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A85152 Truth cleared of scandals, or truth lifting up its head above scandals, &c. Occasioned by the meeting of those people called Baptists, and those whom the world scornfully calleth Quakers, at Harlington in stafforthshire, upon the 27. day of the 7 month, in the year 1654. Shewing the difference betwixt the ordinances of Christ and of Antichrist, and the true worship and the false, with a discovery of the two seeds, and the New Covenant, the doctrine of baptismes, laying on of hands, the ressurectio, and eternal judgement, Heb. 6. 1, 2, 3, and Heb. 12.22, and 23. Also, the unprofitable servant and the talents, and of being caught up into paradise, the thorn in the flesh, and what it is to take pleasure in infirmities, and what those infirmities are, that is to be gloried in; also, something of perfection, and imperfection, and the glorying in the crosse largely proved, according to scripture, &c. / By one known to the world by the name of Rich. Fanrworth. R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666. 1654 (1654) Wing F512; Thomason E820_3; ESTC R207345 39,723 39

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are not of the Letter but of the Spirit not made by the will of man but by the 〈◊〉 ill of God which is sanctification and Paul was made a Minister of the New Covenant in the Gospel Ministration not by the will of man but by the will of God and by the Revelation of Jesus Christ as he certified to the brethren by the Spirit Gal. 1.11 12 and Christ was revealed in him Gal. 1.15 16 and he did preach Christ by the Spirit in them that he preached unto and they were able Ministers not of the Letter but of the Spirit 2 Cor. 4.5 6 7. Col. 1.25 26 27. and 28. 2 Cor 3. to the 7 verse And thou Pallard who art a great teacher to the baptized people at that time said that the Spirit and the Letter were inseparable c. Ans Herein thou openly laid out thy ignorance of God and of Christ and the Spirit and the Gospel and the New Covenant and thy nakedness is bare thy covers will not hide thee to say the Letter and the Spirit is inseparable God is a Spirit but God is not the Letter neither is the Letter God Christ is the New Covenant but Christ is not the Letter neither is the Letter Christ and the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation but the Letter is neither the Gospel nor the power but declareth of it and if our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded their mindes 2 Cor. 4.3 4. But the Letter is not hid it is open to all to read or get read but the Gospel is yet hid to thee Pallard and all in thy nature and thou hast made thy self a Minister of the Letter by thy own will and never was made a Minister of the Gospel of grace nor of the New Covenant yet in the blood or life of Jesus according to the will of God the Father that saith the Letter and the Spirit are one and inseparable as if the Spirit of God were lockt up and confined in the Letter which is death and if so all the world would have the Spirit and buy and sell it if it were in the Letter and at an easie rate they might buy it for three or four shillings for so may they buy the Letter but the Spirit cannot be bought therefore it is not in the Letter if that the Spirit had been so easily come to or if it could have been bought Simon Magus proffered money for it but could not thereby gain it And when he saw that through laying on of the Apostles hands the holy Ghost was given he offered them mony for it now the holy Ghost is not in the Letter but the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God in the Bloud or Life of Christ but the Letter is not the Spirit Printed in Paper and bound up in Lether that a man may carry it in his hand or pocket and buy it and sell it for mony so can he not do the holy Ghost many may be baptized with water and want the Spirit as thou dost and many of you water baptizers do that as yet knowes no holy Ghost that sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable there you water Baptizers are out of the Doctrine and life of the Apostles and they that baptized with water who had power to give the holy Ghost which you have not Read Acts 8.12 to the 18. And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the Apostles hands the holy Ghost was given he offered them mony saying Give me also that power Simon did acknowledge the holy Ghost to be the power and not the Letter here he was beyond you but because the Spirit and Power is separated from the Letter Simons money and he was like to peish that thought to have bought the Spirit and power of God had it been in the Letter he might have bought and sold it but he could not attain to it and all that trades with the Letter are as ignorant of the Spirit as Simon was and all that thinks to buy it for money and raise the Spirit out of the Letter are sorcerers and in nature like to Simon Magus and Simon the Sorcerer spoken of in Scripture that were in the Apostles times and now there are many Maguses and Elimases without the Spirit and hath the Letter but labours to keep people out of the Faith and power of Truth and seeks to shut up the Kingdome of Heaven from men as the Pharisees did and keep people in outside formes without the holy Ghost or the Power as thou Pallard and all in that nature doth that saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable there thou art out of the Faith and out of the power of the Spirit and wants the holy Ghost and art in that generation which had the Letter but persecuted the Spirit and art baptized but wants the holy Ghost as Simon did Acts 8.18 19 to the 24. Acts 13.6 7 8 to the 11. Mat. 23.12 13 15 25 28 33. And thou Pallard when thou stood to oppose the truth and to keep people out of the Faith in a dead water form which neither washeth within nor cleanseth from sin as thou said yet Elimas-like thou would withstand the Trnth and laboured to keep out of the Faith with thy sorceries and said that the Letter and the Spirit was inseparable but thou herein was nakedly seen insomuch that the people many of them would not be deluded by thee but cryed out of thy folly as they might well that said the Letter and the Spirit were inseparable then said the people if so the Spirit might be bought for three or four shillings and many would have the Spirit for they might buy a Bible for 3 or 4 s. Here Pallard thou great water Baptizer thy folly did exceedingly appear and thy ignorance of God and the Spirit was thereby discovered and that thou art a meer formall hypocrite in the form and the Letter without the Spirit and here I charge thee in the presence of the Lord to be no Minister of Christ nor the Gospel nor of the New Covenant but without the Spirit and knowes not the power nor the holy Ghost and thou and all in thy nature hath no more power to lay on hands than Simon Magus had who was baptized in the water but had not the holy Ghost and thy laying on of hands will work no more effect than Simons would have done for the power thou hast not nor none in thy nature that saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and thou art no minister of the Spirit but of the Letter and ran but never was sent of the Lord therefore he is against thee and all in thy nature that steals words from others to speak as the false Prophets did read Jer. 23.21 22 30 31 2. verse Thou Pallard water Baptizer that art a Minister of the Letter and not the Spirit that saith the
Spirit and the Letter are one or inseparable thou art contrary to the Ministers of Christ and the New Covenant in the Gospel ministration who were able Ministers of the Spirit and not of the Letter for the Letter is death but the Spirit is life and is out of the Letter and in the new Covenant annointed and sealed are they that are sent and preaches the Spirit and not the Letter 1 John 2.20 27. John 3.33 34. 2 Cor. 3.6 Here thou art shut out of the annointing and out of the new Covenant and out of the Spirit and so are all in thy nature and are in darknesse and death unsent and unsealed and not annointed no Ministers of the life nor the Spirit but of death and darknesse and in the oldnesse of the Letter and not in the newness of the Spirit and there you are separated from the life of Truth and in the self separation who have not the Spirit that say the Letter is the Spirit or the Letter and the Spirit is one and cannot be separated but the Ministers of Christ were not of the Letter but out of the self-separation and in the Spirit and had the manifestation of the Spirit and the gifts given to profit withall 1 Cor. 12. and they did not then serve in the oldnesse of the Letter as you Baptists do but their service stood in the life and power of Truth and in newnesse of the Spirit and not in the Letter neither was their preaching with the enticing words of mans wisdom as yours is but with demonstration of the Spirit and in power that the Faith of others might stand out of the wisdom or policy of man in the power wisdome and strength perfection and power of God 1 Cor. 2.4 5. 1 Cor 1.30 31. 1 Cor. 1.18 1 Cor. 2.6 7 8 9 10. Rom. 7.6 verses And Ministers of the new Covenant in the power and life of Truth were Divine Epistles written in the Tables of the heart written not with ink as the Letter is but their Divine writings in the heart tables were by the Spirit of God both written and ministred out from the Spirit and not from the Letter as it is said ● Cor. 3. And here thou Pallard and all in thy nature are razed out of their Ministery and out of their Divine Epistles and out of their life and art in the Letter as the false conceited Jews was without the Word of eternall life that lived by their thoughts and conceits then as you Baptists do now and Jesus Christ said unto them Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternall life and they are they that do testifie of me I am the life and ye will not come unto me that ye might have life see Iohn 5.39 40. The Jew outwardly which put Christ to death had the Letter but not the spirit nor the life and there they was separated from the spirit and the life and the love of God was not in them but they had great knowledge of the Letter without them Iohn 5.40 41 42. Mat. 2.4 5 6. And thou Pallard art amongst the outward Jews and all in thy nature without the love of God as they was and opposeth the Truth as they did and hath knowledge in the Letter as they had but are without the spirit and the power of the holy Ghost as they was and the Letter is thy life and thou wilt not come out of it to Christ who is the eternall life who thy self art in death and darknesse that saith the Letter and the spirit are inseparable and afterwards sayes ignorantly that it is a History and the Spirit is to thee a mystery that art so in confusion and in Egypt and Babylon building up and throwing down and deluding the people thereby for shame blush and give over deceiving the people and all such as thou art who hath the Letter but not the spirit that saith the spirit and the Letter is one and cannot be divided nor separated and yet calleth it a History when the Scripture saith Christ is a Mystery then not a history therefore silence deceit and stop your mouths your blacknesse and darknesse is seen and your deeds are for condemnation with the light that are acted in that nature contrary to the light John 3.19 20. Pallard thou art ignorant of God and all in thy nature that saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable for God is a Spirit but God is not the Letter the Word of God is eternall life and doth endure for ever this is the record that God hath given to us even eternal life and this life is in his Son 1 Iohn 5.10 11. and not in the Letter and we know that the son of God is come hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true not in the Letter which is death but in the son which is life even in his son Jesus Christ this is true God and life eternall and the Word of God is eternall life which doth endure for ever 1 Iohn 5.12 18 20. 