men to keepe any women in their howses but mother Sister grandmother Aunt They declared it to be the old tradition of the Church that Ecclesiasticall men might not marry and so commaunded Qui in clerum ante ascripti Socrates hist l. 2. c. 2. Sozomen hist Eccles l. 1. c. 22. erant quàm duxissent hi secundum veterem Ecclesiae traditionem deinceps à nuptijs se abstinerent By which the Protestants Church is vtterly disabled and ouerthrowne by their owne rule and article before neither hauing the true word preached Sacraments duely ministred Church rightly gouerned nor any one man among them to performe most needfull functions and duties by their owne definitiue sentence Their conclusion of this article Things ordained by
nolens peccauit exhibe ei Angelos beneuolos ac colloca ●um in s●●● Patriarcharum Prophetarum at que Apostolorum And expresseth plainely that such holy prayers Sacrifice almes and the like workes of piety did onely helpe and profit such as the Catholike Councels haue before deliuered and Catholiks performe such duties for dying in state of grace not yet hauing satisfied for their sinnes Sed Cap. 49. haec depys dicimus impios enim tametsi omnia bona externa pro eis largiaris nihil iunare queas And pu●ctually remembreth diuers solemne times to pray especially for such The third day neenth day Cap. 48. fourteth day and the yeares day or their deathes then vsed Exequiae mortuorum fiant tertio die die nono quadragefimo item anno exacto ad habend●● memoriamipsiue defuncti suppeditetur ex bonis ei●● pauperibus ad recordationem eiusdem The like he Cap. 50. hath in other places Sainct Denis the Aeropagite speaketh as plainely in this matter and affirmeth that this manner of praying for the deade dying in state of grace was both an Apostolicall tradition and warranted by holy Scriptures Speaking of the faithfull deceased and the ceremonies of the liuing for them he saith the Preists powreth fourth his 〈◊〉 holy prayer for him that is departed this life Accede●s dininus praeful precem super to sacratissimam fun●●● And repeating the same againe he setteth downe how all saluted the deade and prayed for him or them and their prayer was that God would remi● them all their sinnes which by humane frailty they had committed and place them in the light and region of the liuing in the bosomes of Abraham and Isaac and Iacob Dion Areop l. de Eccles Hierarch c. 7. in the place from whence all greefe sadnesse and groneing flyeth away Accedens diuinus Antistes precem suam super mortuum peragit postquam precem ipse eum praesul salutat suo deinceps ordine qui 〈◊〉 omnes Precatur oratio illa diuinam bonitatem 〈◊〉 cuncta dimittat per infirmitatem humanam admissa peccata defuncto eumque in luce statuat regione viuorum in sinibus Abrahae Isaac Iacob in loco vnde aufugit dolor tristitia gemitus And expoundeth this Bosome of Abraham whither the faithfull are translated by the prayers and other good deeds of the liuing from the place of punishment or Purgatory where they were beforeto the eternall felicity in heauen as Catholiks now hold and teach Sinus autem beatorum Patriarcharum reli●●●rumque sanctorum omnium vtreor diuinissimae ac beatissimae sedes quae deiformes omnes suscipiunt insenescibili beatissima perfectione And there hee solueth that pretended exception which our Protestants make against this Apostolike doctrine practise because they suppose the soules of these faithfull deceased to be without all hope to goe to any other place then that they are receaued in when they are newly seperated from their bodies and the center of all for euer to be after death as their liues and actions were in this world and he affirmeth that the prayers of the iust doe as well helpe those that are deade being worthy of such prayers in the time of their life as the liuing and the true traditions of the Scriptures so teach vs. Verùm inquies fortassis haec quidem rectè à nobis dicta esse sed te dubitare cur à diuinabonitate postulet Antistes mortuo peccatorum remissionem parem Sanctis ac lucidissimam haereditatem Sienim vnusquisque