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A14268 Two treatises the first, of the liues of the popes, and their doctrine. The second, of the masse: the one and the other collected of that, which the doctors, and ancient councels, and the sacred Scripture do teach. Also, a swarme of false miracles, wherewith Marie de la Visitacion, prioresse de la Annuntiada of Lisbon, deceiued very many: and how she was discouered, and condemned. The second edition in Spanish augmented by the author himselfe, M. Cyprian Valera, and translated into English by Iohn Golburne. 1600.; Dos tratados. English Valera, Cipriano de, 1532?-1625.; Golburne, John. 1600 (1600) STC 24581; ESTC S119016 391,061 458

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of our Saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord. No other willeth God for all his benefites but that we be thankfull and call vpon his name Thus shall the number of those whom God hath elected to life eternall encrease and so the kingdome of sinne death the diuell which is the kingdome of lies of false new doctrine confirmed with dreames false miracles and illusions of the diuell shal be destroied and that of grace life and of Christ which is the kingdome of truth the true and old doctrin confirmed with the word of God shal abide for euer To whom which is one God Father Sonne and holy Spirit who liueth and raigneth be perpetuall hon●● and glory Amen An Addition I In the moneth of Aprill 1588. Philip the second of that name king of Spaine pretending to send his inuincible fleet for the Conquest of England made choise by the aduise of the Prioresse of the monastery of the Anunciada whose name was Mary of the Visitacion as most worthie for her holinesse to blesse his Standard royall the which she did with vsing diuers other c●remonies in the deliuery thereof to the Duke of Medina Sedonia who was appointed chiefe Generall she did pronounce openlie good successe and victory to the Duke in saying he should return a victorious Prince This standard was carried in procession by Don Francisco de Cordoua who was a Spaniard the tallest Gentl. that could be found he being on horse backe to the end it might be the better seen at the solemnzing wherof there was such a number of people assembled that diuers of them perished with the throng There was present the Archduke Albertus which then was Cardinall and Gouernor of the kingdom of Portugal the Popes Nuncio the Archbishop who was head inquisitor with diuers other Nobles Prelates Gentlemen This solemnization dured so long that Albertus fainted with fasting and this holy Nunne to comfort him caused a messe of the broth which was for her owne diet to be brought presenting it to him which he accepted most willingly cōming from the handes of so holy a Nun as then she was holden to be but about the beginning of Decēber next after all her holines false miracles and great dissimulations was then found out and she condemned punished for the same according as is r●bersed in this booke About the end of this yeare 1588 that this holy Nun was discouered in Lisbon there was also discouered in Seuil one father ●yon who was counted to be a most deuour and religious man but by his owne fellowes of his profession he was discouered to be a great hypocrite and a most vicious 〈◊〉 giuen to carnall lustes and for this and diuers other causes he was committed to the prison which is in the Cardinals house of 〈◊〉 A Table wherein by certaine Antitheses is declared the difference and contrarietie which is betweene the ancient doctrine of God contained in the holy scripture and taught in the reformed Churches and the new doctrine of men ●aught and maintained in the Roman or Popish Church Ierem. 6. 16. Thus saith the Lord stand in the wayes and behold and aske for the old way which is the good way and walke therein ye shall find rest for your soules THe ancient doctrine of God doth teach that the holy Scripture being the word of God diuinely inspired hath most sufficient authority of it selfe containeth all necessary doctrin to pietie and our saluation as S. Paul clearly teacheth 2. Tim. 3. 15. 16. 17. The new doctrin of me● teacheth that the holy Scripture although it be the word of God should haue no authority were it not for the approbation of the Church and that it is an vnperfect and maimed doctrine which containeth not doctrine sufficient to pietie nor our saluation but that this defect must be supplied by vnwrittē traditions Belar de verb. De● nō scrip l. 4. The ancient doctrin of God doth teach that ignorance of the holy scriptures is the cause and mother of errors as Iesus Christ our Lord doth witnesse Mat 22. 