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A91119 A testimony of the Light within. A glorious truth, which all the holy men of God did bear testimony unto, and from which they spoke forth the Sciptures, and the end of all preachings and writings was to bring to Light within, to worship God in spirit and truth, and to Christ within, the hope of glory. The truth cleared from scandals, and some of the errors and false doctrines of two Cornish teachers laid open and testified against. With a description of the true ministers of Christ, and of the free ministery both under the law and Gospell administration; ... Also a testimony of the dawning of the glorious day of the Lord, ... Here is likewise, in short, declared the differences between the old Covenant, ... & the new covenant, ... Given forth from Christ the light within in love to the souls of all people, ... that they may have union with me in my fathers love ... whose name according to the flesh is Alexander Parker. Written chiefly to the inhabitants of the town and parish of Austell, in the county, of Cornwall, but may serve for any others who are in the same nature and condition with them. Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689. 1657 (1657) Wing P385; Thomason E909_6; ESTC R203124 42,617 54

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came into the publick Meeting-place which you call a Church in meekness and innocency according to the practice of the Ministers of the Gospel and I sate down and imediately Vpcot your professed Teacher seeing me envy did arise in him and the image of Cain did appear in his face and he spoke to some of his hearers to put me forth in this thing if it were nothing else it is enough to try him for the tree is known by his fruits envy is a mark of the false Prophets and they who live in envy are of Cains generation and nature and he that envies his brother is a murderer and so of the Devil and is no true Minister and it was not the manner nor practice of the Apostles to cause any to be hailed forth but on the contrary the Apostles and Ministers of Christ were haled forth and beaten and abused and in this age your Teachers are found contrary to the Ministers of Christ not guided by that meek and Lamb-like Spirit that they were guided by but he is plainly manifest to have a contrary spirit of envy and so the spirit of error 1 John 4.6 The same time one whose name is Halls went up into the high place and stood praying there Pharisee-like which Christ cryed woe unto such that did so Mat. 23. and in his prayer he uttered forth his envy and blasphemy against Christ the Light and prayed to his God that they might not be guided by the Light within and afterward prayed that the Lord would reveal his Truth within Now here all who are not wilfully blind may see his confusion and out of his own mouth I leave him to be judged for Christ Jesus is the Truth and he is the Light John 14.6 John 8.12 and if the Truth must be revealed within then the Light is within and where this Light is manifest it leads and guids all who are in it out of death and darkness and all unrighteousness into the pure way of life righteousness and peace as Christ hath said whosoever follows me shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life and all who deny the light within denies the New-Covenant Isa 4● 6. Jer 31 31. 1 Tim 3 9.16 and the faith of Christ nay further they deny the whole Mistery of Godliness which is God manifest in flesh and this I shall prove by Scripture that all they who deny to be guided by the light within denies God Christ and the Spirit which are all one in substance though differing in names for God is light and Christ is light and the Spirit is light and they are all one God 1 John 5 7. who is light as John the beloved Disciple declares and this was his message that God is Light and in him is no darkness at all as you may read Iohn 1.5 And Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ declares and testifies of God dwelling within as you may read 2 Cor. 6.16 What agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols for ye are the Temple of the living God as God hath said Rev 21 3. I will dwel in them and walk in them c. Again read Ephes 4.4 5 6. There is one body and one spirit even as ye are called in one hope of your calling one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Col. 3 10 11. mind this well In you all Again read Col. 1.26 27 28. where Paul speaks of the Mistery which hath been h●d from ages and generations but now is made manifest to his Saints to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this Mistery among the Gentiles which is Chrict in you the hope of glory Again read 1 Cor. 3 16. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you And this is the New-Covenant of God prophesied of by the Prophet Jeremiah in the 31. Chap. 31 32 33 34. which was not according to the old Covenant Exod 34 1. Mal. 2 7. Heb 10 12 where the Law was written in Tables of Stone and the Priests lips should preserve knowledge and they year by year offered up Sacrifice for sin c. But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes saith the Lord I will put my Law in the inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my People And they shall teach no more every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sin no more And again read Luke 17.20 21. And when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God should come he answered them to wit Jesus and said the Kingdom of God cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here or lo there mark well for behold th● Kingdom of God is within you Another Scripture I shall mention in the first Epistle of John 2.20 to the 28. Ye have an Vction from the holy One and ye know all things c. These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you but the annoynting which ye have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him These Scriptures I have set down to prove that he or they that denies to be guided by the Light within denies God Tim. 32 26. Iohn 4 23 4● Jer ● 31 34. 1 27. Co●h 16 13 Job 8 1. ● Joh 5 29 1 Heb 10 16 Luke 17 21 1 Jo 2 27. 1 Jo● 1 3 5 Christ Spirit and the Scriptures and in a word the whole Mistery of Godliness which is God manifest in flesh where the true Worship in Spirit and Truth is known and witnessed and the New-Covenant enjoyed where sin and in●quity is done away and blotted out of the Lords remembrance and this is light within which leads and guids all the Children of God in the waies of righteousness and peace where the substance and life of all figures and shaddows and the life of all Scriptures is witnessed and enjoyed within for the Law is light and it is within and the Kingdome of God is light and it is within and the Spirit is light and the Annointing and Christ is light and these are all one in substance one God who is a Spirit of light and he dwells within his people and as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God Rom 8 14. and here you may see the error and blasphemy of Halls who prayed that they might
Man is the Lord from heaven There is the first Adam and the second Adam In the first Adam all die and are dead in sins and trespasses and they who be there in that state are full of sin and if they or any of them should say they have no sin they deceive themselves and the truth is not in them but all who are born again of the immortall seed are kept by the power of God and the wicked one toucheth them not for whosoever abides in Christ doth not commit sin for whosoever sinneth hath not seen him neither known him he that doth righteousnes is of God and he that doth commit sin is of the Div●ll therefore be not deceived for God will not be mocked with your words it is not your saying Lord Lord nor your customary worship and outside seeming holiness it will not cover your nakednes nor bring peace to your souls as long as you live in sin for if yee live after the flesh yee shal die and reap corruption but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body then shall yee live But some whose eyes are blinded by the God of this world stumble because it is said If We say c. the Apostle takes in himself Now this I say That the Apostles many times do come down to the capacities of others when they themselves have passed through such conditions As for example James the Apostle in the third chapter of his Epistle speaking of the unruliness of the tongue though it is but a little yet it is an unruly member full of