praemia consequetur a diuina iustitia eorum bonorum aut malorum quae in hac vita gessit perfecit autem is qui defunctus est huic vitae consentaneas actiones quanam A●●tistitis orationis in aliam quietis sedem migrabit praeter eam quaeipso digna est quae vitae hi● actae respondet equidem probe scio scriptis diuints insistens vnumquemque remuneratitiam sortem adepturum Conclusit enim inquit Dominus apud se referet vnusquisque ea quae per corpus gessit siue bonum siue malum Quod autem iustorum preces etiam i● hac vita nedum post mortem ijs solùm profint qui digni sunt sacris precibus Scripturarum nos edocent verae traditiones He teacheth as Sainct Clement hath done before that this manner of praying and doing other workes of piety for the deade was vsed and auayle able for true beleeuing Christians onely which died in the state of grace Prophanis vita functis haec non precatur non modo quia in hoc diuinitut acceptum desereret ordinem aliquid Hierarchicum contumaciter praesumeret non motus à caeremoniarum conditore sed quia in execrabili oratione non exaudiretur atque non immeritò ipse audiret oraculum illud institiae plenum petitis non accipitis quia malè petitis Iacob c. 4. Wee reade that Sainct Phocas a miraculous Sainct of this time did acknowledge two lower places one of the damned the other must needs be Purgatory when prophetically foretelling the death of Traian by whom he was martyred to followe within three dayes as it did he told him that he S. Phocus ad Traianum Walter Rollwinke fascic Tempor in Traian was to goe to the parts of the furthest deepe place where he should be in perpetuall darkenesse and burned with cruell fire for euer Traiane perge ad vlterioris abissi loca ad praeparata tibi tormenta festina vbi nocte perpetua saeuo exurendus es incendio This he spake by the spirit of God prophetically cōsequētly truely cui spiritu prophetico dixit This was the doctrine and practise of the whole Church of God expressed and professed in the most aunciēt liturgies and publike Masses ascribed to the holy Apostles then publikely vsed In the Masse of S. Missa S. Iacobi Iames called the lesser Bishop of Hierusalem wee finde this prayer pro requie antè defunctorum Patrum fratrum Dominum ●remus Let vs pray to our Lord for the rest of them that be already departed this life our fathers and brothers That God will graunt their oblation to be acceptable for propitiation of sinnes and ignorances and rest of the soules of them that be deade before vs. Fac vt oblatio nostra acceptabilis sit sanctificata in Spiritu sancto in propitiationem nostrorum peccatorum ignorantiarum populi in requiem animarum eorum qui ante nos dormierunt Memento Domine Deus spirituum vniuersae carnis quorum memoriam egimus quorum memoriam non egimus orthodoxorum ab Abeliusto vsque in hodiernum diem Ipse ibi fac cos requie scere in regione viuentium in regno tuo in delicijs Paradisi in si●● Abrahae Isaac Iacob sanctorum Patrum nostrorum vnde exulat dolor tristitia gemitus vbi lustrat lumen vultus tui refulget perpetuo
the other containing the Image of Christ and his 12. Apostles and was there worshipped in the Church Aliud quoque aliquanto maius linteum in Dorothaeus Synop. de vita morte prophe●arum in Ierem. Ecclesia illa veneratur quod fertur à Sancta Maria contentum duodecim Apostolorum ipsius Domini continens Imagines vno latere rubro altero viridi S. Dorotheus writeth that Ieremy the Prophet prophesying of the coming of Christ gaue this for a certaine token and signe to know the time because all people then should worship the crosse Signum aduentus ipsius er●t ●obis quando vniuersae Pallad hist laus in vit Apollinis So● hist Eccl. l. 5. c. 20. Cassio l. 6. c. 42. Niceph. l. 10. c. 31. Guliel Eisengren centen 1. part 1. distinct 3. Volater c●mmen l. 13. Pet. de Natal l. 3. c. 228. gentes lignum adorabunt And gaue an other signe as certaine and notorious as the other to the Preists of Egypt where he prophesied that when the Messias should be borne of a Virgin and ly in a manger all their Idols should be broken and fall downe which