19. saying to the Sadduces Ye erre because yee know not the Scriptures nor the power of God and therefore the duty of euerie faithfull Christian is to reade meditate and search the holy scripture as God commandeth his people Deut. 6. 7. chap. 12. 32. chap. 17. 19. Iosua 18. Esa 8. 20. And Christ our Lord in the new Testament Ioh. 5. 39. And as did the faithfull in the time of the Apostles Act 17. 11. 2 Tim. 3. 15. The new doctrin of men doth teach that ignorance is the mother of deuotion and that to keepe religion safe it is needful to forbid the lay or secular men the reading of the holy scriptures seeing it is the cause of many heresies Bellarm. de verbo Dei lib. 2 cap. 15 16. cens col f. 19. The ancient doctrin of God doth teach that many deceiuers and false Prophets are gone out into the world and that the faithfull therfore are to proue the spirits whether they be of God 1. Io. 4. 1. And that the holy scripture is the touch whereby this proofe and examination ought to be made Ioh. 5. 39. Act 17. 11. So that all doctrine contrary and repugnant to holy Scripture be it of Councels Fathers Doctors old or new and that as saith the Apostle of himselfe or of an Angel from heauen ought not to be receiued nor taught in the Christian Church Gal. 1. 8. 1. Tim. 1. 3. chap. 6. 3. 1. Pet. 4. 11. 2. Ioh. 10. The new doctrin of men doth teach that whosoeuer cōtradict the Pope his decrees human traditions be false teachers that the Pope hath authority to iudge of all controuersies and of the true sense of holy Scriptures and that from his iudgment it is not lawfull to appeale Bellar. de verbo D●● interp lib. 3. cap. 3. c. The ancient doctrine of God doth teach that we ought to serue God alone which is the Creator and gouernour of all the world following the doctrin of Christ which saith Matt. 4. 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God him only shalt thou serue The new doctrine of men doth teach that we ought not to serue God alone but also the Saints that they hold them for patrons of kingdoms people cities societies and infirmities Bellarm. de Sanct. beat lib. 1. cap 12. Cens Col. fol. 230. The ancient doctrine of God doth teach that the lawful worship of God is to be founded vpon the holy Scripture that God will be serued according to his will and word in spirit and truth Ioh. 4. 24. and not after the opinion nor by the traditions nor customes of men as God by his prophet Eze. 20. 18. doth very expresly teach vs saying Walk not in the ordinances of your fathers nor obserue their lawes nor defile your selues with their idols I am the Lord your God Walke in mine ordinances and
Christ waxed olde and lost it collour it being and worth Thus commeth one and casteth a peece vnto it afterwards commeth another and casteth vnto it c. So that now it is not the Supper of the Lord but the Masse of the Pope now it is not the robe of an honourable man but a cloake of a shamelesse begger By that which is said haue we answered to the second and third reasons wherewith our aduersaries doe confirme their Masse The fourth reason with which our aduersaries suppose to mainetaine their Masse is That all the Church Catholique from the death of Christ vntill this day with most great reuerence hath celebrated the Masse This their reason they confirme saying that God who loueth his Church as his spouse would neuer suffer it so long time to be deceaued especially with so great superstition and idolatrie as the Masse wee say is This fourth reason of our aduersaries in two thinges consisteth In antiquitie And in that God who loueth his Church as his spouse would not suffer c. concer-cerning the first of the Antiquitie of the Masse In answering to the second and third reasons of our aduersaries wee shewed that Iesus Christ neuer instituted the masse nor his Apostles euer said it and that the Church Catholique for the space of a thousand yeares neuer celebrated the Masse which our aduersaries now celebrate But the holy supper was celebrated with some humaine traditions and ceremonies inuented by man Notwithstanding all this the holie supper as touching it substaunce was euer in it beeing conferued by the space of a thousand yeares For fiue hundred yeares space hitherto the supper hath ceassed to bee a supper and hath euery day more and more bene conuerted into the Masse such as nowe wee see and