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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14251 The olde fayth of greate Brittaygne, and the newe learnynge of Inglande wherunto is added a symple instruction, concernynge the Kinges Maiesties procedinges in the co[m]munyon. Compyled by R.V. R. V., fl. 1549. 1549 (1549) STC 24566; ESTC S119007 13,729 40

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wè wtdraw vs not frō that which chryst hath taught done Here ye se how that catholik fathers are against mannes doctryne and auncient custume / Whose doctryne is conformable wyth the apostles doctryne as peter wrytteth in hys second Epystell the .iij. Chapt. Remembre the woordes whych were tolde before of the holy Prophetes and also the commaundementes of vs that be the Apostles of the Lorde and sauyour Trulye we haue not in the scryptures that the Apostles had any cōmaundment to set furth the masse or any suche Ceremonie as hath bene and as some are yet in the church for the Apostles had suffred before any ceremony was receued into the church as witnesseth al auncient Chronicles For it was Cix yeares after christs incarnation whē Alexander made the fyrst holy water All out the yere .cxxix. Telphorus made the lent About the yere of ijc xiiij Cepherinus made or ordeyned a chalyce of glasse made the fyrste Sacrifyce About ijc lxx Felix ordeyned the hallowynge of the aulters About ij clxxxi Caius ordryned the pryestes shauen ordres About the yeare of iij. c. xiij Syluester ordeyned creame and oyle to be hallowed of bysshops About an ●o iiij c. xix sosynus ordeyned the halowig of the font on Easter euen and the paschal taper About anno .iiij. c. xiij Mamercus bysshop of Vienna ordeyned gang weke About āno v. c. xxiii Felix the .iiij. ordeyned the anealing of that sycke About the yere .v. c iiij Pelagius ordeyned masse of requiem for the dead about an vi c. xxij Benitacius the .v. ordeyned the churchyardes to be sanctuary About the yere of .vij. c. xxxij Grigory the .iij. set vp Images / causing the people to honour them / contrary to a counsell holden in Constantinople by Leo the .iiij. Emperour with .iij. c. and .xxx. bysshops In the whych counsell Images were condemned and burned yea euen the very picture of Chryst About the yeare .vij. c. iij. Steuen the .iij. caused him self to be born on mens shulders About the yeare of .vij. c. lx Paulus ordeyned church halowyng About the yeare M. lxxiij Gregorye the vij ordeyned that priestes shulde kepe no wyues nor concubines / and for badde to eate flesh on the satterdayes Aboute anno M. lxxxvij Urbanus the .ij. ordeyned excommunication About anno M. c. xcviij Innocencius the iij ordeyned anticular cōfession / to bring in holy belles holy palme BEADES and Asshes wyth all other rayned fantasies which as before is sayd ye haue not in the testament any such doctrine set forth by Chryste nor none of hys apostles Wherfore doctour smyth and all those which wryte or preache theis vnwry ten verities to be receaued by the tradicion of the apostles do bely Chryst and his apo stles For the apostles had suffred and we reall dead almost .xx. yeres before the fyrst ceremony was inuented as ye herein may perceaue Wherfore Paule foreseing by the spirite of prophetie that such false and erronious doctrine shulde com geuith war ning vnto Timo. in the .iiij. chapter of hys fyrst Epystle / saying / The spyrite speaketh euidently / that in the latter dayes some shall departe from the fayth / and shall geue hede vnto spirites of errour and deue lysh doctryne of them whych speake false thorow Ipocrisy haue theyr consciences marked with an whote Iron / forbidding to mary ād commaunding to abstayne frō Meates whiche GOD hathe created to be receaued with geuing thankes Yea and Paule to the Gallath sayth as I sayde before so say I now agayne / if any manne preache vnto you any other thing then that ye haue receaued / holde himaccursed Wherfore this saying consydered no manne can gather by Paules doctryne but that althose ceremonies before recited were neuer receaued of Paule nor yet of none of the apostles By the which it followeth that all those which preach these ceremonies to the peple are accursed by Paule for so much as they were not receaued when Paule preached the curse Therfore let vs repent and beleue Gods wordes seing it hath pleased him to opē it vnto vs in these our days For if it had bene so plē tyfully opened vnto our forefathers the bysshops of Rome ād theyr maynteyners could neuer haue preuayled agaynst Christen