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tradition_n authority_n doctrine_n scripture_n 2,840 5 5.9217 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00274 An ansvvere for the tyme, to the examination put in print, vvith out the authours name, pretending to mayntayne the apparrell prescribed against the declaration of the mynisters of London; Answere for the tyme, to the examination put in print, with out the authours name, pretending to mayntayne the apparrell prescribed against the declaration of the mynisters of London. 1566 (1566) STC 10388; ESTC S101663 78,828 156

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retaynid in a reformed Church saith Certe vt nulla est prorsus Christi Belial conuentio ita syncere Christiani nihil penitus ferre poterunt Antichristi Certaynlie as the are is vtterlie no agrement of Christ Belial so syncere Christians can abide nothing at all of Antichrist The examiner The fourth foundation or grounde that you lay is That you must needes cast away ād forsake all those thinges as haue ben brought into the Church besides or cōtrary to the Scripture This platte you enlarge with a dosen seuerall sentences all which paynes you myght well haue saued yf you had not mynded to hane ben bytyng and snappyng by the way at your superiours This trueth all faithfull Christians confirme with you That cōcerning faith and doctrine concerning remission of sinnes and eternal saluation nothing ought to be taught or receyued which is contrary or not grounded in the Canonicall Scriptures 2. Tim. 3 For holy writ geuen by the inspiration of God is not only a lyght to our feete as Dauid saith Psal 119. but also so profitable that thereby the man of God maye be absolute being made perfecte vnto all good workes as Sainct Paule testifieth And though hit be most true touchyng the substance of Christian religion yet the maner and order of setting of it foorth is not particulary expressed 1. Cor. 14 but generally left to the disposition of Christes Churche from time to time accordīng to those wordes of Saint Paule ¶ Let all thinges be donne comely and orderly wherein whatsoeuer shal be lawfully done to those purposes is not to be iudged beside the Scriptures The Aunsuuerer It wear follie to striue whith you in vaine wordes and malicious construing yow will nedes haue the victorie The scripture yow wil haue perfect onelie thouching substans of Christian religion The maner order of setting it forth is not particularie expressed But left generallie to the disposition of the church wee graunt but so that this disposition is barred in whith manye condicions that nothing superfluus or superstitious be brought in nothing offensiue be decreed all thinges be order lie and directlie apoyncted and that for edifing which condicions seing they want in your pretensed orders wee must nedes saye ar they beside the scripture The examiner As fro example Fasting is commaunded in Gods worde But what dayes we shoulde fast Aug. Epist 86 or what da●es we shoulde not being not there determined yf the Christian Churche decree it is not besydes the Scripture The ministring of Baptisme the Lordes super is commaunded in Gods worde But what dayes what tymes what places in what cōpanye with what prayers before and after yf the Christian Churche decree it is not besides the Scriptures And accordyng to this Sainct Augustine wryteth touching the receuyng of the Sacrament of the body bloud of Christ fasting in the mornyng Epist 118. Saluator ideo non praecepit quo dein ceps ordine sumeretur vt Apostolis per quos Ecclesias dispositurus erat seruaret hunc locum Our Sauiour therfore hath not cōmaunded in what order the Sacrament shoulde be afterwarde receyued because he myght reserue this place to his Apostoles by whom he woulde order the Churches Thus also the preachyng of the Go spell is commaunded in Gods worde but howe to do this office in Pulpit or otherwayes in morninglor after noone and so forth yf the Christian Churche decree it is not besides the scripture The lyke may be sayde concerning lawes politike of Princes affayres and traffike betwixt man man whose groundes and rules are in Gods worde and yet the particular circumstaunces in practising them beyng diuers in sundry Countreys according to the iudgement of magistrates are not besides scriptures when al those diuersities haue Gods worde for theyr generall rule and ende The aunsuerer So supersticion be awaye other condiciōs obserued a lawe may be made off fasting prouided all wais that by no humaine constitution whichis besidethe word off god mēs cōsciēcis be ētāgled which werecōtrarie to the word of god Remēbre what August writith of the fast of the Maniches which you maye se in the beginīg of this boke wherbie wee gather this general rule alwais ī this cōtrouersie to bemarkid that no Ceremonie is to be borowed of the aduersarie Homel pri ieun Iud And also cōsidere the sayning of Chrysostome conserninge the fast of the Iewes Tel not me saith he they fast but shew me that they fast according to the will of god which if they do not then is their fast more wicked then anye dronkennes Likewise for ministrīg the Sacraments order may be taken by the curch so it be most to edification according to the time place and compagnie Touching the tradicion of the Apostles that it is necessarie to receue the Communion ffasting if yow dare defend it by sainct Augustins authoritye yow maie wee suppose yow will not defend all the doctrine that was commonlie receiued in his time by him thaught much lesse all rites ceremonies To be short the scripture hath lefl nothing so free or in different to mans lawes but it must agree with those generalle condicions before rehersed such like The Examiner And blessed be God our times are here suche Deut. 24 that no man in our Churches presumeth to adde to Gods word as acknowledging the perfitnes therof to our saluation And that our gouernours in the feare of God Rom. 15 eschewe Saules disobedience and by righteous clemencie flee the tirannie of Reboam and through the direction of Gods spirite walke zelously in the pathes of Godly Ezechias in all those thinges whiche they finde wryttē in the boke of godes lawe to appertayne to his true seruice ād worship not so much weyghīg the displeasures of worldly potentates as the curses that the most mightie God powreth vpon all suche as truely and sincerely regarde not his religiō and glory The Aunsuuerer Wee giue thankes to god for our good gouerners desiering him to encresse in them those god qualities which yow commend the perfect obediens of Dauid to hate the verie name of Idolls the righteous clemencie of Salamon to maintaine the godlie and punish the wicked the godlie zeale of Ezechias to breake the brasen serpēt and doe all thing accordīg to the precise rulees of godes word The examiner And blessed be the name of the Lorde for euer that hath stirred vp such Bishops and preachers among vs whiche neyther haue nor do flatter Princes to set vp their pleasures aboue the will and commaundement of God though some surmise the cōtrary As Audiani Epi. lib. 3 Tom prim certaine sectaries lay de to the Fathers charge of Nicaene coū sell that they tooke an order in the troublesome dissention for keping Easter day to please and flatter Constantine the Emperour whereas they did it vpon iust consideration and to auoyde scisme The aunsuuerer God be praysed for allgood Bishoppes and preachers