chiefly since transubstantiation and the Communion in one kind were commaunded to be beleeued as an Article of faith Then fell wholy the holy supper not in name onely calling it the masse but also in substaunce as before we haue said Concerning the second part which they bring for confirmation of the first namely That God who loueth his Church would not permit that his Church so long time should liue deceaued To this I answere praying them to read the Histories of the olde and newe Testament Wherein they shall finde if they well consider that the Church faulted and mainteined errours and that no meane ones The people of Israel was the people of God the Church of God and the spouse of God and dearly beloued but for all this the same people fell into many errours superstitions heresies and Idolatries and not once by chaunce but oftentimes and of deliberate purpose Read that notable song which Moses the man of God made written in Deuteronomy There I say shall yee find that that people and that Church of God fell into idolatrie verse ninth Hee saith For the Lordes portion is his people Iaakob is the line or lot of his Inheritaunce And in the tenth verse hee saith that God kept this people as the apple of his eye And in the eleuenth God carried this people vppon his back like the Eagle c. But behould what hee saith in the same chapter and verse fifteene of this people so deare and so beloued Behould if they fell to idolatrie And hee forsooke saith hee God that made him and regarded not the strong God of his saluation They prouoked him with their straunge Gods and made him angry with their abhominations They sacrified to diuels and not to God But to Gods whom they knewe not new Gods newly come vpp whome their fathers feared not c. And in the two and thirtith chapter of Exodus it is said that the people of Israell pluct of their golden Earnings c. And that Aaron tooke them and made of them a moulten calfe And when the calfe was seene Israel sayd These be thy Gods which brought thee out of the land of Egypt And when Aron sawe that Hee built an altar before it c. As wee haue sayd in the beginning of the first Treatise Here may yee fee How all the people of Israel and Aaron their chiefe Priest committed idolatrie Let vs proceede fur●her When the people of Israel were entred into the land of promise How behaued they themselues they also committed Idolatrie Read in the booke of Iudges and chiefly the second chapter and the eleuenth verse And the children of Israel saith hee did wickedly in the sight of the Lord and serued Baal And verse nineteenth But when the Iudge was dead they turned and corrupted themselues more then their fathers following other Gods seruing them and bowing downe before them They ceased not from their owne inuentions Nor from their rebellious way All this booke is full of examples hereof The Iudges ended and this people of God gouerned by kinges How was it then As ill or worse then before Let them read the Prophets which they call great and small This people of God their Priestes and Princes condemned the good Doctrine and persecuted the holie Prophets that preached the same So obstinate was this people in turning away from God That God in indignation commaunded Esaie to say these wordes vnto the people in hearing heare and not vnderstand In seeing see and not perceaue The heart of this people is waxed fatte and their hearing dull and their eyes are blinded least they should see with their eyes and heare with their eares c. The prophet Ieremy protesteth to all the people of Iuda and to all the Inhabitantes of Ierusalem the diligent care which the Lord had vsed to conuert them from Idolatrie to himselfe and the small profect they receaued thereby Hee had this said hee preached vnto them by the space of twentie and three yeares and they heard him not Note what the Prophet saith in the second verse that hee spake this to all the people of Iuda and to all the inhabitantes of Ierusalem And note that onely this Hebrewe people and no other in all the world was then the Church of God And behould if the Church erred Who wounded and imprisoned Ieremy for his sermons Pashur the chiefe Priest of the people of God What was the state of the people of Israel when Elias supposed that there was none but hee that worshipped the true God of Israel S. Paul alleageth this place Rom. 11. 13. Let this suffice concerning the Church of the old Testament Come wee nowe to the newe When the diuine word taking flesh came into the world How found he his spouse the Church All to be smeared with dirt and sootte The Scribes and Pharisies priests and high priests with their traditions had wholely corrupted her As nowe doe the Priestes and Fryars Bishoppes and Popes So great then was the corrupption in Doctrine among the people of God that there was their principall sects of the Pharifies sadduces Essees The Pharises great hypochrits corrupted the scripture with their traditions The
