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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11442 A briefe treatise of vsurie, made by Nicolas Sander D. of Diuinitie; Briefe treatise of usurie. Sander, Nicholas, 1530?-1581. 1568 (1568) STC 21691; ESTC S105179 38,580 146

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A BRIEFE TREATISE OF VSVRIE MADE BY Nicolas Sander D. of Diuinitie Luc. 6. Mutuum date nihil inde sperantes Geue to lone hoping for nothīg therof RESPICITE VOLATILIA COELI ET PVLLOS CORVORVM I F LOVANII Apud Ioannem Foulerum An. 1568. Cum Priuilegio Subsig De La Torre A BRIEFE TREATISE OF VSVRIE The occasion of this Treatise and the argumentes vvhich are commonly made for the defense of vsurie and vvhat is vsurie The first Chapiter I Did not intrude my selfe good Reader to make this Treatise but was forced thervnto by verie necessitie except I would wilfully suffer my Christian brethern to runne hedlong into vice and to defend that for lawful which is vtterly against the ordinance of God And suerly when I saw that a sinne was not only committed which cometh of the frayltie of man but was also defended then I tought it my dutie not to holde my penne any longer The matter I speake of is vsurie in defence whereof thus I haue heard diuerse mē reason at seueral tymes I haue sayeth he a poore stocke of money lawfully gotten it lyeth by me idely and it will quickly be spent if it be not occupied I was not brought vp in the trade of merchandise I haue wife and childrē who are like to begge vnlesse I prouide some perpetuall reliefe for them In this case what shal I do with my money but imploye it so that it might not be lost and yet might bring me some yearely profite Agayne I lend it to such a merchant whom I knowe to take cōmoditie and no hurt therby why then may I not take profite of mine owne money ●ogether with him or why should he enrich him selfe with my money and not be bounde to geue me some part of his gaine Hereunto when I made answer Exod. 22. Leuit. 25. Psal 14. that the word of God did forbid vsurie he replied that he thought it was rather a coūsel geuen in Gods word to auoyde extreme taking of vsurie then any such precept as bound men to the obedience therof vnder the paine of euerlasting damnatiō Nay said I that can not be so For the Church hath taken it to be a commaundement which must be kept vnder the paine of damnation Sub Alexādro tertio in Concil Lateranest c. 25. and thervpō it hath forbidden open vsurers to be admitted to the cōmuniō of the altare and to be buried in holy ground and their offerings to be receaued vnder the paine of suspension to him that burieth orels receaueth their oblations Here began a new disputation which is the true Churche and what power positiue lawes haue Yea the word of God according to these new interpretations is also brought forth that such vsurie as byteth him sore who boroweth is in dede forbidden for in the Hebrew vsurie is named of byting but not suche as doth bring commoditie as well to the borower as to the lender I wondered to see what shift the deuill made to maintaine that most heinouse crime of vsurie in so much that he hath found the pretense of holy scripture and of Gods word for it To make short the disputation and to cut of th'vnprofitable talke of wordes and names I sayd at the last which nowe God willing I wil proue vsurie is vtterly against God and Nature euen as mankilling is And therefore whatsoeeuer the holy Scripture or the Catholike Churche hath decreed thereof yt hath decreed yt as against one of the greatest mortal sinnes that can be So that nowe it is my part to shewe how vsurie is not only against the coūsel of God expressed in the holy scriptures but also against his will and commaundement the breach whereof is euerlasting death ▪ as it shall appere both by the circumstance of the places wherein it is forbidden and also by the reason of the forbidding this only being first knowen that VVhat is vsurie vsurie is all maner of gaines which is either bargained or hoped for by the force of the contract of geuing to lone whether monie be lent or oile corne wine or any like thing that is spent with the first natural and proper vse thereof ▪ for when the vse of that thing which can be but once vsed of the borower without the spēding thereof and which by the very deliuery to thend it may be vsed Real vsurie is alienated from the lender is payed for that is real vsurie ▪ and when the lender hath a desire to be paid for the vse of that thing Mentall vsurie that is mental vsurie That vsurie is forbidden by Gods lavve vnder the paine of euerlasting damnation The second Chapiter IF men had now that obedience and faith which they once had and stil should haue it had sufficed to haue sayed in one woorde The Church condemneth vsurie and forbiddeth it as a mortal sinne He that heareth not the Churche Mat. 18. is to be taken as an heathen and a Publican But nowe if we answer so they will demaund which is the true Church where is it or how can we be assured that it erreth not For whiche cause I am constrained to geue an accompt of the Churches doctrine touching vsurie And for as muche as the authoritie of the Church being once called into question the Scriptures also whiche were geuen onely to the Churche and are knowen by her tradition and by her vnwritten witnesse can not keepe their creditte but are expounded accordinge to euerie mans lust and phantasie I must also be forced to resort vnto natural reason and thereby to shew that vsurie is of it selfe naught and vniust For albeit the rule of reason may not stil be folowed for as much as the articles of our faithe depend not vppon natural reason which is common to all men but vpon the reuelation of Iesus Christ who powreth his giftes into the hartes of the faithfull abundantly yet nowe it shall not be amisse to proue that vsurie is against natural reason because it is a matter of iniurie and of ciuil iniustice whereof reason may iudge But who so is not able to reache vnto the depth of reason that he may at the least not lacke the authoritie of Gods word I wil first declare that the word of God sheweth vsurie to be a great sinne Exod. 22. It is written in the olde testament after this sort Si pecuniam mutuam dederis populo meo pauperi qui habitat tecum non vrgebis eum quasi exactor nec vsuris opprimes If thou shalt geue monie to lone vnto my poore people which dwelleth with thee thou shalt not be instant vpon him as an importunate wringer neither shalt thou oppresse him with vsurie First this precept standeth emōg other moral preceptes which are to be kept of necessitie Exod. 22. For a litle before it is forbidden that witches should be suffered to lyue or those that had lyen with beastes or those that should offer sacrifice to any sauing to God alone The