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A56309 The weavers shuttle displayed and the swiftness thereof unfolded, or, The words of a dying man to a dying people, in the midst of a dying nation wherein is held forth I. That the time is short, the way is narrow, the prize is great, the runners are many, the obtainers few, II. That repentance and turning to God is not in one call or command, wherefore wait upon the means appointed by God to work it, and that diligently and constantly this work deferred will be still greater, the time to do it wil[l] be shorter, the strength to do it by wil[l] be less, III. If we endeavour to the uttermost to improve the present opportunity and ability that the Almighty gives us, we shall, for ought I know, live with more comfort here and die in full assurance hereafter, for the greatest evil threatned or feared, may through wisdom be timely prevented / by Robert Purnel. Purnell, Robert, d. 1666. 1652 (1652) Wing P4244; ESTC R32258 54,417 168

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but a little peep out or put forth its head the Dogs of Egypt begin to bark for a long space without any intermission and these Dogs are as cunning as Achitophel and as eloquent as Herod and so make the poor ignorant people believe that they do bark at Thieves that would break open their Church-doors and steal away their Religion when indeed they bark at the Sheep that would hear Christs voice and follow him But no more of this at present Again consider that the love of the world is brought in by the Apostle to be the root of all evil 1 Tim. 6. 10. For the love of money is the root of all evil c. Now by money we commonly understand gold and silver which is the purest metal of all and one would think in reason if any thing of the world were to be beloved then the most choise things should be the object of our love but gold and silver although the purest and choisest thing of all that will buy any thing in the world nay Solomon said of it Eccles 10 19. Money answereth all things Yet to love this saith the Spirit of the Lord in his word is the root of all evil 1 Tim. 6. 10. In a word consider A man takes a great deal of pains in getting goods and a great deal of care in the keeping of them and a great deal of sorrow in losing them and but a very little comfort in the enjoyment of them We may look back upon them all as Solomon did Eccles 2. 11. Then I looked upon all the works that my hand had wrought and on the labour that I had laboured and behold all was not only vanity but also vexation of spirit and there was no profit under the Sun Here wise Solomon writ Vanity upon the Crown of all worldly treasures and pleasures and why is this written but for our learning upon whom the end of the world is come But there are but few of us of Solomons mind and that will appear in our taking so much paines in gathering wealth and then we set our affections and minds abrood upon them until as a hen her chickens we have hatched them and then a little while after they get themselves wings and flie from us Oh why do we set our eyes upon that which is not See Prov. 23. 5. In a word the Scriptures which are written for our learning and are profitable for doctrine for reproof and for correction and for instruction that the man of God might be throughly furnished unto every good work These Scriptures so excellent if you read them you shall find there is contained in them at least ten precepts or commands to look to the being and well-being of our souls for one command to look to our bodies and at least ten promises for a blessing upon that for one promise of a blessing upon us in point of a large enjoyment of outward things and yet such fools are most of us we take ten times the pains and care for the latter more then we do for the former Gods order is Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and then in the second place those things shall be given unto you but our practise is to seek the things of this life first and the Kingdom of heaven at last when we have nothing else to do The Lord saith Lay up treasures in heaven first but we will lay up treasures on earth first Oh how contrary is our practise to the Commands of our Creator It would be endless for a man to instance in what is written in Scripture to this thing therefore I shall instance in one Scripture for all and that is in Mat. 6. in which Chapter from the ninth verse to the 34. our blessed Saviour draws at least ten Arguments against Covetousness 1. Saith he Lay not up treasures on earth for the moth and rust will corrupt it and thieves will steal Matth. 6. 19 20. 2. Saith he If your treasure be in the world your hearts will be in the world ver 21. 3. Christ tells us we cannot obey him and the world too No man can serve two masters God and Mammon ver 24. 4. He bids us Take no care what ye shall eat and drink or for rayment what ye shall put on ver 25. And that for these Reasons The fowls of the ayr do not sowe nor reap nor gather into barns Are you not better then they saith our Saviour ver 26. 5. He demands of us why we do take such thought for rayment Consider saith he the Lillies of the field how they grow they toyl not neither do they spin and yet Solomon in all his royaltie was not arayed like one of these verses 28 29. 6. He demands this question of us Which of you by taking thought can adde one cubit to his stature ver 27. 7. Wherefore if God so cloath the grass of the field shall he not much more cloath you O ye of little faith ver 30. 8. Therefore saith the Lord Christ if this be true as most true it is Take no thought at all what ye shall eat or drink or wherewithall ye shall be cloathed for after all these things do the Gentiles seek ver 31 32. 9. If for all this ye will be seeking these things Be sure you seek first the kingdom of heaven and the righteousness thereof and then ye need not seek so earnestly for these they shall be added unto you ver 33. 10. Take therefore no thought for the morrow nor pray for no more then daily bread for the next day shall take thought for it self sufficient to the day is the evil thereof ver 34. Then let our conversation be without covetousness for he hath said He will never fail us nor forsake us Heb. 13 5. Some of our humane Scholars say that in the original of this Text the words I will never leave thee is mentioned five times but I have searched the Scripture and I finde it written in the Scriptures above five times five I will never leave thee nor forsake thee The candle that gave me light to read it was lighted in Heaven and the key that opened the book for it was sealed was the Spirit of God the eyes by which I saw it was the eyes of my understanding being enlightened according to the that Eph. 1. 18. Also minde those words of 〈…〉 Luk. 12. 15. And he said unto them 〈…〉 heed and beware of covetousness 〈…〉 mans life consisteth not in the abund 〈…〉 things which he possesseth nor in 〈…〉 for then Pharaoh had been ble 〈…〉 in wit for then Achitophel h 〈…〉 blessed nor in wealth for th 〈…〉 had been blessed but true blesse 〈…〉 from above The blessing of the Lord 〈◊〉 ●●keth rich and bringeth no sorrow with ●● Prov. 10. 22. Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that