that it is not barren but full of works of charity which are the fruits of righteousnes of a true faith Heb. 11. 1. Gal. 5. 6. Philip. 1. 11. The new doctrin of men teacheth that the particular iustification of mē and much more the saluation is very vncertaine so that men must alwayes doubt of their saluation And that not to doubt of the grace and fauour of God is presumption Conc. Trid. Ses 6. Can. 13. Cens Colon. fol. 96. The ancient doctrine of God doth teach that our good workes for tha● they are imperfect can deserue nothing at Gods hand as saith the Prophet Esay 64 6. All our righteousnes is as a stained cloth And Christ our Lord saith Luk. 17. 10 When ye haue done all that is commanded you say ye are vnprofitable seruants The new doctrin of men teacheth that our good works deserue the grace of God and euerlasting life also that men may do works which they call of supererrogation that is to say ouer and aboue those which the Law of God commandeth whereunto the doers thereof are not bound and they are auailable to helpe others ●ellar de Purgatorio lib. 1. ● 8. censor colif 175. The ancient doctrine of God doth teach that Iesus Christ is the head Spouse of the Church which he gouerneth and teacheth by his word and Spirit that the dutie of the Church is to heare and obey the voyce of her Spouse and faithfull Pastor according to the commandement of the heauenly Father Mat. 17. 5. Heare him and as Christ Iesus also teacheth Io. 10. 27. My sheep heare my voyce I know them they follow me The new doctrine of men teacheth that the Pope is the head Spouse of the Church and Vicar of Christ vpon earth who hath the keyes of Paradice and of hell and can both saue condemne and therefore ought all men to obey his decrees and be subiect vnto him And that whosoeuer obeyeth obeyeth not but gainesaith his constitutions is an heretique In extra●ag Tom. 22. Tit. 5. In Gloss 2. lib. 1. Decret T it 7. C. 5. The ancient Doctrin of God doth teach that the pastors ministers of the Church ought to feed the Christian people with the true spiritual food which is the word of God and wholesome Doctrine of the Gospell As the ministers of Christ faithful Stewards of the misteries of God according to the commaundement of Christ Matth. 28. 20. Iohn 21. 16. 17. And following the stteps of the Apostle which taught the Church that which they had receiued of the Lord 1. Cor. 11. 23. And that which was agreeable to the holy scripture Acts 26. 22. 1. Cor 15. 3. 4. The new Doctrine of men teacheth that the ecclesia●tical persons ought to sacrifice or say Masse sing and pray in the Latine tongue and to keepe the ceremonies and tradition of the Romane Church And to teach the people to obserue all that which the Popes and Councels determine cōmād Albeit it agreeth not with the holy scripture Cōci Trid. Ses vltma c The ancient Doctrin of God doth teach that the vse of strange tongues albeit to the praise of God is vnprofittable in the Church to the ignorant auditory Therfore that they which teach pray or sing in the Ch●rch ought to vse the vulgar tongue vnderstood of the people for edification and exhortation and consolation of all 1. Cor. 14 3. 6. 7. 8. c. The new Doctrine of men teacheth that the worship of God ought to be vsed in the Latine tongue And that it should not be only vnprofittable but also to the common people hurtfull if the holy scripture in the Church should be read or sung in the vulgar tongue Bellar de verbo Dei lib. 2. cap. ●5 The ancient Doctrin of God doth teach that the sacramēts be instituted of Christ to imprint confirme in our harts the truth of the promises of God and that they may be healthful vnto vs it is of necessity required that we be faithful in the vse of them for as the word of God not beleeued doth not only not profit the hearers thereof but leaueth them condemned So haue the sacraments the same effect when by faith they are not receiued Matth 28. 19. 20. Rom. 4. 11. 1. Cor. 11. 27. 29. Heb. 4. 2. cap. 11. 