deadly poyson therewith bless we God even the Father therewith curs we men which are made after the similitude of God Here we may see James said We but he himself was no curser but redeemed from it and this I instanced to Halls and them present at that time and he said though he was not one he had been a curser and I told him so had Iohn been a sinner and so have we all sinned and if we say we have not sinned we make him a lyar Iohn 17.9 10. But if we confesse our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Mark he doth not say from part but from all sins for if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin and they who deny the light within and deny the freedom from sin deny Christ and the end of his coming and would make his blood of none effect and freely from the Lord do I testifie against all such as Ministers of Anti-christ and they have made a Covenant with Hell and Death and no longer time will serve but term of life they tell people they must live in sin and never be without sin while they live and flatter them with a vain hope of going to heaven when there is but this hope which doth not purifie their hearts is the hope of the Hypocrite Isai 28.15 Iob 8 13 11.20 Mat. 15.30 which shall perish and their end will be wo and utter darkness the portion of all such who live in their sins Therefore fear the Lord and let every one that nameth the name of Jesus Christ depart from iniquity 2 Tim. 2 19. Further the same time Will. Vpcot affirmed that there was no Ministers of the Spirit now which thing I did deny Isai 50.2 Heb. 13 8. and do affirm it to be false for God is the same now as formerly and Jesus Christ is the same to day as yesterday and the spirit is the same and all who are made Ministers by the will of God 2 Cor. 3.6 2 Cor. 2.4 1 Cor. 5 19. Isal 61,2 are Ministers of the Spirit and of power and declare the word of life and reconciliation and ministers peace and glad tydings to imprisoned souls and condemnation and the day of vengeance upon all Oppressors which keeps the Seed in bondage He further said that Paul was not a Minister of the Spirit which thing is likewise false and a lie and blasphemy to affirm read 2 Cor. 3.6 and there you may read the Apostles Testimony where he saith Who also hath made us able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit Here it is evidently manifest that Paul was a Minister of the Spirit therefore all that say he was not are lyars Iohn 8.44 Rev 21.18 but William Vpcot did say that Paul was not a Minister of the Spirit therefore he is a lyar and so of the Devil let the Scripture be a testimony against him Further he the said William Vpcot said that the Scriptures were the Gospel and I asked him what part and he said the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke and John and the Epistles and he said further that all the whole Scripture was the Gospel All which I deny the Scriptures are but the report Luke 1.1 and fame of the Gospel but not the Gospel for the Gospel is a Mistery and cannot be bought for money but the Scriptures which is a declaration may be bought for a smal sum of money therefore not the Gospel for the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation unto every one that doth believe Rom. 1.16 For therein is the Righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them verse 17 18 19. The Gospel is glad tydings to captive and weary souls which those that preached the Gospel did witness the Redemption of Isa 51 1 2. Rom 3.24 Ephes 1 7. and the bonds of iniquity was broken and the oppressed set free and this Gospel the power of God unto salvation was in the beginning before all time and was manifest in the holy men of God from which the Scriptures were declared and spoken forth and they are a declaration of the Gospel the power of God unto salvation but they are not the Gospel the power of God unto salvation Several other things was spoken at that time but these are sufficient that I have here set down to all who love their souls and are not wilfully blind to try their spirits to be contrary to the spirit of truth and so to be turned away from as the Ministers of Christ exhorts 2 Tim. 3.1 c. and to them I did speak and warn them to give over deceiving of the people and told them the judgements of God would come upon them Mat 10.14 and shaked off the dust of my feet as a testimony against them and came away being several times bidden go forth and threatned to be put forth and some that was
in the of the house of the ruder sort 2 Thes 1 7 8 9 10. did threaten mischief against me but neither of the Priests nor any other did reprove them for it but did encourage them rather in their wickedness but the Lord God of power is now appearing and will render vengeance in flames of fire upon all that know not God Psal 111 2 3 Rom 11.33 Rom 1 21 to the end and that do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe read 2 Thes 1.7 8 9 10. and truly his work is wonderful and marvellous in our eyes his waies are past finding out by any worldy wit or wisdom as it is written the world by wisdom knows not God for the preaching of the Cross of Christ is foolishness to worldly wise and Scripture-learned ones but unto all that believe both Jews and Gentiles Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men for saith the Apostle Ye see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things that are despised hath God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to nought things that are Christ Jesus the beloved son of God when he chose himself disciples and Ministers he did not choose them by their greatness in the world nor by their great learning and Scripture knowledge he did not choose him disciples of the great Doctors and learned Rabbies of those times neither of the Rulers nor chief of the people and this made the Rulers and chief Priests to rage and despise and called him a Carpenter Mark 6 3. Jo 7 48 49. Mat 26 3 4. Acts 4 13. Mat 4 18 21. and those that followed him a cursed people that knew not the Law and the Rulers and chief Priests took counsel against Christ to put him to death such as were of great esteem in the world he did not choose but he choosed ignorant and unlearned men and despised ones in the worlds account many of them Fisher men such did Christ make-choice of 1 Cor. 2 cha that the power might be of God and not of man that no flesh should glory in his presence but he that glorieth let him glory in the Lord. And when Paul came to the Corinthians he came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto them the testimony of God for saith he I determined not to know any thing amongst you save Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling but now trembling is despised and made a mock and a scoff at in your Towns streets and villages and most places the Children of God who fear God and tremble at his word are made a mock and a by-word under the name of Quakers it is become their Table talk and at their Ale-houses and Taverns and indeed most places where they come the children of God are become the reproach and as a by-word amongst them every one giving their censures Jer 6 10. Mat 10 22. Jam 3 15. one crying one thing another crying another thing and all are in confusion but these are them whom the Lord doth love and regard who tremble at his word as it is written in the prophets Heaven is my Throne Isa 66 1 2. and Earth is my footstool what house will ye build unto me saith the Lord or what is the place of my rest hath not my hand made all these things and all these things have been saith the Lord but to this man will I look to and regard he that is of a meek and a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word But such are now reproached and beaten and whipped and stocked and sent up and down the Country as Vagabonds Prov. 19 29. Prov 10 6 7. Phil 2 12. and abused and sent to prison but God will plead the cause of the innocent and the scoffers and scorners he will judge and bless and preserve them that love righteousness that work out their salvation with fear and trembling And further Paul declares that his speech and his preaching was not with enticing words of mans wisdome but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that their faith should not stand in the wisdome of men but in the power of God howbeit saith he we speak wisdome amongst them that are perfect yet not the wisdome of this world nor of the Princes of this world that come to nought but we speak the wisdome of God in a Mistery even the hidden