the Prophet Esay also thus foretold mouebuntur simulachrae Aegypti à facie eius Which all writers Greeke and Latine Catholiks and Protestants confesse and proue to haue beene ●ffected when Christ newly borne with his mother fledde into Egypt the Idols of that nation most Idolatrous then fallinge downe And to make euident euen to blinded men that Christian Images be not idols or forbidden but allowed and to be reuerenced at that very time when the idols were thus miraculously destroyed the holy Prophet both appointed the Egyptians to make Christian Images namely of Christ and his blessed mother and reuerence Dorothaeus supr them which they did And this was both publikly and by all practized and by their King as authentically examined and approued Ieremias signum dedit Sacerdotibus Aegyptiacis quòd oporteat simulachra eorum concuti decidere per seruatorem puerum ex virgine nasciturum in praesepi iaciturum propterea etiam nunc virginem in lecto Infantem in praesepio collocant adorant Et cum causam olim Ptolomaeus Rex percontaretur responderunt mysterium esse ipsis a maioribus traditum quod illi a sancto Propheta acceperint Suetō in Aug. lactant firm Aug. l. de inuitat Mart. Polon chron in Augusto Ran. Highed hist l. 4. c 2. 3. Her●● Schedel aetat 5. fol. 93. Speed Theater of greate Brit. l. 6. Annal. Eccles Chart. in Gallia Francisc Belleforest Cosmog l. 2. p. 303. in Iud. v. druid alij This was likewise reuealed to Augustus the Emperour by the apparition of a Virgin with a child in her armes from heauen And he fell downe and worshipped the Image or apparition And is commended for it by all writers Apertum est coelum nimius splendor irruit supereum vidit in coelo pulcherrimam virginem stantem super altare puerum tenentem in brachijs Et miratus est nimis vocem dicentem audiuit Haec ara filij Dei est Qui statim proijciens se in terram adorauit This was the doctrine and practise of the Druides of this Kingdome a●d Fraunce whome our Protestants merueylouslie commend vnto vs for hauing a Prophesie among them that the Sauiour of the world should be borne of a virgin they erected Churches Images vnto thē namely at Charters in Fraūce Where their Prince and they both founded such a Church with an Image of the blessed virgin with Christ in her armes and worshipped it as the auncient tradition and Annals of that Church with others proue The Image or signe of the Crosse is not so resembling representatiue of Christ or his Passiō as the Images of Christ and his Saincts be of them especially that being a common Instrument of death in the greate Romane Empire at the death of Christ And yet in honour of Christ suffering death and r●deeming the world by his passion vpon a Crosse The signe ●nd Image thereof was presently after his death euen by his Apostles disciples and first Christians in this age had and vsed with greate reuerence and honour I may be more breife in this matter seeing our Protestants by their greatest euen regall authority haue thus declared The signe King Iames and his B. B. confer at Hampt Couel ag Burg. p. 139. 124. 125. Communion Booke Tit. publike Baptisme of the Crosse is an Apostolicall constitution and Tradition And so they vse in their publike practicall communion booke at the baptisme of euery child thus prescribing for a rule and law The Preist shall make a Crosse vpon the childes forchead saying wee receaue this child into the congregation of Christs flocke and doe signe him with the signe of the Crosse in token that hereafter ●e shall not be ashamed to confesse the faith of Christ crucified and manfully to sight vnder his banner against sinne the world and the deuill and to continue Christs faithfull seruant vnto his lines end Amen Therefore if by so greate a Protestant warrant and profession the signe of the Crosse is so honorable that it is an Apostolicall constitution binding and commaunding all an Apostolicall tradition to be religiously kept and obserued of all so honorable and necessary a profession confession and testimony of our faith and Religion neuer to be denied that when wee