princes as they haue done neyther yet maynteyned their inuented ceremonyes agaynst the which the catholyk fathers wro te euen when they were inuented as here in apeareth For Eusebius wrote aboute anno .c. lxix Origen a about .ii. c. xxv Cyprian about .ij. c. lix Chrisostom about iiij c. xiij Ierome about .iiij. c. xxix Austen a● aboute iilj c. xxx vij These men with dyuers other haue written agaynst their tradicions / euery one in his tyme / as appeareth in their workes But the citasion why that scripturs these catholyke mēs workes myght not take place / was for lacke of the prynt For in the primatiue church and vn to such time that God had sent the prynt / it was a greate thing for a man to wryte a byble yea / as much as a man myght to in his whole life Wherfor for lacke of gods woorde the people myght nor come to the knowledge of the bishop of Romes deuelysh inuencion Yea and we may be sure in case the scriptures had been as plentyfull and as leful to euery man / in the primatiue church / as they are now in these our days / the ātichristes of Rome all their ayders shuld haue had as much to do in the settīg vp of thē as men haue now in the pulling downe of them For the holy Scriptures were then in few mens handes so that the Christians had not to stablish thē selues in Christ but only by the preachers And after that that apostles sincere pachers were depar ted to god / thē begā that Romish bisshops to stablish their earthly kingdō to become lords of that whole christen relygiōs as well ouer that prices as ouer their subiectes as it may apeare by aunciant chronicles For in that .x. boke the .vi. chap of Eusebius works it is mēcioned howe the in that counsell of ●ice holdē by the ēperour cōstatine that great wast decreed that the auncient custumes shulde be kept in Alexandria in the citie of Rome to wyt that the bysshop of Alexandria shulde haue the charge of the churches in Egypt and he in Rome of the churches in Rome and about Rome Now this Christen counsell being kept .iiij. c. yeares after Chryst / coulde not fynde the Romish bysshop Christes successour / but only ouer the churches of Rome about rome I pray you from whence cam hys auctoritie sence to be called Chrystes successoure ouer the whole christen congregaciōs yf it had com from Christ this counsell no doubt wold haue found it Truly I can not gather of whome he receaued it onles be receaued it of that deuell that wolde haue had Chryst to fall downe and honour him / as is written Mathew .iiij. but Christ
substaūces vnder that pretence of the settīg furth of Gods word / not caring so they get substaunce what cōmeth of Gods word as partlye hath apeared in these our dayes both in the clergy and also in the laytye It wylbe a slaū der to oure Relygion in those dayes as it was euen in the Primatiue churche as appeareth in the seuenth boke the .xvij. chaptof Eusebius ecclesiasticall history of Paulus Samosatenus a bysshop of Antioch / of whom is said yf we speake of his pride / it was Intollerable For he shewed hym selfe more lyke a captayne then a bysshop for so much as in going by the streates he vsed a maruelouse pryde in reading the letters which were sent hym before the people / naming the answeares to hys secretataries whych accompanyed hym / hauynge so great a nombre of folke which went before hym and a great multytude followīg hym in such maner that all they which sawe hym abhorred hys pryde and for the same blamed our Relygion Oh. GOD / doth not the pryde of the bysshopes in these our dayes resemble the same Paules pryde He that lysteth to rede the forsayd chapter out / shall see muche But thankes be vnto the lorde who hath geuen the same power vnto the Kinges Maiestie in these dayes / which he gaue to Aurelyan the emperour in those dayes which was that he gaue power to the metrapolytane and other faythfull bysshopes to depose the sayde Paule and set an other in hys place whyche dyd preach the worde of God and not his owne thinkinge as Paule dyd as appeareth in the sayd chapter Truly / if this pride be not lefte both in the Laytie and also in the the Clergyie / God wyll plage the worlde / and that very shortlye for Gods worde is not mans inuencion but the very wyll and worke of God as witnesseth Peter in his second Epystle the fyrst Chapter / saying know fyrst that no prophetie in the scriptures is done of any priuate interpretation For the prophecy was neuer wrought by the wyll of man / but the holy men of God spake as they were moued of the holy gost And this trade vsed the apostles geuinge