wisdome which God ordained afore unto our glory And this wisdome and this mistery the Lord hath revealed unto us for his Names sake that we might be to him a praise and a glory and an honor in walking answerable and worthy of his love in all humility and godly conversation and we cannot partake with the world in their waies of worship Ephes 4 1 2. Col 1 10. Ephes 5 11. Jam 3 15. Tit 1 16. Rom 1 18. which is carnal invented intheir faln estate by their carnal wisdome which is earthly sensual devillish the root and ground of sin and the body and many branches of the cursed Tree is alive and not killed and they live in sin and pleads for a continuance in sin while they live on the earth such are they who profess God in words but in works deny him and such are they who hold the truth in unrighteousness gathering in the Saints words the Scriptures which were given forth from pure life and spirit within these they gather into their unrighteous minds and talks of God and Christ with their vain minds but deceit and iniquity lodgeth in their hearts Mat 23 28. such a Worship and a formal profession we do deny and against them do testifie and cannot joyn with them nor have fellowship with them and therefore are we hated and reviled and made a prey upon and so the Scripture is fulfilled which saith Isa 59 15. they that depart from iniquity are become a prey to this generation 1 Cor 2 9 10 and this wisdome and mistery is hid from the worlds eye and from their ear they cannot see nor hear nor understand the things of God as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea
example for its innocency and shewes that all must become as innocent as little children for whosoever doth not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein But what example is this for any one to sprinkle wa●er on the innocent childs face or what advantage is it for a proud covetous heady high minded sinfull carnall man to take the innocent little child which is not capable of believing what can his prayers or any thing he doth John 9.31 profit or advantage the innocent child Read without prejudice and let that of God in your consciences judge There is one Lord one Faith one Baptism and that one Baptism I own which is not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience towards God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ Eph. 4.5 1 Pet. 3.21 Gal. 6.15 1 Cor. 12 13. Heb. 10 22. 1 Pet. 3. 21 For it is neither dipping or sprinkling or not dipping or sprinkling that avails any thing at all but a new creature for that is not the baptism which is outward with the water but baptism is that of the Spirit having the heart sprinkled from an evil conscience the body washed with pure water and as many as are baptized into Christ have put on Christ and in Christ all are one Gal. 3.27.28 And for their Sacrament which they tell people of I deny the Scripture knows no such word as Sacrament but the Supper of the Lord I own and witness which is a spirituall eating and drinking of the Body and Blood of Christ whereby we being many are one bread and one body For the cup of Blessing which we blesse is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ John 6.56.63 John 8.12 the bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread 1 Cor. 10.16 This bread is Iesus Christ the light of the world as you may read Iohn 6.35 I am the bread of life I am the living bread that came down from above he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever and he shall not hunger and they that drink of this cup shall never thirst but it shall be a Well of living water springing up unto eternall life John 4.14 But I say That the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to Divels and not to God and I would not that ye should have fellowship with Divels ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of Divels ye cannot be partakers of the Lords Table and of the Table of Divels 1 Cor. 10.21 Now for a company of profane sinfull people as drunkards swearers lyars scoffers scorners proud lofty John 8.44 1 John 3 8. John 6.70 high-minded ones Whoremongers Adultere●s Covetous cruell oppressors and the like for these to meet and eat bread wine and call it a communion I do it deny to be the Communion or Table of the Lord but the Table of Divels Likewise their standing praying before and after their Sermons as they call them and their pulpit and their taking a Text as they call it and add to it the divination of their own brain and speak forth their conceivings and not the word of God these and all or most things that are used and practiced by them in the steeple-house or Idol-Temple are contrary to the practice of the Ministers of Christ and they are to be turned away from for they do not neither shall they profit the people at all for if they had stood in the councell of God they should have turned the people from the evill of their wayes but they run and the Lord never sent them therefore they shal not profit the people at all Jer. 23.32 Thus I have declared and laid open their deceits and contrary walkings to the holy men of God and cleared the truth from their lies and slanders and do deny them and all their way of worship John 4.24 Col. 3.16 John 1.3 1 Cor. 3.3 Phil. 3.3 and do own the worship of God in Spirit and Truth and the Ordinances of God in Spirit preaching praying and singing with the Spirit and with understanding singing with grace and making melody in our hearts to the Lord and Baptism and the Lords Supper and the Scripture in the life and spirituality of them and the Gospel of peace and glad tidings and the word of life and reconciliation I own and witness which separates from sin and joyns to the Lord to be one with him in Sp●rit where a I the children of God have union even in the pure Spirit and love of God and are written in one anothers hearts not with paper and ink but with the Spirit of the living God and are taught of God and worship him in Spirit and rejoyceth in his love and patience for evermore Awake awake all people awake to righteousness and sin not 1 Cor. 15.34 Eph 5.14 R●m 13.12 Luke 21 27 28. Isai 4. chap. 2 Cor 4.6 arise from your dead sleep of carnall security put off the works of darkness and put on the armer of light stand up from the d●ad that Christ may give you light For now is the Lord appearing and arising in his mighty power for the redemption of Sion and to put an end to sin and finish transgression his day is dawned and the glorious light of the everlasting Gospel is broken forth and shines in the hearts of the Lords people the Lord is gathering his scattered-flock together in this his day where they have many years been feeding upon the dry husks and running from mountain to hill and from hill to mountain all this cloudy dark day Now is the Lord coming to bring back again that which was driven away and to seek and to save that which was lost and bring his sheep into the fold of the the true shepheard where the sheep shall lie down in peace and feed together in one fold and the Lord alone will be the Teacher and Feeder of his Flock and no ravenous beast shall pluck them out of his hand for he is the good shepheard that will lay down his life for his sheep John 10 1● and will not flye when the Wolfe comes to devour the Lambs but he doth preserve them all and carries his lambs in his arms and gently leads out all that are with young all his tender babes he seeds with milk and nourishes the tender plants with the water of life and this is the Lord bringing to passe in these our days glory be to his name for evermore he is fulfilling his promises made of old gathering his people into union and fellowship with himself Jer. 23 5 6 7.8 Isai 55 3.4 Psal 2.1 2. Acts 13.40 41 John 15.18 19. where they shall all rejoyce together and be one in the everlasting covenant of love and life