were infants and could not doe this of our selues it was and ought to be performed by others for vs as our whole faith was so professed for vs in our baptisme much more ought all Christians coming to yeares of Iudgment and discretion performe those holy bondes and duties by themselues And that our Protestants need not feare they haue herein donne or graunted too much they shall heare the Apostolike men of this age from whom they haue in some sorte borrowed this their doctrine practise and confession deliuer the Apostolike doctrine vse custome farre more plainely amply and honorably in this busines The old Anonymus writer of the Apostles liues Fredic Nausea ep Vienn Prooemen in vit Apostol Anonym antiq in vit S. Thomae Apost Idem in vit S. Bartholomaei published by the learned Bishop Fredericus of Vienna allmost an hundred yeares since and then the exemplar exceeding old characteribus plusque vetustis inscriptum writeth that Sainct Thaddeus cured K●ng Abgarus with the signe of the Crosse imposito Regi crucis signaculo ab omni eum languore sanauit An holy Angell engraued in square stones foure Crosses in euery corner of the Church one per quatuor angulos circumuolans digito s●● in quadr●tis sax●s sculpsit signum crucis And gaue Charge to make the signe of the Crosse on their foreheads Quale signum ego sculpsi in his saxis tale vos digit● Id. in vit S. Ioan. Apost vestro facite in frontibus vestris omnia mala ●●gient a vobis Sainct
Dominus Sed t●rtium excellentem gradum honestatisin virginitate demonstrauit nobis perfectum per omnia similem angelicae dignitati And he thought the chaste life to be so fitte requisite for the more perfect seruing of God that euen princes then not onely clergy men embraced it to that holy end So he writeth of the Queene or Princesse Valeria though espoused how shee had professed virginitie by his preaching Virgo Valeria Sponsa Regis caelestis per meam praedicationem virginitatē mentis corporis Deo deuouerat And of King or Prince Stephen pro suauitate praemij futuri illectus copulam carnalium nuptiarum deuitauerit per meam praedicationem quatenus liberior Deo famulari possit S. Dionysius is most playne in this matter and Dionys Areopag Eccl. Hier. c. 6. ep ad Gain alibi setteth downe the very manner how chastitie was professed before the Bishops in that time and how that such in respect of others were cheifly called Therapentae cultores the perfect worshippers of God euen by the Apostles themselues Sancti praeceptores nostri diuinis eos appellationibus sunt prosecuti So both he and they must needs teach that Bishops Preists and Deacons euer conuersant about most sacred things were to liue in chastitie So we Sim. Metaphrast die 29. Iunij must needs say of Britayne first because we finde that S. Peter admitting onely men of chastitie to thes holie Orders as before did first consecrate our first Bishops Preists and Deacons here Apud Britannos Ecclesias constituit Episcoposque Praesbyteros Diaconos ordinauit Secondly if any were wanting after they were as before supplyed by S. Clement onely allowing such to those sacred offices Thirdly all those whose names be preserued to haue beene Bishops in or of this nation as S. Aristobulus S. Mansuetus S. Beatus S. Ioseph sonne of S. Ioseph of Aramathia which buryed Christ and some others by some writers are so remēbred by the Antiquities where we finde that there is not the least suspition but they continually liued in virginall or chastelife If this Aristobulus was the same which Metaphrastes Metaphr●st die 26. Iunij Mat. 8. Marc. 1. Luc. 4. Gulielm Eisengren centenar 1. part 1. dist 3. Petr. de Natal l. 11. Anton. Democh. l. 2. c●nt Caluin Arn. Merman Theatr. conuers gent. in metensib Martyrolog Rom. Bed vsuard Molan die 9. Maij Guliel Eisengren centen 2. part 5. Annal. Helueth Antiquit Eccl. Constant Baron an in mart Rom. 9. Maij. Theater of great Britaine l. 6. Antiquitat Glaston manuscript writeth to haue beene Father in lawe to S. Peter the scripture wittnesseth his wife remayned in Iury so farre distant from him in Britayne if