1 Pet. 1.22 23. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made in him was life and the life was the Light of men c. Iohn 1.1 2 3 4 5. The Word is God but the Letter is not God neither were all things made by the Letter but all things were made by the Word therefore the Spirit which is the Word of God Eph. 6.17 is not the Letter The Word is within in the heart Rom. 10.6 7 8. 1 Iohn 2.14 Col. 3.16 but the Letter is without bound up in Paper and ink which declares of of the Word The Word is the life of the world and the Word sanctifieth soul and body as it is said sanctifie them with thy Word but it is not said sanctifie them with the Letter and so we were washed cleansed justified and sanctified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God Iohn 17.16 17 1 Cor. 6.11 Iohn 6● 1. Iohn 8.12 But Letter doth not sanctifie neither is the Letter the Light and life of sanctified men but the Word and the Spirit is which is not the Letter And all things are upheld by the Word of his power Hebrews the 1. But all things are not upheld by the Letter See how dark and ignorant of God art thou Pallard for the Word of God is as a fire and a hammer and breaketh the Rocks to pieces Ier. 23.29 but the Letter doth not and the Word of the Lord is as a fire in the bones Ier. 20.9 but the letter is not by the Word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the Breath of his mouth Psal 33.6 but by the Letter they were not the Word of the Lord is for ever settled in heaven so is not
passages and grouth which thou could not do Eph. 2.2 3 4 5 6 7. 2 Cor. 3.17 18. 2 Cor. 5.16 17. And the Apostle said give a reason of the hope that is in you to any man that shall ask you and withall be ready to do it that you may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the heighth and depth and breadth and length of the love of God And thou Pallard who art the great water baptizer and all you outward dippers and outside washers who maketh clean the outside of the body or vessel as the Scribes and the Pharisees did and are hard bound up in a dead form your ground is yet fallow and to be ript up And thou Pallard and you dippers sprinklers with water and outward baptizers teachers and people pastors deacons and elders and all and every one of you from the highest to the lowest that cannot give account of the inward Ministrations and passages through the Crosse from death unto eternall life and sayes the Letter and the Spirit is inseparable you are yet out of the Saints conditions and out of their life and are in darknesse and deaths dominion doing things by imitation in your wills and are in that nature which acteth contrary to the light and you set up formes contrary to the Light and according to your carnall apprehensions and are as a body without the Spirit that say the Bible is a History and that sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable as Pallard the great water baptizer did Now the Lord is that Spirit as is spoken of in the new Covenant and glorious ministration but the Lord is not the Letter but he is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty and we all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even by the Spirit of the Lord and not by the Letter 2 Cor. 3.17 18. You Dippers sprinklers and water baptizers that sayes the Letter is the Spirit or the Spirit and the Letter are inseparable as Pallard did you are as a body without the Spirit that are in that nature which acteth contrary to the Light Where is the gift of the holy Ghost amongst you dippers and outside sprinklers and water baptizers Where have any of you sold your possessions yet and laid down the price at your Apostles feet as the water baptizers did Acts 4. And where are you filled with the holy Ghost that sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and cals it a History as Pallard did Oh what hypocrites are you and how far short are you of that mistery when were ever the place shaken where you were assembled together when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holy Ghost and spoke the word of God boldly as the Spirit gave them utterance and not the Letter Acts 4.31 Acts 2.4 Acts 7.55 Wherefore brethren say they look ye out seven men full of the holy Ghost whom we may appoint over you but we will give our selves to the Ministery of the Word and to prayer but they did not bid them to chuse out self conceated proud men full of fleshly wisedome and vain-glory like unto you watermen that are in this generation neither did they choose men full of the Letter and brain-conceats as you do but they choose men full of the holy Ghost for the holy Ghost had all the Rule in the Church of God and they choose Stephen a man full of Faith and the holy Ghost and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenus and Nicolas a Proselite of Antioch full of Faith and the holy Ghost was those and of good report and they who were in the power of the Lord and full of the wisdome of God and were endued with the holy Ghost who had given themselves up to serve God in the ministery of the word and not in the Ministry of the Letter those who were in the power of God prayed and laid their hands on those that were sent forth and they were filled with the heavenly wisdom and with the holy Ghost that none were able to resist them that stood in the power of the Spirit and they were annointed by the Spirit and the holy Ghost sent them forth about the work of God in the Ministery of the Word and the Word of God increased which is not the Letter as you baptizers say but it is the Spirit which yet you are ignorant of and as the Word of God increased so the number of the Disciples increased and were multiplyed and Stephen were full of Faith and power that the wise men of the world and great Disputers of the Synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians and Alexandrians and them of Silicia and of Asia disputing with Stephen and they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake and not the Letter which wisdom and Spirit and laying on of hands and sending by the holy Ghost and Ministry of the Word of eternall Life Church and Church Officers that were made by the holy Ghost and is which you Dippers Sprinklers and water baptizers are ignorant and know nothing of though you have an outward form you have not the power nor the Spirit nor the Gifts as they had but are as a Bell without a Clapper or a body without the Spirit that saith the Letter is the Word and the Letter is the Spirit and the Letter is a History and saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable as Thomas Pallard great water Baptizer did and it is evident you have not the gifts nor the holy Ghost amongst you as the water baptizers spoken of in Scripture had therefore are you but Pharisees that have not the Spirit and the holy Ghost as they had that spoke forth the Scriptures and as they now have that liveth in the life of the Spirit but you that say the Letter is the Word and the Letter is the Spirit and the Letter and the Spirit is inseparable You Baptizers with Water are out of the Divine Nature and that faith spoken of and out of the life and power of the holy Ghost by which they did both preach pray and minister the Word and lay on hands and send forth 1 Pet. 1.3 4. to the 9. Mark 16.16 17 18. 1 John 5.1 2 3 4 5. Mat. 5. Luke 6. 1 John 3.9 1 John 5.18 John 7.38 Iohn 11.25 26. 1 Iohn 2.20 27 Acts 6.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Acts 4.31 Acts 8 17. Acts 19.6 13 2 3 4. Acts 4.32 33 34. Acts 20 25 26 27 28 29. Hebrews 12.22 23.28 29. Read those Scriptures and let all who have a discerning given them in the eternall Truth see whether the Dippers Sprinklers and water-Baptizers be not out of the life of them and without the Falth spoken of with the fruits and effects spoken of in
them and without the Power wisdom Spirit Gifts and holy Ghost spoken of in them yea or no When did ever any of you Dippers Sprinklers or water Baptizers give any the Gift of the holy Ghost by laying on of your hands or when did the holy Ghost send you to preach that say the Letter is the Spirit and the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable here your ignorance doth appear in the Ministry of the Spirit Read those Scriptures before mentioned and let them judge you that say the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and let them and the Light of God in your consciences which is pure judge you and judge your empty formes without either life or power Examine your selves ye water Baptizers whether ye be in the Faith or no 2 Cor. 13.5 For it is written that he that believeth though he were dead yet shall he live and he that believeth out of his belly shall flow the water of life and this I witnesse and he that liveth and believeth shall never die and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and he that is baptized and believeth these signs shall follow them that believe in my Name saith Jesus Christ shall they cast out divels they shall speak with new tongues and the third sign that followeth after Baptism the Baptism of Believers is this They shal take up Serpents And fourthy They shall drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them And the fifth sign that followeth the Baptisme of Believers is this they shall lay hands on the sick and shall recover them and these are not done by the Letter but the Spirit as it is witnessed Mark 16.15 16 17 18 19 20. Iohn 11.25 26. Psal 107.20 21. Now you water-Baptizers examine your selves whether you have faith or no When were the divel cast out in you the Prince of the power of the Air the Spirit that rules in those that are dead in trespasses and sins who are not yet quickened by the Spirit for the Spirit doth quicken but the Letter doth not Eph. 1. Rom. 8.10 11. When were the Serpents head bruised in you And when were you cleansed from the deadly poison the poison of Aspes that is under the tongue of those that use deceit which are of the seed of the Serpent and in that nature and condition spoken of Romans 3.11 13 14 to the 19. When were you washed any one of you and cleansed with the water of the word and by the Spirit of our God Eph. 5.25 ●6 27. 