6. The new doctrine of men teacheth that the sacramēts of the new testament giue grace ex opere operato That is to say By the vertue of the worke wrought without any good motiō of his part that receiueth thē l. 4. se dist 1 The ancient Doctrine of God doth teach that Iesus Christ in the institution of the holy supper brake the bread and gaue it to his disciples and afterwardes the wine saying drink ye all of it without making difference The same teacheth the Apostle Saint Paul 1. Cor. 11. 23. The new Doctrine of men teacheth that the sacramēt of the altar ought to be giuen dispensed in bread and in wine to the priests onely But to the ●ayty the bread alone ought to be admonished Concil Trid. Sess ● The ancient Doctrin of God doth teach that matrimony is honorable among all men Heb. 13. 4. And that it is better to marry then to burne ● Cor. 7. 9. Also that to forbid marriage is a doctrin of diuels 1. Tim. 4. 3. The new Doctrin of men doth teach that matrimony is a Carnal estate and therefore with such seuerity to be forbidden to the Clergy that more 〈◊〉 it should be for a prelate or ecclesiasticall person to liue in fornication th lawfully to marry according to the law of God for as saith Bellar it is a greater wickednesse for an ecclesiasticall person to marry then to commit fornication And adding the cause saith for that he which is so married is made vnable to keepe his vow● the which he that committeth fornication is not Bellar. de Monachis lib. 2. cap. 34. The ancient Doctrine of God doth teach that that which entreth into the mouth defileth not a man Math. 15. 11. And that all meates be cleane creatures and that the faithfull may indifferently vse them with pure conscience and thanksgiuing 1. Tim. 4. 4. Tit. 1. 15. The new Doctrine of men teacheth that it is not lawfull for a Christian vnder paine of mortall sinne to eate of all sorts of meates on all dayes and times As in Lent the foure times the frydayes the satturdayes and the vigils of some Saints Dist 4. cap. Statuimus The ancient Doctrine of God doth teach that the duty of a godly man is to speake truth keepe his faith promise not to violate his oath although it were to his owne hindrance Psal 15. 2. 4. Zach. 1. 16. Eph. 4. 25. The new Doctrine of men teacheth that faith ought not to be kept with heretiques and that it is lawful to violate promise and oath in fauour of the Roman Church as it is cōcluded in
the 2. to Timoth. cap. 4. 1. 2 which some what before his martyrdome he wrote the second time being prisoner in Rome and in the Epistle to Philemon verse 23. and 24. Also in the Epistle which he wrote to the Romanes he not once maketh mention of Saint Peter to whom no doubt he would haue sent salutations had hee bene in Rome and which is more Saint Peter being Bishop at Rome as they say 25. yeares Read the last chap. of this epistle and thou shalt see the catalogue which S. Paule maketh from the fift verse to the fifteenth he saith onely Salute such a one salute such a one c. without naming of Saint Peter Because he neither was Bishop of Rome nor yet was in Rome Also the Iewes which dwelled in Rome as reciteth S. Luke Act. 28. 21. 22. said to S. Paule when he came prisoner to Rome that they had not heard nor vnderstood any thing concerning him and prayed him to declare his opinion touching that sect which was gainsayd and euill spoken of in all places vnderstanding by this sect the Gospel which Saint Paule preached Who will beleeue that S. Peter which as they say was before come to Rome and a Minister of the Circumcision had not taught nor spoken ought vnto them of the Gospell These reasons taken out of holy Scripture are me seemeth as they be very sufficient to proue the common opinion holden of S. Peters being Bishop of Rome and that 25. yeares to be false Whereupon that of the Papists appeares plainely to be meere ignorance or which is worse extreame malice when they call the Pope Saint Peters successor Vicar of Iesus Christ as though hee were Saint Peter and therefore vniuersall Bishop Against the Primacie of the Pope we will speake in the end of this Treatise Seeing then Saint Peter was not Bishop of Rome we place Linus for the first All the Bishops of Rome that were from Linus to Syluester who was in the time of the Emperour Constantine the great whom we will put in the first order were in generall trulie Bishops and holy men who with their good doctrine and holy life and conuersation wrought great fruit in the Church of God They were the salt of the earth the light of the world a Citie built vpon a mountaine a candle light and set vpon a candlesticke