shee liued so long S. Mansuetus liued a collegiall life with onely Preists and clergy men no women with them and was consecrated by S. Peter the Apostle hauing before forsaken contrie kindred verie noble ex nobili prognatus familia men women and all for the loue of Christ S. Beatus of noble birth here in Btitayne both by Catholike Protestant Antiquaries forsooke all and went to Rome and there with an other Britan whose name is not perfectly remembred one calleth him Achates was consecrated and was so chaste that except when he preached he seldome or neuer saw women one or other liuing a solitary single Eremiticall life Of S. Ioseph sonne of S. Ioseph said in the oldest monuments and antiquities of that holie company to haue beene miraculously by Christ himselfe consecrated or at the least elected and designed a Bishop and the rest of that sacred company Preists Deacons or whatsoeuer it is most euident they liued and died in perpetuall chastitie in the Iland Aualan all Antiquaries Catholiks and Protestants confesse that King Aruiragus gaue the place onely to those holy men it was to them onely confirmed by the two next following Kings Marius and Goillus celles were made onely for Tab. fix Gul. Malmesbur l. de Aut. Caenobij Glaston Capgr Catal. Sanct. in S. Ioseph Aramath S. Patricio Iacob Genuen in ijsdem Ioh. Bal. l. de Script cent 1. in S. Ioseph Aramathien Ioh. Leland assertion Arthurij Godnyn Theater of great Brit. l. 6. Caius l. antiq accadem Cantabrigien Stowe Hist Romans Charta Regis Hen. 2 aliorum Reg. Socrat. Hist Ec●l l. 1. cap. 8. them there they liued alone they left no children or posteritie after them and the place of habitation was so desart and desolate when S. Damianus and Phaganus were sent hither by Pope Eleutherius in King Lucius his time the next age that their place of dwelling was become a denne for wylde beastes Caepit idem locus esse ferarum latibulum qui priùs fuerat habitatio Sanctorum Therefore we are enforced by the authorities of Scripture tradition the whole Church Geeke and Latin the Apostolike age and writers and all warrant in religion to conclude that the doctrine of this article is false that Bishops Preists and Deacons may lawfully marry at their owne discretion And verie vainely our Protestants singularily alledge for their defence from Socrates the historian that Paphnutius dissuaded the Fathers of the first Nicen councell not to decree that Bishops Preists and Deacons might not keepe companie with their wyues which they had marryed when they were lay men vt qui essent sacris initiati sicut Episcopi Presbiteri Diaconi cum vxoribus quas cum erant Laici in matrimonium duxissent minimè dormirent But it should suffice that they which were vnmarried when they were called to the clergie should according to the old tradition of the Church abstayne afterward from marriage vt qui in clerum ante ascripti erant quam duxissent vxores hi secundum veterem Ecclesiae traditionem deinceps à nuptijs seabstinerent For here the marriage of such men and this Article is plainely condemned by their owne Authour and the old Apostolike tradition in the Church And this is confirmed by aboue 200. Later Bishops Episc Gr●● 227. in can Trullen can 6. of the Greeke Church itselfe testifying it was the doctrine and tradition of the Apostles that among those of the cleargie none but Lectours and Singers might marrie and they accordingly decree that no Subdeacon Deacon or Preist may marrie and if he should he must be deposed Quoniam in Apostolicis Canoibus 〈◊〉 est torum qui non ductâ vxore in clerum promouentur solos lectores cantores vxorem posse ducere nos hoc seruantes decernimus vt deinceps nulli penitus Hypodiacono vel Diacono vel Presbytero post sui ordinationem coningium contrahere liceat Si autem hoc facere ausus fuerit deponatur And this is their vse and practise to thes dayes The other clause of Paphnutius opinion about Bishops Preists and Deacons married before their consecration not to be barred from such their former wiues married vnto them when they were lay men by any expresse lawe