1 Cor. 6.11 that saith the Letter is the Word and the Letter is the Spirit and the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable And when did you cast out devils When did you speak with now tongues When did you take up Serpents and drink the deadly poison and it not hurt you who yet are full that are one with the Serpent and when did you ever recover the sick by laying on of your hands upon them who are not yet as the little Child that Christ took in his armes and blessed learn your figure and examine your faith let the Light of Christ Jesus in all your consciences search you and it will let you see that you are full of lust but so was not the little Child and the Light of Christ Jesus in your Consciences will let you see that you live in actuall transgressions so did not the little Childe and the Light will let you see your inward disease and that you are not healed and cured and made whole and blessed as the little Childe then was and except ye become as that little Child ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdome of God for there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lye but they which are written in the Lambs Book of life he that can receive it let him Revelation 2.26 27 28 29. Revelation 21.27 And how far short in practice of those water Baptizers spoken of in the fourth of the Acts are you Dippers Sprinklers and water Babtizers in this generation For as many of the Water Baptizers there spoken of then as were possessors of Lands or Houses sold them and brought the prices of things that were sold and laid down at their Apostles feet and distribution was made to every man according as he had need Acts 4.32 33 34 35 c. If you imitate them in one thing why do you not follow them in all But where have any of you Dippers Sprinklers and water Baptizers Imitaters followed them in their practice in that You can take what you will and leave what you will as your conceats and fancies are Oh hypocrites which make clean the outside of the cup and platter the body or vessel but inwardly you are full of extortion lust envy pride and accesse the Light of Christ Jesus in your consciences will accuse you of it and let you see it rooted and seated within you in the earthly dark parts and that Light is your Teacher loving it and obeying it but that Light is your condemnation hating it and disobeying it who act contrary to it and love the deeds of darknesse rather than the Light with the Light you are all seen and comprehended your covers will not hide you now you water baptizers if you sew all the Fig-leaves together that you have or outward imitations and taken on Commands from the Letter by your wills they will not hide you who are in that nature which acteth contrary to the Light with the Light are you seen to be out of the life of what you do professe as the Pharisees was You are bare that wants the cloathing of the Spirit and sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable Wo to you all Formalists that are out of the Light and covered with the Letter and earth and not with the Spirit of the Lord Read Isa 30.1 Math. 23.25 You water Baptizers are seated in your conceits and stablished in your self-righteousnesse as the Pharisees was and appears righteous outwardly unto men as they did but within ye are full of deceit pride lust hypocrisie and iniquity as they was with the Light you are seen and discovered Mat. 23.27 And the Light of Christ Jesus in all your consciences will let you see where you are and reprove you in secret for acting contrary to it and the Light of God in thy conscience Thomas Pallard great water Baptizer and all that are in thy Nature form and hypocrisie the Light of Christ Jesus in all your consciences which checks and reproves you in secret for sin and evill will let you see the hypocrisie and iniquity that yet is unwashed out of your hearts You have washed the outside in the Water but yet are in the evill nature and the Light of Christ Jesus in all your consciences will let you see the same which Light if you love it and obey it and
dwell in God and God in them and herein is our love made perfect as it is written 1 Iohn 4.16 17 18. And we own all those who abide in the doctrine of Christ such as have fellowship with the Father and the Son and the rest we deny as we are required and as it is written and witnessed Eph. 5.11 2 Iohn 9 10 11. But that communion in the Spirit we own which the Saints have fellowship in with the Father and the Son and the Cup of blessing and communion in the blood of Christ we own which the Saints drink in by the Spirit into one Body as it is written and witnessed 1 Cor ●0 15 16. 1 Cor. 12.13 And as Christ hath said He that eats my flesh and drinks my bloud dwelleth in me and I in him and the bread of life and the living food we witnesse spoken of in Iohn the 6 And the fruit of the Vine and the Cup of blessing which is the Communion of the Blood or life of Christ who is the Vine and the vertue and the bread of life for souls to seed on and live Iohn 6.52 53 54. to the 59. Iohn 15 And you that are spirituall judge ye what I say The bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ and the Cup which we drink is it not the Communion of the Bloud of Christ for we being many are one Bread and one Body as it is written and witnessed and we are partakers of that one Bread 1 Cor. 10.15 16 17. Which Bread is Christ the Bread of life which our souls seeds on dayly and liveth for ever praised be the Lord. Iohn 6.48 52 58. Seventhly Singing with the Spirit and the understanding that we own 1 Cor. 14.15 and we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding to know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ and this is true God and life eternall as it is written and witnessed 1 Iohn 5.20 but to sing Davids conditions in Rime and Meeter as the world that lyeth in wicked and without the understanding do Iohn 5.19 that we deny and against it testifie but Hymnes and spirituall Songs with grace in the heart that we own as it is written and witnessed Col. 3.15 16. and to sing with the Spirit and the understanding new Songs which none can learn but those that are redeemed from the earth that we own who are redeemed and witnesse as it is written Rev 5.9 10. Rev. 14.3 4 5. Eightly Preaching by the Spirit we own by which Faith comes in the hearing of the Son which is sent of the Father preaching to the Spirits in prison 1 Pet. 3.19 and all that are sent by the Spirit and are of the Seed Royall such we own as it is written and witnessed Isa 59.21 Isa 61. Isa 48.16 17. And all who are annointed by the Spirit to Preach which Preacheth by the Spirit and giveth freely as they have received freely such we own Isa 55. Ch. and Isa 61. and all such we own as are sanctified and sent of the Father that have no unrighteousnesse in them who are able Ministers of the New Covenant not of the Letter but of the Spirit as it is written and the word of Faith in the Spirits Ministration we own and honour in our souls God is our Record that we lye not but his Spirit witnesseth with us in the same who are sealed and sent and are led by his Spirit whereby we know that we are the Sons and the children of God as it is written and witnessed Rom. 8.14 15 16. John 7.16 17 18. 1 John 1.2 3 4 5. Rom. 10.6 7 8. John 3.31 32 to the end Rom. 10.13 14 15. Gal. 1.11 12 15 16. Mat. 11.27 Mat. 10. 2 Cor. 3.6 But all hireling Priests that Preaches for hire and beares rule by their meanes as the false Prophets did and as they do Isa 56.10 11. Jer. 5.30 31. Ezek. 34. 2 Pet. 2. Such we deny and against them restifie and all that holds upon idols temple and calls it a Church and spri●●●es In●●●ts and 〈…〉 Christ nor his Apostles never practised any such thing to such objects neither have they any Rule in the Scripture for it such we deny and all that do things by imitation from the Letter and have not the life and all that are called of men Masters and have the chiefest place in the idols temples and such as takes Tythes who oppresse the creation thereby such are no Ministers of Christ but are Gentiles and amongst the Scribes and Pharisees and such we deny and wo is their portion therefore beware of all such Mark 12.38 39 40. and Mark 10.42 43 44. Mathew 23 and all such we deny who have fellowship with devils that eat and drink not discerning the Lords body as the Gentiles do and as it is written 1 Cor. 10.29 1. Cor. 10.20 21. And all that takes Texts and adds their own inventions and speaks the words of others stealing the word from their neighbour and speaketh from the mouth of the Lord and saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable such we deny Rev. 22.18 Jer And all that denyeth perfection by Christ in the New Covenant and Gospel Ministration such we deny and witnesse the New Covenant and the perfection as it is written Rom. 10.14 TRUTH Lifting up its head above Scandals Rom. 1.16 17 18 19 20 21 22. Rom. 1.28 to the end Rom. 2.5 6 7 8 9. Occasioned at a Meeting at Harliston in Stafforth-Shire upon the 4. day of the week and the 27. day of the 7. month between those called Quakers and the people of the water Baptisme or one called by the Name of Thomas Pallard a teacher to that people and one known to the world by the name of Richard Farnworth whom they scornfully call a Quaker THomas Pallard at the Meeting as abovesaid thou coming thither of purpose to cavill to oppose the Truth that day thou out of subtilty and serpentine policy when thou could not in honesty object any thing against what was declared yet out of subtilty thou queried concerning the New Covenant spoken of that day and asked whether or no I lived in the injoyment of that Covenant spoken of I answered and said I did Then thou Pallard said that in the tenor of the New Covenant it was said according to the Fathers promise that they in that Covenant should be all taught of God and he would be mercifull unto their sins and iniquities and remember them no more and then it it was so it might follow that I was freed from sin and John said he that said he had no sin he deceived himself and the truth was not in him Here out of subtilty thou went about to have had Johns words to have crost the end of the New Covenant of grace which is confirmed by an Oath of him that liveth for ever