in the Lord Jesus Christ And this makes the heathen to rage and the world to wonder at the mighty works of the Lord our God But it is no new thing to be reproached by the world who knowes not God For saith Christ If ye were of the world the world would love you but because I have chosen you out of the world therefore doth it hate you While we were of the world we were loved of the world 1 Pet. 1.14 when we were alive in the old nature and did partake with them in their wayes of worship and in their vain conversation being one with them in vanity and run with them to pleasures and vain delights in vain and foolish jesting and idle and vain talking our tongues being our own and our wild natu●e not being tamed but we could do as they did and speak our own words and think our own thoughts and do our own works no knowing the Crosse of Christ nor bearing his yoak but were at ease in the flesh and in the carnall liberty feeding upon perishing things and created objects loving the world and the things of it and delighting in and loving the Creature more than the Creator I say when we were in that condition one with the world in most things then were we esteemed and loved of the world and they spake well of us if we did not crosse their wills but even then though we could talk of God and Christ and Scriptures we were strangers from God and Christ Eph. 2.1 2 3. Gal. 1.15 16. and from that pure life that the holy men of God lived in that spake forth Scriptures but then it pleased the Lord to manifest himself unto us and revealed his truth within us our understanding was opened by his pure light shining within whereby we saw the deceits of the world and their worship and the hypocrifie and dissimulation of professors Priests and people and that their religion was but a shew and shadow and meer outside seeming colour and talk of words and names Isai 29.13 drawing neer to God with their lips and mouthes when their hearts were after the things of the world and there was no life appearing nor fruits of righteousness from a true ground brought forth but pride and self-love and covetousness every one seeking themselves and to advance themselves by fraud and deceit guile and hypocrisie yea and all manner of wickedness we saw acted amongst them which did grieve our spirits and w●s a burden to our tender consciences and we separated from them and could not partake with them neither in their wayes of worship as it is established nor in their conversations but we seeing in the light of the Lord 2 Cor. 6.1 that they are out of the way and their worship doctrine and practices are contrary to the pure worship of God and the doctrine and practices of the holy men of God declared of in Scripture Tir. 1.16 as I have shewed before We seeing these things for Sions sake we cannot hold our peace but in love to the souls of all people do declare and testifie against the world and the unrighteousness of it and against the deceits and hypocrisie of the Parish Teachers and Hirelings of these times and against all the formall and carnall professors who in words profess God but in works deny him and for this cause are we hated reviled reproached beaten whipped stocked stoned and sent up and down the Countrey as Vagabonds and abused and sent to prison and this is manifest at this day in England the war is begun already betwixt the Beast and the Lamb but the Lamb shal get the victory though all joyn hand in hand against the innocent it shall all be in vain they shall not prevail Rev. 17.14 Mica 4.1 2. Mat. 5.10 11 12. John 16.20 21. Psal 30.35 2 Pet. 1.19 Rev. 21.23 24 Heb. 11.26 but the Lord over all shall be exalted and his kingdom shall be established in righteousness and the Mountain of the House of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be ex●lted above the Hills and people shall flow unto it and though we now be persecuted and hated and troubled on every side yet it shall not be long for the Lord will plead the cause of the innocent and though sorrow and trouble may endure for a night yet joy will come in the morning when the glorious day of the Lord doth dawn within and the day-star doth arise in the heart then shall darkness be expelled and all the children of the Lord shall walk in the light of the Lord and rejoyce in his presence and reproaches to us are great riches for we know it is our portion from the worldly and carnall professors those who have the name and form of godliness but are not in the life they are and were ever found persecuters of the life where ever it did appear As in the time of Moses administration when the Lord did appear darkly as it were under types and shadowes Mar. 23.31 John 5.35 John 1.14 and the people for a time were held under that administration And in the times of the Prophets more light was discovered and they saw through the shadows and declared against them and those who were in the types and shadows persecuted the Prophets The Law and the Prophets were untill Iohn and amongst all that were born of women there was not a greater than Iohn for he was a burning and a shining light and this was a greater light than the prophets yet the least in the kingdom is greater than Iohn And in the admistration of the Gospel when the fulness of time was come when Christ was manifest in the flesh who was the end of the Law and the Prophets Those who had the form of the Law and the Prophets words Mat. 26 3.4 Mark 15 15. Col. 1.20.21 22 23. they persecuted Christ the life of the Law and the Prophets as many do now in these our days who have got the words of Christ and the Apostles and cryes up names and words as the Ordinances of Christ and the Church of Christ and the Ministers of the Gospel and notwithstanding all this are persecuting the appearance of Christ and his life that is now manifest in his people as it was in former times under the Law those that multiplied their Sacrifices and burnt offerings but their hearts were far off and the bond of iniquity was not broken nor the oppressed set free but they lived in their sins and so were testified against by the Prophet as thou mayst read Isaia chapter 1. The Ox knoweth his Owner and the Asse his masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider a sinfull Nation a people laden with iniquity a seed of evill doers children that are corrupters they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the holy one of Israel to anger they have gone away backward The whole
the Covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will wri●e my Law in their hearts and put my Spirit in their inward parts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people and they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for all shall knew me from the least to the greatest for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness their sins and iniquities I will remember no more This is the new Covenant prophesied of the dayes of Jeremiah Luke 4.21 A s 2.16 17 Exod. 34.1 Exod. 31 14 15 16 Exod 40 12 13. 1 Chron 17.12 Gen. 17.10 Exod. 37.29 2 Cor. 3.3 1 Cor. 3.16 17 Rom. 2 28 29. Matth. 12.8 1 Cor. 10.1 2 3 4. Mat. 10.28 29 1 Iohn 2 27. Heb 4 12 Rom 10.8 1 Cor 6.11 Heb. 9 13 14 and was sulfilled in the days of Christ the Apostles and is now fulfilled and fulfilling in these our dayes and as in the old covenant the Law without written in Tables of Stone and the Sabbath was without and the Priests were without whose lipps were to preserve knowledg and the Temple was withont circumcision and many other things were without and the anointing Oyl these things were outward but did not make the comers thereunto perfect as pertaining to the Conscience they did but cleanse the outside But in the new Covenant the life and substance is within the Law is written in the Tables of the Heart and the Spirit is within to teach them and their Bodies are the Temple of God and Circumcision of the Heart with the Spirit and the Sabbath or rest is witnessed which is Jesus Christ who is the Rest and the Rock and Refuge to flye unto and whosoever doth come unto him and take his yoak upon them and learn of him they shall find rest to their souls And the Anointing is within and the Word of Life and Reconciliation which is as a sharp Sword to cut down all sin and all the lusts of the flesh This word is within nigh in the heart and in the mouth and by this Word of Life and power within were the Saints and holy men of God purified and cleansed and their consciences purged from dead workes and were created anew to serve God in the new life of Righteousness and it is the work of God within that doth make perfect from sin Eph 2.10 Rom 8.2 2 Pet. 1.19 21 even the law of the Spirit of Life that Paul speaks of that made him free from the law of Sin and Death And from this Word and Spirit of Light within was all the Scriptures given forth and all words or writings that are spoken or written are to bring to the Word and Spirit within For whatsoever was written or spoken by Moses or by the Prophets Christ or the Apostles John 4.24 1 John 1 7 being spoken and written from the Spirit and Light within they are all to bring out of all Shadowes and Figures Luke 17.20 Col 2 20 21 22. Heb 9.9 10 Heb. 10.1 Luke 15.16 Isaiah 55.2 Luke 24.5 Jer. 