credyte to Gods worde both in theyr teaching also in theyr ministracion / as wye nesseth sainct Peter in his fyrst epystle the fourth chapter saying if any man speake let him talke as though he spake the wordes of God If any mā minister let hym do it as of the habily tie whiche God minystreth vnto him And that primatiue church stode by the scripturs as Eusebius in his iij. boke the .x. chapter witnesseth / sayinge By the which thinges sayth he it is euydent in what reuerence we vse oure scriptures the which of so long tyme and by so many ages as is past / was neuer mā that durst adde / take away or chaunge any thin ge but all men of our relygion haue thys stedfast fayth / and beleue thē to be reuelacions of God stande to this boke for to defende the same / if nede require wil willyngly lose theyr lyues He sayth not they wyll make insurrections and styrre the peple against their prince as the papists haue done these 1200 yeres / for the maintenaunce of theyr fayned tradicions auncient custumes thys is the very nature of all those which mainteyne vn wrytten Verityes But the nature of gods peple is not of this kīde but their nature is to opē the fautes of prices of their subiectes which they set led cōtrary to the scriptures / gently shewe the plages set furth in the scrypture / for disobeing Gods worde rather to suffre death then to seke the displeasure or destruction of theyr prynces rather vse paules trade in theyr preachyng 1. Cor. xv saying I delyuered vnto you that whych I also receaued how the Chryst dyed for our synnes according to the scripturs that he was buryed / that he rose agayne the .iij. day Paul sayth not I delyuered vnto you our aūcient fathers custumes / nor yet their say ned inuēted ceremonies which had stande so many C. yeres But he saith he delyuered that which he receaued which was how that chryst dyed for our synnes according to the scriptures therfore sayth paul Gal. 1. Though we our selues saith he or an aūgell frō heauē preach any other gospell to you thē that yt haue receaued holde hiaccursed O mercifull God what shall we say to those which maīteyne the popysh masse and ceremonies in the whiche is not declared one Tytle Howe Chryst dyed for our sinnes / according to that scripturs For truly the chatholyke fathers abhorred thē euen in the primatiue church As hereafter thou mayst perceaue And fyrst Castus bysshoppe sayth in his .v. boke He the which presumeth to follow the custume in contempnyng the veritie / eyther he is enuyous and malycious agaynst his brethern to whome the verytie is opened or els he is vnthankfull to God by whose inspiration his church is instructed Also Ciprian ad Pompeium agaynst Steuēs Epystle sayth The custume which is rysē with som ought not to let the verytie to haue lesse place to rhintent that the veritie shulde not vanquish For custum without veritē is auncientnes of errour Wherfore in leanyng the errour let vs follow the veritie Also Austen in his .iij. boke of Baptysme the .ix. chapter And are also the wordes of Honoratus Attuca sayinge seying Chryste is the veritie / we ought rather to follow the veritie then the custume Also Felix Bysshop sayth let none set the custume before the veritie for reason veritie wyll alwayes put furth custume Also s Ciprian ad Cecilium in hys seconde Booke the thyrde Chapter / sayeth If ye doo that whiche I commaunce you / from henseforth wyll I not call you seruauntes but frendes Yea / and that Chryst ought only to be heard the father witnesseth from heauen saying This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I delyte heare him Wherfore if it be so that Christ ought only to be heard we ought not to care what thing any befor vs hath estemed to be good / but those thinges which Chryst teacheth / who was before all other Neyther must we follow mānes custume but the veritie of God For the lorde sayd by Esay the prophet They honour me without cause / and teache the commaundementes and doctryne of men And also in the Gospell why do ye transgresse the commaundementes of God to stablysh your owne tradicions Wherfore dere brethern if anye one of our predecessours through ignoraunce or symplycitie haue not obserued and kept that which the lord hath taught vs to do eyther by example or doctryne it may be reputed to symplicitie and may be forgeuen thē through the indulgence of the lorde But it may not be forgeuen vs which now are instructed of the lorde but it is expedient for vs to send letters to our companions that the lordes gospel his doctrine be kept ouer al the