for the Law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did which hope is Christ as it is said the Mystery and the hope of Glory as it is written Col. 1.27 1 Iohn 3.3 verse and he that hath this hope purifieth himself even as he is pure as Iohn hath said whose words thou would have had by thy craft to have made void and null the Covenant of God in Christ Jesus our Lord which thou could not for Christ Jesus is the end of the one and the beginning and fulfilling of the other who took away the first and did establish the second and by one offering he hath for ever perfected them that are sanctified and their sins and iniquiries will he remember no more as he hath said and where remission of sins is there is no more offering for sin but there is boldnesse to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by the new and living way which he hath consecrated through the vail that is to say his flesh Heb. 10.9 10 to the 21. Then Pallard I asked thee if Iohn when he spoke those words did write those words for a continuance in sin because afterwards he saith My little children these things write I unto you that ye sin not 1 Iohn 2.1 And Iohn said afterwards My little children I have written unto you because your sins are forgiven you for his Names sake and he that abideth in him sinneth not he that sinneth hath neither seen him nor known him as it is written 1 Iohn 2.13 14. 1 Iohn 3.6 7. And as Iohn is speaking of the two seeds and the new birth and the manifestations of the love of Christ and the difference between the godly and the wicked or the children of God and the children of the devill and as he cometh up to speak of higher degrees in the grouth he saith He that is born of God sinneth not neither can he sin because he is born of God and his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because his seed remaineth in him and he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and the wicked one toucheth him not as it is written 1 Iohn 3 9. 1 Iohn 5.18 And Iohn said that he that commits sin is of the devill and he that sinned not was of God and thereby the children of God and the children of the divell was to be known asunder for the divels children sinneth and Gods children sinneth not as it is there said and Christ Jesus was made manifest to take away their sins and in him was no sin at all and as he was so was they then in that present world as it is written and left upon record 1 Iohn 3.5 6 7 8 9 10. 1 Iohn 3.14 1 Iohn 2.27 28. 1 Iohn 5.20 1 Iohn 4.16 17. Pallard then thou told of a visible Church and visible Officers and visible Ordinances c. Answ I said unto thee again that the Church was in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ made all of living Stones elect and precious a spiritual house for God to dwell in by the Spirit and Officers and overseers were made by the holy Ghost and he is not visible for the world seeth him not neither knoweth him as it is written Acts 20.28 1 Pet. 2.5 6. Iohn 14.17 And God is a Spirit and his Church is spirituall and they endured as seeing him who is invisible and they were not come to the Mount which could be touched but they was come to Mount Zion and to the City of the living God and to the heavenly Jerusalem which is invisible and to an innumerable company of Angels and to the Generall Assembly and Church of the first born written in heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect and that was not visible but invisible and incomprehensible in the power and life of God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Heb. 12.22 23. And Christ is the head of this spirituall body his Church which he hath purchased with his blood and he rules in it and orders it by his Spirit and he hath put all things under his feet and given him to be head over all things to the Church which is his body the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all Eph. 1 22 23. And he came and preached peace to them that were a far off and to them that were nigh and he also preached to the Spirits in prison 1 Pet. 3 19. And he is the same yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13.8 and the word of Faith is preached by the Righteousnesse of Faith in the heart by Christ Jesus there in his Church and Temple which is holy and pure 1 Cor. 3.16 17. Rom 10.6 7 8. For through him we have an accesse to the Father by one Spirit and are baptized by one Spirit into one Body which is Spirituall and we are made to drink into one Spirit where the fruit of the Vine is and the bread of life and the water of life the thirsty souls for to refresh and there is one Lord one Faith one Baptisme one God and Father of us all who are heirs according to the promise and being baptized into Christ we have put on Christ and are fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God and are built upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ Jesus being the chief corner Stone in whom all the building fitly framed groweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord in whom also we are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit and God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth and the Church is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 2.17 1 Cor. 12.12 13. Gal. 3.27 28 29. Eph. 2.18 to the end Iohn 6. Phil. 3.3 Iohn 4.23 24. 1 Thess 1.1 verse Then I asked thee Thomas Pallard water Baptizer if God who was a Spirit was visible for the Church is in him the Pillar and Ground of all Truth and the Word and the Law and the Ordinances and Oracles of God stands in the incomprehensiblenesse of his infinitenesse and his Worship is in the Spirit and power of the holy Ghost in the eternity and the essence of the Scripture or the Divine Epistles written by the Spirit is in the heart tables as it is written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God in the mystery and the Baptisme is in the Spirit and praying and singing and preaching is in the power and pure and eternall wisdome by the Spirit and the watch is in the Spirit and all the officers and overseers in the Church of Christ is in the Spirit made by the power and authority of the holy Ghost in the blood of Christ sealed by the Spirit and annointed and Christ is the chief Shepherd and Bishop of the soul and maketh his Angels Spirits and his Ministers flames of fire and they
the Letter and the Spirit is inseparable and that Christ had not judgment committed to him whilest he was in the world and that Christ had not Judgement committed to him for he had a body and were sensible of hunger and such stuffe thou had and were in the lyes blasphemies and false accusations as thy fruits made thee manifest yet thou takes upon thee to teach and baptize and art of great account amongst poor seduced water baptized people but thou art discovered to thy shame and it may be for the good of many poor souls to see your deceits come to light Oh thou deceitfull one be ashamed and confounded let shame cover thy face repent and give over deceiving the people and all in thy nature now thou art warned as thou was then and to the Light of God in thy conscience am I made manifest and that will witnesse for me and the Truth against thee and thy deceit before the Judgement Seat of Christ in the great day of the Lord when I shall also stand before the Judgement Seat and be a witnesse against thee there except thou repent of thy lyes and blasphemies and false accusations and deny them all openly as thou witnessed to them openly and now to the Light in thy conscience shall this be witnessed which light will be thy eternall condemnation if thou hate it and act knowingly and wilfully contrary to it now thou hast time prize it for one wo is past but behold two woes more followeth after as it is written And the sixth Angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four hornes of the golden Alter which is before God saying to the sixth Angel which had the Trumpet loose the four Angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates and the four Angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year for to slay the third part of men he that both an car to hear let him hear and he that can receive it let him receive it Rev. 9.12 13 14 15 Zech 13. Therefore now Pallard great water Baptizer and all that are as thou art teachers of others before they be taught themselves and all imitations that worships ye know not what who are dipt In the water but are ignorant of the Divine nature that sayes the Bible is a History and yet the Letter and the Spirit Pallard thou sayes are one and inseparable how blinde and ignorant art thou and are you Baptizers of the Mistery silence all flesh and stop your mouths and take heed of deluding poor people any longer I warn you and charge you in the presence of the Lord as you will answer it before the Judgement seat of the great God and Pallard that in thy conscience shall be a witnesse for me when thou sees me not the Light of Christ Jesus there for to that am I made manifest yet shut up from thy dark minde for Light shines in darknesse but darknesse comprehendeth it not Iohn 1.9 Yet Light comprehendeth darknesse though darknesse cannot comprehend the Light and with the Light that comprehends the world art thou comprehended and with the Light which changeth not art thou seen and all in thy nature and known to be our of the Light and out of the Truth and out of the new Covenant and out of the Church that is in God the first-born which is written in heaven and no officer there nor no Minister of the new Covenant and the Spirit nor yet baptized into Christ nor no friend of Christ nor none in thy nature no more than the envious Jews and the Pharisees was and the Priests the Priests of the world and thou art in one nature and guided by one spirit the same that guides all the children of disobedience as it doth you and there is no difference between them and you but that you have the sheeps cloathing and they have the wolves but both one inside and nature thou hast the outside form according to the Letter more than they have but thou art without the power and ignorant of the Mistery in the Spiritas they are and as abovesaid that sayes the Bible is the History in the Letter and yet thou sayes the roughnesse is felt and thy darknesse is seen thou dark Sott would thou bring God and Christ Faith hope Election and the New Covenant the holy Ghost and the eternall Spirit and bloud of the Covenant within the compasse of death and have them historicall that sayes the Scriptures or Letter of the Bible is a History and the Spirit and the Letter are inseparable when as I told thee a History was a fable or a story but the Scriptures I own to be a true Declaration of the Truth that they lived in that spoke them forth and the Declaration of the Truth is most certainly believed amongst us that the world scornfully cals Quakers and the life of them enjoyed Christ Jesus the chief shepherd and Bishop of our souls and though the Scriptures outwardly be not the Spirit nor the eternall Word nor the life of God and Christ and the Saints yet the Scriptures are a true Declaration of those things declared of Luk. 1.1 but not the Word of God for it is eternall life and liveth and endureth for ever 1 John 2 3.4 5. 1 Pet 1.22.23 I would have had thee Pallard to have proved by the Scripture that it was any where called a History and that the Spirit of God was kept or confined in a history or a fable but thou could not for godlinesse is a mistery and the Devine Writings by the Spirit are in the new heart tables as it is written Col. 1.27 2 Cor. 3.2 3. and the Saints knowes Christ in them and the opening of the Mistery and his Ministers preaches him amongst the Gentiles now for you self-conceated ones like the outward Jews will none of his counsel but great is the mistery of godlinesse 1 Tim. 3.16 and the Comforter that abideth for ever even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive and you Pharisees and self-conceited ones cannot receive it neither do you know him that sayes the Spirit is in the Letter and the Letter is a History but we know him in the mistery and the Spirit of Truth to be out of a History for he dwelleth in us as saith the Scripture John 14.15 16 17. Rom. 8.10 11. Praised be the Lord for the riches of his love to our souls in taking of the Seals and opening the mistery in the Lord Jesus Christ Rev. 5. Isa 29.11 to the end Col 1.25 26 27 28. Which mistery is yet hid to thee Pallard water-Baptizer and all in thy nature that sayes the Spirit and the Letter is inseparable and is a History stop thy mouth for shame and cover thy lips for the promise is not to that seed of the serpent which you wise ones of the world are one with as the Pharisees and the envious Jews was but the promise is to