effects of sin are viperous Sin was the first founder of hell and laid the first stone thereof and is the sole cause of all the torments therein and yet all this is but the effect of sin the essence of it which is the cause of all these evils must needs be much more abominable hence sin is called poyson and sinners are called serpents sin is called mire sinners swine sin sinners are called darknes blindnes shame nakedness folly madness In a word whatsoever is filthy defective infective painful and hurtful proceeds from this nasty filthy and stinking fountain and one sin vertually more or less containeth in it the nature of all sin No sooner did one sin sit upon our father Adam his heart but he had all sin in him which infected him and all his posterity and so defiled him and all his posterity eternally so that as I said before nothing can wash away the stain thereof but the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ shall we then live in that for which Christ died shall that be our life which was his death shall we indeed enjoy the pleasure of sin and Christ undergo the torment of sin No no let us improve the present motions of the Spirit in us against sin least the Spirit of God cease striving with thee and me and so we shall fall to commit sin with greediness without any reluctancy O all ye sons and daughters of men put on all the armour of God stand on your guards make ready for your soul-murthering enemy whose name is Legion never be at peace with him maintain a continual war against him acquaint all the men and women in the world of his base deceitful cheating tricks that their ill savour in the nostrils of all men and women under the Sun may make them loath it and stand upon their guards to oppose it and if the love of Christ doth not constrain you yet let the fear of punishment compel you to refrain from that abominable thing called sin If thou canst not say with Joseph Gen. 39. 9. How shall I do this great evil and sin against my God Yet thou canst say with Thamar 2 Sam. 13. 12. 13. verses If I should commit this sin whither should I cause my shame to go So much shall serve at present to be written of the third particular to wit that if we made it our business to follow the Lord and were not wanting to our selves we might have our conversations in heaven even whiles we live upon the earth and be more then Conquerors over those sins that do often conquer us 4. That Religion may be our main work let us consider that the Lord that made us hath undertaken the care of us He commands us to wait on him and he will feed us and cloath us We have but a body and a soul and both we received from the Almighty God who hath undertaken to provid● for not only the being but also the wel-being of both only he requires of us to seek unto him and to wait upon him in the use of those means instituted by himself without too much carefulness 1 Cor. 7. 32. But I would have you without carefulness that is so to use this world as if we used it not ot not so using it as most do by too much doting upon it and cleaving unto it as Martha did but rather with Mary choose the better part and so much the rather because of those many promises of so many legacies left us by the Lord in his word as to instance in a few Psal 37. 5. Commit thy way unto the Lord trust in him and he shall bring it to pass Commit or roll thy way upon him Psal 55. 22. Cast thy burther upon the Lord. Prov. 16. 3. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established 1 Pet. 5. 7. Cast all thy care upon him for he careth for thee and hath said that He will never leave thee nor forsake thee Heb. 13. 5. Some Expositors upon this Text do affirm that the Greek word hath five times together I will never never never never never fail thee nor forsake thee to assure us of the truth of this O my friends doth God take care for Oxen and feed Ravens and clothe Lillies and take care of Sparrows and will he not much more take care for Man whom he hath made Lord of all these creatures Read and well consider from the 19. to the 34. verse of Matth. 6. There we find in that one Chapter ten arguments that Christ hath laid down to assure us that he taketh care of us Psal 27 3. Trust in the Lord and do good and verily thou shalt be fed and so shalt thou dwell in the land See 1 Tim. 6 7 c. We brought nothing into the world and it is certain we can carry nothing out and having food and raiment let us be therewith content But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and noisom lusts which drown men in perdition and destruction For the love of money is the root of all evil c. But thou O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness c. 5. Consider that this God that hath undertaken the care of us is a faithful God and will make good every tittle promised He hath not only said but sworn and sealed that oath with his blood to assure us that he will make good whatsoever he hath promised Besides that he is a faithful God keeping promise in every tittle to a hairs breadth both Old and New Testament doth abundantly declare and testifie so that we have not only witnesses but clouds of witnesses besides our own experiences and inward evidences that we have not only read but experimentally found him to be a God keeping covenant a God keeping promise yea a God giving more then we were able to ask or think so that we can truly say we never found him worse then his word but often better for he never said unto us Seek ye me in vain He hath often knocked at the door of our hearts and waited upon us to shew mercy to us there is no one thing that he hath promised either for soul or body for our being or well being but shall be made good to us in its time And that he hath promised to give us food and raiment and all things necessary for us you may see it doth cleerly appear in the foregoing head to wit the 4. particular And that he is faithful and true and will make it good doth clearly appear by these and the like Scriptures 1 Tim. 1. 15. Heb. 10. 23. Mat. 24. 35. Luk. 16. 17. Tit. 1. 2. 1 Cor. 10. 13. Deut. 7. 9. 1 Cor. 1. 9. 1 Thes 5. 24. 2 Thes 3. 3. 2 Tim. 2. 13. Heb. 11. 11. 1 Joh. 1. 9. 6. If we consider these five things seriously it