2.13 Ezek 3 4 5 6 Mica 6 6.14 Mat 7 22 23. Mal 3 5 John 3.17 20 and carnall Observations to the worship of God within in the Spirit where the Saints union and fellowship is in the Spirit and Light within So all you both Priests and People in this generation who are seeking the kingdom in your Observations whose worship and Ordinances and Light and Word and Rule and other things are without I say unto you your worship is but carnall and all that which you practise it doth not cleanse you nor make you perfect you are but feeding upon the husks you are spending your labour for that which doth not satisfie and spending your money for the which is not bread you are seeking the living amongst the dead you are seeking water among the broken Cisterns that will hold no water you are as the woman that sought the lost Groat without you are as sheep without a Shepheard scattered upon the mountains but find no rest you are hungry but are not satisfied Nay I know there is a cry within you for purity and holiness of life and notwithstanding all your talking and your observations your preaching and your praying you are condemned in your selves for your unrighteous walking and this is the condemnation of the world because light is come into the world and yet men love darkness better than light because their deeds be evill Therefore take heed of despising the light within 2 Pet. 1 19 John 1.5 John 8 12 1 John 3 5 but take heed to and mind the light that shines in your dark hearts and reproves you for your sin that out of transgression ye may come and follow Christ in the light which whosoever follows shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life John 14.6 Acts 4.12 John 1.9 for God is light and he out of his love hath given his Son for a covenant of light unto the people to lead them out of darkness and to separate them from sin and to joyn them to the Lord and there is no way to life but by the Son of God there is no other name under heaven given by which any man can be saved than by the name of Jesus who is the light of the world and doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world and this light is true and pure and testifies against sin and evill though you act sin never so closely that none in the world can accuse you yet this light within you doth stand a witnesse against you condemn you and though you may alter and change your wayes and be tossed to and fro by mens changeable Doctrines yet this light of Christ within you doth never change but doth reprove you for sin and evill make manifest darkness the deeds of darkness Eph 5.13 that is the light or all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light whatsoever makes manifest is light that which tels you that lying is a sin and swearing is a sin and whoredom drunkenness and pride and covetousness that which doth reprove you when you act any evill that is the light that I speak of and do direct your minds unto to wait upon God in the light for teaching and power over sin and as you have many years been seeking without and talking of Christ and Saviour without but have not found peace nor freedom but are alive in your sins and laden with iniquity so now turn in your minds to the light of Christ and there wait for the appearance of Christ in you 2 Tim. 3.6 7 Col 1.27 2 Cor 4.10 11. 1 John 3.8 1 John 5.12 29. 1 Cor. 3.17 Eph. 3.17 Rom. 8.10 and for his life and power to be made manifest in your mortall bodies to kill and
not be guided by the light within Jo 17 21 23. Isa 45 13. John 6 45. Ezek 34 15 and in this he hath denied Father Son and Spirit which are one God who is light and is within a guider and leader and teacher of his People according to Scripture Testimony as I have mentioned before And the said Halls in his talk was speaking of Anti-christ and false Teachers from that Scripture 1 John 2.18 Little Children it is the last time and as you have heard that Anti-christ shall come even now are there many Anti-christs whereby we know that it is the last time Now I shall prove by Scripture and out of his own mouth 1 Jo 2 22. that he is one of the Anti-christs that is against Christ and denies him read the 22. vers Who is a lyar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ he is Anti-christ that denies the Father and the Son Now it is manifest and proved by Scripture that he hath denied the Father and the Son Iohn 10 30 Iohn 14 9 10 11 Rev 21 3. who prayed that they might not be guided by the light within for the Father and the Son are one and they are light and dwelleth within And again read another Scripture in the first Epistle of Iohn Chap. 4.3 Every Spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Anti-christ whereof ye have heard that it should come and even now already it is in the world Now to confess Christ come in flesh at Ierusal●m sixteen hundred and od years ago that the Pope doth confess whom he said was the Anti-christ and this most in this Nation of the very prophanest ones and many others do confess But I do further say 1 Iohn 5 11 12. Col 1 27. 1 John 2 22 23. that every particular man or woman that doth not confess Christ but deny Christ come in their mortal flesh are Anti-christs against Christ and this Halls did deny who denies to be guided by the light within and so denies Christ within the hope of glory and so is against Christ Anti-christ Further the said Halls said that Anti-christ was one that did oppose Christ and this I shall turn back upon his own head and prove him out of his own mouth to be against Christ He hath denied the Mini●●ers work which is for the perfecting of the Saints Christ Jesus owned the Doctrine of Perfection and said in his Doctrin Be ye perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect as you may read Mat. 5.48 and Halls said that none can be perfect in th●s life and so oposes Christ manifesting the spirit of Anti-christ Several other things were spoken by him in opposition to Christ and the pure Doctrin of Perfection but these few that I have mentioned are sufficient to try prove his Spirit onely one Scripture I shall mention which he himself quoted to prove me and my friends to be false Prophets which was Phil. 3.19 but read the 18. verse and so on where the Apostle speaks of false Teachers for saith he many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things Now whether this Scripture doth condemn them or us I leave it to the honest hearted to judge for as soon as he had ended his stuff they both went away and though I called after them and charged them to stay in the name of the Lord yet nevertheless both of them with speed went to the Tavern and there filled their bellies Psal 1 1 2. Psa 145.20 Dan 6 22. and left me amongst a company of bruits and heathen-like raging people haling and pulling and punching with their feet had not the power of the Lord preserved me and my friends we might have been torn to pieces amongst the raging and ravening Wolves Mat 10 10 and that day Christs words were fulfilled who said I send you forth as Lambs in the midst of Wolves And this was plainly manifest I came in innocency and was as a Lamb amongst them and they like ravenous Wolves went about to devour but the Lord preserved me and my friends out of their mouths glory to his Name for evermore Oh! how do these your Priests walk as Examples to the People as the Ministers of Christ did walk as Examples and their conversation was in heaven as you may read Phil 3 17 20. But these your Teachers their conversation is below and if the people should have followed them they might have gone to the Tavern and there filled their bellies and sit sotting and drinking which is a shame to hear tell of which they glory in Tit 1 16. and are enemies to the Crosse of Christ though they profess him in words yet in works they deny him and they do mind earthly things as those did which the Apostle speaks of for if it were not more for love of your earthly things than it is in love to your souls you would have fewer sermons for take away their maintenance and give them no money and you will quickly know what they preach for we have tryed them and found them so and so do turn from them Isa 2 22. and warn all others to cease from man and turn to the Lord that he alone may teach you according as he hath promised and according as it is written all the Children of the Lord they shall be taught of the Lord Isa 54.13 After I came from the Meeting-place I writ to William Vpcot and sent it down to his house by one of my friends who coming into his house and asked for him it was said he was within Then Vpcots wife came and asked what his message was and said she would deliver it to her husband and she being earnest to know he told her he had a letter and she promised to deliver it to her said husband where upon her word and promise he gave her the Letter but no sooner she had got the paper not regarding her word and promise did cast the letter into the fire and burnt it and so she was proved a lyer in saying she would give it to her husband but did not but cast it into the fire so she manifested herself to be of the Divel a lyer and the Lake of Fire is the lyers portion as you may read Rev. 21.8 Thus you may see that the Priest and his wife are both of one Spirit for she made no conscience of her wo●ds and promise but I knowing their spirit did keep a copy of the paper which take as followeth William Upcot SHew me an Example in the Scripture where ever any of the Ministers of Christ did command any of their Hearers to hale forth or take away any that came in amongst them as