and not with wisdome of words neither lest the Crosse of Christ should be of none effect And I asked thee what the Crosse was but thou could not tell and why he was sent to preach and was necessirated to it as he saith in the 1 Cor. 9. For saith he though I preach the Gospel I have nothing to glory of but as he said before in the Crosse where his Ministery stood and saith he There is a necessity laid upon me to preach the Gospel and wo is to me if I preach it not c 1 Cor. 9.16 17 18. But he did not say there was a necessity laid upon him to baptize but he thankt God that he had baptized no more by permission he did that and not by commission for he said plainly that Christ sent him not to baptize but to Preach and he was sent by the Spirit to Preach and not by the Letter as he did certifie to the brethren and his certificate is to be seen for it Gal. 1. but not to baptize And he gave forth the Orders to the Church by the Spirit that sent him to Preach and where did he by that Spirit ever send forth any to baptize with water but to Preach he did and he was sent by the Spirit and not by the Letter and thou sayes the Spirit and the Letter are inseparable but when the Son was revealed in him he did not stand to consult neither did he ask leave of the Letter but obeyed the Command of the Spirit as it is left upon record and the Letter did not give forth the Spirit but the Spirit was before the Letter was neither did the Letter send them to preach but the Spirit did and gave them power to speak as the Oracles of God but where did he say he was sent to baptize but onely to preach in the Crosse and that by the Spirit and not by the Letter for Christ was revealed within him and sent him to preach by his Spirit and that which he preached he had not received of the Letter but out of the Covenant of life and from the flowings in of the Spirit and he had known much of the Letter whilst he persecuted the Spirit and when he received he Spirit he denyed himself and took up the Crosse and followed Christ in the Crosse and there continued in that Ministery by the Spirit and were an able Minister of the New Covenant not of the Letter but of the Spirit and he said that the Gospel which he preached unto them he had not received it of man neither was he taught it of man but by the revelation of Jesus Christ within him and they did not crosse him with the Letter and say how could they know that Christ was revealed in him but received his Testiwony as from the Spirit their Spirits witnessing with his Spirit and they were one in the seed and their Gospel was hid to them that were lost but the Letter is not hid neither is it lost but the Gospel is hid to thee Pallard and to them that are lost who have the Letter but not the Spirit for if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his but many have the Letter but not the Spirit as thou hast the Letter but wants the Spirit and all in thy nature and are in the self separation from the Spirit which the Letter speaks of having not the Spirit that saith the Bible is a History and the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable such are in a form without the power and so are as a body without the Spirit and dead trees twice pluckt up by the roots as it is written but Paul was not without the Spirit and the Power but preached in the power of the Spirit that the bodies faith should not stand in the wisdome of mens words but in the power of God as it is written 1 Cor. 2.4 5. Gal. 1.11 12. and 15 16. 2 Cor. 3.6 1 Cor. 9 16 17 18. Rom. 8. But where was he sent by Commission to baptize and why was there a necessity laid upon him for the one and not for the other to baptize as well as to preach seeing that the care of the Church was committed to him and he knew the whole Councel of God 1 Cor. 9.16 17 18. 1 Cor. 1.17 Acts 20 28 29. Then thou answered and said he baptized as well as he preached for he baptized Crispus and Gaius and he baptized also the house of Stephanos and thou began thereupon to make an oration to the people and devise mischief and to tell lies and said to the people he denies the Scripture and said Paul did not baptize c. Thereupon the people some of them made answer and said do not accuse falsely wherein did he deny the Scriptures he did not say that Paul did not baptize but asked where he was sent to baptize c. Then taking thee with false accusations and lyes in thy mouth in reproof I spoke something unto thee and said how durst thou lye so impudently without any ground but that it was suffered thee Pallard to lay open thy folly that day to thy shame and for the good of others that were lorded over by thee till thy nakednesse and falshood openly appeared so that some of them did speak to thee of it and I then charged thee in the presence of the Lord either to make good what thou had said in falsely accusing without any ground or else for ever stop thy mouth and be ashamed of thy lies and false accusations in that thing and also in others and I said when did Paul receive any Commission for to baptize or when was he sent for that work because himself said he was not sent to baptize but to preach and there was a necessity laid upon him for the one and not for the other and he had a Commission to preach and not to baptize lest by doing it by permission without a command and so abuse his power he gave God thanks that he had baptized no more lest they should say he did it in his own Name and without warrant or authority from God because he had no commission from God for to do it for he confessed and said that Christ sent him not to baptize but to preach and for that he had a Command and wo was unto him if he did neglect and he was not to preach with the enticing words of mans wisdome neither but in demonstration of the Spirit and power lest the Crosse should be of none effect in which his Ministery stood 1 Cor. 1.14 15 16 17. 1 Cor. 2.4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 1 Cor. 9.18 And what he did by permission was one thing and what he did by commission was another and sometimes he did things by permission and not by Commission and what he did by permission was as from the urgency but what he did by Commission was from the eternall power of eternity and was the Lords therefore he
TRUTH Cleared of Scandals or TRUTH lifting up its head above Scandals c. Occasioned by the Meeting of those people called Baptists and those whom the world scornfully calleth Quakers at Harliston in Stafforthshire upon the 27. day of the 7. month in the year 1654. Shewing the difference betwixt the Ordinances of Christ and of Antichrist and the true worship and the false with a Discovery of the two seeds and the New Covenant the Doctrine of Baptismes laying on of hands the Resurrection and eternall judgement Heb. 6.1 2 3 and Heb. 12.22 and 23. Also The unprofitable servant and the talents and of being caught up into Paradise the Thorn in the flesh and what it is to take pleasure in infirmities and what those infirmities are that is to be gloried in Also something of Perfection and Imperfection and the glorying in the Crosse largely proved according to Scripture c. By one known to the world by the name of RICH. FARNWORTH For Christ sent me not to Baptize but to preach the Gospel not with the enticing words of mans wisdome neither lest the Crosse of Christ should be of none effect 1 Cor. 1.17 and 18. LONDON Printed Anno Dom. 1654. To the READER READER IN the Reading of this ensuing Treatise as thy understanding is kept open thou may see the difference betwixt Truth and errour that thereby thou mayest chuse the good and refuse the evill try all things and hold fast that which is good and take heed of censuring or judging the truth with evill thoughts and out of an evill heart lest judgement return upon thee again but judge Righteous judgement so shalt thou be preserved in Peace in thy Conscience The cause of my writing of this little Treatise was occasioned upon a Meeting at Harliston in Stafforth Shire upon the 27. day of the 7. month between the baptized people and those whom the world scornfully calleth Quakers to clear the Truth of many aspersions and false accusations as in the Reading thou wilt clearly see the differences betwixt Truth and errour as thou Readest with an understanding And whereas we are accused for denying the Scriptures and the Ordinances of Christ in short thou mayest see what we own according to Scripture and what we do deny that is contrary to Scripture also the tryall of the Spirits and the Doctrine of Baptismes and the laying on of hands and the Resurrection and eternall Judgement true Faith the Church of the first-born written in heaven Something of them spoken of in this Treatise which may be for the bringing down of the kingdome of Antichrist and the setting up of the Kingdome of Jesus Christ that Truth may be cleared of Scandals But I am not sent to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel as in thy Reading thou wilt more plainly see RICH. FARNWORTH THE ORDINANCES AND VVORSHIP Of GOD in the Spirit GOD is a Spirit and all his Ordinances are Spirituall now in the Gospel-Ministration and his Worship is in the Spirit as it is written John 4.23 24. And the Worship and Ordinances of God in the Spirit we own who are of the Circumcision in the heart with the Spirit who rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh Phil. 3.3 Col. 2.10 11. Now the Lord is that Spirit which we all beholding with open face as in a Glasse are changed from glory to glory into the same image and glory as by the Spirit of the Lord as it is written 2 Cor. 3.17 18. And secondly the Church of God and of Christ we own who are the houshold of Faith made all of living stones elect and precious a Spirituall house for God to dwell in whose house are we who are builded upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ Jesus being the Chief Corner Stone in whom all the building groweth into an holy Temple in the Lord the Church of the first-born written in heaven of which Christ Jesus is head and we are compleat in him who is the fulnesse and filleth all in all as it is written and witnessed 1 Thess 1.1 1 Pet 2.5 6 c. Heb. 3.6 Eph. 1.22 23. and Heb. 12.22 23. Eph. 2.18 19 20 21 22. Col. 2.9 And thirdly the Ministery of Christ in the Spirit we own and the new Covenant and the Law of God written in the heart and we witnesse the teachings of the Lord as he hath promised and said which promises of the Father we witnesse fulfilling and fulfilled and we witnesse Christ Jesus who is the Saints high Priest and the everlasting Sacrifice we witnesse and own the Fathers teachings according to his Promise and we witness Christ Jesus to be our Passover and that he is able to save to the utermost all those that come unto God by him Heb. 8.10 11. Jer. 31.31 to the 35. Isa 54.13 14. John 6.45 John 14.15 16 17. and 26. Heb. 7.25 Fourthly The Baptism of Christ which is in the Spirit we own and all who are Baptized into the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost and are made partakers of the Name nature and properties of God for he that hath the Son hath life and he that hath the Son hath the Father also as Christ hath said All mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them and by one Spirit are we baptized into one body and made to drink in one Spirit where there is one Faith one Lord one Baptisme one God and Father of us all who are of the righteous seed who are Baptized into Christ and have put on Christ as it is written and witnessed 2 Pet. 1.3 4 5 6 7 8. 