These be the titles wherewith Christ adorneth his apostles and ministers Math. 5. These were the Angelles of God according to the saying of Malachie speaking of Leuie and consequently of the good Ministers The lawe of trueth saith he was in his mouth and no iniquitie was found in his lippes In peace and equitie he walked with me and turned away from iniquitie For the priestes lippes should preserue knowledge and they should seeke the lawe at his mouth for he is the Angell of the Lord of hosts Many more titles are comprised in the holy scriptures wherewith the true ministers are adorned which I will passe ouer to auoide tediousnes In the ende these good bishops of Rome sealed the Gospell which they had preached with their bloud and so were Martyrs of Iesus Christ Men they were poore in spirit and simple of heart strangers to couetosnes and ambition they were true bishops for the space of almost three hundred yeares And so the Church of the Lord hauing such ministers was then happie and rich in the sight of God albeit in the eies of men contemptible miserable such as the Apostle in the eleuenth chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrewes from the 36. to the 38. verse describeth Others saith he haue benetryed by mocking and scourgings yea moreouer by bonds and imprisonment 37. Others were stoned others were hewen asunder Others were tempted others slayne with the sworde Others wandered vp and downe in sheepes skinnes and in goats skinnes being destitute afflicted and tormented 38. whome the worlde was vnworthie of they wandred in wildernesses and mountaynes and dens and caues of the earth c. These Bishops caried on their heads not Miters but coifes not honor but dishonor not riches but pouerty following herein their Maister as Esaias the Prophet in his chapter 53. 3. doth liuelie describe him Despised and forsaken of men a man full of sorrowes hauing experience of infirmities and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not This was the outward apparance of the Primitiue Church and so hath it bene in our time sithens the reformation of the Church began these 70. or 80. yeers vnto this time how many haue bin burned drowned beheaded hāged banished shamefully disgraced and died of hunger Truly innumerable and that which is more admirable the more they burned and killed the more they increased and multiplied For the bloud of the Martyrs as saith Tertullian is the seed of the Gospell From the passion of the Lord vnto Saint Siluester which is the time of the first order were almost three hundred yeares wherein the Emperours of Rome became Lords of Spaine The Romanes in two hundred and so manie yeares that they conquered Spaine vntill the time of Augustus Caesar were neuer absolute Lords thereof Augustus was the first that vanquished the Montanists and Biscayes and made himselfe absolute Lord of all Spaine The Romists as those say they that haue held the command and staffe for many yeares to giue antiquitie and authoritie to their ceremonies and humane traditions haue falsly reported that manie of these good Bishops of Rome whom we place in the first order ordained them Clement the fourth Bishop of Rome say they ordained the confirmation of young children the Masse and holy garments wherewith the Priests are clothed They do not consider that he was a a man poore and for preaching of the Gospell banished into mines where he hewed Marble stones and tyed in the end to an anchor they cast him into the sea D. Illescas speaking of Pope Caius in his Pontificall historie saith He ordained that no laye man might bring a Clearke to iudgement That no pagan nor heretike might make accusation against a Christian c. How can this be true sith Caius liued and died in the time of the tenth persecution which as Illescas himselfe saith was of all the most cruell and lasted many yeares Let the Romists be ashamed and cease with lies to confirme their religion Now is it not the time that was wont to be when the blind led the blind c. So say they also that Euaristus Alexander and Sistus fifth sixth and seuenth Bishops of Rome made the popish decrees namely the ordering of the Clergie holy water and holy garmentes Telesphorus say they that was the eighth Bishop of Rome ordained three Masses to be sayd on the day of the Natituitie These good Bishops had other cares and embraced not such childish and superstitious toyes Saciety and idlenesse brought them forth O what euils haue riches wrought to the Church of God Wisely therfore said