thou didst this day to some of the people out of thy envious spirit spoke unto them to take me away because I had my hat on my head when thou thy self hadst a Cap on and thy fellow-Priest and severall others that had their heads covered and yet wouldst condemn and judge me for that which thou and others were guilty of and so stirred up the people to do evill O shameless man It grieves my Spirit to see such actions amongst you Are these the fruits of thine and others Ministery when in meekness and innocency as a Lamb I came among you as that of God in thee shall one day witnesse thou thy self who should have been an example of good unto the people was the first that did appear in envie against the innocent and went about to stir them up to cruelty and rage and to hale me out of your Assembly when in innocency I stood and heard thy partner and brother in Iniquity untill he had ended his frothy and airy lying stuff as I shall prove by the severall things was uttered by him that he hath denied the new Covenant this by Scripture I shall clearly prove and do charge him to be one of the Antichrists that the Apostle speaks of which should come in the last time And when I stood up to speak and to clear the truth from his lies and slanders thou and he like two hirelings fled away and when I called after you and charged you to stand yet you both went away and left me among a company more like Dogs than Men raging and swelling haling rending punching with their feet and so the Scripture is fulfilled which Christ spoke Behold I send you forth as Lambs in the midst of Wolves This was fulfilled this day in thy Assembly who behaved themselves like savage wild and bruit Beasts And this is the nature and the image which thou hast begotten them into your fruits make you manifest to be no Christians but Brutes and Heathens In the cool of the day consider do not wilfully close thine eye nor stop thine ears nor harden thy heart against pure innocent Truth lest God give thee up to a Reprobate mind It is the same Jesus as ever was and the same Truth which thou and other do oppose And surely if thou dost not with speed repent and turn to the Lord utter darknesse will come upon thee thy Talent shall be taken from thee and into the pit of misery shalt thou be turned which is the portion of all envious bitter persecuting spirits I have something further to say unto thee and thy partner concerning his stuff delivered by him this day either come up to Laurence Growdons or else appoint some other convenient place where I and other of my friends may freely come and as you are faithfull to your God fail not Send me thy Answer by this Bearer Austel 7. day of the 9. month 1656. By a Servant of Jesus known to the world by the name of Alexander Parker On the first day of the Week in the evening I and my friend Laurence Growden did passe down to Vpcots house and coming in amongst them Ieer 23 31 Rom. 1 25. Iob 4 7 I found them very light and vain making a scoffe at what was spoken and turning truth into a lye but the Lord will plead the cause of the innocent Then Vpcot accused me and said I denied the Word and I denied Prayer and I denied the Sacraments And my answer was I own the Word and I own Prayer but the Sacraments I did deny there was no such Scripture that speaks of Sacraments Then he said I did contemn the Ordinances and that was because I stood and sate in the Steeple house with my head covered Rom. 2.3 when as both the Priest and severall of them that were there had their heads covered and yet would condemn me for that which they were guilty of but as for keeping on my Hat in contempt it is false but for conscience sake I could not bow to their Image seeing their hypocrisie and dissimulation and feigned humility making a shew of holinesse outwardly unto men Prov. 15 8. Isai 1 1● Ier 6 20 when they are full of hypocrisie and sin within the Prayers Sacrifices of such arean abomination to the Lord. After I having some discourse with Halls about something spoken by him he not being able to stand before the Truth he would have shuffled off and said not onely by the light within and would have put in that word onely which was not spoken by him in the Steeple-house but his words were plainly proved that they might not be guided by the light within He affirmed likewise that the Scriptures were the rule of life and the way to salvation and the will and mind of God All which things I answered to at that time and owned the Scriptures to be a Testimony and an outward declartion of all these the rule of life and the way to salvation and the will and mind of God but the Scriptures themselves are not the Rule of Life nor the way to salvation nor the will and mind of God which I shall prove by Scripture There is but one Rule of life and that is the Spirit of God which is life and gives life and makes free from the Law of Sin and Death and this is the Comforter which guides and leads into all truth Iohn 14 26 15 13. Iohn 6.61 2 Cor. 3 6. Rom. 8 2. 1 Cor. 2.11 All who obey and give up to be guided by it which the world cannot receive But there is no life in the Scriptures it is a dead Letter and none can understand it but as they are led and guided by the quickning Spirit For though Christ bid the Jewes search the Scripture he doth not say there is life in them or that they were the Rule of Life though they thought to have eternall life in them but they would not come to Christ that they might have life Iohn 5 39 40 Iohn 14.6 Iohn 1.4 2 Pet. 1.21 22. Heb. 13 8. Acts 14.12 1 Cor. 2.16 Acts 4.32 who was the life and his life is the light of men and this Life and Light and Rule was within the holy Men who spoke forth the Scripture and the rule of life is the same now which is spirituall within which the Scripture declares of but is not it Secondly the way to salvation is but one which is Christ Jesus who saith I am the Way the Truth and the Life and there is no man can come to the Father but by me but the Scriptures are not Christ so not the way to salvation but a testimony of the way Thirdly the mind of God is pure and spirituall and was within the holy men that gave forth the Scriptures and they were all of one minde but there are many that have the Scriptures but have not the mind of God neither are they all of one mind but many minds