1 Pet. 3.18 19 20 21. 1 John 5.10 11 12 13. John 17.10 2 John 9. 1 Cor. 12.12 13. Eph. 4.4 5. Gal. 3.26 27 28 29. Fifthly Prayer we own Praying by the Spirit of Christ and if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature 2 Cor. 5.16 17. and walks not after the flesh but after the Spirit and the same Spirit which raised up Jesus Christ from the dead we witnesse dwelling in us by which Spirit we are quickened even by the Spirit of Christ that dwelleth in us Rom. 8.10 11. And we know that all that are born again of water and the Spirit and are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God and we have received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the Spirit it self bearing witnes with our spirits that we are the children of God Rom 8.14 15 16. Likewise the Spirit helpeth us and teacheth us to pray for it maketh intercession for us and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the minde of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for us according to the minde and will of God Rom. 8.26 27. Mat. 6.5 6 7 8. Eph. 1.18 Sixthly the holy Communion in the Spirit of love that we witnesse for God is love and they that dwell in God dwell in love and they that dwell in love
the Letter Psal 119 89. His name is called the Word of God Rev. 19.13 But his Name is not the Letter Pallard how dark art thou that sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and then after called it a History is the Spirit of God a History and is Christ a History The declaration saith he is a Mistery but I bade thee instance one place where the Bible was called a History but thou could not see how confused thou art and how blinde and if the blinde lead the blinde shall not both fall into the ditch Here I charge thee to be ignorant of God and ignorant of his teachings And I charge thee to be no Minister of Christ nor the Gospel that sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable thou hast set up thy self to be a Teacher of others and many such as thou art who art yet untaught of God and you would be teachers of others before you be taught to deny your selves and thou and all that sayes the Spirit and the Letter are inseparable and cals it a History you are blind and ignorant of the Mistery and blinde and ignorant of the truth and the power of God you know not nor the holy Ghost that preaches the Letter without the Spirit and would raise up the spirit out of the dead Letter all such are witches Sorcerers and conjurers and we hold all such accursed Gal. 1.8 9. Gal. 3. The Apostles of Christ went up and down preaching the Kingdom and preaching the Word and not the Letter and the Word grew and multiplyed but the Letter did not grow and multiply Acts 12 24. And they were sent out to preach by the Spirit but they were not sent out to preach by the Letter and the Spirit of Christ doth quicken the mortall body but the Letter doth not but the Letter doth not and by the Spirit Christ were raised from the dead but by the Letter he were not raised from the dead Isaiah was annointed to preach by the Spirit but the Letter hath not the 〈◊〉 to annoint withall he said the Lord God and his Spirit had sent him but he did not say the Letter sent him neither did he ask leave of the Letter when the Spirit said go and all the Apostles were sent by the Spirit in the power of the holy Ghost but they was not sent by the Letter which is neither Spirit power nor holy Ghost and the Spirit of the Lord bade Philip joyn himself to the Eunuchs chariot but the letter did not the Eunuch had the Letter to read but knew not the guide which is the Spirit Rom. 8.14 and the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip again that the Eunuch saw him no more but the Letter did not Acts 8.29 and 39. Rom. 8.11 Isa 61. Luk 4.18 Acts 1.8 And the Spirit it self beareth witnesse with our Spirits that we are the children of God c. Rom. 8.16 1 John 3.24 Isa 48.16 Pallard thou water Baptizer and all you Water Baptizers that say the Letter and the Spirit is one or inseparable here your ignorance of God and Christ and the Spirit is seen that you have the Letter but not the Spirit and stands in need to be taught what be the first Principles of Religion though you take upon you to be teachers of others you are yet dull of hearing and knoweth neither the power spirit nor holy Ghost Church Faith hope election overseers made by the holy Ghost nor the annointing nor yet the true fear that saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and is a History as thou Pallard said who also said that judgement was not committed to Christ whilest he were in the world and Christ himself said that for judgement was he come into the world that they that saw not might see and that they that saw might be made blinde John 9.39 And thou here would make Christ a lyer that saith he had not judgement committed to him whilest he was in the world and he said for judgement he came into the world but thou that sayes thou sees art now sound blinde and ignorant of the Mystery that saith the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and calls it a History but thou are found the lyer and the Antichrist and knowes not the Spirit who are not in the Doctrine of Christ and so hath not God 2 Iohn 9 and thou lyer and all lyars are for the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone as the Scripture saith Rev. 22.15 Rev 21.27 Rev. 20.8 Therefore Pallard stop thy mouth and all in thy nature who are out of the Light and out of the Truth and silence deceit I charge thee in the presence of the Lord as I said to thee when thou went forth to go away from that place for I shall be a witnesse for the truth against thee and thy deceit before the judgement seat of Christ and to that in thy conscience shall I be witnessed which doth convince thee of sin and check and reprove thee in secret thou said three times that I denyed the Scriptures to manifest thy lyes when it was proved by the Scriptures and witnessed to the contrary there evidently before thy eyes as many can witnesse and that within thy conscience will witnesse the same that which reproves thee for sin and evill and checks thee in secret which lets thee see the deceit of thy heart and maketh manifest subtilty and craft which is acted in that nature contrary to the light but the Lord taketh the wise in their own craftinesse as it is written and so was thou taken in thy snare thy self about thy water-baptisme that thou could not get loose though thou make it thy idoll which thou so much takes pleasure in but thy image would not abide the fire and the hammer at that time but was ready to break all in pleces but thy works and every mans works in thy nature shall be tryed by fire and all that will not abide the fire shall be burnt for every mans works shall be made manifest whether it be silver gold precious stones wood hay or stubble that he buildeth for the day shal declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every mans works of what sort it is and his works that will not abide the fire must be burnt and he himself suffer losse as thou art like to do and all in thy nature for the wisedome of this world is foolishnesse with God for it is written he taketh the wise in their own craftinesse as thou wast taken in thine and thy Babylonish building is known with the Light it is seen and comprehended and with the Light to be condemned and if any of those builders in thy nature be saved it must be so as by fire 1 Cor. 3.12 13 14 15 and 19. and 20. Thou couldest not witnesse that thy water baptisme did wash away sin neither couldest thou witnesse that thy sins were washt away by it but were
in confusion and lyes saying and unsaying Babylonish building up and throwing down and daubing with untempered morter as all in thy nature do neither couldest thou witnesse the gift of the holy Ghost that it were or could be given by any of you water baptizers when it were demanded of thee upon thy examination in that thing at that time as many can witnesse and that in thy conscience shall witnesse the same the Light of Christ Jesus which will condemn thee and all that hate it and are contrary to it for this is the condemnation of the world that light is come into the world and men love darknesse rather than light and the reason is because their deeds are evill as thine is John 3.19 20. And as thou could not witnesse to the washing away of sin by your water Baptisme nor the gift of the holy Ghost to be given by it when it was demanded of thee neither couldest thou witnesse to the eternall judgment and also denyed perfection to be attainable and here thou and all you water baptizers are razed out of the Apostles doctrine and life who said that they would leave the first Principles of the Doctrine of Christ and go on to perfection which you Baptists and thou Pallard great water Baptizer denies and so denyes that which is the whole life of truth and the Apostles and Ministers of Christ and they that had passed thorough the Doctrine of Baptismes and the laying on of hands they passed on to the Resurrection and to eternall judgement which thou Pallard denyes for they came to the Generall Assembly and church of the first born written in heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and they knew the shakings not of the earth onely but of the heavens also that things which could not be shaken might remain which shakings thou knows nothing of nor none in thy nature that denyes perfection and the eternall judgement but we having received a Kingdom which cannot be moved have received grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire the same that theirs was that left the first Principles of the Doctrines of Baptismes and the laying on of hands and the Resurrection of the dead and came to the eternall judgement and to God the judge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect and were in the Church of the first born written in heaven and had received the Kingdom and know the consuming fire and dwelt with everlasting burnings and this I witnesse he that can receive it let him Heb. 6.1 2 3. Heb. 12.22 to the end Isaiah 40.28 29 Isaiah 33.14 15 16 c. But to thee Pallard great water Baptizer this is a mistery and to all in thy nature that denyes the eternall judgement and the first Resurrection and the perfection which the Saints witnessed and they were risen with Christ and were made to sit together with him in heavenly places and said to others in their grouh If ye he risen with Christ set your affections on things which are above and not on things which are on the earth and some said that their conversation were in heaven and others knew that so many of them as were Baptized into Christ were baptized into his death that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so they also should walk in newnesse of life c. Rom. 6.3 4 5 6. Eph. 2.4 5 6. Col. 3.1 2. Phil. 3.20 21. Rev. 20.6 Rev. 21.1 2 3. to the 9. But thou and you water baptizers are yet in the oldnesse of the Letter and not in the baptisme of sufferings nor in the new life nor knowes nothing of the eternall Judgement nor of the Resurrection nor perfection nor the New Covenant nor the Seal thereof that sayes the Bible is a History and the Spirit and the Letter are inseparable as thou Pallard great waterman did and thou and the other that were with thee at that time impudently did lye before the people and said Christ had not judgement committed to him whilost he were in the world and Christ himself said for that cause was he come into the world as I then told thee and as thou mayest see in John 9.39 And where he said to the Jews that they judged him after the flesh but he judged no man after the flesh but he judged righteously and with righteous judgement and his judgement was true for he and his Father was one as he there said and he was one that bore witnesse of himself and the Father that sent him bare witness with him and Christ there had judgment with the Father and all judgment he said were committed to him and he told them the envious Jews that they were of their father the devill and his works they would do and he told them there was no truth in them for their father the devill had not abode in the Truth and they was of him and he told them he knew that they had not the love of God in them and his judgement was true and he called them serpents and vipers and said How-should they escape the damnation of hell and he pronounced woes to Pharisees and Hypocrites then such as had a form from the Letter but was separated from the Spirit and life of what they did professe and from Christ and the new Covenant and were in the Letter without the Spirit as you Baptizers are and as thou Pallard art and all that are in their nature and such as say the Bible is a History and the Spirit and the Letter is inseparable and that sayes Christ had not judgement committed to him whilest he were in the world as you Baptists and thou Pallard did here I charge thee in the presence of the Lord and all in thy nature to be false accusers of Christ and lyers and enemies of his truth as the envious Jews was as thou Pallard art and all you who are in their nature and as you may read John 8.44 John 5.39 40 41 c. Mat. 23.33 Thou may well take upon thee Pallard to lye of me and the truth that would so impudently lye of Christ that said he had not judgement committed to him nor given him whilst he was in the world when he said that for judgment he was come into the world as I then told thee And secondly he said that he had life in himself as the Father had and he had authority given him to execute judgement as it is written and as he was come for Judgement into the world and had authority given him to execute it So thirdly he had power to quicken whom he would as well as the Father and he said that the Father had committed all judgement unto him John 9.39 John 5.21 to the 28. And thou that said the Bible was a History and yet
the seed of Abraham according to the Spirit Gen. 17. Gal. 3 29. Gal. 4.28 29. But as it was then so it is now they that are after the flesh persecute them that are after the Spirit who are of that seed yet we preach Christ crucified unto you self-conceated ones and outward Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishnesse but unto them that are of the seed according to the promise and are for salvation Christ the wisdome of God and power of God for Christ hath not sent us to baptize with water but to preach to the Spirits in prison as he did 1 Pet. 3.18 19. to the end and not to preach the Gospel with the enticing words of mans wisdome lest the crosse of Christ should be of none effect which is of great effect unto us and to all that are subject unto it for therein is our glorying in the Crosse by which we are crucified unto the world and the world is by it crucified unto us and we are crucified with Christ yet we live but our life is in him and by the Crosse we live in him and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the Crosse having thereby slain the enmity he came and preached peace to them that were a farre off and to them that were nigh for by the Crosse through him we have an accesse by one Spirit unto the Father and God forbid that we should glory in any thing save in the Crosse of Christ by which we are dead and crucified to the world and the world unto us for in Christ Jesus there is not any thing that availeth but a new Creature and as many as walk according to this Rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the seed and Israel of God for in him shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory through the Crosse Gal. 6.14 15 16. Gal. 2.20 Isa 45.24 25. Eph. 2.16 17 18. And the preaching of the Crosse is to them that perish foolishnesse for it is written I will destroy the wisedome of the wise and bring to naught the councel of the prudent Isa 29.11 to the 18. and in that day the deaf shall hear the words of the Book which neither the learned nor unlearned outwardly could open and in that day of the opening of the Book or mistery of godlinesse the eyes of the blinde shall see out of obscurity and out of darknesse and the meek who are of the righteous seed shall increase their joy in the Lord and the poor among men shall rejoice in the holy one of Israel for by the Crosse which crucifies the world and slayes the enmity therein will the terrible one be cut off and by the Crosse will the scorner be consumed and by the Crosse will all that watch for iniquity be slain and cut down therefore thus saith the Lord who redeemed Abraham concerning the house of Iacob Iacob shall not now be ashamed neither shall his face now wax pale but when he sees his children the work of mine hands in the midst of him they shall sanctifie my Name and sanctifie the holy One of Iacob who are of that seed and shall fear the Lord God of Israel and they also that erred in Spirit shall come to understanding and they that murmured shall learn Doctrine Isa 29.18 19. to the end Where then is the wise where is the Scribe where is the disputer of this world Therefore thus saith the Lord I will proceed to do a marvelous work amongst this people such as are of the wisdome of the flesh and the seed of the serpent whose hearts are removed from the Lord into the things of the world and the earthly learning and knowledge and the earthly part is above the good seed and they draw near the Lord with their mouthes and their lips but hearts are farre off and their fear towards me saith the Lord is taught by the Precepts of men therefore the marvelous work that the Lord works amongst them is this the wisdom of the worldly wise men shall perish and the understanding of the prudent in that nature shall be hid which is a work of wonder for it is written hath not not God made foolish the wisdome of this world For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God then after by the foolishnesse of preaching it pleased God to save some and the preaching of the Crosse to the cutting down of the carnall part and the raising up of the seed and letting it out of Prison by the power of the Lord is now the same in the Ministery by the Spirit that it was then for it doth now please God by the preaching of the cross which is counted foolishnes with worldly wise men to save some as he did then For now the Jews require a sign and the greeks seek after worldly wisdome but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block now and unto the greeks foolishnesse as it was then amongst the great outward Scholers and worldly wise men And we see and know our Calling that are sent to Preach and minister in the Crosse that thereby the enmity may be slain and the seed be brought forth of prison and bondage by the Crosse again for not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty nor noble in the world not many of them are called Oh how hard a thing it is for them that have riches to enter because of the Crosse but God hath chosen the foolish poor base weak things in the worlds account as he did then to preach the Crosse and to confound things that are mighty in the worlds eyes and account as Pallard the great water Baptizer was and things which are despised hath God chosen and things which are not accounted of by the world to bring to nought things that are of great account by them that all flesh may be silent and not glory in his presence But in the Lord are the seed of Israel justified and in him they glory and he is made unto us wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he that glorieth let him glory in the Lord but we have nothing to glory in save the Crosse of our Lord Jesus who hath said all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them and this is witnessed through the Crosse 1 Cor. 2.17 18. to the end Isaiah 9 13 14. Isa 45.25 John 17.10 Rom. 8.16 17 18 c. 2 Thess 1.10 11 12. Then Pallard I asked thee where ever Paul which thou said gave forth orders to the Churches c. had any Commission to baptize or where ever he saith in any place that he was sent for that work But on the contrary he said he was not sent for that work as it is left upon record under his hand-writing 1 Cor. 1.17 For saith he there positively Christ sent me not to aptize but to preach the Gospel