the deep things of God for what man knows the things of a man but the Spirit of a man that is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God then all they that deny the Spirit and say there is no Ministers of the Spirit now as Priest Vpcot did knows not the things of God but what they know naturally which Jude speaks of as bruit beasts in those things they corrupt themselves woe unto them for they have run in the way of Cain and run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward read Iude 10 11. And wo unto all such now that deny the Ministration of the Spirit and saies there is no Ministers of the Spirit now their knowledge is natutal and carnal and they go in the way of Cain which is envy and run greedily after the error of Balaam for gifts and rewards as the Priests and Parish Ministers in England do and as Vpcot your Teacher doth therefore turn from him and all such for the Lords hand is stretched forth against them The Ministers of Christ were not called by Man nor made Ministers by the will of Man Cal. 1.1.12 2 Cor. 5.19 they were not brought up at Schools to get human learning to fit them but they were called by God Rom. 10.8 John 17.17 1 Cor. 3.16 2 Pet. 1.20.21 and made Ministers according to the will of God and fitted and prepared by God and had the word of Life and Reconciliation committed to them which was within them quick and powerfull and wrought powerfully in their hearts by which word they were sanctified and the holy Spirit was within them and as the holy Spirit moved so they spoke forth the Scripture not by mans will but by the will of God as they were moved by the holy Ghost But the Teachers of England are not so made nor called For in the first place they are sent to School to learn humane wisdom in the will of man after they are sent to Oxford or Cambridge and there by their cunning Craft they learn the Trade of Preaching having men over them and Books for that purpose And when they have learned their Trade served their Apprentiship then their Masters give them the Commission to preach and commit unto them the Scriptures which were the Saints testimony within them but these Priests have it without them and it is neither quick nor powerful but weak and dead and their hearts are not sanctified but they plead against purity and holiness of life telling people it is impossible to live without sin in this world and they do not preach as they are moved by the Spirit but they study in the week daies what to speak and many of them have an hour-glasse and most of them limit themselves to a time and when they have uttered forth all that they have many times tell the people they would have enlarged if the time would permit when indeed they have no more to say and so decieve the people telling them they preach the word of the Lord when it is no more but a divination of their own brain and though they use some Texts of Scriptures that is the greater deceit to colour their hypocrisie and to make their ware the better to go off But the Lord is coming to lay open their deceit and to take from them their stollen garments and the shame of their nakednesse shall appear and none shall buy their Merchandize any longer Rev. 18.11 Here you may see their call into the Ministery is contrary to the Ministers of Christ and their preaching contrary and so they are to be denied When Jesus Christ sent forth his Ministers he did not give them power to take tythes Mat. 10. chap. Luke 10. chap. nor any set or forced maintenance but as they had recived freely so they were to minister freely And into what City Town or Countrey ye come enquire who is worthy and if they receive you there stay and abide eating and drinking such things as they set before you Mat. 10 14. for the Labourer is worthy of his Hire and the Workman is worthy of his Meat Here he gave them power to eat and to drink with such as were worthy to receive them but they were not to do so amongst those that did not receive them but depart and shake the dust off their feet they were not to compell them to give them maintenance nor meat nor any thing else but they were to minister freely 1 Tim 6.8 and if any did freely set meat before them if they would use their power they might eat freely And I do not read in the the testimony of the Apostles and Disciples and Ministers of Christ that they did ever receive any thing further than to supply their wants and necessities for having food and rayment they were therewith content I never read that ever any one was compelled to feed them Gal. 4.14 15. or give them maintenance neither indeed was there any need for the Lord whom they served sent his power along with them and such a love was raised up among them that they did receive their testimony that Paul declares of some that if it had been possible they would have plucked out their own eyes and given them to him and it is so now with those that receive the Truth in the love of it nothing can be too dear for them for they are as one anothers lives and as they are hated by the world and opposers and gainsayers of the Truth with a perfect batred so they are loved by all those that in singleness of heart and uprightness receive the Truth with a perfect love But the professed Teachers of England are not so but they have usurped a power to take Tythes and set and forced maintenances of 100 200 or 300 pounds or as much as they can get by the year for they not having received freely as the Ministers of Christ did but have given a great deal of monies for gaining of their Art no more can they minister freely And they are more like to Heathens than to Christians they do not Christian-like Seek the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of it Mat. 6.32 33. Mat. 10.11 in the first place neither do they according to command Enquire who is worthy For their first and chief thing is what place or some great fat Parsonage that is vacant is sought after and enquire what the people will give and so make a bargain with them for so much by the year to be paid at such and such times and they are very loath to preach untill they have their maintenance made sure unto them and yet they will tell people to believe in God and trust God for food for their souls when they themselves dare not trust God for their Bellies and they make little conscience who they be that they take wages of believers or not believers so they can but get it
and strict in their observations yet they lived in their sins and Christ saw their hypocrisie and cryes wo unto them as you may read Matth. 23. Wo unto you Scribes and Pharisies hypocrites for ye make clean the outside of the Cup and of the Platter but within they are full of extorsion and excesse Thou blind Pharisee cleanse first that which is wihin the Cup and Platter that the outside may be clean also Wo unto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are like unto whited Sepulchers which indeed appear beautiful outward Mat. 26.3 4. 27 26 Acts 2.41 Acts 7.48 49. to the end but are within full of dead mens bones and all uncleaness Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquity Wo unto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because ye build the Tombs of the Prophets and garnish the Sepulchers of the righteous and say If we had lived in the days of our fathers we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the Prophets wherefore ye be witnesses unto your selves that ye are the children of them that killed the Prophets Fill ye up then the measure of your Fathers Ye Serpents ye generation of vipers how have ye escaped the damnation of Hel● Here you may see that Christ deals plainly with them and doth not wink at sin but reproves them sharply And it was no railing as some call it now for he saw their deceit and they were in rage and envy against him and the Chiefe Priests and Rulers took counsell against him and crucified him but notwithstanding all this did not put a stop to the work of the Lord but he appeared again unto his Disciples and filled them with his Spirit of power and they went and preached the Gospel and cryed down the Temple-worship and the Ceremonies of the Law and for this they were hated Acts 8.2 3. and persecuted and some were stoned to death by such as upheld the Temple and the outward commands and Saul amongst the rest made havock of the Church and persecuted them from Citie to Citie And thus in the Apostles time they were persecuted by such as had the form of godliness but were strangers to the power and life of godliness But I do not read in all the Scriptures that ever the Christians did persecute any who were Christians indeed so that persecution is a mark of the Beast and of Antichrist and it was ever blind After the Apostles time many there was that got the form of truth 2 Tim. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 John 2 18. and in the Apostles times the Doctrine of Antichrist crept in which now hath over-spread a great part of the world and darkness hath long been over all Nations and though some have born the name of Christians yet far they are from the Christians life and these now in our age have gotten the Scriptures and as those in the days of Christ had gotten the form of Moses and the Prophets words so these have gotten the form of Christ the Apostles words but are far from Christ and the Apostles life and as they then in that generation did did condemn their fore fathers for killing the Prophets Luke 11.47 48. and yet did persecute Christ the Life so these now in this generation do condemn their fore fathers the Jewes for crucifying of Christ and yet are found in rage and malice and persecution against the appearance of Christ in Spirit in his Saints now yea those who have been looked upon as godly men and preached and prayed for the pouring forth of the Spirit upon sons and upon daughters and that the Lord would teach his people himself by his Spirit those things have been spoken of and talked in this generation by Priests and People And now when the day is come and the Lord hath poured forth his Spirit upon Sons and Daughters yet because it is not in their way and in their time and according to their expectation therefore they cry out and persecute and revile and speak against the Lords light and appearance within as it was formerly by the enemies and opposers of Truth and these cry out against freedom from sin and against perfection as a blasphemous Doctrine but it is that which the Lord is bringing to pass Heb. 10.16 17 18. Rev. 21.27 1 Cor. 6.9 10. gathering his people into his everlasting Covenant where sin and iniquity enters not but is for ever shut out of the Kingdome and Covenant of God For these Teachers and People in these our dayes who cry up and professe Christ without and a Church and a worship without and a Law and Light and Word without and their Rule and Ordinances without and their Teachers and all other things without are but in in the state and condition nay they are short of those who upheld the Temple-worship and Ceremonies of the Law which made nothing perfect though there was in the first covenant Ordinances of Divine Service and a worldly Sanctuary For there was a Tabernacle made the first wherein was the Candlestick and the Table and the Shew-Bread which is called the Sanctuary and after the second veil the Tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all And other things as you may read Heb. 9. the holy Ghost thus signifying that the way into the Holiest of all was not yet made manifest while as the first Tabernacle was yet standing which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both Gifts Sacrifices that could not make him that did the Service perfect as pertaining to the conscience which stood onely in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnall ordinances imposed on them untill the time of reformation and in that covenant and admin stration there was an outward Temple and a Law and Sabbath and Circumcision without and Priests that did offer up Sacrifices and Burnt Offerings whose lips were to preserve knowledge but nevertheless there was a disanulling of all these things for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof Heb 7 18 19. Heb 10.1 Heb. 8.7 8. to the end for the Law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope by the which we draw nigh unto God and all these things were but as Types and Shadowes of better things to come and of a new Covenant in which sin and iniquity shall be done away For if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sound for the second for finding fault with them he saith Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a new Covenent with the House of Israel and with the House of Judab not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers in th● d●y when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the Land of Egypt for they continued not in my Covenant and I regarded them not saith the Lord for this is
slay sin and to purifie your bearts that your inside may be clean by the pure power and life of Christ within that so your bodies may be Temples of God holy and pure that God who is Light may dwell within you and Christ Jesus who is light may appeare within you For he is not known in power to kill and destroy the workes of the Divell but as he is known within and where he is witnessed come in the flesh there is peace abiding in him but while you live in your sins there is no peace and as you love that little light within you 2 Cor. 13 5 Iohn 14 27. Isal 48.22 Mat. 13.31 32 1 Iohn 2.27 Iohn 3.19 20 21. 1 Tim 3.9 Ezra 3.19 Psalm 1.6 which at first is but small like a grain of Mustard-seed but waiting in patience and bringing your deeds to it to be tried by it it will grow and spring in you and fill your hearts with joy and teach you continually but if you hate this light and run to men for teaching and live in your old nature where the curse and wrath is this light will be your condemnation and truly this I say unto you That if ever you own God or his truth as it is in Christ Jesus or if ever you own a good conscience where the mystery of faith is held you must own this light to be your guide and teacher so take warning in your life time and let not the love of God be tendered to you in vain lest you perish in your sins Written in love to your Souls by a Labourer in the Lords Vineyard known to the world by the name of Alexander Parker To all those who are separated from the Worlds publick Worship as it is called and for conscience sake cannot joyn with them DEarly beloved friends you whose hearts are touched and understandings opened with the light of Jesus whereby you are come to see the deadness and emptiness of all the Formall and Carnall Worships and profession that stands in mans will gathered in by the strength of the wisdom of the subtile Serpent whose head is not bruised but doth rule as King in faln Man and leads him captive at his will to do his lusts Such are those who professe God in words but in works deny him drawing nigh unto him with their lips and mouthes crying Lord Lord but their hearts are far off the Divell he keeps possession there and sits as King and they are his slaves who live in envy wrath and malice pride lust covetousnesse lying swearing railing and reviling and the like Such beares the mark of their father the Divel who hath begotten them into his image and likenesse and their prayers and and sacrisices are abomination and stinks in the nostrils of the pure God and they do not neither shall they profit the people at all but leads them captive laden with sin and led away with divers lusts ever learning but never come to the true knowledge of God as it is plainly manifest to the children of light And these things friends the Lord hath let you see and turned you from them and their carnall worships Now wait in patience upon the Lord in his light that you may receive his power and word of life and reconciliation in your hearts to separate you from all sin and uncleannesse That as the separation is made without in a measure so the separation may be made within by the pure power that your hearts may be purified and your consciences purged from all sin and your Bodies made Temples holy and pure for the Lord God to dwell in that you may worship God in Spirit in his holy Temple and be taught of him in Spirit according as he hath promised and according as you have been directed by his servants and faithfull witnesses so wait and walk with the loyns of your minds girt up and stayed upon the Lord that his living Word may abide in you and quicken your mort all bodies and raise you up from death and dead works to serve and worship God in the new life that you may truly witnesse Jesus to be your Teacher and Feeder If you should never behold the Face of man more this is that which I and and all my friends do wait for that all of you may eat your own bread have oyl in your own vessels for the time draweth nigh that all who have not oyl in their vessels will be shut out of the Kingdom It will then be in vain to beg or buy from others Therefore beloved as you and many others have long been looking without and seeking the kingdom of God in Observations without and talking of a Christ and a Saviour without but no peace nor salvation was found there Now return home and seek the lost groat in your own house and wait in the light for the glorious appearance of Christ in you that his life and power may be manifest in you to save you from your sins So as branches abide in the vine Christ Jesus that you may be fruitfull and abound in love and all the gifts of God This I write unto you by way of remembrance to stir up your pure minds that you may be kept watchfull and diligent waiting in patience untill the work of the Lord be perfected in you So the Lord God of power breath forth his Spirit upon you and enrich you with his spirituall blessings that you may abound in all good things and be kept blamelesse and harmlesse amongst this wicked and untoward generation of men standing faithfull to the Lord in all things that you may finish your course with joy and be crowned with glory and reign with the Lord God and the Lamb and praise his holy Name and worship him in the beauty of his Holinesse for every and ever A. P.