puts a difference between the man and the woman and forbids the woman to speak in the Church he that can receive it let him I told thee Pallard that Paul also circumcised after he were a Minister of the Gospel as well as baptized and he had as much ground for the one as the other but no command for neither and Christ was circumcised outwardly as well as baptized outwardly and he ministred the circumcision also and were a Minister of the same as in Rom. 15.8 And I asked thee how thou followed Christ in that to fulfill that Ministration and what account thou couldest give of it in the inward man as it is written Col. 2.11 12. c. Because Christ ministred that and they did witnesse that Ministration through the Spirit in him and so they were made compleat in the substance and life of all truth through the Crosse And because it is written that death reigned from Adam untill Moses even over all that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression and the Law and the Prophets were till John John succeeded them and he came burning and shining amongst those that were born of woman was not a greater than John yet he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he Then Pallard water baptizer I asked thee how thou couldst witnesse to those ministrations in the inward man for the seed is but one and how thou couldest witnesse a passing from death unto life as they did that spoke forth the Scriptures for they that had passed from death unto life said that he that was born of God did not commit sin and they also said that he that committed sin were of the devill and thereby the two seeds was known and the children of God was made manifest and the children of the devill by the operation of each seed ruling in them and working forth through them and they that had passed from death unto life knew who was of God and who was not and so doth the same seed now and they knew who did abide in darknesse and death and so do they now who are in the Light life and power of the Truth and they know that the Son of God is made manifest in them and hath taken away their sins as they knew then that witnessed the same through the Crosse who said that they dwelt in him and he dwelt in them but they did not know it by the dead Letter but by the quickening Spirit which is life and was given them 1 John 3. Chapter And they knew who were passed from death unto life and that the Son of God was come and had given them an understanding that they thereby might know him that was true and they knew it not by the Letter but by the Spirit and they had the true knowledge of it in the eternall Truth who affirmatively said we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternall life and not the Letter but the Letter declareth of it 1 John 5.20 Then Pallard I asked thee how it was with thee in deaths Dominion because it is written of deaths reigning from Adam untill Moses over all who have not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression and what that death was and reigned over in thee how thou came from under it to know the Law which is perfect and doth endure for ever according to that in the conscience and is to be fulfilled in all that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit and how thou came into the prophecies in the inwards because it is written the Law and the Prophets are till John and the seed is but one not seeds but seed and the promises are to the seed fulfilled through death in the Ministery by the Spirit in the crosse which cuts down and raiseth up and how thou came to know Johns Ministry set up within because he came and doth come burning and shining and there is a willingnesse to rejoice in his Light for a season and how it was with thee in that Ministration to know the ax laid to the root of the tree and the tree to be cut down and what that fallow ground in thee was which must be ript up and I also asked thee what self was with the fruits and the ground of it which the Crosse is Lo I told thee the creation was a figure and out of the ground sprung up grosse herbs weeds briers and thornes c. And the ofspring was not the ground the ofspring might be cut off and there might spring up more fruits of the like nature again so the fruits of self might be cut off and the ofspring was not the ground and whilest there was the ground and the roots in it unript up more fruits would grow there of like nature also therefore John said Rip up your fallow ground make the rough places smooth and prepare the way for the Lord to come into his Temple that he may sit as Refiner I asked thee how thou past through that Ministery of John in the inward man and what succeded John because it is written that the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he and some did witnesse that they were set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus Eph. 2.6 And I said unto thee if thou was an Officer in the Church of the first born written in heaven and were in the kingdom thou couldest witnesse to those things Heb. 12.22 and 28. Luk 17 21. And liberty was granted to thee for to declare thy passages in the inward ministrations if that thou couldest that it might be for the good of the people there present but thou could not speak any thing at all concerning those conditions and inward ministrations when thou was desired and severall times urged to it but all that thou could say was to accuse falsly and said I denyed the Scriptures and made that thy cover which would not hide thee but left thee bare and thy nakednesse did then openly appear then I charged thee to be a lyar and others witnessed against thee for saying that I denyed the Scripture when thou had no ground for it but the devill was a lyer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth and thou lyer who art out of the Truth art of him as thy deeds maketh thee manifest John 8.44 Therefore stop thy mouth and cover thy lips and let shame strike thee in the face for ever thou lyer and false accuser of the just Paul who was a Minister of the new Covenant not of the Letter but of the the Spirit he declared of his passages and his grouth and how he came out of one dispensation into another and they that grew from one degree of grace and glory into another they said that they knew no man after the flesh though they had known Christ after the flesh yet henceforth knew they him so no more and they gave account of their
submit to the Teachings of it will bring you to the knowledge of the eternall Truth and out of your conceated formes to take up the Crosse to your wills and earthly wisedomes to die to the world and all your pride and vain-glory that Light which lets you see the deeds of darknesse and the evill of your hearts that Light is your Teacher which stands out of all evill that Light is your Teacher your that love it and bring your deeds to it to be tryed that your works may be wrought in God that light is your condemnation all you that hate it and act contrary to it who love the deeds of darknesse rather than the Light John 1.9 Iohn 8.12 Iohn 3.19 20. Now you have time prize it and take heed of sinning against the Light and Pallard and all in that nature give over deceiving the people and keeping them in a dead form without either life or power lest their souls perish and be lost thou that sayes the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable and a History art ignorant of the soul and the mistery give over I warn thee and charge thee in the presence of the Lord and all in thy nature as you will answer it before the judgment seat of Christ I shall there be a witnesse against you if you will not take warning now you have time prize it For hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us by his Spirit which he hath given us and not by the Letter but by the eternall Spirit hereby is our love made perfect that we may have boldnesse in the day of judgement as they said who were in Christ before us who said as he is so are we in this present world witnessed in the eternall power by the Spirit perfect in love and compleat in him who is the head of all Principally and power as it is written 1 Iohn 3.24 1 Iohn 4.16 17. Col. 2.9 10. And Pallard where thou said Paul had attained to such high Revelations and discoveries and were taken up into the third heaven as is there spoken of yet afterwards though said he cryed out of his infirmities and said he had nothing to glory in but his infirmities and had a prick in the flesh c. I answered thee again by way of Querie to that and asked thee if it was Paul that was taken into the third heaven or some other that he there spoke of and gloried in at that time and in that thy mouth was stopt for I of thee received not answer to it again there was the deceit in thee silenced at that time as well as before and thou had nothing for to glory in but thy shame and folly as it did openly appear in so much that a member of the body cryed out against thee or the head to see thy folly as the Asse cryed out against Balaam and spoke to shew him his folly and the poor creature said Had not he been his Asse and carried him so long when did he ever know him do so before And when the Lord opened Balaams eyes he saw his folly and if the Lord open thine eyes thou may plainly see thine who thy self hast ridden and lorded over poor creatures so long and had them at thy command yet at that very time one was made to speak to thee that had been ridden on or lorded over by thee and did reprove thee to see thee so shew forth thy folly When was it ever known that he did so before to thee at such a time But it is but that the Scriptures may be fulfilled as it is written they shall proceed no further that resist the Truth for their folly shall thereby he made manifest to men as thine was 〈…〉 the Truth at that time 2 Tim. 3.8 9 And 〈…〉 stond up for the Truth to resist thy deceit though thy 〈…〉 appeared thou art ready to put them out of thy service of 〈…〉 it if it be so they may rejoice to see thy madnesse and folly made manifest thou was at that time without the Sword as Balaam was and the poor creatures who had been hard bound down under thee at that time rejoicee and it they continue their joy will increase and blessed are all they that suffer for righteousnesse sake and saith the Lord all those that are cast out for my Names sake I will appear to their joy and to the shame of all their false pretended Brethren that saith let the Lord be glorified by them in scorn contempt or disdain in nature like unto the Jews Isa 66.5 Mat. 5.10 11 12. Luk. 6.22 23. But as touching the place of Scripture where thou said Paul was in such Raptures and high discoveries caught up into the third heaven and taken up into Paradise and after cryed out of his infirmities c. 2 Cor. 12. As I said then so say I still let all the wise hearted read it and judge whether Paul spoke that of himself or some other for to it thou would not return me an answer when I demanded it of thee But Paul himself plainly there saith that he knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body or out of the body he could not tell but had Paul there spoken of himself he could have told if it had been him and he did not say that he was caught into the third heavens and taken up into Paradise and afterwards fell out of it again to cry out of a thorn in his side or a prick in the flesh and say he had nothing to glory in but his infirmities as thou Pallard and darknesse conceives Read and see 2 Cor. 12. Paul there speaks of another as it is plain for saith he first I knew a man such a one as he is there speaking of he speaks of the time also and it was above 14. years ago or bypast from that time that he was there speaking of him and he saith that though he spoke of him and his being in Christ so long since from that time yet he knew not whether he were in the body or no but in that place he said that God knew whether he was in the body or out of it but he there saith that such a one was caught into the third heaven 2 Cor. 12.2 And further he there saith he knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body he could not tell God knew as he saith in the 2 Cor. 12.3 But had Paul spoken of himself he could have told how it had been with him yet in the sixth place he saith that such a one was caught up into Paradise and in the seventh place it doth appear that he was a dear friend to Paul and told him what he heard in the third heaven and in the Paradise but it is not expressed there for he sayes they was such words as was not lawfull to utter 2 Cor. 12.4 Then in the eighth place he saith that of such a one he would